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1 Complete the text with modal verbs.
4 Match the expressions from exercise 3 with the
You might think that becoming a celebrity is all fun and meanings below. There are two extra meanings.
excitement. But being famous 1 have its 0. Something different – for a change
drawbacks as well as benefits. Attention from the media 1. It’s very unlikely –
seem flattering at first, but it 3 2. You can’t be serious –
start to feel like an invasion of privacy. Journalists 3. Excuse me for asking –
always find a way to take photos of your 4. If it is possible –
private life. For young actors, this 5 seriously 5. That’s new to me – You
damage their mental health.

5 Complete the sentences with modal verbs.

2 Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t, must
0. He’s in all the magazines. He must be someone
or can’t.
0. If you’re famous, you must expect attention. 1. Her new movie is excellent. I’m sure it be a
1. It’s difficult for celebrities to keep a low profile. They great success.
always avoid the limelight. 2. Celebrities can’t trust people around them. It
2. We feel sorry for celebrities because be difficult to make friends.
it’s hard for them to trust anyone. 3. You think that being rich and famous
3. Famous people act responsibly makes life easier, but it doesn’t.
because they are role models. 4. Magazines respect your privacy if it helps
4. The media pay so much attention to their sales.
celebrities because it makes them seem more 5. Celebrity culture change but it won’t
glamorous than they are. disappear.
5. Celebrities have the right to be treated
as normal people.
6 Choose the correct word for each gap. There are two
extra words.
3 Complete the conversations with phrases from the
all | mustn’t | always | break | change can’t
| else | seriously | should | time
come on | by any chance | might have told me A. You’re 0always playing computer games. Haven’t
for a change | fat chance | just out of curiosity
you got anything 1 to do with your time?
0. A: We should go shopping. It 2
be healthy for you!
B: Let’s do something different for a change. B. Give me a 3 . I’m just having fun.
1. A: We need to leave – the concert starts soon. A. But 4
. It’s 5
you do these
B: You . I’m not ready yet. days. You 6
get some exercise and
2. A: , can I ask why you’ve got socialize more.
your pyjamas on? B. I really haven’t got 7 for this right now.
B: It’s for a charity event. A. How about helping me wash the car?
3. A: Can you lend me your book ? B. OK - just one more game and I’ll be right there.
B: Not right now, I need it for my homework.
4. A: Have you got time to play tennis later?
B: . I’m in meetings all day.
5. A: You never help with the housework.
B: ! I did some cleaning yesterday.

Think Level 5 Unit 6 Grammar Extension PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2017

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