Практична робота 2

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Практична робота №2

SB. Ex. A p.9


1. Water boils at 100°C. - (с scientific facts)

2. His parents work at a bank. – (permanent situationsс)

3. We have a dance class next week. – (d future actions based on timetables and
4. The English drink a lot of tea. – (a habits and repeated actions)

SB. Ex. В p.9


1 You are always interrupting me! d annoying habits

2 What are you doing at the weekend? с future plans
3 I am saving up for a car. b temporary situations
4 The baby is crying! It must be hungry. a actions happening now
5 Families are becoming smaller and smallert hese days. e changing and
developing situations in the present.
SB. Ex. F p.9

1. are you being

2. 'm not remembering
3. lives
4. 's seeing
5. is looking like
6. are taking
7. are going
8. do you think

SB. Ex. G p.9


I think that identical twins are fascinating. They have the same DNA, but
they've got different fingerprints and they often have different personalities too. 
My sisters Kathy and Sandy are identical twins and my parents and I don't know
which twin is which most of the time. In fact, they are always playing tricks on
us, which is not funny! They wear different clothes in the morning, so we can tell
them apart, but then they often change clothes later just to confuse us. There is
only one thing that helps us to tell who is who: Kathy spends a lot of her free time
reading books, but Sandy hates reading. She often moans about it, saying ‘Katy is
reading again!'.

Ex. A p.12

1. get
2. keep
3. have
4. fall
5. pay

Ex. В p.12
1. family
2. a secret
3. to pieces
4. compliment
5. married
6. diary
7. in love
8. Divorced
9. visit
10. sympathy

Ex. C p.12
1.get divorced
2. fall into pieces
3.have a sympathy
4.pay a visit
5. fall in love
6.keep a secret
7. keep diary
8.get married
9.have a family
10.pay a compliment
WB. Ex. A p.5
1. lives
2. nie ma bo nie widze
3. planning
4.usually does
5. Its getting
6. are determining
7. are always arguing
8. are u doing
9. have a
10. leaves

WB. Ex. B p.5

1. I know Jim very well because we went to university together.
2. correct 
3. My grandfather is a scientist and he likes to invent things.
4. Michael is a chef, but never does he cook at home for his family! (неверная
синтаксическая форма инверсии)
5. Teenagers are becoming more and more independent these days. (маркер
аспекта continuous - "these days")
6. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (general truth)
7. Why is your little sister crying? Is she thirsty? (нелогично: little sister не
может плакать всегда из-за того, что она испытывает жажду,
поскольку, если не утолять жажду, можно умереть, то есть "всегда"
прекратится; т.о., она плачет в данный момент)

Ex. B p. 6
1. Sam's father left his mother. Sam's worried that she'll fall to pieces.
2. I have a lot of families for children of divorced parents.
3. My grandmother's house is near here; let's go andpay her a visit.
4.A lot o f my friends keep a diary; they write Iin it every day.
5.My sister is g etting married at the end of I the month - she's having a traditional
6.Do you plan to have a family when you I grow up? I want a big one with five

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