Observation 3

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APPENDIA 4.0 LESSON OBSERVATION FORM teacher TALPBE os PPAYE cass 8 subject: Observer's Name & Position; CXR E “OD _ENG/LANG, (Ratings: S- satisfactory; U- unsatisfactory) S| U] COMMENTS CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT iy Tile 4 Nalking avele aely ‘Maintains a positve classroom environment vp Uses proactive behaviour management strategies [77 Establishes and maintains effective classroom routines jet 1 Calm. Save reminos fle INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Communicates effectively with students Recognises, responds to individual diferences Develops positive relationships with students Encourages posiive student behaviour Demonstrates flexiilty and responsivensss ‘CURRICULUM PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Demonstrates deep knowledge of subject matter Enables the curriculum intent of the leaming arealsubject tobe evidenced Designs curriculum programs including assessment, that articulate curiculum intent and student nesds Collects evidence of laming TEACHING AND LEARNING Plans teaching and leaming experiences appropriate fo leamer noods Establishes clear, challenging and achievable Vien 08 Par personalised leaming goals Designs teaching and leaming experiences to motivate aL Ab aAT for and engage students (Loach team Plans purposeful lessons to achieve speoifc leaming outcomes Breaks down complex concepts or processes into ‘manageable steps Models skils for independent and cooperative leaming OVERALL IMPRESSIONS/ SUGGESTIONS: EFFECTIVENESS OF LESSON OBSERVED: Very Effective Effective Ineffective aK arrsi. stanparo oemonstraten 19, 22, 2) 2.2 3.3.25 42 Verbal feedback and a copy of this document was given tothe teacher on_ZO/ 8 /2eeo APPENDIA 4.0 LESSON REFLECTION Comment on areas that apply specifically to the lesson and provide examples of areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. - iO mans siles Reads ouside A took ) LESSON s eS acting a DESIGN/TEACHING w prhers ont Done ne a STRATEGIES Varous hres? nu peter a How do you think the lesson| # hat aa smeg co Pte wets = diving hoy areas need your focus? “achaly? 7 - went? # preporict & leSSon Por fe gens out ot ? Discuss the positives and . opportunities for treading development of future _L Lint te GANAL,? LGe lessons, : oan. tG7 CLASSROOM ik eae jer. ae MANAGEMENT expe BS fer ext agi “Eni au How successful was your Cae eT on management of the class me rad of | boaret. and classroom rien tS ie aver . environment? (la ra % What strategies will you use nafacise chet qc Red). in future lessons and what ab this pin. shod YF bends, UNDERSTANDING How did you check that your student(s) were What strategies could you utilise in future?? Did you incorporate targeted feedback? open enc 95 COMMUNICATION & z ENGAGEMENT How was this achieved? How could engagement be maximised? - the end the [e3300 Were ALL students actively’) £4 4 ul ‘engaged during the lesson? Vext week ne we - CHECKING FOR [Welk ovoid room. L thumbs yp efe~ ole fare got clankceter f urcestevety students) abot ether, paths: ‘ages. EXTRA STANDARD/S EVIDENT DURING LESSON 10 mins Verbal feedback and 2 copy of this document was given to the teacher on more than 48hrs after lesson observation). Teacher reflection completed _ |__ (To be no

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