07 Task Performance 1 - ARG PDF

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1. Assign a leader to consolidate the group’s output. Make sure that tasks are divided to accomplish the
following requirements successfully:
o Select a food establishment within your locality. Research about their food handling processes
and procedures that are useful in creating a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Note: Coordinate with other groups to avoid identical selection of establishments. These
establishments should be different from the ones used in previous activities.
o Create a draft of the HACCP plan following the Codex logic sequence. Use the following steps as
I. Assemble the HACCP team – identify key personnel that will serve as the HACCP team
II. Describe the product – ingredients, processes, production environment, and layout
III. Identify intended use – illustrate product supply/distribution chain
IV. Construct flow diagram – identify three (3) process flows
V. Confirm on-site flow diagram – verify identified process flows from step IV
VI. List of all potential hazards and control measures – list and categorize hazards and control
VII. Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs) – create a CCP decision tree
VIII. Establish critical limits for each CCP – identify critical limits for each CCP
IX. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP – identify monitoring procedures for each CCP
X. Establish corrective actions – specify corrective actions needed
2. Create your output following the format below and make sure to include your references:
 Paper size: Letter (8.5” x 11”)  Spacing: Single
 Font style: Calibri  Margin: 1” all sides
 Font size: 11 pt.
3. The leader must submit the output via eLMS or MS Teams to your instructor on an agreed deadline.
Make sure to include the names of group members as cover/first page of the Word file.
4. In case there will be clarifications about your output, be prepared for an online question and answer
activity to be scheduled by your instructor in Week 9. Make sure that the entire group will be available
for the schedule.
5. Your group output will be graded based on the following rubric:

Output Content is complete and accurate; there is evidence of proper research conducted; it is
Content written clearly and logically.
80 points Printed output follows the specified format; content has proper referencing of information. 10

Collaboration Collaboration among the team members is evident in the output. 10

20 points There was no complaint about a member’s inability to collaborate with the group. 10

07 Task Performance 1 - ARG *Property of STI

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