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Many cities suffer from traffic-related problems. What problems does traffic
cause in cities and what are the possible solutions?

1. Viết đoạn mở bài

Nowadays almost every city in the world has to face with traffic related problems.
This essay will describe some problems caused by traffic and suggest some
possible solutions to overcome them.
2. Viết đoạn thân bài 1 sử dụng những gợi ý sau
-Traffic jams are caused by too many cars and lorries. The number of vehicles
allowed into city centres should be limited to reduce the amount of traffic.
-Traffic problems in cities increase journey times to work and school. People
should pay to drive into cities during busy times such as mornings and evenings.
Firstly, one of the most obvious problems in big cities is traffic jams. They are
caused by too many cars and lorries, especially during rush hours. It can easily be
seen that a long line of vehicles gets stuck in the traffic. As a result, it takes longer
time to get to work or school. A solution to this problem is to limit the number of
vehicles allowed in city centres to reduce the amount of traffic. Moreover, people
should pay to drive into cities during busy times such as mornings and evenings.
By doing this, more money can be raised to invest in public transport.
3. Viết đoạn thân bài 2 sử dụng những gợi ý sau
-Air pollution caused by traffic has increased health problems. Environmentally-
friendly cars should be cheaper/ public transport should be more reliable and
Another worrying trend is that air pollution caused by traffic has increased health
problems. For example, people in big cities seem to suffer from respiratory
diseases more often than those in the countryside. To tackle this problem, the
government should help to produce cheaper environmentally friendly cars. Also,

public transport should be more reliable and efficient so that people would rely on
public transport more. This would lead to a reduction in the amount of traffic and
air pollution would be decreased consequently.
4. Viết kết bài
In conclusion, traffic problems such as traffic jams and air pollution are very
common in cities. I believe that if the suggested measures are taken, these
problems will be resolved.

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