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Практична робота №3

SB. Ex. A p.13


1. Granddad told us a story about our ancestors. С

2. Each country has its own traditions. С
3. Information about our genes comes from our DNA. С
4. A mother feels great love for her children.U
5. An aunt of mine gave me this picture. U

SB. Ex. В p.13


1. Countable nouns refer to separate items. They can be singular and plural. We
use an article (a/an/the) before singular countable nouns.
2. Uncountable nouns refer to things that cannot be counted or abstract ideas.
These nouns do not have a plural form.

SB. Ex. С p.13


1. My sister washes her hair every day. Uncountable

2. Oh no! There are dog hairs all over the sofa. Countable

SB. Ex. E p.13


Uncountable Countable
food advice
generation mirror
information research
maths tradition
family people

SB. Ex. G p.13


1. an
2. an
3. a
4. A. an
B. some
5. some, a
6. some
7. A. some
B. an
8. some
Ex. A p.14

1. I look like my mother's side of the family; that's to say, my grandmother, my

aunt and my cousins.
2. It's mum's thirty-fifth birthday next week.
3. Carol lives in the United Arab Emirates.
4. Please bring food. For example, fruit, sandwiches or hotdogs.
5. I'm seeing Doctor Andrews at four o'clock in the afternoon.
6. Mister Jones says lessons start at eight forty-five in the morning.
7. Sixty-two Greendale Street, London, United Kingdom.
8. Buses leave at ten in the morning, eleven in the morning, twelve in the morning,

Ex. D p.14

1. a greeting
2. the reason for the party
3. the time the party starts
4. the date of the party
5. asked the reader to reply to the invitation
WB. Ex. A p.7
1. lot of
2. many
4. a lot
5. little
6. few
7. much
8. number

WB. Ex. B p.7


1. -
2. is
3. is
4. is
5. -
6. are
7. is
8. are

Ex. A p. 8

4. H
7. G
8. A

Ex. B p. 8

1. b You are celebrating your grandparents' 50 years o f marriage.

2. b You must write an informal email.
3. a You will send the email to a member o f your family

Ex. C p. 8

50th; 26th; Green St.; 7pm

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