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Department of Information Technology

Practical Assignment No 4: Circular Queue

Aim: To implement Circular Queue ADT using array

1. Circular Queue:
 Introduction
 Why Circular Queue?
 Applications
Algorithm Enqueue (x)
If IsFull( ) = = 1 then
Print “Queue is Full”
else if IsEmpty( ) = = 1
front = rear = 0
rear = (rear + 1) mod N
CQ[rear] = x
Algorithm Dequeue()
if IsEmpty() = = 1
Print “Queue is Empty”
else if front = = rear
front = rear = -1
front = (front + 1) mod N
Algorithm IsFull()
If (rear+1) mod N = front
return 1
return 0

Algorithm IsEmpty()
If front = = -1 and rear = = -1
return 1
return 0
Department of Information Technology
Algorithm front()
if IsEmpty() = = 1
Print “Queue is Empty”
print CQ[front]

 Write a menu driven program with options: enqueue, dequeue, front, display.
 Analyze the Performance of Circular Queue as an ADT with respect to time and
memory and state the Limitation of the approach.


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