BSBADM307 Organise Schedules - Study Tips

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Study Tips - Unit Project

BSBADM307 Organise schedules


This Study Guide is here to help you with your Unit Project for BSBADM307 – Organise
Schedules. We have created this Study Guide to help provide additional information to
further scaffold your learning and to help to answer some of the most common
questions, which students have about this Unit Project. This is not intended to answer
all the questions or give you the answers. If you need additional help, please contact
your trainers at their personal email addresses, via your course’s Facebook group or via
our general email at – or phone at (07) 3172 0386.


Please read through the information below that corresponds with each question on your
Unit Project. These tips are not meant to take the place of your eCoach Learning
Content. Please refer closely to your eCoach Learning Content as you complete this
Unit Project. You will find many, if not all of the information on how to complete this unit

Please read the instructions on your Unit Project carefully. Make sure to follow all
instructions, paying particular attention to minimum word limits on questions.


Q1. In question 1, you need to create an email to send to all the employees of Walter’s
Warehouse, to let them know of the change of location for the Forklift Safety Training
Session. In order to do this, you need to use your own email service (i.e. Gmail,
Hotmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.), and open a new email to write.

Please pay close attention to the details in the question, which you need to include in
the email, including location (address) for the training session, session times, lunch
details, and contact details. Please also pay attention to who the email needs to be sent
to and CC’ed & BCC’ed to (please see page 9-10 in your eCoach Learning Content for
more information).

Once you have completed your email and included everything in it, you will need to take
a screenshot of it and submit that as part of your unit project submission. If you don’t
know how to take a screenshot, please see the link below for instructions on how to
take a screenshot on any device.

BSBAMD307 Organise schedules Unit Project Study Guide Updated: 27/11/16 Page 1
If you would rather you can always save your email as a pdf, and then include it as a
separate document, with your assignment submission. To save your document as a pdf,
please click on the link below that corresponds to the computer system you use.

Click here for a PC

Click here for Mac

Q2. Please make sure to enter all the applicable details into each appointment on your
calendar. If you are not sure how to create a calendar appointment please click on the
corresponding link below for a short video tutorial. Also, please see your eCoach
Learning Content pages 30-33 for more information.

Click here for Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Click here for Google Calendar

Click here for Apple Calendar

Once you have created your calendar appointments, you need to again screenshot or
pdf each of them individually and then your calendar weekly view showing all of the
appointments together. Please see the instructions in Q1 for creating a screenshot or
pdf if you need help.

Q3. For this question, you need to give a brief but thorough explanation of what areas
you will need to consider when holding a meeting with someone with a disability,
specifically a hearing disability. Please think through the necessary arrangements that
will need to be made and give an explanation. If you need further help, please see your
eCoach Learning Content page 20 or search the internet, for more information.

Q4. For this question, you need to prioritise the three appointments given to you based
on the details you have been given. We want to see what order of priority you will give
to them. Please make sure to not only prioritise them in order, but also to make sure to
give a brief explanation of why you choose to prioritise each in that order. For further
reference, see eCoach Learning Content pages 15,16.

BSBAMD307 Organise schedules Unit Project Study Guide Updated: 27/11/16 Page 2
Q5. Here in Q5, we are looking to see how well you can use GPS or mapping software
(i.e. Google Maps, Apple Maps,, etc.). We have given you specific
instructions on your starting suburb and your destination. You need to map these details
and then consider the various options and possible complications with getting there.

Please answer each of the questions we have given you, giving a brief but thorough
explanation of each and why. If you need help, please click the links below for more

Click here for Google Maps

Click here for Apple Maps

Click here for

Once you have completed these and answered all the questions, please make sure to
screenshot or pdf this and include it here as well.

Once you have completed your Unit Project and are ready to submit, please go back
into futura and click on the “unit project submission” button (see below) and follow the
instructions to upload and submit your document. Please make sure you save & submit
your document to get it submitted for grading.

BSBAMD307 Organise schedules Unit Project Study Guide Updated: 27/11/16 Page 3

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