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Fuy;:02 muR:31 ehd; nghpJ vd;W epidf;fhky; ehL nghpJ vd;W epid [dthp 31> 2011

ehL fle;j
rPkhd; MjuT
cs;sf mikr;ru;
ehfypq;fk; ghyr;re;jpud;

ehL fle;j jkpoPo murhq;fj;jpd; eh.f.j.m. cs;sf mikr;ru; ehfypq;fk; jkpoPok; xd;iw mikg;gjpy; eh.f. mikr;ru; ehfypq;fk; ghyr;re;jpud;
nraw;ghLfs; midj;jpw;Fk; jdJ G+uz ghyr;re;jpud; mtu;fs; ehk; jkpou; jkpoPo murhq;fk; Kd;dpd;W Ntz;LNfhs; tpLj;Js;shu;.
xj;Jiog;ig jUtjhf ehk; jkpou; fl;rpj;jiytu; rPkhid mtuJ fl;rp ciog;gjhy; ehk; jkpou; fl;rpAk; ehL
fl;rpapd; jiyik xUq;fpizg;ghsu; jiyik mYtyfj;jpy; re;jpj;jnghOJ fle;j jkpoPo murhq;fj;ij Mjupg;gjhf
jpU.rPkhd; njuptpj;Js;sjhf ehL fle;j Nkw;fz;lthW jpU rPkhd; mtu;fs; njuptpj;Js;shu;.
jkpoPo murpd; cs;sf mikr;ru; cs;sf mikr;ruplk; njuptpj;Js;shu;. ehfypq;fk; ghyr;re;jpud.
njuptpj;Js;shu; . cyfpYs;s rfy jkpo; mikg;Gfs; ehL fle;j jkpoPo muR
,d;iwa R+o;epiyapy; Ks;sptha;f;fhypd; vy;yhk; eh.f. jkpoPo muRld; gjpT cs;sf mikr;R
fle;j thuk; jkpofk; te;jpUe;j gpd;G jkpo;kf;fis xd;W Nru;j;J nra;J ,ize;J nray;gLkhW cs;sf

South Sudan invites Transnational

Govt of Tamileelam for their
independence celebration
Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement facing freedom struggles and expressed their Eelam Tamils can reflect on the years of suffer- referendums in various countries and reaffirmed
(SPLM) has invited Transnational Govern- solidarity with Eelam Tamils. ing they have undergone in the name of inde- their political will to establish an independent
ment of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) to visit South- pendence and feel confident that Eelam too will state in their homeland. It is also emphasized
ern Sudan in the immediate aftermath of the TGTE Prime Minister, Mr. Visuvanathan be free like South Sudan. that given the genocide of Tamils seen in the
vote for an independent state. Rudrakumaran in his message stated that “The final stages of the war in 2009, the Tamil claim
invitation received by us is considered recogni- President Obama’s op-ed in New York Times on for an independent state gains more justification
TGTE is sending a delegation to participate in tion not only of the TGTE but also of the Eelam the day of the Referendum stated: “Millions of as a remedy that ensures their very physical
the celebrations and to discuss possibilities of struggle. TGTE is calling on Eelam Tamils to Sudanese are making their way to the polls to survival.
assisting Southern Sudan in their development celebrate the freedom of Southern Sudanese determine their
efforts through Tamil Diaspora expertise in se- people. Eelam Tamils can clearly understand Both for the Sudanese regime and present Sri
lected fields. TGTE delegation will be received the joy of Southern Sudanese becoming free destiny.” TGTE is applauding President Lanka regime, China has been the influential in-
by the SPLM officials and will stay as guests of people and share their happiness.” Obama’s statement and calls upon the interna- ternational patron. Sudanese President Bashir
SPLM. They will also meet other foreign govern- tional community to give an opportunity for has been indicted for genocide and the Sri
ment leaders. SPLM has been leading the struggle for inde- Eelam Tamils to determine their destiny the Lankan President Rajapaksa is to be indicted
pendence by the people of Southern Sudan same way. for genocide at some point in time.
The press release issued by the Prime Minis- from North Sudan. SPLM as the overwhelmingly
ter's Office further said: popular group will form the government of inde- Eelam Tamils already spoke loud and clear dur- Prime Minister Mr. Rudrakumaran further
pendent Southern Sudan. Years of enormous ing the Parliamentary elections in 1977, when said in his message “TGTE and the people
The relationship with SPLM and TGTE is noth- suffering of the they overwhelmingly voted for the Tamil Party of Tamil Eelam express their heartiest
ing new. SPLM sent its Secretary General for that ran on the basis of the Vaddukkoddai Reso- wishes to SPLM and to the people of South-
the United States, Mr. Domach Wal Ruach, to people of Southern Sudan will at last come to lution which called for the creation of an inde- ern Sudan on their liberation. We salute you
speak at TGTE’s inaugural event held in an end with the birth of a nation of their own. pendent state of Tamil Eelam. This peaceful for your sacrifices to become free and ad-
Philadelphia in May 2009. On that occasion, he Around two million people have died during the expression of Eelam Tamils - long before the mire your courage and determination. We
spoke of the similarities between the independ- struggle. Civilians were massacred, and people armed struggle began in Sri Lanka - clearly indi- wish you a very successful and prosperous
ence struggle of Tamil Eelam and that of South- died of starvation and without medical help. cated the preferred position of the Tamils. Re-
ern Sudan. He also spoke of the challenges While witnessing the birth of that new nation, cently the Tamil Diaspora took part in
Njrpak; > ,iwik
Njrpak; ,iwik
2 ij khjk; 31> 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

nf<k!lgqp<uqz<!-j{f<Kl<!ogit< xqBl<?!hm<ceqbiZl<?!%m<migh<!hM outqh<hMk<kqeiv<gt</!Hzl<ohbv<f<k

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cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu ij khjk; 31> 2011 03
jkpof kPdtu;fs; gLnfhiy rpq;fs
,dntwpapdJk; ,e;jpa
vjpu;g;Gzu;tpdJk; ntspg;ghNl!
Gyk; n gau; njd; R+lhd; R+lhdpy; ,Ue;J njd; R+lhd;
gpupe;J jdpehlhf Ntz;Lkhd
kl;LNk jPu;khdk; nry;YgbahFk;.

vd;gJ njhl ,jdpilNa> njd;R+lhid jdpeh

r%fj; j p l k; ,Ue; J ehk; u;gpy; njd; R+lhd; kf;fspd; fUj; lhf mq;fpfupg;gJ njhlu;gpy;
Jf;fis mwpAk; thf;nfLg;G fle;j R+lhdpy; eilngw;WtUk; thf;nf
fw; W f; n fhs; s Ntz; b a ghlq; f s; thuk; Muk;gpj;J xU thukhf Lg;Gf;fs;> Gyk;ngau; ehLfspy;
jkpof kPdtu;fs; kPJ rpwpyq;fhg;gilapdu;fl;ltpo;j;J tpl;L tUk; nfhiy eilngw;W fle;j rdpf;fpoik (15) thOk; R+lhd; kf;fsplKk; Nkw;nfh
td;Kiwapd; njhlu;r;rpahf n[af;Fkhu;vDk; ekJ rNfhjud; rpwpyq;fh epiwtile;Js;sJ. s;sg;gLfpd;wd.
flw;gilapduhy; fOj;J neupj;J nfhiy nra;ag;gl;Ls;shu;vDk; nra;jp
ek;iknay;yhk; fLk; Nfhgj;jpYk; ngUe;J auj;jpYk; Mo;j;jpAs;sJ. rpwp njw;F R+lhdpd; jdpehl;Lf;fhd south-sudanfle;j thuk; INuh
yq;fhg; gilapdupd; ,f; fhl;Lkpuhz;bj;jdj;ij ehL fle;j jkpoPo ,e;j thf;nfLg;G ntw;wpngw;why; g;gpa ehLfspy; gue;J thOk; R+lhd;
murhq;fk; td;ikahff; fz;ldk; nra;tJld;> nfhiy nra;ag;gl;l cyfpy; NkYk; xU Gjpa ehL kf;fsplk; ,lk;ngw;w thf;nfLg;gpy;
rNfhjudpd; FLk;gj;jpdupd; Jaupy; ehKk; gq;F nfhs;fpNwhk;. cyfpy; cUthFk;. ngUk;ghYk; fpwp];j; 97 tpfpj kf;fs; jdpehl;Lf;fhd
ve;jg; ghfj;jpYk; jkpou;fs; kPJ vtuhy; ,d;dy; ,iof;fgl;lhYk;> nfh- jtu;fisAk;> Mgpupf;fhtpd; G+u;t jkJ MjuTfis toq;fpAs;sdu;.
Likfs; epfo;j;jg;gl;lhYk; mtw;iw vjpu;j;J midj;JyfuPjpahff; Fuy; kjj;jpdiuAk; nfhz;Ls;s njd;
nfhLf;Fk;. cyfpy; jkpou;fSf;nfd;nwhU muRk;> mjw;fhd murhq;fKk; R+lhd; K];ypk; ngUk;ghd;ik nfh njhlu;r;rpahf fle;j thuk; ,lk;
,Jtiu mikahj R+oypy;> cyfj; jkpo; kf;fspd; eyd;fSf;fhfTk; z;l tl R+lhdpy; ,Ue;J gpupe;J ngw;w thf;nfLg;gpd; KbTfs; vjpu;
jd;dhy; ,ad;wtiu ehLfle;j jkpoPo murhq;fk; NghuhLk;. ,e;j tiapy; nry;tijNa njd; R+lhd; kf;fs; tUk; khjNk njupatUk;. vdpDk;
jkpo;ehl;L kPdtu;fSf;nfjpuhf rpwpyq;fh muR Nkw;nfhz;L tUk; gaq;fu tpUk;Gfpd;wdu;. tl R+lhdpy; ,Ue;J> njd; R+lhd;
thj eltbf;iffis midj;Jyfpd; ftdj;Jf;F nfhz;L tUk; tot jdpehlhf gpupAk; tha;g;Gf;fNs
iffs; njhlu;ghf ehLfle;j jkpoPo murhq;fk; MNyhrid nra;J tUfp ,e;j thf;nfLg;ig INuhg;gpa xd;wp mjpfk; cs;sjhf mtjhdpfs;
wJ. af; fz;fhzpg;ghsu;fSk; fz;fh njuptpj;Js;sdu;.
zpj;J tUfpd;wdu;. Fiwe;jg;gl;rk;
jkpof kPdtu;fSf;nfjpuhd rpq;fsg;gilapdupd; njhlu;r;rpahd td;Kiw 90 rjtPjk; NguhtJ ehL ,uz;lhf nkhd;NuhePf;FNuh vd;w Njrk; jdp
fs; jw;nrayhd epfo;Tfsy;y. ,jd; gpd;dzpapy; jkpou;fSf;nfjpuhd gpupa Mjuthf thf;fspg;ghu;fs; ehlhf gpuptJ njhlu;gpy; ,lk;ngw;w
,dthjKk;> ,e;jpa vjpu;g;Gzu;T nfhz;l murpay; cs;Nehf;fKk; cs; vd;W vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLfpwJ. thf;nfLg;gpYk; Gyk;ngau; my;Ng
sJ vd;Nw ehk; fUJfpNwhk;. ,it njhlu;ghf rpy fUj;Jf;fis jkpof dpau;fsplk; thf;nfLg;G eilng
kw;Wk; ,e;jpa kf;fSld; ,j; jUzj;jpy; gfpu;e;J nfhs;s tpUk;GfpNwhk;. njw;F R+lhdpy; trpg;gtu;fs; ngUk; w;wpUe;jJ. gyu; rpwg;G tpkhdj;jpy;
ghyhdtu;fs; fpwp];Jtu;fs;, ,tu; jkJ ehl;Lf;F nrd;Wk; thf;fspj;
rpq;fsg;gilapdupd; jkpou;fSf;nfjpuhd ,dthjj;jpdJk; jkpou; FNuhj fs; jq;fis ngUk;ghYk; muhg; jpUe;jdu;.
kdg;ghq;fpdJk; xU ntspg;ghlhfNt ehk; jkpof kPdtu;fSf;nfjpuhd K];ypk;fs; trpf;Fk; tlgFjpapdu;
nfhiyntwpapid Nehf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,y;iynadpy; n[af;Fkhu;vd;w ekJ gy Mz;Lfhykhf mlf;fp Mz;L jkpoPok; njhlu;ghd vjpu;fhy efu;
rNfhjuidf; nfhba Kiapy; nfhy;y Ntz;ba NtW vt;tpjf; fhuzKk; tUtjhf vz;Zfpd;wdu;. TfspYk; ntspehLfspy; gue;J
rpq;fsg;gilapdUf;F ,Uf;ftpy;iy. rpq;fs Ml;rpahsu;fs;> jkJ gil thOk; 15 ,yl;rj;jpw;F Nkw;gl;l
apdu;kj;jpapy; ngUk; ,dthjj;ij Cl;bNa ,J kl;Lkd;wp> jkpou;fis R+lhd; 1956 Mk; Mz;L gpupl;ld; Gyk;ngau; <oj;jkpo; kf;fspd; fUj;
jkJ ghJfhg;Gf;F vjpuhdtu;fshf Nehf;Fk; kdepiyapidf; nfhz;Ls; kw;Wk; vfpg;jpd; $l;lhr;rpapy; ,U Jf;fs; Kf;fpakhdit vd;gij
sJ. kfhtk;r ,jpfhr kaf;fj;jpDs; Njha;e;J NghapUf;Fk; rpq;fsk; e;J Rje;jpuk; ngw;wJ. mjd; gpd;du; jhd; njd; R+lhd; kw;Wk; nkhd;Nuh
32 Mz;LfSf;F njw;F kw;Wk; ePf;FNuh Mfpa Njrq;fspy; eil
,e;jpahTf;F vjpuhf rPdhit mutizj;J itj;Jf; nfhz;L ,e;jpa tlf;F R+lhDf;F ,ilapy; fLik ngWk; thf;nfLg;Gf;fs; vLj;Jf;fhl;
Ml;rpahu;fSld; rJuq;f tpisahl;ilj; jw;NghJ tpisahbf; nfhz;b ahd cs;ehl;L Nghu; ,lk;ngw;W Lfpd;wd.
Uf;fpwJ rpq;fsk;. rpq;fsj;Jf;F cjtp nra;tjd; %yk; ,yq;ifj;jPtpy; te;jJ. njd; gFjp
jkJ nry;thf;fpid epiyepWj;j KbAk; vd ,e;jpa Ml;rpahsu;fs; fpsu;r;rpahsu;fs; R+lhd; kf;fs; vdNt jhd; Gyk;ngau; jkpo;
epidf;fpd;wdu;. Mdhy;> ,e;jpahtpd; gpbapypapUe;J ,yq;ifj;jPtpid tpLjiy ,uhZtk; vd;w ngaupy; r%fj;ij xLf;Ftjpy; rpwPyq;fh
vt;tu;W tpLtpg;gJ vd;gJ Fwpj;J rpq;fsk; kpFe;j mf;fiw nfhz;Ls; ,aq;fp te;jdu;. ,e;jpa muRfs; Kidg;Gf; fhz;
sJ. ,jw;fhfj; jpl;lkpl;Lr; ,yq;ifj;jPtpy nrayhw;WfpwJ. gpj;J tUfpd;wd. Mdhy;
njw;F kw;Wk; tlf;F R+lhDf;F
mjid Kwpabj;J vkJ
Mdhy;> ,itnay;yhtw;iwAk; jkpof Ml;rpahsu;fNsh> ,e;jpa ,ilapy; ,lk;ngw;W te;j cs;
Ml;rpahsu;fNsh ruptug; Gupe;J nfhz;ljhfj; njupatpy;iy. my;yJ ehl;L Nghu; 2005 Mk; Mz;L Vw;g
jf;fitf;fNtz;baJ vkJ
rpwpa ehlhd rpwpyq;fhit vg;gbAk; jk;khy; jkJ fl;Lg;ghl;by; itj;jp l;l mikjp xg;ge;jj;NjhL KbTf;F
Uf;f KbAk; vd ,e;jpa Ml;rpahsu;fs; vz;zf;$Lk;. rpwpyq;fh rpwpa te;jJ. ,e;j xg;ge;jj;jpy; xd;wp flik.
ehLjhd;. Mdhy; rPdhTld; NrUk; NghJ rpwpyq;fhitr; rpwpa ehlhfg; ide;j ehlhf ,Ug;gJ my;yJ Rj
ghu;f;f KbahJ. ,e;jpahtpid tplrPdhjhd; rpq;fs kf;fspd; ,ay;ghd e;jpuj;ij Nju;e;J vLg;gJ vd;gJ
njupthf ,Uf;Fk;. fhyk; jho;j;jp cz;ikapid ,e;jpah czUk;NghJ njd;gFjpapd; tpUg;gk; kw;Wk; cup ed;wp,
mJ ,e;jpahTf;F Mgj;jhdjhfNt mikAk;. rpwpyq;fh njhlu;ghd ,e;jp ik vd;W Vw;fg;gl;lJ.
ahtpd; ntspAwTf; nfhs;if khw;wj;Jf;Fs;shf;fg;gLtJ ,e;jpa kf;f gpujku; tpRtehjd; Uj;uFkhud;
spd; eyDf;Fk; mtrpakhdJ. ,jid ,e;jpa nfhs;if tFg;ghsu;fsJ thf;nfLg;gpy; gjpT nra;j thf;
ftdj;Jf;F nfhz;L tUtjw;F Mtd nra;AkhW jkpof> ,e;jpa kf; fhsu;fspy; Fiwe;jg;gl;rk; 60 ehLfle;j jkpoPo murhq;fk;
fsplk; ,j; jUzj;jpy; Ntz;LNfhs; tpLf;fpNwhk;. rjtPjj;jpduhtJ thf;fspj;jhy;
Mrphpah; FO : jpU. rptNerd;
jpU. rutzd;
jpU. tpf;zh

eph;thfpfs; : wkzd; (416) 797-0571

nry;tuhrh (416) 893-5418
jpU (647) 274-3945

njlh;G :

tpsk;guk; : nry;th (416) 893-5418

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR
04 ij khjk; 31> 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

ehL fle;j jkpoPo muR

toq;Fk; jkpoPo Njrpa ml;il
=pk<kqz<!hqxf<Okil</!=pk<kqz<!uip<f<Okil< ne<Oh!dVuie!wl<!dxUgjtBl<? -f<k!klqpQp!Oksqb!nm<jmjbh<!ohx<X
we<x!wlK!uip<ULjx!lixq!fil<!=pfi =cz<zi!klqp<!=pk<jkBl<!wl<Lme< g<ogit<Ouiv<!okijgBl<!njlb!dr<gt< Adress to sent the form in france:
m<jms<!Osv<f<kuv<gt<?!wl<!&kijkbv<!=pk< -j{g<Gl<!hk<kqvl<kiOe!-f<k!nzr<giv ne<H!fqjxf<k!NsqjbBl<?!ntuqz<zi
kqzqVf<K!uf<k!lxk<!klqpv<gt<!we<hkje Nu{<l</!kjzLjx?!kjzLjxbig NkvjuBl<!Ou{<c!fqx<gqOxil</ Mr BALACHANDRAN
wMk<Kg<!gim<Ml<!nk<kim<sqh<!hk<kqvl<kie< fiLl<!wlK!sf<kkqBl<!ohVjlBme< 83085!!Avenue Lénine
-f<k!klqpQp!Oksqb!nm<jm/ Oh{qg<gig<g!Ou{<cb!nth<ohvqb!osik< uq{<{h<hh<hcul<!nEh<h!Ou{<cb 93380 Pierrefitte.
lqe<eR<sz< Suq^<

jpU.rz; Re;juk;
njls<sv<!vil<!squzqr<gl<! Tel;!378!33: Tel;527!93:!2473
njls<sv<!gx<hei!fiOgf<kqvi njls<sv<!-jtbkl<hq!osz<ufike<
njls<sv<!vk<ei!Lk<Kg<GlivSuilq Kj{!njls<sv<!geOgf<kqvl<
gizk<kqe<!lix<xk<kiz<?!wlK!Okjubqe< kz<zui!-f<k!sv<uOks!sikel</ Tel: 155!891!233!8149 Obv<leqBl<!lx<jxb!fiMgTl<
nch<hjmbqz<!dVuig<gh<!hm<mKkie< wlK!uip<g<jg!H,viUl<!hiuqg<guz<z njls<sv<!k{qgiszl<!kbihve<! Kj{!njls<sv<!fmvi\i!viO\f<kqvi!
-f<k!lisqz<zi!lR<st<!fqxh<!hk<kqvl</ -f<ks<!sim<sqh<!hk<kqvk<jk?!gizkilk<lq
biVg<Gl<!wlK!nch{qbi!uQvk<jkBl<? e<xq!yu<ouiV!=pk<!klqpVl<?!Gp<f<jkgt< njls<sv<!czg<se<!olivq^< fiM!gmf<k!klqpQp!nvS!Yv<!keqk<Kuli
Oll<hm<m!gzis<sivk<jkBl<!wMk<kqbl<Hl< dm<hm?!kuxiK!ohx<Xg<ogit<t!Ou{< e!nvsqbz<!Le<oeMh<H/!-Kujv!wr<
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uqtqh<hjmb!jug<g!Ou{<Ml</!-Kg{<M? nvsir<gl</!Hzl<ohbv<!nvjsuqm!hzlm
wlK!H,v<uQgk<!okimv<jhh<!hqvkqhzqg<Gl< fzqf<KOhie!wl<!dxUgTl<!ohVjlB r<G!sik<kqblieKl<?!32l<!F~x<xi{<cx<G
Nu{l</ me<!fqlqv<f<K!fmg<g!Ou{<Ml</!-KkiOe hqvie<^< Wx<x!Yv<!Hkqb!nvsqbz<!fgv<U!/!dzgqz<
uip<g<jg!H,viUl<!hiuqg<guz<z!Oksqb fil<!Ou{<MuKl<?!uqVl<HuKl<?!Njsh<h njls<sv<!figzqr<gl<!hizs<sf<kqve<! wf<k!-ek<kqx<GOl!gqjmg<gik?!gqjmg<g
nm<jmg<gie!oszU!%26/11!lm<MOl MuKl</ Lcbik!Yv<!nvqb!uib<h<jh!nf<k!N{<m
Tel: 144!77!347!6118 e<!wlg<Gk<!kf<kqVg<gqxiv</
fil<!gi[l<!dzgk<jkBl<?!fil<!H,\qg< -jxjlBl<?!Skf<kqvLl<!ogi{<m!Yv< kqV/lgqf<ke<!
Gl<!nf<k!uvzix<X!fibgv<gjtBl<? keqfim<jm!njlg<g!dkUl<!ujgbqz< Olzkqg!okimv<HgTg<G;

ehL fle;j jkpoPo murhq;fj;Jld;

,ize;J TAG k`pe;jtplk;
30 kpy;ypad; nlhyu; el;l<L Nfl;L
mnkupf;fhtpy; jkpou;fs; tof;F.
,yq;ifapy; jkpou;fSf;F vjpuhf> cyf ehLfshy; Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl;l cs;shNdhiug; ghJfhf;Fk; tpjpapd; gpb tof;Fj; njhlu;gpy; fUj;Jf; $w
ePjpf;Fg; Gwk;ghf elj;jg;gl;l midj;Jyfr; rl;lj;jpd; rpj;jputijf;F apy; ,Ue;J ePz;l fhyj;jpw;F k`pe;j Nth\pq;ldpy; cs;s mnkupf;fj; J}jufk;
nfhiyfSf;fhf rpwpyq;fh mjpgu; uh[gf;f\thy; jg;g KbahJ" vd;W G&]; kWj;Jtpl;lJ. Mdhy;> nfhOk;gpy;
k`pe;j uh[gf;r\ 30 kpy;ypad; &gh njuptpj;jhu;. ,Ue;J Ngrpa [dhjpgjp k`pe;jtpd;
el;l<L toq;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W Nfl;L Nth\pq;ldpy; cs;s khtl;l ePjpkd;wj;jpy; Ngr;rhsu;> ,e;j tof;F xU "gpugyk;
mnkupf;fhtpy; cs;s <oj; jkpou;fs; ,e;j tof;F nts;spf;fpoik jhf;fy; NjLk; tpj;ij" vd;W Fwpg;gpl;lhu;.
tof;Fj; jhf;fy; nra;Js;sdu;. nra;ag;gl;lJ. mjd; gpd;du;
nra;jpahsu;fsplk; Ngrpa G&];> jhf;fy; "tpLjiyg; Gypfspd; epjp cjtpapy;
Nth\pq;lidr; Nru;e;j Gfo;ngw;w tof;Fi- nra;ag;gl;Ls;s kDj; njhlu;gpy; k`pe;j $ypg; gilfs; Clfq;fspd; ghu;itiaj;
uQuhd G&]; nga;d; ,e;j tof;ifj; gjpyspf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk; mg;gb eil- jk;gf;fk; ,Of;f Nkw;nfhs;Sk;
jhf;fy; nra;Js;shu;. ntspehl;Lj; ngwhtpl;lhy; mtu; ,y;yhkNyNa ,j;jifa eltbf;iffisf; ftdpf;f
jiytu;fs;> mjpfhupfSf;F vjpuhf tof;ifj; njhlUkhW jhd; Nfl;ghu; vkf;F Neukpy;iy" vd;W Clfg; Ngr;
rpj;jputijfs; kw;Wk; ePjpf;Fg; Gwk;ghd vd;Wk; njuptpj;jhu;. rhsu; ge;Jy n[aNrfu njuptpj;jhu;.
nfhiyfs; njhlu;gpy; mnkupf;fhtpy;
rl;l eltbf;if vLg;gjw;F ,lk;jUk; tpLjiyg; GypfSf;F vjpuhf rpwpyq;fhg; rpwpyq;fh mjpfhupfs; "jdpg;gl;l gazk;"
1991 rl;lg; gpuptpd; mbg;gilay; jhd; gilapdu; 2009Mk; Mz;L Nkw;nfhz;l vd;W $Wk; gazj;jpd; mbg;gilapy;
,e;j tof;ifj; jhf;fy; nra;Js;shu; type;j jhf;Fjy; cs;spl;l %d;W fle;j thuk; mnkupf;fh te;jpUe;jhu;
vd;W mtu; $wpdhu;. rk;gtq;fspy; jkJ cwtpdu;fs; k`pe;j uh[gf;f\. xU thu fhyk; mq;F
nfhy;yg;gl;ldu; vd;W njuptpj;Js;s jq;fp ,Ue;j gpd;du; New;WKd;jpdk;
%d;W gpujpthjpfspd; rhu;gpy; jhd; ,e;j %d;W gpujpthjpfSk;> mjw;fhd tpahof;fpoik mtu; ehL jpUk;gpdhu;.
tof;if mnkupf;f ePjpkd;wpy; jhf;fy; el;l<lhf [dhjpgjp k`pe;j uh[gf;f\ 30
nra;jhu; vd;W G&]; nga;d; mwptpj;jhu;. kpy;ypad; mnkupf;f nlhyu;fis toq;f
Ntz;Lk; vd;W Nfhup cs;sdu;. Nth\pq;ldpy; ,Ue;J V.uq;fd;
",yq;ifapy; kiwf;fg;gl;bUe;jhYk; $l>

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu ij khjk; 31> 2011 05

,dg; g Lnfhiy
tprhuizf; F l; g Lj; j g; NghJkhd
mstpy; kfpe; j upd; fuq; f s; FUjp
Njha; e ; J s; s d!
jkpo;kf;fis jj;jkJ ehl;bYs;s mnkupf;fj;
J}Jtuhyaq;fSld; njhlu;G nfhz;L kfpe;jit tprhupf;f
NfhUkhW miog;G tpLf;fpwJ ehLfle;j jkpopo muR!
nolvqg<giUg<G!keqh<hm<m!hb{l< njek<Kzgs<!osR<sqZjus<!sr<gl< osbzitv<!fibgl<!hie<!gQ!&e< Hvqf<kuv<gt<!okimv<hie!d{<jlbie
ye<xqje!Olx<ogi{<Mt<t!sqxQzr<gi sqgqs<js!upr<GuK!kMg<gh<!hm<mkeiz< fqblqk<k!fqH{v<!GP!sqxqzr<giuqe< kguz<gt<!nolvqg<g!nvSg<G!Wx<og
nvskjzuv<!lgqf<k!vi\hg<s!lQK dvqb!lVk<Ku!sqgqs<js!-e<xqOb!Wvi Ohivg<!Gx<xr<gt<!okimv<hig!keK eOu!okvqBl<!we<hkjeBl<!-K!outq
-zr<jgk<kQuqz<!klqp<lg<gTg<G!wkqvig tlie!ohiKlg<gt<!dbqvqpg<Gl<!nu osbx<him<jm!Olx<ogi{<cVg<Gl<!kV h<hMk<KgqxK/
-jpg<gh<hm<m!Ohiv<!lx<Xl< zl<!fqgp<f<kK/!Bk<kh<!hGkqbqje!uqm<M {k<kqz<!-ml<ohx<Xt<tK/!fiM!gmf<k
lieqmk<Kg<G!wkqvie!Gx<xr<gt<? -Xkq!Ofvk<kqz<!outqObxqbuv<gt<!kM klqpQp!nvsir<gl<!!-f<k!fqH{v<!GP dzgqe<!njek<Kh<higr<gtqZl<
-eh<hMogijz!we<he!okimv<hig h<H!Lgil<gtqz<!njmg<gh<hm<mev<!!hz uqml<!sqxQzr<gi!nvsiz<!Olx<ogit<th< uiPl<!klqp<!lg<gt<!njeuVl<
uqsivj{!Olx<ogit<th<hm!Ou{<Ml< Vl<!!Lgil<gtqz<!-Vf<K!outqOb hm<m!-eh<hMogijz?!Ohiv<g<Gx<xr<gt<
we!fiM!gmf<k!klqpQp!nvsir<gl< -Pk<okMg<gh<hm<Mg<!ogijz!osb<bh<h okimv<hie!Nkivr<gt<!nmr<gqb!uqvq
nolvqg<g!nvsqjeg<!OgivqBt<tK/ m<mev<!hz!oh{<gt<!hizqbz<vQkqbie uie!nxqg<jgbqjes<!slv<h<hqk<Kt<tK/ K~Kuvizbr<gTme<!okimv<H
uz<ZxUg<Gl<!Ke<HXk<kz<gTg<Gl< 311:!Nl<!N{<M!Ol!likl<!?Xkqg<gm< ogi{<M!lgqf<k!vi\hg<sju
lgqf<k!vi\hg<slQkie!uqsivj{jbg< dt<tig<gh<hm<mev<!sqxQzr<giuqe<!nvs mh<Ohiv<!Lcujmf<k!hqe<ev<!Olx<ogi dmecbig!uqsivj{g<Gt<ti
OgiVukx<oge!nolvqg<giuqe< kjzuv<!we<x!fqjzbqZl<!Lh<hjmgt t<th<hm<m!ogijzgt<?!ue<Ljxgt<? g<gg<!OgivOu{<Mole!fiM
out<jt!litqjg?!-vi\r<gk< Kl<!kthkq!we<x!ohiXh<H!fqjzbqZl< nk<KlQxz<gt<?!sqk<kqvujkgt<?!hizqbz<
kqj{g<gtl<!lx<Xl<!hz<OuX!fiMgtqe< vi\hg<s!-Vf<K!uVukeiz<!klqp<!lg< uz<ZxUgt<!dt<tmr<gzie!Gx<xr<g
nolvqg<g!K~Kuvizbr<gt<!Le<eiz< gTg<G!wkqvig!-jpg<gh<hm<m!-eh<hM jtBl<!Jg<gqb!fiMgt<!fqH{v<!GP klqp<!lg<gtqml<!Ou{<MOgit<
fjmohXl<!Ohivim<mr<gtqz<<!hr<G ogijz?!Ohiv<!lx<Xl<!lieqmk<Kg<G Nvib<ukx<Ogx<x!ujgbqz<!GPuqe< uqMg<gqe<Oxil</
ogi{<M!!-g<!Ogivqg<jgg<G!uZs< wkqvie!njek<Kg<!Gx<xr<gTg<Gl< dvqk<okz<jz!uqvquig<gh<hmOu{<Ml<
Osv<g<GliXl<!fiM!gmf<k!klqpQp Lke<jlh<!ohiXh<hitq!lgqf<k!vi\hg<s weUl<!n{<jlbqz<!fiM!gmf<k!klqpQp OlZl<?!nolvqg<giuqe<!fQkqbjls<sqe<
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ogit<gqxK/ =Mhm<m!WjeObiVl<!liEm!fQkqbqe< bigk<!okimv<H!ogi{<M!lgqf<k
ohbviz<!uqsivj{gTg<Gl< gmf<k!cosl<hv<!likl<!uqg<gqzQg<^< vi\hg<sju!uqsivj{g<Gt<tig<Gl<
-eh<hMogijzg<!Gx<xl<!Hvqf<kuvig outqg<!ogi{v<f<k!-vgsqb!Nu{l< Ogivqg<jgjb!nuv<gt<Le<!jug<G
lgqf<k!vi\hg<suqje!ujgh<hMk<kq ye<xqe<hc!ogiPl<hqzqVf<k!nolvqg<gk< liXl<!OgiVgqOxil</
fQkqbqe<!Le<eiz<!fqXk<Kukx<Gh< K~Kuv<!Qbusjdjb!Cvufojt!nuv< -u<!njls<Sme<!okimv<H
OhiKlie!ntUg<G!-uvK!gvr<gt< gt<!nolvqg<g!-vi\ir<gk<!kqj{g<g
GVkq!Okib<f<Kt<te/!71?111 tk<Kg<G!nEh<hq!juk<kqVf<k!Gxqh<hqz<
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N{<M!Ol!likl<!LcUx<x!-Xkqg< h<hMl<!Gx<xr<gTg<G!nvskjzuv< lqe<eR<sz<!Lguvq;
gm<mh<Ohivqz<!ogicb!Ljxbqz< lgqf<k!vi\hg<s!lx<Xl<!nvuK
ogiz<zh<hm<mev<!lVk<Kuljegt<!lQK sOgikvv<gt<!dt<tqm<m!fim<ce<!dbv<
kig<Gkz<gt<!fmik<kh<hm<mKme< nvsqbz<!lx<Xl<!-vi[uk<!kjzjl
d{Ul<!OhiviBkligh< ohiXh<hieuv<gote<x!fqjz!-Vh<hk
hbe<hMk<kh<hm<mK/!hm<ceqbiz<!hz k{<mjeg<Gl<!dt<tig<gh<hm<mig eiz<!-g<!Gx<x!uqsivj{gjt!Olx<
klqp<!lg<gt<!ogiz<zh<hm<mkig!Jg<gqb Ou{<Ml</! ogit<ukqz<!sqg<gz<gt<!dt<te!weg< uqSufike<!Vk<vGlive<
fiMgt<!sjhbqe<!kguz<gt< sqxqzr<gi!\eikqhkqbqe<!-f<k!nolvq Gxqh<hqm<mjkBl<!!-r<G!guek<kqx< fiMgmf<k!klqpQp!nvsir<gl<
okvquqg<gqe<xe/!gibLx<xuv<gTg<G g<gh<!hb{l<!Jg<gqb!fiMgt<!sjhbqe< ogit<t!Ou{<cBt<tK/!-g<Gx<xl<

<oj; jkpou;fs; jtpf;fpwhu;fs;:

Ks;Ntyp Kfhik Neupy; ghu;j;j
nrd;id ngz; tf;fPy; ftiy!!
czT> kUj;Jt trjp vJTk; ,y;yhky;> ,Ue;J tpkhdk; %yk; ,yq;if Gwg;gl;Nlhk;. nrd;idapy; rpfpr;ir mspf;f KbAkh? vd
,yq;ifapy; thOk; <oj; jkpou;fs; jtpf;fpwh kWehs; fhiy nfhOk;G tpkhd epiyaj;jpy; mq;F> ,yq;if murpd; ghJfhg;G Jiwapy; Nfl;fpwhu;fs;.
u;fs; vd;Wk;> mtu;fs; ,q;Fs;s jkpou;fspd; ,wq;fpNdhk;. ,yq;ifapy; Nghu; jhf;FjYf;F KOikahd mDkjp ngw;W> 13 e; Njjp
cjtpiaj;jhd; vjpu;ghu;f;fpwhu;fs; vd;Wk; gpwF mq;Fs;s jkpo; kf;fspd; kdepiyia Kjy; 17 e; Njjp tiu tTdpah> fpspnehr;rpapy; jkpo; kf;fs; mfjpfshf
Neupy; re;jpj;J jpUk;gpa nrd;id ngz; mwpe;J tUk; vz;zj;jpy;jhd; nrd;Nwhk;. kl;lf;fsg;G> Rdhkpahy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ,lq; ,d;Dk; cs;sdu;. xt;nthU tPl;bYk;
tf;fPy; $wpdhu;. fs;> fpspnehr;rp> Ky;iyj;jPT> ethyp> ty;nt Mz;fNs ,y;iy. ngz;fSk;> Foe;ijfSk;
l;Lj;Jiw> aho;g;ghzk; Nghd;w gFjpfspy; if> fhy;fs; ,y;yhj epiyapy;> fz;fs;
,yq;ifapy; eilngw;w NghUf;F gpwF> cs;s jkpou;fis re;jpj;J NgrpNdhk;. FUlhd epiyapy;jhd; ,Uf;fpwhu;fs;. Cd
mq;F thOk; <oj;jkpou;fspd; epiy Fwpj;J kpy;yhj FLk;gj;ijNa mq;F ghu;f;f Kba
mwpe;J tUtjw;fhf nrd;id INfhu;l;L mq;Fs;s jkpou;fSf;F mbg;gil trjp vJ tpy;iy.
ngz; tf;fPy; mq;faw;fz;zp> ehk; jkpou; Tk; fpilf;ftpy;iy. Ks;Ntyp Kfhk;fspy; nkhj;jj;jpy; mq;F jkpo; ,dj;ij mopj;
,af;fj;ij Nru;e;j jpUkiy MfpNahu; fle;j milj;J itf;fg;gl;Ls;sdu;. mtu;fSf;F jpUf;fpwhu;fs;. mopj;Jf;nfhz;Lk; ,Uf;fp
thuk; nrd;wdu;. mq;F> rpq;fs uhZtj;jhy; czT> jz;zPu;> kUj;Jt trjp vJTk; whu;fs;. Ky;iyj;jPT gFjpf;F nrd;Nwhk;.
ifJ nra;ag;gl;ldu;. fLk; Nghuhl;lj;jpw;F fpilf;ftpy;iy. jkpo; Foe;ijfSf;F mq;F mq;F g]; trjp> kpd;rhu trjp vJTk;
gpwF New;W Kd;jpdk; tpLtpf;fg;gl;ldu;. gs;spfNs ,y;iy. ,y;iy. ,uT Neuj;jpy; ,Ul;by; ele;J
mq;Fs;s jkpou;fs; ,e;jpa murpd; cjtpia nrd;Nwhk;. mq;F xt;nthU ,lj;jpYk; rpq;fs
nrd;id jpUk;gpa ngz; tf;fPy; vjpu;ghu;f;ftpy;iy. jkpo;ehl;by; cs;s jkpou; uhZtj;jpdu; FOthf epd;W nfhz;L
mq;faw;fz;zp $wpajhtJ> fspd; cjtpiaj;jhd; vjpu;ghu;f;fpwhu;fs;. tprhupf;fpwhu;fs; vd;whu;.
fle;j 1 e; Njjp es;spuT nrd;idapy; mq;F if> fhy;fs; ,oe;j Foe;ijfSf;F

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

06 ij khjk; 31> 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

nfhNrhNth njd; R+lhd;

vd;gd vkf;F czu;j;Jk;
cz;ikfs; vd;d?
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<ogi{<cVg<gqexev</ nke<!fim<Mg<Gvqb!kgjljb!nolvqg< oke<!S,mieqz<!L^<zQl<!lk!sm<mr<gjt
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Mh<Hg<gtqz<!51!-zm<sl<!lg<gt<!gzf<K fib{k<jk!dVuig<Gkz<?!hjmg<gm<m Neiz<!mihv<!hGkqbqz<!Wx<hm<m!npqU dvqjl!lQxz<gtqZl<!=Mhm<cVf<kK/
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gvqg<g!Ou{<Ml</ me<?!S,mie<!nvS!ogi{<m!ofVg<gLl< um!S,mije!wkqv<k<K!oke<!S,mie<
giv{l</!Nhqvqg<g!hqvif<kqbk<kqZl<? lg<gt<!-V!ksih<kr<gtig!NBkh< Ouz<^<!-z<!-Vf<K!nV]<
Neiz<!-f<k!nr<gQgivr<gt< Gxqh<hig!S,mieqZl<!Wx<hm<m!sQeiuqe< Ohijv!Olx<ogi{cVf<kev</

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu ij khjk; 31> 2011 07

aho;g;ghzj;jpy; - - Neh;Nlhtpd; Nrit njhlH;fpwJ

aho; kw;Wk; td;dp kf;fs; ,d;Dk; "td;dp kf;fs; jkJ tho;it cjtpfis toq;fp itj;jhu;. jpUg;gpf; nfhLf;f KbahJ. vdNt
mtyq;fSlDk; Jd;gq;fSlDNk mtyq;fSlDk; Jd;gq;fSlDNk epfo;tpy; ciuahw;wpa NkYk; mtu;fSf;F ehd; njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fis
fopj;J tUfpd;whu;fs; fopj;J tUfpd;whu;fs;. ,ij ehd; njuptpj;jjhtJ:- Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhLf;f ,Uf;fpNwd;. vdJ
jkpoPo tpLjiyg;Gypfspd; Kd;dhs; NeubahfNt New;Wr; nrd;W epWtdj;jpd; Clhf mtw;iw ehd;
ru;tNjr tptfhuq;fSf;fhd ghu;itapl;Nld;. mtu;fSf;F mjpfsT Nghupdhy; fLikahfg; ghjpf;fg;gl;Lj; Nkw;nfhs;sj; jpl;lkpl;bUf;fpNwd; -
nghWg;ghsUk;> jw;NghJ muRld; cjtpfs; Njitg;gLfpd;wd. mij Jtz;L NghapUf;Fk; td;dp kf;fSf;F vd;whu;.
,ize;J njhz;L epWtdk; xd;wpid toq;f Ntz;b ,Uf;fpd;wJ. mJNt kWtho;T mspg;gNj vdJ yl;rpak;. Nfgpapd; tUifia xl;b aho;. gy
elhj;jp tUgtUkhd vd;W vdJ ,yl;rpak;" - vd;whu; td;dp kf;fspd; mty epiyfis Nehf;Ff; $l;LwTr; rq;f tshfj;ijr;
miof;fg;gLk; Fkud; gj;kehjd; ,d;W Nf.gpapdhy; cUthf;fp epu;tfpf;fg;gLk; thu;j;ijfshy; nrhy;y KbahJ. Rw;wpf; fLikahd ghJfhg;Gg;
aho;g;ghzj;Jf;F tp[ak; nra;J gy 'ePNlh' mikg;G ,d;W aho;. gy mtw;iwg; Nghf;Ftjw;fhf vkJ mikg;G Nghlg;gl;bUe;jJ. ,uhZtg; Gydha;Tj;
jug;gpdUlDk; fye;JiuahbAs;shu;. Nehf;Ff; $l;LwTr; rq;fj;jpy; aho;. gy;NtWgl;l cjtpfis Nkw;nfhz;L Jiwiar; Nru;e;jtu;fSk; mjpfstpy;
,d;W fhiy aho;.gyNehf;Ff; gy;fiyf;fof khztu;fSf;F cjtp tUfpd;wJ. mq;F flikapy; <LgLj;jg;gl;bUe;jdu;.
$l;LwTr;rq;f Nfl;Nghu; $lj;jpy; eil- toq;Fk; epfo;T xd;iw elj;jpaJ. rq;f 30 tUl fhyg; Nghuhy; Flhehl;L epfo;Tf;F Kd;djhf aho;. gilfspd;
ngw;w epfo;nthd;wpy; fye;J nfhz;l kz;lgj;jpd; Nfl;Nghu;$lj;jpy; epfo;T kf;fSk; ghjpg;gile;Js;sdu;. r%f fl;lisj; jsgjp Nk[u; n[duy; 30 gy;fiyf;fof khztu;fSf;F ,lk;ngw;wJ. Mu;tyu;fs; vd;Dld; njhlu;G nfhz;L k`pe;j `j;JUrpq;fitr; re;jpj;Jg;
fw;wYf;fhd cjtp toq;fiy Muk;gpj;J ,e;j epfo;tpy;jkpoPo tpLjiyg; Gypfs; cjTkhW Nfhupdhu;fs;. tlkuhl;rpapy; Ngrpdhu;. aho;g;ghzj;jpd; jw;Nghija
itj;jhu;. ,af;fj;jpd; Kd;dhs; ru;tNjr ehk; vkJ fpis epWtdj;ij epWtp fs epiytuk; vd;d vd;gJ njhlu;gpy;
epfo;tpy; gy;fiyf;fof khztu;fs;> tptfhuq;fSf;fhd nghWg;ghsUk;> mjd; %ykhfj; njhz;Lfis Ngr;R elj;jpdhu;.
tpupTiuahsu;fs;> fpuhk mYtyu;fs;> jw;NghJ muRld; ,ize;J nraw;gl;L Nkw;nfhs;s cs;Nshk; td;dp kf;fs;
gpuNjr nrayhsu;fs; cl;glg; gyu; tUgtUkhd vd;W miof;fg;gLk; Aj;jj;jpy; jkJ cwTfis nrk;ik : fdpnkhop> md;guR
fye;J nfhz;ldu;. Fkud; gj;kehjd; fye;J nfhz;L ,oe;Js;sdu;. ,oe;j capu;fisj

rpwpyq;fhtpy; ,d;Wk; nfh^ukhd nray;fNs ,lk;ngWfpd;wd.

fNdba vjpu;f;fl;rpj; jiytu; ikf;fy; ,f;dhw;upag;
(klqp<!lg<gtigqb!fQr<gt<!kir<gLcbik!Kb klqpv<!Ohvjubqe<!kjzv<!sqxqvR<se<?!Ohvj. gzf<K!ogit<t!uVjg!kf<Kt<t!Michael wlK!Skf<kqvh<!Ohivim<mk<kqe<!OhiK!hz<zibq
vr<gjtg<!gmf<K!gemi!uf<Kt<tjk!fie< ubqe<!Oksqbh<!Ohs<sitv<!Omuqm<!H,hizhqt< Ignatieff?!Wjeb!njeujvBl<!lgqp<s<sqB vg<!g{g<gie!dbqv<gjt!fil<!hxqogiMk<K
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njls<sv<!Eric Hoskin nuv<gt<!ye<vixqObi s&gk<kqeVg<G!lifgv!sjhjbs<!Osv<f<k
gecbk<!klqpv<!Ohvju!sg<kq!uib<f<k!kjz ligi{!Lkz<uvqe<!uip<k<Ks<!osb<kqjb oke<S,mie<!fiM!n{<jlbqz<!nke<!Skf<kqv
jlk<Kuk<jkg<!ogi{<m!dXkqbie!njl uisqk<kiv</!Ohig<G!uvk<K!njls<sv<!Lbui. k<Kg<gib<!uig<gtqk<Kt<tK/!nuv<gTg<G
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Gvz<!ogiMk<K!uVl<!gecb!klqpv<!Ohvju njls<sv<!Margaret Best?!sg<kqutk<!Kjx g<Gl<!uqjvuqz<!gqjmg<g!Ou{<Ml</!gemi
bqe<!Osjubqje!fie<!ols<SgqOxe</ njls<sv<!Brad Duguid?!gzis<sivl<!lx<Xl< leqk!dvqjljb!lkqg<gqe<xK/!wkqv<g<gm<sqk<
dz<zish<!hb{k<!Kjx!njls<sv<!Michael kjzuv<!Njdibfm!Jhobujfgg!dl<
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liv<g<gl<!Le Parc Conference & Banquet Njlf!Tdisfjofs?!liv<g<gl<!Olbv< gemi!klqpv<!Ohvjubqeiz<!fqkq!Osv<!fjm
Centre vqz<!gmf<k!seqg<gqpjl!-vU!fjm. Frank Scarpitti?!lifgv!sjh!dXh<hqev< &zl<!kqvm<mh<hm<m!47!Nbqvl<!omizv<gTg<
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N{<M!-vih<Ohise?!jkh<ohir< sjhbqe<!dXh<hqev<!ueqki!fike<?!hqvhz Omuqm<!Hx<X!Ofib<!sjhbqe<!-bg<Gev<!Hvz
sm<mk<kv{qgtie!Barbara Jackman?!olzeq fil<!yu<ouiVuVl<!wlK!hivim<Mg<gjt Mbqpsuf!k<kqml<!jgbtqk<kiv</
Omuqm<?!avq!Nef<ksr<gvq?!fike<!sqxqkve<? okvquqk<Kg<!ogitt<gqe<Oxil</ hvkfim<cb!Nsqvqjb!fqOvikqeq!hvvi\sqr<g
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Cody?!Ohvisqvqbv<!Obiosh<!sf<kqvgif<ke<? kqz<!klqpqek<kuv<gt<!gemiuqe<!hqvkie Nx<xqbjlg<gie!sm<mk<kv{q!Cbscbsb
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Vl<!wkqv<g<gm<sqk<!kjzuVlie!Hon. Michael ev</ Nbqvl<!omizv<gjtk<!kqvm<c!Hx<X!Ofib<
Ignatieff -u<uiX!%xqeiv</ sjhg<G!upr<gqBt<tQv<gt</!nkqgtuqz<!-vk<
(dr<gt<!fim<czqVf<K!gh<hz<!&zlig!ngkq siV\e<!g{hkqh<hqt<jt!uqpi!fqgp<s<sqg kkiel<!osb<Kt<tQv<gt</!njkbqm<M!fil<
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sm<m!&zl<!ye<jxg<!ogi{<M!uf<kK/ LjxOb!gemi!Oksqb!gQkk<kqjeBl<?!klqp<k< e<x!dXh<hqev<!Michael Prue djvbix<xqeiv</
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okvquqk<Okil</!nvsqbz<!sisek<kqZt<t!dvq ohg<!hz<gjzg<!gpgh<!OhvisqvqbVlie!gzi
jlgjth<!Oh{qh<!hiKgih<hkqz<!fil<!gMjl gecbk<!klqpv<!Ohvjujb!dVuig<Gukqz< fqkq!^<vQvR<se<!djvbix<Xjgbqz<?!(sqxqzr<gi
big!fqx<Ohil</!nXujmh<!ohVfitie!ohir< hr<G!ugqk<kuv<gtqz<!yVuVl<!&k<k!dXh<hq. Skf<kqvl<!njmf<k!fitqzqVf<K!gmf<k!74
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gqb!dr<gTg<G!weK!leliv<f<k!uip<k<Kg< Gk<K!uqtg<gqje!Wx<xq!uqpiuqje!Nvl<hq ujvbqz<!wKuqk!lix<xLOl!Wx<hmuqz<jz/
gt<(!we<Xl<!Michael Ignatieff %xqeiv</ k<K!juk<kiv</ nr<G!wu<uiX!leqk!dvqjl!lQxz<!osbz<
liv<g<gl<!lifgv!sjh!Olbv<!Frank Scarpitti gt<!-ml<!ohx<X!uVgqe<xe!we<hkx<gie
uqpiuqz<!gzf<K!ogit<t!uVjg!kf<k djvbix<Xjgbqz?!liv<g<gl<!fgvqz<!fjohX Nkivr<gjt!z{<meqZt<t!(sez<.5(
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cq;fs; tpsk;guq;fs; ,g; gj;jpupifapy; ,lk; ngwNtz;Lkhapd; mioAq;fs;

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR
8 ij khjk; 31> 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

murpay; tpahghupfspd; Kfj;jpy;

Xq;fp miwe;j ifjpfs;
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Bjvg<goue<x!kjzbr<gk<kqz<!dzg!nkq Oksqb!gQkl<!sqr<gtk<kqz<!himh<hMukx<gie jgkqgtqe<!Gvz<!-uv<gtqe<!Lg Osipeqe<!Hzqs<!sqe<el<!hkqk<k?
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Hzqobkqv<h<Hg<!Gl<hz<?!jgkqgt<!Ohiv<g< hqt<jtgt<
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cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu ij khjk; 31> 2011 09
Kd; d hs; tpLjiyg; Gyp cWg; g pdu; f s; > ,ay; G cyfj; jkpou; mikg;gpd;
tho; f ; i fia mikj; J f; n fhs; s f; $ ba mstpw; F
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njhopy; trjpfSkpd; w p rpukg; g Lfpd; w du; . njhlq;fpAs;sJ?
-zr<jgbqz<!Hev<uip<utqg<gh<hm<M!s&gk< uib<h<Hg<gjth<!ohx!Lcbik!fqjzbqOzOb dzgk<!klqpv<!njlh<hqe<!fmucg<jggjt 2:91gtqe<!hqx<hGkq!okimg<gl<!-Vhk<kq
Kme<!-j{g<gh<hm<Mt<t!Le<eit< kir<gt<!-Vh<hkigh<!Hev<uip<U!fqjzbr< Lmg<Gl<!fmucg<jggjt!gOecb!nvsi Jf<K!uVmr<gTg<G!Olzig!gemiuqz<
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Hzq!dXh<hqev<gTg<G!Hev<uip<U!fqjz kr<gTg<G!-bz<hie!uvOux<H!gqjmh<hkq Lmg<gh<hm<Mt<te/ fqkqjbg<!ogi{<M!uqMkjzh<!Hzqgt<

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sqgjt!upr<gq!uVukig!nvsir<g!nkqgi gqe<xK!we<Xl<!nuv<gt<!okvquqk<kqVg<gqe<
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uVukigUl<!nvsir<gl<!%Xgqe<xK/ okipqz<!uib<h<jhh<!ohx!LcbikqVh<hK -Vf<k!ohiVm<gt<!njek<Kl<!nvs!dj. nZuzgr<gTl<!Lmg<gh<hm<Mt<tkig
ohVl<!Oukjebtqh<hkigOu!-Vg<gqe<xK mjlbig<gh<hm<Mt<tkig!gOecb!ohizqsiv< sqr<gt!Dmgr<gt<!osb<kq!outqbqm<Mt<te/
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cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

12 ij khjk; 31 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

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njd; R+lhd;
Rje;jpuj;jpw;fhd ghijapy; Gjpa
nganuhd;iwj; Nju;e;njLg;gJ Xu; Muk;gk;.
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cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

14 January 30 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

TGTE: Case Filed Agaist Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa

by Bruce Fine in Washington
January 28, 2011 a humanitarian aid worker for Action
Against Hunger, and husband of President Rajapaksa will not escape
Washington, D.C. Plaintiff Kalaiselvi Lavan, and four the long arm of justice secured by the
members of the Thevarajah family, all Torture Victims Protection Act by hid-
Today, I filed a Complaint seeking $30 relatives of Plaintiff Jeyakumar Aiy- ing in Sri Lanka. Extrajudicial killings
million in damages on behalf of three athurai. under color of law are universal torts.
courageous Plaintiffs against Sri If President Rajapaksa refuses to de-
Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa President Rajapaksa was visiting one fend against the Complaint, a default
in the United States District Court for of his brothers in the vicinity of Hous- judgment will be sought.
the District of Columbia. The legal ac- ton, Texas, earlier this week. When he
tion was sponsored by Tamils Against learned that I intended to file suit *Bruce Fein previously prepared a
Genocide (TAG), a Tamil activist or- against him, he fled to Sri Lanka like a 1000-page model genocide indict-
ganization based in Maryland. fugitive from justice in the dead of ment for the U.S. Justice Department
night to avoid being personally served against Sri Lankan Defense Secretary
The Complaint alleges multiple viola- with the Complaint in Texas. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Army Com-
tions of the Torture Victims Protection Rajapaksa’s flight caused me to alter mander Sarath Fonseka for Tamils
Act based on President Rajapaksa’s the venue for filing from the United Against Genocide.
command responsibility for the extra- States District Court for the Southern
judicial killings of Raghiar Manoharan, District of Texas to the United States Contact Bruce Fine at : 703 963 4968
the son of Plaintiff Dr. Kasippillai District Court for the District of Colum-
Manoharan, of Premas Anandarajah, bia.

Prageeth missing due to

'chemical weapon probe'
The main reason for the disappear- Before the disappearance a year ago uted by Mrs Ekneligoda among the Mrs Ekneligoda expressed her grati-
ance of a journalist is an investigation on 24 January 2010, he was abducted Festival delegates said. tude to award winning authors Arun-
he carried out on the alleged use of by a group came on a white van in Au- She could only distribute the letter dathi Roy, Noam Chomsky and others
gust 2009 but was released a day though she expected to address the and the campaign groups Reporters
later. forum, Mrs Ekneligoda told BBC Without Borders (RSF) and Journalist
” I welcome you, to a country, Sandeshaya, but she was grateful that for Democracy (JDS) for calling for a
where thousands of women and she was allowed to enter the Festival. boycott of the Festival at a time jour-
children weep silent tears for a na- nalists and activists facing constant
tion of innocent civilians who have “I welcome you, to a country, where threats.
been killed or disappeared on ac- thousands of women and children
count of their ethnicity. Welcome to weep silent tears for a nation of inno- But the Festival organisers, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka” cent civilians who have been killed or government and some human rights
disappeared on account of their eth- campaigners have criticised the call
Sandhya Ekneligoda's letter to inter- nicity. Welcome to Sri Lanka.” for boycott.
national writers”

His wife has travelled to Galle on Fri-

chemical weapons by Sri Lanka day, together with their eldest son
forces, says his wife. Sanjaya,16, to appeal to international
writers and authors in finding her hus-
Sandhya Ekneligoda, the wife of the band.
disappeared political columnist and
cartoonist Prageeth, says his husband “I think he was abducted by people
went missing after he published a who did not like the truth,” Sanjaya
piece on his investigation and in- Eknaligoda told the BBC.
formed diplomats over the issue.
Distributing leaflets among the partici-
“In 2008, Prageeth wrote and in- pants of Galle Literary Festival (GLF)
formed the diplomats about the Sri on Friday Mrs Ekneligoda has re-
Lankan government’s usage of chemi- quested the help of world renowned
cal weapons against the people in the writers to exert pressure on Sri Lanka
north,” she told the BBC. government.

The Sri Lanka government has always Galle Festival

denied using chemical weapons in its
war against the Tamil Tigers. “I welcome you on behalf of the wives
and children, of journalists in Sri
“And he actively supported then oppo- Lanka, who have been abducted,
sition candidate Sarath Fonseka’s killed or forced to flee the country as a
campaign,” Mrs Ekneligoda added. result of their work,” the leaflet distrib-

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu ij khjk; 31> 2011 15

Canada’s decision on Tamil refugee

claims, unrealistic
Canada rushed to take its stance on Sri It is unfortunate that Canada employs spoke to media personnel when they raised
Lanka just days before the Canadians were dozens of diplomats in Sri Lanka at the question about the law and order in Jaffna, The public was told that if any member of
preparing for their holidays in December. Canadian High Commission in Colombo suggesting the police should be replaced by the defence force comes for inspection,
Tamils, now, no longer have the right to who do not know the ground reality in the the military, as if Jaffna is not militarized they should ask for their official identity
seek refugee status in Canada. Canada no North and East of Sri Lanka, which are the enough. It is surprising that over 150,000 cards before opening the door and ensure
longer considers the Sri Lankan traditional homeland of Tamils where over Sri Lankan armed forces are wandering in they are accompanied by a police officer
government a threat to the Tamil people. 150,000 Sri Lankan armed forces have the streets of North and East, but the from the area. This is a guaranteed recipe
The Canadian government feels the human been deployed despite that the government irresponsible statement of Sukumar for violence and death, as most of the
rights situation on the island has improved claiming that it has crushed the Tamil Tigers demonstrates that the law and order cannot uniformed personal are thugs and they
since mid-2010, just a year after the Sri in May 2009. The situation is worsens by be returned soon. She claims that more themselves commit the robbery. Moreover
Lankan armed forces claimed to have the day. The Sri Lankan government has armed forces should be deployed to return they carry false identity cards with
eliminated the Tamil Tigers’ war for an been deploying more and more armed the areas to normalcy. government patronage.
independent Tamil State. forces into Tamil villages to build new
military residences with China’s assistance. Sukumar, for reasons well known to her, Shop owners have been advised to leave a
Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board shifted the blame on to another government light on outside their shops after their
(IRB) introduced the new policy on Tamils Another shocking story is that the Sri agency, instead of holding the government closure and to keep someone inside the
who seek political asylum in Canada on the Lankan army is going to be deployed on the wholly responsible for the complete shop. The police say the people have a
grounds that although the refugee board islets off the shores of Jaffna where already breakdown of the justice system and the right to protect their lives and property in
adjudicators are not forced to follow the the Sri Lankan naval bases and the collapse of law and order in Jaffna. Jaffna is such instances. If the criminals attempt to
new guidelines, for the IRB such notes “are paramilitaries supporting the government a veritable jungle, a mini police State where flee, they have a right to take them into
offered to members as models of sound have been put up. The Canadian High State terrorism remains. custody and then inform the village officer
reasoning that may be adopted in appropr Commissioner, along with senior officials, or the police.
iate circumstances.” This is really a paid several visits to the Tamil areas after The residents in northern Jaffna and
frightening decision of the IRB as it the LTTE silenced their guns in 2009. It is Vavuniya were advised by two senior Police What logic! How do unarmed civilians arrest
demonstrates that the Canadian shocking evidence that the Canadian High superintendents in leaflets widely disturbed fully-armed criminals? All the above
government led by Stephen Harper has Commissioner and senior officials who are to wear only imitation jewellery and take recommendations can be carried out only
made such a hasty decision without being paid from Canadian tax-payers extra steps to protect their homes. They by the police as they are the only ones
knowing what is really happening on the money have not updated the ground reality were advised not to leave their door keys empowered by the law to do so. They are
ground in the Tamils areas in Sri Lanka. in the North and East of Sri Lanka where hidden under door rugs or flower pots, but also paid to do their job.
human rights abuses are on the rise daily. to have a spare key if another family
The new policy, no doubt, could affect member needed one. When leaving home, This is Sri Lanka’s version of maintaining
refugee claimants who arrived in Vancouver Kidnapping for ransom, murder, rape, lock the doors properly and inform the ‘law and order’. One of Wikileak’s
in 2009 and 2010 aboard the Ocean Lady robbery, and disappearances are increasing neighbours about their departure. They revelations was that the American
and MV Sun Sea. The 76 Tamils who in various places in the North and East, were told not to travel alone when wearing Ambassador, Patricia A. Butenis, was of the
arrived in 2009 applied for refugee status, especially Jaffna, in spite of it being a gold jewellery, as criminals may trick and view that the para-military groups were
but the refugee board has not taken any military garrison. There is not a day that rob their jewellery. given the liberty to raise their own funds by
action on their files. The 492 Tamil refugees passes without a report on crime. Many whatever means–kidnapping, robbery,
who arrived last year have applied for events can be cited to demonstrate the The people were told to beware of prostitution, and child-trafficking--as the
political asylum, but their cases are also current situation in Tamil areas. There are strangers or strange vehicles coming to government was no longer able to finance
pending. It is worth mentioning that one- many untold stories taking place despite the their areas and to note down the numbers their maintenance. The military has also
fourth of the refugees who arrived last year fact that many people fail to report to the and other details. This is just a usual story joined in this multi-million rupee business,
have been detained in detention centres in police or any other officials due to the fear to hoodwink them to show that robbery is so how could the police act?
British Columbia and two of the asylum that they will be prosecuted by the armed the motive for such crimes and to side track
seekers have been branded as being Crime is a money making business for the
affiliated to the militant LTTE. armed forces. Moreover, the best means of
silencing people who oppose government
Canada wants precedence to reject policies is to eliminate them. Only the
Tamils’ claims for refugee status international community can get the Tamils
of Sri Lanka out of this culture of impunity
In this context, the case cited in the new by imposing sanctions. The US and EU,
IRB policy involved a 25-year-old Tamil who have awoken to the realities of the
male from Sri Lanka. It is worth mentioning situation, may be willing to do so, but India
that this youth arrived in Canada by air. This and China will continue to support
particular claimant had told the refugee Rajapaksa and Company of brothers and
board that he had been and would be close relatives.
persecuted by the Sri Lankan army,
government officials, and paramilitary The current situation in the Tamil homeland
agents associated with the Sri Lankan shows that there is no protection for the
government if he returned to Sri Lanka. Tamils whatsoever. They are exposed to the
worst of crimes. The human rights situation
The claimant also told the board that he has gotten worse. When the LTTE was in
was arrested by Sri Lankan forces in 2006, action militarily, the enemies thought a
interrogated, hit in the stomach and pushed forces who are wandering around the the issue from the real situation and the second before conducting any violation
against a wall. He moved to a different streets of Tamil villages, towns, and cities political and racist undertones. against the Tamils, but after the LTTE
location with military uniform and arms. Even entered into ceasefire agreement with the
with a friend soon afterwards, but was President Rajapaksa, whose agents commit Unnumbered white van kidnapping is a Sri Lankan government in 2002 with the
detected by government forces the next these crimes, has stated publicly, while in common occurrence. Once they come in a facilitation of Norwegian government, the
year. He said his friend was eventually Jaffna, that these criminals underground group armed with guns, there is nothing atrocities of Sri Lankan armed forces ran
executed. The claimant fled to Malaysia in would not show their heads anymore. anyone can do about it. No unnumbered rampant against Tamils. With the complete
2007 before arriving in Canada in 2009. vehicle is permitted to move around in any silence of the LTTE guns, human rights
A few of the shocking events are: A Hindu civilized country, let alone a militarized area, abuses have worsened.
The IRB tribunal rejected his refugee claim priest was shot dead, using a gun owned by such as Jaffna. So it is the security forces
in November. It was cited in the persuasive the military, for performing rites for tsunami that have to do the prevention and not Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board’s
decision four weeks later on December17, victims. A government education officer was unarmed civilians. (IRB) new policy is dangerous and violates
2010. The ruling said: “The claimant is not a shot dead because he objected to the its own Charter and the international
person in need of protection in that his national anthem being sung in Sinhala only Parents were advised not to send children convention. Unless the Tamil Canadians
removal to Sri Lanka would not subject him in Jaffna. An environmentalist was out of their homes alone. The question is, wake up and rise to the level where they
personally to a risk to his life.” murdered for exposing a Sri Lankan how do the parents go about their work if can exert pressure upon the Canadian
minister and India’s favourite, they have to follow their children to school? government to intervene in altering the new
The IRB said: “The reasons cite the policy introduced by the IRB, many other
documentary evidence which relates to Douglas Devananda, for making millions of The police also advised people to number countries will follow suit with the Canadian
changes that took place in Sri Lanka rupees by removing sand and causing the valuable goods at home or label them policy not to acknowledge the Tamils who
recently and conclude with a finding that the environmental damage. So the list goes on. and to do the same for electric equipment, are lacking protection in Sri Lanka and will
changes are meaningful and durable and It is indeed frustrating that Canada falls motor bikes, and so forth. help
that the claimant’s fear of persecution victim to the Sri Lankan government’s false
based on his particular social group, propaganda. The police have also advised the residents deteriorate to the efforts of countries which
perceived political opinion and nationality is to keep their doors and windows closed, are taking steps to bring the perpetrators of
not well founded.” Senior government officials acknowledge even during the day time if there is only one the war crimes to book.
law and order worsen. person in the house. At night, they are
The Government Agent of Jaffna, Ms advised to make sure the doors and
How does Canada not know what is
Imelda Sukumar, the principal civil windows are closed and to keep a bulb By Satheesan Kumaaran
happening? representative of the government in Jaffna, switched on.
cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR
16 January 31 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

South Sudan walk

to freedom
South Sudan walk to freedom has almost
ended. It is now poised to take its place in
landslide vote for southern independence
promised in a 2005 peace deal that ended
It shall be H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit to lower
the Sudan flag and raise high the flag of the
pipelines, energy, water resources and rail-
way transport,” he stressed.
the United Nations Organization sooner than decades of north-south civil war. The final of- Republic of South Sudan on 9th July, 2011 at
anyone thought a year ago. If everything ficial figures are expected in February. the Presidential Republican Palace in Juba. China is the biggest foreign stakeholder in
goes well South Sudan will be the 194th na- He is going to be the first President of the the Sudanese oil industry, via China National
tion to be admitted to UN membership. The website for the Southern Sudan Refer- Republic of South Sudan as already agreed
When UNO was formed in 1945 following endum Commission by the political parties of Southern Sudan. It
WW11 there were only 51 countries on its ( showed a 98.6 shall be the very GoSS and SPLM/A Flag
roll. Since then membership has increased percent vote for secession, with more than which is being used now. Dr. Mayardit shall
by leaps and bounds especially after the 80 percent of the votes from the south lift up this flag with honour on that greatest
break up of the Soviet Union and Yu- counted, and 100 percent counted in other First Independent Day of South Sudan.
goslavia in the early nineties. Between areas.
1991 - 1994 membership rose from 166 to International observers gave south Sudan's South Sudan will have the ‘Buffalo’ as the
184 an increase of 19 states. The youngest independence referendum their seal of ap- “Coat of Arms (Emblem)” and with “Motto”
proval on January 17, 2011 and said that a under its design written: ‘Peace and Pros-
vote for secession was now "virtually certain" perity’. The current proposed “National An-
in their first official judgment on the poll. them” shall be amended to remove irrelevant
Early results from last week's plebiscite sug- attributes like the Land of Cush, Milk and
gest that people from Sudan's oil-producing Black Warriors. South Sudan will issue Ordi-
south voted overwhelmingly to split away nary “Black Passport” save for the diplo- Petroleum Company’s interests in various
from the north following decades of civil war. matic ones which should be red. Their production and exploration blocks, and it re-
Observers from the Carter Center and the “Nationality” shall be ‘South Sudanese’ and ceives approximately three-quarters of
European Union both said that the vote had have ‘South Sudanese Pound’ as their Sudan’s oil exports. The oil industry is
been credible -- an endorsement that moved “Currency”. acutely vulnerable to any conflict because
the region a step closer to independence. about 75 per cent of Sudan’s proven re-
It is widely expected that recognition of the serves of 6.3bn barrels are in the south, but
The main political division of Africa was de- new government from other nations around the pipeline that carries the oil to export ter-
cided at the Berlin Conference in 1884/85. the globe will be swift and decisive. minals and refineries runs through the north.
The participating European powers had little The south needs Khartoum’s co-operation to
information about the people of inland Africa. Russia has expressed a willingness to rec- sell its oil; the north needs revenues from its
They had explored the coastline, but their in- ognize an independent state in Southern neighbour’s resources; and the two sides of
terest was access to the mineral wealth of Sudan if the results of January 15 referen- the country have yet to agree how they will
nation to join the UNO was Montenegro the continent. dum are accepted by the two governments cooperate to keep the oil flowing after inde-
(192) which voted for independence from north and south according to the special pendence.
Serbia in a referendum on May 21, 2006. If one looks at the political boundaries of envoy of the President Dmitry Medvedev to
Before that East Timor formally joined the Africa it becomes clear that no regard was Sudan. On Wednesday, the ruling National There is an adage that behind every man's
world body in 2002 after centuries of Por- given to the cultural and ethnic diversity of its Congress Party (NCP) declared recognizing success there lies a woman. The same is
tuguese rule and years of often brutal In- people. Local people who had little in com- the results of the Southern Sudan referen- true of nations which freed themselves from
donesian occupation. mon were lumped together, and people with dum on independence. tyranny and slavery. East Timor independ-
a common culture and tradition were sepa- ence was backed by Portugal its former
Sudan's centuries of association with Egypt rated. The Zulus and the "boers" were the “If a new independent state appears on colony. Kosovo shook off Serbia's yoke with
formally ended in 1956, when joint British- first to offer military resistance to the land- Africa’s map as a result of the referendum the help of European Union and the NATO
Egyptian rule over the country ended. Inde- grabbing and mineral interests of colonial and this is not accompanied with conflicts, forces. South Sudan had the backing of a
pendence was rapidly overshadowed by powers, but they succumbed to superior mili- this outcome can be described as a most majority of Christian organizations which
unresolved constitutional tensions with the tary power. Only Abyssinia and Liberia were favourable one,” said Mikhail Margelov spe- wield considerable political clout in US poli-
south, which flared up into full-scale civil war not "colonised". Bloody ethnic wars in Africa cial Russian envoy to Sudan. “We act as an tics.
that the coup-prone central government was were the result of decisions taken at the honest partner: we have no burden of the
ill-equipped to suppress. The military-led 1884/5 conference. colonial past either in Sudan or in neighbour- Freedom don't come easily. South Sudan
government of President Jaafar Numeiri ing African countries, nor have we invest- paid a price. More than 2 million people died
agreed to autonomy for the south in 1972, South Sudan was already there during the ments running into billions or the mentality of during the civil war which began in 1983.
but fighting broke out again in 1983. After European scramble for Africa in Berlin. an international policeman. Russia in this Sudan's holocaust, includes village raids,
two years of bargaining, the rebels signed a South Sudan was also there during the case can only show its goodwill,” he massacres, refugees and slavery. Civil war
comprehensive peace deal with the govern- British Colonialists “Closed District Ordi- stressed. in Darfur region is seen as "one of the worst
ment to end the civil war in January 2005. nance.” South Sudan was there in the histor- nightmares in recent history".
ical 1947 Juba Conference. South Sudan Margelov said the northern and southern
Decades of fighting have left Sudan's infra- was there in the historical 1955 Torit mutiny Sudan governments expressed readiness to The birth of South Sudan after a painful and
structure in tatters. With the return of millions and rebellion. South Sudan was there during reach agreement on the pending issues to destructive civil war gives hope to other na-
of displaced southerners, there is a pressing 1965 Round-table Conference. South Sudan prevent another civil war. "The political tional minorities like the Palestinians,
need for reconstruction. The economic divi- was there during the initial historical 1982- forces of Sudan were able now to reach Chechens, Kashmiris, Kurds and Eelam
dends of peace could be great. Sudan has 1983 rebellions. agreement: they have common interests, Thamils fighting for their own freedom. The
large areas of cultivatable land, as well as and, one would like to hope, not only eco- borders of countries are not cast in stone.
gold and cotton. Its oil reserves are ripe for South Sudan’s sovereignty is now mere a nomic." Adding another ten members to the will not
further exploitation. Arabic is the official lan- matter of time. People who fled to distant Last December, during a visit to Khartoum, cause the sky to fall!
guage and Islam is the state religion, but the shores in search of peace are now ecstatic the Russian envoy met with the Sudanese
large non-Arab, non-Muslim minority has re- of a peaceful future in their homeland. More First Vice President and head of southern Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement
jected attempts by the government in Khar- than 2000 families have started returning Sudan government to discuss the future re- (SPLM) has invited Transnational Govern-
toum to impose Islamic Sharia law on the back to the swampy tracts of the White Nile. lations between Russia and South Sudan. ment of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) to visit South-
country as a whole. But the question pops up, can South Sudan "Russia is interested in its economic pres- ern Sudan in the immediate aftermath of the
The referendum to split Sudan into a pre- ensure, rather sustain peace? Only time will vote for an independent state. TGTE is send-
dominantly Muslim North and a predomi- tell. The new government at Juba has to en- ing a delegation to participate in the celebra-
nantly Christian South, after years of fighting sure equal opportunity, democratic represen- tions and to discuss possibilities of assisting
and repression, was concluded on January tation of all ethnic sects. South Sudan Southern Sudan in their development efforts
15,2011. The popular mandate catapulted a comprises of composite clusters of ethnicity, through Tamil Diaspora expertise in selected
collective dream towards the much awaited and hence their respective aspirations, be- fields. TGTE delegation will be received by
freedom, off the yoke of a presumptively ter- liefs, customs, languages and seeking in the SPLM officials and will stay as guests of
rorist state Sudan. The referendum came ex- unity in diversity will be the greatest chal- SPLM. This is a giant step in our struggle
actly five years after the Comprehensive lenge the leaders of the new government for statehood. There are many similarities
Peace Agreement was accorded in 2005 be- will face. Southern Sudan shares its borders between the South Sudanese people libera-
tween a cornered Government of Sudan and with Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Congo. tion struggle and the Eelam Thamils. Both
South Sudan’s People’s Liberation Move- Each country poses a unique assortment of faced persecution and a genocidal war. Su-
ment. Eelam Thamils join the South Su- threats. Ethiopia’s political instability, insur- danese President Bashir has been indicted
danese people in their moment of rejoice. gences and fast penetrating roots of Islamist for genocide and the Sri Lankan President
Sixty percent out of the 4.5 million regis- terrorism are poised to be the greatest chal- Rajapaksa is to be indicted for genocide at
tered voters casted their votes confirming lenges to South Sudan, all the more as the some point in time. World leaders must rec-
the turnout passed the 60 percent mark latter is not an Islamic one. Tunisia is a re- ognize the legitimate struggle of Eelam
needed to make the result binding. Almost cent example of how a country under the Thamils to restore and reconstitute the sov-
99 percent of south Sudanese who voted for jackboot of a corrupt dictator backed by the ereign state of Thamil Eelam. Thamil Eelam
independence in the referendum chose to army could collapse like nine-pins overnight ence in Sudan, whether in a unified one, or is good for Thamils, but better for the Sin-
split away from the north, the first official but for lack of democracy, transparency and rule with the South separated from it," he said. halese and the world at large!.
incomplete figures published by the referen- of law. “From the business point of view, (Sudan) of-
dum commission. This is an indication of a fers a multitude of perspective trends - oil, Veluppillai Thangavelu

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu January 30> 2011 17

Tamils Pay Humble Tribute

to Tamil Martyr
Two years have rolled down since the self- sincere in his move if he had stuck to his case for the world to take note.” pleaded with Dr Vethanayagam who was
immolation of Muthukumar. In commemo- threat the desired change would have treating him not to save his life. A hero is a
ration, Tamils all over the world are paying taken place. Karunanidhi was so corrupt in Muthukumar who stayed with his sister hero anywhere.
their humble tribute to Muthukumar, the his ways that he was submissive to the Thamil Arasi in Kolathur, Madras was
young martyr who made the ultimate sacri- Delhi government. working for a Tamil Magazine. On the night When the news of Muthukumar’s self im-
fice on January 29, 2009 by giving his life he stayed in his office. The next morning molation spread like wildfire leading fig-
to save Eelam Tamils. He was just enter- Muthukumar, a journalist by profession on Thursday 29, January 2009 at 10.40 ures in Tamil Nadu who have been
ing his 26th year when he made a solemn weighed the pros and cons of the issue am before dousing himself with petrol, consistently campaigning for the Eelam
vow to himself he would give his life to and came to the inevitable conclusion that Muthukumar flung several copies of his Tamil cause like Pala Nedumaran, Vaikho,
make a difference to the lives of Eelam words would not carry any weight but only statement charging the Indian government Dr Ramdas and Thrumavalavan rushed to
Tamils. extreme action whatever the conse- for working with the Sri Lankan govern- the spot to console Muthukumar’s rela-
quences will focus world attention. He ment to wipe out Eelam Tamils. tives. The Lawyers announced an indefi-
Muthukumar made the crucial decision made the decision to self-immolate, al- nite boycott of courts and colleges and
after deep thought and contemplation, ar- though a difficult one, to stop the atrocities Police officials are normally careful with schools in Tamil Nadu came to a standstill.
guing within himself as to what he could perpetrated against Eelam Tamils. their words and often tow the line of the The situation was very tense and riotous
do to focus world attention on the plight of government’s thinking. But in this case the whole day.
Eelam Tamils. He was saddened that This was indeed an extreme step not to be even Police officials paid tribute to
speeches, writings and mass demonstra- encouraged. Here I quote a Tamil aca- Muthukumar. They said “Muthukumar had Muthukumar’s statement covering fourteen
tions did not bring the desired change to demic who said of Muthukumar’s self-im- not experienced any fear or wavering, he points, in essence states that the Indian
the Indian thinking. He was equally hurt molation: “The sacrifice of young and had been resolute in his decision to sacri- leadership including Karunanithi and Jay-
that the Tamil Nadu government was tow- idealistic Muthukumar is lamentable be- fice his life to highlight the need for a per- alalitha should not be trusted and a new
ing the line of the Delhi government for its yond words; any thoughts of re-enactment manent cease-fire in the war in Sri Lanka.” leadership must emerge from the student
political survival and was not doing any- should never become a necessity to any- population.
thing to stop the mass killing of Eelam one. It is reminiscent of Vietnam in the When doctors asked him why such an ed-
Tamils in Sri Lanka. Although Muthukumar is no more he lives
in the hearts of Eelam Tamils and will be
It is thought that the Delhi regime domi- part of the annals of Eelam Tamil History
nated by north Indians – the Aryans, and the Tamil Eelam freedom struggle.
backed by the ‘south block’ in Delhi con-
sisting of Aiyars, Aiyangars and the I conclude my tribute to Muthukumar with
Menons of Kerala are shaping the foreign a moving verse from Poet Guna Jeyasee-
policy of the country. According to rough lan:
censes, 35% of the ‘south block’ consists Oh! Muthukumar
of Menons. Often the disease called
‘Menonism’ is discussed in the Delhi cir- You are the eternal fire,
cles. So long as this ‘south block’ remains That burns in every Eelam Tamil’s heart.
in power the destiny of Tamils as well as By your supreme sacrifice
the policy of the Delhi government no mat- You are giving life and light
ter who is in power will not be altered. The To not only Tamil Eelam
added factor in the Delhi thinking is the But also to Tamilaham.
vindictive attitude of Sonia Gandhi. Although we do not measure up
To your ultimate sacrifice,
All these factors were working in the mind Please accept our humble tribute
of Muthukumar. Any appeal on behalf of Which we lay at your feet.
Eelam Tamils will not have the desired
change when the Delhi regime is itself a M.K Eelaventhan,
prisoner of its prejudices and a victim of its 1960s when self-immolation of monks, ucated person like him committed self-im-
preconceived notions. Muthukumar be- protesting brutal atrocities as a conse- molation, Muthukumar had replied that Former Member of Parliament (Sri Lanka)
lieved Mr. Karunanidhi, the Chief Minister quence to US military campaign was com- several thousands of more intelligent and
of Tamil Nadu could have come to the mon. Such acts occur as a last resort of educated Tamils were dying in Eelam and Member of Transnational Government of
recue of Eelam Tamils if he really wanted public frustration when governments sup- that he intended to save thousands of lives Tamil Eelam,
to. In October 2008, Karunanidhi issued a press democratic space and don’t respect by sacrificing his life. It may not be out of Representing Canada
verbal threat that he would withdraw 40 over-whelming public opinion of emotional context to remember Sivakumar, another
MPs from Tamil Nadu if Delhi did not act to importance. In this line of thinking hero of the Eelam Tamil cause, the first to
rescue Eelam Tamils. Even if he wasn’t Muthukumar’s self- immolation is a classic swallow cyanide in the mid- seventies. He

Sri Lanka wants to export war crimes – UN Dispatch

Sri Lankan Army (SLA) is planning to cess in crushing ethnic Tamil Tiger rebels repeated and increasingly intense artillery into allegations of crimes against hu-
share with other countries its success in and ending the island’s 37-year-old sepa- and mortar barrages and other fire. This manity. One credible mechanism would
crushing ethnic Tamil Tiger rebels and ratist war. continued through May despite the gov- be the International Criminal Court. But
ending the island’s 37-year-old separatist ernment and security forces knowing the since Sri Lanka is not a member, it
war, according to a report published in the Army chief Lieutenant General Jagath size and location of the civilian population would take an act of the Security Coun-
UN Dispatch. Jayasuriya said they were inviting heads and scale of civilian casualties. cil to grant the ICC the jurisdiction to in-
of military and defence establishments in vestigate. That does not seem likely
SLA Commander Lieutenant General Ja- 54 countries to a three-day forum starting There are two potential lessons that gov-
any time soon.
gath Jayasuriya said this while addressing in Colombo from May 31. ernments which struggle with insurgency
a press conference in Colombo Wednes- “After the war ended many countries have can take from the Sri Lanka example. The
For now impunity is ruling the day. So
day. requested us to share some of our strate- first is that the ends justify the means;
“We are inviting heads of military and de- gies with them,” Jayasuriya told reporters slaughtering 10,000 non-combatants is much so, that Sri Lanka is apparently
fence establishments in 54 countries to a in Colombo. “They want us to share our worth it if you can crush a rebellion. Given seeking to export its brand of counter-in-
three-day forum starting in Colombo from experience and expertise with them.” the fact that the Sri Lankan military is cele- surgency to other countries.
May 31, he added. For the record, the Sri Lankan military did brating the manner in which it defeated the This is the biggest challenge to interna-
launch a remarkably successful counter- Tamil Tigers that is presumably the lesson tional justice in the world today. Will the
The SLA chief said after the war ended insurgency which appears to have that they have drawn. Sri Lankan method of dealing with rebel-
many countries requested them to share crushed, once and for all, the brutal Tamil On the other hand, if there was some sort lion and insurgency catch on else-
some of Lankan military’s strategies with Tigers. The thing is, the strategy was of credible criminal investigation into these where? Or will the long arm of
them. predicated upon committing massive war war crimes–and if that investigation ended international justice give pause to
crimes. E.g: up with the arrest and trial of the accused– would-be war criminals?
“They want us to share our experience other regimes might think twice before
and expertise with them.” Starting in late January, the government they use the counter-insurgency-by-mass This is pretty much the defining question
and security forces encouraged hundreds atrocity tactic. of international justice these days. So
Full report follows: of thousands of civilians to move into ever far, the good guys seem to be losing.
Sri Lanka’s army Wednesday announced smaller government-declared No Fire So far, though, there is no credible inter-
plans to share with other countries its suc- Zones (NFZs) and then subjected them to national or local judicial process to look Eelam Nation
cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR
18 January 31 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

TGTE salutes Southern Sudan

on gaining its independence after a long
drawn out widespread bitter struggle
The South Sudanese liberation struggle TGTE’s inaugural function was held in the suffering of the South Sudanese peo- favour. We feel confident that the world
was no afternoon tea party. Freedom was Philadelphia in May 2010. We remember ple. We the Eelam Tamils are not a minor- opinion, though in a belated manner is
not served on a silver plate; we the Eelam with deep gratitude, the presence and par- ity in the island of Sri Lanka, we are a changing in our favour. South Sudanese
Tamils have closely watched the untold ticipation of the Secretary General for the nation by any definition. What we had, people have won over world opinion in
suffering of the South Sudanese people in United States, Domach Wal Rucah, at the what we lost we want to regain and re- their favour, and now are on the verge of
their liberation struggle. We the Eelam inaugural function. His participation was a assert. It can be defined as restoration or having their independence. Likewise
Tamils have suffered in an immeasurable source of inspiration to us. He totally iden- reconstitution. The term that we are a mi- Eelam Tamils are confident that our victory
manner for the last 64 years; hence we tified with our struggle for liberation. He nority is a misnomer. Our struggle to start towards independence is not far away. We
are equally conscious of what the South drew interesting parallels in our struggle with was inside parliament and gradually are going to witness the South Sudanese
Sudanese people have undergone for for freedom; the Southern Sudanese peo- our struggle became extra parliamentary people becoming a member of the UN in
many years. The TGTE’s Prime Minister, ple have lost about two million people in and turned into a non-violent mass strug- the very near future. Our inner voice and
Visvanathan Rudrakumaran has conveyed the struggle. Civilians were massacred gle based on the Gandhian pattern. When intuition tells us that we too will follow the
his wishes and congratulations on behalf and people died of starvation and lack of successive Sinhala regimes turned a deaf South Sudanese people in gaining our in-
of the TGTE to the Sudan Peoples’ Liber- medical facilities. We the Eelam Tamils ear and a blind eye to our struggle, our dependence and becoming a member of
ation Movement. Mr. Rudrakumaran adds suffered the worst in May 2009, when struggle emerged as a militant struggle, to the UN. We are confident that President
that TGTE is calling the Eelam Tamils to twenty Nations headed by India, backed preserve the Tamil identity and also our Obama who backed the South Sudanese
celebrate the freedom of Southern Su- the Sri Lankan President, Mahinda Ra- very survival. struggle will back our struggle too, be-
danese, Eelam Tamils can clearly under- japakse to wipe out the Tamils in the name cause of the similarity of our struggle.
stand the joy of Southern Sudanese of wiping out the LTTE. It was a war with- The TGTE was formed in 2010, to meet
becoming a free people and therefore we out a witness, the suffering we underwent the changing pattern of our struggle. From M.K Eelaventhan, former Member of
share their happiness. This statement of is still being continued uncared, unwept the very inception we have declared that Parliament (Sri Lanka) and Member of
Mr. Rudrakumaran, the Prime Minister of and unsung by the world bodies. It is in the TGTE is transparent. It believes in Transnational Government of Tamil
TGTE is endorsed, echoed and re-echoed this context, we the Eelam Tamils who are democratic procedures and is determined Eelam Representing Canada
by the Canadian chapter of the TGTE. fighting for freedom are quite conscious of to shape and win over world opinion in our

(New York) - The Sri Lankan government re- of clean hands in the fighting with its repressive In June, United Nations Secretary-General Ban In 2010, after considerable international pres-
fuses to investigate alleged war crimes despite measures against the media and civil society." Ki-moon established a three-member panel to sure, the government released most of the
growing evidence of widespread atrocities dur- advise him on possible accountability mecha- 280,000 ethnic Tamil civilians displaced by the
ing the civil war that ended in 2009, Human The Sri Lankan government established a Les- nisms for Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan govern- war who were being held in military-controlled
Rights Watch said today in its World Report sons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission ment immediately denounced the panel, and a detention camps, euphemistically called "wel-
2011. The government has threatened and in- (LLRC) in May 2010 to counter calls for ac- senior government minister led protests outside fare centers." But many face serious livelihood,
timidated journalists, opposition politicians, and countability. However, the commission has se- the UN headquarters in Colombo. The govern- housing and security problems. Several thou-
civil society activists, and has consolidated vere shortcomings, including members who ment has not approved the panel's request to sand people suspected of involvement with the
President Mahinda Rajapaksa's grip on power have not demonstrated impartiality or independ- visit Sri Lanka. Tamil Tigers are in detention without charge,
by extending executive power over previously ence, the absence of a witness protection pro- "The government commission includes senior and are denied access to lawyers and the Inter-
independent government commissions, Human gram for those who testify, and wide reliance on officials who publicly defended the govern- national Committee of the Red Cross.
Rights Watch said. testimony from government officials and military ment's conduct of the war," Pearson said. "How
personnel to the exclusion of outside partici- can a panel tainted from the beginning with In a clear signal that Rajapaksa had no intention
The 649-page World Report 2011, the organiza- pants. such pro-government bias be reasonably ex- of changing his governance style, the parlia-
tion's 21st annual review of human rights prac- pected to be independent and impartial. This ment in September passed the 18th Amend-
tices around the globe, summarizes major panel should be seen for what it is: a cynical at- ment to the Constitution, which effectively strips
human rights trends in more than 90 nations tempt to whitewash the truth." the police, judiciary, electoral commission, pub-
and territories worldwide. In Sri Lanka, the re- lic service commission, and the National Human
port says, the government rejected domestic The government has also sought to silence the Rights Commission of their independence,
and international calls for an independent inter- media, civil society, and the political opposition. Human Rights Watch said.
national investigation into allegations of war The media is extremely reluctant to publish arti-
crimes by government forces and the defeated cles critical of the Rajapaksa government, and
"There is no reason to believe that Sri Lanka will
rebel Tamil Tigers. many journalists who fled the country remain in
return to a rights-respecting government any
exile. Shortly after the presidential elections in
time in the near future," Pearson said. "Until
Download the complete report > [PDF, 4 MB] January 2010, the government raided the of-
wartime abuses are prosecuted, minority griev-
"Sri Lanka's aggressive rejection of accountabil- fices of opposition presidential candidate Gen.
ances are addressed, and repression against
ity for war crimes is an affront to the victims' of Sarath Fonseka. Fonseka was arrested and
the press and civil society ends, only the presi-
the country's long civil war," said Elaine Pear- court martialed on charges of fraud, and sen-
dent and his family members in power have rea-
son, deputy Asia director at Human Rights tenced to 30 months in prison.
son to feel secure in Sri Lanka."
Watch. "The government undermines its claims

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu January 31,2011 19

South sudan Votes for separation

Sudanese dancers perform a celebratory dance - Photo Credit: Phil Moore, AFP, Getty Images Southern Sudanese president Salva Kiir addressing the crowd - Photo Credit Al

results that overall showed a 98.83% majority Reuters at the summit the "tough part" of the
South sudan voted for independence from the for separation, according to the vote's website. Arabic dialect. "The project has not finished.... peace deal was still to come.
north, in a referendum reported Reuters today. We cannot declare independence today," he
According to the Reuters report 98.83% had "This is what we voted for, so that people can added. "These issues, whether it be borders or citizen-
voted for separation from the north. be free in their own country.... I say congratula- ship or oil revenues, cannot be solved unless
The Sudanese war which was known as the tions a million times," south Sudan President According to the terms of the accord, south there is an effort [by north and south] to work to-
llongest running war after WWII, came to an Salva Kiir told the crowd. Sudan will be able to declare independence on gether in a partnership," he said.
end in 2005 with a peace accord. July 9, pending any legal challenges to the re-
The vote was promised in a 2005 peace deal sults. Secession campaigners described the vote as a
IIn 2009 the sudanese President Omar Al that ended decades of north-south conflict, chance to end years of perceived northern ex-
Bashir was indicted by the international criminal Africa's longest civil war, which cost an esti- Northern and southern leaders still have to ploitation. Mr. Bashir, who campaigned for unity,
court for war crimes and crimes against human- mated two million lives. agree on their shared border, how they will split later announced he would accept a separation
ity. oil revenues after secession and the ownership vote.
Mr. Kiir, the head of the former southern rebel of the disputed Abyei region.
The full text of the Reuters report Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), Chan Reek Madut, the deputy head of the refer-
praised his former foe, Sudanese President "I am so happy. Imagine having schools, no endum commission, told the crowd 99.57% of
Jason Benham And Jeremy Clarke, Reuters · Omar Hassan al-Bashir, for agreeing to the fear, no war. Imagine feeling like any other peo- voters in the 10 states of south Sudan voted for
Monday, Jan. 31, 2011 2005 accord. ple in their own country," student Santino Anei, independence.
19, told Reuters.
South Sudan almost unanimously voted to de- "Omar al-Bashir took the bold decision to bring Commission spokesman George Makuer said
clare independence from the north in a referen- peace. Bashir is a champion and we must stand United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon the 98.83% figure published on the website in-
dum, officials said on Sunday, sparking mass with him," said Mr. Kiir, speaking in a mixture of welcomed the peaceful vote but told an African cluded votes from southerners in north Sudan
celebrations in the southern capital Juba. English and the local Union summit in Addis Ababa he was still con- and eight other countries.
cerned about the unresolved issues.
Thousands cheered, danced and ululated after South Sudanese celebrate as preliminary re-
officials announced the first official preliminary sults indicate 98.83% voted for independence. Washington's Sudan envoy Scott Gration told

cwq;fh cz;ikfspd; tw;whj Cw;W - jkpoPo muR

20 ij khjk; 31, 2011 jkpoPo muR - Thamileela Arasu

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