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“A glossary based on

things about civil

The civil engineer is a polyphasic professional because he can
hold positions in different labor fields. Due to this, it is
imperative that the engineering student has English
proficiency so that when he becomes a professional he
Hurtado Carrero Wilson receives good job offers both nationally and in other fields.


Definition: A sewer is a factory work destined to evacuate
Definition: Square stone or board that ends the capital of a domestic wastewater or other types of wastewater.
column to increase the area of contact between the
column and the beams, It was very used by the romans Example: The sewer is necessary to evacuate unnecessary
Example: The abacus is a fundamental piece for the water in all construction.
construction in the area of columns and beams.

Definition: Bottom of the window or coronation of the sill, which Definition: Metallic profiles used in ornamentation and for the
leaves uncovered the thickness of the wall or wall. construction of structural works.
Example: The sill is to give a design to the bottom of a window Example: For structural works we must have angles

Anglen Finishn
/æŋ.ɡ l/
Angulo Acabado.
Definition: Any completion of a job in which decorative elements Acarreo.
are used.
Definition: Transportation of materials from the evacation or
Example: the moldings on doors, windows, lintels, corners, etc. production sites
with all the work that Is done to finish the works
Example: The machinery removes the material from the work

Haulagen Throttlen
/ˈhɔː.lɪdʒ/ /ˈθrɒt.əl/
Acelerador Definition: installation of public service that goes from the
distribution network of the service company to the
Definition: substance that when added to concrete, mortar or building
plaster, increases the hydration ratio of a hydraulic
cement, decreases the setting time or increases the Example: with the task we take energy to the work
hardening time
Example: It is used to accelerate the setting in concrete

Rushn /ˈæd.ɪ.tɪv/
/rʌʃ/  Aditivos.
Definition: Material different from the aggregate, used to modify, Definition: Piece for construction made of a mass of mud (clay and
improve or impart special properties to concrete sand) mixed with straw, molded in the shape of brick
mixtures. and dried in the sun
Example: we use it for the improvement of concrete. Example: we use it for building walls

Definition: They are stones or blocks that are styled and rectangular Definition: The anchors are a constructive system for Deep
Foundations that work as support and subjection
Example: we use it in the construction of pavements as finishes
Example: Used to join metal profiles or construction works.

Anchoragen Harnessn
/ˈæŋ.kər.ɪdʒ/  /ˈhɑː.nəs/ 
Anclaje Arnés
Definition: Clamping device intended to stop falls, that is, Definition: Mixture of this mineral with lime, sand and other
component of an anti-fall system. substances that is used mainly in the paving of public
Example: Heavy duty straps that fit a person's trunk and legs for
safety Example: The asphalt is used to build roads or roads

Asphaltn Cofferdamn
Definition: Provisional structure, similar to a dike, which is built
round an excavation to reject the wáter
Definition: There is a system of pipes called downpipes that channel
Example: They use to generally channel water flows. its use is water from the gutter to the lowest part of the building
common when Works are carried out in riverbeds
Example: It is used to collect sewage.

/ˈdaʊn.paɪp/  Beaconn
Bajantes /ˈbiː.kən/
Baliza Calicata
Definition: A beacon is a signaling object, used to indicate a Definition: They are one of the prospecting techniques used to
geographical location or a situation of potential danger. facilitate the geotechnical recognition, pedological or
pedological study of a terrain.
Example: In topography is used more to find sites in relation
faster. Example: It is used for the exploration of a land by means of an
auger or a probe to know the minerals it contains

Pitn Shoelacen
/pɪt/ /ˈʃuː.leɪs/ 
Calzadura Caballete
Definition: They are temporary structures that are designed and built to Definition: It is a piece of furniture that constitutes a vertical aid to
support the neighboring foundations and the exposed Wall display or fix something that rests on it.
floor, product of the excavations carried out.
Example: The hair is necessary to support things that we will exhibit
Example: Prevent failures due to instability or excessive settlement and later
maintain the integration of the adjacent land and existing

Easeln Quarryn
/iː.z l/ə
Definition: It is a mining operation, generally in the open, in Definition: Small hand truck, usually with a single wheel, with a
which industrial, ornamental or arid rocks are drawer to put the load and in the back two poles to
obtained. steer it and two feet on which it rests, used in the
works to move sand and other materials.
Example: In the quarries we can find all kinds of aggregates
Example: The truck is important to move any type of material
in all construction

Wheelbarrown /ɡæŋ/
Definition: Group of people destined to carry out a series of Empalme
determined deconstruction works.
Definition: Union or link of two things
Example: The gangs are divided to do the work assigned to
Example: The joint is necessary to join two things
each of them

Splicen Pulleyn
/splaɪs/ / ˈpo͝ olē /
Polea Aglomerante
Definition: A wheel with a grooved rim around which a cord
passes It acts to change the direction of a force
Definition: Material consisting of fragments or powder of one or
applied to the cord and is chiefly used (typically in
more substances (sand, gravel, wood, etc.) pressed
combination) to raise heavy weights.
and hardened with a binder, such as cement or lime,
Example: We use the pulley for engineering work which is used in construction and carpentry.
Example: we use agglomerates in concrete mixtures.

Definition: A close-fitting waist-length garment, typically having no
sleeves or collar and buttoning down the front.
Definition: Aggregates are defined as a collection of particles of
various sizes that can be found in nature, whether in the Example: We use vest to attend various construction Works
form of fines, sands and gravels or as a result of rock
Example: we use aggregates in road construction

Vestn Helmetn
/vest/ /ˈhel.mət

Chaleco Casco
Definition: Rigid head protection add-on Definition: a large machine for digging and moving earththat
consists of a large bucket on the end of
an arm attached to a vehicle
Example: The engineer uses the helmet to protect himself when
going to a work
Example: The backhoe is used to excavate the work

Definition: Instrument whose purpose is the measurement of Definition: A small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-
unevenness between oints that are at different heights dried clay, used in building.
or the transfer of dimensions from a known point to
Example: The bricklayer uses brick for walls or walls constructions
another unknown.
Example: we use to know if the points that are used in this work are
in the appropriate height

/brɪk/ Cementn
Ladrillo /sɪˈment/
Definition: a powdery substance made with calcined lime and clay. Definition: a tool with a broad flat blade and typically upturned
It is mixed with a water to form mortar or mixed with sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow or other
sand, gravel, and water to make concrete. material
Example: The workers use the shovel to move the material
Example: The workers use cement to make the concrete mix

Shoveln /sænd/
/ˈʃʌv. l/
Definition: A loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish Definition: Serves to hold elements of topography.
brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous and
Example: We use the tripod to place the theodolite or topographic
other rocks.
level for Works.
Example: They use the sand to make the corresponding concrete

Tripodn Milestonen
Definition: A stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in Definition: An instrument containing a magnetized pointer that
miles to a particular place. shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from
Example: we set a milestone to locate distances in miles.
example: The compass is used in topography to know the
directions of magnetic north.

Compassn Regla
Definition: A straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or Definition: A tool with a heavy metal head mounted at right angles
other rigid material typically marked at regular intervals, at the end of a handle, used for jobs such as breaking
to draw straight lines or measure distances. things and driving in nails.
Example: The engineer's rule is used to make traces or find Example: we use the hammer to nail nails

Hammern Woodn
/ˈhæm.ər/ /wʊd/
Martillo Madera
Definition: The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance Definition: Scaffolding is called a provisional construction, fixed or
of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub mobile, which serves as an auxiliary for the execution of
Example: wood is used mostly for support in the filling of columns.
Example: The scaffolding is used to execute parts of a work that
are difficult to reach

Definition: The lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically Definition: Procedure of applying energy to the soil to eliminate
below ground level. empty spaces thus increasing its density
Example: Use the foundation for the start of a work to be carried Example: Compaction is used for the improvement of soil
out. engineering

Compactionn Stirrupn
/kəmˈpæk.ʃ n/ ə
Compactación Estribo
Definition: Structural element formed by rod or wire, used to join the Definition: A skylight or skylight is a small window located on the
reinforcement of rods inside a structure, roof or top of a wall
Example: It´s function is to confine the concrete that falls inside Example: mostly built to provide more light to the romos
this element and thus avoid its expansion avoiding a
structural failure.

Definition: It is classified as a surface foundation for construction of Definition: Rigid architectural element, generally horizontal,
a house whether it is going to be constructed of one or designed to support and transmit the transversal loads to
two floors as appropriate, depending on the type of soil which it is subjected to the support elements.
Example: It is very important to hold the weight of the Example: they use it for constructions in which they make it work
constructions to support flexible loads

Beamn Shoen
/biːm/ /ʃuː/
Viga Zapata
Definition: Horizontal piece that is placed on a column and on which Definition: Excavation of earth that is carried out in a certain
rests an upper structure, especially a beam. environment
Example: can be used in reasonably homogeneous soils and Example: This is important in order to lower the ground level
medium or high compression strengths.

Clearancen DemolishV
/ˈklɪə.r ns/
/ dɪˈmɒl·ɪʃ /
Definition: To destroy something such as a building
Example: They continued their demolition work on the bathroom Definition: An upright pillar, typically cylindrical and made of
floor. stone or concrete, supporting an entablature, arch, or
other structure or standing alone as a monument.
Example: The column supports the structure of the house.

Columnn Formworkn
/ for´mwork /
/ ˈkɒl·əm /
Definition: Is the term used for the process of creating a Example: Pedro makes the ceramic plating.
temporary mould into which concrete is poured and
Example: They made the formwork in the building.

/ Stiːl /
/ ˈplādiNG /
DEFINITION: A hardistrong, gray or bluish-gray alloy of iron witch
Definition: A thin layer of wood, ceramic or other metal. carboon.
EXAMPLE: The steel is resistant.

Lightenv Excavationn
/ ˈlaɪ·Tən / / ˌeks.Kəˈveɪ.Ʃən /

Aligerado. Excavacion.

DEFINITION: Make or become lighter in weight, pressure, or DEFINITION: A site that is being or has been excavated.
severity. EXAMPLE: The workers carried out the excavation.
EXAMPLE: They realized the structure of the lightened ceiling.
Excavatorn / Kreɪn /
/ ˈek.skə.veɪ.tər / Grúa.
Excavadora. DEFINITION: Machine that serves to lift or transport from one place
to another very heavy things; It is usually formed by a metal
DEFINITION: a large machine for removing soil from the ground,
structure with a horizontal mobile arm from which hangs a cable
especially on a building site.
with a hook.
EXAMPLE: The laying of the sewerage network was carried out with
EXAMPLE: The crane is used to load and unload construction
an excavator.
/ˈtɪp.Ə / Mototraillan
Volquete. /’Moto’traila/
DEFINITION: A vehicle to transport or deposit the load of materials. Mototrailla.

EXAMPLE: The tipper transports from the ground. DEFINITION: These machines are used to cut uniform layers of
terrains of a smooth consistency, opening the blade that is on the
front of the container.

EXAMPLE: The mototrailla is used for road construction.

Tilen Shoringn
/ Taɪl / / ˈshōldər /
DEFINITION: Holding something with struts, specifically a building
DEFINITION: A thin rectangular slab of baked clay, concrete, or
to reinforce or to not collapse
other material.
EXAMPLE: Shoring was carried out in the adjoining house.
EXAMPLE: They used red tile to cover the floor.
/ˈfɪʃ.Ər/ Guttersn
DEFINITION: a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by
cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth. Canaletas.

EXAMPLE: The wall presents fissure. DEFINITION: A shallow trough fixed beneath the edge of a roof for
carrying off rainwater.
EXAMPLE: Workers repair the gutters.
Splicev Toiletn
/ Splaɪs/ / ˈtɔɪ.Lət /
Empalme. Inodoro.
DEFINITION: Join or connect (to rope or ropes) by interweaving the DEFINITION: A fixed receptacle into which a person may urinate or
strands. defecate, typically consisting of a large bowl connected to a system
EXAMPLE: Make splices for the second floor column. for flushing away the waste into a sewer or septic tank.
EXAMPLE: Pedro installed the toilet.
Mortarn Pilen
/ ˈmɔː.Tər / / Paɪl /
Mortero. Pilote.

DEFINITION: Mixing of various materials, such as lime or cement, DEFINITION: Pilar buried in a field, there are two basic types of
sand and water. piles according to their way of working.

EXAMPLE: Use mortar to raise bricks on the wall. EXAMPLE: Engineers use foundation piles for construction.
Postn. / ˈpɔː.Səl.ɪn /
/ Pəʊst / Porcelanato.
Poste. DEFINITION: It is an evolution of enameled ceramics; It is a product
of high resistance to abrasión.
DEFINITION: A long, sturdy piece of timber or metal set upright in
the ground and used to support something or as a marker. EXAMPLE: The room with porcelain tile.
EXAMPLE: They made the installation of the post in the streets.
/ ˈaɪən.Wɜːk / Switchn
Herraje. / Swɪtʃ /
DEFINITION: Things made of iron such as gates, especially if made Interruptor.
in a decorated way.
DEFINITION: a small device, usually pushed up or down with your
EXAMPLE: The ironwork used for door ornaments. finger, that controls and turns on or off an electric current.
EXAMPLE: Switches are connected in the kitchen
/ Paɪp /
Tubería. / Skeɪl /
DEFINITION: A long tube that liquid or gas can move through. Escala.

EXAMPLE: Install the pipe for the sewer system. DEFINITION: The set of numbers, amounts, etc. used to measure
or compare the level of something
EXAMPLE: Students make a 1:50 scale drawing.
Water Tablen
/ˈwɔː.Tə ˌteɪ.Bəl/
/ ˈwɜːk·Fɔːs /
Nivel Freático.
Mano De Obra.
DEFINITION: The level below the surface of the ground at which
DEFINITION: The number of workers (available for work) in a you start to find wáter.
particular industry, factory etc
EXAMPLE: The land has water table.
EXAMPLE: The construction has a workforce of about 20 people.
/ Dʒiˈɒl.Ə.Dʒi / Watern
Geología. / ˈwɔː.Tər /
DEFINITION: the study of the rocks and similar substances that Agua.
make up the earth's surface:
DEFINITION: A clear liquid, without colour or taste, that falls from
EXAMPLE: The engineer teaches geology to his students. the sky as rain and is necessary for animal and plant life:
EXAMPLE: The water is used to mix the concrete.
Filtrationn Durabilityn
/ Fɪlˈtreɪ.Ʃən /
/ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti /
DEFINITION: The act of passing a liquid or gas through a piece of
equipment in order to remove solid pieces or other substances. DEFINITION: the fact of something continuing to be used without
getting damaged:
EXAMPLE: Moisture by filtration in walls and walls.
EXAMPLE: Durability in reinforced concrete structures.
/ ˈmeɪ.sən /
/ ˈbɪl·Dɪŋ /
DEFINITION: A person who constructs something by putting parts
or material together over a period of time. Edificio.
EXAMPLE: The mason builds houses. DEFINITION: A structure with a roof and walls, such as a house,
school, store, or factory.
EXAMPLE: The engineer designed a 3-story building.
/ Kənˈstrʌk·Ʃən /
/ haʊs/

DEFINITION: The building of something, typically a large structure. Casa.

EXAMPLE: The building has more than 50 years of construction. DEFINITION: A building for human habitation, especially one that is
lived in by a family or small group of people.
EXAMPLE: My house has a terrace.
Bermn /ˈtʃæn.əl/ 
/bərm/ Canal.
Berma. Definition: It is a ditch built to receive and channel medium or small
amounts of water from natural terrain or other drainage works.
Definition: Longitudinal strip, parallel and adjacent to the running
surface of the road Example: used for water and that unlike pipes, it is open to the
Example: serves as a confinement of the rolling layer and is used as
a safety zone for parking vehicles in case of emergency.
Conglomeraten Curtainsn
/kənˈɡlɒm. r.ət/
Conglomerado. Cortinas.
Definition: Clastic sedimentary rock, composed of boulders Definition: Portion of wall between any two elements that break the
cemented in a thin matrix that can be calcareous or silicose. uniformity of the wall such as towers, cubes, corners or cliffs.
Example: The earth is a specialized conglomerate of organisms. Example: It is designed to support large volumes of water, so that it
can be controlled and used for other purposes such as irrigation.
Collapsen Cornern
/kəˈlæps/ /ˈkɔː.nə /

Colapso. Esquina.
Definition: Detachment and precipitation of land and stone masses, Definition: Solid concrette structure, thickness of 1 to 2 inches under
hindering the free movement of vehicles on the road. construction.
Example: happens when the concrete blocks are not well built Example: piece that is put in the corners.
Formworkn Guttersn
/ˈfaɪə.wɜːk/  /ˈɡʌt.ər/
Encofrado. Canaletas.
Definition: A formwork is the system of temporary or permanent Definition: Open channels built laterally along the road
molds that are used to shape concrete.
Example: with the purpose of driving surface and sub-surface runoff
Example: Temporary supports to keep the concrete cool in place. from the road platform
Granulometryn Limestonen
/ˈɡræn.jəˈlær.ə.t/ /ˈlaɪm.stəʊn/ 
Granulometria. Caliza.
Definition: measurement and grading that takes place of the grains Definition: Rock of sedimentary origin composed essentially of
of a sedimentary formation, of the sedimentary materials calcium carbonate (calcite) from mechanical accumulation of
fragments of this mineral, by chemical precipitation.
Example: analysis, both of its origin and its mechanical properties,
and the calculation of abundance. Example: It is used for the stabilization of floors and roads.
Definition: mud formed by clay mixed by organic.
Example: remains that is deposited in the bottom of ponds or in the
floods of rivers.

Definition: Smooth, hard and resistant layer of asphalt, cement,
wood, paving stones or other materials with which the floor is
covered so that it is firm and flat.
Example: structure built on the subgrade of the road, to resist and
distribute the efforts caused by the vehicles.
Definition: Construction that rises over a depression of the land
(river, canal, moat, etc.) or another site to communicate two sides.
Example: helps the transfer from one place to another in which it is

Definition: Land route for the transit of motorized and non-motorized
vehicles, pedestrians and animals, with the exception of railways.
Example: built primarily for the circulation of automotive vehicles

Definition: Heap of land with which a hole is filled or that rises for a
certain purpose
Example: Land that is filled in with land to raise its level and form a
suitable support plane to do a work.

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