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Sb. Ex.Е p. 24
1. My mum used to give us croissants every Sunday morning.
2. These chocolates used to cost much less.
3. Did you use to like vegetables when you were younger?
4. We used to have picnics at the beach every weekend.
5. I didn't use to own a fridge, but now I do.
6. David used to eat a lot of rice when he lived in China.
7. Our cat Max used to hide its food in the garden.
8. Did Susan use to be slim when she was at university?

Sb. Ex.F p. 24

1. I used to having bread and cheese for breakfast.

2. My cookery teacher is getting used to be a chef.
3. Were you used to preparing food when you lived at home?
4. Jessica loved India, but she couldn't get used to the spicy food.
5. Maria and Natalie are getting used to the lunches at their new school's canteen.
6. Is Ted getting used watching his weight?
7. I am getting used to eating anything I wanted before I went on a diet.
8. Did you get used to help your mum set the table?
WB. Ex. A p.12

1. used to;would.
2. get used to;
3. get used to
4. get used to

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