Abuse of Internet Use by Teenagers

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Limitations in terms of communication for various interests between people in all corners of the
world are the beginning of the existence of the internet, such as for military, business, forums, news
and information exchange which can be facilitated globally by the presence of internet media.

Most of the internet users are teenagers who take advantage of this global media for various
purposes such as education and socialization. Even so, even adults and parents do not want to be
outdone by using this internet facility to support their work. But indeed the intensity of use by
teenagers is more dominant.

Because of that, there are also many teenagers who abuse the use of internet media. Moreover,
social networks and timelines such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and others have become
increasingly lively, which can search or find out the situation of all people or about anything in the

But the existence of social networks and timelines makes teenagers addicted so that they are more
active in socializing in cyberspace than in the real world. This makes their learning achievement
decrease from before the use of the internet.

Many teenagers use social media to share their hearts, but there are also those who use dirty words
on social networks and timelines, and some even commit criminalization that starts with social

Due to the many bad influences of the internet and being abused by teenagers, the writer finally
chose this theme to be used as a paper.

The abuse of the internet by teenagers is caused by their condition which is still in the transition
stage from being children to adults. Therefore, the unstable nature of teenagers is still very high.
However, this does not mean that the use of the internet always has a negative connotation.

In fact, the use of the internet has many benefits if used positively, such as spreading positive news
not hoaxes or fake news, online business, and friendship with old friends. However, because of the
actions of teenagers, many people connote that internet use has a bad impact

Actually, whether the use of the internet is good or not depends on the user. What do they intend
to do in applying this social media.

In fact, the internet has many benefits if it is used wisely and properly. The psychological condition
of adolescents who are unstable, like trial and error, like to express themselves, and unfavorable
environmental conditions cause them to abuse the internet. Therefore, it needs more attention
from parents to overcome it.
Usually in schools and universities, many residents use internet facilities, this triggers teenagers to
be more diligent in using the internet to support subject matter but there are also many of them
who use it for matters other than subject matter.

The use of the internet that is used with good intentions will produce good things, so if it is misused
for negative things then the results will also be bad.

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