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Manage Geographies

Manage Legal Addresses

Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity HCM Information
Manage Enterprise HCM Information
Establish Enterprise Structures
Manage Business Unit
Manage Departments  TEST DEP
Manage Locations  Jeddah Branch/ Medina Branch
Manage Job Family  International Food KSA Job Family
Manage Job  Manager
Manage Grade  G1/G2
Manage Position  Accounting Manager
Core 3-1Video

Manage Actions  for Change LOV ( Hire)

Set user General preferences for change (date format, Display
name,time format,Time zone)
Manage Person Name Styles  search KSA  update format or add
Manage Person Name Formats  search KSA
Manage Enterprise HCM Information
Manage Legal Entity HCM Information
Core 3-1Video

Manage Person Name Formats

Run Request Apply name formats to person names
Run request Synchronize Bell notifications
Manage Action Reasons
Create Implementation Users
Create Data Role for Implementation Users
Manage Role Provisioning Rules
Manage Job Roles
Manage Assignment Status
Define Common HCM Configuration Document Types
Disciplinary Action
Manage Document Type Security Profile
Define Common HCM Configuration Document Records Descriptive
Flexfields  Disciplinary Action
Manage Descriptive Flexfields  Documents of Record Attributes

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