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Grade : IX
Subject : English
Skill Focus : Writing
Semester : I-2010/2011
Time : 80 minutes
Descripsion :
The students are going to write a short essay about penguins (text types: information
report). Knowledge about penguins will be developed by listening to a passage (video)
about penguins followed by brainstorming to get sufficient knowledge about the subject.

Sub Kompetensi Dasar: 4.2.b

Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk report.

I. Goal
The students are able to write a short essay about penguins accurately
and appropriately by employing the features of information report text .

II. Instructional Objectives (Achievement Indicators)

(Based on the indicators in the syllabus)
The students are able to...

1. write an opening statement about the subject (General classification of the subject)
2. describe the subject covering the physical characteristics, habitat, movement, food,
and other facts about penguins.
3. give a conclusion where necessary (optional).
4. use suitable technical terms
5. use grammatical features correctly (timeless simple present and the passive)..
6. use written convention of mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and

III. Instructional Materials

a. Model Essay: Snakes (Appendix A: 1)
Snakes are reptiles. They are cold-blooded creatures that belong to
the same groups of lizards. ........... etc

Generic Structure:
 Classification  Snakes are reptiles
 Features (Description): physical characteristics, habit, food,

b. Linguistic features
 Simple (timeless) present tense  Snakes are reptiles.
Most snakes live in the country.

 Descriptive sentence  Their skin is hard and glossy.
 Passive voice  Their skin is covered in scales.
 Participial adjective  They are cold-blooded creatures.

c. Vocabulary
Noun : type, ocean, ground, body, skin
Verb : have, belong, live, consist of, protect, fly, sun-bathe
Adjective : glossy, black, white, cold, warm
Adverb : slowly  They walk slowly.
Fast  They can swim very fast.

IV. Instructional Media and Sources:

 VCD: Penguins
 Laptop + LCD Projector
 Worksheet (Model Essay +, Report Text scaffold)
 Dictionary

V. Method/Approach: Inquiry-based learning


(1) Tuning-in

 Show a picture of a snake, and ask the students what they know about the
(e.g. What animal can you see in the picture? Where do they live? etc)
 The students may answer the questions easily because in the previous
lesson they discussed a passage about snakes.

(2) Modeling
 An essay about snakes in the textbok is discussed focussing on the
identification of the features of a report text by using a report scaffold in
the students’ worksheet (Appendix A. 1 and 2).

(3) Finding out

 Analyze the passage by using a report scaffold to classify facts about
snakes in the correct structure in the scaffold.
 Tell them that they are going to write a passage about another animal;
penguins by firtsly watching a video to get knowledge about the topic.

(4) Applying Knowledge: Write a report text about Penguins

a. Pre-Writing:
Activating schemata

 Watch video about penguins, and make notes for information or facts
about penguins using the following report scaffold. While watching the
video, the students fill in facts/information about penguins in the suitable
place in the scaffold.

Pre-Writing Worksheet (available in the Appendix)

Report Scaffold – Living Things By ..................................... .................


Text Features Description/facts

Classification: Penguins
what? Penguins belong to birds.
Description: - Like birds
What do they look - Have wings
like? - They cannot fly
- Black and white skin/feather
Habitat In the south pole, icy land

Habit Swimming in icy water

Walking in groups
Feeding baby penguins
Movement Walk, jump, swim, slide/glide

Food fish

Other facts Lay eggs etc

After that, let them compare what they get with their
classmates/neighbors, and add information where necessary.

sharing ideas for topic development. Invite some other facts from the
students about penguins which might not be mentioned in the listening
passage (in the video). Make complete information about penguins
(the teacher also shares ideas about penguins).

b. Planning: (Writing sentences)

 Assign the students to write sentences for each information about penguins.

 Check their sentences, give feedback for accuracy (grammar + vocabulary)

c. Drafting: (Writing a complete essay)

They construct a short essay by combining the sentences using suitable
connectives (coordinate conjunctions and transitions). The teacher gives
feedback on the students’ work in this drafting process.

d. Editing:
Check mechanical problems (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and

5. Publishing

Call some students randomly to read their essay aloud before the class, then
collect their work in their folder.

7. Closing: Refletion
 Summarize the lesson and ask students what they have learned, find
information whether they have problems and how they feel during the
process of learning to write an essay.
 Give Follow-up activities (Homework from the textbook: grammar
excercises focusing on writing sentences and writing an essay).

VI. Assessment (Process Assessment)

Students show their writing skills by writing sentences correctly to make an essay
by refering to the information from the report scaffold and by using the features of
a report text (the generic structure) in a good sequence of description to make it
 In the scaffolding process, the teacher gives feedback for improvement
(formative assessment). Such an assessment aims to ensure that the
students learn and achieve the lesson (instructional) objectives.
 This on-going assessment is not for grading nor giving achievement
scores, but for improving their learning outcomes.

Achievement assessment will be done some time later in a formal assessment
procedure in a mid-term test using a scoring rubric for writing assessment
(Appendix B).

Appendix A: Worksheet

1. Model Text

Snakes are reptiles. They are cold-blooded creatures that belong to the
same groups of lizards (the scaled group Squamanta) but from a sub group of
their own.
Snakes slither along. They are not slimy. Their body is covered in
scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce
friction as the snakes slithers along the ground.
Snakes often sunbathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because
snakes are cold-blooded and they need the sun’s warmth to heat their body up.
Most snakes live in the country. Some kinds of snakes live in a tree;
some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in
thick, long grass and in old logs.
A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizards , mice and other snakes.
The anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even wild boars.
Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Boa constrictors can
give you a bear hug which is so powerful; it can crash every single bone in
your body. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the
cobra. The flying snake glides away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and
the skin stretches out. Its techniques is just like the sugar glider is.

2. Text Type analysis


Features (Generic structure) Description of facts
Opening statement: General
classification Snakes
 What are they? Reptiles  Snakes are reptiles
Movement: slither  They slither along the ground.
 How do they move?

Description : Physical
characteristics Not slimy, covered in scales
 What do they look like?

 What do they usually do? Sunbathe

Habitat: in a tree, in water, ...etc

 Where do they live?
 What do they eat? frogs, lizards, mice, ...etc
Other facts:  With their fangs
How do they protect themselves?

3. Writing Activities:
 Watch the video about penguins. Write all information about the animal in the
following report scaffold.
 Then write a sentence (sentences) based on the information you have in the
available space.
 Finally combine your sentences to make a good essay about penguins. Use your
workbook to write your essay.

Features Description of facts
Opening statement: General Penguins
classification Penguins are .......
 What are they?

 How do they move? Walk, jump, crawl, swim
They can, jump, …..

Description : Physical They have …… feathers

 What do they look like?

 What do they usually do? sunbathe

 Where do they live? In the south pole

 What do they eat? fish

Other facts:
How do they protect themselves? Lay eggs
How do they breed?

APPENDIX B: A Scoring Rubric for Formal Writing Assessment

1.A Scoring Rubric for an Information Report Text

Aspect Scores
Content: 1 2 3 4
topic development minimum development Only some facts of most facts about the thorough
(knowledge about of subject (or shows the subject are subject are sufficiently development of
the subject) little kowledge about developed (present developed subject, or complete
the subject). insufficient facts of information of facts
subject) about the subject.)

Generic structure: 2 4
Report Features 1: No clear feaures of Some features are 3: Employ some Employ Complete
report text. (Features employed but a little features of the generic features of generic
are disorganized bit disorganized (No structure and structure in an
general opening, or somewhat organized organized way: (Make
incoherent an opening statement
description) and description of
Accuracy: Correct use 1: Dominated by 2 3 4
of grammar grammatical erors and Many grammatical Some grammatical Few grammatical
meaning obscured erors and some errors but the meaning errors (timeless
meaning obscured, is clear, use some present tense and/or
minimum use of technical language) passive voice, and
technical language technical language,
Mechanics: spelling, 1: Dominated by 2: Many errors in 3: Few Mechanical 4: very litte mechanical
punctuation, mechanical errors mechanics errors errors
Final Score: ...... + .......+ ......+........
_________________ = ….

2. Scoring Sheet

Report: . . . . . . . . . Name: ........................................

Date: ...............................
Aspect Scores
Content: topic development 1 2 3 4
Generic structure: Report Features 1 2 3 4
Accuracy: Correct use of grammar 1 2 3 4
Mechanics: spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
paragraphing 1 2 3 4
Total: . . . . . .--> Final Score: . . . .


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