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Why do we take the theme of Pencak Silat? Because pencak silat as part of Indonesian culture.
Pencak silat is a martial art that also contains traditional artistic values from Indonesia. But now
the value of martial arts and culture began to disappear with the development of the era. The
community prefers an outside culture to our own culture. Therefore take the theme pencak
2. Definition of pencak silat
Pencak silat or silat is a traditional martial art originating from Indonesia. Pencak is a dance
game based on alertness and many styles and cloths on the steps. While silat is the intelligence
to keep yourself from unexpected attacks based on swift and agile, and pay attention to every
opponent's movements and moves. Mother of Pencak Silat organization in Indonesia named
Indonesian Pencak Silat Association. IPSI was established on May 18, 1948. IPSI is noted as the
oldest martial arts organization in the world. The basic techniques that must be mastered to be
able to do pencak silat are basic attitude, basic motion, basic technique of attack, basic defense
technique. Pencak silat sports can be regarded as the art of cause in this sport is the elements
of self-defense, character, attitude formation. The existence of a strong personality and spirit of
nationality is useful to form human development.
3. History of pencak silat
Pencak Silat is one type of art and also the sport of martial arts originating from Southeast Asia
including Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia our country. Pencak
silat is an art tradition that is spread through the Malay Archipelago tradition. Until over time,
this type of martial arts also began to spread to Vietnam countries spread by the people of
Indonesia. Until now the Vietnam State gave birth to strong fighter and established the parent
organization of Pencak Silat in the State of Indonesia which is named Indonesian Pencak Silat
Association. Pencak silat has spread throughout the archipelago since the 7th century AD.
However, until now no one can confirm when and how the origin of this martial arts spread.
Some say that pencak silat is spread because of the skills of various indigenous tribes in
Indonesia. These skills include fighting using a machete, a shield, and also a spear.

4. Aspect in pencak silat

Mental Spiritual Aspects: Pencak Silat builds and develops the personality and noble character
of a person. The ancient martial arts warriors and masters often had to pass through a stage of
meditation, asceticism, or other inner power aspect to attain the highest level of scholarship.
Aspects of Cultural Art : The culture and play of "art" of pencak silat is one of the most
important aspects. The term Pencak generally describes the form of dance art of martial arts,
with traditional music and clothing.
Martial Aspect : Trust and self-perseverance is very important in mastering martial arts in
pencak silat. The term silat, tends to emphasize the aspects of martial arts technical capabilities
martial arts.
Aspect of Sports : This means that the physical aspect of pencak silat is important. Fighters
trying to adjust the mind with body work. The competition is part of this aspect. Sporting
aspects include matches and demonstrations of stance forms, whether for single, double or
5. Positive value in pencak silat
Health and fitness
Awaken confidence
Training mental endurance
Develop high self-awareness
Fostering sportsmanship and soul of a knight
Discipline and tenacity are higher
6. The Development of Pencak Silat In The World
The development of martial arts in the world has been increasingly spread to foreign countries
with the word silat. Pencak Silat itself is an empty-handed martial arts sport that has held
pencak silat championships in more than 40 countries. In 2012, the Pencak Silat Perisai Diri
College held a championship that invited other countries to participate. Five countries present
at the time were the Netherlands, Germany Australia, the Netherlands, and America. Year 2019
Unesco Set Pencak Silat as Indonesian Cultural Heritage. Sesmenpora said that the recognition
of pencak silat by UNESCO as Indonesia's original heritage in 2019 is a big step for Indonesia. "It
is estimated that at the beginning of 2019 the result of UNESCO evaluation on pencak silat is
over, so that in 2019 Pencak Silat has been established by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage
of Tak Benda or Intangible Cultural World Heritage". As is known, the end of March 2017
pencaksilat submitted to UNESCO to become Intangible Cultural World Heritage (Intangible
Cultural World Heritage). This submission is done by Indonesia considering Pencak Silat fulfill
the requirement and have uniqueness which is not owned by other martial arts.

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