Segunda Entrega Globalizacion y Competitividad Semana 5 VF

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Globalización y competitividad




Sebastian Narvaez Tabares COD: 1911024118

Daniela Luque Mora COD: 1610010006

Susan Daniela Cote Rodriguez COD: 1811027958

Brisley Ortiz Bolivar COD : 1711022542

Trabajo colaborativo




Globalización y competitividad


Educational Context in Colombia...................................................................................................4
Educational Context in Finland:.....................................................................................................5
Main Objective...................................................................................................................................6
Specific Objectives.........................................................................................................................6
What is the Difference of the higher education system between Colombia and Finland?..................7

Globalización y competitividad


Education as the fundamental axis of a fair society is the way in which people acquire skills
that allow them to develop, expand their knowledge and execute different actions in their
environment. It is clear that by acquiring such knowledge, society is able to make easy or
complex decisions.

By having education, it allows people to be enriched in aspects such as values, development

of ideas and above all, inclusion.

Access to education is one of the fundamental pillars on which the development of a

country is based and does not allow it to be at a primary, secondary, or tertiary level.
Therefore, when considering countries such as Colombia and Finland for a comparison in
this pillar, it is important to emphasize the abysmal difference between countries.

The Finnish educational system is one of the most complete in the world, since it has a
series of strategies that allow its citizens to access learning easily and without setbacks, this
allows them to occupy the top positions in the PISA tests for several periods.

In comparison with Colombia, not all people can access the educational system.

Therefore, in our article, we will report on the points in which there is such a gap in the
Colombian and Finnish education systems, and why these types of differences are

Globalización y competitividad


Educational Context in Colombia

To know a little more about Colombia we will start with the basic data of the country, the
country has approximately 50 million inhabitants to date, it is made up of 32 departments
and a capital district, with an area of 1,142,000,000 km2; the official language is Spanish
and its currency is the Colombian peso.

Officially Republica de Colombia is a sovereign country located in the northwestern region

of South America, which is constituted in a unitary, social and democratic state of law
whose form of government is presidential.

The context that we will delve into is that of education. Higher education in Colombia
began in the colonial period, and particularly in the 16th and 17th centuries, with the
foundation in Bogotá of the private universities Santo Tomás, San Francisco Javier, today
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
These educational institutions concentrated their activities on the teaching of theology,
philosophy, jurisprudence and medicine. During that period, access to the university was
limited to a group of students belonging to religious orders and Spanish or Creole families
with good social position (Rodríguez and Burbano, 2012). During the colony, some
colleges and other universities were also founded in Cartagena, Popayán, Mompox and

The first public universitie were the University of Antioquia, founded in 1803, the National
University of Colombia in 1867 and the Central University in 1966.

In this country the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education known by the
acronym "ICFES" Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education is the one
that determines the level of educational quality in order to offer information to improve it
and is also in charge of taking “Saber 11” tests for the admission of students who are in
their last year to Higher Education.

Globalización y competitividad

According to figures from the Information System of the Ministry of Education “Of every
100 young people in Colombia, 52 access Higher Education (technical, technological or
university). Of those 52, 30 enter the university, 15 the public and 15 the private, 8 graduate
from the public and 8 from the private, 5 will get a job and only one is going to retire ”.

Educational Context in Finland:

Addressing the comparison between these two countries we have: Finland only has 0.029%
of the total area of Colombia, that is, 338,450 km2. Its inhabitants are around 5,500,000,
which is only 11.3% of the total population of Colombia. These data are important since, as
we can see, the Finnish territory is smaller and has fewer inhabitants, this contributes to the
better quality of education and student performance.

The Finnish educational model is considered one of the best in the world with different
special characteristics, this is due to its good results in the Pisa Reports, the evaluation
carried out by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
every three years . Here are 10 of the salient essential characteristics to which its success is

1. All teachers are valued and prestigious professionals, they are authority figures in
schools and for society.

2. Education is free and accessible to all inhabitants willing to acquire it, between the
ages of 7 and 16. It must be taught in public educational centers. You do not have to
pay for any type of school supplies, a hot meal is provided daily and transportation
is provided for children who live further than 5km from the educational center.

3. State funds are distributed equitably and fairly to each of the educational centers,
attending to each of the basic needs, to promote equality and opportunities.

4. The study plan must be fulfilled as it has already been established by the
government, but each center has the freedom to modify it to taste, as they feel freer
and better consider it.

Globalización y competitividad

5. Education is personalized from the first years, thus supporting students with special
needs, this in order not to affect the learning of each student and to minimize the
percentages of school failure. The pace of each student is respected, while still
demanding and instilling discipline. In addition, teachers take ownership of the
groups from year 1 to year 6, creating constancy and confidence.

6. Students have time for everything, importance is given to play and rest. This means
that the tasks and duties are left only for the educational center and leisure or rest at
home; If the student on his initiative decides to invest his time in studying, it should
only be for his satisfaction.

7. Teachers spend less time in the classroom and spend the remaining hours of their
working day preparing their lessons, researching, organizing or working
collaboratively with other teachers.

8. Any competition and figures that could put the students into rivalry are avoided as
much as possible, in accordance with this, they do not take any type of exam or
receive grades until the 5th year. The reports that teachers prepare for parents are
descriptive, not numerical.

9. Curiosity, participation, entrepreneurship and creativity are very important. These

are rewarded and instilled from a young age.

10. Parents are an important part of the learning process. Society and families consider
education to be fundamental and complement it with cultural activities.

Según afirma el artículo: Las diez claves de la educación en Finlandia [Infografía], texto
resumido o parafraseado. Recuperado de:
educacion-en-finlandia/ [Septiembre 26 de 2020]

Main Objective
Identify through a comparison the differences in the higher education system between
Colombia and Finland

Globalización y competitividad

Specific Objectives
1. Investigate what is the situation of the countries regarding the accessibility of
higher education and the percentage of people who manage to finish their
university degree.

2. Determine the differences in the higher education system between Colombia and
3. Inquire about the different learning methodologies in Finland

1. Higher education
2. Quality
3. System

What is the Difference of the higher education system between Colombia and
There is no doubt that the Finnish educational model is one of the most qualified
worldwide, characterized by its efficiency and above all by its social inclusion, which
allows students to occupy the first places in the PISA tests.

The higher education system is based on the continuation of the primary education where
students can look at their professional preferences. In Finland there are 14 universities of
which two are only private and 12 are public; there are also 24 polytechnical institutions.
Higher education for Finns is completely free, which allows the whole society to have the
right to education. Finland will use 12.34% of public spending on education by 2019.

Another aspect that strengthens higher education is that teachers must have at least a
master's degree, which in one way or another ensures quality education. Among other
benefits, students have access to dining facilities, free transportation for people living in
retirement from university cloisters and in some institutions, they are provided with
materials for the development of their activities. According to statistics, only 7% of people
who finish high school do not want to take the university option.

Globalización y competitividad

As far as the Colombian model is concerned, it is no secret that education is one of the
biggest deficits for the country, starting with the fact that education in Colombia is not
completely free, since the high costs of tuition, inequality and social non-inclusion diminish
opportunities for Colombians. According to statistics, 33% of Colombians between the ages
of 25-34 do not have a higher system qualification than men and 27% of women.

Compared to Finland, it is estimated that only 22% of Colombians have a university degree,
while in Finland it is between 40-42% with a tendency to increase, all thanks to the infinite
opportunities that this country presents for its citizens.

Salarios y remuneraciones de los profesores



e r
ity w
l in he
lc to n ac
i ta i n O Te
p er er h
ca h ac
h i s
e ac Te an
in l Te Sp
her hoo
c Sc
T ea

En la semana trabajan entre 20 y 30 horas. La variación del precio de cada hora influye si
se trabaja en la capital o en un pueblo cercano.

Globalización y competitividad



$ 16,000

$ 14,000

$ 12,000
Incentivos o Extras
$ 10,000
Salario base
$ 8,000

$ 6,000

$ 4,000

$ 2,000


Los profesores colombianos trabajan un aproximado de 48 horas semanales, adicional

deben preparar las clases antes de llegar al aula, es decir que es tiempo de su trabajo en
Algunos profesores de escuelas y jardines privados pueden llegar a ganar un poco más,
pero este aumento esta entre $300.000 y $500.000 pesos colombianos mensuales. Como es
bien conocido los maestros son muy mal pagos en Colombia, no son respetados y mucho
menos valorados por los alumnos ni padres o acudientes.

Globalización y competitividad

Colombian´s Teacher

Finland´s Teacher

Para realizar esta gráfica, se tomaron los datos aproximados del valor por hora del trabajo
de los profesores y se sacó una media. La cual indica que los profesores colombianos por
hora ganan aproximadamente $14.500 pesos y los finlandeses ganan aproximadamente
$140.500 pesos por cada hora de trabajo.
Como se observa en la gráfica los profesores de Colombia solo ganan un entre un 10% y
9% de lo que ganan los profesores en Finlandia, lo que es muy preocupante porque son las
personas que educan a los adultos del futuro, son los guías, consejeros y mentores de cada
una de las generaciones de niños y jóvenes que crecen en el país.
Al mismo tiempo que la educación en Colombia es muy mal paga para los profesores, esta
se convierte en cierta manera en una educación mediocre y sin futuro, donde depende de
cada estudiante si quiere o no salir adelante; también es importante si cuenta con los
recursos para promover buenas enseñanzas en todos los ámbitos sociales, para así ayudar
combatir con la corrupción y miles de problemas que aquejan al país. Lastimosamente, las
familias que tienen los recursos para brindar una buena educación a sus niños y jóvenes los
envían a otros países, muchos de ellos no regresan a Colombia, porque ya cuentan con un
muy buen futuro para ellos y sus familias en países del primer mundo.

Globalización y competitividad


-It is no secret that Colombia is a country in which education is not for everyone, since the
great social inequality does not allow that especially people with fewer resources have
access to education. Whereas, in Finland, practically the entire population has access. That
is why 52 out of every 100 young people in Colombia have access to education, while in
Finland 95 out of every 100 young people have access to education. Another important
aspect to emphasize is the salary between teachers in both countries, while in Finland a
teacher earns approximately 5700 euros, in Colombia it can be around 850 to 1000 euros,
which is almost 657% difference between salaries. On the other hand, it should be noted
that the investment that each government makes should be taken into account, while in
Colombia it is equivalent to 4.3% of GDP, in Finland it is equivalent to 12.4%, which
reflects a difference of 3 times between countries.


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