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Liceo Técnico Profesional Carolina Mardones Vallejos

Intercultural Bilingüe Profesora de Inglés


English Workshop Nº2

World Wide Web

1. SYNONYM MATCH: Une las palabras de la columna A con sus definiciones correspondientes en la
columna B escribiendo el número de la palabra en la línea de su definición.

Column A Column B
1. inventor ____ Stop making an effort to do something you wanted to do.
2. anniversary ____ A clever person who created a new process or device for the
first time.
3. billion ____ A person or thing thought of as having power or influence.
4. concerned ____ The date on which an event took place in a previous year.
5. force ____ Worried.
6. empower ____ One thousand million (1,000,000,000).
7. give up ____ Give someone the power or ability to do something.
8. criminal ____ A person broke the law.
9. state-sponsored ____ Being free from being looked at or disturbed by other people.
10. harassment ____ Backed and carried out by a government.
11. humanity ____ Fooled by a sly or skillful act or scheme.
12. fake ____ Unfair and strong pressure, words or actions against someone
that makes them feel bad.
13. tricked ____ All the people in the world.
14. privacy ____ Not real; not genuine.

2. READING: Lee el siguiente texto y según este responde las actividades 1 y 2.

The World Wide Web is now thirty years old. Its inventor, Sir Tim
Berners-Lee, has spoken about his creation on its 30th anniversary. He
said he was worried about how people are using the Internet and its
two billion websites today. He also said he is concerned about the
future of the Web. He wrote a letter saying he knew many people felt
unsure about whether the Web was "a force for good". He believes it
can be a force for good and can empower billions of people. He wrote
that he believed governments and companies must work together to
build a better Internet. He said: "If we give up on building a better Web
now, then the Web will not have failed us. We will have failed the

Sir Tim had three main concerns about the World Wide Web. The first was criminal behavior, like state-sponsored
hacking and online harassment. He described it as a "mirror of humanity" where "you will see good and bad". He
said governments must pass laws to keep people safe. A second thing that worried Berners-Lee is how social media
is used to spread misinformation. The past few years have seen a rise in fake news. In particular, how people were
tricked during the 2016 US presidential election and the UK Brexit vote. Berners-Lee is also worried about people's
privacy and personal information. He stressed the importance of fighting for a better and safer Web and keeping it
free for everyone to use.
1. TRUE / FALSE: De acuerdo a lo leído, decide si los siguientes enunciados son verdaderos (T) o
falsos (F), encierra en un círculo la letra correspondiente a tu respuesta.
1. The World Wide Web is now fifty years old. T / F
2. The article said there are two billion websites online. T / F
3. The Web's inventor knows people wonder if the Web is a force for good. T / F
4. The Web's inventor said we must not give up on making a better Web. T / F
5. The Web's inventor said he had five main worries about the Web. T / F
6. Sir Tim Berners-Lee called the Web a "mirror of humanity". T / F

2. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Encierra en un círculo la alternativa de la respuesta correcta a cada una de

las siguientes preguntas, según lo leído en el texto anterior.

I) How old is the World Wide VI) How many concerns did Sir Tim
Web? Berners-Lee have?
a) 50 a) 2
b) 20 b) 3
c) 40 c) 4
d) 30 d) 5

II) How many websites did the VII) What did Sir Tim describe the
article say was on the World Web as a mirror of?
Wide Web? a) news
a) 200,000,000 b) life
b) two billion c) social media
c) 2 million d) humanity
d) 2,000,000
VIII) What did Sir Tim say social
III) What are people doubting the media spread?
World Wide Web is a force for? a) misinformation
a) communication b) good news
b) power c) photos of cute cats
c) good d) everywhere
d) change
IX) What have the past few years
IV) What does Sir Tim Berners-Lee seen a rise in?
want governments to build? a) tweets
a) a better Web b) smartphones
b) more Internet cables c) fake news
c) communities d) good news
d) a giant website
X) What did Sir Tim want us to
V) What will we fail if we give up fight for?
on the Web? a) our rights
a) social media b) a better and safer web
b) the electricity c) cheaper Internet
c) the Web d) real news
d) exams

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