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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT for the help of Allah, the author finished writing a paper
entitled "Russian Women More Than Man" precisely in the calculation of time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the task given by Mrs. Erna Susilawati SE., MM. as
a lecturer majoring in information systems.

In compiling this paper, the author really gets a lot of challenges and barriers but with the help of
a lot of literature, the barrier can pass. The author also realizes there are still many mistakes in
the process of writing this paper.

Therefore, the authors thank the colleagues who helped in the process of writing this paper.

May Allah repay all help and bless you all. The author realizes that this paper is still not perfect
in the settings and contents. the authors hope the criticism of the readers can help the writer in
refining the next paper. But hopefully not easy, this paper can help readers to get more
knowledge about Russian Women More than men.


March, 21th 2018



TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1

1.1 Background Of The Paper......................................................................................................1

1.2 Purpose Of The Paper............................................................................................................1

1.3 Problem Formulation.............................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II THEORYTICAL REVIEW......................................................................................2

2.1 Population in Russia...............................................................................................................2

2.2 Factors cause more female population...................................................................................3

CHAPTER III DISCUSION............................................................................................................5

3.1 The factors why women in Russia more................................................................................5

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................8

3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................8

3.2 Suggest...................................................................................................................................8



1.1 Background Of The Paper

Rusia adalah Negara yang berada pada benua Eropa, khususnya Eropa Timur serta benua
Asia di mana Pegunungan Ural menjadi batas antara kedua benua. Luas Rusia 2 kali lebih besar
dari Amerika. Jumlah penduduk di Rusia pada Maret tahun 2018 adalah 147.334.480 penduduk
dan Rusia menjadi Negara yang penduduk wanita lebih banyak daripada Negara yang lainnya.

Dan Rusia banyak menjadi omongan karena penduduk wanita lebih banyak daripada
lakilaki. Faktanya memang benar Negara rusia lebih banyak wanita akan tetapi disini kita akan
membahas, kenapa Rusia lebih banyak wanita daripada lakilaki.

1.2 Purpose Of The Paper

Tujuan dibuatnya makalah ini adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada pembaca
bahwa penduduk rusia itu bukannya perempuan lebih banyak daripada lelaki, , akan tetapi ada
fakta yang memberitahu bahwa orang rusia itu bukan begitu karena tidak ada akibatnya.

1.3 Problem Formulation

1. Why do more female population than men?
2. Does the war in the revolution affect the male population?
3. Is the punishment of the royal period affecting the male population?
4. Does the lifestyle of the Russian population affect the male population?

2.1 Population in Russia
The amount referred to here is the number of comparisons when compared with the male.
The ratio between women and men in Russia is about 4: 1.

Russia is a sovereign state that stretches extensively east of Europe and north Asia. With
an area of 146,956,480km ², Russia is the largest country in the world. Its territory covers one-
eighth of Earth's land area, its population is ranked ninth in the world with the number of about
146 million people. Here are 10 lists of countries with the most populations taken from

Rating Country (or dependent amount Date % Source

s region) population population
1 Tiongkok 1.382.230.000 March 24, 18.7% Official count
2 India 1.303.970.000 March 24, 17.6% Official count
3 Amerika Serikat 325.564.000 March 24, 4.41% Official count
4 Indonesia 255,461,700 July 1, 2015 3.46% Official estimates
5 Brasil 207.570.000 Marcht 24, 2.81% Official count
6 Pakistan 188,925,000 July 1, 2015 2.56% UN Estimate
7 Nigeria 182,202,000 July 1, 2015 2.47% UN Estimate
8 Bangladesh 162.155.000 March 24, 2.19% Official count
9 Rusia 146.956.480 March 24, 1.99% Official count
10 Jepang 126,890,000 October 1, 1.72% Estimated monthly
2015 forecast

Of these figures, still not counted the gender ratio. Still from wikipedia, this is the gender
comparison map of countries in the world in the population.

The red color signifies the number of women more, the more red the greater the number
of women than men.

2.2 Factors cause more female population

1. War

The fall of the Russian Empire in the Bolshevik revolution did not make security
in the country gradually recover. The struggle for power between parties has made the
Russians involved in various battles that should not have taken place, with millions of
casualties falling.

The war that lasted between 1917 and 1921, the two great militia in the country,
the Reds belonging to the Bolshevik socialist party and ended with the defeat of the
White Army under the control of the allies. Massive killings occurred during this war, the
estimated death toll reached 9 million people.

The war ended when the Soviet Red Army succeeded in mastering Petrograd
(now St. Petersburg), and in control of all Russia in 1922. In addition to the army,
civilians were often the targets of the killing of both sides.

2. Internal Conflict

Internal conflicts are a significant contributor to this issue. Examples of internal

conflicts experienced by Russia are the "Bolshevik Revolution". The Bolsheviks were a
fraction of the Russian Social Democratic Party that emerged in a conference in Brussels
in 1903. The party split into two factions, the Bolsheviks (the hard-fought majority
fraction) and the Mensheviks (a more moderate minority faction). Before the February
1917 Revolution erupted,

There are several situations that make the atmosphere of the revolutionary
movement difficult. World War I, broke out in 1914, prompted the Russian government
to issue a compulsory military policy for the workers to become troops and fight on the
battlefield. The condition was also exacerbated by a dispute triggered by the German
Social Democratic Party that supported the warring government.

3. Punishment Policy

From the time of the Russian Empire, there was a policy of capital punishment,
whether it was hanged or beheaded. This punishment is committed to certain individuals,
such as traitors, political prisoners, lawmakers, etc. In addition to the death sentence
directly, there is also a prison sentence that causes the person died in prison. The victims
of those punishments are also mostly male. After the end of the Russian Empire, a more
crazy Soviet Union began to implement its punishment policy.

4. Lifestyle

The weather in Russia is not the same as the weather in Indonesia, so the lifestyle
of the Russians is certainly very different from the Indonesian people. One of them is by
drinking liquor. Liquor can warm the body because the weather is cold in Russia, ranging
from youth to old people drink it.


3.1 The factors why women in Russia more

Here are the 4 factors we know: War, Internal Conflicts, Punishment Policy, and
Lifestyle. Here we will discuss: here are the 4 factors we know: War, Internal Conflicts,
Punishment Policy, and Lifestyle. Here we will discuss:

1. War

War is the main cause of this problem. If we study the history of Russia, it
certainly will not escape the war, from the war vs. Byzantium in Ancient Russia, to the
war vs. ISIS in the current Russian Federation. This nation has always contributed to the
"history of war". Of the many wars that have passed this, can logic who is involved in the
war. Of course the adam. It is this battle that causes the drastic decline of the male
population in Russia. The wars are not small-scale wars. An example of this was World
War II, which caused many casualties to fall on the Soviet side of Nazi Germany, until
the Red Army's forces took control of Berlin, but many of the fallen men fell. Of these
wars, not only Russia has experienced a decline in the male population, but neighboring
countries are also affected because these countries were once a part of Russia (the Soviet

2. Internal Conflicts

In addition to war, internal conflict is also a significant contributor to this issue.

Still not free from history, Russia is also a country that can be practically like Indonesia.
There are many internal conflicts. Internal conflict experienced by Russia itself can be
considered quite severe because of the many victims who fell. A major and well-known

internal conflict in Russia is the Bolshevik Revolution, this event transformed Russia
from the State of Monarchy into a Socialist State. Each revolution will certainly take its
toll, the falling victims also tend to be more men. On this occasion, the royal people and
their supporters as well as the capitalists (the bourgeoisie) were exterminated by the
bolshevik under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin. Suppose if in Indonesia, this is a G30S
event (government version), but which in Russia is successful and the result of this
revolution is the founding of the Soviet Union.

3. Punishment Policy

There is still a correlation with internal conflicts, the existing penalty policy in
Russia has also reduced the male population in the country. From the time of the Russian
Empire, there was a policy of capital punishment, whether it was hanged or beheaded.
This punishment is committed to certain individuals, such as traitors, political prisoners,
lawmakers, etc. In addition to the death sentence directly, there is also a prison sentence
that causes the person died in prison. The victims of those punishments are also mostly
male. After the end of the Russian Empire, a more crazy Soviet Union began to
implement its punishment policy. The very crazy and inhuman thing was in Stalin's time.
In Stalin's day, the number of male populations decreased dramatically. Stalin, dubbed
"the iron hand," implements a horrible punishment policy for dissidents, rebels, religious
leaders, traitors, opposition, prisoners of war, political prisoners, etc., so many die from
the punishment. Call it "Gulag" which is a labor camp. This gulag is to say "Buru Island"
of Russia. In Stalin's time it was almost the same as in Indonesia during Suharto's time,
there were only two possibilities if it had been hit by a split, otherwise the execution was
sent to the gulag, and the majority of the victims were male.

4. Lifestyle

Vodka, who does not know vodka? This Russian drink is like white water for
most Russians. From the young to the old, must know this one drink. This drink is part of

the lifestyle of Russians, why? Because it's cold there, and alcohol is a warmer for the
body. For Indonesians, liquor is taboo, but in Russia and some other western countries
liquor is legal (for a certain age). Do you know the danger of liquor? It also affects health
and age. Almost all circles in Russia consume this drink, the majority are men. But do not
believe me too because this is not necessarily true. If roughly, this lifestyle also affects
the population.

3.1 Conclusion
That's why there are several factors that cause why women in Russia more than men. The
above factors are not to be trusted completely, because we must be able to reason first the
information we can.

So for you single guys who are in Indonesia, do not worry about the mate, the world is
not only Indonesia who knows your soul mate in Russia. Do not be discouraged will not be able
to go to Russia, because our future no one knows, we own that determine it.

3.2 Suggest
My advice from this discussion is do not believe completely to this paper because this
paper is only taken from some sources and preferably if difficult to find a mate especially men,
then many go to russia because there are so many beautiful women and take a Russian woman to
enter our religion so can get married.


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