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Практическое занятие по предмету ПУПР (английский язык)

группа 112. 27.10.2020 г.

№ Содержание задания Примечание

Контрольная точка №2
1 Fill in the gaps with the correct tense form of the verb in
brackets. (20 points)
1. A: _______( you/ speak ) to your boss about a pay rise? B:
Not yet. I_________( see ) him this afternoon.
2. Mr. Todd_________( teach) for thirty years when he retied.
3. John ___________(enter) his flat and_______( close ) the
door. He_________( hang up) his coat when
he__________( hear) a strange noise.
4.A: What time_______(the play start) tonight? B: Seven
o’clock, I think.
5. A: Are you ready for the concert? B: Yes. I_____(practise) for
6. A: Did you enjoy the play last night? B: No, even though
I________( read) good reviews of it before I bought the tickets.

2 Choose the correct tense to complete the sentence. (20 points)

1. The plane leaves/has left at four o’clock. We must be at
the airport by two o’clock.
2. The teacher has been correcting/has corrected essays for
three hours.
3. Martha is finding/has found a new job. She is starting
next week.
4. Have you seen Linda? I have been looking/am looking
for her for almost an hour.
5. We had been staying/stayed in a hotel by the sea last
6. Linda was singing/had sung as she was cleaning the
7. Carol had broken/was breaking her arm , so she couldn’t
write for six weeks.
8. They had walked/ had been walking for hours when they
stopped for a rest.
9. Jack has painted/painted a lot of pictures. They are very

3 Choose the correct item to complete the sentence. (20

1. I don’t think Frank has_________been to a live concert
2. Helen is walking her dog _______________.
b) recently
c) at the moment
3. She is the most honest person I _________________. a)
b) have ever met
c) had met
4. Tom ______________ tennis for years before entering his
first tournament.
a) played
b) was playing
c) had been playing
5.We get up early __________________. a)
b) on Sundays
c) never
6. After the party Chris ___________ on his motorbike and
_____________ away.
a) had got/ drove
b) got/had driven
c) got/drove
7. She has been ____________ Berlin for two years. She lives
and works there now.
a) to
b) in
c) away
8. I haven’t seen him ____________ last week. a)
b) for
c) already
9. She _____________ dinner when I _______________.
a) was cooking/ arrived
b) cooked/ was arriving
c) was cooking/ was arriving
10. __________ had I locked the door ____________ the
thunderstorm broke out.
a) While/when
b) Just/ already
c) Hardly/when

4 . Write the questions to which the word in bold is the

answer. (10 points)
1. We go to the library once a week.
2. A lot of students came to the main hall.
3. She always wears uniform at work.
4. Andy had been learning Italian for three years before he went
to live there.
5. My friend Tom used to live in the country.
5 Translate into English. (30 points)
1. Я студентка 1 курса. Мы часто пишем контрольные
работы. Сейчас мы пишем контрольную работу по
грамматике. Мы пишем контрольную работу уже час, но я
выполнила всего 4 задания.
2. Анна больна уже три дня. Она простудилась в воскресенье,
когда мы ездили за город.

3. Было 6 часов, когда я вышла из дому. Не успела я сесть в

автобус, как вспомнила, что забыла тетрадь в своей комнате.
Я вернулась домой, взяла тетрадь и пошла в институт.

4. Мы шли домой, и Пётр рассказывал мне о своём друге.

Когда мы пришли домой, Пётр вспомнил, что забыл ключ в

5. Мой друг переехал в новую квартиру на прошлой неделе.

Они искали эту квартиру 2 месяца, прежде чем они нашли ту
квартиру, которая им понравилась.

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