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1. Select the assignments you would like to complete.

Remember to carefully read all instructions. Turn in
by the due date and have fun!
2. There are 12 tasks. Some tasks are worth more points
than others. Remember you need to have at least 30
points worth of tasks.

R+J Choiceboard
Create a “Fakebook” for a
Rewrite a scene in Create a podcast
Create a timeline of major major character in the
modern language 15 points
events in the play play
10 points
5 points 10 points

Create and present a

Character diary Create a movie poster Write an editorial
slide presentation
10 points 10 points 15 points
15 points

Create a quizlet for Create a Kahoot on the

Create a rap battle
archaic terms figurative language of the Create a storyboard
between two characters
5 points play 10 pints
10 points
5 points

Your Each of the above activities is worth a certain amount of points. Choose a minimum of
Task three of them for a total of 30 points.
1. Visit timetoast to create a timeline of the
play that highlights the three major
events from each act.
2. You may organize your timeline either
by act or by the day of the week
3. Your timeline must have a brief
summary, about 30 words, of the event.
Remember to cite!
1. You will represent one of the characters
from Romeo and Juliet by writing a diary
for that character. You must include at
least 2 entries from each act for a total
of 10 entries. Your diary must be
representative of the language of
2. 2 of your entries may be drawings or
1. Select 25 archaic or outdated words
from the play
2. Create a quizlet that provides a modern
definition of the word. Make sure your
definitions also use the word
appropriately in a sentence.
1. Create a fakebook for a character in Romeo and
Juliet. Your fakebook should have the information
you would normally find on a Facebook page.
Create five posts (3-4 sentences each) that
responds to events from the play
2. Your posts are summaries/paraphrases and may
be written in modern language. Make sure to cite
the evidence from the text that inspires your post.
3. One post may be an artistic representation
(photo, drawing)
Movie poster
1. Create a movie poster or book cover that
exemplifies a theme from the play
2. Your poster or cover must have the title of
the play and must display an important
symbol from the play or an artistic
representation of a theme or a motif
3. You will turn in a paragraph that explains how
or why you choose the image(s) for your final
product. Remember to cite the text!
Create a kahoot!
1. Create a Kahoot about the key vocabulary
terms we learned (both figurative language and
dramatic elements)
2. You need at least 15 questions and must
include at least two of the following types of
a. True or False
b. Definitions
c. Examples of vocabulary in the text
d. Your own unique examples
Rewrite a scene
1. Reimagine or rewrite a scene from the play. Your
version must stay true to the plot but can alter a few
details (names, gender expression, appearances).
The word choice should match the setting of your
new scene. Some ideas may include:
a. Today
b. 1950’s America
c. The Wild West
d. The Roaring 20’s
e. The future
1. At the end of the play the prince declares
that “some will pardoned and some will be
punished.” Choose one of the surviving
characters at the end of the play and write a
newspaper editorial that explains why he or
she should be pardoned or punished
2. Your editorial must be 1-2 pages and must
include a counterclaim and rebuttal
3. You may write in present day language
1. Create a storyboard that identifies a
theme from the play and explains how
that theme is developed with 3 examples
from the text.
2. Your storyboard must include a visual
representation and a small explanation
of how your image demonstrates the
development of your chosen theme.
1. Using your chromebook, create a 4-5 minute
podcast on a topic that we have covered in class.
Your podcast must cover either the development
of a theme or a character. The way you choose
to deliver your podcast may up to you. Some
ideas may include:
a. Interview a character or the author
b. An investigative report
c. A narrative or description of events

Make sure to turn in a transcript of your podcast

with the audio file
The Verona Times
1. Create a newspaper from Verona . As a
newspaper reporter, you are not biased and should
have features from lots of the characters and lots
of points of views. Your paper should have
illustrations and different types of articles (i.e.
news, sports, obituaries, cooking, milestones,
comics, political cartoons, ads, etc.). The different
sections should be based on the background
information we covered in class or you may do
your own independent research.
a. You may use this template for making a
newspaper on Google Classroom
1. Create a rap battle between two
conflicting characters. 50% of your
dialogue must be lines or slight
alterations from the play.
2. Each character must have 3 verses.
Each verse must be 5-7 lines.
3. Try to stick with the language of

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