CH 4 Study Guide Wo Answers

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Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide

Name: ____________________________________________________ Hour: _____

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of epithelium tissues?

a. has cells close together
b. little matrix between cells
c. rest on a basement membrane
d. Always one free surface
e. found in every location in the body
____ 2. Myofibrils are the unit of contraction and _________ the unit of function.
a. sacromeres
b. sacrolemma
c. sacroplasm
d. striations
e. muscle fibers
____ 3. The two types of fluid connective tissue are
a. blood and lymph
b. lymph and platelets
c. red blood cells and white blood cells
d. lymph and white blood cells
e. platelets and red blood cells
____ 4. The three types of fibers found in connective tissues are
a. collagenous, elastic, and collagen
b. reticular, collagenous, and ligaments
c. collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers
d. collagenous, college, and reticular
____ 5. Epithelium is classified based on which two features?
a. shape and location
b. location and arrangement
c. number of cell layers and location
d. shape and arrangement
____ 6. These cells are usually large and contain more than 1 nucleus.
a. unstriated
b. visceral
c. cardiac
d. smooth
e. skeletal
____ 7. Neurons do which of the following:
a. transmit information
b. support neural tissue
c. have no role at all
d. Help supply nutrients to neurons

____ 8. The three classes of muscle tissues are...

a. smooth, irregular, and cardiac

Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide

b. unstriated, visceral, skeletal

c. striated, cardiac, and dense irregular
d. cardiac, dense regular, and skeletal
e. smooth, striated, cardiac
____ 9. Which of the following is not a function of epithelium tissues?
a. excretion
b. protection
c. expansion
d. secretion
e. lubrication
____ 10. Strongest muscle in the body
a. visceral muscle
b. cardiac muscle
c. striated muscle
d. unstriated muscle
e. skeletal muscle
____ 11. The most primitive type of muscle is
a. heart
b. striated
c. smooth
d. skeletal
e. cardiac
____ 12. Only voluntary muscle
a. cardiac
b. unstriated
c. visceral
d. skeletal
e. smooth
____ 13. The two types of supporting connective tissue are
a. ligaments and tendons
b. cartilage and bone
c. ligaments and bone
d. cartilage and ligaments
e. tendons and bone
____ 14. Which of the following is not one of the 4 types of tissues in the human body?
a. Epithelium Tissue
b. Muscle Tissue
c. Nerve Tissue
d. Connective Tissue
e. Epithalium Tissue

____ 15. Which of the following is not a function of connective tissues?

a. defense mechanism
b. passage way
c. pads organs
Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide

d. energy transfer
e. heals wounds
____ 16. Connective tissue allows for connections to be made between all of the following except?
a. muscle to organs
b. bone to bone
c. bone to muscle
d. organs to organs
e. cell to cell


a. Neuron
b. Neuralgia
c. Neurilemma
d. Nerve fibers
e. Tracts or pathways
f. Ganglia
g. Nuclei
h. Myelin Sheath
i. Cellular Sheath
j. Gray matter
k. Naked fiber
____ 17. a nerve fiber which is coated with phopholipid protein from a neurilemma, called white matter.
____ 18. refers to n. fibers which lack a myelin sheath and neurilemma
____ 19. cluster of cell bodies in the CAN (center)
____ 20. clusters of axon located in the PNS
____ 21. cluster of axons located in the CNS
____ 22. also formed from the neurilemma and wrapped around the axon of the neurons..
____ 23. Schwann cells found only in the PNS
____ 24. refers to n. fibers which lack a myelin sheath but has neurilemma called amyelinated.
____ 25. conduction cell, conducts nerve impulses
____ 26. found only in the CNS
____ 27. cluster of cell bodies in the PNS

a. Simple squamous
b. Simple cuboidal
c. Simple columnar
d. Ciliated simple columnar
e. Stratified epithelium
f. Transitional
g. Pseudostratified epithelium
h. Connective Tissue
i. Mesenchyme
j. Reticular
k. Dense regular ct
Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide

l. Dense irregular ct
m. Hyaline cartilage
n. Fibrocartilage
____ 28. found in the intervertebral discs, the pubic symphysis, and in discs of the knee joint
____ 29. found in lymph nodes, bone marrow, and the spleen
____ 30. found throughout the body
____ 31. trachea, fallopian tubes
____ 32. digestive tract and some ducts
____ 33. found in the embryo
____ 34. ectoderm, mouth, esophagus
____ 35. arteries, veins, and capillaries
____ 36. lungs, fallopian tubes, trachea
____ 37. ducts of glands
____ 38. bladder
____ 39. found in tendons, ligaments, and aponeuroses
____ 40. found in embryonic skeleton, the end of long bones, nose, trachea, and larynx
____ 41. found in the dermis, submucosa of the digestive tract, and fibrous organ capsules

a. Loose connective tissue proper

b. Dense connective tissue proper
____ 42. embryonic mesenchyme
____ 43. dense regular connective tissue
____ 44. areolar tissue
____ 45. dense irregular connective tissue
____ 46. reticular tissue
____ 47. adipose tissue

a. Simple columnar
b. Ciliated simple columnar
c. Transitional
d. Areolar
e. Adipose
f. Dense irregular connective tissue
____ 48. expansion
____ 49. secretion of mucus, enzymes, and absorption
____ 50. has a signet ring
____ 51. withstands tension in many directions providing structural strength
____ 52. movement and protection
____ 53. wraps and cushions organs

a. Erythrocytes
b. Leucocytes

Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide

c. Thrombocytes
____ 54. platelets
____ 55. have a biconcave disk
____ 56. white blood cells

a. Simple
b. Stratified
c. Pseudostratified
d. Squamous
e. Cuboidal
f. Columnar
____ 57. flat/scale like and irregular
____ 58. more than one cell layer thick
____ 59. cube or boxlike
____ 60. one cell thick
____ 61. all cells touch basement membrane


62. Structure of Striations

Label the following:

a) Actin b) Light Band c) Dark Band d) Myosin e)Sacromeres f) Z- line

Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide


Label the following Haversian System

a) Haversian canal b) lacunae c) Lamella d) canaliculi e)osteocyte

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 64. Grandular secretions can be merocrine, apocrine, and holocrine.

____ 65. Exocrine glands are ductless glands that secrete amino acids, proteins, glycoprotiens and steroids.
____ 66. The cutaneous membrane is an incomplete lining within the joint cavities.
____ 67. The only important unicellular gland is the goblet cell.

Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Study Guide

____ 68. Glands are classified by the site of product release and relative number of cells forming the gland.
____ 69. Mucous membranes line cavities that communicate with the exterior.
____ 70. The organs and systems are interconnected through a network of connective tissue proper consisting of
superficial fascia, deep fascia, and subserous fascia.
____ 71. Nerve tissue is classified into 3 types found in the body.
____ 72. The three types of membranes are cutaneous, synovial, and mucous.
____ 73. Membranes are composed of epithelium and connective tissues
____ 74. Serous membranes line open internal cavities.

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