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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development in Hatsun Agro

Product Ltd., Kanchipuram
K.Krishnaveni, 2Dr.G.Veeramani
M.B.A.,M.Phil., Department of Management Studies,Research Scholar ofBharath Institute of
Higher Education and Research,Chennai.
M.Com.,M.Phil.,M.B.A.,Ph.D., Research Supervisor & Head, Department of Business
Administration, Sri Sankara Arts and Science College(Autonomous), Enathur, Kanchipuram -
631 561.

Effectiveness of Training and Development is an attempt to understand the opinion and attitudes
of the various categories of employees of the Hatsun Agro product Ltd., in Kanchipuram towards the
maintenance of Effectiveness of Training and development services provided by the organisation. The
required information from the sample respondents through structured questionnaires. This study was
conducted all the departments of the organisation. It is found that the training and development programs
analyzed were the information provided by the sample respondents of the Hatsun Agro product Ltd., This
study is conducted in descriptive in nature. The source of secondary data was gathered from company
profiles and websites. A sample of 120 has been collected based on the convenience random sampling.
The statistical tool used for this study includes simple percentage analysis and chi square test. After
analyzing of data’s, suggestions and conclusions have been derived based on the findings of the study.

Keywords: Training, Development, Maintenance and Effectiveness

Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness of organizations and in
the experiences of people in the workplace. Every organizations that employ people need to train and
develop their own staff. Most of the organizations are aware of this requirement and invest efforts and
other resources in training and development. This investment can take the form of hiring personnel
specialized in training and development and paying salaries to staff in training and development.
Investments in training and development involve obtaining and maintaining spaces and equipment. It also
means that the operating staff, employed in the main commercial functions of the organization, such as
production, maintenance, sales, marketing and management support, should also direct their attention and
commitment from time to time to support development and delivery of training. This means that they are
obliged to pay less attention to activities that are obviously more productive in terms of the organization's
main activity. However, investments in training and development are generally considered good
management practices to maintain the right experience now and in the future.
Armstrong (2006) all jobs produce outcomes even if they are not quantified. It is therefore necessary to
measure the performance of the employees by reference to what outcomes have been achieved in
comparison with what outcomes were expected.
Muchel‘le (2007), states that appraisals are a major performance measure. Manager‘s appraisal is
whereby a manager appraises the employee‘s performance and delivers the appraisal to the employee.
This is by nature a top-down and does not encourage the employees‘active participation. It‘s often met
with resistance because the employee has no investment in its development. Self-appraisal is when the
employee appraises his or her own performance, in many cases, comparing the self-appraisal to the
manager review.
R.Mayakkannan (2017). To conclude, the present study has brought out the impact of Human employee
Perception and Performance of selected banks. Most of the bank employees have positive perception
about their banks as well as the result of analyzing reflects that their performance for development of

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

banks is also good. Employees have good perception about the bank Personnel policies, Human Resource
Planning, Recruitment and selection, compensation system, employees motivation, performance appraisal
and interpersonal relationship. Banks provide proper training for employees to improve their individual
Kannan, M. (2018) Satisfaction is a most important considered factor among the customers and company
to add value towards their product and service which leads to customer satisfaction. This study results that
every insurer should understand the consumer requirement about the policies offered by them. They
should create awareness among the illiterate and rural groups for the growth of business by concentrating
on more promotional activities. They should create economic value for the customers. So, that lack of
trust and privacy among the customer can be avoided, quick repayment and security measure should be
taken for attracting more policyholders.
As the accelerate the fresh knowledge, employee training and development is placed within a wider
strategic context of human resources development, To preserve its obtained positions and increase
competitive advantage, the organization needs to create new knowledge. (Vemic, 2007).

Thus, the regular training and development has a significant role in the increase of individual and
organizational performance. The strategic planning of employee training and development needs to
enhance the creativity, ensure and shape the entire organizational knowledge.

Training is imparting a specific skill to do a particular job while development deals with general
enhancement and growth of individual skill and abilities through conscious and unconscious learning.
The purpose of training and development is enhancing the employee ability, so that organizations can
maximize efficiency and effectiveness of their human capital.

Importance of training programme

In the current scenario, where nothing is static, an innovation enters the market every day. This
has made the organization dynamic in its business process and has continued to implement the changes to
be competitive on the market. They are your employees, who will help you be competitive on the market.
The entrepreneur or the human resources manager must be active and attentive to the various strategies
that help the organization grow in the future.
Large organizations usually provide training to their employees to make better use of their skills.
Furthermore, they know the importance of the impact of training and development in the organization.
While in the case of SMEs, they do not feel very advantaged because they focus on every single expense
in the business.
In the training and development process, employees do not focus much on projects to attend
training sessions. This can delay the deadline for projects. Nevertheless, a large employer of the
organization does not feel this way, because employees acquire a high qualification, the process would be
much faster and could be competitive on the market. With the lack of qualified personnel, the process and
strategies used will slow down the overall process and quality will also be affected.

Scope of training and development

The field of training is also changed from technical skills based on knowledge and interpersonal
skills that cover a wide space ranging from manufacturing industries to the micro-level services sector.
The emphasis and awareness of the quality of the products manufactured and of the service provided have
increased the need for training of all those involved in this process. Managers do the work by
coordinating and directing the efforts of others. Managers are members of the organization responsible for
the planning, organization, direction and control of the organization's activities, in order to achieve their
goals. In order for the company to improve, it is necessary to improve the capacities of its managers.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

Therefore, management for success requires a complete set of management skills. Human skills refer to
the ability to work effectively with others and to establish group relationships to achieve the
organization's goals. These skills include the ability to communicate, motivate and drive. Conceptual
skills allow a manager to consider a company as a whole and evaluate the existing relationships between
the various parts or functions of a company. These skills are related to the field of ideas and creativity. In
particular, senior managers need these skills because they must coordinate all the activities of the
organization. Therefore, it can be stated that technical skill is an essential ingredient in low-level
management; Human skills are important at all levels of management; and conceptual skill is essentially
critical in the positions of senior leaders.

Objectives of the study

 To understand the training programs and their impact on the employees of Hatsun Agro product
LTD in Kanchipuram.
 To study the perception of employees how useful the training programs with reference to the
improvement in their performance and skill enhancement.
 To find out the satisfaction level of the employees on the training programs.

Research methodology

Research methodology is helps to solve the research problem. It may be a science of studying
how research is done systematically. It is necessary for the researcher to know how the scientific
techniques must be used in the research. Research may in common parlance referred to as knowledge.
In research methodology we not only talk of the methods, but also consider the logic behind the
method we can use in the content of our research study and explain the importance of using a particular
method at technique. Hence in this study various steps to followed, generally adopted in studying research
problem along with the logic behind them. It is broad outline of the method and procedure adopted for the
purpose of the study.

Research design

Research design is the execution method for the particular research problem and to get the
solution for the research issue. Research design is purely frame work or a plan for study that guides in the
collection of data. Descriptive research design was adopted for evaluating the data. The design which
minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of the data collection and analyzed is considered as good

Data collection
Data is collection in primary and secondary sources. Collecting of the data is primary aspect in
research process. Data which is collect for the purpose of research help in proper analysis to develop
findings which are helpful to conduct research effectively. The data source which is important in the
collection of data is both primary and secondary data. Both primary and secondary data are taken into
consideration for the study of attitude of the employees.

Primary data
The primary source are discussion with employees, data has been collect through questionnaire
comprising of 120 questions.The source of primary data is the field was the researcher has collected fresh
firsthand information of the data from the employees of the HATSUN agro product limited,

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

Secondary data
The secondary data mainly depends upon the information company records, company websites and to get
the management peoples of the organization.

Sampling size
A finite subset of population, selected from it with the objective of investigation its properties
called a sample. A sample is a representing in the part of entire population. A sample of 120 respondents
in total has been randomly selected from 300 populations by using convenience method. The respondent
to various elements under each questions were totaled for the purpose of various statistical testing.

Sampling unit

The sampling unit refers to process of defining the target population that will be sample. Hence,
for the present study, the survey was conducted from the lower level employees, middle level employees
and top level employees of HATSUN agro product limited, kanchipuram.
Statistical tools

The statistical tools are used for this study are:

 Percentage analysis
 Chi – square test
Percentage Analysis
Percentage refers to a special kind of rations. Generally, Percentage analysis is used for compare
between the two or more series of data.

Number of respondents
Percentage = ________________________ × 100
Total number of respondents
Chi – square test
The X2test is one of the simple and most widely used non –parametric test in statistical work. It
makes no makes no assumption about the populations being sampled. The quantity Ẋ2 explain the level
of discrepancy between theory and observation., i.e, with the help of x2 test we can know whether a given
discrepancy between theory and observation can be attributed to chance or whether it result from the
inadequacy of the fit the observed facts.

Formulae for Chi – square test = Σ (Oi-Ei) 2

Oi - Observed frequency
Ei – Expected or theoretical frequency
Ei – Row total x column total
Grand total
Degrees of freedom = (r-1) (c-1)
Limitations of study
 Training and development refers to convey the message to the management for specific skills,
abilities and knowledge to an employee.
 Training and development is any improve current or future employee performance by growing an
employee’s skill to perform through learning, generally, changing the employee’s attitude his or
her skills and knowledge

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

 Training is disturbed with imparting increasing specific skills for a particular purpose.

Analysis of Data:
Table No-1 Classification of the respondents on the basis of the demographic variables.
Number of
Particulars Classification Percentage

Male 110 91.67

Female 10 8.33

Below 25 years 34 28.33

26 - 35 years 32 26.67
36-45 years 34 28.33

Above 45 years 20 16.67

Below 10th 18 15

12th 34 28.33

Educational qualification Diploma 43 35.83

UG 19 15.83

PG 6 5.00

Less than 5 years 33 27.50

6 -10 years 56 46.67

11-15 years 25 20.83

More than 15 years 06 5.00

Source: Primary data

The above table inferred that out of 120 Respondents that 91.67 per cent of respondents are male
and remaining of them are female. Of 120 sample respondents equal 28.33 per cent of respondents are
below 25 of age category and 36 – 45 age groups respectively in the study location, 26.67 per cent of
respondents are 26 – 35 age groups. 16.67 per cent of respondent are above 45 ofage category.
The highest literacy rate is 35.83 per cent of respondents are diploma, 28.33 per cent of respondents
completed in higher secondary schooling, and 15.83 per cent of respondents qualify for under graduation,
15 per cent of respondents completed in SSLC and only 5 per cent of respondents having PG.
More than half of the respondents (51.68)having 6 –15 years of experience, 27.5 per cent of
Respondents are below 5 years of experience 20.83 per cent of Respondents are 16 – 25 years of
experience 0 per cent of Respondents are 26 and about years ofexperience.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

Table No: 2 Classification of the respondents according training helps to reduce the costof

S No Particulars No of Respondents % of Respondents

1 Break done 28 23.33

2 Time and cost 54 45.00

3 Supervision 38 31.67

TOTAL 120 100.00

Source: Primary data

The above table inferred that out of 120 respondents 45 per cent of respondents are time and cost of
training helps to reduce the cost of production, 31.67 per cent of respondents is supervision of training
helps to reduce the cost of production, 23.33 per cent of respondents are break done of training helps to
reduce the cost of production.

Table No: 2 Classification of the respondents according to needfor training is identified

S No Particulars No of Respondents % of
1 Employees morale 52 43.33

2 Low productivity 38 31.67

3 Absenteeism 14 11.67

4 Poor performance 16 13.33

TOTAL 120 100.00

Source: Primary data

The above table inferred that out of 120 respondents 43.33 per cent of respondents are employees morals
of need for training 31.67 per cent of respondents are low productivity of need for training 13.33 per cent
of respondents are poor performance of need for training 14.67 per cent of respondents are absenteeism of
need fortraining.Chi square test
Ho: There is no significant relationship between does training helps to reduce the cost of
manufacturing and the importance of training.
H1: There is a significant relationship between does training helps to reduce the cost of
manufacturing and the importance of training.

S.No. O E (O-E) (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E

1 0 3.27 -3.27 10.67 3.27
2 28 12.13 15.87 251.76 20.75

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

3 0 8.87 -8.87 78.62 8.87

4 0 3.73 -3.73 13.94 3.73
5 14 4.43 9.57 91.53 20.65
6 0 16.47 -16.47 271.16 16.47
7 8 12.03 -4.03 16.27 1.35
8 16 5.07 10.93 119.53 23.59
9 0 6.30 -6.30 39.69 6.30
10 24 23.40 0.60 0.36 0.02
11 30 17.10 12.90 166.41 9.73
12 0 7.20 -7.20 51.84 7.20
Total 121.92


chi-sq p-value x-crit Sig V

Pearson's 121.9177 6.4424 12.59159 yes 0.712735

Hence P-value ≤ 0.05

Null hypothesis (H0) is rejected.


Since the p-value (0.00) is less than (or equal to) the level of significance (0.05) Null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Hence there is a significance relationship between dose training helps to

Majority of the respondents (50.83) attend training program conducted by the organisations.
Majority of respondents (45.83) feels that the training is useful to easy maintenance of the critical
 Majority of respondents (49.16) satisfied with the training methods focus on development for
work andexperience.
 Majority of respondents (39.16) respondents satisfied on the training help to improve employees-
employees relationship.
 Majority of respondents (38.33) off the job training is preferred in the organisations.


An effective training and development program makes a good environment between the workers.
Since training is a must in the organization it not only helps the organization to grow but also it helps to
grow the employees personally. As quality cannot be measured it can only be seen through the
productivity hence training plays major role in quality field as training also provides also provides to learn

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 688-695

more and it bring efficiency as well as effectiveness in an organization. A training employee work more
efficiency than the untrained employee.

Once a new employee join in an organization he has to undergone a different type of training in the fields
of operation so that the employee will learn more things and developed his/her knowledge of skill in
particular area and he can see some self- development in him.

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ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

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