At Large Members Ex-Officiomember: 2016 Vacancy (1 Year) 2016 Vacancy (1 Year) 2017 Vacancy (2 Years)

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Standards Activity Committee

Meeting Minutes
6 October 2015


PARTICIPANTS: 8 voting members present, 6 needed for a quorum. All members of SAC, both elected and
appointed, are voting members. Quorum is a majority of the voting members. Quorum is required for conducting

Key: P (Present); A (Absent); * = eVoted, ** = sent regrets; *** = eVoted & sent regrets
At Large Members Status Ex-OfficioMember Status
Abbott, Jeff – Chair P CC Vice-Chair (TBD)
Igarza, Jean-Louis A***
Marrou, Lance A*** Appointed Members Status
McLean, Thom P Bailey, Grant P
Oates, William P McGlynn, Lana P
Stevens, John P Stutzman, Marcy P
Youngblood, Simone P Guests
2016 Vacancy (1 year) Crash Konwin, ACQM&S PDG P
2016 Vacancy (1 year) Peggy Gravitz, ACQM&S PDG P
2017 Vacancy (2 years) Paul Gustavson, ACQM&S PDG P
Chris McGroarty A**

• Peggy Gravitz announced her resignation from SAC. We thank her for her service on SAC and wish her good
• On 7/25/15 SISO began using Listserv and discontinued using WebBoard. Listserv does not support message
threading in the same way as WebBoard. No longer are there distinct URLs for a message thread. Continuity is
achieved by selecting "reply" to a message resulting in the same subject. Message subjects are now included in
• TAD Quarterly Reports - reports covering Jul-Sep 2015 due end of month. Please use discussion topics
established for each group by replying to the last message posted.
• Informational messages are posted on SISO-SAC (public) to meet requirements in SISO-ADM-002:
- SAC Agenda:
- SAC Meeting Minutes:
- SAC uses SISO-SAC-PVT (private) to conduct business with results being published in minutes.


Emailed 09/17/15 SAC Chair recommended EXCOM approves the following at its 10/13 meeting:
1. Marcy Stutzman to serve as SAC Vice-Chair/Secretary
2. Christopher McGroarty to fill the remaining 2017 SAC at large vacancy
3. Dissolving the SCM PDG
For history see:
Emailed 10/06/15 SAC Chair recommended EXCOM approves at its 10/13 meeting the revised C/SI SISO SAC
Sponsor Committee baseline procedures and comment responses at its 10/13 meeting. SAC
must return to AudCom as “a sign that development is continuing.” C/SI policies and
procedures expire 31 Dec 2015.
Emailed 10/07/15 SAC Chair recommended EXCOM approves at its 10/13 meeting the new 4.2.16 Trial-Use
SISO Balloted Products section in SISO-ADM-003-2011, and it becomes effective


• SAC Chair report to SAC regarding EXCOM actions. Use this discussion topic:

• CC Vice-Chair report to SAC regarding CC actions. Use this discussion topic:


• SAC representative report to SAC regarding committee actions. Use this discussion topic.


Priority Key: 3) High priority - requires SAC action; 2) Medium priority - if time permits SAC will address; 1)
Low priority - SAC waiting for information; 0) Completed
Action POC Pri Status
SAC Plan and Jeff 3 • [10/07/15] SAC Chair forwarded recommendation to EXCOM to approve.
revision to Abbott • [10/06/15] SAC voted (including 2 eVotes to approve and 1 abstention) to
SISO-ADM-003- approve the SAC Plan and recommendation to change SISO SISO-ADM-003-
2011, 4.2.16 Marcy 2011, 4.2.16. The recommendation clarifies and establishes policy and
Stutzman procedures for formal Trial-Use SISO Balloted Products (i.e., SISO Standards
Products and SISO Guidance Products). "Trial-Use" SISO Standards or
Guidance Products are formal products, and are different from the draft products
developed by PDGs and made available for "trial use" by community members
as a normal part of PDG development activities. SAC Chair forwarded
recommendation to EXCOM to approve at its 10/13 meeting to be effective
• [09/24/15] SAC Officers developed a SAC Plan of Action and recommendation
for changes to SISO-ADM-003-2011, 4.2.16 Trial Use Standards to address the
request made by the ACQM&S PDG. Please review and be prepared to vote to
approve at the 10/6/15 SAC meeting. Please share thoughts, comments, ideas,
suggestions, and questions using the discussion forum.
Subject: Recommendation for 4.2.16 Trial-Use SISO Balloted Products;8d5f2314.1509
ACQM&S PDG William 3 • [10/06/15] ACQM&S PDG officers contributed information and agreed on a
Request Oates plan to continue PDG development activities and to make a draft SISO-GUIDE
available for trial use by community members. SAC recommended initiating a
Comment Tracking System instance, as well as SAC issuing a message via
SISO-ADMIN announcing the 270-day community review period for the draft
SISO Guidance Product. PDG will revise the PN to update the schedule showing
the trial use period. SAC will assist the PDG as requested. This action is closed.
• [09/15/15] William Oates initiated a discussion regarding the ACQM&S PDG’s
request to proceed to trial use for its draft SISO Guidance Product. To contribute
to the discussion, please use the subject:
Subject: Request SAC Approval to proceed to Trial Use
2015 IEEE-SA Marcy 3 • [10/06/15] No SAC comments received. SAC Chair will forward to EXCOM.
Sponsor Baseline Stutzman • [09/23/15] Preliminary responses to IEEE AudCom comments and a revised
Policies and document provided for review. Please post comments using discussion thread:
Procedures for;2b6b241b.1509
Standards • [08/13/15] IEEE Audit Committee provided comments to the draft C/SI Sponsor
Development Baseline Policies and Procedures.
Subject: 2015 IEEE C/SI Sponsor P&P draft - submitted to AudCom
• [08/10/15] AudCom agenda for 9/1 mtg published but did not include C/SI P&P.
Contacted IEEE SA (Lisa Weisser, Annette Riley) about status of AudCom
review. Weisser advised AudCom review is not completed yet.
• [06/08/15] EXCOM approved draft document. Submitted to IEEE SA Audit
• [05/28/15] Addressed 3 comments from EXDIR submitted to EXCOM,
incorporated changes, produced rev2, and provided to EXCOM.
• [05/27/15] SAC provided EXCOM with the revised sponsor baseline and
resolutions of EXCOM comments provided. Requested EXCOM approves at its
8 Jun mtg.

Action POC Pri Status
• [04/29/15] Lisa Weisser provided information reference questions asked.
• [04/28/15] Follow up msgs sent on 4/24 and 4/28 to IEEE SA [Lisa Weisser and
Michael Kipness] requesting answers to questions discussed on 4/10.
• [04/13/15] EXCOM vote delayed until response from IEEE SA received and
draft updated/revised.
• [04/10/15] SAC officers addressed comments with IEEE SA.
• [04/09/15] Comments received from one EXCOM member.
• [03/17/15] SAC Chair recommended EXCOM approves. The next EXCOM
meeting will be on 4/13/15.
• [03/17/15] SAC voted unanimously to approve (including 6 eVotes)
• [03/01/15] Please initiate review of draft 2015 IEEE-SA Sponsor Baseline
Policies and Procedures for Standards Development. Be prepared to vote to
approve at 3/17 mtg.
Content Updates Grant 3 • [10/07/15] Grant initiated discussion on SISO-GROUPS-LEADS-OFFICERS-
Bailey PVT.
• [10/06/15] Grant reminded members to comment on 3 options proposed. Marcy
suggested Grant use SISO-GROUPS-LEADS-OFFICERS-PVT to open the
discussions with PDG/PSG officers on combining groups into product lines and
consolidating group/product information on single webpages.
• [09/30/15] Grant summarized progress, provided 3 options, and requested
members’ inputs.
• [09/21/15] SISO EXDIR provided confirmation regarding limited funding
available for webpage updates.
• [09/18/15] SAC officers provided confirmation regarding limited funding
available for webpage updates.
• [09/15/15] Kicked off the discussion. Please contribute ideas using:
Subject: SISO Web Site Content for Groups
• [09/10/15] Initiate discussion for making recommendations for content updates
to group’s pages and for other needed changes both specific and in general.
SISO-STD-015- Jeff 3 • [10/09/15] Be prepared to approve composition of ballot group at 10/20 mtg.
DRAFT Abbott Balloting forecasted for 20 Oct-4 Dec 2015.
Standard for • [10/09/15] SAC balanced ballot group.
Distributed Marcy • [10/06/15] Work continues to balance the ballot group.
Debrief Control Stutzman • [09/18/15] Rcvd ballot registrations from IST, completed TAD Ballot Analysis
Architecture Spreadsheet, working with PDG to balance the ballot group.
• [09/15/15] Requested IST provide the registered ballot pool members.
• [09/14/15] Extension ended on 9/14 without SISO EXDIR publishing the
extended invitation to SISO-ADMIN.
• [09/08/15] Still waiting on SISO EXDIR to publish extended invitation.
• [09/02/15] SAC extended the invitation to ballot for two weeks (ends 9/14/15].
SAC published as LATEST NEWS. SISO EXDIR requested to distribute, as
soon as possible, the extended invitation message via SISO-ADMIN, LATEST
NEWS, SISO LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
CSPI PSG Marcy 3 • [10/08/15] Marcy posted msg asking members to contribute ideas.
Stutzman • [10/06/15] Marcy will post a final message asking members to contribute. This
action will close following the 10/20 mtg. A new action will be opened after
Jeff SAC officers create options for reaching consensus on the road ahead.
Abbott • [09/15/15] Members were asked to contribute to the discussion so consensus can
be reached on a recommended path forward.
Grant • [08/18/15] Members contributing to the discussion online thus far include Jean-
Bailey Louis, Thom, Jeff, and Marcy. Please use the subject “CSPI PSG & SISO-STD-
006-2010” or reply to a message with that subject. First need to determine how
Jean- to solve current problem: there are no CSPI PSG members and thus no PSG to
Louis support SISO-STD-006-2010. Also then need to make recommendations for
Igarza specific changes to SISO-ADM-003-2011 for when the revision gets underway
again after SISO-ADM-002-DRAFT is published.
• [08/11/15] Initiate discussion about what to do with CSPI PSG if at least 5 SISO

Action POC Pri Status
members do not join and about moving SISO-STD-006-2010 to inactive status if
there is no PSG to support it. Although focused on CSPI PSG, the procedure
established will affect any PSG and any orphaned SISO Standard in the future.
Subject: CSPI PSG & SISO-STD-006-2010
• [08/10/15] SAC Chair emailed all 77 known previous individuals who expressed
interest in SISO-STD-006-2010, CSPI PDG, and/or CSPI PSG; and posted same
msg on SAC-PSG-CSPI. Requested positive replies by 14 Aug. Rcvd 29 email
address failures. Rcvd one reply from Simon Taylor who is no longer a SISO
member nor able to participate in SIWs. He wrote, “However, the main problem
is that most of the people interested in supporting and using the standard don’t
really see themselves within SISO’s remit (or are prepared to pay to be a
member of SISO). The standard is playing a good role in guiding civil
application development however. I continue to find it almost impossible to
attend SIWs as our conference funding continues to be reduced. We are almost
restricted to ACM/IEEE conferences with peer-reviewed proceedings. It’s a
shame but most Universities are in this situation.”
• [08/04/15] Grant reported via email that neither Simon Taylor nor Navonil
Mustafee responded.
• [07/21/15] Grant was not available to report on status of contacting the
individuals previously interested in SISO-STD-006-2010. Jean-Louis reported
Grant emailed Simon Taylor but had not received a reply yet.
• [07/09/15] Grant emailed Simon Taylor and Navonil Mustafee asking the status
of the CSPI PSG.
• [07/07/15: Discussion initiated, documents with proponents (SG TOR, PN)
provided to Grant and Jean-Louis to follow up to determine their status.
• [07/07/15] Email discussion had not yet been initiated. Briefly brought Grant
Bailey up to date.
• [06/16/15] Briefly discussed issue with CSPI PSG (only member is SAC TAD).
Will start email discussion between Jeff, Marcy, Jean-Louis, and Grant to decide
how to move forward. Will update SAC as progress is made.
Heads Up Marcy 3 • [10/05/15] Reviews initiated for SISO-PN-015-DRAFT PN, SISO-REF-061-
Stutzman DRAFT, SISO-REF-052-01-DRAFT. Edited drafts returned to authors for
concurrence: SISO-REF-054-01-DRAFT, SISO-REF-062-00-DRAFT; Edited
drafts requiring additional work by author: SISO-REF-060-DRAFT. This action
is closed. Each individual document under review will be a separate action.
• [09/26/15] Received additional draft product:
SISO-REF-063-00-DRAFT, C2SIM PSG Annual Report
• [09/15/15] Requested TADs that have not seen an annual report from supported
PSG to remind the PSG of the requirement. Received two additional drafts
following the meeting:
SISO-REF-054-01-DRAFT HLA Evolved PSG Annual Report
• [0913/15] Received additional draft product:
SISO-REF-052-01-DRAFT CMSD PSG Annual Report
• [09/01/15] Received three draft products on 9/1. Will review to ensure they are
ready for SAC review. Watch for announcements for:
SISO-REF-061-DRAFT Human Performance Markup Language SG Final
SISO-PN-015-DRAFT Human Performance Markup Language
Fill 2nd 2017 at Jeff 1 • [09/17/15] SAC Chair recommends EXCOM approves the at its 10/13 mtg.
large position Abbott • [09/15/15] SAC voted unanimously (including 4 eVotes) to approve Christopher
McGroarty. SAC Chair will recommend EXCOM approves on 10/13.
• [09/10/15] Be prepared to vote to approve SAC Chair recommendation to fill a
vacant 2017 at large position by appointing Christopher McGroarty, Chief
Engineer for Advanced Simulation and Deputy Technology Program Manager
of the Modeling Architecture for Technology, Research and Experimentation
(MATREX),at the Army Research Laboratory, Human Research and
Engineering Directorate, Simulation and Training Technology Center (ARL

Action POC Pri Status
Dissolve SCM Marcy 1 • [09/17/15] SAC Chair recommends EXCOM approves the at its 10/13 mtg.
PDG Stutzman • [09/15/15] SAC approved unanimously (including 4 eVotes). SAC Chair will
recommend EXCOM approves on 10/13.
• [09/10/15] Please be prepared to vote to dissolve the Simulation Conceptual
Modeling PDG. IAW SISO-ADM-003-2011, 4.1.9 Dissolution of a PDG, the
PDG determined it was unable to complete the proposed products and voted
unanimously to dissolve on 9/13/15 during its F2F meeting at 2015 Fall SIW.
SAC Vice-Chair Jeff 1 • [09/17/15] SAC Chair recommends EXCOM approves the at its 10/13 mtg.
& Secretary Abbott • [09/15/15] SAC voted unanimously to approve Marcy Stutzman to serve as
Vice-Chair/Secretary. SAC Chair will recommend EXCOM approves on 10/13.
• [09/10/15] Please be prepared to elect a Vice-Chair and Secretary at the 9/15
mtg. All SAC members are eligible. The Chair and Vice Chair must be different
individuals, and one also may serve as Secretary if SAC approves. Self-
nominations are opened.
SISO-GUIDE- Marcy 0 • [09/14/15] SISO EXDIR published invitation to join two ballot groups.
003-00-DRAFT Stutzman Registration ends 10/14/15. This action is closed.
& • [09/08/15] Still waiting on SISO EXDIR to publish invitation
SISO-STD-016- Grant • [09/02/15] SISO EXDIR requested to distribute as soon as possible via SISO-
00-DRAFT Bailey ADMIN, LATEST NEWS, SISO LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter.
• [08/21/15] Revised SISO-GUIDE-003-00-DRAFT provided to IST.
Approval to enter • [08/20/15] Guidance from SAC provided to PDG, PDG responded and will
ballot product provide revised SISO-GUIDE-003-00-DRAFT.
phase • [08/18/15] SISO-GUIDE-003-00-DRAFT discussion: Comments raised
included the “TBD” in 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7. SAC to provide PDG with some
suggestions for resolving the comments. SAC also to ensure the PDG
understands that each time a SISO-STD or SISO-GUIDE product is revised,
e.g., to add information, a new version is created and must be balloted.
• [08/18/15] SAC voted to approve SISO-GUIDE-003-00-DRAFT entering the
ballot product phase pending resolution of SAC comments: 1 abstain, all other
approved (including 5 eVotes).
• [08/18/15] SAC voted unanimously (including 5 eVotes) to approve SISO-STD-
003-00-DRAFT entering the ballot product phase.
• [08/07/15] SISO-GUIDE product “family” updated to add “member”.
• [08/04/15] Initiate review of SISO-STD-016-00-DRAFT circulation package.
Be prepared to vote to approve entering the ballot phase at 8/18 mtg.
• Subject: SISO-STD-016-00-DRAFT Circulation Package
• [07/29/15] Initiate review of SISO-GUIDE-003-DRAFT circulation package. Be
prepared to vote to approve entering the ballot phase at 8/18 mtg
• Subject: SISO-GUIDE-003-DRAFT Circulation Package
• [07/09/15] UCATT PDG submitted circulation package materials and requested
approval to enter ballot product phase. Watch for a message with the checklist.
Tentatively, the vote to approve entering ballot product phase will occur on 8/4.


Item Member Status
Need TAD Marcy • [10/06/15] Appointment delayed until after EXCOM approves Chris McGroarty as a SAC
for SRFOM Stutzman member on 10/13.
PDG • [09/28/15] Volunteer sought to fill vacant TAD position for the SRFOM PDG.
SISO-PN- Marcy • [10/05/15] Initiate review of SISO-PN-015-DRAFT PN for HPML. Be prepared to vote to
015-DRAFT Stutzman approve PN is complete and ready for community review at 10/20 mtg.
SISO-REF- Marcy • [10/02/15] Initiate review of SISO-REF-061-DRAFT HPML SG Final Report. Be prepared
061-DRAFT Stutzman to vote to approve at 10/20 mtg.
SISO-REF- Marcy • [10/02/15] Initiate review of SISO-REF-052-01-DRAFT CMSD PSG Annual Report. Be
052-01- Stutzman prepared to vote to approve at 10/20 mtg.

Item Member Status
SSG Annual Marcy • [10/04/15] Please review suggested updates/revisions to the SSG Annual Report template.
Report Stutzman Please provide specific comments for needed changes.

• Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 11:00 AM EST / 4:00 PM BST / 5:00 PM CEST
• Adjourn: 11:59 AM EST

Table 1 — SAC Member Assignments

# Acronym Group Title SAC Member

1. ACQ M&S Acquisition Modeling & Simulation Standards Profile PDG William Oates
2. BOM Base Object Model PSG William Oates
3. C2SIM Command and Control Systems – Simulation Systems Interoperation SAC Chair
4. CIGI Common Image Generator Interface PSG Grant Bailey
5. CMSD Core Manufacturing Simulation Data PSG Jean-Louis Igarza
6. CSPI Commercial Off-the-Shelf Simulation Package Interoperability PSG Jean-Louis Igarza
7. DDCA Distributed Debrief Control Architecture PDG SAC Chair
8. DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation PDG / PSG SAC Vice-Chair
9. DSEEP/DMAO Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process PSG Simone Youngblood
10. EDRS Environmental Data Representation Standards PSG Lance Marrou
11. EPLRS/SADL Enhanced Position Location Reporting System including Situational Thom McLean
Awareness Data Link Simulation Standard PDG
12. FEAT Federation Engineering Agreements Template PSG William Oates
13. GDACL Gateway Description and Configuration Languages PDG Simone Youngblood
14. GSD Guideline on Scenario Development PDG Jean-Louis Igarza
15. HLA High Level Architecture-Evolved PSG Simone Youngblood
16. HPML Human Performance Markup Language SG John Stevens
17. Link 11 Link 11 A/B Network Simulation Standard PDG Thom McLean
18. PDMS Parallel and Distributed M&S SSG John Stevens
19. RIEDP Reuse and Interoperability of Environmental Data and Processes PDG Lance Marrou
20. RPR FOM Real Time Platform Reference Federation Object Model PDG SAC Vice-Chair
21. SRFOM Space Reference Federation Object Model PDG TBD
22. SRML Simulation Reference Markup Language PDG John Stevens
23. TADIL TALES Tactical Digital Information Link-Technical Advice and Lexicon for Thom McLean
Enabling Simulation PSG
24. UCATT Urban Combat Advanced Training Technologies PDG Grant Bailey
25. VV&A VV&A Products PSG Lana McGlynn
26. WebLVC WebLVC PDG Jean Louis Igarza
27. BPDSP Tiger Team BPDSP Tiger Team (EXCOM) SAC Vice-Chair
28. NATO Liaison Liaison to NATO Modelling and Simulation Group Grant Bailey
29. Appeals Board SAC Representative to Appeals Board SAC Vice-Chair
30. Award Board SAC Representative to Award Board Lana McGlynn
31. Conference SAC ex officio member of SISO Conference Committee SAC Vice-Chair
32. Executive SAC ex officio member of SISO Executive Committee SAC Chair
33. IEEE CS SAB (C/SI) SAC Representative to IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board SAC Vice-Chair
(C/SI Computer/Simulation Interoperability)
34. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC SAC Liaison to International Organization for Standardization, Computer SAC Chair
24 Graphics, Image Processing and Environmental Data Representation
# Acronym Group Title SAC Member
35. Outreach Special SAC Representative to Outreach Special Committee (EXCOM) Jean-Louis Igarza
36. SAC SWG SAC SWG Reference for Enumerations for Simulation Lance Marrou
37. SAC SWG PR/CR SAC SWG Reference for Problem Report / Change Request Lance Marrou
38. SAC SWG XML SAC SWG Reference for XML Schema Naming and Design Best Practices SAC Chair
39. SPS Manager Shared Public Specifications Manager (Review submissions) SAC Vice-Chair

2 SG

Figure 1 — SAC Member Assignments (16 September 2015)

Table 2 — SAC Accomplishments per Calendar Year Quarter

Date Approved CY
# Product Number Product Title (mm/dd/yy) Quarter
1. SISO-REF-057-2015 Final Report for the Layered Simulation Architecture Study 01/12/15 1Q
2. SISO-REF-058-2015 Final Report for the Architecture Neutral Data Exchange Model 02/09/15 1Q
Study Group
3. SISO-REF-010-2015 Reference for Enumerations for Simulation Interoperability, 04/13/15 2Q
Version 21
4. SISO-REF-010.1-2015 Operations Manual for the Enumerations Working Group, 04/13/15 2Q
Version 3
5. SISO-PN-008-2015 Product Nomination for Standardization of Urban Combat 04/13/15 2Q
Advanced Training Technologies (UCATT) Architecture
External Interfaces for Live Simulation Instrumented Training
6. SISO-STD-007-2008 Standard for Military Scenario Definition Language, 05/11/15 2Q
7. SISO-PN-014-2015 Product Nomination for Space Reference Federation Object 05/11/15 2Q
Model Version 1.0
8. SISO-STD-001-2015 Standard for Guidance, Rationale, and Interoperability 08/10/15 3Q
Modalities for the Real-time Platform Reference Federation
Object Model, Version 2.0

Date Approved CY
# Product Number Product Title (mm/dd/yy) Quarter
9. SISO-STD-001.1-2015 Standard for Real-time Platform Reference Federation Object 08/10/15 3Q
Model, Version 2.0
10. SISO-REF-059-00- Reference for UCATT Ammunition Table 09/01/15 4Q
11. IEEE Std 1278.2-2015 Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) - 09/03/15 4Q
Communication Services and Profiles
SAC tracks accomplishments per Calendar Year Quarter to enable quarterly reporting to Sponsors.
Accomplishments are defined as all SISO Products processed through SAC and approved by EXCOM.
1Q – Jan-Feb-Mar | 2Q – Apr-May-Jun | 3Q – Jul-Aug-Sep | 4Q – Oct Nov Dec

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