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Swoosh · 9.

˚ ano Consolidation worksheets

Describing a holiday photo Unit 0

A. Complete the graphic organiser below with the question words in the boxes.

Where the photo was taken.

Why (2x)
is in the photo.

is happening.
it is happening.

What Who
you like/dislike the photo.

B. Now imagine you went camping with your friends last holiday and that one of you
took this picture. Read and complete the description below.

This photo was taken last

when .

It was about in the


my friends and I posed for this photo.

Don’t we look ?

If you take a closer look at the foreground, you can see


The reasons that we were doing this were because

. If you look a bit further
into the background, then you can see the .
In my opinion, it was .
SW9TF © Porto Editora

I don’t know about you but I really think this photo is

as it reminds me of .


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