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Following Jesus Christ, the Light of the World

“Jesus what can we do to help this man?” The question that should have been asked.

Sicknesses such as blindness and leprosy are not punishment for sins committed. Our own biases make
us turn a blind eye to needs of the materially deprived and the marginalized.

Jesus, before healing the blind man: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

Jesus banished the darkness of sin and unbelief. Because of His light, there is life in the world once

Our faith in Jesus and the love in our hearts will enable us to see.

SVDs are working hard in the education field to let the light of God’s Word penetrate different cultures
and the hearts of all.

Fr. Antonio M. Pernia hopes: different SVD schools may truly “become instruments for the
evangelization of cultures so that the cultures of the world may be imbued with the Word of God.”

Vanishing the Darkness of Sin and the Night of Unbelief

The University of San Carlos shares in the vision and mission of its founder, St. Arnold Janssen. St.
Janssen established seminaries and schools and founded religious congregations under the Society of
the Divine Word (SVD).

Carolinians must bear witness to the universality of God’s reign. Carolinians should conduct themselves
as servant leaders who always follow the Word and turn constantly to the Spirit for discernment.

Thoughts worthy of reflection:

 The darkness of sin and the night of unbelief

 The light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace
 The envisioned society that is reflective of the life of the early Christian believers depicted in the
Acts of the Apostles.

St. Arnold Janssen composed this prayer: “May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief, vanish
before the light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace.”

Darkness of sin – the darkness in the heart of a human person, the dark self

The light of God and innate goodness enable a person to see the light. Light and goodness prevail.

The Light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace

In St. Janssen’s prayer, the light of the Word has power over sin and unbelief

That light is the life of Jesus

Gospel of St. John: “Whatever has come to be, found life in him, life which for humans was also light.
Light that shines in the dark: light that darkness could not overcome.”

The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of grace, whom Jesus and the Father have sent to us in our lives and made to
live in ourselves as His holy temples makes us bold witnesses even amidst sufferings and persecutions.

A Society that Lives in the Light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace

In the vision of USC, society is one where people are “competent, noble in character, and community
oriented: What they know, they apply justly and honestly; what they do not know, they seek to learn.
What they do not have, they endeavor to acquire; what they have, they share.”

What they do not know, they seek to learn; what they know, they apply justly and honestly.

The statement pays attention to becoming competent and community oriented. Christians must believe
that all knowledge comes from the source of life. They must shun voyeurism and everything that ignores
the right to privacy and proprietorship. They must respect the dignity of a human being and must
continuously seek the truth as a tool of humanity to guide its journey towards the right destination.

What they do not have, they endeavor to acquire; what they have, they share.

The statement throws light on what it is to be noble in character and community oriented. In building a
just society, Christians must have nobility in character. They must work hard through honest means to
create and possess wealth not only for their benefit but also for others. Everyone must share not only
material things but also talents, values, experiences and many more. Christians must learn to multiply
their talents as they share what they have with the last, the least, and the lost or the marginalized sector
of the society.

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