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Online Certified Courses from Some universities

Some universities offer certified online courses for free which you can take;
such courses are delivered through Moocs and to get enrolled in any of these
courses, you need to register first. The following link will lead you there:
To have an idea about the courses follow this link:
Here are some good examples of the courses featured and which you can take:

1. Becoming a Dynamic Educator 14th Sep, 2015

2. Foundations of Teaching for Learning 7: Being a Professional 21st Sep, 2015
(earn a credential)
3. Foundations of Teaching for Learning 5: Planning for Teaching and Learning (28th
Sep, 2015 - earn a credential)
4. Learning Differences 28th Sep, 2015
5. Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language
Teaching 28th Sep, 2015
6. Personalized and Student-Centered Learning 28th Sep, 2015
7. Digital Learning Transition 28th Sep, 2015
8. Coaching Digital Learning | Cultivating a Culture of Change 28th Sep, 2015
9. 30 Days of TED 5th Oct, 2015
10. Logical and Critical Thinking 28th Sep, 2015
11. Learning Design 2015
12. Technology-Enhanced Learning 2015
13. Designing A New Learning Environment 22nd Oct, 2015
14. Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started 2nd Nov, 2015
15. Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering Language for the Common
Core State Standards 2nd Oct, 2015
16. Foundations of Teaching for Learning 8: Developing Relationships 9th Nov, 2015-
earn a credential: Part of Foundations of Teaching for Learning Specialization
17. Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom 9th Nov, 2015 earn a
credential:  Part of Virtual Teacher Program Specialization
18. Shaping the Way We Teach English, 2: Paths to Success in ELT 9th Nov, 2015
19. Engaging Students through Cooperative Learning NA
20. Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application NA
21. Practical Learning Analytics NA

For more specific details visit the following link:

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