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Construction Module: Define: Project Write-Up

Jessica Dominguez

November 8, 2020

What is your Area of Interest?

The area that sparked interest to me is related to sports. I decided to find out the issues
with Major League Baseball and the effects of how it proceeded in 2020 and how it may
continue on.

Description of the Area of Interest

I decided to do my area of interest on baseball in particular Major League Baseball and

how changes to the 2020 season changed some areas in the game. MLB sparked my
interest because with the recent conclusion of baseball season and the World Series; I
wondered if it would have been different if they had kept the original set up. The rules
changed for the game to accommodate for the Covid induced short season. But, there
were other things that arose such as minimal consequences for players that were
involved with cheating, ball players at lower divisions not getting paid their contract
wages due to no games, and how social justice movements presented themselves in
professional sports or the drop in fans. I enjoyed covering this topic because I am a
huge baseball fan that has drawn concerns about all the changes to the sport.

Target Audience

I was eager to hear from baseball enthusiasts who actually work in the field. I was able
to host an interview with Tito who works for the local Minor League ball club of the El
Paso Chihuahuas. I figured this would have drawn in an audience that enjoys watching
baseball because he works for a ball club. The target audience is for baseball fans that
watch the sport. In sending out the survey, I targeted mainly those friends and family
members that are sports fans.

Major League Baseball is the main source of interest in how they are angeleing a new
direction that fans should be aware of. The end user that would benefit from finding
understanding in a solution would be the fans. They would have to be able to adapt to
the upcoming changes and become familiar with the technological advancements that
would be offered. For example, “MLB Filmroom at, with a catalog of more
than 3 million videos that users can curate into personalized playlists and post to social
media (Morosi, para.11). With fans having access to innovative ways that can empower
them in sharing their interest for baseball that can transcend into new fandom.

Projected Outcome and Benefit

In MLB, there are solutions to keeping the game the way it was meant to be played or
there can be an advantage to subtle changes.With the League offering new
technological advancements, fans will be bound to see better outcomes. The main
problem was the decline in fans for the younger generation, but with new systems that
can engage interest in millennials, Generation Z and beyond it is sure to see an
increase. In paving a way to increase viewership or ballpark attendance, technology
such as instant replay and offering team managers a faster way to challenge a play will
help with speedy and accurate readings on the field.In reviewing the responses they
were overwhelmingly positive about baseball. Overall, whether we like the rules
changed in baseball it can only help with the progression of trying to make it more
captivating for entertainment.


Morosi, J. P. (2020, July 20). Technological updates for season revealed. Retrieved from

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