06 - The Power of Principles

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 Power  Of  Principles  


Welcome to Module 2 of this program. In the first module, we covered the

fundamentals of female and male psychology. Obviously there’s more to it than what
we covered, but my philosophy is that ”enough is enough”. What you now know
should be more than enough to build your own perception. All the information that
you’ve been given has come from my own experience. I’ve studied the subject for
years, but most importantly, I have a lot of real world experience. If you don’t agree
with what I’ve said, just know that having the mindset that I have, WORKS. It gets
me laid. So obviously, it can’t be too far off, am I right?

Anyways. In this layer, which is about self-actualization, we’ll discuss your own
psychology, and how you can use the powers within you to become anything you ever
wanted. And the first subject that I want to talk about, is the power of principles.

What do I mean with principles, and why are they absolutely crucial to have?

Principles are rules that can either be laid for yourself, or for how you want other
people to act around you. Without them, you’re like a ship with no compass. With
them, you have a very effective shield protecting you from engaging in situations you
don’t want to be in, as well as saving yourself from time sucking human beings.

But they not only help you in the general sense, they also help you get laid. The
reason for this is that the principles you chose for yourself, builds your character. And
whether you want to sleep with gorgeous girls or you want to be a respected CEO,
character is certainly something you should be concerned about.

Soon, you’ll be doing your first exercise in this program. I will first show you MY
principles (to maybe give you a hint of what I’m talking about), and then it’s time for
you to write yours.

Here are my principles of life (which I follow with the utmost passion and

#1: I don’t care what anyone else thinks of me (Meaning: I don’t give a fuck)

#2: My way of life and my own objective is always the most important. Nobody else
will tell me which route to take in life.

#3: I am always ready to walk away from anything or anyone, if they’re consistently
breaking my principles, fucks with my habits or wastes my time.

#4: I’m a ruthless winner (If I can see it, and I want it, I’m going to be it, or I’m going
to get it)

RUCA  System  The  Power  Of  Principles   1  

#5: Feelings never influence my actions. This means that if I have a bad feeling about
something (an “inner demon”), that is never an excuse of not doing it. Logic is the
only thing that I follow, and I always trust in my own logic. (By the way, we’re going
to talk more about ”demons” later, to show you what I mean)

#6: Time is the most precious and valuable asset that I have in my life, and I never
waste a second of it.

#7: I never break my principles

Now you should take out a piece of paper, and write down yours (by hand, not with
the computer). And before you begin writing them, write down the phrase ”I hereby
swear to live by the following principles to the best of my abilities, for the rest of my
life”. Then, write them down. After you’ve written them, sign the paper with you’re
your name and todays date. This makes it official to your unconscious mind.

Later you’re obviously allowed to change your principles if you want to. They should
not act as obligations, but rather, as guidelines to make your life easier. I have the
principle that ”Time is the most precious and valuable asset in my life”, therefore it
keeps me from wasting it.

I can tell you an example of how I use this in real life.

I was once in China on a business trip and went out to get myself some Asian pussy.
Since it was my first time in China, I had never slept with a Chinese before. Actually,
I was a little excited. So I put on myself a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, left my
hotel and took a cab towards downtown. As I looked around, there was an endless
stream of nightclubs, all laying side by side each other.
Since I didn’t know which one would have the most action in it, I went into the one
that looked like it might have some good-looking gals in it. Sure thing, an elevator
took me upstairs to a somewhat classy, futuristic-type of club. Looking around, I
could see that I wasn’t the only white guy foreigner in there. Actually, it seemed to be
about 50/50. All the guys were foreigners (Americans, British, Russians, Indians and
Africans) and pretty much all the girls were Chinese.

”This is a club where the Chinese girls goes to get some white dick”, I thought. Not to
my objection, ”this is like being a kid in a candy store”. I see two girls in the bar
chatting with each other, one gorgeous and one somewhat OK-lookin’. I go up to
them and introduce myself. Then I lean in to the good-looking one and tell her that
she’s smoking hot and that I’m going to fuck the shit out of her. She laughs a bit, and
once she started to ask me questions like ”So, where are you from?” I knew I had her.
So I kept on going. I leaned in and told her even more absurd things.
”I’m going to rip your clothes off and bang your asshole so much it’s going to bleed”,
”I’m going to rip off your nipples from your titties and bang your head with my
cock”. Stuff like that. The funny thing is, when you’re in China you can say things
like these, it doesn’t matter. The girls won’t object to it since there’s no feminism
there. Or, tt could also be that they don’t understand a word of what you say though.

Anyways. After 10 minutes of talking or so and after having gotten a lot of shit for
being 10 years younger than her (Asian gals want older men, it’s some sort of cultural
thing), I drag her home to my hotel (the cab home was like 30 minutes).

While in bed, she started to get on my nerves. She told me that ”Oh, I don’t want to
have sex, I just want to sleeeeep”. I told her ”Bitch, you’re in my bed now, either you
suck my dick or you get the fuck out of here”.
”Ok, I will”, she replied. She sucked my dick for a bit, and then she rode me for a
couple of minutes until she came. Then, she started to get on my nerves again. She
said, ”I am tired now, good night”. ”Good night!?”. She really didn’t want my cock
inside of her anymore, so at least she could jerk me off I thought.

But, she was too bad with hand jobs so I jerked myself off instead, came in her face
and then smeared my sperm all over her face and in her hair. Then she had to go to
the bathroom and clean herself up for 20 minutes. When she came out of the
bathroom, I kicked her out of my hotel room.

Why did I do all this? Do you think I’m a ”jerk”?

No. Since my time is valuable, I feel like she wasted my time. I told her at the club
that I was there to get laid with a Chinese. She agreed to it and we went back to my
hotel. There’s no backing out now. My hotel is not free. If she wants to sleep there,
she has to work for it. At least, she has to do her part.

Do you think I’m just going to go home, waste my whole night out just to ”go to
sleep”? Fuck no. If she wanted to sleep she could’ve told me so at the club.
And even though she might have said that she’d rather sleep as a test, it doesn’t
matter. I don’t have time for bullshit, and I don’t have time for ”tests” (and by the
way, this mindset is what gets me to pass the tests as well). If you say you’re going to
do something…then do it. That’s how I feel about it.

And I want you to adopt this mindset as well. Start valuing your time more. Life is
short and you can’t waste it on suckers who don’t respect you or your time. If a girl
comes home with you and somehow changes her mind about sex in the last minute,
you should kick her the fuck out. She’s a bloody timewaster and you can’t afford
those. Time wasters will suck the life out of you and make you miserable. Don’t let
that happen.

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