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 Your  Life’s  Purpose  


You’ve heard me say this before. A masculine man needs to have a purpose in life,
otherwise he will fall a victim to unnecessary worry, anxiety and depression.
Actually, by not having a purpose or a big vision of how you want your life to be like,
your masculine abilities will start to fade. Well, they will still be there, but they’ll be
buried under a pile of dirt.

Without a purpose, your chances of getting laid with stunning women drops
immensely (as long as you don’t pay them). Since purpose is a masculine trait, it is
very attractive to women. But not only that, if you don’t have one, you won’t ever
become a happy person.

So what are some types of ”purposes” you can chose?

Well, you can pick anything. Whatever your heart desires. You should do what you
feel passionate about. For me, it’s to teach. I want to help other people to achieve their
dreams. That’s my passion. What’s yours?

You can do whatever you want. Make money, raise good kids, find god. Anything.
Except, being in a relationship with a woman. That’s not a purpose for a masculine
human being, it’s for a feminine. If finding a girlfriend is your NUMBER ONE
priority in life, and you highest wish and fantasy of how your life should be like, you
will probably never find one. Or, you would probably find one pretty quickly but
she’d leave you even quicker. Actually, no. You could probably marry a woman and
be with her for the rest of your life as well. But you’d be the bitch in the relationship.
Is that what you want?

A woman wants to feel that she needs you more than you need her. As soon as she
feels the opposite, you’re done. She actually wants to know that deep down, you’d
chose your purpose before her. If not, then you’re not a masculine man. You’re a
woman in a man’s body, and you’ll come across clingy and needy. And that my
friend, is not good.

How to find your purpose

If you don’t know what your passion is right now, I only have one suggestion to give

Try as many things as you can. Travel the world, take some jobs you’d never thought
of before. Get some experience, go see things. After a while, you’re going to know
what you’d like to do and what you don’t want. From there, you chose something, and
you act it out with full commitment. I use to ask people, and myself, the following

RUCA  System  Discovering  Your  Life’s  Purpose   1  

”If you had proven yourself to everyone you’d ever wanted to prove yourself to, even
proven yourself to yourself. What would you do?”

The image that pops into your head is your answer. That’s what you’re going to do
with your life. Every second that is spent NOT going towards that image, is a wasted
second of your life.

We’re now done with the groundwork, or the foundational stuff. In the next layer is
where the program ”really begins”. We’re going to do the mind-bending,
brainwashing techniques that’ll make you into a self-actualized alpha male. Sound
good? Stay tuned.

Copyright © 2013  

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