Final Graduation Project Workbook - 2020

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Graduation Project 2020


Campus: Supervisor:
Project Title:
Students Names:

Graduation Project Workbook 1

The graduation project is a culmination of the life skills and knowledge that you have acquired
whilst studying your chosen subject. By carrying out this project you will demonstrate many
skills including problem solving and teamwork. You may investigate a question, develop a
business or a media presentation, investigate a scientific question or solve an engineering
problem. Whatever form your graduation project takes, you will follow the steps in this booklet.
Your progress during this course will be evaluated at three stages as follows:

Research your project thoroughly and complete a

comprehensive business plan and plan the production of your
final project. By the end of Term 1 you should have everything
you need1to effectively complete your project.

Modify and troubleshoot your prototype/research paper
before concluding the project and presenting your work to
demonstrate your skills in communication and how well you
can advocate your project.
Produce a working prototype or research paper, which will
be evaluated before the final product is completed.

CDU team members will audit the progress of the graduation project three times during the
At the end of the year, you will be required to submit a scientific report detailing the process
you have followed. This report must be professionally presented with appropriate referencing.
In addition, during the graduation project ceremony you will produce a presentation as well as
displaying the final product.

This workbook will be used for the full duration of your project and will form the final report
that you will submit with your final presentation.

Grade 12 Term
Your teacher will split you into groups to work on your Graduation Project (maximum 4 people).
1.1: Identify team roles
The success of any project depends on using the skills of each member of the team. Hold a
Human Resources meeting to decide what roles everyone will play in your business e.g.:
 Managing Director:
- Has overall responsibility for the success of the project
 Manufacturing Manager:
- Is responsible for ensuring that the manufacturing of the product is to the required
standard and that all health and safety requirements are met
 Marketing Manager:
- Is responsible for checking the viability of the product and its marketability
 Finance Manager:
- Is responsible for keeping track of the costs and working out the potential
profitability of the project
 Any other role you feel is necessary that suits your cluster

Write down the names of the people in your team. Now think of something they are good at
that might be useful in your business, i.e. math for keeping records of sales or drawing for
designing prototypes or fliers to advertise your business, etc. Once you have identified the skills
of your team, allocate appropriate roles to everyone.


1.2: Idea Generation (complete the table in both English and Arabic)
Explore ideas for your project:
The Managing Director will run the brainstorming session. The idea of brainstorming is to write
down as many ideas as possible for later consideration.
 Do not discuss or comment on any of the ideas yet.
 The aim of brainstorming is to get as many ideas written down in as short a period as
 No idea is trivial – with slight amendment it might become the best idea ever!

Once you have got as many ideas as possible, then you can discuss them. Some you will
discount; some you may change and others you will keep. Aim to come up with 3 possible ideas
then write them below and decide on the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
:‫استكشف األفكار‬
.‫ بحيث يستمطر أعضاء المجموعة أكبر عدد ممكن من األفكار للنظر فيها الح ًقا‬.‫يدير قائد المجموعة جلسة العصف الذهني‬
:‫إضاءات مهمة‬
8‫ األولى‬.‫أي من األفكار المطروحة في المرحلة‬
ّ ‫• ال تناقش أو تعلّق على‬
.‫ في أقصر فترة ممكنة‬8‫• الهدف من العصف الذهني هو تدوين أكبر عدد ممكن من األفكار‬
!‫• ليست هناك فكرة تافهة؛ تعديالت طفيفة قد تجعلها أفضل فكرة على اإلطالق‬

‫طر‬8 ِ
ّ ‫د تُض‬88‫ ق‬.‫تها‬8‫ ومناقش‬8‫ار‬88‫ار األفك‬8‫ة اختب‬8‫دأ في مرحل‬8‫ وتب‬،‫ة األولى‬8‫ تنتهي المرحل‬8،‫ار‬88‫دد ممكن من األفك‬8‫بر ع‬8‫وبمجرد حصولك على أك‬ ّ
‫ا‬88‫ل منه‬8
ٍّ 8‫ا ك‬88‫ ّد ًدا مزاي‬8 ‫ مح‬،‫اه‬88‫ا أدن‬88‫دونه‬
ّ ‫ ثم‬،‫ة‬88‫ار ممكن‬88‫روج بثالث أفك‬88‫تهدف الخ‬88‫ اس‬.‫ر‬88‫ها اآلخ‬88‫ديل بعض‬88‫ار أو تع‬88‫طب بعض األفك‬88‫إلى ش‬


English: English: English:

:‫باللغة العربية‬ :‫باللغة العربية‬ :‫باللغة العربية‬

English: English: English:

:‫باللغة العربية‬ :‫باللغة العربية‬ :‫باللغة العربية‬

Which idea looks the best to you? Why? (complete the table in both English and Arabic)

‫ما أفضل فكرة بالنسبة إليك؟ ولماذا؟‬


:‫باللغة العربية‬

Now you have an idea of what you want to do but what will the finished product look like? How
will you know that you have been successful?

First you need to create a scope statement or a hypothesis. This states exactly what the project
will deliver and describes its major objectives. The objectives will include measurable success
criteria for the project. Your scope statement/hypothesis should answer the following
questions: What? Why? When? Who? How much? Where? How many? How do we know we
have achieved our goals? You can find out more about SMART goals here

Research is an important element in the development of any product or experiment. If you do
not do your research how will you know what is already on the market? How will you know
whether there is a need for your product?

1.3: Problem Statement (complete the problem statement in both English and Arabic)

What is the problem that you are trying to solve? State your problem clearly.
.‫واضحا‬ ‫المشكلةَ التي يُحاول الفريق حلَّها وص ًفا‬ ِ ِ
ً ُ ‫صف‬
Now these days everyone is heading into a very serious situation here during this
pandemic outbreak,. Leaving your own house can be a very risky and dangerous step to
take. and it’s very unsafe to leave the house without supplements to protect yourselves.
Going out for shopping is not an good idea and Cash on delivery can be risky too due to
transfer bacteria or viruses through exchanging.

:‫باللغة العربية‬
‫ قد تكون مغادرة منزلك خطوة محفوفة‬.‫ يتجه الجميع إلى وضع خطير للغاية هنا أثناء تفشي الوباء‬، ‫اآلن في هذه األيام‬
‫ الخروج للتسوق ليس فكرة جيدة‬.‫ ومن غير اآلمن مغادرة المنزل بدون مالحق لحماية أنفسكم‬.‫بالمخاطر وخطيرة للغاية‬
ً ‫والدفع النقدي عند التسليم قد يكون محفوفًا بالمخاطر أي‬.
‫ضا بسبب نقل البكتيريا أو الفيروسات من خالل التبادل‬

Project Objectives
What are your aims and objectives?
For research-based projects; state your hypothesis.
‫ما أهداف المشروع؟‬
.‫للمشاريع القائمة على البحث؛ تُحدَّد الفرضيّات‬
.‫ مو ّث ًقا من مصادر متعددة‬،‫اربط أهداف المشروع بالقيم اإلسالمية والوطنية‬

‫باللغة العربية‬:

Background Information
What research have you done using different resources and how? (provide references and
internet links)
‫ واإلشارة إلى تأثير‬،‫ما الدراسات والجهود السابقة المبذولة في موضوع مشروعك؟ (ال ب ّد من ذكر المراجع وروابط اإلنترنت‬
)‫الحضارة اإلسالمية وجهود دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‬
Virtual reality first created in 1968 and it was developed by computer scientist Ivan
Sutherland . Technically it describes as a three-dimensional computer-generated
environment. Which a person can interact and perform series of actions or manipulate
objects through using the VR applications, (PS VR, Oculus rift and HTC Vive VR) are the one
of the popular VR’s out in the market yet and they do focus on mainly entertainment field. 

Virutal reality produces a set of data which is then used to develop new models, training
methods, communication and interaction. In many ways the possibilities are endless. So,
developing a virtual reality application does consume a lot of time and costs a lot. [2]

‫باللغة العربية‬:

‫ من الناحية‬.‫ وتم تطويره بواسطة عالم الكمبيوتر إيفان ساذرالند‬1968 ‫تم إنشاء الواقع االفتراضي ألول مرة في عام‬
‫ يمكن ألي شخص التفاعل وتنفيذ سلسلة من‬.‫ فإنها تصف بيئة ثالثية األبعاد يتم إنشاؤها بواسطة الكمبيوتر‬، ‫الفنية‬
‫ اإلجراءات أو التعامل مع األشياء من خالل استخدام تطبيقات‬VR ، (PS VR ‫ و‬Oculus rift ‫ و‬HTC Vive VR) ‫هي‬
‫ واحدة من ألعاب الواقع االفتراضي الشائعة في السوق حتى اآلن وهي تركز بشكل أساسي على مجال الترفيه‬.

.‫ينتج الواقع الفيروتالي مجموعة من البيانات التي تُستخدم بعد ذلك لتطوير نماذج وأساليب تدريب وتواصل وتفاعل جديدة‬
‫ف‬cc‫وقت ويكل‬cc‫ير من ال‬cc‫تهلك الكث‬cc‫ي يس‬cc‫ع االفتراض‬cc‫بيق الواق‬cc‫وير تط‬cc‫إن تط‬cc‫ ف‬، ‫ لذلك‬.‫من نواح كثيرة االحتماالت ال حصر لها‬

1.4: Market Research (complete the market research information in both English and Arabic)

 What market research have you conducted?

 List your competitors & their products or details of similar research/products.
 How will your product be better/ more unique than your competitors?
 Does your product provide a competitive advantage? Is there a real need for it? How
do you know? Have you conducted surveys? Did you seek expert opinion in this
domain? Provide details.
‫• ما أبحاث السوق التي أجريتها؟‬
.‫المنتجات المماثلة‬/ ‫بأهم منافسيك ومنتجاتهم أو تفاصيل األبحاث‬
ّ ‫• ضع قائمة‬
‫تميزا من ُمنتجات منافسيك؟‬
ً ‫أكثر‬/ ‫• ما الذي سيجعل ُمنتجك أفضل‬
‫تطالعات؟‬8‫ريت اس‬8‫ل أج‬8‫ك؟ ه‬8‫لت إلى ذل‬8‫ص‬
ّ ‫ف تو‬8‫وملحة لهذا المنتج؟ كي‬
ّ ‫• هل لدى منتجك ميزة تنافسية؟ هل هناك حاجة حقيقية‬
.‫عددا من الخبراء في هذا المجال؟ احرص على إيراد التفاصيل‬
ً ‫استشرت‬
َ ‫هل‬


‫باللغة العربية‬:

Identify Stakeholders / Clients

Who will your customers be? Where and how will they use your product?
‫َمن عمالؤك المستهدفون؟ أين سيستخدمون منتجك؟ وكيف؟‬

‫باللغة العربية‬:

1.5: Resource Requirements
You have now confirmed that you have a viable product but how much is it going to cost you to
make/ what materials (including hardware and software) will you need? How do you know that
you will make a profit if you sell the product or will there be an interest for the results of your
research? How long will it take to receive the materials you need, if any, and how soon will you
have to order them to make sure that you have them when needed?

Materials Needed Quantity Needed Price per Unit Total Cost Supplier


1.6: Risk Assessment

The next step is to complete a risk assessment for your graduation project. Think of all the
potential health and safety issues risks that you could encounter. Below is an example of a risk
assessment form. You can modify it for your own project.
er to Tick and Add/Delete information as appropriate – all to sign on completion
Hazards Risks Control Measures
Students may not be physically  Risk assessments must take
 Physical capability of capable of undertaking account of the potential reduction
carrying out the activities usually undertaken by in physical capability when
intended work adults (e.g reduced strength assigning tasks to students.
and reach)  Ensure students receive
appropriate training and
 Physical injury.  Appropriate lifting and handling
 Manual handling. training to be given.
Lifting, pulling,  Repetitive strain injury  Student to only lift objects that are
moving etc. within their acceptable
 capabilities.
 Personal protective equipment
 Slips, trips and falls.  Employer to maintain a safe and
 Trailing cables tidy working environment
 Spillages  Defined walkways.
 Uneven floors  Appropriate guards fitted and used
 Pits  Student to be informed of danger
 Route obstructions areas
 Adverse weather

 Danger of accidents or  Hazards to be pointed out.

 Working away from incidents when  All rules and site regulations are
base / on their own. working by oneself / explained.
away from base.  High visibility clothing to be worn
where applicable.
 Mobile phone or other
communication device is made
 Cuts, abrasions &  Inspected prior to use.
 Use of hand tools. bruises.  Employer to assess and approve
student’s competence.
 Provision of personal protective
 Use of machinery and  Cuts, abrasions &  Regular inspection.
other power tools. bruises.  Equipment examined & tested.
 Entanglement.  Employer to assess and approve
 Electrocution. student’s competence.
 Appropriate guards fitted & used.
 Moving vehicles /  Injury  Dangerous areas identified to
traffic. student
 Visible/Audible warning signs.
 Designated walkways
 PPE/High visibility clothing etc

 Electricity  Electrocution  Regular inspection
 Burns  Extinguishers tested annually
 Fires  RCDs (Circuit breakers) used
 Student will have full training
 Dangers of wet conditions
 Hazardous  Burns  Substances to be suitably stored
substances and  Ingestion  Used under controlled conditions
chemicals.  Inhalation  Will not use pesticides until
 Absorption qualified / under the age of 18
 Irritation  Restricted access

 Airborne dust and  Inhalation  Local exhaust ventilation

fumes.  Allergic response  PPE – e.g face mask
 Asphyxiation  General ventilation
 Assess suitability of students with
certain allergic conditions

 Stored energy  Injection  Only to be use with appropriate

 Embolism tooling
 Propelling of foreign  Eye protection
objects  Never to be used
 Injury resulting from  PPE

 Noise  Damage to hearing  Ear protection provided as

 Visible warning notices
 Exposure to the sun  Sunburn  Student to wear as much body
 Illness cover as practicable
 Sun block cream to be advised.
 Falling objects  Physical injury  Visible warnings in place.
 PPPE equipment, e.g safety hats
were necessary

1.7: Generate a Feasibility Plan

Following on from your risk assessment, generate a feasibility plan which identifies the viability
of your solution and the total cost of all materials (calculated above) required to complete your
graduation project.

Graduation Project Title:

Is your project viable? Explain your reasons below:

What will be the total cost involved for the whole project?

Justify the costs against the project you will create.

1.8: Produce a Business Plan

A business plan is one of the most important stages in developing any project. Regardless of
whether you are making a product, providing a service or doing research or an experiment it is
important to know why you are doing it. Who is going to benefit from your actions? What will it
cost? The business plan summarizes what you have done so far and helps you to plan. This is
the document that you would submit to interested parties such as banks, potential investors or
scientific organizations in the case of research projects.

[Insert Logo]

Business Name: _________________________________________

Executive Summary:
Write a summary about your business/product, i.e. what type of product/s will you make?
 How will you plan your production?
 What roles will all of your team members take? What are your expenses?
 What is your anticipated profit?
 Who is your target market? Who are your competitors?
This section basically summarizes everything in your business plan. Complete this summary at
the end, when you have completed the rest of the business plan.

Opportunity Recognition & Business Structure

I - Business Opportunity

Provide a clear description of the want, need, or problem that is not being fulfilled by existing
businesses/products and the way that your product will address this market gap.

II - Leadership
Provide a short biography describing the roles that your business will include and the skills of
the key people. (Refer to page 4)

III – Mission Statement

A mission statement is a formal summary of the aims and values of your business. What is your
business’s/project’s mission statement?

IV – Market Research
Provide a short description of the primary research you’ve conducted which shows that there is

a market for your product or service.

V – Target Market
Who is your target market? Who would be the end user of your product?

VI – Competitors
What is already available in the market? Which companies/products are your main

VII – Competitive Advantage

What does your business/product offer that your competitors do not? What is your USP
(Unique Selling Point)? What problem or need does your product solve?




VIII – Business Growth

What are your short-term business goals?

IX – Challenges
What are your short-term business challenges?

Promotion and Sales (if applicable)

I – Marketing Plan

Provide a clear description of the want, need, or problem that is not being fulfilled by existing
businesses and the way that your business will address this market gap.

How do you plan to promote your business and increase sales?





This plan highlights the following customer benefits:





Financial Information & Operations (if applicable)

I – Definition of One Unit

II – Variable Expenses
Variable expenses are expenses that will increase the more you sell, e.g. raw materials

Quantity Cost per
Material Description
per Unit Unit

Total Material Costs per Unit AED

Total Costs
Material Costs /unit Units Forecasted TOTAL Costs Anticipated

III – Fixed Expenses

Fixed expenses are expenses that do not change no matter how many of the product you sell,
e.g. advertising costs.

Expense Type Cost Explanation



Total Fixed Expenses

IV – Anticipated Income Statement

Now copy the figures you have worked out above into the income statement to work out your
projected profit. Your teacher will show you an example of an Income Statement.



Materials needed for the sales:

Total Cost of Goods Sold

Total Variable Costs


list any other fixed costs here

Total Costs

NET PROFIT (Projected)

NB: Business students must submit their final financial accounts using QuickBooks Accounting

1.9: Design the project or prototype
Sketch an idea of your project or prototype (if appropriate)
Use a separate sheet if necessary

System Block Diagram (Prototype projects only)

Use a block diagram to provide a clear view of the sequence of action steps.
An example of an elevator block diagram is provided below to help you.


Electrical Circuit (if applicable)

Draw the circuit diagrams for each block. An example of a circuit diagram for a Water Level
Control System is provided below as an example.


Orthographic Drawing (if applicable)

Draw a 3D CAD model of your project.


Flow Chart (if applicable)

Implement a graphical flow chart that consists of the problem and implementation phases.
Your flow chart should show the logic of an algorithm and emphasize the individual steps and
their interconnections. (use a separate sheet if necessary)

1.10: Produce a Gantt Chart

What process are you going to use to produce your product or carry out your scientific
research? Before you can plan you will need to work out how long each step will take and the
order of each task.

Step Description of Process Time needed







Many of the tasks you have listed above will depend on each other. You will need a plan to show
when you expect to start and finish each task. This will ensure that you stay on track and
highlight if you are starting to fall behind. The best way to do this is by using a Gantt Chart like
the one below.

The best way to produce a Gantt Chart is using Excel. There are lots of software available to
help you design an effective Gantt Chart or you could use the basic Excel program. The Gantt

Chart will help you to decide when each phase of your project starts and ends and any overlaps
and interdependencies.

Copy and paste your Gantt Chart here:

Grade 12 Term

This term you will work in your teams to produce a prototype of your product.

It is not essential that each student creates every part of the project on their own, however every
student must demonstrate competency to safely manufacture at least one part and each team
should complete one project. If a scientific experiment is required, students should perform the
experiment, collect, organize and analyze data and draw conclusions.

2.1: Roles and Responsibilities

Allocate manufacturing team roles and responsibilities.
NB: all students involved in the project should be aware of all roles and be able to discuss
them during the termly presentations.

Member’s name Roles and responsibilities Notes

2.2: Developmental Progress

Develop and modify your project or prototype
(Attach additional sheet to workbook if necessary)

2.3: Visual Diary and Documentation

Record the stages in the manufacturing process. Use text and sketches if appropriate to show
each process including the tools, the materials used, and the safety precautions taken. (add
more sheets if needed).

Include the safety aspects, any identified safety hazards and warning labels or instructions that
could be used for this project.

Create an archive of photos and videos showing each step completed.

Manufacturing record
Stage Description Remarks Date Completed


2.4: Evaluation Report

Once you have completed your prototype it is important that you evaluate it fully to make sure
it achieves your objectives and to identify its strengths and areas for improvement. Refer back
to the questions you answered on page 6. Have you done what you set out to do? If not, why

Use the Project Evaluation form at the end of this booklet.

Workbook Evaluation:

Go back over your workbook and make sure you have completed all sections thoroughly. Have
you completed everything that you needed to do? What would you do differently next time?

Grade 12 Term
This term you will test, refine and finalize your Graduation Project and prepare to present your
achievements at your Graduation Ceremony.

3.1: Final Graduation Project

At this stage, your final product should be tested and refined.
For a prototype graduation project:

Prototype Project:
Does the prototype meet all the requirements that you have specified in your proposal?
If it doesn’t explain why below.

Scientific Experiment:
Analyze the experiment results, draw a conclusion and check if the results are matching, partially
matching or not matching your hypothesis. Explain below.

How you can refine your project to meet the requirements or the hypothesis?

If your project does not match the requirements or the hypotheses, adjust your project or form
new hypotheses then test again and review the results.

3.2: Digital Presentation of Graduation Project
After you have completed your graduation project, create a digital presentation charting the
development of the graduation project from conception through to final outcome. The digital
presentation should include the tasks/sections that students explained in Arabic, at the
beginning of this booklet.

3.3: Exhibition of Graduation Project

At the ceremony you will be required to provide the following:

 This workbook giving details of the process you have followed throughout the year and
your final outcomes
 A display stand showcasing your product and your report
 A presentation showing how your project developed throughout the year. This can be
done using PowerPoint/ iMovie or any other method that you feel is appropriate.

NB: Every member of the team must be involved in the presentation and ready to answer
questions about the project in both English and Arabic.

Good luck!!

enior Project Proposal Form (page 5)

Project Evaluation Form (complete the form in both English and Arabic)

Project Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Student Names:

1. …………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………….

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

GROUP: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1. In designing and implementing the prototype, what problems could have been avoided?
Explain how.

2. Give suggestions on how the overall cost of the prototype can be reduced.

3. Can resources available in the school be used to implement the prototype or part of the
prototype? Explain how.

4. List at least two features of the prototype which you think are outstanding.

5. List at least two areas which you think will improve the overall quality of the prototype.

6. Out of the two areas mentioned above in step 5, select one which you would like to see
implemented. Explain why and how.

7. Any other comments.

Reviewers’ Names: GROUP: ………………………………………………………

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

1. What would you like to see better documented, or better explained in the report?

2. List at least two.

3. List at least two suggestions that you think will improve the overall quality of the report.

4. Any other comments.


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