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BURKE: Learning and

Growing Through
Marketing Research
Breakout Room 4
Adzan Salman Firdaus (29119246)
Aldiansyar Mugia Utomo (29119134)
Amie Sanyoto (29119220)
1. Evolution of Marketing Research
Marketing research had evolved for a long way since the first recorded research conducted by a professor in
1896 through telegram. World War II saw the introduction of the psychological side of marketing research,
and testing of television commercials emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. In the 1980s and 1990s, Burke
developed processes to provide further value by working with customers to identify the basic decision that
needed to be made and then determine what information would be required to make that decision. Results
from marketing research are used as input into management decision making. Burke also conducted
meta-research that showed people would prefer completing a shorter survey compared to the longer ones.
Social media changing the role of marketing research in terms of enabling researcher to reach more people,
and people also can respond in the way that is most efficient for them. It increases the chance of getting
responses from more people.
2. Burke’s View of the Role of Marketing
Marketing research can help companies understand their business practices and make them more efficient.
Burke adds more value to the research to ensure that the results generated can help the clients solve
business problems and get more input for the management decision making.
3. Marketing Research Offer:
● Burke offered to define a more effective growth strategy based on superior insight, they will uncover
relevant consumer truths and explore fundamental market realities. Several tool they’re using are
Segmentation, journey mapping and market sizing
● Burke offered data driven insight for company to optimize and asses the market potential of fresh
new ideas using prediction markets, concept screening or ideation events
● They also offer to improve brand and customer experiences by tracking and evaluating target
behaviour and perceptions using journey mapping, customer segmentation, or competitive
4. Burke’s View of the Importance of Defining the
Marketing Research Problem
● Burke’s believe that it’s important to determine whether what the client believes is the problem
really is the problem, or if Burke needs to change or broaden the scope of the problem.
● Burke believes that defining the marketing research problem is critical to a successful research
problem, because half the time they go through the process of exploring the problem, the problem
will change.
● Burke’s believes that If the problem had been defined, the problem definition need to be refined to
generate more specific research question and hypothesis.
5. Burke’s View of the Marketing Research
Burke believes that a successful research project often leads to a subsequent research project. The
marketing research process is more of a circular process. It does not typically have a finite beginning and
end, there is always another problem to work on after you solve a certain problem.
6. If Burke Offers Me to Became an
Account Executive and Provide Marketing
Research in P&G
I would accept Burke offering to become an Account Executive to provide a marketing research service for
P&G, because we all know P&G is a prestigious brand. P&G has many product line which targeting many
gender, such as male, female, baby, and etc. Even though Burke previously worked in P&G, the services can
still be offered in a professional context since Burke already quitted the company and built a new one.
There’s potentially no relation to the previous condition when Burke were at P&G since the situation could
be changing for now. Maybe there are lot of things that I could do in providing marketing research at P&G to
improve P&G’s business performance in order to make P&G’s company better.

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