Consti Law 1

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Consti Law 1

Read Terror Bill- Give an assessment in the form of a letter to the editor or
reflection letter.

Constitution- Basic law that connects citizens, government, neighboring

regions, institutions. Gives order to all of this. Provides limitations to powers
of government, gives power to government, all laws emanates from this.

- Not set in stone, it adapts.

Rule of law- When talk about this, constitution is most important law where
all law emanates from.

Marbury vs Madison- Cornerstone of Judicial Review

- Adams vs Jefferson
- Madison- Secretary of State
- Mandamus- Order issued to an office whose performing duty that it is
not doing.
- Can Congress pass that law?
- Can Congress determine the power of the Supreme Court?
- Marshall avoided collision with Executive by saying I cannot do
anything because that is unconstitutional. By saying so, he
established a law; Judicial review.
- Judiciary excercising its Judicial Review. It can say what is
constitutional and what is unconstitutional.
- Marbury won in paper. Has right but has no remedy.

Impeachable (High Officials)- a trial before the people represented by

Senate. Meron ba siyang ginawang impeachable?

Because of masterful stroke of Chief Justice Marshall, the Judiciary

became powerful. Official interpreter of the Constitution; Judiciary.
Establishes rule of law. The Law is the Constitution.
Valino vs Adriano

- If not in the law, the court can provide the law. Called Judicial
Legislation. Not within their power but because they hold the power to
interpret the law. Sometimes because the law is silent, the create the

Imbong vs Ochoa

- Procedural type of Judicial Review- Kailangan ma satisfy kung meron

ba actual case or controversy. Meron talaga rights na na violate.
- Fertilized egg. Article 2 section 12 Constitutional law.

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