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Language 5

1st Prelim

Spelling words

1. a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of

limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
a. Hyphotesis
b. Hypothesis
c. Hyphothesis

2. the action of investigating something or someone; formal or

systematic examination or research.
a. Investigation
b. Envestigation
c. Invistagation

3. the end or finish of an event or process.

a. Cunclusion
b. Conclution
c. Conclusion

4. he process in a woman of discharging blood and other materials

from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar
month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
a. Menstrution
b. Manstration
c. Menstruation

5. `the action or practice of circumcising a young boy or man.

a. Circumcision
b. Cirkumsition
c. Circumsition

6. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and

preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
a. Hygiene
b. Higiene
c. Hygine

7. a group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a

condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms.
a. Sindrome
b. Syndrome
c. Cyndrome

8. My little brother insists on coming with us.

a. statement
b. command
c. question
d. Exclamation

9. Which of the following choices is an example of a command?

a. When is lunch?
b. It sure is hot out here!
c. Put your plate in the sink.
d. none of the above

10. Tell your sister to brush her teeth three times a day.
a. Declarative
b. Imperative
c. Exclamatory
d. Interrogative

11. Frank says he likes to watch football.

a. Declarative
b. Imperative
c. Exclamatory
d. Interrogative

12. Do you know where my blue gym shoes are?

a. Declarative
b. Imperative
c. Exclamatory
d. Interrogative

13. Choose the appropriate punctuation Would he sit by himself

at the movie theater
a. .
b. !
c. ?

14. Mom said she'd give us money for candy if we took him with
a. Declarative
b. Imperative
c. Exclamatory
d. Interrogative
15. In most English sentences the subject comes before the
a. Predicate
b. Subject

16. Occasionally the predicate comes before the subject.

Waiting by the school gate in the rain was my mother.
a. Predicate
b. Subject

17. A glacier is a river of ice moving slowly down a mountain.

a. Predicate
b. Subject

Complete subject
18. All the children in the class study math.
a. math
b. study
c. All the children in the class

19. My naughty puppy chewed on my shoes.

a. chewed
b. my shoes
c. My naughty puppy
d. Shoes

20. Jason and his three friends went swimming.

a. went
b. Jason and his three friends
c. swimming
d. three
Write S by each group of words that make a complete sentence. And
write P by the group of words that do not make a complete sentence

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