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Question 1
Given a set of V.E.S field measurements in the table below obtained for a Schlumberger
electrode arrangement:

(a) Plot the V.E.S field curves and use them to interpret the data [4]
(b) Prepare a geological section from the interpreted results. [4]

Assume that the sounding stations are along a straight line – with a station spacing equal to 0.5
km and the total length of the line of 2 km. The field work is carried out in a sedimentary area.
Alternating beds of sand and clay, covered with a thin layer of alluvium, are expected to exist
(evident from available borehole data). Assume that the following ranges of resistivity for the
soil layers: Alluvium (3 - 5 Ωm), plastic clay (1 -2.5 Ωm), Silt and sand (3 - 4.5 Ωm ), water
bearing sand (<1.5 Ωm) and medium clay sand (8 - 12.5 Ωm).

Draw a Pseudo section using the IPIWIN software and interpret the findings [5]

Question 2
Describe any five methods commonly used to drill boreholes. [5]

What drilling methods would be most suitable for installing a 30-ft deep groundwater well in an
unconfined clay-sand aquifer and explain why? [2]

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