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Ciara Faith S.

Duran Investment and Portfolio Management

BSBA FM 3RD Year Case Analysis 1

Largest single group of

financial institution

CASE 1: Rethinking Filipinos' savings behaviour at the height of COVID-19

We all in a period of uncertainties because of this COVID-19 that happens during the

welcoming of the year 2020. After our country announces the lock down, it greatly affected the

finances of all Filipinos. After reading the case, I realized how important to save money when its

times like this but Filipinos had a hard time to choose where they can put their money, where

banks they can trust their money and it will not lose to them.

During this crisis, as a piece of advice. I suggest it will be a great chance to let our money

to be secured and don’t settle for less. Make it grow and at least do some research on how you

can make it. First, relating to our subject and my own learnings. You can invest your money; the

good question is where? In the stock market, the highly chance where there is low risk of losing

your money is in long term bonds or mutual fund but the main disruptions is we are facing a

pandemic and it is very risky because in bonds, as long as the inflation rate is growing up, it will

be your lost but the twist is that short-term or intermediate-term bonds and bond funds , with

lower yields than long-term bonds , reduce the risk of losses and inflation. One thing also that

will help you about your investment management is you must find a good financial adviser

where you can seek help about investments and banks that will help you to make your wealth

grow. In the stock market, as it dramatically falls down. According to what I read in the article of
Justine Nelson, he suggests that people should buy stocks because it dramatically falls down and

can find a stock at a discount.

As I mentioned, there are lots of uncertainty but to help you have a piece of mind. Take a

control on your finances and at your home you must be the one to lead the budgeting. It is a good

thing that your money you save is safe. There is no guarantee during this pandemic, it’s really

sad that the first thing affected in this situation is our mental and health b but above everything,

the good thing to do is save, invest and pray. We can trust no one but ourselves, the experts and

also God,

397 words, Case 1

Ciara Faith S. Duran Investment and Portfolio Management

BSBA FM 3RD Year Case Analysis 2

Largest single group of

financial institution

CASE 2: Coronavirus shuts Philippines stock exchange

People are busy on their own business, works and even on what they are doing but as the

President ordered to shut down every entity and especially the financial market in our country for

the safeties of Filipinos and also to shut down the Philippine Stock Exchange. As expected,

billions of money loss during this pandemic.

When I read the case entitled “Coronavirus shuts Philippines stock exchange” I was

confused about how Philippines stock exchange works in our country and how it really helps in

our economy. According to what I search; The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (is a private non-

profit and non-stock organization created to provide and maintain a fair, efficient, transparent

and orderly market for the purchase and sale of securities such as stocks, warrants, bonds,

options and others. The PSE bring together companies which aim to raise capital through the

issue of new securities. Through the listing of their share in the stock exchange, companies can

have easier access to funds. Raising new capital through an additional public offering is easier

and less expensive when the company is already listed in the Exchange. Therefore, the PSE plays

a vital role in the financing of productive enterprises that use the funds for growth and expansion

of new jobs

I learned that this Philippines stock exchange is very important, as it mentioned the role

in our country yet I really disagree with what happens because there’s lot of people that will be

affected when it shut down. The government shouldn’t let this happen hence they should create a

good plan and take a greater step to avoid this situation. In terms of investment and banks, it’s

also affected because as I’ve read in the module. The people who invest in long-term period is

greatly affected and loss their money and also, we couldn’t say also that those who invest in

short term is not affected but it is. I think many investors has back out because of what happen, I
research and read an article about Pilar Manuel and published it in CNN Philippines, he said that

Philippines stock exchange suffers 20% drop in 2020 first half as COVID-19 scares away

investors. The fact that the module mentioned about the disruptions or problems that will happen

in investment and banking, it really happens right now in our country and I suggest investor must

take a lot time about it.

400 words, Case 2

Ciara Faith S. Duran Investment and Portfolio Management

BSBA FM 3RD Year Case Analysis 3

Largest single group of

financial institution

CASE 3: Covid-19 in the Philippines: the end of branch banking?

Banks is a financial institution where it provides a loan or save customer’s money. They

also provide multiple services on customers like for example, an ATM service, money transfer,

loans for houses and business and other monetary business. After our President ordered a shut

down in our country because of Covid-19 every aspect and entities are affected even the banks

transaction so people pay their bills, check their accounts and have loans through online. Online

banks happen for the past few months but what happen to the branch of banking after the country

backs to the General Community Quarantine?

The module of Investment and Portfolio discussed the different types of banks such as

rural, cooperative, thrift, commercial and universal banks. I also read that these banks offered

traditional transactions where people went there to pay their bills and other monetary services

that the bank offered but when Enhanced Community Quarantine happens there is no such thing

to do that but the only choice is the online bank where you can do your transactions through

online and it s called digital banking. In the case, it quoted that “The Philippines is experiencing

a boom in digital banking as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, with several digital-only banks

announcing plans to enter the market and legacy banks rapidly upgrading their online offerings”

The case also mentioned that in May, East-West Banking Corporation, the country’s 11th-largest

bank by assets, revealed plans to launch its own fully-digital bank, Komo, in the third quarter of

this year. Many banks create a plan to protect their employees and customers from the spread of

the virus so they chose this online bank. It can be a good idea but in the negative side, how

about the branch banking in our country? It will be another loss if digital banking will boom

because there are also people who choose to go to the bank and ask inquiries in personal about

their accounts, loans etc. because of their frustration with the broken digital journeys they

frequently encounter when attempting to complete an online process.

In the article I read, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people to

use contactless payment and avoid handling banknotes as much as possible. That’s because it can

spread the virus but this digital banking will be the loss of branch banking and the circulation of

cash money can also be an issue.

400 words, Case 3

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