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Impact on human health

The physical impact

COVID – 19 is relevant with several of common. severe symptom which may show after
the exposure to the virus in 2 – 14 days. Therefore, many of people are in awareness of COVID –
19 exposure in such a small symptom including fever, cough, exhausting, etc. According to
relevant symptoms generally approved by doctors, they are separated into 3 types of symptoms
in the below.
Most common symptom:
- Have a fever or body temperature higher than 37 Co
- Dry cough or rapidly cough with sore throat
- Tiredness, Fatigue, Exhausting, or any sign of weakness in body strength.
Less common symptoms:
- Aches and pains in some part or all part of body
- Sore throat without any coughing
- Diarrhea or having problem with excretory system
- Obtaining conjunctivitis
- Headache or feel pain in the brain
- Loss of taste (Ageusia) or smell (Anosmia)
- Confronting a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Chest pain or pressure
- Loss of speech or movement
The people who have serious symptoms which are expressed above should immediately seek the
medical attention and call before visiting the doctor or health facility. According to the research
from Sant Joan de Deu Hospital of Barcelona, the rate of infection between children and adult is
same but children will confront in milder symptom compared with adult. Moreover, pregnant
woman also infects at the same rate of normal adult or children.
According to the research from Northwestern Medicine Chicago America about people who
survived from COVID – 19 , At least one – third of people who have COVID – 19 experience in
neurological problem such as headaches, loss of memory, memory problems, weakness or
muscle pain and also experience in abnormal blood clotting therefore, survived people may
contribute to mental problem and stroke in cardiac and pulmonary (said by Dr. Ramachandran).
Moreover, the Huazhong university of Science and Technology in Wuhan researched that in 70
patients who survive from COVID – 19, 66 had confronted in some level of lung damage visible
in CT scans taken before hospital discharge. Therefore, the treated patients will confront with
hard breathing or asthma.
The mental impact
Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to perceived or real threats, and at the time
when people are confronting with COVID-19 including prevention, quarantine, and treatment.
Added to the fear of contracting the virus in a pandemic such as COVID – 19 are the significant
changes to our daily lives as our movements are restricted.
The Stress during and infectious disease outbreak can sometimes cause by the following:
- Fear and worry about the health, financial situation, career, loss of support services,
and loss of beloved people.
- Change in life patterns such as eating, sleeping, etc.
- Difficulty to sleep or concentrate due to the worry of virus.
- Worsening of chronic health problems
- Worsening of mental health conditions.
- Increased use of amelioration such as smoking (Sarah E Jackson and others, 2020)
In cases of studying of children, many of schools were closed due to the outbreak and
they are contributing to lack of studying for children. Many of children had loss a chance to
improve their thinking and knowledge in school and loss of the society or friend contribute to
depression. Moreover, in high school student, they had worsened the chance to apply in preferred
university due to lack of class in school. Therefore, closing the school due to outbreak contribute
to the stress to students and children.

Example of Google Trends graph showing a dramatic rise in searches of coronavirus mental health-
related queries since 3rd of March 2020, when Italy’s lockdown began, rising throughout March as other
nations followed suit.
(accessed via
Sara E Jackson, Jamie Brown, Lion Shahab and others, COVID-19 (2020), smoking and
inequalities: a study of 53 002 adults in the, can be access via :
David Gox (2020), Some patients who survive COVID-19 may suffer lasting lung damage, can
be access via
World Health Organization (2020), Mental health & COVID – 19, can be access via:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), Pandemic can be stressful, can be access
via :
World Health Organization (2020), What are the symptoms of COVID – 19?, can be access via

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