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Alisa Fontes


To whom it may concern

I am your PSI student this fall; I am happy to make your acquaintance. So many of my life experiences

have brought me here on the path to teaching. I cannot thank you enough for opening your classroom

to me and sharing your knowledge.

I spent most of my life in Chestermere, Alberta, where I attended the same small Catholic school from

kindergarten to grade twelve. Having graduated from the same school that I learned to read and write

at was a unique experience that I am incredibly grateful for. I had the pleasure of learning from so

many excellent teachers during my time there, and it is these educators who inspired me to pursue

teaching as a career.

When I started university in 2016, I was originally a pre-education, math major. However, after taking

‘Introduction to Sociology’ in my first semester, I fell in love with the discipline. I switched my major

after discovering I could still pursue teaching with a major in sociology. Since starting university, I have

enjoyed volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters Lethbridge as an in-school mentor. This position

gave me the chance to organize one-hour long activities for my mentee every week. Sadly, that match

came to an end in April due to COVID-19. Since then, I have accepted a council position with the

Education Undergraduate Society here at the university. When I am not studying, I may be found

painting, reading, or watching a new television show.

I want to be a teacher because I love learning, and I think there is something so special about being

able to help someone learn and grow. I can only imagine how difficult this year has been for you thus

far – teaching during a pandemic – so thank you again for allowing me to learn from you. I look forward

to connecting with you soon and meeting your students!


Alisa Fontes
Student Teacher
University of Lethbridge

Lethbridge, Alberta

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