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Magazine from one seafarer to another seafarer

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Mario Andrew Abhinav Jure

Chief Editor Design Editor

Contributors - JUNE 20 Edition

Dr. Madhumeet Singh  Felino D'Souza Anchal Mehta

H.O.D., Veterinarian Master, AESM CE, TWSM

Ritesh Mehra Girish Kumar Karun Jamwal 


Special Acknowledgment:
Akshay Vartak
Raminder Sood
Saurabh Thapliyal
Nidhin Nair

Heartfelt gratitude to all!!!

Lighthouse Chronicles has received an amazing response & magnum readership for our first

volume. We would like to thank all those who helped us with the first edition. LHC stands true to

its vision of providing a platform to our fellow seafarers to voice out their opinions,

experiences, and unleash their talent.

All the contributions in our first edition and the upcoming editions are from our seafarers &

their families. LHC is on the road to be the one-stop magazine for all the seafarers.

While the world is reeling under the effect of one global pandemic, another one is knocking

right at our doorstep. This is the pandemic of poor mental health. Global statistics have time

and again proven that the modern-day seafarer is more susceptible to be affected with mental

health issues at sea. In this issue, we bring forward the concept of mental health first aid which

is similar to the traditional concept of medical first aid. It serves as a preventive intervention

for mental health issues on board and ashore.

It has been a pleasure to welcome on-board to our team Dr. Devika, who has been relentlessly

helping patients across the country with her talks and vlogs on immunity and Ayurvedic


It’s now a recognised fact that the world has changed and keeping up with these changes will

be the immediate challenge for us. This issue contains an introduction to the world of

upcoming technologies like 3D - Modelling. Seafarers can also take a delight in our two-part

article “Musings of a financially illiterate mariner”.

With all the changes taking place in the world, the one constant that remains is our passion for

the sea. We received an overwhelming response from the participants of the photography

contest. The photographs are phenomenal and can be viewed on our social media handles. To

judge the photography contest, an expert panel headed by Dr. Madhumeet was formed. Dr.

Madhumeet is a renowned photographer and he fixed the metrics of photography and skills

against which the winners were chosen by the panel. We congratulate our winners, our cover

page is the winning picture & other top two are featured in this edition as promised. 

Without further ado, we invite you to delve into the journey of the June 2020. 

Arjun Kishtwaria & Atul Thakur


“ आता है याद मुझको गुज़रा आ ज़माना

वो बाग़ क बहार वो सबका चहचहाना
आ ज़ादयां कहां वो अब अपने घ सले क
अपनी ख़ुशी से आना अपनी ख़ुशी से जाना”











Mental Health At Sea
Article by Team LHC in collaboration with Capt. Ritesh Mehra

Confined to small space for months on a

These front-line mariners are keeping our

stretch, subject to ship's mundane life and

trade routes active and working extended

discipline, living on limited food supplies,

contracts, hopeful of going home soon. Living

many sailors of the yesteryears slowly ended

at sea for almost half a year and returning to

up losing their minds.

the society for another half takes a toll on

sailor's social life. The most awaited day for a

seafarer is when he steps off the gangway,

home-bound having served his ship well.

Imagine not being able to go back home to

your loved ones due to a global pandemic.

Seems like a scene out of the American series

"The Last Ship". Seafarers who got back home

when the lockdown was still being initiated,

describe the grief and social dejection by the

society they experienced when they reached

Background: The result of mental breakdown, home. Rather than being accorded a warm

in some instances, were bloodthirsty mutinies, welcome, they were treated with scared

such as the whaleboat Sharon whose captain looks, adding to the mental strain they were

was butchered and fed to the ship's pigs in a already under. One such Master-Mariner

crazed attack in the Pacific. Mob violence, Capt. Ritesh Mehra, Commanding VLGC's in

such as the 147 survivors on the raft of the AESM, describes these emotions aptly, which

Medusa, who slaughtered each other in a were published on the website "Human Rights

two-week orgy of violence, so serious was the at Sea". He describes cases where sailors

problem that the Royal Navy's physician have lost their close family members and they

claimed, sailors were  seven times  more likely remain on board mourning for their loss and

to go mad than the rest of the population. almost losing their hope of getting back

Historic figures such as Christopher Columbus, home. There are sailors whose families have

George Vancouver, Fletcher Christian (leader welcomed a newborn. These families are still

of the mutiny of the Bounty) and Robert not happy as their loved ones are onboard far

FitzRoy (founder of the Met Office) have all away for a time still not known to them.

had their sanity questioned.

Mental Health in times of COVID-19 a

storm is brewing 
The World may know Doctors, Police, Defence

Forces, and the Cleaners as COVID-19

frontline warriors, there is a whole Section of

Corona Warriors, not known to many. They are

the ones who have kept the supply-chain

running throughout the world.

Mental Health At Sea
Article by Team LHC in collaboration with Capt. Ritesh Mehra

Universal Mental health First Aid at Many preventive interventions can be

Sea achieved by learning Mental health first aid.

The aim is to offer a short-term comfort to

WHO defines mental health as “a state of

someone until professional assistance or

well-being in which every individual realises

support from family and peer arrives. In times

their potential, can cope with the normal

of COVID-19, these skills will prove to be a

stress of life, can work productively & fruitfully

useful resource for seafarers onboard and

& can make a contribution to their

ashore. In her acclaimed book on mental

community”. People may have poor mental

health, Rachana Awatramani, the author lays

health without having any mental illness. Poor

out the ABC of mental health. You cannot

mental health conditions are brought into our

help anyone if your mental health is not fine.

lives due to stressors, which in case of

seafarers may range from factors like social

isolation, fear of criminalisation, lack of

communication with friends & family and

harassment. A study by Sailor’s society and

Yale University showed that in over 1000 ship’s

personnel surveyed with symptoms of

depression, 45% didn’t ask for help & only 21%

said they had spoken to a colleague about

what they were going through. If you still

don’t comprehend with the gravity of the

ABC of Mental Health for Self
situation, factor in this fact; according to the
IMO, the rate of suicide for the International
Awareness means having knowledge or
Seafarers is triple than that of the shore
perception of a situation or fact. Self-
awareness is the conscious knowledge of
Though the advent of the Internet onboard
one’s character & feelings. If you are unable
could be attributed to a lack of social
to understand and consciously be aware of
interaction among shipmates, on the contrary,
yourself and your emotions then it will be
the technology brings the seafarer easy
extremely difficult to understand others
access with his support system as well. Sailors
situation. To become self-aware
society operates an app called Wellness At
Write down your important life instances
Sea, wherein a seafarer can evaluate his
of past & reflect upon them to understand
mental health. Shell, operates an online
your strengths and weaknesses
platform called the big white wall, where
Write down your goals and also write
their seafarers can anonymously seek help
down what you require to do now to
from professionals concerning their mental
achieve those goals
well-being. While we are trained in the basic
Ask for feedback from people you trust 
medical first aid and we understand the
Practice daily self-reflection and
ABC's of first aid since our Pre-Sea days, we
are not at all trained in the  Universal Mental

health first aid.

Mental Health At Sea
Article by Team LHC in collaboration with Capt. Ritesh Mehra

B-Believe in yourself B-Believe in them

“You become what you believe, you are where Its extremely important to believe in the

you are today in your life based on everything person. It is important to understand that

you have believed” - Oprah Winfrey.  gravity of situation might vary. It can be

Firstly, you need to understand that not disturbing for them, therefore, the person is

believing in yourself can be a habit which can unable to cope with the situation & speaking

be broken and new constructive habit can be to you. Do not judge based on your

developed. Believing in self is the second step experience & analyze whether they are

to having good mental health & there are speaking the truth or lying to you. It can be

ways so that you can learn to believe in just a phase for you but an extremely difficult

yourself. emotion for them. Therefore, believe in them,

C-Collaborate believing in their story is vital. Do not judge.

Collaboration plays a vital role, you need to C-Collaborate 

be aware of who your support system is and When an individual decides to share their

who can you rely on or speak to in times of concerns with you, they are looking for a non-

emotional crisis. If you are willing to help judgmental support. They are looking up to

someone then you would want to work with you to collaborate with them to work towards

someone who could guide you and help you their concerns. They might not be looking for

resolve your concerns. As humans, we all have a solution, even if they are, you must inform

our ups and downs and we all require a family them that you cannot provide with solutions

member, friend or a professional to go and for someone else’s life. In situations where you

speak to or seek guidance. are unable to support them, it is advisable to

ABC of Mental Health when helping others guide them to a professional. You can provide

A-Active Listening  them with a supportive environment where

Listening is the conscious processing of the they can vent out and call you in times of

auditory stimuli that has been perceived crisis. It is important to maintain their trust &

through hearing. In understanding the not share their issues with anyone else as they

situation or the person, listening is the first have shared their life situation with you with a

step. Active listening means:  hope of understanding.

Removing all distractions  Conclusion

Listening to the speaker’s signs  There can be no health without mental health.

Feeding back that you have understood Increasing the strength of our minds is the

With Reflective Listening, we can actively only way to reduce the difficulty of life. For

listen to the speaker by reflecting what the those silently dealing with their mental health

person is saying. Reflective listening involves issues, I understand your pain. We’ve seen

two key steps:  people go through the darkest moments in

Seeking to understand the speaker’s idea  their lives and return to a happy life. I know,

Offering the idea back to the speaker  because I am one of them. If you are facing a

Listening & an empathetic approach leads to mental health issue, there is no shame in

better communication & a greater seeking help. Remember, it’s not until we are

understanding of others, which leads to lost that we begin to understand ourselves.

Doctor's Talk - Practising Mindfulness
Dr. Devika Deshmukh (B.A.M.S. - MD. Panchakarma - Ayurveda)

In continuation to Mental Health At Sea article, I

will discuss some useful techniques that can be

practically used in stressful situations.

Practicing Mindfulness:
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by deal with PTSD'S or anxiety related mental

focusing one's awareness on the present traumas. This is a simple technique with long

moment, while calmly acknowledging and lasting benefits.

accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily Emptying the Cup:

sensations, as their own. Everytime you walk out of a room, remember

The easiest way to start practicing would be to empty the mental cup of whatever that has

anytime during a seafarer's day while he/she been filling you up. Just pour it out like you

is having a cup of coffee. Try to take time to don't want that drink anymore. Do it with an

experience the environment & the hot cup you action - like you are throwing out a drink into

are holding, with all your senses- touch, smell, the sea. This will give you a whole new space

taste, sound & sight. Let those five minutes be to fill up your cup. This prevents you from

truly yours. It is the conscious effort of feeling overwhelmed, confused, distracted or

bringing our minds in the present, thus over-burdened with stressors. This is a fun

training it to not remain in the past. This exercise & the more you do it, the more

technique has been used for war veterans to sorted & calm you will feel.

3D Modelling Technology Onboard
Article by Girish Kumar

As we enter the era of ballast water In the shipping industry, 3D scan data is

management and exhaust gas scrubber captured onboard, using FARO Focus

systems, we see 3D scanning teams visiting equipments. This data is then used to model a

our ships before equipment installation. Have complete ship segments including systems,

you ever wondered how these teams work? pipelines, various types of equipment based

What do they do after scanning your vessel? on the owner's or technical team requirement.

How does the backend team work with these Once this scanning is carried out, the design

scanned images? What software and engineers sitting in office review these

equipments are used? What is the advantage images and remodel with all dimensions using

of carrying out this job? I am sure by now your various model software.

mind is successfully intrigued about these

teams and the work they do. This article will Why 3D Scanning Technology is the need
give you a glimpse of how all this is carried of the hour?
out. Let me take you back to the earlier days.

Remember, when we had a Vibration

Analyst/Engineer coming onboard and

checking every equipment. We all know that

kind of expertise comes at a high cost. When

it comes to money everybody is terrified, right

from the owner to the superintendent. Today,

the owners are very happy because instead of

technicians coming on board we have

vibration test kits available.

What is 3D scanning?
3D scanning is a technology that allows us to

capture or record a 3D space data with the

help of digital hardware tools. The 3D space

data thus captured is used for modelling,

analyzing, surveying and documenting. 3D

scanning is done through a variety of

techniques based on different principles. This

technology ensures both speed and precision

with less effort (source: Edge 3D

Technologies). 3D scanning is the process of

analyzing a real-world object or environment

to collect data on its shape and possibly its

appearance (e.g. colour). The collected data

can then be used to construct digital 3D

models (source: Wikipedia).

3-D Modelling Technology Onboard
Article by Girish Kumar

We know the nodal points that we have to

measure. Once we are done with the process,

we send the data to their backend team

which analyse and prepare a complete

vibration analysis report for the vessel. A

decade back, the design engineers use to

visit the ships and carry out all the

measurements physically.

With advent of 3D technology, a scanning

technician comes onboard and captures the With all this, frequent site visits can be

images as per the client's requirement. Today avoided by creating a digital virtual

with this 3D technology, scanning involves environment to carry out all the processes.

detailed and accurate 3D point model. These This provides an opportunity of using the

are high intensity and high-speed scanners. collateral data multiple times for multiple

They can take millions of measurements in a applications as per the actual requirement. 

few minutes. Further to this, FARO Focus One such premium and reputed company

brings out all the scans in the same providing 3D scanning service worldwide is

coordinate system. "Edge 3D Technologies" based out of

Bengaluru, India. Not only do they add value

to the industry by the accurate and precise

quality models and drawings they deliver, but

also, they are mindful of the costing they

offer. They utilize the best technology

available, to offer their services. It is what

makes them unique, different and most

reliable in this segment. They offer expertise

in the following areas:

Laser scanning

As-built documentation

What are the Advantages of 3D Scanning BIM (Building Information Modelling)

Technology? conversion

City mapping
More accurate & precise measurements

Asset management
Reduction in technician's frequent site


For more details visit the website: 

Helps in planning, fabrication & feasibility
analysis for creating valuable models

Facilitates further studies, easy

renovations, plant capacity expansion,

retrofitting and scrubber installations

Himachali Seafarer Association (HSA)
A Report By HSA

Himachali Seafarers Association is striving The webinar was addressed by: -

hard enough under the guidance of its Chief Guest
Founding Member – Capt. Sanjay Prashar to Shri Mansukh Mandaviya Ji –

work on the most pressing problems of Honorable Minister of State (Independent

seafarers in the time to world pandemic Charge) for Ministry of Shipping and Ministry of

COVID-19 situation. Chemical and Fertilizers

Guest of Honour
As many seafarers are disheartened because Shri Amitabh Kumar (IRS): Director General of

of the extended months of working contract Shipping

and yet there is no sign of getting relieved in D.G Shipping Official  

the near future. Keeping this situation in mind Dr.(Capt.) Daniel Joseph: (Nautical Surveyor

“Himachali Seafarers Association” organized cum DDG Tech)

a Zoom Webinar Dated 13th May 2020 which Founder Himachali Seafarers Association
was hosted by Ganpat University Team. Capt. Sanjay Prashar: Director V.R. Maritime

Services Pvt. 

The Principal aim of the webinar was “Sign on Educational Institution Participant
/ Sign off of seafarers status as on date” and Saurabh Girdhar, Dean, Ganpat University.

to explore and mitigate the problems faced

during sign on / sign off of the seafarers who

are stranded and what measures the

government is taking to get them back home.

Keeping the present issues of loss of jobs of

Indian Seafarers, what measures can be

taken in the near future to keep the industry

alive and moving.

Honorable Minister Shri Mansukh

Capt. Sanjay Prashar Director V.R. Maritime
Mandaviya Ji inaugurated the webinar
Services Pvt and Founder of Himachali
and gave the keynote address:
Seafarers Association was leading the said
He highlighted that what all steps are
webinar from the forefront and was very
being taken by the government to get back
enthusiastically keeping track of the progress
the stranded seafarers. Further, he said the
of the webinar and to address all the
Home Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry
questions raised by the fellow seafarers.
has already started the process of getting

back the seafarers and the Shipping

The said webinar was live on Facebook,
Ministry is working day and night and is on
YouTube, HIMT, and Sailor Today channel and
the forefront. He also emphasized on
was having more than 10,000 participants
training as a very important tool through
from all over the world.
which merchant navy jobs can be


On the training front Hon. Minister added that

the current number of Seafarers (2 lakh 40

thousand) should increase up to 5 lakh Indian

Seafarers and it can be achieved easily if

proper guidance is provided. He concluded

his speech by saying that the world is

applauding and praising the efforts of all the


He also emphasized the following points:

He sympathized with the seafarers & their

Shri. Amitabh Kumar ( IRS ) : Director
families & said that he understands their
General of Shipping addressed:

He added that the Home Ministry &

He gave very detailed information and

Foreign Affairs Ministry has started the

touched each and every topic in brief

process of getting seafarers back. The

regarding the repatriation of seafarers, the

seafarers need to register on the official

maritime industry as a part of essential

website of MEA for the same.

services, circulars being taken out by DG in

Preference is Air India Flights but

order to help the seafarer and the Maritime

chartered flights would also be

industry during this COVID-19 pandemic

situation, the use of SWFS Funds, SoP for

No seafarer shall lose their job and post

staff, SoP to be followed for sign-on / off of

COVID-19 pandemic as a nation will

seafarers, extension of the validity of CoC’s

develop more rapidly than before.

and many more.

After the pandemic, the shipping sector

Following is a brief of his speech:

as well as all the sectors will open the

He was pleased that a group of Seafarers

gates for new opportunities. They all are

has emerged from Himachal Pardesh as it

working very hard to increase the Indian

is a misconception that this job is only for

flagship as it will increase Indian

the people living in the coastal region but

Seafarers and hence it will lead to an

it is really wonderful to see such

increase in employment and will have a

enthusiasm and association of the people

significant impact on the economy.

from the hills of Himachal Pradesh.

The current number of Seafarers (2 lakh

He explained the provision under the 'The

40 thousand) should increase up to 5 lakh

Essential Services Maintenance Act 1968'

Indian Seafarers and it can be achieved

that states "any transport services for the

easily with the high-class training. 

carriage of passengers or goods by land,

DG Shipping is also taking initiatives for

water or air with respect to which

being recognized by the International

parliament has powers to make laws" and

Shipping Community.
with reference to this law, it can be

He concluded by saying that the world is

concluded that the Maritime Industry falls

praising the efforts of all the Seafarers.

under essential services.

He said that the railway services have Ministry of Shipping has advised the ports to

been never put on standby since it has not take any charges from the coastal ships.

started but due to this COVID-19 not only DGS Order no. 12 is regarding the procedure

the general services but also some of Sign On / Off in which allowing our

essential services like railway has been Seafarers to Sign On / Off from Indian ports.

halted. Central Government said that With reference to this order, it acts as an E-

during this pandemic also ships and port pass for Seafarers.

should continue to work.

Further, he said that they were in constant He further added about 'SWFS' that it is a

touch with the Health Ministry and through welfare fund which is formed by the

which they were constantly updated with collection of money deposited by the

the scenario of COVID-19 and its Seafarers Employment. SWFS is a fully

changing and unpredictable nature & due audited body and the corpus money will be

to the circumstances at that time. utilized in the 9 welfare activities amongst

DG Shipping has come out with circulars which the most important activity is to provide

after getting appraised with the situation medical insurance schemes to all seafarers

time & again for the Training institutes and their families.

and also have suspended all courses since

March 2020. DG Shipping is working on Dr. (Capt) Daniel Joseph (Nautical

the process of starting online learning & Surveyor cum DDG Tech) DG Shipping
will come out with relevant circulars.

Before the lockdown was announced DG Capt. Joseph was at the forefront answering

shipping issued detailed guidelines the questions raised by the seafaring

regarding COVID-19 for all the shipping community and their families. He was very

industries. reasonable in answering the questions and he

Three days prior to lockdown DG Shipping answered every question in detail and to the

also issued 'DGS order number 4' which point leaving no stone unturned. More than 50

contained SOP for all the designations of questions were addressed by him (the

staff and this order was also made detailed report of which was later written and

available on the official website of Health submitted to the members of HSA).

Ministry. Further all the precautionary

steps were taken when the ship arrived at He added that D.G Shipping and Govt. is

the port to minimize the containment. here to help everyone and they will do

DG Shipping also issued Order No. 6 whatever possible. He further added that in

stating that COC, Certificate of few days DG Shipping will be coming out with

Efficiency, and Certificate of Proficiency the guidelines on training for all the Maritime

has been extended. For the certificates Training Institutes and also guidelines on the

which were expiring between 23rd March procedure for conducting online examination.

to 3rd October will also be extended for

six more months.

A Report By HSA

Hon Minister of Shipping gave us the direction

and we did it. He asked us to proceed with

Charter flights to get crew changes done. It

took some time to get permissions and we

have done it. Thanks to Hon Minister Sh.

Mansukh Mandaviya Ji who was on a phone

call away as we struggled to get this Charter

flight going on time. The journey begins for

Shipping Industry and Seafarers, as unlock

down 1.0, started today. Guts and glory of 7

companies restored Crew change in foreign


Seafarers En-route to the Ships

Although Capt. Sanjay Prashar couldn't send

his Seafarers as yard delivery got delayed but

. he didn't let go the permission to send

Seafarers of other companies. Capt. Girish

Phadbis played an anchor role as Capt.

Umesh Shetty, Director of VR Maritime with all

office staff of other shipping companies kept

the coordination for non-stop 24 hours.

Gratitude to Qatar Airways for being kind to

Seafarers as their team worked all night on

documentation for Seafarers’ clearance.

The waves of happiness inside the flight
SPICE Jet MD was involved in this directly.  Jal

As 63 Seafarers departed at 1900 Hrs today to Shakti Cabinet Minister Sh. Gajendra Singh

DOHA to join ships at Brazil, Finland, Europe, Shekhawat chipped in with late-night calls to

and Korea, Indian Seafarers back on Ships is help us. Thanks, Synergy, MSC, Bergensen

the name of the game. Yard Delivery in Korea Worldwide, MMSI, Nautilus, and Maersk Line.

and other places is a normal crew change. Spice jet flight SG 9223 Mumbai to Doha

New benchmark set today as thousands of departs and Seafarers will join ships. Jobs are

Seafarers rise in hope. Capt. Sanjay Prashar

here to stay, that's the only message this

took permission for charter flight as he had

flight now has as Indian Seafarers will join

Yard Delivery in Japan. He teamed up with

ships and those who completed duty will be
Capt. Girish Phadnis to make this happen.
back. Thanks to all Shipping Ministry officials.
SPICE JET has been a wonderful partner with
More flights follow and get ready to serve
QATAR Airways giving us all help at DOHA.
mankind at high seas.

Expert Talk
In conversation with Amar Singh Thakur

Family Background: Sh. Amar Singh Thakur

born in Jawali, Himachal Pradesh, is currently

the MUI General Secretary. His wife Mrs.

Charanjeet Kaur hails from Mumbai & they

have a son & a daughter, both of whom

graduated from esteemed institutions & are

working in their respective fields. Discussing

his connect with Himachal, he told us that for

many years he & his family are settled in

Amar Singh Thakur
Mumbai, however, he still has a very strong
This exceptional long stint with one company
connect with Himachal Pradesh. Candidly he
speaks a lot about his values & loyalty.
told us that the Pahari language has always
Brief History of MUI:  Maritime Union of India
been close to his heart & he motivates his kids
was established on 3rd Dec 1939 as Indian
to learn the same.
Merchant Navy Officer Association & was
Career at Sea: Since childhood, Sh. Amar
registered on 30th March 1941 under the
Singh wanted to join the defense forces to
Indian Trade Unions Act. On 23rd March 1943,
serve the nation. When a vacancy in naval
it was renamed as The Maritime Union of
dockyard came his way he grabbed it with all
India. The prime objective of MUI is to ensure
his heart. The first round for selections was
the welfare of Indian Seafarer. MUI is
held in Palampur in which 500 candidates
affiliated to multiple organisations like
appeared & only 4 candidates got selected.
  International Transport Workers Federation
Sh. Amar Singh was one of them. After
(ITF)\ & Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS).
clearing the first round, he appeared for an
OCEANITE is the MUI home journal, which is
interview in Delhi and was among the 60
published quarterly. MUI founder day is
members who got selected out of 2500
celebrated on 3rd December & the
candidates appearing in 2nd round Pan India.
significance behind this is to spread the
From here on, his journey as a Marine
awareness of union as well as to increase the
Electrical Officer began. He completed his
interaction among seafarers.
course in electrical engineering from 1976-
Seafaring Experience:  He described that
1980 in Mumbai, after which he worked for
the time on-board was very pleasant & back
two years in the naval dockyard. After that
in the days mariners used to spend good
Sh. Amar Singh moved to ISMAC Singapore
times with their families onboard. They used
Pvt. Ltd. The company had 6 ships at that
to have ample shore leaves as well. However,
point of time. Sh. Amar Singh worked as an
the current scenario is very different; with
electrical officer as well as 4th engineer in
emerging new technologies & changes in the
the ship. During that time, the recession had
work environment as well as changes in rules
already hit the economy, hence after coming
& regulations - the stress on a seafarer has
back from sailing he joined Mogul lines, which
increased multi-folds. Merchant Navy in
later got merged with SCI. He was associated
current times has become a very demanding
with the same company for the next 30yrs.
occupation indeed.

Expert Talk
In conversation with Amar Singh Thakur
He told us that the real motivation behind all

the social activities is to help others by

solving their problems. This speaks volumes

about his outlook towards life.

MUI & his Vision:  Discussing MUI & his vision

for the union, Sh. Amar Singh told us that MUI

is a platform that serves as a one-stop

solution to solve the problems faced by the

seafarer community of India. From the day he

Amar Singh Thakur : A Family Picture got associated with the union, he has given

His Journey with MUI:  Discussing his journey his heart & soul in taking this organisation to

with MUI, he told us that he joined MUI in new heights. Owing to his hard work, today,

2012 & got selected as Ad-hoc General MUI is widely recognised by all the mariners

Secretary of MUI. In 2015, he became the of India & it has a wider outreach. During

General Secretary of MUI. With a clear goal in these unusual circumstances, the organisation

his mind to serve the seafarers, he has been has given faith to people by solving a lot of

fighting for the "Rights Of The Seafarers" issues that otherwise would have required

from the very beginning. He is widely known Government's intervention. The union has

for big achievements like the “incident of played an instrumental role in bringing some

Income-tax, which was ruled in the favour of of the seafarers and their families back home

the seafarers, clarifying that Indian seafarers who were stuck amidst the COVID-19.

completing their NRI time will not be Message during COVID-19 Situation:  The

subjected to any income tax implications” & message that Sh. Amar Singh would like to

the “Panama Flag incident in which the pass on to our seafarers is to keep their

religious sentiments of seafarers were hurt patience in this horrid scenario. His message

and the matter was resolved under his to the maritime fraternity is “to work in an

leadership”. While speaking with LHC, Sh. organised manner and continue the work with

Amar Singh shared with us his recent personal the same diligence and sincerity. It's

involvement in the current COVID-19 scenario. imperative to maintain a good relationship

One of the incidents that he mentioned was, with the ship owners as they are also

that in Belapur a few of our seafarers got observing the behavior of the Indian

stuck without any food supplies. Sh. Amar Seafaring community. Loyalty & due diligence

Singh intervened took the & ensured that the will have a lasting impact on our relationship

food supplies are available to the seafarers. with ship owners which are of prime

He is also actively involved in multiple social importance to us in the long run”. He salutes

causes where he goes an extra mile to help all the seafarers at sea and onshore who have

others on a personal level. He told us that he shown patience & humility and referred them

helps everyone who comes to him, even if they as the real corona warriors. He wished LHC

are not a part of MUI. team the very best and appreciated our

efforts for providing a platform to voice the

opinions seafarers across the Globe.

Capt. Felino D'Souza: Silver Jubilee
Article by Capt. Felino D'Souza

I wish to thank LHC team for inviting me to Today, all reputed employers have well-

write this piece as I complete 25 years of my established systems for the recruitment of

sea career this month with AESM. Reflecting new staff & an unbiased open appraisal

back, it is quite amazing to see how shipping system & talent matrix system to monitor

industry has evolved over the past couple of employee performance & training needs

decades, not just in terms of type & size of which are very important for retention &

ships, machinery & equipment, but also in promotion of staff without any discrimination.

terms of ship management practices, newer From the crew welfare perspective, today

technology, significant changes in there are many facilities provided onboard

regulations, environment protection law & like internet, satellite telephones, email, and

improvised training techniques. several recreational facilities.

Pic Credit: C/O Roshan Thakur: AESM Pic Credit: Capt Felino: AESM

A rapid stride in telecommunications has Several measures for family welfare are also

resulted in a quick exchange of information implemented by employers, after

between vessel & shore-based interests. implementation of Maritime Labour

Gone are the days when the Master had to Convention (MLC). Comprehensive complaint

depend upon expertise of the Radio Officer handling procedures are implemented

to accurately record a Morse-code message onboard, which give all crew a fair chance to

received from the shore side at specific hours, get their grievances addressed.  Considering

& reply later. Now there is no more waiting for the human resource side, while ship sizes have

either side, which at times puts pressure on tremendously increased, manning levels have

the ship-staff to collate & transmit requested reduced steadily & job scopes have increased

information at short notice amidst busy work relatively. Voyages are shorter & turnaround

schedule, but the speed of communication is in ports are quicker. Stringent & frequent

worthwhile for many reasons. Weather routing inspection regimes continue to put pressure

services & monitoring tools provide an on the Masters and Chief Engineers, Owners

effective decision support system for Masters and Managers, which trickles down to the

to navigate safely across the ocean thus lowest rank on board. Performance is

increasing the safety of vessels. In the past, monitored at all levels in a highly competitive

several shipping casualties in the ocean were global environment and gets rewarded with

attributed to bad weather. Several cape size recognition, promotions and other incentives.

bulk carriers were lost in heavy weather in

early ’90s. 17
Capt. Felino D'Souza: Silver Jubilee
Article by Capt. Felino D'Souza

Shorter voyages and faster turnaround have

resulted in demanding work schedules

sometimes compromising on seafarer rest

hours. Notwithstanding STCW regulations and

MLC guidelines, this will continue to pose a

challenge to seafarers till the time when all

different entities involved in commercial ship

operations like owners, managers, charterers,

pilotage, port operations, inspection regimes,

Pic Credit: Capt Felino: AESM
etc. are held equally accountable for co-
So why not engage and utilise the other
ordination and supporting the Master in this
twenty effectively? Motivation and
regard, not just in letter but more importantly
engagement of employees at every level is a
in spirit. At the moment, the onus of ensuring
key to safe, efficient and happy ship
compliance seems to be on the Master.
operations. It is my experience that a verbal
Modern-day family pressures have increased
appreciation or a small citation for following
due to a multitude of reasons. Rapid
safe working practices or near-miss reporting
advancement in IT leads to information
motivates the individual to perform better and
overflow making the crew vulnerable to the
improves the overall safety record of the
shock of unpleasant developments back home
vessel. Who will not appreciate a pat on
at the click of a mouse. IT has also led to self-
his/her back for a job well done?
isolation of individuals onboard who tend to
Ensuring a happy ship:
live in a world of virtual reality engaging in
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”
social media. The relaxing late evening smoke
so goes the adage and how relevant it is even
room meetings & enjoyable movie sessions
in these modern times. At the end of it, one
have become a thing of the past. Tolerance
can look forward to the dawn of a new
levels among the younger generation have
energized day. Ships will continue to remain
dropped and not every crew member may be
mere floating objects of steel, but it is the
able to handle onboard work and family
people on board that can infuse life in them
pressures with the resilience of old sea-dogs.
and make all the difference to a happy
In such a scenario, I believe the role of the
community living onboard. Master has an
Master and the Chief Engineer becomes
important role to keep his flock happy and
paramount to maintain a delicate balance
energized during their tenure onboard and
between ship operations and crew morale
the Company should fully support the Master
to implement crew welfare measures.
Employee engagement:
I have celebrated many happy moments
Human error may be the cause of many
together at sea which I still cherish. I am
accidents and injuries on board. However
sending you some photographs documenting
One pair of eyes on board can be augmented
the good times I shared with my shipmates
by the other twenty pairs put together.
during my long innings with AESM.

From The Diary Of A Chief Officer
Article by Karun Jamwal

When you encounter adversity, remember They communicated to me that it’s not just

best don’t just face adversity; they that I cannot sign off, but my reliever also

embrace it, knowing it’s not dead-end but couldn’t board his flight as they were

a detour to something greater & better. suspended in Ukraine.

Well, I’ll come to the embracing part later but Within few hours we arrived at the Port of

let me talk about the adversity first. Adversity, Castellon in Spain & during arrival while

that came upon me in the name of COVID-19. watching the gleaming skyline of the port, I

I was supposed to sign off from the vessel I could only think of the things that I had

am currently sailing on in the middle of thought I won’t be doing for next few months,

March’20. I had kept my bags ready almost a to things that I had thought I would be doing

week before & had my flight tickets nicely once I am back home. I was feeling that

tucked inside the pockets of my travel jacket. familiar emptiness that we seafarers generally

It had been 2 weeks since I had known about feel after spending quite some time

my planned sign off from Europe & one can onboard.    We came alongside & I was sitting

imagine the level of excitement it had on my computer navigating between my

brought to me. After all, this time the sign off folders, when suddenly Captain came &

was even more special to me as I was asked me -  What are you doing Chief?  I

supposed to get married immediately after my turned around & told him “Planning for jobs

sign off. It was not just my parents who were that I did not plan to do after this port”.  We

waiting for me back home, but also my fiancé. both burst out in laughter & I managed to

hide that sadness behind that laugh. I think

this is what it comes down to. How you handle

adversity in your life?

I was very sure that it’s going to be very tough

from here on, but I also knew that if I don’t

chalk out a plan to go through this positively

then my life would be miserable onboard. I

knew that I have to direct my conscious effort

to stay positive & embrace the challenge

ahead. I had read somewhere that a wise

A day before my planned sign-off, after my

man swims with the current & still gets across.

morning navigational watch I was having

Well, I was not familiar with any professional

breakfast & daydreaming about how it had

swimmer strokes, but what I did know was

finally come to an end, & probably this is my

how to swim. With that in mind, I got myself

last breakfast on board this ship. The thought

together & decided that I am going to live the

had not completely passed by & a sudden

rest of my contract in good spirits. I will take

notification on my phone shook my whole

it head-on & go on with it. Sh. Gaur Gopal

world. It said, “All International flights to India

Das in his book  “Life’s Amazing Secret”  talks

now stand suspended until further orders”.

about dealing with problems in life in a very

Within few hours, our manning department

simple way.
sprang into action & confirmed the news

through an official email.

From The Diary Of A Chief Officer
Article by Karun Jamwal

I told them that this ethyl alcohol is probably

He says: Do you have a problem? Yes. Can

going to be used in making hand sanitizers &

you do something about it? Yes. Then why

someone somewhere is counting on us to carry

worry? Do you have a problem? Yes. Can you
it safely for them. I can never forget those
do something about it? No. Then why worry?
proud faces that I saw In front of me. It
Simple isn’t it! I had always learned that
motivated all of us to continue with the task in
accepting reality is very important. Most of
hand & never feel neglected or left out.
the time in crisis we tend to not accept it &
We seafarers are sometimes not aware of
that is what makes it even more difficult for us
what we are doing for the society. We hear
to deal with the reality. My first few days
about doctors/nurses/administrators & no
after the cancellation of my sign off were
doubt, they are doing an excellent job. But
difficult, but the ports kept me busy & I hardly
does anyone ever ponder upon a simple
got any time to mourn over my situation.
question- Who brought those 20 Lakh PPE

kits? Who brought those half a million

imported ventilators? That’s where the role of

a seafarer comes into the picture, who miles

away from the family, works selflessly to

deliver the goods on time. The landlubbers

probably would never understand this but, we

need to start taking pride in it. It’s almost the

One of the basic traits of human beings is end of June now & I feel I have come a long

that we feel motivated if we get a sense of way from the day it all started. Yes, I am still

achievement in something. It may sound a on-board & continue to fulfill the

little clichéd, but I knew that in my extra time responsibilities that I am assigned to. I can

onboard if I manage to achieve something in blame it on my company or the airlines or the

terms of improving the ship's condition or Govt. & even God for that matter. Is it not my

make my hands dirty in places I did not want Dharma to do my duty diligently until I

to earlier or if I manage to keep the crew properly get relieved from my duties? Is it just

members in high spirits during these tough the money that I am after? Do I enjoy what I

times, I will feel motivated enough to continue do? Will criticising someone help me to pass

as long as it is required. So, our team worked through these tough times? With all these

out a plan for the upcoming month & we got questions popping up in my mind from time to

on with it in full force. I started giving a little time & maintaining a work / personal life

more time than usual to work & it really balance, I have so far managed to pull it off

worked for me. In my free time, I started in high spirits. With the majority of flights still

reading a lot. I remember a very interesting suspended I am doubtful that I will get any

thing that came to my notice during one of chance to go home in June’20 either. But I am

those extended voyages. We were carrying prepared to accept reality & embrace the

38000Kgs of Ethyl alcohol on board as cargo challenge. “Life is a daring

After all

& in one of the meetings I happened to adventure or nothing at all”.

discuss this among our crew members.
Musing Of A Financially Illiterate Mariner - I
Article by Anchal Mehta

When I started learning about personal

finance management, I wondered why this

subject was never taught to us in school or

even in college. The answer was remarkably

simple: ours is a debt-based economy, the

norms of the society wants you to fall into this

“debt trap”; because of this you will have to

keep on working for your entire life to get rid

of that debt. If one would learn to manage

his/her finances at a younger age, then it

means they would be independent by mid-

forties. This gives lesser manpower to

industries and also less sensible customers

who would check the price tag before any

purchase. In this modern civilisation, the

My answer was very long, but I concluded it
measure of a man’s progress is his economic
with the following statement  “I have earned 1
growth, which is fine but, the problem arises
Cr. 37 lakhs in the last 8 years during which I
when people misunderstand this concept and
sailed less than 4 years. I know many
take it to a completely different level. I did
mechanical engineers can make this (amount
that too. To give a false image of our
of) money in 8 years but one can’t ignore the
economic growth, we get those things early,
fact that half of my career I was on vacation.”
which are alluring but are non-essential. I call
I silenced the guy, and then I dropped the
it “Empty Hold Container ship” effect. If your
financial growth is represented by a container
Moments later I started feeling restless, my
ship, then to impress your folks that cargo is
breath got heavier and my left arm started
abundant, you load it above hatch covers,
feeling numb. Don’t worry, it was not a
while keeping your holds empty. This might
cardiac arrest. You know how it feels when
give a false opinion of your economic growth,
you realise that you have won the battle but
but as a mariner, you know that you have
have lost the war. Yes, it was that moment of
messed up your G.M. and your financial ship
realisation for me. I have earned 1 crore and
is not stable.
37 lakhs in last 8 years and what I have right
Moment of Realisation
now is 8 lakhs in bank fixed deposit, some
3 years back I saw a Question on “Quora
jewellry and few ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance
website”, which thumped my ego and I used
plans) which have given me, nothing but
all my basic mathematical calculations, to
negative returns. I am not an extravagant
destroy the guy who dared to ask that
spender but I am the only earning member of
my family. If something goes wrong with me
The question Why people say that
was –“
today, all my family has is maximum to survive
marine engineers earn more than any
for a year. What went wrong? Where has all
other engineers when the salary of a 5th
my money vanished?
Engineer is 50K?”
Musing Of A Financially Illiterate Mariner - I
Article by Anchal Mehta

Mistakes that a common mariner makes in personal financial management: 

"Paani ka paisa paani mein”, you must have I analysed my mistakes and I am sure that you

heard this phrase so many times but spend a can relate to some of these with your own life.

moment to analyse why this happens. Let us know where you could empathise.

Mistake 1 - When I signed off as 5th Mistake 2 - Remember those close

Engineer, I had 3.5 lakhs in my bank relative or a family friend who pops out

account. For a guy who was managing of nowhere and explains you about a

only with Rs. 1000/month, a year back,

lucrative insurance plus investment

during his engineering days, this amount

plan to secure your present and future.

was enormous. I purchased a bike of Rs. 1

You don’t understand a thing but you

lakh, lent money to my shore-based

can’t deny because you don’t want to
friends & started buying expensive
offend them and you also realise that
clothes. Never had it occurred to me that
you earn huge money. That is a trap,
I have an year of unemployment ahead.
and that was my second serious
Few months past, I was back to square
one, hoping that the money which I had

lent to my friends would come back but it

never did, till date.

Mistake 3 - My father had maintained Mistake 4 - We had a nice 3 BHK

Maruti 800 car but when I signed off independent house in a beautiful town

after 4th engineer’s first sail, all of but once I became 3rd Engineer, it was

sudden Dad’s 800 became difficult to small for my status as I had to show my

steer and brakes became less effective. I

peers and valuable people that I earn

picked up a new Chevrolet hatchback

in US Dollars (Fun fact “No one cares”).

with power steering and hydraulic

I upgraded that house to 3 floor 6

brakes. Don’t worry, this car also became

bedroom house and that started my
flawed once I got promoted to 2nd
EMIs, which I paid for a long time.
Engineer and within 3 years, I upgraded

to an SUV.

Till this point, whatever I spent was not only I saved some money in fixed deposits, but

non-profit asset but was also draining heavy those FDs started vanishing whenever I had to

chunk of my salary every month in terms of appear for my M.E.O exams.

maintenance and operation cost.

Musing Of A Financially Illiterate Mariner - I
Article by Anchal Mehta

When and why a seafarer should start investing:

Answer to when is – Moment you earn a dollar

you must invest a dime (10 cents, that’s 10%), at

least. Start investing when you get your first

salary, start with an amount as low as 10% of

your monthly income. Thumb Rule is to start

with 10% of your salary and keep on increasing

it by 10% every year until it becomes at least

50% of your monthly income.

Answer to why is  – All seafarers have a pipe-

dream of “highly paid job” but in reality, it is

not. Allow me to bring you out of this

misconception and introduce you to the actual

world. You all agree that if we have to

maintain the same standard of living after

retirement, we need to save money from our

current earnings. The average salary of the

highest-paid rank onboard a dry ship is 7 lakhs

per month, but most of us after becoming

Master or Ch. Eng. sail 6 months/year, that

makes your effective salary 3.5 lakhs per

month. If you wish to lead the same lifestyle

after retirement then half of this income would

go to “retirement and kid’s higher education

fund”. This leaves you with 1.75 lakhs/month.

The average expense of a family of 4 would be

Rs 75k, now you are left with one lakh/ month

leisure budget in which you have to pay EMI of

your expensive car, pay EMI of your big 4-BHK

apartment, plan for family trips, buy that latest

I-phone, arrange expensive birthday or

anniversary parties. Not to forget some

unfortunate health care expenses. Tell me now;

do we deserve to lead a royal lifestyle with this

kind of money? One has to become financially

disciplined if he/she wants to spend time with

their family and desires to quit sailing by the

age of 50.

Musing Of A Financially Illiterate Mariner - I
Article by Anchal Mehta

How to become financially disciplined:

Plan your sailing career Contractual Job Fact

Accept the fact that we have a

If you are planning to quit sailing, then

contractual job. Most of us fail to

do it before you wear your sailing boots

realise the consequence of this. One

& get adapted to it i.e. the training

must accept the fact if he wants to

period itself. If you have decided to

pave the way towards financial

ride the waves, then plan your shipping

independence, we only get a salary for

career at the very beginning. As you all

the time we sail, we don’t get round the

realise how difficult it is to say

year wages. Some companies give us an

goodbye to your parents when you

image of that, but the money which we

leave for sailing. Now imagine how

get in terms of leave wages is what we

difficult it would be to leave when you

were supposed to get 6 months back

have a small kid who considers you as

(Loss of interest which we could have

his superhero & asks you to stay a few

earned from the bank during those 6

more days as he misses you on his

months). Second part is, never forget

birthday. So, guys, my advice is to plan

that we are not permanent employees.

your sailing career, sail as much as you

Once we finish our contract & go home,

can in your junior ranks, clear your

companies are not obliged to employ us

exams as soon as possible & once you

again. We should not rely on our primary

are married & have a family, sail for

earnings; we must also generate a

just 6 months in a financial year.

secondary source of income which will

help us in adverse times.

Plan Monthly Budget Desires vs Needs

First lesson for budget planning is– “Do Understand difference between desires

not invest what is left after spending but vs need. A very great quote by Warren

spend what is left after investing”. Buffett – “If you buy things you do not

Remember, we have to plan a budget for need, then soon you will have to sell

the sailing period & vacations. Our things you need”. If you have not heard

expense may vary, but we must plan our his name then all my concepts are alien

budget in such a way that our investment to you. First Google him and then come

amount must be consistent every month. back to this article.

Musing Of A Financially Illiterate Mariner - I
Article by Anchal Mehta

Whenever you buy the latest I-Phone, Imagine

“60 years old version of you” asking a question

to “present you”- was buying an I-phone of 1.2

lakh every six months so important for you that

you didn’t even think once, how difficult would

it be for me to climb that gangway at the age

of 60?”. Now you must wonder what difference

an I-phone can make in our life when we are

earning so well. About your earning part, I

cleared your delusion in the 3rd section of this

Your term insurance plan is just like your life
article where I have explained the mistakes of
jacket, it should not serve any other purpose.
a mariner, and the difference part is explained
There are so many term insurance plans
available in the market but you will never hear
The latest phone costs us around 1.2 lakh INR
anything about them from any insurance agent
i.e. 10000 INR/ month (assuming you change it
because commission in ULIPs (Unit-linked
annually) but if we plan to use the same phone
Insurance Plans) is as high as 40% whereas in
for 3-years rather than changing it every year
term insurance plans it is very little. Now you
then we save 6666 INR every month. Invest this
should do your research and find out which
money in a Mutual fund which gives moderate
plan to buy but I will give you three rules which
12% annual return for 25 years and you get a
will help you to decide.
whopping figure of 1.07 crores.
Less monthly premium
Being financially disciplined will set your course
Outrageous claim settlement ratio
but following that course needs voyage
Outrageous amount settlement ratio
planning and as a seafarer, you know what is
Suppose the family’s monthly expenses are Rs.
the basic rule, it is “Safety first”.
50000 and assuming these will increase by 5%
Build a Safety net first: 
every year due to inflation then you must be
Term Insurance: Close your eyes for a
insured for Rs. 1.2 Crore at least. A Fixed
moment, imagine you are not in this world
deposit of 1.2 Crore (at 7% rate) will give a
anymore & question yourself that how it will
monthly income of Rs. 63000 after TDS
impact your loved ones. After initial mourning
deduction. Rs. 50000 for their monthly
and crying, what your family needs is a fund to
expenses and the remaining Rs. 13000 can be
pay for those liabilities. Check your bank
invested further to take care of inflation in
balance now and think is this fund enough for
coming years.
your family to survive for the next 20 years. If

the answer is No, then my dear get a life

Health insurance: If term insurance is your life

jacket, then health insurance is that fire

insurance plan and by life insurance plan what
extinguisher which is nearest to your cabin.
I mean is pure term insurance plan. Don’t fall
Many companies are now providing your health
for those insurance plus investment plans, as
insurance plans; take a moment to check are
one basic rule is ‘never mix investment with
these good enough for you and your family.

Musing Of A Financially Illiterate Mariner - I
Article by Anchal Mehta

Hospitalisation can drain a lot of money out of In those times you will consume your

your savings, so on a voyage of financial investments, which will cause a major setback

freedom, you cannot cast off your lines without to your goal of financial independence.

having a good health insurance plan by your Emergency fund must be at least 18 months of

side. While choosing a good health care plan, your monthly expenses. If your monthly

please pay attention to all below-mentioned expenses are Rs. 50000, then it must be at

points: least 9 lakhs and if once consumed then top it

Scope and extent of the coverage

up on a priority basis. I advise Emergency fund

to be in a form of fixed deposits so that they

Claim settlement policy

can be withdrawn easily. Once you have built a

Network of hospitals covered under the

safety net around you, then you are ready to
invest your hard-earned money with no fear.
Company’s credibility 
How to invest and where to invest? These
Discounts and bonuses allowed
questions I will answer in 2nd part of this
All these parameters must be considered while
article which will be available to you guys in
comparing any insurance plan.
July-2020 edition of Lighthouse Chronicles.
Emergency fund:  You must always have an

emergency fund which can be liquidated within

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial analyst or
1 or 2 days and should only be used in case of
investment Guru, this was my experience and
engine room fire. This fund is like a fixed fire-
journey. You can have your judgments,
fighting system – use it only when you have
realisations & pitfalls. This article is to spread
exhausted all your options.
financial awareness among my fellow
We don’t have a permanent job and in adverse
market scenarios, you could be jobless for a

significant amount of time.

Photography Contest Results Announced !!
Dr. Madhumeet Singh - Head Of Photography Contest Panel

Pic Credit: Prateek Singh

We would like to thank each one of you for your Here are the winners of Photography Contest:

participation in the contest. The  response  that Top 6 pictures as per panel:
we have received was overwhelming. In a matter 1st Place - Mr. Laxmish Nayak - 3/O AESM

of 15 days we received 100+ entries, which was 2nd Place - Mr. Anandhu S - 3/O AESM

astonishing and thrilling at the same time. 3rd Place - Mr. Prateek Singh - 2/O AESM

After discussing with the panel under guidance 4th Place - Mr. Sanjay G - 2/O Sea4Marine

of Dr. Madhumeet, it was decided that 9 5th Place - Ms. Anandita D - 2/E Teekay

positions will be declared. 6th Place - Mr. Sachin J/O Dole Mgt.

Top 6 selected by the panel and another top 3

under a section of Special Feature. The Winner Special Features:

of the Photography Contest is cover page of 1st Place - Mr. Croydyn D'cruz. - C/O AESM

the Magazine, 2nd winner is the back cover 2nd Place - Mr. Jerin J - Cadet Gulf Energy

and the third winner is displayed on this 3rd Place - Mr. Abhishek Sangrai - Thome

page. The photographs of the 3 winners of

the special feat. are home screen of our

Dr. Madhumeet Singh (Born on 18th Oct, 1961) is a self-taught photographer who is inclined towards

showcasing the natural beauty and the grace and grandeur of Himachal Pradesh. His photography is

mainly aimed at the rich flora and fauna, the picturesque sceneries, the heritage sites, and the

astonishing views of the beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh.

He is currently heading the department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the College of

Veterinary sciences of Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University at Palampur. His work has taken him to

all the diverse parts of Himachal and is definitely a reason for his proclivity towards photography.

He is pretty active on social media and has two very successful Facebook pages to his credit. One

exhibits the natural beauty of the state (Himachal through my eyes - Madhumeet Singh) and other the

rich avifauna of the state (Avifauna of Himachal through my eyes - Madhumeet Singh).

Chintu's 2nd Month On-Board

Artist: Sarthak Palwankar : 3/O AESM || Tales of Cadet Chintu

Sailor Achiever
Mr. Rahul Arora, C.E.O Synergy Academy of Science (Navi Mumbai)

Quality education at a reasonable price is the

motto of SAOS. With their astonishing results,

they currently are serving 300+ students.

SAOS is also an intellectual partner of big

brand schools in Mumbai. SAOS was awarded

the most innovative teachers award in 2020

by Class Plus Pvt. Ltd. in which 5000+

“Synergy Academy of Science” (SAOS) is a academies participated Pan India.

popular name among the JEE & NEET

Aspirants of Navi Mumbai. This is a story of a

seafarer who not only has achieved

something remarkable at a very young age

but also has contributed in creating a bright

future for our youth of the nation. Hailing from

Punjab, Rahul completed his Engineering from

R.L.I.N.S (an affiliate of BITS Pilani) in 2012.

Due to lasting impact of recession, getting a Rather than going with a rudimentary

job onboard was not an easy task. Against all teaching approach, they introduced many

the odds, he managed to get a job at Synergy innovative ideas to make the student

Ship Management Pvt. Ltd. However, destiny interestingly understand difficult concepts.

had some other plans for him & due to One such initiative is their YouTube channel

personal reasons he had to hang his sailing accessible free of cost on the internet -

boots before he could even wear them. This “Study with Super Heroes” in which physics

didn’t stop him. He always had a knack of concepts are explained with Marvel Movies

teaching his juniors since his college days. He Super Heroes. Another such initiative is

started with door to door tuitions & soon “Synergy Talks”, where they invite industry

started gaining popularity. He reiterates the experts to guide their students. SAOS team

fact that his time in the Pre-sea academy had also makes a significant contribution to the

nurtured discipline in his life. In 2013, he biggest online education providers of India.

cracked the interview at Rao IIT & other major To date, more than 1200 students have been

institutes & was appointed as a faculty for 3 through the reliable gates of SAOS.

years. Later with the Vision of his father Sh. Standing shoulder to shoulder in this voyage is

Rajeev Arora, he opened the 1st branch of C.O.O. at SAOS, Abhishek Arora, who is an

SAOS on 25th He named his

Dec, 2016. engineer and younger brother of Rahul. Their

academy in the gratitude of the shipping vision is to make students understand the real

company he always wanted to join. power of education. As quoted by SAOS

SAOS started with 3 students & within 3 founder, Sh. Rajeev Arora “Each person holds

months by end of March 2017 they had 50+ so much power within themselves that need to

students. Last year Sh. Rajeev Arora Founder be let out. Sometimes students just need a

of SAOS left for heavenly abode and in his little nudge, a little direction, a little support,

loving memory the founder’s day is celebrated a little coaching, and greatest things can

on his birthday, 16th Sept each year. happen”.

Pic Credit: Anandhu Sandhya

Dear Readers

We hope that you thoroughly enjoyed the second edition of

"Lighthouse Chronicles". Our magazine is from one seafarer to

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