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SOROS and the DALAI LAMA raw data dig

Soros & the Dali Lama

Including Obama Branson Ranieri Clinton Giustra Buck & Bean Pelosi Feinstein Blum
and a hose of other decrepit customers. You’ll have to DIG thru this batch of
research links to find where and how they are associated….hopefully finding
some fascinating clues along the way~

CNN reported on just how connected to Democrats, including the President, Bean was:
Bean, a real-estate developer and co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and the
Human Rights Campaign, is a powerful figure in Democratic politics.
The Oregonian reported that he helped raise more than half a million dollars for Obama’s 2012
re-election campaign, and Federal Election Commission records show he’s contributed
thousands to Democrats, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid and others.
Obama’s LGBT campaign contributors
Photos posted online show him with the Obamas, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and
aboard Air Force One with the President.
In remarks at a 2009 Human Rights Campaign dinner, President Obama thanked Bean, calling
him a “great friend and supporter.”

Frank Giustra Talks Gold …as Mueller is invoked…

Jun 27, 2017
Guest(s): Frank Giustra Co-founder, The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership

After a long hiatus, Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra is back to talk about his first love: gold. The Lions Gate
founder, now Leagold Mining chairman, shares his thoughts on the metals and mining industry, which he thinks are
getting ready to take off. His latest venture, Leagold -- a mid-tier gold producer based in Mexico -- acquired
Goldcorp’s Los Filos mine for $350 million this year. What will he be up to next? And why is he so bullish on gold?
Find out! This interview was initially split into parts; catch PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3 & Part 4 here. (show less)


Frank Giustra RANIERI NXIVM &

**Re: Dalai Lama the two faced monk?

« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2017, 03:07:46 PM »

Where the tree falls, there it will lie.

In the case of HH Dalai Lama, the tree falls in the direction of Richard Blum
investment banker tycoon, his wife Senator Dianne Feinstein and their
candidate for President, Hillary Clinton. No wonder HHDL was making fun of
President Donald Trump.
Re: Dalai Lama the two faced monk?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2017, 02:09:35 AM » RICHARD BLUM(Feinstein spouse)

Both Clinton and Feinstein maniacally tried do depose Syria's President

Assad, therefore showing their allegiance to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State,
and obviously to Israel which is behind both.

Therefore, no wonder that such terrorism-supporting politicians support the

evil dalie, and no wonder that the evil dalie looks for their support.
below for more on this)

Re: Dalai Lama the two faced monk?

« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2017, 01:20:43 AM »

Meanwhile, here follow a few suggestions for the evil dalie's next
impersonation (starring the war criminal Hillary Clinton and her and
the evil dalie's puppet-master, the billionaire George Soros).

Let's not forget that the daughter of George Soros own and runs with papi's
dirty money a NGO (“Trace Foundation”) precisely in those Tibetan areas
where all those gruesome self-immolations without an exception come from.

Let's not forget either that the same Soros's daughter owns and runs with
papi's dirty money the nest of anti-Shugden maniac extremists known as
“Tsadra Foundation”.

And finally let's not forget that the evil dalie is a known lackey under
the orders of the very same terrorist financier George Soros, whence
the evil dalie's consistent support to the Islamic State and al-Qaeda-
linked terrorist in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China's Xinjiang, and so-

Anyway, here follow the promised pictures for the evil dalie's next
impersonation! READ:

The Dalai Lama was paid $1 million to travel

to America to endorse a controversial 'sex
cult' that brainwashes and brands women, can reveal.|
11 mins read
The religious leader was paid to speak at an event hosted by NXIVM - a self-help organization
described by former members as a 'sex cult'.
The deal saw the Dalai Lama speak to 3,000 followers of NXIVM and place a khata - a
traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf - around the neck of the group's founder, Keith Raniere.
Raniere's supporters described the visit by the Buddhist leader as a 'victory'.
Former computer programmer Raniere founded NXIVM in 1998, as a 'personal and professional
development program' which he sold as Executive Success Programs, alongside his business
partner, ex-nurse Nancy Salazman. It is pronounced 'nexium'.

Triumph: This is the moment the Dalai Lama met Keith Raniere, the leader of NXIVM, the self-
help organization accused of being a sex cult which brands women. It was the culmination of a
$1 million gift to the Buddhist leader for his good causes and hailed as a victory by NXIVM
Prestige: The Dalai Lama appeared on stage at an event hosted by NXIVM after Sara Bronfman,
(circled) billionaire heiress to the Seagram fortune, visited the Buddhist leader as part of a
delegation which offered him $1 million to attend the Albany, new York, gathering
In the front row: As the Dalai Lama spoke, the controversial leader of NXIVM was sitting
closest to the stage. He is now accused of running a sex cult which brands women and treats
them as his personal sexual property
Relationship: Sara Bronfman is said in court papers to have been the lover of Lama Tenzin
Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's emissary to the United States. He was removed from his post in
November over allegations
PR triumph: Pictures from the event were released by the 'World Ethical Foundations
Consortium', which is part of NXIVM
Branded: These are some of the signs which have been branded on women in the 'cult', according
to whistleblower Frank Parlato. He says that the signs are designed to have the letters KR for
Keith Raniere, or AM for Allison Mack, the Smallville actress who is also involved in it
The ambitious group holds seminars and training programs for people 'concerned with
developing their skills' and claims to have worked with more than 16,000 people in 30 countries.
But in recent years NXIVM has been exposed as a 'sex cult' with several former members lifting
the lid on its dark side.
Some members are allegedly blackmailed, branded and beaten with paddles and at least two
Hollywood actresses are among 70 to 80 women 'trapped' in the group.
Raniere also has a group of wealthy female recruits - including Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare
Bronfman - who have plowed millions of dollars into NXIVM's unorthodox practices.
Now can disclose the extraordinary steps NXIVM execs have taken to further the
NXIVM cause worldwide.
The pièce de résistance of their grand plan to make NXIVM a global brand was to convince the
Dalai Lama to speak at an event they were hosting in Albany, New York in 2009.
The plot involved wooing the Tibetan Buddhist leader's American aide; expensive gifts and
foreign travel; an alleged steamy affair with the heiress to a drinks fortune, and claims of broken
vows of celibacy.
It raises questions over exactly what the Dalai Lama was told before he appeared at the event in
NXIVM's hometown, and whether he was duped into giving a powerful propaganda victory to an
organization under increasing scrutiny for its treatment of women. has learned that the deal was set up by the Dalai Lama's self-styled 'personal
emissary of peace' to the U.S., Lama Tenzin Dhonden. He was replaced last month amid
accusations of corruption.
The Dalai Lama Trust removed Dhonden as its executive secretary, pending an investigation,
following claims that the monk abused his position as a gatekeeper to the Nobel Peace Prize
According to court testimony Dhonden and Sara Bronfman were 'closely associated' and
Dhonden agreed to help promote NXIVM. 
The monk arranged for Bronfman and her sister Clare Bronfman as well as Nancy Salzman,
president of NXIVM, to travel to Dharmsala in India to meet with the Dalai Lama.
There they expressed their desire to invite His Holiness to Albany to meet controversial NXIVM
leader Raniere and offered to make a suitable contribution to the Dalai Lama for his worthwhile
causes. understands that offer exceeded $1million.
But, according to sources, what had been planned as a four-day trip to the U.S. visiting
prestigious colleges alongside Raniere was suddenly cancelled after local media in Albany, N.Y.,
highlighted the Dalai Lama's upcoming visit to the 'cult'. 
Island retreat: Sarah Bronfman traveled with other family members and the Dalai Lama's
representative, Lama Tonzin Dohnden who was allegedly her lover, to Necker in the British
Virgin Islands, where she spent time with its owner, Virgin billionaire Sir Richard Branson

Island retreat: Sarah Bronfman traveled with other family members and the Dalai Lama's
representative, Lama Tonzin Dohnden who was allegedly her lover, to Necker in the
British Virgin Islands, where she spent time with its owner, Virgin billionaire Sir Richard
Meet the family: Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's emissary to the United States,
was on Necker not just with Sara Bronfman, his alleged lover, but her mother Georgina
Bronfman, who is married to British actor Nigel Havers
Gangs all here: Also on the Necker trip with Lama Tenzin Dhonden, was Allison Mack,
actress who is claimed to be deputy leader of the NXIVM' cult'
Triumph: The endorsement of the Dalai Lama included writing a foreword to a book by
Keith Raniere
Concerned over the negative media attention, the Buddhist leader decided against the visit
and publicly announced the trip was canceled.
But it is understood that the Bronfman sisters later flew back to India, this time with
NXIVM leader Raniere in tow, in a bid to convince the religious leader the press coverage
was inaccurate.
Following the meeting the Dalai Lama agreed to attend a one day event during spare time in a
scheduled trip to the U.S. which was centered on visiting Harvard University, in Massachusetts.
Bronfman called the u-turn a success in a post on her blog. 'After an onslaught of negative
articles and powerful local personalities voicing their lack of support for his proposed visit, His
Holiness postponed until the truth became evident,' she wrote.
'In the end the truth prevailed, but in the process we lost participants, money and good faith.'
In a YouTube video of the event held at the Palace Theater in Albany on May 6, 2009, Raniere
can be seen in the audience on the front row as the Dalai Lama speaks.
Sara Bronfman and sister Clare can be seen up on stage alongside the Tibetan Buddhist leader.
However, the event seemingly backfired for NXIVM when the Dalai Lama, during a question
and answer, was asked about his canceled visit.
The 81-year-old said of Raniere and NXIVM: 'If you have done something wrong, you must
accept, you must admit, change, make correction. If you have not done (anything wrong), make
clear all these allegations (are untrue), truthfully, honestly, openly, transparently.'
Then he asked the media to investigate Raniere and report the truth of their findings. 
Despite the rebuke, sources claim the visit was seen as a significant 'endorsement' by senior
NXIVM members.
Raniere was even called on stage and His Holiness placed a khata - a traditional ceremonial
Tibetan scarf - around his neck in what was seen bt NIXVM as a powerful symbolic gesture.
And on April 13 2009 the Dalai Lama wrote and signed off on the foreword for a book co-
authored by Raniere called The Sphinx & Thelxiepeia.
After the visit Sara Bronfman wrote on her blog that the visit was a 'victory for us' and that she
was proud to have been part of this 'great feat'. 
Her sister Clare wrote on her blog: 'His coming brought about a certain contradiction: what is
written about NXIVM, Keith, Sara and myself in the press – being labeled as a cult – and a
world leader showing his support for us after thorough investigation.'
..CLASSIC demPlaybook~
According to court documents, Raniere has 'swallowed up' more than $150 million of the
Bronfman sisters' fortune.
What's more Sara Bronfman, it appears, was instrumental in securing the Dalai Lama trip for
According to court documents seen by it is alleged the Dalai Lama's aide
Dhonden - who as a Buddhist monk took a vow of celibacy - was having an affair with
Bronfman at the time the deal was struck.
In fact Dhonden, 53, became so close to Bronfman, 41, that she allegedly purchased a house for
him in Half Moon, New York.
He is also believed to have spent time at her condo in Colonie, upstate New York, as well as her
Manhattan condo in Trump International on Central Park West, which she sold in 2014 for $8.8
If Bronfman did indeed buy Dhonden a property it raises further questions over his role with
the Dalai Lama Trust and how he benefited from the deal with NXIVM.
A former publicist who worked for NXIVM in 2007 and 2008 has told that Sara
Bronfman first met Dhonden, known as Lama Tenzin,  in Idaho in 2007.
'Sara told Lama Tenzin that the Dalai Lama might find NXIVM's tools useful,' he said

Right hand man: Lama Tendzin Dhoden was the Dalai Lama's long-term representative in
the United States but was removed from his office over claims of corruption
'He visited Sara in Albany and met NXIVM members including Keith [Raniere] in 2008. Keith
thought that the Dalai Lama should come to Albany since his teachings were consonant with his
'He wanted a 'higher power' endorsement and the Dalai Lama was perfect. Sara and Clare
worked on the deal for over a year, and I was told by high ranking NXIVM officials that
they donated a million dollars to the Dalai Lama Trust to make the visit happen.'
Parlato alleges that Sara Bronfman quickly became intimate with Dhonden while trying to win
him over.
He said: 'He's clearly not a true monk because we all knew he was having an affair with Sara
and it was ill disguised.
'NXIVM members have said they had seen Lama Tenzin at Sara's house coming out of her
bedroom, it was an open secret that they were having an affair, everyone was talking about it.
Keith would call him Sara's 'husband'.'
Susan Dones, a former top ranking member of NXIVM, alleged that 'cult' members were aware
that Bronfman and Dhonden were romantically involved.
She told 'They traveled together to California, to Seattle, to Silver Bay, and
Necker Island.
'They were clearly a couple, but this was hidden to outsiders, and probably the Dalai Lama, since
Lama Tenzin was supposed to be a monk, and he would have been defrocked if they found out.'
Parlato says Dhonden traveled with Bronfman to visit Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson at his
luxury resort on Necker Island in the Caribbean.
Photos obtained by show the monk cheek to cheek with Bronfman and posing
with actress and NXIVM member Allison Mack.
Another shot shows the monk hugging Bronfman's mother Georgiana Bronfman, who is married
to British actor Nigel Havers.
And in another photo a smiling Bronfman poses with their host Branson.
According to Parlato, Bronfman broke up with Dhonden some time after the Dalai Lama's visit.
She has since married another man.
Parlato is currently embroiled in a legal battle with NXIVM after being fired after disagreeing
with how the group was run.
He was the first to make claims about the cult's allegedly sordid activities on his website The
Frank Report and says the reality is terrifying.
The women's-only group led by Raniere is known as 'DOS', which Parlato says stands for
'dominus obsequious sororium' - Latin for 'master over the slave women'.
He claims that to join, women are brainwashed into handing over blackmail-worthy material
such as pornographic pictures or financial information.
Once they are a member - or 'slave' - they are allegedly encouraged to recruit new women into
their 'slave pods', stop dating, and be on call 24 hours a day to their 'master'.
If they don't recruit enough 'slaves' or respond to their 'masters' fast enough, they're beaten with
paddles, Parlato claims.

Cult figure: Allison Mack is part of the NXIVM organization and has been accused of being part
of the sex cult critics say operates inside it. The Smallville star  35, most recently had a voice
role in Amazon animation Los in Oz 

Cult claims: Ex-Dallas star Catherine Oxenberg claims that NXIUM has 'brainwashed' her
daughter India Oxenberg

Leader: Keith Raniere claims he is simple running a self-help group and denies claims that he
has a harem of women who willingly sleep with him, believing that they will 'be healed' by
having sex with him, and calling him 'Vanguard'.
Catherine Oxenberg says her daughter is in a sex cult
New members are later taken by surprise, told to strip naked and then forcibly branded,
according to Parlato.
They allegedly have to follow strict 500 to 800 calorie a day diets because leader Raniere prefers
slimmer women and tells his followers that fat 'interferes' with his energy levels.
The controversial leader is also said to have a harem of women who willingly sleep with him,
believing that they will 'be healed' by having sex with the 57-year-old - who they apparently call
The women are branded with the initials KR - after NXIVM founder Keith Raniere. NXIVM has
chapters in the US, Canada and Mexico, and has tried to expand to Ireland.
They also attempted to recruit and hold indoctrination seminars in the UK. Former 'cult' member
Dones said Sara Bronfman flew NXIVM teachers to Belfast, in Northern Ireland, on a private
plane to try to get a NXIVM center established.
'Because of Sara's constant need to publicly worship Raniere, she was out of rapport with the
people of Belfast who thought it was too much like a cult,' said Dones.
'The center was never established.'
NXIVM leaders deny the allegations that their group is a cult.
Since the allegations emerged Raniere has moved from his Albany, New York home to Mexico.
Sources say he fled to escape both the limelight of adverse publicity and the possibility of being
US law enforcement is reportedly investigating Raniere and is focused on allegations of
blackmail and coercive practices including branding.'
Parlato, who has worked to expose the workings of the 'cult', said: 'I have spoken to at least a
dozen escaped members.
'I have seen many texts including correspondence between a 'master' and a 'slave'. I believe there
are currently 70 or 80 women in the cult now - but not all of them have been branded.
'You don't get branded right away. The branding is done by surprise and without disclosure.'
Parlato said Raniere uses self-help courses to recruit rich, famous or good-looking women to his
inner circle.
He said he was retained by NXIVM without a full picture of its acivities. has reached out to the Dalai Lama's office for comment on the NXIVM event and
Dhonden's involvement, but received no response.
Calls and emails to Sara Bronfman and to Dhonden's legal counsel were not returned.
It is not known what the outcome of the Dalai Lama Trust's investigation is or whether they have
reached any conclusions regarding Dhonden.
In recent weeks Dhonden, who lives in La Jolla, outside San Diego, California, has vigorously
denied the corruption accusation, which was made by a Seattle-based philanthropist. He has not
publicly responded to the other allegations.

Soooo.. we decided to look at GIUSTRA now and the Clinton Foundation ties…
since he is = LIONSGATE & considering the hollywod perversions AND the
international travel, etc….remember GIUSTRA HAS HIS OWN PLANE..who flew it
for him?? Maybe PADDOCK????? #LookitUp
Think multiple levels of Trafficking here, in multiple
partnership.html describes how they run the 3 tier operation.

On Course to Becoming the World's Largest Job

Creator APR 23, 2014

1 min read
The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership is trying to prove that creating jobs is the best way to
tackle global poverty.

Walmart is currently the country's largest employer, with some 2.2 million employees all around
the world. If all goes according to plan, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership is poised to
surpass that number within a decade.
Founded by President Bill Clinton and Lionsgate Entertainment founder Frank Giustra, and
backed by billionaire Carlos Slim, CGE is a nonprofit that sets up for-profit businesses in
developing countries such as Haiti and Peru. The mission: create good, local jobs--because a job
is the most valuable thing you can give someone.
"If you can create jobs and can give people source of real income, then poverty will take care of
itself," says Giustra.
Giustra appointed Mark Gunton to be CGE's CEO. It was Gunton who was tasked with coming
up with a replicable model to create a massive number of jobs. "If you want to address poverty at
scale, replication is the most important," Gunton says.
Article continues after video.
Featured Video
Now, there are three types of businesses CGE builds. In places where there's a large but
fragmented agricultural industry, CGE builds supply chain hubs, which process and package
products from local farmers so they can be sold off to large buyers and multiply farmers' income.
In other geographically remote locations, CGE builds distribution centers. These facilities
employ local women to sell products from companies such as Procter & Gamble and Nestle
that want to reach the so-called "bottom-of-the-pyramid." Finally, in places where existing
businesses lack a qualified labor pool, CGE builds training facilities to help the local
population fill those in-demand jobs. Each time one of CGE's students lands a job at, say, a
hotel, CGE earns a fee from that hotel. All three entities are designed to make real money, not
only so they can be self-sustaining, but also to enable CGE to build even more businesses
around the world. 
After just over a year in operation, CGE has built six enterprises, with another six on the way. It's
created nearly 20,000 jobs, trained more than 16,000 people, and has generated more than $13.5
million in income for these workers. Within five years, Gunton says, he hopes to have created
100 enterprises around the world. But perhaps more important, he hopes to influence other
charitable organizations, by proving that combining business and charity is a surefire way to
scale social impact.
"We want to change the whole development paradigm," he says. "You're changing a life when
you're creating a job."


SHALALA: We're not assuming that she's going to get elected, but we have to be
OVERBY: Shalala told NPR the planning began a year ago. One example - the Clinton
Giustra Enterprise Partnership. Since 2007, it's run anti-poverty programs in Latin
America, the Caribbean and Asia. Frank Giustra is a Canadian entrepreneur and
philanthropist. He and Clinton made a promo video for the partnership.
BILL CLINTON: He doesn't want to waste his money, and he doesn't want to waste his
FRANK GIUSTRA: So a lot of the stuff that we don in the Clinton Giustra Enterprise
Partnership is about just creating the opportunity where it didn't exist and let them just
do what they would normally do if they had the opportunity.
OVERBY: Now Shalala said the partnership will end.
SHALALA: That will spin off into a separate non-governmental organization on its own.
The president's name will come off of that.
OVERBY: What will remain are the Clinton Presidential Library and Center in Little
Rock, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and some other domestic programs. The
foundation has played a prominent role in the lives of the Clintons since 1997 when then
President Bill Clinton founded it. ..

WHAT is WJCT – “William Jefferson Clinton…..???”

WJCT is the community-owned and operated public media organization serving

Jacksonville and the First Coast since 1958, using television, radio, digital media, and
live events to help community members learn, share, and grow. For more information
on WJCT’s in-depth programming content, log on to WJCT Online at
 When was WJCT created?
 In October 1973, WJCT produced its first television and radio simulcast of a concert by
the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. In 2014, WJCT spearheaded the Digital
Convergence Alliance Network Operations Center (DCA-NOC), a central master control
operation funded by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
 WJCT - Wikipedia
 See all results for this question

About WJCT

 Melody Shacter
 Matt Rapp
 Daniel Bean *
Immediate Past Chair
 Eric Bilik
 David McGowan
President & CEO
*Remember – unknown relationship bt/n Daniel and Terry… Father Son maybe??

BACK to BEAN now:

Obama backer, Democratic fundraiser Terry Bean ... - CNN

Nov 23, 2014 · A prominent supporter of President Barack Obama and co-founder of the Human Rights
Campaign was arrested last week on charges of sodomy and sexual abuse.

Obama Bundler Terry Bean Indicted on Charges of Sex Abuse ...

Jan 17, 2019 · Terry Bean, the prominent gay rights activist and Obama fundraiser, has been indicted on
charges that he sexually abused a boy under the age of 16. The charges stem from an incident in …
Accused LGBT Child Molester and Obama Bundler Arrested For ...

Nov 01, 2019 · The state Democratic party and several federal officials who have received donations
from Bean have declined to return the money. Here’s Terry Bean chilling on the ramp next to Air Force
One with Obama and ex-Oregon governor John Kitzhaber.
 Author: Brock Simmons

AAanddd link in Epstein & Buck… & Christine Pelosi

Ed Buck - Wikipedia › wiki › Ed_Buck › wiki › Ed_Buck

1. Cached
Edward Bernard Peter Buck (born Buckmelter; August 24, 1954) is an American
businessman, ... On September 17, 2019, Buck was arrested and charged with
three counts of battery causing ... He has donated more than a total of $500,000 to
political candidates and causes, ... Harris, Don; Stanton, Sam (January 6, 1987).
After moving to West Hollywood, California, Buck ran unsuccessfully for city council in 2007. [2] He
formerly served on the steering committee of the Stonewall Democratic Club.[2][10][11] He has donated
more than a total of $500,000 to political candidates and causes, almost all of them linked to the
Democratic Party, including contributions to candidates like Hillary Clinton, Ted Lieu, Pete Aguilar,
Adam B. Schiff, and Raja Krishnamoorthi as well as the Getting Things Done PAC.[2][12]

1. Is Obama Bundler Terrence Bean A 'Gay-Porn Kingpin?' (No ...

Jul 26, 2012 · "Terry Bean serves as the executor of the estate of Charles P. Holmes, an old friend who
died of AIDS over a decade ago in 2000," a spokesman for Bean Investments told The Huffington Post.
"As a favor to his dying friend, Mr. Bean agreed to ensure that the proceeds were distributed to charities
making life better for LGBT people and people ...
2. Epstein, Bean, and Buck: The Democratic Donors' Sex-Creep Club

Jul 10, 2019 · Upon doling out more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama and the Democrats in
2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force One ride with Obama.

Michelle Malkin: Michelle

Malkin / @michellemalkin / July 10, 2019 / 83 Comments
READ: Well, well, well. “Follow the facts,” Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi
now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political
financier Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking indictment this week.
Some of “our faves” could be implicated in the long-festering scandal, the Pelosi
daughter warned, so it’s time to “let the chips fall where they may.”
Too bad Pelosi’s mommy hasn’t adopted that same attitude of accountability.
While serving as the highest-ranking elected woman in America for decades, San
Fran Nan has chronically downplayed, whitewashed, or excused the sleazy habits
and alleged sexual improprieties of a long parade of Democrat pervs—from
former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to former New York Reps. Eric Massa and
Anthony Weiner to former Oregon Rep. David Wu to former Michigan Rep. John
Conyers and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.
The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the
plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>
Since the woke-ty woke Democrats are now gung-ho on undoing special
treatment of wealthy liberal sex creeps, perhaps they will soon be revisiting the
matter of two of their other “faves,” Oregon real estate mogul and deep-pocketed
left-wing White House donor Terry Bean and West Hollywood Clinton pal Ed
Here, let me help.
Bean is the prominent gay rights activist who co-founded the influential Human
Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the
HRC Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned “anti-bullying”
material to children’s schools nationwide.
Like Epstein, Bean had a penchant for rubbing elbows and riding on planes with
the powerful.
Upon doling out more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama and the
Democrats in 2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force
One ride with Obama. His Flickr account boasted glitzy pics with Michelle Obama
and Bill Clinton.
Like Epstein, Bean also had a thing for young minors. In 2014, a grand jury
charged him with horrifying sexual abuse allegations involving multiple victims—
including a 15-year-old boy.
After a sweeping investigation led by the Portland police department’s sex crime
units and two county district attorney’s offices, authorities charged Bean with
two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one misdemeanor count of third-
degree sex abuse.
His 20-something boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, was indicted on third-degree sodomy
and third-degree sexual abuse.
Allegations of Bean’s lurid sexual trysts with young men, which Lawson says the
Democratic donor secretly videotaped, first surfaced in the local Willamette Week
newspaper five years ago.
Police say the pair enticed a 15-year-old boy to a hotel in Eugene, Oregon, after
meeting him through the iPhone app Grindr, which helps men locate “local gay,
bi and curious guys for dating.”
Bean wriggled out of prosecution by publicly dangling a $220,000 cash
“compromise” with the alleged victim, who then suddenly refused to testify
against him. A judge in the county where the politically influential Bean family
reigned promptly dismissed the charges. Case closed? Not so fast.
In January, government investigators filed new charges against Bean and
Lawson after the alleged underage victim, now an adult, revealed that he had
been ripped off by his attorney, who reportedly never delivered Bean’s payoff.
The criminal trial is scheduled to begin in August.
In May, a second alleged juvenile victim of Bean’s came forward with a civil
lawsuit alleging the Democrat donor sexually abused him three times when he
was 17. The state Democratic Party and several federal officials who have
received donations from Bean have declined to return the money.
Then there’s Buck, another Democratic gay rights leader and moneyman whose
West Hollywood den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black
men he allegedly paid for sex and drugs.
An independent journalist/blogger, Jasmyne Cannick, who has investigated
Buck’s sordid activities for several years, warned authorities that the influential
campaign contributor was a “predator” who lured vulnerable minority men into
his filthy orbit.
This week, the mother of one of the dead men alleged Buck violated federal
human trafficking laws and “knowingly utilized interstate commerce” to entice
the victim to California “for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts.”
Family members will mark the two-year anniversary of the death of one of the
victims, Gemmel Moore, at the end of this month.
Buck has donated more than a half-million dollars to top California Democrats,
including current Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Gov. Jerry Brown, Los Angeles
Mayor Eric Garcetti, and Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
That’s a lot of chips falling in the coffers of the party that claims to care most
about sex assault and human trafficking victims.
Will House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “follow the facts,” like her daughter
recommends, or continue to cover up?
Above is from:
REMEMBER: #lookitUp

Notice this: :ZOOM is a

product of a spiuin-off from a CHINESE VideoConf co…. #lookitUp
Soros, Obama Grooming Ca Senator Kamala Harris For 2020 ...

Apr 04, 2017 · SENATORS BOOKER AND HARRIS IN HAPPIER TIMES. Oakland, CA- According to
research and reports by the Sturgis-Fellowes Institute, billionaire George Soros and former president
And then theres ^THAT of course..notice THE DATE…hence the facelift from this
egotistical cow, between her quitting presidentioal race and accepting VP
Soo Im all the mining crap with Uranium one and all the politics
with Africa just a ShitShow to distract from GOLD AND DIAMONDS maybe??
HIGHLY LIKELY –trading uranium for GOLD?? WHY NOT.
Anyway…keep going~
refusal-to-disclose-donors Douglas Quan

Publishing date:
Apr 30, 2015  •  Last Updated 5 years ago  •  3 minute read


Canadian billionaire's charity — tied to Clinton Foundation — defends refusal to disclose donors

Article content
A Canadian charity founded by mining billionaire Frank Giustra released a legal opinion Wednesday
affirming that its donors have a right to remain anonymous and public disclosure of their information
requires their consent.
The charity, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, has come under scrutiny because of its
intimate connection to the New York-based Clinton Foundation, a charitable body established by former
U.S. president Bill Clinton in 2001. In 2008, when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, the
foundation promised to release annually a list of all its contributors. Since her recent decision to run for
president, the foundation has committed to even greater transparency.
But while Giustra’s Canadian charity is listed as a donor on the foundation’s website, the names of
individual donors have been withheld.
Maura Pally***, the foundation’s acting CEO, released a statement this weekend stating that the
foundation was not trying to avoid transparency. Unlike in the U.S., she said, all charities in Canada are
“prohibited from disclosing individual donors without prior permission from each donor.”

EXCLUSIVE -- TRUMP starts building transition committee ... › tipsheets › playbook › 2016/07 › e... › tipsheets › playbook › 2016/07 › e...

1. Cached
Jul 31, 2016 — JUST ANNOUNCED: Kaine will go to Greensboro, N.C., Wednesday. ... Romano, Eve
O'Toole, Maura Palley***coincidence?, Megan Murphy, Laura Zelenko.

From the cache:

07/31/2016 10:23 AM EDT
Presented by

Driving the Day

Good Sunday morning. Enjoy the last day of July! We’re 100 days from Election Day 2016 and
our former colleagues Alex Burns and Maggie Haberman put it well on A1 of the NY Times
today. The headline online (“Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go”) and in
print (“3 States Seen as Must Wins For Trump Bid”) tell the story as many professionals on both
sides see it. Trump needs to win Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania to win the presidency. It’s not a
ton more complicated than that.Must read story:
There’s not been much polling in Florida recently, but as of July 11, NBC/WSJ had Hillary
Clinton up seven points. In Ohio, the two were tied - or Trump was up modestly - as of a few
weeks ago. And my colleague Steve Shepard notes this trend in Pennsylvania polling:
@POLITICO_Steve: “Last five Pa. polls: Clinton +9, Trump +2, Clinton +9, Clinton +14,
Clinton +9.”
--“Poll: Clinton Rides Convention Bump Past Trump,” by Morning Consult’s Cameron
Easley: “The former secretary of State leads the brash businessman, 43 percent to 40 percent, in
a new Morning Consult survey taken in the days following the DNC gathering. It’s a 7-point
swing from the previous poll, in which Trump surged to a 4-point lead following the Republican
National Committee’s convention in Cleveland … Part of Clinton’s gains can be attributed to her
increased support from independent voters and men. In the new poll, Clinton leads Trump by one
point, 43 percent to 42 percent, among men. Last week, Trump beat Clinton by 8 points among
SPOTTED: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Calif. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, Tammy Haddad, Jill
Abramson, Don Baer, Hilary Rosen, David Sutphen, David Solow, Bob Barnett,
Jonathan Capehart, Nick Schmitt, David Hochberg, Fred Hochberg, Steve Rattner, Erin
Burnett, Gene Sperling, Campbell Spencer, Ken Cole, Clyde Williams, NY AG Eric
Schneiderman, Anita Dunn, Lois Romano, Eve O’Toole, Maura Palley, Megan Murphy,
Laura Zelenko.
ENGAGED – BIDEN ALUMNI -- Andrew Binns to Liz Hart – pool report: “They met on a
VP advance trip to India in the summer of 2013 and have been dating ever since. Binns [was the
Philly Democratic National Convention’s] Chief Innovation Officer and has worked every
convention since 2000. Liz is a production guru and former Director of Message Events in the
VP’s office; she [was the convention’s] Director of Studio 2016, our in-house satellite TV studio
and live pre-show program.
“[Last] Sunday, Binns told Liz he got them time on stage to take a picture with the podium.
However, when she arrived, a slideshow of photos of the couple started playing on the big
screens and ended with a photo of ‘Will You Marry Me?’ written in sand on a beach. While Liz
was turned around watching the slideshow, a bunch of their friends and family snuck in to gather
at the bottom of the stage and we all cheered when she said yes.” Pics ... ... ...

About The Author : Jake Sherman

Jake ShermanJake Sherman is a senior writer for POLITICO and co-author of
POLITICO’s Playbook, the nation's leading political newsletter. He is also the co-author
of New York Times and national best seller, "The Hill to Die On: The Battle for Congress
and the Future of Trump's America," which was published by Crown in 2019. Jake is an
NBC and MSNBC political contributor.

Since 2009, Jake has chronicled all of the major legislative battles on Capitol Hill, and
has also traveled the country to cover the battle for control of Congress.

Jake is a Connecticut native, and a graduate of The George Washington University —

where he edited The GW Hatchet — and Columbia University's Graduate School of
Journalism. Jake lives in Washington with his wife Irene, son and daughter, and listens
to an unhealthy amount of Grateful Dead and Phish.
That^is From:

Kamala Harris Archives - Tibetan Journal › tag › kamala-harris › tag › kamala-harris

1. Cached
Sep 4, 2020 — The presidential candidate of Democratic party, Joe Biden has vowed to exiled Tibetan
spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama as a 

From the cache… think CROOKED MEDIA:

Sunday, November 1, 2020
 Tibetan Woman Tortured in Chinese Custody Dies
 Himachal Police to Hire Chinese and Tibetan Experts to Crack Chinese Spies Racket
 The Dalai Lama and PM Modi’s Office Were Top Targets of Chinese Spy Racket
 Yeshi Wangmo Bags Silver Medal for Tibet In International Yoga Olympic
 Pakistani Origin Journalist Attempts Defaming Dalai Lama With Fake News; Netizens
Call Ban

Joe Biden Vows to Meet Dalai Lama As President If Voted to Power

September 4, 2020 Editor TJ 0 Comments Dalai Lama, donald trump, Human Rights
Abuse in Tibet, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, US Elections
The presidential candidate of Democratic party, Joe Biden has vowed to exiled Tibetan spiritual
leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama as a president if voted to power. While criticizing President
Trump for turning a blind eye on Tibetans, Biden promised that his administration will stand up
to them and sanction Chinese officials responsible for abuses in Tibet.
Read more

REMEMBER: the right hand man of the Dali Lama is Bronfman’s Boyfriend. NXIVM
gave the Dalai Lama a million dollars. He met with Clinton, Feinstein, and husband
Richard Blum, who is allegedly involved in the DOMINION voting machines co…and
was involved with EPSTEIN in the MEGA group as I recall. Feinsteins “aide” Daniel J
Jones is head of SEVERAL “non-profit” now working to overthrow Trump…and
employed Fusion GPS thru to 2017, search Scribd dgb3dgb for the research…
Remember that the Dali Lama and SOROS are very very closely aligned, with just
enough room for “plausible Deniability” Remember that in 2013 when Hunter Biden was
supposedly wheeling and dealing China HIMSELF, he was (instead/simultaneously?)
PERSONALLY building a company in the UK after all, trying to start a competitor for
Facebook as late as April 2013. Remember in June of 2013 OBAMA met with Xi
privately in Rancho Mirage, and that by December hunter was no longer trying to
compete with Facebook and instead was a Crack Head and was on Boards and taking
money all over the world instead, especially CHINA where daddy BidenBicks was
getting MINIMALLY 10% - my suspicion is that it was the other way around, that
ultimately HUNTER rec’d 10% and just did drugs.
Remember that Obamas first VACATION after the inauguration was to BRANSONS’S
ISLAND, where the Bronfmans and the Dali Lama’s right hand man were as well…
dunno the timeline so far but they ALL knew one another and travelled in the SAME
CIRCLES over a LONG period of time. Remember Biden’s family ALSO has digs in the
carribean nearby.

LAMA. Let THAT sink in~

JOE BIDEN is a despicable father, politician, and human being. #FactsMatter 2+2=4.

..SOOOOOOOO that is what Digging will get ya – 7,000 words and no dinner~

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