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World Literature- Second Asynchronous Assignment


Learning Objective:
Use similes and metaphor to unlock the meaning of a text

Activity Title: Improving Vocabulary:

Using Similes and Metaphors to Unlock Meaning of a Text

1. Read the following verses from Psalms 1:3-4 (NRSV). These lines are similes.
1 They are like trees planted the streams of water, which yield their fruits in
its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do they prosper.
2 The wicked are not so, but one like chaff that the winds drive away.

Read the next lines from Psalm 18:2 (NRSV). They use metaphors:

2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my

rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation,
my stronghold.

2. PROMT Questions
Make your answers worthy for 25 points.
1. ) Explain or differentiate a simile from a metaphor.
- While the two simile and metaphor are utilized to have comparison, the contrast
among simile and metaphor differs down to a word. Simile utilize the words “like” or “as” to
compare things. On the other hand, metaphors straightforwardly express a comparison. A
simile is a figurative statement that uses interfacing words while metaphor is a figure of
speech wherein a word or expression speaks to an article or thought that is utilized rather
to show the similarity between the two.

2. ) How does a simile or a metaphor help in unlocking the meaning of a line or a stanza in
a piece of literature like a poem?
- The writer uses similes to help the reader visualize or experience exactly what they
are reading. Similes illustrate feelings, moods and landscapes in a way that’s easy for the
reader to understand.

3. ) Explain comprehensively the content meaning/ message of Psalms 1:3-4

- The man whose God is the Lord is guaranteed a never-bombing gracefully of
sustenance and limitless refreshment for the spirit. His foundations are profoundly
implanted in reality of God's statement, and his food streams from numerous floods of
God's interminable arrangement. The favored man or lady won't wilt when periods of
trouble and dry spell come to test their confidence. They will not be overwhelmed by the
adversaries wiles, for they will be canvassed in the covering of light. They won't be agitated
by issues and torment, for they are secured to the Rock of our salvation, and ensured under
the shadow of His wings.

4. ) What does Psalm 18:2 would like to impart? Expound.

- The Lord engages and secures every single one of His kids. He shields and conveys,
and He is our place of sanctuary and our seat of well-being. David demonstrated that the
Lord our God is a reliable God, Who won't let us be attempted past our capacity to suffer,
however will likewise give the method of break, that we might be capable to endure life's
issues and agony, and we have all been given that equivalent magnificent guarantee.

5. ) Are you convinced that figures of speech make ideas concrete, vivid, beautiful, forceful
and crispier? Explain further.
- Yes, I am convinced. Figures of speech enhance the author's creation.The effective
use of figures of speech brings to life what would have been mere words, phrases and
sentences. They express the author's intent and take the reader on a journey through what
he or she experienced or imagined or witnessed at a specific period or periods in time. It
brings beauty, emphasis and clarity to what could have been just a mundane and
impoverished rendition.

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