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1. Willfull and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cellphone and other electronic
devices is a kind of cyber bullying. Answer : TRUE

2. Incidents where adolescents use technology to harass, threaten, humiliate or otherwise hassle their
peers. for example, youth can send hurtful text messages to others os spread rumors using smaryphones
or tablets. Answer : CYBER BULLYING

3. Voice chat, textual chat and texting via phones or tablets also can provide an environment in which
hate and harm in expressed. Answer: TRUE

4. Happens once that makes fun of another person online or repeatedly picks on another person
through email or text messages or when someone posts something online about another person that
they don't like. Answer: FALSE

5. Parents must educate their kids about appropriate online behaviors just as they convey appropriate
offline behaviors. They should also monitor their child's activities while online especially early in their
exploration of cyberspace. Answer: TRUE

6. Combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online
behavior. Answer: Netiquette

7. Students learn about a topic through the solving of problems and generally work in groups to solve
the problem where often , there is no one correct answer. In short it empowers learners to conduct
research integrate theory and practice and apply knowledge and skills to develop a variable solution to
defined problem. Answer: Problem based learning

8. Instructional approach where students learn by investagating a complex question, problem or

challenge. Answer : Project based learning

9. Online or distance education that happens in real time. Answer: Synchronous learning

10. Learning occurs through online channels without realtime interaction. Answer : Asynchronous

11. Which of the following statements defines best educational technology?

Answer: Selection, evelopment, managing and use of appropriate technological processes

and resources to facilitate and retain learning before , during and after instruction .

12. Which describes best the teacher as a technology?

Answer: The teacher selects and applies appropriate instructional materials and varied
teaching methods.

13. Which describes best new educational technology utilization?

Answer: Technology utilization focuses on its adoption in actual teaching and learning

14. A science teacher would like to use different kinds flowers to show it parts. What is the best way for
the teacher to present it to the class?

Answer: Show the different flowers one at a time.

15. Is an microsoft application that is mainly used for calculation and mathematical works.

Answer: Excel

16-18 Give atleast 3 features of microsoft word.


 Editing documents
 Printing documents
 Creating documents

19. Is a word processing software package. You can use it to type letters, report and other documents

Answer : Microsoft Word

20. Is the owner of microsoft company

Answer: Bill gates

21. Which commonly used now for education presentation has a selection of transitions has a feature all
of which are borrowed from film and television editing techniques, character animation within the
frame and overall dramatic structure are things that are taken form film and television in particular for
use an educational computers application.

Answer: Power Point

22. Relating or characteristics of the culture of computers information technology

and virtual reality.
Answer: Cyber
23. A style of education in which students learn via electronics and online media as well traditional face
to face teaching.

Answer: Blended learning

24. Refers to the use of the computers as a tool to facilitate and improve instruction

Answer: Computer assisted instruction

25. Is use of technology based tools and processes to provide foe customized learning anytime or
anywhere. it is a type of education where the medium of instruction computer tecnology.

Answer: E- Learning

Module 1
Recent – Happening or beginning not long ago.
Teaching – Something that is taught: the values, ideas and beliefs that are taught by a person.
Pedagogy- It is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or
theoretical concept.

Technology – It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical
means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such
subject as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.

Education technology - is the effective use of technology tools in learning as a concept it

concerns an array of tools such as media, machines and networking hardware as well as
considering underlying theoretical perspective for their effective application.

Teaching technology – It is defined as the study & ethical practice of facilitating learning &
improving performances by creating, using & managing appropriate technological processes &
resources. -Richey or
“Educational technology is the systematic application of scientific knowledge about teaching
learning and conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of teaching and learnin g”.

TRADITIONAL TEACHING TECHNOLOGY - includes both projected & non projected AV


Non projected visual aids

 Chalk Board
 Flannel
 Flash Cards
 Posters
 Charts
 Models

Projected visual aids

 Overhead projectors
 Slide projector
 Television

Chalkboard - Is a reusable writing surface on which text or drawings are made with chalk.
Chalkboards were originally made of smooth, thin sheets of black or dark grey slate stone.

White boards

 It is also known as marker board or dry-erase board.

 It is glossy, usually white surface for nonpermanent markings.
 Whiteboards have smoother surface allowing rapid marking and erasing of markings on
their surface.

Flash cards- are small cards of generally 25 x 30 cm size which are shown for few moments
before the class to send across the message or impart an idea.
Charts - are graphic teaching aids depicting information in form of diagrams, posters,
pictures , maps & graphs.
Tape recorder - is a portable electronic gadget to record, reproduce, erase & re-record
sound on a magnetic tape. Tape is one modern teaching aid which has come into much more
general use over the past few years.
flannel-board is covered with flannel or khadi cloth. The picture or materials with same
material are used to stick. It helps to build presentation in a sequence, piece by piece.
Flip Charts- These are large chart with a pad of paper on a stand. The notes, diagrams and
flow charts can be prepared well in advance .

slide projector
 is an opto-mechanical device for showing photographic slides.
 were also widely used in educational and other institutional settings.
 Slides were projected with the help of projector in a closed dark room on a screen.


 is well suited for educational purposes & has become a popular teaching-learning tools
in homes, schools, business & Health care settings.
 It influences cognitive, affective & psychomotor behavior.
 T.V. allows education programs to be sent to patient rooms. In health care settings it is
also used to educate patient regarding health related topics
 Television also helps in children’s intellectual development.

Videoconferencing - video teleconferencing is the synchronous two way connection of two

or more location through audio & video equipments.

Computers/laptops/macbooks - that we use to view, store, send, and receive information,

not only help with presenting lessons but also with management and organization. computer
will be used for preparing lesson plans, completing grade book, checking email, preparing
letters etc. The computer also serves as the main connector to all of your other technology.

Distance education - Is defined as planned learning that occurs in different place from
teaching, requiring real time(synchronous) or delayed (asynchronous) interactive technology
and a needing a course design supportive of students — (Escoflery,Miner & Alperin 2003.)
Synchronous Approach - Live lectures are delivered with help of technologies.
Asynchronous Approach- Recorded videos, Print materials etc. are
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) - CAI refers to the use of the computer as a tool to
facilitate and improve instruction.
Computer assisted learning (CAL) - According to Leib 1982 CAL “Includes all applications
of the computer aid to the instructor in instructional management without actually doing the


 The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer

networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public.
 The Internet is recognized as an important tool in education.
 It is widely used to facilitate studying and help communication between teachers and
 It is also increasingly becoming the basis of education in forms such as
distance learning.

Email - Teachers and students worldwide are beginning to use this ability to talk to each other.
E-mailing back and forth with another classroom also provides excellent opportunities for
students to practice writing skills for a real-life purpose.


 It is an open source information space where documents & other web resources are
identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links & can be assisted via internet.
 The use of World Wide Web as an instructional tool is gaining momentum.

E- learning ( Electronics Learning)

 E-learning is use of technology based tools & processes to provide for customized
learning anytime or anywhere.
 Electronic learning is a type of education where the medium of instruction
is computer technology.
Smart class
 Is defined as a class in which various technologies are used to
enhance students learning.
 In a smart class there will be computers, projectors, internet connectivity and other
multimedia devices such as home theater etc.
 Students can use internet.
Smart boards or interactive white boards - An interactive whiteboard is a large display
that connects to a computer and a projector. The projector projects the computer's desktop
onto the board's surface.

PowerPoint – Power point which is commonly used now for educational presentation has a
selection of transitions as a feature all of which are borrowed from film and television editing
techniques, character animation within the frame, and overall dramatic structure are things
that are taken from film and television in particular for use in educational computers

LCD projector
 is a type of video projector for displaying video images or computer data on a screen or
other flat surface. LCD means “liquid crystal display.
 Multimedia projectors, which are the compact devices that project images in high
resolution, are commonplace in many of today's classrooms.


 It is almost impossible to imagine being without a cell phone or using ipad as a digital tool.
 Many healthcare associations have begun to provide telephone services with messages about
disease treatment & prevention.
 For example- The American Cancer Society has established a toll free number for public to
obtain short taped messages about various types of cancer.

SATELLITE - EDUSAT (first satellite in India for educational purpose) was created primarily for
the purpose of providing connectivity to school, college and higher level of education. For e.g.
the tribal area of Madhya Pradesh has been covered in the Indira Gandhi National Open
University national beam.

Educational tools/ Teaching Tools

 Educational tools include various social networking sites & apps which can increase &
upgrade our knowledge. These includes
 Facebook provides health related tips such as CIMS Cancer Page,, everyday
health etc.
 YouTube provides educational videos.

Module 2

Bill Gates - Is the owner of Microsoft Company.

Microsoft office - Is used for special purpose office work such as:

 Documentation
 Work Sheet
 Presentation
 Data base.

What is MS-WORD

 Microsoft Word is a word processing  Defining the form of the document

software pakage.  Entering a document from a
 You can use it to type letters keyboard
,reports,and other documents.  Editing (modifying) the document
 The four main operations of a word  Printing the document.
processing pakage are:

Features of Microsoft Word

 Creating Document.  Graphics.

 Editing Document.  Word Art.
 Printing Document

Proofing Word Document

 Spelling Checker  Auto correct.
 Grammar checker
 Thesaurus

Formatting Word Document

 The process to change the appearance of a document is called the document formating
you can format a single character, word, lines, paragraph or whole document.
 The document is formated to make it more attractive and beautiful.
 The commands used to format the document are selected from the Home tab.

Creating Tables
 Microsoft word provides a tool called table. It is used to organize information of a rows and
columns .
 A table is made of series of rows and columns.
 The intersection of row and column is called cell.

MS- Excel
Excel is an Microsoft Application that is mainly used for calculations and mathematical works.

 It is a spreadsheet application in which we can add sheets as per our requirements. In a

single sheet, it consists of rows and columns and cells, where every cell has different
 Sum, product, subtraction, division and many mathematical, logical functions are
available within it.
 Other features include tables, charts, clip art and more.
 It is basically used for payroll, accounts, mathematical, and for other business purposes.

Hyperlink - We can link one file to another file or page.

Clip art - We can add images and also audio and video clips.
Chart - With charts, we can clearly show a product(s) evaluation to a client. For example, you
can display a chart showing which product is selling more or less by month, week, and so forth.
Tables - Tables are created with different fields (e.g. name, age, address, roll number, and so
forth). You can add a table to fill these values.
Functions - There are both mathematical functions (add, subtract, divide, multiply), and
logical ones (average, sum, mod, product).
Images and backgrounds - You can incorporate images and backgrounds into each sheet.
Macros - Macros are used for recording events for future use.
Database - With the data feature, you can add any database from other sources to it.
Sorting and filtering - We can sort and/or filter our data so that anything redundant or
repetitive can be removed more easily.
Data validations - This tool can help you consolidate your data.
Grouping - The grouping feature helps you both to group your data and ungroup it so that
you have subtotals and so forth.
Page layout- Themes, colors, sheets, margins, size, backgrounds, breaks, print, titles, sheets
height, width, scaling, grids, headings, views, bring to front of font or back alignment, and
many more are available for you to lay out your page.

PowerPoint Is computer software created by Microsoft which allows the user to create slides
with recordings, narrations, transitions and other features in order to present information. An
example ofPowerPoint is presentation software made by Microsoft.

Features of MS-Power Point

 Animatation  Running presentation

 Auto shapes  Slide transition
 Editing presentation  Saving presentation
 Spell checking in presentation  Printing presentation
 Hiding and Un-hiding slides

MS ACCESS - Is a tool which used for create database and it is also a application software.

Features of MS-ACCESS

 Database
 Record
 Field
 Table
 Form
 Report
 Primary key

Module 3
Characteristics 21st Century Learner

 Want to have a say in their education.

 Often have higher levels of digital literacy than their parents or teachers.
 Expect transparency in their parents, teachers and mentors.
 Want you to tell them when you have messed up, apologize for it, and move on.
 Don’t care as much about having a job as they do about making a difference.
 Demand the freedom to show their wild creativity.
 Want to connect with others in realtime on their own terms.
 Collaborate amazingly well.
 Really can multi-task.
 Appreciate a “trial and error” approach to learning new skills.
 Learn by doing
 Have a “can do” attitude
 Thrive in an atmosphere of controlled challenge.
 Have multicultural awareness and appreciation.
 Open to change.
 Are equal parts “consumer” and “creator”.
 Increasingly aware of the world around them.
 Know where to go to find information.
 Are better educated than any generation before them.
 Expect inter-disciplinarity
 Know that they are the future.

Characteristics 21st Century Educator

 Anticipates the Future.

 Life Long learner
 Fosters peer relationships - Teacher must model and demand courtesy,
communication and respect.
 Can teach and assess all levels of learners - assess where each and every
student they teach is at relative to ‘Learning Ability’ and ‘Commitment to
Learning.’ “To be an effective 21st-century teacher, a teacher must first
possess the very same 21st-century skills that their students are expected
to have.”


The bright child - I admire for his creative intelligence and strength of will. He is the leader of

The slow child - Earns my deepest respect for his patience and preserverance. He will be the
good citizen of the future.

The handsome child - Has much to give. I can teach him to use his strength and beauty in
giving joy to others.

The plain child - I tresure him for his inner loveliness and his gracious personality

The rich child - Needs my help . I must train him to be generous and to share his good things
with others

The poor child - Is not really poor. He is rich in the love of his family and friends. These
tresures could satisfy him completely.

The gay child- Make me happy. Just looking at him brings a smile to my lips. I can teach him
to value this great gift of joy so he will never lose it.

The sad child – needs me desperately. I must give him all the comfort and security I have to
The bold child – I like for his vigorous ways. He needs toning down but not the extinction of
his personality.
The shy child – is only waiting for my warm affection to wipe away the film that hides his
true and lovely personality.

The good child – is a constant source of joy to me. I must help him become even better.
The bad child – is not really bad only neglected and misguided. I must give him the attention
and guidance to get back on the right track. These children are like melodies that must be

What teachers must do to Develop learners Skills

 Maintain good communication skills - A successful teacher is one that is able to

build a rapport with his /her students, one that can easily connect with his learners and
feel their needs as individuals. Open and clear communication is the key to develop a
healthy friendly learning atmosphere inside your class.
 Getting students engagement - Use interesting educational games and activities, use
technology and multimedia resources and finally make your teaching student-centred
and try your maximum to relate what you teach to students immediate environment.
 Use Humour - maintain the right balance between instruction and joking and don't let
your whole class become an hour long comedy routine.
 Act don't react - Learn their game and play it with them carefully.
 Be clear andprecise in your instructions - Step by step
 Give room to individualized learning
 Positive Feedback
 Involve students in decision making - Students tend to do great when they feel
they are trusted and that they are real parts in the learning / teaching operation.
 Use peer learning
 Love your subjects / job

Technology integration - Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning
technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.
Phases of Technology Integration

 Introducing
 Reinforcing
 Supplementing
 Extending

Simple Integration - There is no substantial change in the teaching-learning process from

the previous method. While technology helps, it does not play a pivotal role.

Middle Level Integration - There is purposeful use of technology to support key

learning areas.

Higher level Integration - Technology is the central instructional tool.


Educational Trends

 Present-day students have become computer literate

 Teachers have deemphasized rote learning
 Student assessment includes measurement of higher level learning outcomes
 Recent teaching-learning models paved the way for instructional.

Obstacles to IT pedagogical Practice

 The thinking that the use of computer is time-consuming and expensive.

 The danger of a technology- centered classroom.
 The fear that computers may soon replace computers.

Suggestion to avoid obstacles of ET integration to instruction

 Proper time management between preparation and application of instructional tools.

 Wise technical advice
 Trainings and seminars in the use of ET
 Teachers need to acquire computer skills

Building Educational Gap

 The older generation often feels there is a generation gap between them and younger
generation. This is apparent in simple things like the manner of dressing, socializing,
more intimate relationship like friendship and marrying, etc.
 In the field of education, a huge generation gap also exists and it will continue to widen
unless some changes are adopted at the proper time. In peasant third world countries
where school don't have technology facilities, it is understandable that the transition to
digital may take time.
First, we need to understand the potentials of (ICT):
 The network of instantaneous communication global borders,
between countries, and coming continents
 Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the
new generation, especially along matters of traditional value

Preferences of the Technology Generation

 What the old generation likes may not be the same as the new generation prefers in
their life , work and leisure
 In the field of education, it is important that critical differences in perceptions between old
and young which create a generation gap need to be discussed.

Differences that contributes to the generation gap

 Texts vs. Visuals

 Linear vs. Hyper – Media
 Independent vs. Social Learners
 Learning to do vs. Learning To Pass The Test
 Delayed Rewards vs. Instant Gratification
 Rote Memory vs. Fun Learning

LINEAR - The past-30 year old generation has obtained information in a linear, logical and
sequential manner. On the positive side, this has made them more logical, focused and
reflective thinkers.

Independent- The traditional education system gives priority to independent learning, prior
to participate work.

SOCIAL LEARNERS - New leaeners how ever are acquainted digital tools that adapt to both
personal and participative work. They take the opportunity for dozens of instantaneous ways
to communicate with others mobile calls and text, emails, Facebook,YouTube,My space,
twitter, wikis and etc. experts describe this mode of digital learning as one thatbased on
experimentation, discovery and intstituation.

Learning to do - Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests and complete
the course requirements.

LEARNING TO PASS THE TEST - On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to
acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn. Our
parents have completed a course and have engaged in a permanent job for most of their
lives. A different work situation awaits the digital generation with contractual, multitask and
multi-career opportunities in a digital world ahead of them.

Rewards - The traditional reward system in honor certificates/medals, and diplomas.

Including future jobs, the traditional school’s reward system consists of unclear rewards for

ROTE MEMORY- Teachers feel too obliged to delivering content-based courses, the
learning of which is measurable by standard tests.

Fun learning - Digital learners prefer which learning is relevant and instantaneously useful
to them. Learning is play to new learners and not surprisingly there is much fun in the digital
world outside the school.
Module 4
traditional role - as delivery vehicles for instructional lessons
a constructivist - way as partners in the learning process.

In traditional way

 the learners learn from the technology and the technology serves as a teacher.
 The learners learn the content presented by the technology in the same way that the
learner learns knowledge presented by the teacher.

In constructivist way

 Technology helps the learner build more meaningful personal interpretations of life and
his/her world.
 technology is a learning tool to learn with, not from.
 It makes the learner gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct
meaning with what technology presents.

From the traditional point of view

 Technology serves as source and presenter of knowledge.

 it is assumed that "knowledge is embedded in the technology
 The technology presents that knowledge to the
 Technology like computers is seen as a productivity tool.
 The popularity of word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic
programs and desktop publishing in the 1980s points to this
productive role of educational technology.
 With the eruption of the INTERNET in the mid 90's, communications
and multimedia have dominated the role of technology in the
classroom for the past few years.

From the constructivist point of view:

 educational technology serves as learning tools that learners learn with.
 it engages learners in "active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative
 it provides opportunities for technology and learner interaction for meaningful learning.
 In this case, technology will not be mere delivery vehicle for content. Rather it is used a
facilitator of thinking and knowledge construction.

From a constructivist perspective, the following are roles of technology in


Technology as a tools to support knowledge construction

 for representing learners' ideas, understandings and beliefs

 for producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners
Technology as information vehicles for exploring
 knowledge to support learning-by-constructing for accessing needed information
 for comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views

Technology as context to support learning-by-doing

 for representing and stimulating meaningful real-world problems, situations and
 for representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments and stories of others
 for defining a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking

Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing

 for collaborating with others

 for discussing, arguing and building consensus among members of a community
 for supporting discourse among knowledge-building communities

Technology as intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting

 for helping learners to articulate and represent what they know

 for reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know it
 for supporting learners internal negotiations and meaning making
 for constructing personal representations of meaning
 for supporting mindful thinking

Meaningful Learning - Opposed to rote learning and refers to a learning way where the
new knowledge to acquire is related with previous knowledge (Ausubel 2000).

Discovery learning is a hnique of inquiry-based ruction and is considered uctivist based to

education. It is supported by the work of learning theorists and psychologists Jean Piaget,
Jerome Bruner, and Seymour Papert. Although this form of instruction has great popularity,
there is some debate in the literature concerning its efficacy (Mayer, 2004).

Generative learning - Gives emphasis to what can be done with pieces of information , not
only on acess to them.

Recall - It involves the learner pulling information from long term memory.

Integration - It involves the learner to integrating new knowledge with prior knowledge.

Organization - Involves the learner relating prior knowledge to new ideas and concept in
meaningful ways.

Elaboration - Involves the connection of new materials to information or ideas

already in the learner’s mind.

Contructivism- is a theory to explain how knowledge is constructed in the human being

when information comes into contact with existing knowledge that had been developed by


 Learning consists in what a person can actively assemble for himself and
not what he can receive passively.
 The role of Learning is to help the individual live/adapt to his personal

These two principles in turn lead to three implications:

 The learner is directly responsible for learning.
 The context of meaningful learning consists in the learner “ connecting “
his school activity with real life.
 The purpose of education is the acquisition of practical and personal
knowledge, not abstract or universal truths.


 In the traditional absorption model of teaching, the teacher organizes and presents
information to student – learners.
 This teaching approach has been proven successful for achieving learning outcomes
following the lower end of Bloom’s taxonomy: Knowledge, comprehension, and application
are concerned.

The project method for higher learning outcomes

 It consists in having the students work on projects with depth, complexity, duration and
relevance to the real world.
 This new method involves students in the active creation of information, such that
there is sustained reflective thinking on topics that have a real-world quality to them.
 There is a tighter link between the use of projects for simply coming up with
products to having the students undergo the process of complex/higher
thinking framework of the constructivist paradigm.
 Under this framework, it is the students, not the teacher, make decisions about
what to put into the project, how to organize information, how to package the
outcomes for presentation, and the like.
 Meanwhile, the teacher, without staying away from the project endeavor,
guides and facilitates the learning process.

The Process

 The process of project implementation takes the students to the steps, efforts, and
experiences in project completion. Thus we have to bear this in mind: " THE PROCESS IS
 The process refers to the thinking/affective/psychomotor process that occurs on the
part of the learner.
 This comprises the journey that actualizes learning.
 The product is the result of this all-important process.
 The product can be a summary, a poster, an essay, a term paper, a dramatic
presentation or an IT-based product.

Four IT based Projects

 Resource based project

 Simple creations
 Guided hyper media projects
 Web based projects

Resources based projects - The teacher steps out of the traditional role of being an
context expert and information provider and instead lets the students find their own facts and

The General flows of events in resources based project are :

 The teacher determines the topic for the examination of class.

 The teacher presents the problem to the class.
 The students find information on the problem/questions.
 Students organize their information in response to the problem/questions.

Traditional learning model

 Teacher is expert and information provides

 Textbook is key source of information
 Focus on facts Information is packaged In neat parcels
 The product is the be-all and end-all of learning
 Assessment is quantitative

Resource-based learning model

 Teacher is a guide and facilitator

 Sources are varied(print, video. Internet, etc.)
 Focus on learning inquiry, quest, or discovery
 Emphasis on process
 . Assessment is quantitative and qualitative.
Analyzing- distinguishing similarities and differences/ seeing the project as a problem
to be solved.
Synthesizing- making spontaneous connections among ideas, does generating
interesting or new ideas.
Promoting- selling of a new ideas to allow the public to test the ideas themselves.

Instructive tools - such as in the production by students of a power-point

presentation of a selective topic.

Constructive tools - such as when students do a multi- media presentation (with text,
graphs, photos, audio narration, interviews, video clips, etc. ).

WEB-BASED PROJECTS - Students can be made to create and post web pages on a
given topic. But creating new pages, even single page web pages, maybe tool sophisticated
and time consuming for the average student.

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