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ee 1 Whole numbers rrr and decimals Introduction ‘The problems involved in writing very When your parents pay using a credit large numbers as the product of two card on the internet they need to know prime numbers makes it very cific for that their financial details are safe, The Someone intercepting the message to financial transaction is tured into a secret 2k the code, | code (encrypted) using the product of 80 What's the point? very large prime numbers ~ the person receiving the message has to know both of these prime numbers so that they can Prime numbers allow people to rest assured that thelr bank accounts will not be hacked into. decrypt the message. Objectives . By the end of this chapter, you will have learned how to é Use divisiblity tests to find factors and identify primes, io Find and use the lowest common multiple (LCM) and highest commen factor (HCF) ‘of two numbers using prime factors. - Find square roots and cube roots. Use, multiply and divide numbers written in index form, Round numbers to a given power of 10 and use rounding to make estimates, Use trial-and-improvement to find square and cube roots. Checkin 1 Write all the factors of a 60 b 132 © 225 2 Fn te er aet ut ot a Band12 b 15and20 € 18 and27 3. Work out the value of a 2x3x5 bo Bx © 2xSX7 4. Wirite out the first 20 prime numbers, 5 a Work out these using a calculator where appropriate. ao bs Oe) oars Starter problem Allon dollar reward awaits the person who can find a rule (function) for generating all the prime numbers. Here are some of the formulae that have been tried, ont en ma ntan - la Factors multiples and primes © Any whole number can be writen as the ‘factor divides a eunber product of two factors. ‘act, the multiples ofa ruber can be divided = For example 12 = 3.x 4 act by the urbe. ‘The multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, £2, 15, .. Divisibility tests can be used to find larger factors of a number. Is 15 a factor of 255? 15 =3%5 Use simple dviibility tests to check if3 and 5 are Factors of 255 : paobncet sty TES ends ny iss umber aatiewratse@ 75 Mae net ME Ora nate 3 Yor + 545 em oh Hae ents AO Ao ook? 5 Yeo 2Seoenas rk SHENEE Sate ty? 3 and 5 are bath factors of 295. Eee ne BRS OT ANSTEY “isan that 5 alo ato of 55, att oH sl 1 these agile Check: 255 + 15 = 17 71d Me Nat sin te AO . - Sie wat au oN pase wrth OA prime number has exactly two factors: the number itself and 1. 139 a prime number? 13 fae pre for “To deck a umber fador Is tha factor of OP prime number divides into 194] | prime wee the diviibity teats 2 Nocibf ends in| ita leaving a remand. for yim far. 3 Noleeedes 5 No Bf endsin ad 1 Nom ste mee ee 13% ~ 169 sa you do not need to divide by any higher prime numbers. ia prime number. © rember inci nue ant decals Exercise la 1 Complete the following factor pars. a 18 =[]x 19 =(]x9=11x6 b 20=()x 20=[]x 10=[)x5 © 30=)x 30=(]x 15-()x 10 -Ox6 4 38=0x35-Ox0 2 The first five multiples of 2 are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Write the first five multiples of ag be ices ee fo 3 Use the divisibiity tests, where possible, to answer each of these questions. In ‘each case, explain your answer and then ‘check your answer by division. ‘a Is 5a factor of 385? b Is 3a factor of 7467 ¢ Is 7a factor of 1642 Problem solving 7. Siobhan makes a sequence out of hexagons. °@ & ES a How many hexagons are there in each diagram? b How many hexagons will there be in leach of the next two diagrams in this sequence? € What do you notice about the types of rhumbers in your sequence? Investigate bigger numbers in this sequence, 8 Siobhan reads an article that says that all prime numbers can be described by mathematical formulae such as 6” + 1. @ MyMaths cos Q 1032, 1035 ec 4 ts 11 ofacoret 32342 is 12 fear se? fists fecorot 2010? 9 1818 factor of 1926? fis 24 after of 27127 ‘Write all the factors of Pecan ated b Bere as COR ahve (om eum) 2s pee Use the divisiility tests to find 4x 4 which of these numbers are prime, In each case explain your answer. a 199 b 161 © 221 d 239 @ 301 f 379 Use your calculator to find all the prime ‘numbers between 10000 and 10050, For example whena=1, 6041 ( prime number) When =2, 61+1=13 (a prime number) when =3, 6n+4 Investigate these formulae, te see which of them generate prime numbers. a 641 ae Perens © n-nt4t ama ‘Searching fr primes ritaaray very compatve the Write a report eat of 2014 he argest ‘about what, trou prime numbers you have | ror found out. “Tate one less than 2 ripe b Ref ot of ties! he umber has 17425170 dis! Ue aa acelacelmel-ro lat) axe) ‘ecompose means © Every whole number can be decomposed as the product of its pan ee prime factors. sate pokia otis prime factors, What number is represented by 2° x 3 x 52 DaBe Pare De DeFx5ns = Woo ~ To write two numbers as the product of thelr prime factors you can use a factor tree or a method based on repeated division, Write each number as the product ofits prime factors. AGionve Gm aad a 2100 b 1800 aban prof er. wt alas sop with ‘he same pre fatrs. a 2100 = 2x 2x3 25x547 a \ levaaseT LN’ \@ « © AA > 2) 00 tho saeacaatna esas Aa ae 2 ‘n ropeaed division, is oe ‘sist vide bythe aS east prime eunber Se oe {ou can Stop ves you reach a prime number The prime factors of a number can be used to list all of its factors Write the factors of 140, Mow2eaeset In ation to, 2,5 and the factors of Ho are Qade§ 2x2x5020 e547 #1 2x62 AxReTe28 e2xSxT= M0 Bete 5x10 35 “The fairs of 40 = £42, 4,5,7,10, 44, 28,75, and Ho} Exercise 1b 1. Work out the value of a Rx3xS bx? © 2xRXS 9 d BXSx7 ee Bxsxil Ff 2xRx7 9 Px13 hoBx exe Bx3xSix7 J BxSxit 2. Write each of these numbers as the product ofits prime factors. a 18 b a © 80 a 54 e 128 f 420 9 200 ho175 i 360 i 480 kk 576 1 1080 m 2520 on 1296 © 2025 3. Gina has used the factor tree method to find all the prime factors of 12600 and 26.460. Here Is her working out. Problem solving 6 @ Anumber has prime factors of 2, 3 and 5. Ke o % awe “w /\ JN SB wa’ /\ IN gugy Dodo = 2X XB XL ‘a. Can you spot her mistakes? Copy and correct Gina's work. © Write down any strategies you used to find Gina's mistakes. List all the factors of these numbers. a 80 b 180 © 450 4 330 e 1470 =f 1000 How many factors do these numbers have? ae becom ds ep Fe g Bx A Bx¥ Can you find a rule for the number of factors? Look at the indices. What are the smallest five values it could be? b_ Find the smallest number greater than 200 with exactly four prime factors. Find the smallest number greater than 200 with four different prime factors. 7 Verity has to make 12 different numbers between 100 and 600. She is allowed to ‘multiply any of the numbers 3, 5 and 7 together as many times as she likes. Copy and complete Verity’ table. Bxsa 25 | axH x= 55 3x7 = 147 How many more examples can you find? @ MyMaths.coux Q_ 1048 Ex=D eo 1c LCMand HCF ‘The highest common factor (HCF) and the lowest common multiple (LCM) lof two numbers can be found using prime factors. © The HCF is the largest number that wil divide into the two, rumbers exactly, © The LCM is the smallest number that both numbers will divide Into exactly ve yea BE Ta ae lagon " zl record your resus > se * se Woe x3x5 Adena aG Multipty the prime factors they have in common oF of 240 and SH0 = 2 «9x5 = WO Multiply the highest power of each ofthe prime factors LOM of ato and SHo = 28 «3x 5 = 200 ‘The LCM can be used to add or subtract fractions with different denominators, ‘and the HCF used to simplify fractions. 96 2 i a simpity 25 b Calculate 23437 Dido the wamerator ana denominator by the CF to fly simpli the The HCF of 96 and 168 is 24 Sat ey fraction wt Te Law he Toweh a conrren denon. b The LCM of 28 and 40 is 280 Once the fractions have “ "1 ‘hee deremiatoe wt You can a te 28° 0 umeratrs 1208 a io" 280° 380" “8 ® Exercise 1c 1 Find the HCF of 5 Work out these, leaving your answer as a a iandiS —b 35and50 fraction In its simplest form. © 72and96 © d_ 95and133 2k » 342 i015 Q e 6, 15and21 24, 40 and 64 Ae a2, 2 Find the LCM of 20* 25 25 40 a Wandi5 35nd 50 es © 6Band85 140. and 196 @ 615and21 10, 25and-40 ‘enn ograms were Invented by Jon 3 Find the HCF and LCM of Venn ware 108 and 144 280 and 360 sunnah © 385 and 660d 441 and 819 ‘of Gonvile ond @ 480 and 1060 720 and 1260 cies © 35, 56and63 hl 45,75 and 90 near ceebetes Winte each number as the product of ts prime factors. ea 4 Cancel down each of these fractions into thelr simplest form. 24, 50 72 yg BL , 120 236 & 50 © 96 4 iss © t02 Problem solving 6 Find the missing numbers in these productogons. The number in a rectangle is the product of the numbers in the circles either side of it. a Q b Q 300 (1620 =o Como 7. Ina faraway galaxy, three planets are lined up around a giant sun. They have orbits of 28, 42 and 49 weeks. ‘8 After how many weeks will the three planets be next in line? b How many orbits wil each planet have completed before they are back in alignment? 8 @ The HCF of two numbers Is 20. What could the two numbers be? Describe the answers you might expect as precisely as possible. 1b The LCM of two numbers Is 100. What could the two numbers be? Describe the answers you might expect as precisely as possible. @MyMaths.coan e 1d Square roots and cube roots aca ere Se repaanat eee ta ih Yr root of any positive number and the cube eno root of any number. Work out the value of a Vi64S b WIBA5 © W—Z197 (249 means 49 and -49 There are tno square roots for a 2 Tofind ViB45 type esi ranber one positive an Vem = SESS ne nega Antgative number heck: 43" = 14H, (8) alo equal to anna ve a st root “The square rots of AH = 248 » rosind V8 ype SB @ OB OS a ‘Vek 1237879141. When an answer is nota whole = 09 (89) umber, you need to round ito an mi appropriate deoree of acuracy. Cheek: (8) = “Bx 8-1 = -20M - “he eae rot a a pose vbr pst SS, “hw cbs roo a ngs vb ie regi. ft Itis sometimes possible to find the square root of a square number and the cube oot of cube number by using prime factors. Work out the value of a V784 bh W—64 Find the prime factors of 784 Te pre adore THA mae WhererereaeTsT ‘wo ential groups of umber Vil Vent “he prime tors of ake Vere Gxaet) — (three ideal groups of mumbes sae 2 Find the prime factors of 64 Weteaereznaed pears 4 ap Exercise 1d 1 Work out these using a calculator where appropriate. ae tebe to el ae oi hae i 20 2 Calculate these using a calculator where possible. Give your answer to ip, bv ¢ #70 f vag ¥50 a vw e v200 3 Calculate these without a calculator. a vz5 e vsiz Problem sol b VIF c 576 f vive og VIS 9 ya00 v0 a v6 h va8 4 @ Two consecutive numbers are multiplied together. ‘The answer is 8930. What are the two numbers? b Three consecutive numbers are multiplied together. The answer is 185136. What are the three numbers? € Adigital camera sereen Is in the shape of a square. It has ‘an area of 70.56.em?. What length is the side of the sercon? 5 Hanif works out VIO = 3.16227766 He then calculates 3.16227766? but the answer is not 10 Explain winy the answer is not 10 © Hatti has a tral and improvernent method for finding V0 vthout sing the kay on her calculator Here ie he working. Estimate | Check equare of | Anawer | Result inet? € 36 [feo aa fl % 25 [two ng 85 6s [235 woe 63 63° [38.8 | eo smal ea 6a" [4056 [00g 635 ca [aon [00 bg ‘V40 = 6.3 (1dp) Use hats method io estimate er b ¥100, #10, YT600 @MyMaths.con Q 1083, 1057 Jaca ‘to 1 decimal place. ew 42k aaa 1 Lap 1 [sp @ 41dp means one decimal place. Hint: write each number as the product of Its prime factors. Make sure you have both upper and lower bounds for your ansiver. You can use the S-s function on your calealator to alate indices, ‘© wen you have the same number multiplied by Itself several times you can use index notation. ‘The small number is called the index or power. ‘The big number Is called the base. 2edxae? Work out the values of a 15' b 217" © 2 2 Beau = 5005 b uP. ‘Any sumber to the power of zero Is 1 € 222564 Nesative powers mean one over the postive power, ‘© The decimal system is based upon powers of 10, and can be written using Index notation. 10 (eerste use sme very ban 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 =10 =10 = 10: very smal powers aT a 1m « tertometre ee fo: | the ite ofan atomic nudeus i io tom = ttametre atypia distance been sar, You can multiply numbers written in index form. Calculate 8 5 b sixs! "Ni teins ven i tipo, Remember te base 8 FxF = 6x545)¥ 6x5) = 9 umber muat be the sme oe b Frys wae You can divide numbers written in Index form. ea aoe iM b Pete gage @ Exercise le 1 Calculate these. 3. Calculate these, leaving your answer in as bx cP index form where possible. ar es #105 asx? bee es 2 92 hr i 107 Ce ee ee jun k 82 le 4 Simplify each ofthese, leaving your 2 Simplify each of these, leaving your answer as a single power of the number. answer as a single power of the number. aRKSK bh KS ae bHXR SKS c wxioxie a ZX a axe x2 FE KE eae 2 gee nee ise © EMEP fF sore ior ee ee ee ed Sx5 an ouew 0 Ee hoses 325) Problem solving ‘5 Put these numbers in order from smallest to largest. ae a ip {6 Jasmine knows that 2" = 256. Uri says that she can use this information to work out 28, [Explain how Jasmine can use 2" to work out 2", 7 Use the fc that = 4096 to workout ae ba 8. Use your calculator to find the power x in these questions. The first one has been done for you. -_? b 2=32 € 10*= 1000000 7-49 a ~ 1028 “The Tee Gorges 6 = 1296 g 2-256 conchae 10-01 1 2.5°=6.25 a En genes 225 sigowata or B20 10 wats, otponer 9 All makes a cube using 125 smaller cubes. He paints the outside of the cube with red paint. ‘a How many of the smaller cubes have 1 face painted red? 'b How many of the smaller cubes have 0 Faces painted red? 2 faces palnted red? 3 faces painted red? Investigate other different-sized starting cubes. @MyMathscoum Gis ESD eo 1f Rounding and estimation © 7o round a number to the nearest whole number or 2 given umber of decimal places you look at the next digit if itis five or more, round up ~ fits less than five, round down. Engineers must manufacture the components for formula 1 engines to very high accuracies in order to get the best performance, The diameter of a piston is measured to be 9.75083em. Write the diameter to 3 decimal places Examp! wl~lt | a 9]/- [7 Timanio wal They oreo oie ore 970 "97s (9782 4135083 » 4751 anl|et- S| ‘© Rounding is used to make estimates in real-ilf situations. June works in the canteen of H.Elthy Eton School “afin a aton of an She needs to calculate how many dinners to make each day. aroun, lig he In a recent poll, 73% of pupils atthe school ate school dinners. Fraction by the sub, “he choo isan 11-16 sports college wth fur frm groups in each year Sofia =f oe Sune estimates tat there are about 20 pupils in each form group tow many diners should June make? ‘Number of frms in chal = 4 5 = 20 Frat of pa vo gt whol der « TH Number of dimers Zof@o » 20) = Fehon +0 @ Exercise If 4 Round each number to the nearest 2. Round each number to the nearest 1 1000 W100 10. 1 whole number il tap a 12093 © b 2397 «(894 i 24 Iv 3dp. 8498 2 23456 Ff 699 a 5.0472 b 3.4539 9 2987 h 1436384 1 9999 © 17.5166 3.04925 37474 k 47671 106842 13.00854 =f 130.2536 m 3106842 55555 454545 g_(0.03047 7.90089 Problem solving 3. Here is some information about Brian the flea. Each of the measurements has been rounded. Length = 3.8mm (1p) Width = 3.26mm (2dp) Write 1 the minimum value and I the maximum value that each of Brian's measurements could be. 4 Work out an estimate for each of these problems. ‘Show all the steps of your working out a AER U Danzin Arts College the average height of @ year 8 boy Is 1.48m and the average helght of a year 8 gir Is 1.35m. ‘There are 73 boys and 81 girls in year 8. Estimate, to the nearest metre, the total helght of the pupils, In year 8. b A swimming club decided to raise money for charity by swimming the equivalent distance from Oxford to Carlisle. ‘The distance from Oxford to Carlisle is 429.7km. ‘The length of the swimming pool was 24.6888 metres, - ‘The average time to swim one length was 51.3 secs. i. Estimate, to the nearest length, the number of lengths swum, Ii Estimate, to the nearest hour, the time taken forthe swim, 5 Kevin has measured the walls of his bedroom. Length = 3.4m (dp) Width = 2.3m (1p) He buys @ rectangular piece of carpet with an area of 7.9 m?, in the same shape as his bedroom. However the piece of carpet is ‘not long or wide enough! Explain what has happened. @MyMathis.cou © 1g Trial-and-improvement 1 © You can find the square root of 2 number by trial-and-Improvement, Estimate VEO to 2do. First, you must find upper and lower bounds. PeMf and = U4e07 © Vu <8 Organise trials to sandwich the solution. a 8 c De 4 Ratimate timate? Answer Result 207 m Low 303 8 High 4 75 758 5625 Low 5 758 76 776 Low 8 27 77 $838 Lew | 7.7 t00 smal and 7.8 too big 11 < Vid < 18 T 78782 ened High @ 775 775% 10825 High | 7.74 too small and 7.75 too big 114 « Vio « 115 Low 10, 774 7782 59.9076 M1 7745 7.7452 5998508 Low | 7.745 too small and 7.750 too big 115 « Vio « 7760 V@i is between 7.745 an (50 Is between 7.745 and 7.750 faphae eT and 7750 round 40 115 (2g). lr70 77457780 Vie +175 ep) © You can find the cube root of 2 number by trial-and-improvement. EB cstinate 700 to 249 E EA 8 6 anh 9 «25104 «9100 «5 é ASEIIBEIG |e LOSSs-e0) 4 timate atin? Answer Result ga ek Lone 2 5 8 125 High 5) 62) te OWE iow 4.6 too small and 4.7 too big 6 47 473 103.823 High Ae < Woo < 41 Zo £6 44s sts Hh 65 top small and 4.65 too bg 10 4.645 4,645 100.2206 High Ala « Woo < 45, ‘OS tes bebween 4.640 and 4.645 4.640 to small and 4.645 to big Audo < Woo < Aled “Te anawer is Was Tran UAB oo it counts to Ale (ep). oi 465 Woo = 404 (2p) ® Exercise 19 1 Laurais working out V75 to 2d, Eimate oawer | ~Resule Here is her working out 86 al ow Does she need to do any more 81 5a | th working to find the answer? be Taste | Low Explain your thinking Lf sa four [ona] tah Continue Laura method to 2. Use a trial-and-improvement method to find the square root of each ofthese numbers to 2p, a V30 b V7 © vias d Vis0e V250 #600 Use the square root key on your calculator to check your answers. 3. Use a trial-and-improvement method to find the cube root of each of these numbers to 1dp. a a0 b 200 ¢ «YT a4 o ‘The calculation was done a V3 e ¥2000 «f W5000 a ee cn cae Use the cube root key on your calculator to taller. check your answers. Problem solving 4. Yette is trying to find VEO using a ‘8 Continue using Yette's method for method called iteration. finding VEO, It takes an ‘old’ estimate and calculates 'b After a few goes, use your calculator an improved ‘new’ estimate. to check the value of VEO. This s the formula she Is using. Write what you notice. ) © Ty finding V300 using the same method ‘She tries 10 as her ‘old’ estimate. Ifyou have access to a computer, use 1 60 this formula in a spreadsheet. new = x (10049) =8 The eration wl top I =a ‘She then uses her ‘new’ estimate, 8, Call this value x, write an equation for ‘as the ‘old’ estimate. x and solve it +9). now = $x(84 69) =735 She uses her new’ estimate, 7.75, as the ‘old’ estimate, and repeats .. @MyMaths.oun. Go —EED e Ma lille Check out ‘You should now be able to... Use divisibilty tests to find factors and identify primes. “S]TSTS]S estimates. Find and use the HCF and LCM of two numbers using prime factors. Find square roots and cube roots. Use, multiply and divide numbers written in index form. Round numbers to a given power of 10 and use rounding to make Use tral-and-improvement to find square and cube roots. @ Language Prime number Factor Multiple Prime factor decomposition Factor tree Highest Common Factor (HCF) Lowest Common Multiple (LoM) Square root Cube root Indices Meaning [Anumber divisible by itself and 3 A quantity that clivdes another given quanty without a remainder ‘The product of any quently and an integer Wiring a qumber as @ product of prime factors ‘Amethos for finding the prime factors of 2 number ‘The largest number that divides each ofa sven set of numbers exectiy ‘The smallest number that each of a given set of numbers divides Into exactly [A square root is a number that when ‘multiplied by itself is equal to a given number. ‘A cube root is @ number that when ‘multiplied by itself three times Is equal to 2 given number. ‘A compact way of writing a repeated product Test it=> Questions 42 3-5 6,7 9, 10 ® ©0008 a Example 2,3,5,7, 14,13 2 and 3 are factors of 6, because 2% 3 = 6 3, 6,9, 12 are multiples of 3 2000 = 24 5? Seep 6 For 12 and 18 the HCF is 6 and the LM is 36 vB-5 because 5x 5 = 5%= 25 W-3 because 3x3x3=39=27 Ba 5x5x5 A avast (-hna 1 Use dlvisibility tests to answer these questions, Explain your answer. Is 8 a factor of 508? b Is 6822 divisible by 6? € Is617a multiple of 3? Is 127 prime number? 2. Write each of these numbers as a product ofits prime factors. Use index notation in your answers. a 297 b 2450 3. Find the highest common factor of each palr of numbers. a 27 and 117 b 385 and 144 4. Find the lowest common multiple of each pair of numbers. a 35nd 77 b 126 and 50a 5 Work these out. Leave each answer as a fraction in its simplest form. 5,8 7 a ets es What next? o-4 Formative test: 2¢~ ° 1053, 1057 and 1968 § 5-9 a 10-11 @ MyMaths.coux 6. Find these using a calculator. Give your answer to 2c where possible. a v250 b VIS © ¥500 a 160 7 Find these without using a calculator. ai b viBs ce a yea 8 Evaluate these expressions, Leave each answer In index form where possible. a axa b xs © 1s gd os e #2 foxee2 9 Round 160.0952 to the nearest @ whole number b 1dp © 2dp @ 3dp. 10 A table is measured ta he 95cm lang to the nearest om, What Is the a shortest b_ longest length the table could actually be? 414 Use trial and improvement to find ¥20 to 1p. Show your working clearly. ‘Your knowledge of this topic is still developing, To improve look at MyMaths: 1001, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1044, You are gaining a secure knowledge ofthis topic. To improve look at InvisiPen: 112, 135, 172, 173, 174, 181, 184 and 221 ‘You have mastered this topic. Well done, you are ready to progress! My amnecai(as) clear fae TRIS im im Li tS career SS rele oe fe foc eee eae Ses a co ee 5 mccnredine Oa are reer rarer TSE PMG | Dau fo. {6 Cancel down each of these fractions into its simplest form. You can use the HCF. a8 bp 100g tae a 20g 105, is 120 i 240 175 234 210 96. , 4m, 398 3 9 58 ” 526 er) ase avii ob Vili ¢ Will avai evo Ff Var ee eee Ee ert 9 Find these without a calculator. a V256 b vaat © V7 a Vi78 ee ¥a75 #2025 © weer. numer an seca Ef 20 vse our claro tne over xin these austen ayezey b =52 = 85536 sit | tf male g ad ei 2-05 11 Simplify each of these, leaving your answer as a single power of the number. axe bexm eC sxe d FX © EXE FBP og Per hh ateat Meg f inet 412 Calculate these, leaving your answer in index form where possible. asx ob Be 6 2 6 ae @ HKF 13 Simplify each of these, leaving your answer as a single power of the numer. a Px Ex S bo #x 3x3 © 10" x 10" x 10° 4 op e SP 1 #28 xe Bx 2x2 ao a *% n Exe 1 10+ 108 BD os serteea tomate ts re 1 whole number ll dp ill 2dp Ww 3¢p. a 6.1583 b 4.5688 (18.6262 d 4.15494 e 16.00468, f 390909 9 9.99999 hm a7.65432 i 0.000707 j 0.282828, 115 Work out an estimate for each of these problems. Show all the steps of your working out. 1a The average height of @ man in Scotland is 1.78m. There are 662954 people living in Glasgow, of whom 49% are men. Estimate the combined height ofall the men in Glasgow. Give your answer to the nearest kilometre. 1b Giuseppe runs the marathon which is 42.495km in length He covers each kilometre In 3mins 48 secs. Estimate the time it wll take Gluseppe to complete the race Give your answer to the nearest minute, a vas b’ via © V361 a vere ee V2640 a V95 b W300 © WI0 a 999 ee Ware @MyMaths.coux 8

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