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IPTC 11551

Effluent Water Disposal Experiences in the Greater Burgan Field of Kuwait

Hamad Al-Ajmi, SPE, Issa Al-Jadi, SPE, Feras Al-Ruhaimani, SPE, Kuwait Oil Company; Wahyu Budiarto, SPE, Chevron

Copyright 2007, International Petroleum Technology Conference

contact in most part of the field, was identified as the target
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology disposal reservoir in view of its large capacity and connection
Conference held in Dubai, U.A.E., 4–6 December 2007.
with the aquifer supporting the field. Disposal well was drilled
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
and closely monitored. Early attempt to inject untreated
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference effluent water in this well encountered frequent increase in the
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not
necessarily reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its wellhead pressures. Acid jobs were carried out to restore
officers, or members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor
Society Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this
injectivity. Laboratory studies confirmed the reasons of
paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum plugging as water incompatibility and made several
Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an
abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must recommendations for maintaining water quality. Two effluent
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write
Librarian, IPTC, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
water treating plants have since been built based on these
This paper presents the process of candidate well selection, Along with water specification team, an earth scientist
design, execution and evaluation that lead to the successful team has studied alternate option of finding a carbonate
implementation of acid fracturing treatment in Marrat field. reservoir that can handle the existing water specification. An
The acid fracturing treatment is quite challenging due to existing well was made deepened to Shuaiba carbonate
presence of high pressure/high temperature and high reservoir. The key to a successful injection in this formation
asphaltene content in the crude oil which renders the situation was thought to be our ability to intersect the fracture network.
even more difficult because of fluid incompatibility issues. Special drilling and completion techniques were used to
The formation tends to produce oil with asphaltene content extend the well horizontally into the Shuaiba. It’s been two
when the flowing bottomhole pressure is drawn below the years of injecting the untreated water to this reservoir without
Asphalting Onset Pressure (AOP). An engineering solution any major problem in term of plugging.
was urgently needed to enhance the productivity of wells and
to mitigate the aspheltene deposition issue by allowing the From the experience of injecting in Shuaiba, it is apparent
wells to produce above the AOP. The option of acid fracturing that the formation is very forgiving in term of effluent water
was evaluated and found to be feasible to alleviate the quality. However, it is not known how long the Shuaiba can
problems. take the untreated effluent water due to its smaller storage
capacity and uncertainty about connectivity with overlying
The paper details an optimization workflow and integrated reservoirs. Therefore, the current strategy is to combine the
evaluation process that improve the treatment performance. two options and to continue focusing on water treating prior to
Detailed fluid system used in the treatment is discussed in disposal to meet water quality specifications and applying the
details including the application of polymer-free viscoelastic proper chemicals to control scaling and corrosion. The Fourth
surfactant based fluids. Also, a surveillance program was Sand will remain as a back-up in case the Shuaiba is filled up
implemented to monitor and evaluate the acid treatment. sooner than anticipated.

It is anticipated that the matured giant reservoirs of The paper discusses the issues associated water injection
Southeast Kuwait are going to produce substantial amount of in to clastic and carbonate reservoirs and the strategy in detail.
water in future during EOR process. The Greater Burgan field
is currently producing about 250,000 barrels of effluent water Introduction
per day. Kuwait Oil Company has the mandate to achieve the Burgan Field, the world’s largest sandstone oil field, lies 35
target of subsurface disposal of all produced water and zero km south of Kuwait City near Ahmadi, Kuwait. The four
discharge to the environment. In long term, several enhanced main reservoir units comprising the Greater Burgan Field
recovery projects would be implemented and the produced complex are the Wara, Mauddud, Burgan Third Sand and
water would be reinjected to the producing reservoirs for Burgan Fourth Sand. Additionally, there are several smaller
pressure maintenance schemes. The shorter term need is to and deeper hydrocarbon reservoirs such as the Minagish and
dispose of the water into selected non-producing reservoirs. Marrat which has limited production. In between the main
reservoir and the deeper reservoir lies the Shuaiba, this is a
Several non-producing reservoirs were evaluated. The non hydrocarbon bearing carbonate reservoir (Fig.1).
Burgan Fourth Sand, which is mainly below the oil water
2 IPTC 11551

Production in the field was initiated from the Burgan Third Pilot Injection
and Wara Sand reservoirs in early 1946. The Greater Burgan Based on the reservoir analysis, the team decided that the best
Field is separated into three producing areas - Burgan, Magwa reservoir to inject water is the Burgan Fourth Sand. This sand
and Ahmadi. These producing areas are arbitrary surface is below the main producer, which is the Burgan Third Sand.
boundaries affecting only well naming. No structural, The Fourth Sand has a very high permeability and is
geologic or reservoir features distinguish these areas. The connected directly with the productive zones. During the
Wara and Mauddud reservoirs are separated vertically from review, core analysis was performed on the Fourth Sand.
the remaining reservoirs by extensive carbonate and shale Besides the routine core analysis, special core analysis such as
intervals. Extensive faulting does allow communication pore throat measurement was also conducted. This work,
between the various sand units and all the reservoirs share a together with the effluent water analysis, formed the basis for
common original oil-water contact (4,471 feet sub-sea) and the team’s recommendation for water quality needed. The
initial pressure (2,100 psia at 4,000 ft sub-sea). water criteria can be summarized in the Table (1) below.

For many years the wells in the field produce dry oil and Table 1 - Target – Settings for Water Quality Parameters:
as water production increases in any well, the perforation will
be plugged back and producing perforation moved up. But as Parameters Quality
the field became more mature the water production continues
to increase. Since the late-80’s water production has steadily Total Oil in Water (ppm vol.) 50 (max)
increased from negligible amounts to over 250,000 bwpd. This 10 (max) – 10
effluent water has historically been disposed of through the Total Suspended Solids –
microns particle
use of evaporation pits. These are large size ponds where TSS (ppm wt.)
evaporation takes place. Several issues arise as more water is
Oxygen (ppb) 50
disposed to these pits. Any presence of oily layer on the water
surface will prevent evaporation. Moreover, during the cooler Water Quality Ratio (RWQ) 1000
months the rate of evaporation decreases significantly. With
increasing water production, we need to keep increasing the
size of the pits. Moreover, since the pits are not lined, it is felt Further evaluation was planned through a pilot injection
that there is always risk of water leaking to the ground. These well. Well BG-502 was drilled and completed as a Fourth
issues as well as the increased water production make the Sand disposal pilot well in January 1996. Disposal of the
evaporation pits rapidly become incapable of handling the current effluent water commenced in September of the same
water. In response to the need for a more environmentally and year. Rates rapidly declined until the well was suspended due
operationally acceptable water disposal alternative, Water to formation plugging. Samples back flowed from the well had
Disposal Team was formed in early 1995. The Objective of very high oil content. The well was left shut in until March
the team was to evaluate a viable alternative for subsurface 1997 when another attempt to dispose untreated effluent was
disposal of the effluent water. made. Again, the well plugged off (after only 20 hours).
Various attempts to inject water with different water quality
took place in the field. All of them failed due to plugging of
the well. The well remained shut-in until it was back flowed
with nitrogen December 1997. Heavy viscous oil was flowed
from the well and the flowline was found to contain heavy oil.
Despite the plugging problems, valuable injectivity and water
quality data was obtained. This, along with the water quality
survey and core flood work, showed that water quality was
critical for Fourth Sand disposal. Continuous control of water
quality is critical to maintain injectivity.

Control of water quality can be achieved though effective

performance monitoring and facilities optimization using the
Water Quality Ratio method. The Water Quality Ratio (Rwq)
is a technique to measure the injectability of water. The water
quality ratio is a measure of how the contaminants in the water
interact to impair injectivity. Rwq is determined using a
standard NACE practice (TM-01-73) using a standard
Millipore slope test. The major benefit of using the water
quality ratio is that a numerical value for water quality can be
determined. This numerical value can be used as a
Fig. 1- Geological introduction for Burgan Fields performance target and the Rwq used as a monitoring and
trouble shooting tool. It is important to note that the Rwq is
limited as a numerical water quality target to waters that
IPTC 11551 3

contain less than 100ppm of oil. Above this concentration the • Chemical Injection system is included in the Plants
reliability /error range of the numerical value varies and hence where Scale Inhibitor, Corrosion Inhibitor and
direct comparisons of water quality are difficult. Comparison Oxygen Scavenger will be injected on a continuous
between the water quality ratio determined by Millipore filters basis. Biocide will be added (by shock-dosing), in
and the water quality ratio determined from the injection weekly slugs, corresponding to the specified / final
decline was also made. Acceptable water will have a Water dosage.
Quality Ratio of 10,000 which approximately relates to less
than 50ppm of oil and less than 10ppm of solids. Lessons Learned From Other Field
While the design and planning of the effluent water disposal
Water Treatment Facility system took place, another operation in the country was
In order to achieve consistent good water quality, two Effluent finding success disposing water to Shuaiba formation. This
Water Disposal Plants were recommended. These two plants formation is below the Burgan field main reservoirs so we do
would be able to process all of the effluent water from all of not have much experience in penetrating the formation. On the
the gathering centers as well as from the tank farms. The other hand, the productive formations in the southern fields
plants and its process flow can be described below: operated jointly by KOC and Chevron are mostly below the
Shuaiba. Their experience during drilling shows that drilling
• EWDP-1&2 capacity will handle (500 MBWPD) of through the Shuaiba very frequently encounters drilling fluid
effluent water collected from 14 GCs –the North loss. This experience led them to try disposing effluent water
Tank Farm (NTF) and South Tank Farm (STF). into the fractured carbonate reservoir. Moreover, they were
• The dispatched effluent water from individual GCs successful in injecting high volume water in those wells (up to
and Tank Farms are collected through an inlet 80,000 BWPD).
manifold (sized to handle 750 MBWPD) to fill 6
individual Balance Tanks with 120,000 Barrels The Shuaiba is a karstified carbonate formation. The
capacity and 8” WG design operating pressure. formation is full of vugs and fractures resulted from
• In order to avoid the ingression of oxygen from dissolution due to ancient underground water movement. The
atmosphere into the effluent water handled, the dissolution leads to collapse and the creation of fractures
Balance Tanks are blanketed with Fuel Gas (FG) in around the collapse area. The drilling of the disposal wells is
between 2” – 4” WG operating pressure. Any excess targeting the karst area in order to hit those fractures. The
quantity of blanketed gas is routed to the individual collapsed area and fractures are the main mechanism for the
automatic spark continuous purge type smokeless storage and transmibility of the water away from the wellbore.
Flare Unit.
• The effluent water from Balance Tanks is pumped The lesson learned from other field was then integrated
through Booster Pumps into Nut-Shell type Filters to with the data collected and analyzed the Burgan field itself.
achieve the desired water quality / quantity at the The analysis from the Burgan field includes review of the 60+
outlet. Shuaiba penetration, the 3D seismic and lost circulation
• Filter-requirements will provide removal of TSS statistics from Drilling in the Shuaiba. Analysis of lost
from the effluent water down to 10-ppm maximum circulation data confirmed what we learned from other field.
(normally less than 5-ppm) with removal of particles Nearly 80% of the drilled wells in Burgan Field experienced
10-microns and larger. In addition, removal of oil in circulation loss in Shuaiba.
water will be down to 50-ppm maximum (normally
less than 20-ppm) and injectivity of water – Water Even though, the connectivity of the fractures is still
Quality Ratio (RWQ) of 10,000 minimum would be questionable the analysis shows that the disposal in Shuaiba in
achieved. Burgan is as promising as in other fields. Therefore, it was
• The effluent water quality at the injection well heads decided to re-drill well BG-502 into the Shuaiba. The well was
shall be less than 10-mg/l (Max) of TSS, 50-mg/l sidetracked into horizontal completion in order to increase the
(Max) of Oil in Water and 50-ppb (Max) of Oxygen chance of intersecting the fractures. Available edge image
Content. around BG502 shows both Karst and channel like features
• Filtered water will be injected into the Disposal similar to what have been seen in UG dip image. Most
Wells, through a Well Header (designed to handle 1 Shuaiba penetrations in SEK do not seem to have hit these
MMBWPD), by way of Disposal Pumps. Each features (Fig. 2).
individual well has a designed flow requirement of
60,000 BWPD. The Well Header is sized to have
1350 psig pressure at the furthest Injection Well
Head. The individual Well Head pressure is
controlled through inlet Mechanical Choke Valves.
• Individual Balance Tanks are provided with Oil –
Separation Skimmers. The separated oil quantities are
then collected in the Recovered Oil Drum (150 bbl
4 IPTC 11551

Fig. 2 - BG-502 location related to Karst features shown in

3D seismic image.

Once injection into the Shuaiba was successful, the Fig. 3 - (collapse features where fractures will be more
injection plans would be revised accordingly. The Fourth Sand prevalent)
would be kept as the long-term disposal target since the sand
offers the least risk in achieving acceptable disposal rates and
long-term storage capacity. As the mechanism for accepting
high rate in Shuaiba is through fracture, one of the main risks The horizontal well design was also intended to increase
associated with this is how the well can hit the fractures. If a the probability of encountering the fractures along the edge of
well could not hit fracture, injection into the carbonate matrix the karst. Fig (3) above shows that a horizontal well placed
would be very limited. Another risk associated with Shuaiba is along the edge of a collapse area will have higher chance of
the storage capacity of the formation. We do not know if encountering one of the fractures.
eventually the formation would be filled up and injection
ceases due to high pressure. Another risk associated with Shuaiba is the storage
capacity of the formation. Shuaiba’s heterogeneity (lateral
The Shuaiba Pilot Well Performance continuity) and the top and bottom shales could form
Guided by the 3D seismic, the horizontal sidetrack of the pilot boundary that prevent water from moving to other part of the
well was successful in hitting the fracture near a collapse area. reservoir. However, it is possible also that the karsted regions
The drilling encountered formation loss as soon as the bit are open flow paths up into the Fourth Sand. The Shuaiba and
came close to the collapse area. After initial testing showed the Fourth Sand are separated by a layer of shale whose
promising injectivity into Shuaiba, it was decided to have long thickness varies in different area of the field. It is suspected
term injectivity test. Besides collecting injectivity experience that the shale is not a continuous and not forming an
from this formation, the long term test would also help reduce impermeable seal between the two reservoirs making it
the load of the evaporation pits. A temporary plant was possible for water injected into Shuaiba to leak into the Fourth
constructed to inject water into this well. The plant consists of Sand. If this happens, the storability of the Shuaiba formation
a balance tank and injection pumps with no filtering units. will practically be limitless. However, if the fracture network
Injection pressure and water quality was monitored on a in which the wells are injecting into is not connected with the
continuous basis. overlying Fourth Sand, the storage capacity might be limited.
Injecting a half million barrels of water per day over long
Over two years of injecting into the well, the Shuaiba duration might cause formation fill up. In this situation, the
formation shows the ability of taking water at high rates injection will stop due to high pressure.
(50,000 BWPD) with almost constant well head pressure.
During the long term injection pilot, we gain a lot of To overcome injection problems due to the above risks, the
experience. One of the most encouraging conclusions coming wells were designed to have the Fourth Sand as a back up
out from this pilot was that the water quality is less of an issue target. The primary reservoir target will be the Shuaiba which
in the Shuaiba compared with the Fourth Sand. should provide large disposal capacity and less sensitive to
water quality. The Fourth Sand, which should provide long
Long Term Disposal Strategy term water disposal albeit sensitive to water quality issue, is
Based on the success in BG-502, the injection system was easily accessible should it be needed. Fig (4) below illustrates
revised. Significant revision was mostly in the well design. the completion design to achieve this objective.
The design of the wells was converted into horizontal well
targeting the Shuaiba formation. The well locations were
selected to enable the wells hit the fractures nearby a collapse
area. The risk of not encountering natural fractures was
minimized by using a new 3-D seismic data that show karst
IPTC 11551 5

Fig. 5 - Short injectivity test for horizontal wells in

Fig. 4 – Completion design to be achieved

Disposal Start Up
The wells will be cased through to the base of the Fourth Injection from the two plants started earlier this year. The
Sand and completed open-hole in the Shuaiba. The trajectory water quality coming out from the plant is kept with the
of the well was maintained that in the Fourth Sand the well is specification as described in Table 1, even though the result of
less than 60o. Initial disposal will target the Shuaiba. Should the pilot disposal well shows that the Shuaiba is more
injection to the Shuaiba face problems either in rate or forgiving toward lower water quality. So far we have been
pressure due to limited storage capacity, the Fourth Sand injecting for several months without seeing any injection
could be perforated easily. Since the well is less than 60o in pressure increase. The plan is to continue injecting into
the sand, adding perforation in the Fourth Sand can be done Shuaiba and closely monitor the performance.
with wireline perforation.
Drilling Result Effluent water disposal in the Burgan field shows that the
Twelve wells were planned to be drilled in this project. All of disposal into subsurface reservoir is the most environmentally
them were placed with the help of 3-D seismic to maximize friendly alternative. Evaporation pits is a viable alternative
the chance of intersecting fractures. At the end of the 12-well when the amount of water is limited and the disposed water is
program, 11 wells were successfully intersecting fractures in oil free. Moreover, the pits should be lined to be sure that
the Shuaiba and had complete circulation loss during drilling. water does not leak into the ground.
In one of the well, we were not able to hit any fractures even
with after two additional sidetracks were drilled into different The experience also shows that a complete understanding
direction. This shows that even with a good 3-D seismic and of subsurface injection requirement is very critical in the
horizontal design, there is still a risk of not able finding correct design of the water treatment plant. Acceptable water
fracture. This well is planned to be completed into 4th Sand quality is a very important issue for successful subsurface
formation. disposal. Core and effluent water analysis can help determine
water treatment required to have successful disposal system.
We performed injectivity tests in some of the wells where Moreover, Pilot disposal well can help confirm the design.
we had circulation loss. Most were tested for a short time
using available rig pumps, while one had longer test after the Acknowledgments
rig moved out of location. The results of those tests show The authors would like to thank PO (EK) & FD (SEK)
similar injection performance with the pilot well BG-502. The Managements for their support.
figure below shows the injectivity test results (Fig. 5).
1. Various internal company reports and documetations.

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