Children Left Behind New Brooms: Economists Expect No More QE For Europe in 2016 Despite Draghi Vow

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MONDAY 28 DECEMBER 2015 WORLD BUSINESS NEWSPAPER UK £2.70 Channel Islands £3.00; Republic of Ireland €3.


Children left behind New brooms

The price China pays for its rural What Middle-earth can teach us about the The fresh faces out to reboot
exodus — BIG READ, PAGE 9 sharing economy — COMMENT, PAGE 11 three big banks — PAGE 17

Floods hit big Briefing

cities in north i Energy mutual funds are 2015’s worst
A table of the worst-performing US funds shows that
of England one of the hottest categories of mutual funds in
recent years, energy limited partnership funds,
inflicted the harshest losses in 2015.— PAGE 15
Flood waters overwhelmed the city of
York yesterday, right, after “unprece- i Londoners cash in and move out
dented” volumes of rain caused rivers to Londoners sold up and moved to other parts of the
burst their banks in large areas of north- UK in 2015 in the largest numbers for eight years,
ern England, amid warnings that water reflecting the often large gap in property prices
levels in some places would not peak between the capital and elsewhere in the UK.— PAGE 2
until later today.
With heavy flooding also in Manches- i Whiplash crackdown takes effect
ter and Leeds, the region’s biggest cities Efforts to eradicate spurious insurance claims for
and towns are facing a heavy hit to their whiplash injuries are set to cut motorists’ premiums
economies. Estimates put the cost at by £1bn a year.— PAGE 2
more than £1.5bn just weeks after flood-
ing in Cumbria and Lancashire caused i Williams lends nous to fridge-making
losses of £900m-£1.3bn. Amid efforts to spread its know-how and
David Cameron pledged to “do what- brand to money-spinning projects
ever is needed” to tackle an “incredibly outside motorsport, Formula One
serious” situation in which thousands of team Williams has developed an
homes have been damaged. aerofoil-shaped strip of plastic for
Report page 3 fridges that could save supermarkets
Glen Minikin/SWNS
millions of pounds in electricity bills. — PAGE 15

i Stores notch up Boxing Day bonanzas

Economists expect no more QE for

British retailers appear to have landed a post-
Christmas one-two combination: with bumper
crowds on the high street and a surge in online sales
too.— PAGE 19

Europe in 2016 despite Draghi vow

i Watchdog ratchets up conviction rate
Criminal convictions following cases brought by the
Financial Conduct Authority surged in 2015, with
14 people going to prison compared with two in
2014.— PAGE 19

i Europe’s Airbus soars above Boeing

3 Growth seen edging ahead of ECB forecasts 3 Inflation expected to rise, FT poll shows Despite setbacks to its aim of delivering 15 of its A350
wide-body jets by January, it has been a good year for
Airbus. The aircraft maker has taken a clear lead
CLAIRE JONES — FRANKFURT nothing this year. The rest said that the ECB decision. Investors complained ‘I don’t to buy €60bn of mostly government over its rival Boeing in aircraft orders.— PAGE 26
ECB would expand QE or cut interest that the central bank had misled mar- bonds each month through 2016, which
Many economists doubt that the Euro- rates, although some of those who kets about the amount of extra stimulus think [the according to 24 out of 28 economists Datawatch
pean Central Bank will increase the size expected more easing stressed that the it was prepared to inject to shore up the ECB will do polled will swell the ECB balance sheet
of its €1.46tn asset-purchase pro- central bank was unlikely radically to recovery. Mr Draghi hit back the next to between €3tn and €4tn. Jean-Michel
gramme in 2016, despite assurances by reshape its existing policy response. day, saying that there was no “limit” to more], Six, chief Emea economist at Standard Share of world economic The financial
ECB chief Mario Draghi that additional Latest ECB projections predict the what eurozone policymakers could do unless & Poor’s, said: “The ECB has already output crisis of 2008
monetary stimulus is still on the table. eurozone, which has struggled to grow to return inflation to its target. embarked on more aggressive easing at Per cent of GDP at PPP* heralded a new
Predictions of no further action in an as strongly as the US or UK, will grow 1.7 Yet the economists polled expect something its December 2015 meeting.” 60 economic order.
Since then the
annual Financial Times poll of eurozone per cent in 2016 after 1.5 per cent growth slightly higher growth rates and sub- goes wrong For those who thought the ECB would Advanced economies
analysts came despite Mr Draghi’s this year, as QE bolsters the economy. stantially higher inflation over 2016 do more next year, the most popular 55
attempts to convince markets that the The ECB voted on December 3 to cut than the 0.2 per cent at present. Asked if in the wider action was a further cut to the deposit Emerging market
nations have
formed more
ECB remained primed to act should its deposit rate to minus 0.3 per cent and the central bank would do more, Dario rate on eurozone bank reserves. “The and developing 50
inflation and growth across the single to expand asset purchases, leaving its Perkins, chief European economist at
global pressure to provide more support is
economies than half of the
world economy;
currency area continue to disappoint. QE programme at €1.46tn. It came just Lombard Street Research, said: “I don’t economy’ likely if, as we expect, the economic 45 rich countries
In contrast to last year when the before the US Federal Reserve raised think so, unless something goes wrong recovery remains sluggish and inflation are forecast to
majority of economists expected the rates for the first time since 2006, in the wider global economy.”
Dario Perkins low,” said Jonathan Loynes, chief Euro- 40 account for less
ECB to launch full-scale quantitative underlining divergent policies on either The ECB’s existing measures have pean economist at Capital Economics. 2000 05 10 15 20 than 40 per cent
Source: IMF *purchasing power parity of GDP by 2020.
easing, just under half of the 33 side of the Atlantic. already led to a €600bn expansion in its Reports & analysis page 4
respondents thought the ECB would do But markets plunged following the balance sheet to €2.8tn. It will continue Editorial Comment page 10

Quest heats up for the chocolate that

doesn’t melt when the mercury rises
RALPH ATKINS — ZURICH “You remove all kinds of barriers for late is expensive, there is a lack of distri-
Whether wrapped in sparkling paper, your customers. Not all [retail] stores bution networks and retailers with
shaped as Christmas decorations or as are air-conditioned. You can transport it chilled storage. Heat-resistant products
simple bars, luxury chocolate has long more easily. Therefore you can have a solve at least half the problem”.
proved difficult for manufacturers to different kind of reach.” If Zurich-based Barry Callebaut has
sell in warm climates — it melts before Heat-resistant chocolate is not new. an innovative lead, it may not last long.
London grows as Labour’s reaching consumers’ mouths. Hershey, the US maker, provided “trop- Switzerland-based Nestlé, the world’s
heartland under Corbyn That is about to change, believes a ical chocolate” bars to American sol- biggest food and drinks company, which
Swiss company that is the world’s larg- diers during the second world war and has research facilities in the UK, also
Labour is increasingly relying on est maker of chocolate and cocoa prod- also satisfied the US military’s chocolate believes it has mastered the technology
London for its support base as data ucts by volume. Barry Callebaut has cravings in the early 1990s Gulf war. required to keep chocolate firm until
collected by the Financial Times shows started sales of “heat-resistant” choco- This year, however, has seen chocolate consumed, with product launches
the party is attracting 10 times as late, which it hopes will help its expan- manufacturers intensifying efforts to expected within three years.
many new members in the capital as in sion beyond mature chocolate markets perfect temperature-tolerant products. Hershey says it has successfully con-
Scotland. It now derives more than 20 in Europe and the Americas. Driving the push have been signs of sumer-tested a new generation of better
per cent of its membership from Chocolate that can resist tempera- demand stagnating in home markets, tasting, heat-resistant chocolate prod-
London as Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership tures of up to 38C — four degrees more says Jack Skelly, food analyst at Eurom- ucts for introduction into “selected
attracts the city’s young leftists — but than normal — without sacrificing taste onitor, the research group. “Growth in markets outside the US” during 2016.
is growing much less quickly in its old could “fundamentally change the Europe and North America is slowing Mr de Saint-Affrique said Barry Calle-
industrial strongholds. game,” Antoine de Saint-Affrique, Barry down,” he said. “But in for instance Mid- baut’s non-melt chocolate was devel-
Report i PAGE 2 Callebaut’s chief executive, told the dle East countries, chocolate is still less oped in hot Singapore and cool Belgium.
Financial Times. popular than biscuits or cakes. Choco- Hunt for elusive sweet spot page 16

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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Opposition Property

Record house
Labour’s support base shifts to the south prices spur
Londoners to
The UK’s main opposition party now because the party refuses to publish the leftwing, pro-green, pro-immigration Lincoln, for example, full membership
Membership surge in
London while Scottish
derives more than 20 per cent of its
membership from the capital — nearly
full figures. However, the FT has been
able to piece together enough data to
attitudes are popular in the capital,
where Labour already dominates. Of the
has risen by about 200 to a total of 741,
according to local councillors. The
sell up and go
double the proportion in 1992, when it demonstrate striking trends in support city’s 73 constituencies, 45 are Labour. Labour seats of Blackburn and Burnley
backing remains weak accounted for less than 12 per cent. for Mr Corbyn’s party. Officials in Islington North, Mr Cor- have put on 133 and 175 new full mem-
Labour still faces a challenge north of Overall membership has soared since byn’s constituency, refused to disclose bers respectively. BARNEY THOMPSON
the border. While in London the mem- May’s election as Mr Corbyn has their local membership numbers. But The relatively slow pick-up of mem-
Londoners sold up and moved to other
Labour has attracted 10 times as many bership has roughly doubled to 81,000 enthused a new generation of young ide- the leader himself boasted in the bership in Scotland will alarm those
parts of the UK in 2015 in the largest
new members in London than in in just six months — according to alists while also acting as a magnet for autumn that he now had 3,000 mem- who hoped Mr Corbyn would be able to
numbers for eight years, according to
Scotland since May’s general election, Labour party officials familiar with the many older leftwingers who abandoned bers and 2,000 registered supporters in make inroads against the SNP in next
research by the estate agent Hamptons
highlighting the party’s increasing reli- data — in Scotland it has risen by just New Labour. The total membership has his seat. summer’s Holyrood elections. The
ance on the capital for its support base. 4,000 to 19,000 since May. doubled to more than 370,000 in only The rush of new members is much Labour leader has suggested he is the
About 40,000 new members have There are now fewer members of six months — a bigger figure than the less pronounced in rural areas, marginal right man to lead the fight as an unam- In 2015 London residents bought
joined in London compared with 4,000 Scottish Labour than in Wales or north- membership of the Conservatives, Lib- seats and northern non-university biguous socialist who opposes Trident, 63,000 homes outside the capital, a two-
in Scotland. Overall, a Labour member east England, according to the statistics, eral Democrats and SNP combined. towns, according to senior Labour austerity and tuition fees. thirds increase on 2014, spending a total
is now four times more likely to be a reflecting Labour’s fall from grace amid The biggest increases have been in sources. These are the areas where Yet many senior figures are braced for of £24bn. The number and value of
Londoner than a Scottish resident — a surge in support for the Scottish London, other big cities and in univer- Labour needs to woo millions of new the party not to win any constituency homes bought were the highest since
compared with virtual parity a genera- National party. sity towns, reflecting the youth of many voters in order to win a general election seats at all, relying on Scotland’s system 2007, when Londoners spent £32bn on
tion ago — according to data collected by Obtaining comprehensive statistics new members. Labour is already rela- in 2020. of semi-proportional representation to property in other parts of the country.
the FT. on Labour membership is difficult tively strong in these areas. Mr Corbyn’s In the Tory marginal constituency of keep half of its MSPs. The figures reflect the often large gap
in property prices between the capital
and the rest of the country. Hamptons
also found that of the total who chose to
buy outside London in 2015, 11,000
Demographics. Corbyn effect were first-time buyers, 70 per cent more
than in 2014, as they gave up trying to

Students and urbanites swell rank and file find anything affordable in the capital.
The south was easily the most popular
destination, attracting 88 per cent of the
total. But the Midlands, the north and
Scotland all saw big increases in London
and a large migrant population. Mem- movers, with jumps of 165 per cent, 90
FT data show that party is 2,963 bershiplevelshavesoaredsinceMay. per cent and 89 per cent respectively.
strongest in areas with large Number of full But in most of the shires, marginal The disparity was clear from the
party members seats and northern non-university prices Londoners paid in different
university populations in Hackney
North, up from
towns, the increases have generally been regions: the average house purchase was
more subdued. “We have probably had £415,000 in the south, £171,000 in the
981 in the spring,
with a further 501 about 100 new members on a total of north, £173,000 in Scotland and
‘registered 600,” said Simon Danczuk, MP for Roch- £180,000 in the Midlands. In London
In Hackney North, the seat of left- supporters’ and daleandacriticofMrCorbyn. itself, the average house price passed
winger Diane Abbott, the number of 1,234 ‘associate The FT has collated data from eight £500,000, rising 10 per cent in the year
people signed up to the Labour party members’ Labour seats that are among the richest to September.
has quintupled in only six months. 50 constituencies in the country, and Johnny Morris, head of research at
Once a byword for deprivation, the 11 eight Labour seats in the poorest 50. Hamptons, said: “As the gap between
east London constituency is gentrifying Average fall in The membership, including affiliates prices in London and the south-east has
and attracting large numbers of the years in the age and registered supporters, has grown on grown, so has the temptation for Lon-
young and trendy. They also like Jeremy of a Labour average by 1,690 in each of the more doners to cash in on record house prices
Corbyn’s radical leftwing politics. member over the affluent areas, which are mostly based and move out of the capital. With expec-
summer — from
The constituency had only 981 mem- 53 to 42
in London. For the poorer areas the tations of future house price growth in
bers in the spring, when Labour lost the increase was significantly less, at an London easing, many have chosen 2015
general election. Now it has 2,963 full average of 684 newcomers. That figure to make their move out of London.”
members, according to local officials. 484 would be even lower were it not for There was probably still “pent-up
There are a further 501 “registered sup- Membership Manchester Gorton, a constituency with demand” from families waiting to
porters” and 1,234 “associate members” number in large numbers of students. move. “We will see more Londoners
— new categories introduced by Ed Mili- Burnley, which “The new members tend to be leaving the capital in 2016, many pre-
has risen
band to allow non-members to take part from 319 younger, more educated urbanites, the pared to move further afield in search of
in leadership elections. kind of people who used to vote Green,” value for money,” he said. Although the
The pattern is the same elsewhere in said Tim Bale, professor of politics at figures included some second-home
the capital. Holborn & St Pancras, the 370,658 Queen Mary university of London. buyers, Mr Morris said the “vast major-
seat of Keir Starmer, has seen party Number of full “There is a good chance that the ity” had sold up in order to relocate.
membership triple to more than 3,000. Labour members increased membership will help London’s population hit a record this
across the
In Ealing Central, there were just 680 country — twice Labour’s chances in London, but it is year and is on course to reach 10m in the
members in the spring; now there are the figure of six very unlikely to do so elsewhere.” next 15-20 years. Mr Morris said that
1,800 across the three categories. Vaux- months ago The last attempt to analyse the geo- although the exodus was “part of the
hall has jumped from 966 to 2,618, graphic distribution of Labour member- natural life cycle of the capital”, as peo-
including 1,738 full members. The aver- ship was in 2013 by Professor Hugh Pem- ple in their 30s and 40s sought more
age full Labour membership in a Lon- berton, at Bristol University, who stud- space and a different lifestyle, the large
don constituency has gone up by 548 ied the 2010 leadership election. Even number of first-time buyers indicated
since the spring to reach 1,109. then, he found that London had the big- the city’s constrained availability.
“My constituency party is unrecognis- gest constituency parties. Outside the Colin Stanbridge, chief executive of
able. There are thousands of new peo- capital most of the seats with large mem- the London Chamber of Commerce and
ple,” said one London Labour MP. berships were in cities or towns with Industry, said the report highlighted
“There are some familiar faces who left Changing ists, including vast numbers who joined members as the party does not share “traditional established universities”, as concerns from London business leaders
the party 20 years ago and have come picture: during his campaign. No one would details of its membership data. But by is the case today. Scottish constituencies about the affordability of housing and
back. But I’d say most are younger.” Labour is doubt that this deluge of new members talking to MPs, senior party figures and werealreadywithering,hesaid. its potential economic impact. “Not
Elsewhere, it is different. In Burnley, attracting marks a historic shift, coming as it does dozens of councillors and officials in Research suggests larger constituency only does it mean that we risk having
which Labour seized back from the Lib younger despite waning public enthusiasm for certain constituencies, the FT has been parties are associated with a higher vote less affordable housing stock available
Dems in May with a narrow majority, supporters political parties. Across the country the able to piece together a snapshot of share at election time, although a large for Londoners, but we also risk a poten-
membership has risen from 319 to just under the number of full Labour members has membership trends. membership does not always guarantee tial skills gap of workers in the capital as
484 full members. Or the Rhondda, in leadership doubled to 370,658 in half a year. On top Many big increases in membership success. Having a younger, more Lon- Londoners pushed out by rising housing
the Welsh valleys, where full member- of radical of that there are another 148,000 associ- have been in conurbations with large don-centric membership will have prices can no longer afford to live or
ship has risen from 355 to 485. In mar- leftwinger ate members and 112,000 registered student populations, reflecting Mr Cor- implications for policymaking. travel to work in the capital.” he said.
ginal seats, membership is still typically Jeremy Corbyn supporters, all of whom voted in the byn’s appeal to leftwing young adults. For now the new members are provid- Mr Stanbridge said a ComRes poll
in the hundreds rather than the thou- — Tolga Akmen/LNP
leadership race for as little as £3. There has also been a surge in the south ing millions in annual subscriptions at a conducted for the chamber in May had
sands seeninLondon. Over the summer alone, the average west, albeit from a low base. time when the party is facing the loss of shown that a lack of affordable housing
In Scotland, the typical constituency age of a member has fallen by 11 years Yet the biggest rises have been in Lon- other sources of income. But Mr Pem- and lack of sufficiently skilled workers
has seen a rise of only 68 members since from 53 to 42. That is in contrast to the don, where he has struck a chord with berton says the party cannot rely on “were the top two concerns for London
May to an average of 322 — lower than Conservatives, where the average mem- his stance on issues such as housing, those newcomers sticking around for businesses”. He added: “More must be
Wales or the north east of England. ber is thought to be in his or her 60s. immigration and welfare. Mr Corbyn long. Prof Bale says they may turn out to done to ensure that the lack of afforda-
Mr Corbyn won the leadership thanks Until now there has been little analy- represents Islington North, a constitu- be “click-tivists” rather than the type ble and available housing stock does not
to a groundswell of support from activ- sis of where Labour is attracting new ency with high levels of social housing whowillcanvasorleafletthepublic. cause a brain drain from our capital.”

Motor insurance Employment gap

A private bank unlike
any other. Curbs on whiplash claims set Ethnic minorities face
to cut car premiums by £1bn disparity in job prospects
KATE ALLEN for whiplash and soft tissue injuries, VANESSA HOULDER of ethnicity is just 11 percentage points.
while in France the figure was 3 per cent. The Resolution Foundation called on
30 global locations • People from ethnic minority back-
Efforts to eradicate spurious insurance The threshold for personal injuries the government to do more to address
grounds have hugely differing success
claims for whiplash injuries are set to claims in small claims courts will rise to the issues that prevent BAME people
rates in finding employment depend-
EFGslogan - 112x50mm - Generic ad - Q - Publication : Financial Times advert 2014 (20.08.2014)
cut motorists’ premiums by £1bn a £5,000 from £1,000 as part of the meas- from entering or staying in work.
FINANCIAL TIMES ing on where they live in the UK,
newspaper in any manner is not permitted without
year. ures, and the government will launch a Bringing all regions of the UK in line
Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL the publisher’s prior consent. according to research into the best and
full consultation early next year. with the best performing areas would
‘Financial Times’ and ‘FT’ are registered trade marks worst performing parts of the country.
Published by: The Financial Times Limited, of The Financial Times Limited. Britain’s biggest insurers will pass on James Dalton, director of general mean 150,000 more BAME people in
Number One Southwark Bridge, The Financial Times adheres to a self-regulation expected savings from the move to their insurance at the Association of British The Resolution Foundation think-tank work, and a halving of the BAME
London SE1 9 HL, United Kingdom. regime under the FT Editorial Code of Practice:
Tel: 020 7873 3000; Fax: 020 7407 5700
customers, knocking an average £50 a Insurers, said the reform was a “signifi- reported far bigger variations in the regional employment rate gap from 26
Editor: Lionel Barber year off premiums. cant breakthrough in tackling the UK’s employment rates between regions for per cent to 14 per cent, the researchers
Reprints The insurance industry agreed a compensation culture”. those from black, Asian and ethnic said. The remaining gap reflected the
Subscriptions and Customer service: Are available of any FT article with your company strategy with ministers in talks that It would “help to bring down unneces- minority backgrounds than for the pop- fact that ethnic minority people in some
Tel 0800 028 1407;; logo or contact details inserted if required (minimum order 100 copies). came after George Osborne, the chan- sary costs in the motor insurance mar- ulation as a whole. Across the UK, the parts of the country are more likely to
One-off copyright licences for reproduction of FT cellor, vowed to end what he called the ket, and honest motorists should be the employment rate for Britons from face other barriers, such as single moth-
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Tel: 020 7873 4000; For both services phone 020 7873 4816, or
Letters to the editor: alternatively, email
motor accident injuries” in his Autumn Lord Faulks, justice minister, said the the overall employment rate for all Laura Gardiner, of the Resolution
Fax: 020 7873 5938; Statement last month. At present, government was “determined to crack 16-64 year olds in the UK is 73 per cent. Foundation, said: “The UK’s perform-
Executive appointments: FT Cityline insurers pay out about £2bn a year on down on the culture of fraud and exag- But in the north east outside of Tyne & ance on jobs has been one of the biggest
Tel: 020 7873 4909; For real time share prices call 0905 817 1690 or go to Calls
whiplash cases — many brought after gerated claims in the motor insurance Wear, only 48 per cent of working age success stories in recent years, resulting
Printed by: cost 75p/min. personal injury claims companies con- industry”. Britons from BAME backgrounds are in in more people in work than ever
St Clements Press (1988) Ltd, London, Newsprinters tact motorists after an accident to Mark Wilson, chief executive of work. By comparison, Scotland — before. But substantial weaknesses
(Knowsley) Limited, Merseyside, Newsprinters Newspapers support recycling encourage them to seek redress. Aviva, called it a “bold and necessary excluding Glasgow — has the best BAME remain for certain groups such as ethnic
(Eurocentral) Glasgow, and Smurfit Kappa News The recycled paper content of UK newspapers in
Press Ld, Kells, Ireland 2014 was 78.5% Aviva said that it alone had 16,000 step”, adding: “Law-abiding motor cus- employment rate at 74 per cent. minority people, who have lower
suspicious motor claims under investi- tomers have paid for the UK’s dysfunc- The employment gap between the employment rates overall and experi-
©Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2015. All gation last month. The insurer said tional and fraudulent motor claims sys- best and worst performing regions for ence even greater penalties in the worst-
rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents of this
80 per cent of its UK motor claims were tem through inflated motor premiums.” all working-aged people regardless performing areas.”
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


North faces £1bn flood bill after defences breached

Troops carry out evacuations in Lancashire and Yorkshire amid ‘unprecedented’ storms as prime minister vows to do ‘whatever is needed’
all flood defences earlier this month. Mr
After the deluge Cameron reiterated that pledge yester-
day on the BBC: “The flood barriers
Northern England’s biggest cities and have made a difference, both the per-
towns are facing a billion-pound eco- manent and temporary ones, but it is
nomic blow after “unprecedented” clear in some cases they have been over-
amounts of rain swelled rivers to record topped, they have been overrun, and so
levels, triggering widespread flooding. we should look again at whether there is
Troops were called in to carry out more we should do.”
evacuations as the floods hit Lancashire Liz Truss, the environment secretary,
and Yorkshire only weeks after Cumbria who visited York to thank emergency
was inundated. Manchester, Leeds and workers and talk to flood victims, said
York were all affected while some areas the government would review defences,
saw a month’s rainfall in a day. which had been “overwhelmed”.
The Environment Agency issued But the Labour party accused the
more than 20 red flood warnings signi- Conservatives of complacency. The gov-
fying a “danger to life” for Lancashire ernment should invest more in main-
and Yorkshire, with scores more alerts taining flood defences and review what
across northern England, Wales and else can be done, said Kerry McCarthy,
Scotland. shadow environment secretary.
After chairing a meeting of the gov- John McDonnell, shadow chancellor,
ernment’s emergency Cobra committee called for “a cross-party approach” to
yesterday, David Cameron pledged to “the potential scale of expenditure and
“do whatever is needed” to tackle the stability of investment planning that is
“incredibly serious” situation that he required”. MPs warned this month that
said was the consequence of “unprece- state spending cuts threatened “vital
dented weather events”. floodprotectionwork”.
Many of the communities affected Wading in: floodwaters at Britain has adopted a stop-start
have been flooded more than once since Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire at approach to flood defence funding
2000. Scientists claim the rainfall across the weekend — Chris Furlong/Getty despite more bouts of severe weather.
northern England and Scotland this The Committee on Climate Change, the
winter can be linked to global warming. independent advisory body, said last
The flooding in Cumbria and Lanca- year that three-quarters of flood
shire during Storm Desmond this month defences were poorly maintained.
caused economic losses of £900m to The financial help given to Cumbria
£1.3bn, with the insurance industry will now be extended to other parts of
bearing around three-quarters of the the country, the prime minister said. A
cost, estimated PwC, the professional £50m fund was set up after the Cum-
services firm. The impact of this week- brian floods to help households and
end’s floods “could be significant”, possi- businesses. The government also
bly topping £1.5bn, said Mohammed exempted about 5,000 displaced people
Khan, PwCgeneralinsurance leader. from council tax and business rates.
Up to 500,000 households at risk of Some of those affected face being una-
flooding struggle to afford cover, says ble to afford flood insurance. At present,
the Association of British Insurers. insurers are obliged to provide cover to
Flood defences in many places were customers but the amount they can
overwhelmed, as they had been in Car- charge is not capped. This means many
lisle in early December. York had to lift in areas at risk of flooding cannot afford
its flood barrier to prevent it getting to pay the high premiums.
stuck after water entered the pump That is set to change when the govern-
room. The Ouse, which runs through Exodus: Whalley, Lancashire, River crossing: a soldier in ment-backed Flood Re scheme launches
York city centre, burst its banks and where people were forced to York, after the Foss and Ouse next spring. Flood Re is a not-for-profit
thousands of homes were evacuated. evacuate their homes — Kim Pilling/PA burst their banks — Anna Gowthorpe/PA reinsurance fund to provide affordable
The government promised to review coverwhilecollectivisingrisk.


Private investors tune in to kids’ TV

ANDREW BOUNDS — ENTERPRISE EDITOR EIS offers income tax relief at 30 per the launch of the toy range at the Olym-
cent of an investment when it is made pia exhibition centre.
This Christmas, Sue Turner was able to
and deferrals on capital gains tax liabili- Simon Hall, son of Mark Hall, the stu-
give her three grandchildren a unique
ties. After they have been held for two dio’s co-founder, says merchandise
present: she paid for a Christmas spe-
years, EIS shares also qualify for busi- plays a key role. “We have to consider it
cial featuring some of their favourite
ness property relief, meaning they are from the beginning. We had to change
television characters.
exempt from inheritance tax. The the shape of the lighthouse to make sure
The retired property manager is among catch? If the programme flops, investors they could make a toy from it. But it is
hundreds of people who have invested can lose 39 per cent of their money, fac- still about creating quality stories. It is
in Pip Ahoy!, a cartoon narrated by Sir toring in tax-deductible losses. the stories that sell.”
David Jason and Stacey Solomon, which Mrs Turner said a friend at a dinner However, the power of merchandising
airs on Channel Five’s children’s slot party back in 2013 mentioned the favours old shows, he adds. Danger
Milkshake!. scheme. “He said it was Cosgrove Hall Mouse — now owned by Fremantle
With TV channels increasingly and they had won Baftas. I was looking Media — has been revamped and the
unwilling to pay for content up front, for a reasonably well founded EIS Clangers, knitted puppets that live in
some companies have turned to private scheme as I don’t like paying too much space, have been brought back from the
investors to raise funds. tax, so I rang them. 1970s. “It is a safe bet; the parents who
CHF Media, which as Cosgrove Hall “I have grandchildren of that age. know the programmes will buy the
made the original Danger Mouse car- I have got an idea of what was good lunchbox and toys,” said Mr Hall.
toons and won a Bafta for The Wind in the and I thought it looked really fun — not CHF has recruited Jenny Johnstone,
Willows, has gone furthest, devising its only for the kids. I still laugh.” who has worked on merchandising for
own investment fund. Once enough The perks of investing included a visit characters such as Power Rangers and
money has been raised to make a pilot, to the company’s headquarters in south Super Mario.
it seeks a commission. A return on the Manchester. “It is awe inspiring to meet The company is also working on a
investment should be forthcoming if the the people who have the ideas,” she said. range of other shows. It has raised
rights are sold worldwide and if there is Pip Ahoy!’s team include Jean Flynn, £600,000 for HeroGliffix, which it hopes
any merchandise. who directed the original Danger to make interactive with hiero-
The regular Pip Ahoy!, which follows Mouse, and Ben Turner, glyphs that can be captured
the adventures of a puppy in a seaside who drew it. on a tablet or phone and
town, needed £5.5m to make 52 epi- She also went to then used in online
sodes. When Channel 5, which broad- Soho Studios in games. Horatio, about a
casts it daily, wanted a Christmas spe- London to watch young alien detective,
cial, CHF went back to investors for episodes being has raised £250,000.
another £350,000. recorded, as well as The fund has widened its
Mrs Turner, 70, from Ticehurst in scope to encompass invest-
East Sussex, invested a total of about ment options, from apps
£50,000. The CHF Media Fund qualifies CHF Media and children’s fitness con-
for tax relief under the Enterprise raised £5.5m to cepts to full-scale anima-
Investment Scheme. make ‘Pip Ahoy!’ tion projects.

New Year Honours

Tory poll strategist Crosby set for a knighthood

KATE ALLEN campaign — a move that would have tightly targeted marketing campaign on
created a headache for Mr Cameron. just a few thousand voters in a few dozen
Lynton Crosby is set to receive a
The Australian political strategist is marginal seats. The strategy caused
knighthood after steering the Conserv-
thought to be privately a eurosceptic, jitters in parts of the Conservative party
ative party to a surprise election vic-
but his closeness to the prime minister but the ground campaign proved
tory this spring, a move that sparked
may trump that. Mr Crosby said this effective.
criticism from opponents who said the
year he did not know whether he would Mr Crosby is eligible to receive the
move “degrades” the honours system.
take part in the campaign on either side. honour under the UK system as Aus-
The announcement is expected in the Mr Cameron is expected to campaign tralia is one of 15 Commonwealth
New Year Honours List this week. for Britain to stay in the EU after com- realms that has the Queen as monarch.
Mr Crosby has been instrumental in pleting his renegotiation of its member- The Labour MP John Mann con-
the Tories’ biggest victories of recent ship terms. He could ask Mr Crosby to demned the award, which was first
years, including both Boris Johnson’s help him. reported by the Sunday Times. “It is
mayoral victories in London, as well as Having started out in Australian poli- degrading the honours system — an
David Cameron’s triumph in the tics, steering John Howard to four suc- insult to the country’s heroes,” he said.
national vote in May. cessive election victories, Mr Crosby Mr Crosby is the latest in a long line of
The knighthood could make it less developed a data-rich approach to elec- political advisers to be rewarded
likely Mr Crosby will join the Brexit tioneering, focusing an expensive and through the honours system.
4 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Banif rescue tests Portugal PM’s austerity pledge

Far left parliamentary rebellion over €2.2bn bank bailout exposes difficulties facing country’s new socialist prime minister
PETER WISE — LISBON problems still facing the financial sector Attempts by the previous centre-right into question the role of the Bank of Por- defeat by the abstention of the centre- Lisbon had been trying to sell off the
in Portugal, where, in contrast to Ireland government to sell Novo Banco col- tugal and other regulators in overseeing right Social Democrats led by Pedro bank, but the six proposals received
A parliamentary rebellion over a €2.2bn and Spain, high levels of public and pri- lapsed in September after attracting the troubled banks. Passos Coelho, the former prime minis- earlier this month all involved more
bank bailout has exposed the difficulties vate debt, not troubled banks, have only “unsatisfactory” offers. Parties on all sides have called for an ter, who steered Portugal through its state aid.
facing Portugal’s new socialist prime been seen as the main reason for the Speaking to journalists in Portugal, official inquiry into the events leading to bailout. After the European Central Bank
minister as he tries to reconcile a pledge €78bn international bailout that the António Horta-Osório the Portuguese Banif’s collapse. “The sacrifice of tax- Banif, the market leader in the Portu- effectively cut off Banif’s access to emer-
to “turn the page on austerity” with country exited last year. banker who runs Britain’s Lloyds Bank- payers has to stop now,” said Catarina guese islands of Madeira and the Azores, gency liquidity funding, the Bank of
harsh financial realities. According to Portugal’s audit court, ing Group, described the Banif case as Martins, leader of the radical left bloc Portugal intervened on December 20,
In its first decisive vote since taking state funds totalling €11.8bn were “shocking”, saying an independent (BE). “There will always be another selling its healthy assets, including its
office a month ago, António Costa’s injected into the country’s banks audit should be carried out to determine bank asking for the same blank cheque.”
‘The sacrifice has to stop branch network, to Spain’s Santander
minority government was saved from between 2008 and 2014, the equivalent exactly what had happened to land tax- The BE and Communist party (PCP) now . . . There’ll always be for €150m and transferring its “prob-
defeat only by the abstention of the of 6.8 per cent of national output in payers with a bill of “more than a thou- reached a historic “anti-austerity” pact lematic assets” into a special asset man-
centre-right opposition after his far left 2014. The total taxpayer bill for rescu- sand euros for every family”. with Mr Costa in November, giving his
another bank asking for agement vehicle.
allies rejected a plan to use taxpayer ing Banif could reach €3bn, according to Mário Centeno, finance minister, mainstream Socialists (PS) majority the same blank cheque’ Jorge Tomé, Banif’s chief executive at
money to rescue an ailing bank. the European Commission. accuses the previous centre-right gov- support in parliamentary. But both far the time of last week’s intervention, has
The bailout of Banco Internacional de In addition to seeing through a costly ernment of delaying vital decisions on left parties have rejected his plan for was the country’s eighth largest lender called for a judicial investigation, saying
Funchal (Banif), a small Madeira-based bailout of Banif, Mr Costa faces the chal- Banif for political reasons relating to Lis- rescuing Banif, calling instead for the by assets. In 2013, the state injected the sales process had proved “disas-
lender that has blown a big hole in Por- lenge of selling off Novo Banco, the so- bon’s “clean exit” from its bailout pro- bank to be nationalised. €1.1bn into the lender to shore up its trous”. The decision reached by the
tugal’s public finances, has revealed the called good bank created from the gramme in May 2014 and the country’s In a debate last week on revising the capital. When the bank failed to pay Bank of Portugal had been “totally
fragility of the unprecedented leftwing healthy assets of Banco Espírito Santo, general election in October this year. 2015 budget to allow for spending an back €125m it owed to the state last unexpected”, he told SIC television, stat-
alliance that brought Mr Costa to power once Portugal’s largest listed bank, Senior figures in the previous admin- additional €2.2bn on saving Banif, the year, the commission launched an ing that “another solution” would have
after an inconclusive general election. which had to be rescued last year at a istration reject these allegations, spark- BE and PCP voted against the govern- investigation into the legality of the been possible.
It has also exposed the scale of the cost of €4.9bn. ing a political row that has also called ment. Mr Costa was only rescued from state aid it had received. Editorial Comment page 10

Central banks. Divergence

US rate rise offers mixed blessings for eurozone

Fed move set to lift European land. “But as the US begins its hiking
cycle, emerging markets economies
exports but weaken the euro, which have built up a lot of dollar-
denominated private sector debt are
say respondents to FT poll vulnerable to capital outflows. This
could increase global financial market
CLAIRE JONES volatility, which could spill over to the
eurozone. The emerging market weak-
Interest rate rises by the US Federal nesses could be one factor to slow down
Reserve could provide mixed fortunes the US hiking path, or even lead to a pol-
for the eurozone economy as an icy reversal,” he added.
expected boost to the region’s exports Chris Williamson, chief economist at
and inflation risks being offset by data firm Markit, said: “The big uncer-
increased global volatility and mone- tainty is whether higher US interest
tary tightening. rates cause knock-on effects, such as a
There is consensus among economists corporate bond, or an emerging market
that higher US borrowing costs will crisis, which would clearly have a mate-
weaken the euro. Most of those polled rial impact on [the] eurozone and global
by the Financial Times — 18 out of 31 economies.”
respondents — thought the euro would Some warned that higher US rates
slump to $1 over the course of 2016 as could raise the cost of longer-term bor-
interest rates in the US and the eurozone rowing in Europe by triggering a portfo-
diverge. lio rebalancing by global investors.
At the moment, the euro is worth “A sell-off in the US curve will pull
$1.09 down from about $1.20 at the start European yields higher as well, which
of the year. “The most important effect will tighten financial conditions,” said
[of the Fed’s rate rises] will be a lower Erik Nielsen, global chief economist at
euro-dollar exchange rate, which UniCredit.
should push up import prices and hence Others were sceptical a weaker euro
lead to some upwards pressure on infla- would do much to help the single cur-
tion,” said Nick Kounis, head of macro rency area. Nick Bosanquet, a professor
and financial markets research at ABN at Imperial College, London, described
Amro. the divergence between the European
The European Central Bank targets Central Bank and the Fed as a “non-
inflation of just below 2 per cent, but has event” in terms of the impact on growth.
struggled to hit this level: inflation has “The main effect will be on capital
been below 2 per cent for more than two flows: the effect of a rising Fed rate and
years and is now only 0.2 per cent. continuing fall in the euro value will
Mr Kounis added: “A lower euro stimulate capital movements to the
should also see net exports becoming dollar.”
more supportive to economic growth.” Forecasts for eurozone GDP Forecasts for eurozone The eurozone and ECB balance sheet The Fed made its first rate rise in
However, others thought much of the growth in 2016 inflation in 2016 US recoveries compared Assets (€tn) almost a decade in December, raising
impact of higher interest rates in the US the federal funds rate target to between
had already been factored in. Number of replies Number of replies 25 out of 28 respondents to the FT 0.25 per cent and 0.5 per cent.
(median forecast = 1.6%) (median forecast = 1.0%) GDP, pre-crisis level =100
“Most of the policy divergence is poll thought that the ECB’s balance More increases are expected from
likely to be in the price,” said Frederik 8 8 110 sheet would be between €3tn and policymakers on the Federal Open Mar-
Ducrozet, an economist at Pictet Wealth €4tn by the end of 2016 ket Committee over the course of 2016.
Management. “Any additional impact 6 6 US 105 3 The ECB is not expected to raise rates
through the exchange rate in particular at all this year, with some economists
should remain limited.” 4 4 100 predicting more easing in the form of
The Fed’s shift towards the exit could 2 interest rate cuts and an expansion of
also pose a threat to the financial health 2 2 95 the quantitative easing programme.
of the single currency area, according to Eurozone The eurozone’s central bankers have a
some respondents. 0 0 90 1 benchmark interest rate of 0.05 per
“The currency channel is positive for 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 cent. The deposit rate charged on
the eurozone,” said Alberto Gallo, an Forecast growth (%) Forecast inflation (%) 2008 10 12 14 16 2007 09 11 13 15 reserves parked at the central banks of
Sources: FT poll; Eurostat; Thomson Reuters Datastream (forecast)
economist at the Royal Bank of Scot- the eurozone is 0.3 per cent.

Structural reforms. Policy challenge

Subscribe to FT Weekend today
Economists call on governments to take up recovery baton
said the region’s central bankers had “As the ECB rightly points out, supply- But the Eurozone economies are not yet
Experts say changes to labour done enough and it was now lawmak- side improvements to enhance produc- in enough trouble to rush that,” said
markets, not ECB stimulus, ers’ responsibility to spur a more tivity growth are essential if the econ- John Llewellyn, a partner at Llewellyn
meaningful recovery by reforming an omy is to generate sustained, faster Consulting.
should be catalyst for growth economy still badly scarred by its growth,” said Ken Wattret, co-head of Some called for more stimulus to be
financial crisis. European market economics at BNP used to boost government spending.
James Nixon, chief European econo- Paribas. “Monetary policy can only do Sony Kapoor, managing director of
mist at Oxford Economics, the research so much, while there is limited fiscal the Re-Define think-tank, said: “The
The task of healing the eurozone’s consultancy, said: “The onus is now space, with the exception of Germany, single best thing eurozone policymak-
bruised economy in 2016 should fall to more on governments to complete the ers can do for economic recovery is to
governments, not the region’s central agenda of structural reforms. This is use record-low borrowing costs to boost
bankers, economists polled by the especially true in France where the
‘Italy should deregulate its public investment in the near term.
Read beyond the expected Financial Times have said. labour market remains very rigid and labour market to create Infrastructure, public R&D, greening
The single currency area’s economy sclerotic, and consequently employ- the energy supply and info-tech invest-
FT Weekend brings art and culture to life through intelligent sustained a sluggish recovery over the ment growth remains weak.”
incentives to hire people’ ments look most promising.”
and thought-provoking writing. Our editors bring the best of course of this year. That was mostly Jörg Krämer, chief economist at Jörg Krämer, Commerzbank Others said officials in the 19-state
the world to you – from news and interviews, to extensive down to the European Central Bank, Commerzbank, said: “Italy should region had to fix and reshape the
coverage of property, gardens, books, style, travel and arts. which in January finally followed the deregulate its labour market to create where there seems to be limited appe- region’s banking system.
Together with the award-winning How to Spend It magazine, rest of the world’s leading central banks incentives to hire more people and to tite to use it.” “In some countries the issue of non-
there is something to delight all readers. with a quantitative easing programme bring wages in line with productivity. Several economists wanted govern- performing loans has still to be
of mass government bond buying. Germany should stop rolling back the ments to take advantage of ultra-low addressed,” said Stefan Schneider, chief
Subscribe now and save 23% at The ECB capped the year by injecting labour market reforms of the former borrowing costs by unleashing more fis- German economist at Deutsche Bank. a fresh round of monetary stimulus chancellor [Gerhard] Schröder.” cal stimulus. “More generally, current regulatory
in December, taking the size of the QE The economists’ remarks echo calls “With monetary policy near, if not at, dynamics risk that banks will remain
programme to €1.46tn and pushing one from Mario Draghi, the ECB president, the end of the road, policymakers may hesitant to provide finance to the real
of its benchmark interest rates further and other top central bankers in the well ultimately find themselves having economy, which would curtail the effec-
into negative territory. But many of region to press ahead with economic to use fiscal policy, and in particular tiveness of the ECB’s monetary policy
the 33 economists who took part in the restructuring, especially of rigid labour infrastructure and tax breaks for people while at the same time increasing the
FT’s annual eurozone economists’ poll markets. who are seriously income-constrained. negative side effects.”
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Strategic atoll. Okinotorishima

Japan grows an island to keep China ambitions at bay

— which is the other reason why Japan is
Coral quest makes legal waves trying to regrow the coral, rather than
in South China Sea — but offers mirroring China by laying down a few
thousand tonnes of sand and concrete.
hope to other sinking reefs Article 121 of the UN Convention on
the Law of the Sea (Unclos) defines an
ROBIN HARDING — KUMEJIMA, OKINAWA island as a “naturally formed area of
land” which is “above water at high tide”.
China’s artificial islands are fuelling a It excludes “rocks which cannot sustain
new struggle for control of Asia’s oceans, human habitation or economic life of
but while the regional superpower theirown”.
dredges military bases out of the ocean, China’s new islands in the South China
Japan is growing an island in a bathtub. Sea are artificial. If Japan revives the
The island is called Okinotorishima, coral on Okinotorishima, it can argue
or “distant bird island”; a remote, the feature is “naturally formed”. Also,
storm-wracked atoll in the Philippine farming coral is part of Japan’s effort to
Sea, where two outcrops protrude at show the atoll has an economic life, and
high tide. Japan regards the atoll as its support its more dubious contention
southernmost point; China says it is no that Okinotorishima is not a “rock”.
island, merely a rock. “There is no clear definition of rocks
For millennia, as the land beneath it
sank, layers of coral grew on top and
kept the atoll’s head above water. But
Okinotorishimaisdying.Climatechange N KOREA
is raising the sea level and killing the 500 km J A PA N
coral. Typhoonsbiteatwhat remains. S KOREA
Japan is therefore on a desperate
quest to regrow the reef. The results will CHINA
decide the fate of a strategic redoubt,
with legal repercussions in the South
China Sea, and could offer hope to other TAIWAN Philippine Sea
atolls threatened by climate change.
The bathtub, full of baby coral grow- Okinotorishima
ing on iron plates, sits in a greenhouse at PHILIPPINES
the Deep Seawater Research Institute
on the island of Kumejima. Workers
explain how they brought coral from Reef encounter: planted, but the death rate of the trans- some island countries such as the Mar- out why the location matters to Japan’s ‘Next year in Unclos — this is the government of
Okinotorishima and harvested eggs. Japan has been planted coral is high, so we can’t yet say shalls, Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Mal- security. First, he says, it would be a cru- Japan’s stance,” says Mr Kaneda. “His-
They will grow the baby corals in this harvesting the coralontheislandisincreasing.” dives are completely formed of atolls.” cial theatre “for the Chinese military to we expect to torically, Japan has sustained the ‘eco-
laboratory for a year then transplant coral eggs from No amount of transplantation can Japan’s funding has baser motives, deny access to reinforcements coming plant three nomic life’ of the island.”
them back to the atoll. Okinotorishima, revive a reef by itself, says Mr Omori. however — the tiny reef looms large in from the east”. Second, Okinotorishima hectares of By taking this position, Japan hopes to
For the scientists it is a battle with the growing them in Rather, the goal is for the transplants to the minds of military planners. Strate- sits on the route Chinese nuclear sub- claim Okinotorishima as an island with
ocean. They have successfully culti- a laboratory for spread across the atoll. Working in such gists talk of the two island chains sepa- marines would take out into the Pacific, coral — a its own exclusive economic zone, while
vated coral from the reef and trans- a year and then a remote place is challenging because it rating China from the Pacific: the first towards patrolling positions against the world first’ opposing China’s reclamation in the
planted it back to the island, but it is not reintroducing is hard to monitor the coral. running through the main Japanese US. Third, it lies close to the sea lanes on South China Sea. Some scholars argue it
enough. “The next technology . . . is baby corals to For the scientists, rescuing Okinotor- islands, to Okinawa and Taiwan; the sec- which raw materials flow to Japan from would be wiser to give up the claim —
keeping up with the rising sea by coral the atoll ishima means saving the world’s coral, ond through Japan’s Ogasawara Islands northern and western Australian ports. and aid assertions that China’s island-
growth and accumulation of coral grav- Asahi Shimbun/Getty
and the many islands that exist because to the Marianas and the US base at That makes a 200-mile exclusive eco- building is illegitimate — but Okinotor-
els and sand,” says Hajime Kayanne, a of it. In the past four decades, 40 per Guam. In a hypothetical future conflict nomic zone around Okinotorishima, ishima’s military value makes that
professor at the University of Tokyo. cent of the world’s reefs have died. between the US and China, their navies and thus greater control of those waters, unlikely.
“Our experiments . . . are ongoing,” “The ecotechnology established in would collide in the ocean between the a strategic asset beyond even the natu- Legal wrangles will not matter if the
says Makoto Omori, emeritus professor Okinotorishima can be applied to all the two chains — and Okinotorishima is the ral resources that might lie beneath the atoll erodes. “We’ve had various prob-
at the Tokyo University of Marine Sci- small atoll islands in the Pacific and only speck of land in those waters. surface. lems and failures along the way, but next
ence and Technology. “We’ve made Indian Ocean,” says Mr Kayanne. “We Hideaki Kaneda, a retired vice-admi- Only an island can generate an exclu- year we expect to plant three hectares of
progress in expanding the area of coral have almost 500 atolls in the world, and ral now at the Okazaki Institute, points sive economic zone, however, not a rock coral,”saysMrOmori.“Aworldfirst.”
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Security policy Strategic victory

China passes tough counter-terrorism law Iraqi forces

seize key
Beijing discards lobbying maintain global world security”. A final
draft was not immediately available.
ern region of Xinjiang. They allege that
some members of the region’s large
areas, but they did not specify the
nature of the threats. After the alert,
many critics see as part of a larger crack-
by the west over reach of
curbs and effect on business
Earlier this year, US President Barack
Obama expressed concern about draft
Muslim Uighur community, inspired by
groups such as the Taliban and Isis, have
“snow leopard” commandos and mem-
bers of other elite Chinese military units
Police in Guangdong province recently
detained Zeng Feiyang, the head of a
in Ramadi
provisions in the law that could force
foreign information technology groups
to provide the government with “back
waged a violent “separatist” campaign
in pursuit of an independent homeland.
Some of these attacks have occurred
maintained a presence in the San Li Tun
shopping district and nearby embassy
areas throughout the weekend.
workers’ rights group, alleging that his
organisation had accepted overseas
funding and “disturbed public order” by
from Isis
China’s parliament has passed a contro- door” access to their products, encryp- beyond Xinjiang, including one in the The antiterrorism law is the latest in a advising workers in industrial disputes.
versial counter-terrorism law, sweeping tion codes and other sensitive data. centre of Beijing two years ago. On Sat- series of security-related bills working While it is not illegal for Chinese NOAM RAYDAN — BEIRUT
aside earlier criticism of some of its pro- Li Shouwei, an NPC official involved urday, the foreign ministry said it would their way through parliament. In July, non-governmental organisations to
Iraqi forces yesterday captured a
visions by western governments and in drafting the law, said that it “is basi- expel a French journalist who recently the National People’s Congress passed a accept overseas funding, the new law
government complex in central
business lobbies. cally the same as what other major wrote an article critical of Beijing’s com- sweeping new national security law that could give police power to restrict such
Ramadi, a predominantly Sunni city,
The official Xinhua news agency countries do” and would not undermine parison of Uighur attacks on civilians to mandated the country’s internet infra- funding.
forcing the withdrawal of Isis fighters.
reported yesterday that the law had companies’ intellectual property rights. the massacres perpetrated by Isis or Isis structure be “secure and controllable”. China’s banking regulator and
been passed unanimously by the stand- Chinese officials have consistently sympathisers in Paris and California. Chinese legislators are also industries ministry had previously The complex has been an Isis strong-
ing committee of the National People’s rebuffed criticism, arguing that the On Thursday, western embassies considering a new law regulating the issued regulations that contained provi- hold and its fall to government forces
Congress, saying it was intended to country faces a clear and present terror- warned about “possible threats” against activities of domestic and foreign non- sions similar to those in the draft Coun- comes weeks after soldiers encircled the
“address terrorism at home and help ist threat, especially in the northwest- foreigners in one of Beijing’s shopping governmental organisations, which ter Terrorism Law. site and marked a significant victory
that could pave the way to the recapture
of the rest of the city, analysts said.
State television broadcast footage of
Africa. Resources troops, Humvee vehicles and tanks
advancing through Ramadi streets amid

Botswana seeks sparkle from diamond wealth

piles of rubble and collapsed houses.
Some districts appeared to have been
completely destroyed by the advance.
The city, the capital of Anbar province
to the west of Baghdad, fell under Isis
control in May after government troops
Country praised for its use of fled in a defeat that prompted Washing-
70% ton to rethink its strategy against the
mineral riches, but next stage Proportion of militants.
De Beers Iraqi sources said that the latest oper-
of development needs diversity diamonds coming ation by Iraqi forces — which included
from Botswana counter-terrorism forces and army divi-
ANDREW ENGLAND — GABORONE sions — is considered a significant suc-
$4bn cess for the government and could help
At a long workbench, Botswanans and Value of lead to the eventual fall of Ramadi.
expatriates sit side by side, backs diamonds “The Iraqi forces entered the complex
curved, jewellery eyeglasses in hand, produced in a few hours ago and did not face any
gauging the shape, clarity and colour of Botswana by opposition from Isis. This shows that Isis
De Beers annually
small piles of diamonds. withdrew to the north-east of Ramadi,”
More than $100m-worth of precious said Sajad Jiyad, an Iraq analyst.
stones are being assessed just on this 2013 “This is, of course, considered an
one floor in this highly secure building. Year when achievement for the Iraqi forces given
Such wealth has helped transform Bot- De Beers moved that there had been questions as to
swana, where the second-largest dia- its Global whether the forces, Iraqi police and
mond ever discovered was dug from its Sightholder Sales army can take control of the situation
department from
soils last month, from an impoverished London to through ground operations and resist
nation to one of Africa’s richest. Botswana Isis,” Mr Jiyad added.
In 2013, Gaborone used its leverage as The victory for the Iraqi army comes
the world’s second-largest producer of just days after a rare audio message
diamonds to convince De Beers, the dia- 20 attributed to Isis leader Abu Bakr al-
mond producer, to transfer its Global Number of Baghdadi, who said that the ongoing
factories owned
Sightholder Sales department, through by Belgians, strikes against Isis areas in Iraq and
which most of its diamonds are sorted Israelis and Syria will strengthen the group.
and sold, from London to Botswana. It Indians set up in “Be confident that god will grant vic-
was a rare example of a multinational Botswana in the tory to those who worship him, and hear
shifting its main operations from a west- past decade the good news that our state is doing
ern capital to the developing world. The well. The more intense the war against
GSS, where the Botswanans and expatri- 50% it, the purer it becomes and the tougher
ates sort the diamonds, employs about Botswana’s stake it gets,” he was reported to have said.
160 people, half of them locals. in Debswana, the Isis controls large stretches of western
Two years on, Botswana still faces mining company and northern Iraq and in neighbouring
steep challenges in its efforts to leverage jointly owned by Syria. The IS group has declared a self-
De Beers
its diamond wealth to create more styled caliphate on the territory under
domestic industries and jobs. The prob- its control.
lem has been exacerbated by weaker 35% Jaber Jaberi, a Sunni politician, said
diamond prices, blamed by De Beers on Level of youth that the liberation of the government
a build-up of global inventory. unemployment complex holds a “a psychological value”.
“Obviously, it [De Beers’ relocation] in Botswana “This means that Isis has fallen and its
hasn’t achieved everything we fighters have fled from the complex,”
expected,” said Onkokame Mokaila, Mr Jaberi said.
Botswana’s minerals minister. The gov- ‘Obviously, it about 81 per cent of the revenue from its diamond prices has meant they have Workers lack of a local supply chain has put He explained that although the Iraqi
ernment still wants to see more dia- diamonds. But unemployment remains been retrenching however, with the examine “quite a lot of strain” on the sector, Mr forces are making slow progress “there
mond-related industries creating jobs [De Beers’ at about 20 per cent — rising to about 35 number of employees plummeting from diamonds at Thamage said. “One reason it’s so are advances [on the ground] and the
for locals. “There’s still a lot to be done, relocation] per cent among youths — and one in five 3,800 at the end of 2013 to 2,400, says a cutting and expensive is if machinery breaks down, Iraqi forces are surrounding what’s left
and we will be pushing.” hasn’t Botswanans live in poverty. Jacob Thamage, a government official polishing facility they have to fly in from India to fix it,” he of Isis” in Ramadi.
It is not a problem isolated to Bot- Analysts say the praise Botswana has who is co-ordinator of the Diamond in Gaborone said. “If we had a way of encouraging the According to Hisham al-Hashimi, an
swana.Withthefallincommodityprices achieved attracted for management of its mineral Hub, the country’s investment and Monirul Bhuiyan/AFP/Getty
equipment suppliers to set up factories Iraqi expert on Isis and Sunni insur-
hitting economies across Africa, there is everything wealth has fostered a sense of compla- trade centre. here, that would give even more sustain- gents, the government complex was the
increasing talk of the need for countries we expected. cency, with the economy still too The Botswana operations are less pro- ability to the business.” “first domino to be knocked over and
to diversify earnings and add value. dependent on a finite resource. ductive than those in India, the main Yet developing competitive industries the other pieces will follow”.
There has long been criticism that There’s still a Keith Jefferis, managing director of cutting and polishing hub, while the is a complex challenge. Botswana does David Gardner page 11
Africa’s commodity exporters receive lot to be done, Econsult and a former central bank dep- have some small business, but diamonds
too little from their resource wealth. and we will uty governor, says that even if Botswana ANG OLA ZAMB IA comprise about 80 per cent of export
Thisispartlybecauseoffundslosttocor- mines diamonds at the same rate for the earnings. A World Bank report said that
ruption and mismanagement, but also
be pushing’ next 50 years, it will not be a driver of “while entrepreneurs are emerging, the
becausemany justexportraw materials. Onkokame growth. “It underpins current living privatesectorremainsshallow”.
Botswana has fared better than most Mokaila standards, but it doesn’t drive higher B OT S WA N A “Manufacturing in Botswana is always
since De Beers first discovered dia- living standards,” he said. “If you look Gaborone going to be an uphill battle,” Mr Tham-
monds there in 1967. It accounts for forward, you see if you don’t fix it there age admitted. “Among other things
about 70 per cent of the company’s dia- are problems coming.” because of the success of the diamonds
monds and has used its mineral wealth About 15 per cent of the $4bn-worth we’ve created the Dutch disease, where
to improve infrastructure and state of diamonds De Beers produces annu- almost everything is expensive to do as
services as it has developed into an ally in Botswana is sold locally, so they S AFRICA salaries have gone up too quickly [and]
upper-middle income nation. can be cut and polished in the country. disproportionately.” He believes more
The state owns 50 per cent of Debs- As a result, 20 factories, owned by Bel- government incentives are needed.
wana, the Botswanan mining company gians, Israelis and Indians, have set up 200km There is “no silver bullet”, he said. Iraqi forces attack a position in the
jointly owned by De Beers, and receives shop there in the past decade. Falling Companies page 16 Hoz neighbourhood of Ramadi

Public opinion. Immigration

Australia backs multicultural society despite extremist attacks

A strong economy and moves a few blocks away when a 15 year-old port,” said Andrew Markus, a professor introduced its “White Australia” policy held demonstrations against what it country. She says the threat of terrorism
local Muslim boy shot dead a veteran at Monash University. at the turn of the 20th century to deter dubs “Islam’s radicals”. But there is little isnowtoogreat.
to foster integration have led police officer, there is little tension. It is not hard to see why Australia is an increasing flow of migrants from sign of any far-right political party gain- Australia’s tight control of its borders
Neil El Kadomi, mosque chairman, more accepting of different cultures. A Asia. This policy was gradually disman- ing the type of electoral support that and its lack of a colonial history, in con-
to broader mood of acceptance says the non-Muslim community have quarter of its 23m population were born tled following the second world war, and would give it real influence. trast to many European powers, are two
largely remained supportive. A recent overseas, which makes it one of the in 1975 the government passed the race One migrant to benefit from the dis- underlying reasons why support for
protest by far-right group Reclaim Aus- world’s most multicultural nations, with discrimination act, which outlawed mantling of the “White Australia” policy immigration remains high, according to
Australia has had three terror attacks tralia outside the mosque drew just a few more than double the proportion of racially based selection for migrants. is Hau Van Phan, who fled communism some experts. Tim Soutphommasane,
over the past year and earlier this protesters. “It shows just what a small immigrantsthan theUKorGermany. Since then there has been sporadic inVietnamin1977 forAustralia. racial discrimination commissioner,
month former prime minister Tony minority this is,” he said. “We have inte- “Australians accept they are a new racial unrest such as the 2005 Cronulla “I can’t forget the day I left. My wife says the country benefits from being an
Abbott preached to the Muslim world grated well into thecommunity.” country made up of immigrants, riots, when clashes broke out between was pregnant and I couldn’t stop crying island that has a planned intake of
that it must become “enlightened”. Yet A recent survey by the Scanlon Foun- whereas Europe with its older cultures the Middle Eastern community and as we did not know when we would meet migrants, most of whom are skilled.
the country sticks out from others dation shows 86 per cent of people say does not,” said Mr Markus. white Australians. More recently, the again,” said the 60 year-old hospital “You don’t have the problem here of
fighting Islamist extremism as most of multiculturalism has been “good for He adds in Europe multiculturalism far-right group Reclaim Australia has worker at a ceremony in Sydney to migrants and their descendants feeling
its population strongly support multi- Australia”, while 67 per cent say immi- has been interpreted by political leaders celebrate the millions of migrants in estranged from the country,” he said.
culturalism and legal immigration. gration has “made the country as immigrant groups retaining their own Australia. Australia’s strong economy, which has
stronger”, the highest level recorded cultures and rejecting integration. In Cohesion: Muslims Almost 40 years later, Mr Phan’s grown for a near-modern era record of
praying in Sydney.
After Friday prayers in Parramatta since the survey was introduced in 2007. Australia it is understood to mean Most Australians daughter Julie O’Hara, despite her 24 consecutive years, is another reason.
mosque, a young man hurries along in “This is the reverse of the trend you respect for different cultures while inte- support legal father’s refugee experience, supports the Unemployment remains low at less than
jeans, shirt and flip-flops. In spite of a see in Europe now, where the National gratingintomainstreamsociety,hesays. immigration and government’s refusal to settle any asy- 6 per cent and there are fewer migrant
terrorist attack roughly two months ago Front and Ukip are gaining sizeable sup- It was not always this way. Australia multiculturalism lum-seekers who arrive by boat in the ghettos that blight France and the UK.
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9


The mass movement of rural Chinese transformed the economy, but it also left millions of children
behind as their parents left to work in cities. Only now is the country examining the social price.
By Patti Waldmeir

hey are left behind in grim
villages all over China by
parents who have joined the
biggest voluntary worker
migration in human his-
tory. Some are left at home with one par-
ent, others stay back with an illiterate
grandmother or exhausted grandfather.
An estimated 2m are left to fend for
China has 61m so-called “left behind
children”, all but orphaned by the main-
land economic miracle. Interviews with
social workers, non-governmental
organisations, economists and parents
say migrants do it for the sake of the
very children they leave behind: to pay
for their education, to build them a
house to give them a future living
among skyscrapers and not pig pens.
Economists say this is the price of
China’s modernisation, just as surely
as the poisoned water and choking
smog that is the legacy of its industrial
“We think of them as economic

Children of
orphans,” says Jenny Bowen, head of the
US charity OneSky, which has recently
begun pilot programmes to help rural

‘I am illiterate. I can
feed him but I can’t
teach him. All I can do
is let him play around
the house’
the revolution
children being raised without parents. Here to learn: Children of migrant interview at her primary school in the cate them. “They have more bad of love in this home: as Ms Li speaks, her
“Villages are unravelling because so workers take classes at an unofficial apple-growing village of Doujia, on the habits because of the absence of their husband naps cuddled up with the other
many young parents go away to work. school in Beijing. Getty loess plateau of central China’s Sha’anxi parents. They don’t do their home- toddler in an adjoining room, and plants
Generations of people who were always province. Xueying lives with her grand- work . . . they fight with others, and a kiss on the top of his head when he
together are no longer together any parents, and she is close to them, but it is they tend to be hot tempered. No one wakes. Both grandparents seem reluc-
more”. just not the same. “I miss my parents a cares for them and they can’t get along tant to put their grandchildren down.
These days the juggernaut of Chinese lot,” she says. with others. They are more violent,” he Experts are divided on how much C Home alone There are about 61m
labour migration is slowing as the work But she agrees that having migrant concludes, saying “they are spoiled by children being raised by grandparents children who have been left behind by
force shrinks. This year, the Financial parents is not without benefits. Her par- the grandparents.” are hurt, in terms of educational or even parents who moved to cities for work
Times has published a series of articles ents left so they could “make enough That seems to be the conventional physical development — or even if there
about the end of this migrant miracle, money to put me through university”, wisdom, even among many grandpar- is a negative impact at all. C Gaining notice Cases of left-behind
and about how that is affecting the she says. And that Alice band she wears ents: that they are not capable of raising There are trade-offs involved in hav- children who died in accidents have
migrants who drove the transformation came from a trip to visit Mum and Dad children who succeed in school or in life. ing a migrant in the family, says Scott put the issue on the national agenda
from agrarian backwater to digital soci- in the town three hours away where Li Gai’e is raising two toddlers with her Rozelle, professor of economics at
ety, in just three decades. they live. They come back every two to Stanford University and co-founder of C Labelled Left-behind kids can face
Some are moving closer to home as
the economy slows and Beijing tries to
three months, and last time Dad
brought bananas and oranges as a
‘Thanks to technology, the Rural Education Action Program,
which has been collecting data on chil-
a social stigma, even if their parents’
income makes them better-off
create more jobs in the inland economy. present, she says, adding that she has I don’t think that me being dren in China’s remote rural areas for
That means they can see their children more nice things than some peers who a decade. He conducted one of the larg- grammes, may be misspent.
as often as every few weeks, rather than live with their parents. away has a big impact on est studies so far of the state of China’s When it comes to emotional distress,
only once a year or less. And technology But in China, left behind kids battle a the children. We have rural children, both with and without such as loneliness, anxiety, depression
can put parents in touch with their off- social stigma, even if their material con- parents. and even suicidal tendencies, most
spring relatively inexpensively. ditions are sometimes better than that contact via WeChat.’ The study’s findings go against the studies find that left behind kids suffer
Yet for every migrant who moves of children living in homes without conventional wisdom. “Left behind more than those that live with their
closer to home, there is one that leaves migrant income. Xueying’s teacher, for husband in Wangyuan village, in the lee children are not the most vulnerable in parents. Yet even here, the evidence
the village for work for the first time, example, asked her whether she consid- of Mount Shang. rural China,” the study’s authors write, is unclear.
maybe because the construction of a ered herself “pitiful”. Remembering this “Kids living with young parents are adding they “perform equally or even A 2013 study by Qiang Ren and Don-
new highway has opened up areas previ- brings her to the verge of tears. No, she smarter,” says Ms Li, holding her one- better than children living with parents ald Treiman found that “being left
ously inaccessible to the outside world. replied, “because my friends all get year-old grandson, dressed in the tradi- on the health, nutrition and education behind by one or both parents or
So tens of millions of children are likely along really well with me”. tional split trousers still common in Chi- indicators we examine”. migrating with one or both parents
to continue living primarily without An Dake, a maths teacher at Xuey- nese rural areas. “I am illiterate. I can “Anemia prevalence, height for age has little effect on emotional health”,
their parents for years to come. ing’s school, says the left-behind chil- feed him but I can’t teach him. All I can and weight for age . . . mathematics, because these children are not victims
This could jeopardise the next genera- dren’s grades are worse than other do is let him play around the house,” she Chinese and English scores, junior high of divorce or parental abandonment,
tion of Chinese growth, economists students’, and that it is harder to edu- says. Still, there is obviously no shortage school and vocational high school drop- they are members of “socially intact
say. Children educated in poor rural out rates . . . are the same as those families” where the parents remain
schools, without literate parents to help among children living with their par- committed to them, even if they do not
them, may be unable to fuel the new Chinese children affected by migration ents.” In fact, children living with live at home.
innovation-led growth that Beijing is Million children, 2010 parents are in slightly worse health.
aiming for. Mr Rozelle is not sure why. “Maybe Tech bridges the miles
And the damage to Chinese society, to Migrants from urban areas Migrants from rural areas access to more resources helps, at least Wang Junfeng, and Yang Xinge, whose
the family system and even to the psy- in part, to offset the negative effects of children are back at Doujia village, hope
che of the children involved could be 7 29 Left-behind the absence of parental care,” he sug- their children will see it that way. They
even more severe, according to econo- 9 (urban areas) gests. Or maybe those who choose to work about 1,500km away in Shanghai,
mists, government researchers and oth- migrate are more intelligent than the and only go back once a year. But they
ers who have studied the left behind Left-behind average villager — “and so granny is use WeChat, the Chinese mobile mes-
child phenomenon. 61 (rural areas) smarter too”. saging service, to keep in touch at least
Beijing has been aware of the prob- Mr Rozelle’s point is not that things once a week and monitor children’s
lem for years. But high profile cases of 174 are just fine for left behind kids — but homework online. In fact their children
children who were left behind, like the that both kids living with and without are such good students that they
four siblings who took pesticide, or the parents in rural areas are vulnerable, decided to migrate even further from
five cousins who died in a rubbish skip Other children and that increasing government home, so they could earn enough to put
— along with other children murdered resources targeted to helping left behind them through college.
Source: Unicef
when home alone, or sexually abused kids, such as surrogate parenting pro- “Thanks to technology, I don’t think
— have put the issue high on the that me being away has a big impact on
national agenda for the first the children,” says Mr Wang. “I can have
time. Every new case of a left Extended family are bringing children along, according to an individual, then the couple, then face-to-face contact with my children
behind child tragedy trig- Entering a ‘new stage’ a government report published last year. the children and later on it will be the via WeChat, and ask about their per-
gers another wave of But it is far from easy. The couple had to elderly people,” he said. formance at school, their daily life and
soul-searching about of labour migration spend Rmb200,000 ($31,000) — a vast But that takes money most migrants what’s happening in the family,” he says.
the social price that sum for the average migrant worker — to do not have. Most prefer to live as But he notes that every time his wife
China has paid for the Ni Meihong says she could not bear to buy a flat in Baoshan so that her son cheaply as possible, in company looks at the children’s photos on
past 30 years of capi- leave her baby in the village, so she could go to school there. “If you don’t dormitories where possible, or even in WeChat, she cries.
talist reform. brought him to the big city to live — have property, it is not possible to get prefabricated housing on building Still, like most migrants, the couple
but that meant bringing Grandma too. into school there,” she says. sites, to save every renminbi to send agree: it had to be done. They have kids
A social stigma Her nine-year-old son, Zhou Nijun, Ms Ni and her husband, a taxi driver, back home. And even if they had the to put through university, a new house
Yang Xueying is a 12-year- was born in her rural village on represent what government officials say money to bring baby, they do not have to pay off and elders to support. They
old with a pink satin head- Chongming Island, two hours from is a “new stage” of labour migration in the funds to bring grandma too: are willing to sacrifice traditional family
band. She is one of those Shanghai. When he was three months China. Wang Qian, head of the migrant migrant children who live with parents life for a better life for their children.
unlucky enough to remem- old, he and his grandmother Ye population department at China’s who work long hours in urban areas The migrant miracle may be ending, but
ber when her parents were Shiying came to live with Ms Ni and National Health and Family Planning are often just as neglected, or even it is still the best way for rural people to
still living at home with her, her migrant worker husband in Commission, said last year that couples more so, than they would be back access the Chinese dream — with or
since they only left when she was nine. Baoshan, a suburb popular with are starting to move their children to stay home, researchers say. without their children.
What does she miss the most? “The Chongming migrants. More migrants with them. “It starts with the migration of Additional reporting by Jackie Cai
feeling of intimacy,” she says in an Additional reporting by Jackie Cai
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015

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Include daytime telephone number and full address

Barnes regarded artists as heroic fountains of wisdom

Sir, Jackie Wullschlager’s review of As Dewey noted: “I know of no more Carlyle and John Ruskin — two other preserve his collection in Merion
Yve-Alain Bois’ Matisse in the Barnes significant, symbolic contribution than notorious “monsters of egoism” was betrayed by the same Philistine
Foundation contains a crude caricature that which the work of the members of battling against the forces of cultural forces that he had opposed throughout
of Albert Barnes that deserves to be this institution have made to the nihilism in the Victorian era — Barnes his life.
challenged, if only because of its solution of what sometimes seems to regarded artists as heroic fountains of The transfer of the collection from
implications for the significance of art be not merely a perplexing but a wisdom who could enlighten and Merion to the slightly pretentious
in 21st century American culture hopeless problem — that of race instruct audiences in a broad range of modernist structure on the Parkway in
MONDAY 28 DECEMBER 2015 (“Dance to a collector’s whim”, Life & relations.” For Barnes, cultural disciplines, including politics and Philadelphia — to borrow Ms
Arts, December 19). In her segregation in the United States played economics. Wullschlager’s term, a “mausoleum”
characterisation of Barnes as a vulgar a key role in reinforcing racial This belief shaped his attitude to the to expediency and cynicism — should
upstart “with a sharp eye, a brutal segregation, and the fierce campaign function of his gallery, which he not obscure the enduring importance
manner and a swollen cheque book”, that he waged against the art insisted should remain a place of of this truly great and original

A strong eurozone needs Ms Wullschlager grossly distorts his

legacy as a collector, educator and
establishment of his time reflected this
Ms Wullschlager makes no mention
tranquil reflection and study, where
visitors would be encouraged to judge
the works for themselves without the
American citizen or of his
achievement. In a period in which
racial conflict is exacerbated by

a full banking union At the opening of the Barnes

Foundation on March 19 1925, the
philosopher John Dewey paid tribute to
of Barnes’s life-long mission to use art
education as a means of healing the
entrenched social and economic
usual encumbrances of pre-recorded
guides, glossy pamphlets and gift-shop
increasing social inequality, and in
which the political system is
manipulated by a tiny minority of the
Barnes’s ecumenical instincts, citing in divisions in American society. He was Nestled in the midst of his rich and powerful, the social and
Common deposit insurance will reduce the risk of future crises particular the extensive collection of convinced that every great work of art remarkable arboretum, Barnes’s aesthetic vision of Albert Barnes has
African art and sculpture that he encapsulated a deep human and gallery — a gracious limestone mansion never been more urgently relevant.
New EU rules come into force on Janu- between sovereign debt and over- exhibited in his Merion gallery universal experience that could be designed by Paul Philippe Cret with David R Sorensen
ary 1 that will enable Europe’s financial stretched banks that was amply illus- alongside works by Cézanne, Matisse, unlocked by anyone prepared to train reliefs carved by Jacques Lipchitz — Professor of English,
authorities to deal with failing banks trated at the height of the eurozone cri- Modigliani, Picasso, Renoir and themselves in the art of seeing. A seemed to defy the commercial logic of Saint Joseph’s University,
without shovelling the cost on to tax- sis. More broadly, the banking sectors Soutine. prophet in the mould of Thomas the age. Tragically, Barnes’s wish to Philadelphia, PA, US
payers. The launch of the EU’s so-called of some countries are still fragile and
single resolution mechanism follows a struggling with non-performing loans.
significant expansion of the European They need to be on a firmer footing EU tariff would not apply Heathrow: a tragedy Crossrail 2 is not just
Central Bank’s powers in November before the eurozone starts a common
2014, such that it now supervises all insurance scheme. Lastly, participating for two years, at least of the anti-commons about Chelsea residents
5,500 eurozone banks. banks in all countries must step up and Sir, I write to complain about the Sir, With reference to Michael Sir, Chris Lenon (Letters, December
These steps are two of the most use- fund the scheme adequately. misleading article “Hague’s Brexit Skapinker’s column “The Heathrow 22) maintains that Chelsea residents
ful initiatives that the EU adopted in All this said, Germany should recog- stance angers eurosceptics” (December delay is worse than gutless: it is plain and businesses are against the
response to the financial whirlwind nise that a banking union which oper- 24). It states: “Under current terms, stupid” (December 16): I think proposed King’s Road Crossrail 2
that tore through the bloc after 2008, ates on two legs instead of three — com- manufacturers — who exported name-calling is unhelpful here. A station. Some certainly are, but there
destabilising Europe’s banks and mon supervision, common resolution £11.9bn worth of cars to the EU in more useful framing for making sense are also those who are for a Chelsea
putting into question the survival of its but not common deposit insurance — is 2014 — would suddenly face the same of the London airport problem is to station. The cost benefit case depends
monetary union. However, a third, a banking union that, in the last resort, 10 per cent tariff on their exports to see it as a classic tragedy of the anti- on how the various factors are
more politically sensitive step towards will lack credibility. This is the implicit the EU as their counterparts in the commons — a co-ordination weighed. These include the interests of
a complete banking union is necessary argument of the EU’s so-called “Five US and Japan: the equivalent of breakdown that occurs when there is those who work in Chelsea shops,
in order to minimise the risk that fresh Presidents’ report”, which highlights £1.19bn a year in 2014.” too much fragmentation of property offices and hospitals, and visitors from
crises will erupt in the future and, if common deposit insurance as a desira- This is not true. Under the terms of rights. outside Chelsea. In addition there are
they do, to limit the consequences. In ble and realistic objective for the finan- article 50 of the Treaty on the The shared resource here is a those residents whose transport
2016 national governments and policy- cial sector. European Union, if a country leaves the strategic choice to increase airport choices would be enhanced. Any cost
makers in Brussels should do their The report, published last June, sets union there would be a period of two capacity in London. Some are strongly benefit analysis would include the
best to advance the goal of a common out a road map for full economic and years (or, by agreement, more) in in favour to encourage economic weighting of more intangible factors
deposit insurance scheme in the 19- monetary union by 2025, by which which the nature of a settlement Are further delays just plane stupid? growth, whereas others, concerned relating to the growth of London
nation eurozone. time the eurozone would be endowed between that member state and the with environmental impacts, are in (population growth, congestion, ageing
It will be easier said than done. with a common treasury and a “com- EU is negotiated. vehement opposition. The stakes are etc). Different people will weigh these
Opposition to the early introduction mon macroeconomic stabilisation To state that, under the current international financial flows and high — these decisions are hard to factors differently, and many will
of common deposit insurance is function” to help member states cope terms, there would be a sudden tariff multinationals’ activities. Part of reverse whichever direction they take conclude that the proposed station is
intense in Germany, which suspects with shocks that cannot be managed at on manufacturers is wholly untrue, in our argument for public country-by- — and both positions are legitimate. worth building.
that the scheme is a smokescreen for national level alone. two ways. First, any tariff, were it to country reporting by multinationals Clearly, asking government to Martin Flash
the proposition that its taxpayers and These and other proposals that apply, would not apply for at least two is that it would give everyone overcome an anti-commons problem Leader, Chelsea4crossrail2
savers should cough up on behalf of envisage much greater centralisation years. This is not sudden. Second, the better data and a better is not a good idea. Shifting the onus of
depositors in other eurozone coun- of eurozone economic policymaking, period of negotiation, which itself understanding of the scale and the decision to parliament would be Tier 2 visas and a threat to
tries burdened with collapsing banks. albeit 10 years from now, lie beyond exists under the current terms, means nature of the problem. equally complicated and inefficient.
Germany also contends that Euro- the boundaries of what is achievable that any tariff might not apply at all. Even without this it is clear, as Maybe the London airport tragedy Commonwealth relations
pean policymakers should reduce in today’s political conditions in This second point is inadequately Professor Kay recognises, that there is is inexorable. And if the limits of Sir, Any prospective curtailing of tier 2
excessive risk-taking in the financial Europe. It may even be too ambitious reflected in the piece. The first is not a problem with the way some growth have been de facto reached, visas (skilled workers) to reach a
sector before they proceed with risk- to suggest, as does the Five Presidents’ reflected at all. companies and individuals approach just accept how privileged London political net migration target (report,
sharing measures, such as common report, that common deposit insur- This fact is well known and a their tax affairs. It is also clear that already is; and if still unhappy, pack December 21) is a significant but
deposit insurance. ance, as well as a EU capital markets significant part of the current debate tax dodging is a problem for your bags and fly out. There are undervalued concern for UK-
Without doubt, certain precautions union, should be agreed as early as June about Britain’s membership of the EU. developing countries. In a significant plenty of opportunities out there. Commonwealth relations. More than
need to be in place before the eurozone 2017. However, the longer the delay in The article, in failing to reflect it, is shift since 2008, all the major Nuno Gil two-thirds of all tier 2 visas are issued
launches common deposit insurance. creating a common deposit insurance deliberately misleading (or wilfully international institutions now Professor of New Infrastructure for Commonwealth nationals. The UK
Excessive risk is one issue. Some banks scheme, the longer the eurozone will ignorant to the extent that the effect is recognise the scale and seriousness of Development, must understand rapidly the impact
carry large amounts of government remain vulnerable to financial shocks the same). developing countries’ tax losses. The Manchester Business School, UK that its policy decisions have on its
bonds on their balance sheets, despite and contagion for which, one day, it Alex Deane IMF, for instance, suggests that standing in the world. Unless the UK
the potentially lethal connection may pay a far higher price. London, EC1 developing countries lose between We travel in automated remains a marketplace open for skilled
$100bn and $300bn a year to tax Commonwealth citizens, they will go
Tax losses a huge problem avoidance by multinationals; for the metal boxes already elsewhere, to the detriment of our
poorest countries, losses are Sir, Jeremy Fordham (Letters, economy.
for developing countries especially significant when December 22), writing on travelling Tim Hewish
Sir, With reference to John Kay’s considered in relative rather than in driverless cars, asks whether Director of Policy & Research,

Sorting truth from myth column “There is no money behind

the fiscal tree” (December 16): since
Christian Aid started working on
absolute scale.
World financial institutions also
acknowledge the benefits of such
“mankind is so indolent that it wants
nothing better to do in life than to sit
around in an automated metal box,
The Royal Commonwealth Society

at technology unicorns tax as a development issue in 2008,

we have used the best publicly
available data and most recent
countries becoming more reliant on
tax revenues they generate
themselves, and are accountable to
for hours on end, just letting the world
pass by?”
We don’t have to wait for driverless
c SNCF is the owner of the Orient
methodologies and we are open and their citizens for, and less reliant on cars to appear in order to answer Mr Express trademark but has granted
Private market valuations will increasingly fall under scrutiny transparent about how we reach our aid. Enabling this change is a legal Fordham’s question, as automated Belmond Group a long-term licence to
conclusions. and a moral issue, with the power to metal boxes already transport use Venice Simplon Orient Express for
If 2015 was the year of the unicorn, communications is profound. But the This has enabled us to improve our lift millions out of poverty. millions of people every day in this its train services. There are no plans for
2016 will be the year that unicorns way in which private market valua- research over time but we remain Joseph Stead way — they’re called railway trains. SNCF to take over the operation of the
have to prove they are real. The rush of tions have become skewed and inflated hampered by the high levels of Senior Economic Justice Adviser, David Linnell service, as wrongly stated in an article
excitement about the group of technol- as start-ups have delayed IPOs raises secrecy that still surround Christian Aid Loughton, Essex, UK on December 19.
ogy companies privately valued at questions about the financing of inno-
$1bn or more has given way to a more vation. Despite the excitement, ven-
sober mood, and the acceptance that ture capital has produced weak returns
some of these billions are as illusory as in recent decades — only a minority of Best of Banx 2015
horses with horns. funds have produced rewards high
The growth in the number of highly enough to compensate investors for
valued private technology companies illiquidity and opacity.
— more than 140 in the US according to As the IPO market has faltered,
one estimate — has been a product of mutual funds and others that invest
two things. One is excitement over the mainly in public markets have been
idea that technology companies can drawn into investing in private financ-
transform entire industries with soft- ing rounds for high-growth Silicon Val-
ware and the internet. The second is ley ventures. They have yet to discover
the willingness of more investors to if this inside track is any more profita-
take a risk on private markets. ble than investment through venture
The initial public offering in Novem- funds — some have already marked
ber of Square, one of the two compa- down the valuations of unicorns.
nies led by Jack Dorsey (the other being This has suited the companies most
Twitter), was a pivotal event. Square in demand. They have been able to
priced its IPO below the level that raise billions to expand operations
investors in its last private fundraising without facing the disciplines of a pub-
round were promised. They had to be lic company — quarterly results and
compensated with extra shares, while financial disclosures. They have
other unicorns faced greater scepti- achieved many of the benefits of going ‘How’s it coming along?’ ‘I’d hoped our armchairs would be
cism about their price tags. public without the responsibilities. flying by now’
Michael Moritz, chairman of the ven- There is a point to listings rules, how-
ture capital fund Sequoia, has coined ever — they provide protections for
the term “subprime unicorns” for com- investors that are absent, or allocated
panies “built on the flimsiest of edi- only to some in private markets. As
fices” that have managed to gain lofty companies have grown, investors in
valuations. Bill Gurley, a partner of different rounds have been given dif-
Benchmark, was even more dismissive, ferent degrees of protection and special
declaring that “all these valuations are treatment. The meaning of equity —
fake”. A correction has started and is that each share is equal — has been
likely to continue. stretched to breaking point.
The pullback in Silicon Valley is With the rise in US interest rates, the
unlikely to be on the scale of the dot- era of ultra-cheap financing is ending.
com bust of the early 2000s. Although As it does, Silicon Valley’s unicorns are
the quality of unicorns is mixed, lead- losing their mystique and having to
ing companies such as Uber and Air- work to raise equity, sometimes at val-
bnb have had a huge impact on estab- uations below those they achieved
lished industries. Excitement over the before. The promise of private financ-
future of technology is not hysteria — ing is being tested, and there will be dis-
the industrial potential of combining appointments. It does not pay to be ‘On the plus side, we’re developing ‘If you could help us out, Mr Schäuble, ‘He used up all the duct tape to
artificial intelligence, software and dazzled by mythical beasts. one hell of a bad boy image’ we’d be forever in your debt’ repair a duct’
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES 11

Trump’s bile is a healing balm for spurned Americans
passionate his support. He is no vacuum of vitriol, establishing himself the millions who have felt silenced, ing established electoral trends and ruf- dent.” He changed his position? “That
OPINION dummy; there is a method to his prover- as the bold, brash, take-no-prisoners ignored and even scorned by the gov- fling established political feathers. Then was a long time ago. Everyone’s entitled
Frank bial madness. Mr Trump says — to the
growing legions who will listen — what
megaphone for the frustrated masses.
They see him as the antidote to all that
erning and media elite for so long. Is it
any wonder that his declaration of war
they crash. The media turn sour. The
message grows stale. The electorate gets
to change their mind.” He doesn’t have
many policy specifics? “He doesn’t need
Luntz tens of millions of Americans are Mr Obama has made wrong with Amer- against “political correctness” is his bored. them. He’ll surround himself with
already thinking. Respect or revile him, ica. So to understand why millions love most potent and predictable applause Mr Trump is different. The media smart people.” They will justify any
the man has hit a vein. Mr Trump so much, you have to take a line? attacks on him have been fast and furi- action, explain away any contradiction,

utraged by what Donald I spent three hours in a deep dialogue step back and listen to why they hate Mr Straight-talking candidates are noth- ous. Yet he has defied electoral gravity and dismiss any criticism because they
Trump says? You are not focus group with 29 Trump supporters. Obama so much. because the blows are delivered by an are so personally and passionately
alone. No high-polling The phenomenon of “The Donald” is Here, my Trump voter focus group institution that is distrusted and an elite invested in him.
presidential candidate in
the modern era has so
rooted in a psyche far deeper and more
consequential than next November’s
was particularly illuminating. Some still
believe the president is not Christian.
Those who support him political and business establishment
that is detested.
And here is the prediction that will
furrow brows on both sides of the Atlan-
intrepidly drawn the ire of so many presidential election. His support Many believe he does not love America. today will support him in Meanwhile, voters consistently tell tic. Mr Trump’s supporters today will be
within the American electorate. And
there remains no end in sight.
denotes an abiding distrust in — and dis-
respect for — the governing elite. These
And just about all of them think he does
not reflect the values the country was
November, whatever party pollsters like me that negative attacks
do not work; they hate the ad hominem
Mr Trump’s supporters next November
if he is still a candidate — no matter what
Yet in rendering one voting bloc individuals do not like being told by built upon. Indeed, within this growing banner he runs under assaults. Mr Trump? He dines out on party banner he runs under. Half will
utterly apoplectic, he has appealed vis- Washington or Wall Street what is best faction, Mr Trump has licence to say just them. As his devotees see it, it is not Mr follow him out of the Republican Party if
cerally to another. The balance of mid- for them, do not like the direction about anything. As we have seen repeat- ing new in American politics. From Ross Trump going negative. It is him telling he breaks his promise and declares as an
dle ground politics is not, shall we say, America is headed in, and disdain Presi- edly, the more outrageous the accusa- Perot in 1992 to John McCain in 2000, the truth. And when he fights back, he’s independent. For better or worse, his
Mr Trump’s bailiwick. But America is no dent Barack Obama and his (perceived) tion, the more receptive the ear. from Howard Dean in 2004 to Sarah throwing punches on their behalf. He supporters will follow him to the ends of
longer a middle ground country. We are circle of self-righteous, tone-deaf gov- Mr Trump delights in unleashing Palin in 2008, they rise like a rocket on said something outrageous? “He’s sim- the Earth — or to the White House.
already scared by our division — and it is erning partisans. harsh attacks on Jeb Bush, the Republi- the fuel of their seemingly fresh and ply raising an important issue nobody Whichever comes first.
getting worse. Trump voters are not just angry — can establishment and the “mainstream unencumbered aversion to traditional else has the courage to talk about.” He
The simple truth is, the more provoc- they want revenge. media”. His childlike joy in ridiculing his politics. They purport to say what they insulted someone? “That’s just him The writer is a pollster and communica-
ative his language, the deeper and more Mr Trump has adroitly filled the critics is tantamount to healing balm for mean and mean what they say — buck- campaigning. He won’t do that as presi- tions adviser

A chasm at the 2015:

A year in a
heart of the Trans
(Adjective) relating to a person

Syrian crisis
whose gender and birth sex are not
always, or ever, equivalent. A broad
term used by (among others) trans-
gender and transsexual people to
refer to themselves

This year, discussion of biological sex

and gender, previously a boring
prop up the Assad regime, which came male/female matter, became a
WORLD AFFAIRS perilously close to being toppled by nuanced, fluid, “non-binary” affair.
mainstream rebels over the summer. Labels abound, and in the age of the
David Yet they are both trapped in a dynamic sudden social media squall it is
Gardner that is conspiring to eliminate any cen- important to get them right.
tre ground — widening that already In 2015 we learnt, for example,
large Sunni hole. that some people are “genderqueer”
Mr Putin, who says Russia now spear- (not identifying as male or female,
heads the struggle against Isis that but as both, neither or a blend); oth-

here is a big Sunni hole at Mr Obama had bungled, has concen- ers are “genderfluid” (their gender
the heart of international trated most of his fire on non-Isis, Sunni cannot be pinned down). The major-
efforts to find a way out of rebels, variously backed by the US, ity who define gender in line with
Syria’s civil war and turn Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar. That is birth sex are “cisgender”, from the
the tide against the Sunni destroying the alternative to Isis that Latin prefix “on this side of” — an
jihadis of Isis and their menacing power- Russia and the US are purportedly try- antonym for “trans” (on the other
base in Syria and Iraq. From the UN ing to identify. By bolstering a minority side of). Confused? Most of us are.
Security Council in New York to the regime built around Mr Assad’s quasi- The subject first hit the spotlight
Syria forum convened by the US and Shia Alawite community, Moscow is through that simple word: trans.
Russia in Vienna, the architecture that fanning the sectarian flames consuming The tipping point came in June,
diplomats are struggling to erect looks and partitioning the Levant. when Vanity Fair’s cover featured a
as riddled as a Swiss cheese. Mr Obama inherited the debris of glamorous older woman. She is Cait-
Last month, after the Isis attack on President George W Bush’s 2003 lyn — formerly Bruce — Jenner, an
Paris but also after five years of fighting invasion of Iraq, which replaced a Sunni Olympic gold medal winner and
that has razed vast swaths of Syria, the tyranny with ruinously sectarian Shia father of some of the Kardashian
Security Council issued a unanimous leaders and shattered Iraq into pieces — Matt Kenyon
reality-show clan.
call to arms against Isis. With France on giving the Isis death cult its start in life. and Assyrian Christian militia — merely offers instead varieties of Sunni Egypt, after the 2013 coup against an Since then, trans issues have gone
a war footing, the US and Russia ostensi- Yet the Bush mix of recklessness and spotlights the Sunni Arab hole. supremacism. Isis, a hybrid of al-Qaeda elected Islamist government, has mainstream: a recent New York
bly putting aside their differences from fecklessness in Iraq resurfaces in Mr The US and its allies are right that, if in Iraq and Ba’athist officers from turned back towards a police state. Its Times feature followed one woman
Ukraine to the Middle East, and even Obama’s lethal ambivalence towards the Assads stay in place, there is little Saddam Hussein’s army, disbanded by presumption to being the Arab world’s through gender reassignment sur-
Britain extending its modest role in the Syria. His defenders say he was right to chance of enlisting mainstream Sunni the US after 2003, is obviously the most intellectual powerhouse has to be meas- gery. Next month sees the release of
anti-Isis fight in Iraq into Syria, it stay out of an intractable, shape- sentiment against Isis. But, as things virulent. But the big Sunni powers — ured against the fact that Al-Azhar, its Oscar-tipped The Danish Girl, starring
seemed as if the lead external actors in changing conflict. But that is not what stand, Russia and Iran are not wrong in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt — are millennium-old centre of Sunni learn- Eddie Redmayne as a trans woman
the region were starting to coalesce. The he did. He called for the downfall of the saying there is as yet no plausible alter- diluted flavours of this poison to which ing, only this year excised from its in the 1920s.
Vienna diplomatic summit, with the Assads but then held back from giving native to fill a new vacuum if the Assads they claim to be the antidote. curriculum early Islamic teaching on So far, so liberating. But there has
presence of Iran, which kept Bashar al- the mainly Sunni rebels the means to go. Ba’athist Syria was built as a security Saudi Arabia, Washington’s main slavery, taxes due from non-Muslims, also been a backlash, including
Assad’s regime alive until Russian rein- achieve it — adding to the sense of dis- state almost impossible to disentangle Sunni Arab ally, has told both the US apostasy and jihad — the stock-in-trade heated debate in the US about the
forcements arrived in Syria in Septem- possession of the Iraqi Sunni minority from the Assad clan, with Alawites as its and Russia its overriding concern is the of Isis. politics of trans people and public
ber, agreed unanimously on a tentative the feeling of betrayal among Syria’s praetorian guard. march of Shia Iranian influence across The Middle East desperately needs a lavatories.
transition out of the Syrian conflict. Is Sunni majority. The lack of mainstream Sunni leader- the Arab world. Its sectarian Wahhabi Sunni counter-narrative that takes on Perhaps the most profound change
there substance to any of this? The US-led coalition’s position on ship is a blight across the region, which strain of Sunni Islam competes with Isis board the rights of minorities as well as to our everyday language is the ever-
The US and Russia, the two main pow- the ground against Isis relies essentially as to which is the more effective ham- individuals. Only that will challenge the increasing acceptance of “they” as a
ers embroiled in Syria, remain on oppo- on Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters mer of the Shia. Turkey under the presumption of Shia Iran and the Isis singular, non-gender specific pro-
site sides. President Barack Obama
leads a coalition against Isis backed, at
and Syrian Kurdish militia, effective
forces that will nevertheless fight only
If the Assads stay in place, increasingly autocratic presidency of
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has seen its pre-
brand of millenarian Sunni suprema-
cism — and start reassembling a disinte-
noun. It has already made it into sev-
eral newspaper style guides.
least in theory, by Sunni Arab states and for their own territory. The Pentagon’s there is little chance of sumption of leading a neo-Ottoman grating region into some sort of liveable
Turkey. President Vladimir Putin has
put himself at the head of the Iran-
attempt to rebrand the Syrian Kurd
fighters as a Syrian Arab coalition —
enlisting mainstream Sunni Sunni revival boil down to a revived war
with its Kurdish minority. Neither
shape. Isabel Berwick
backed Shia axis, whose main goal is to with the addition of Sunni tribal fighters sentiment against Isis power is carrying the fight to Isis.

The hobbit approach to the sharing economy

else another time. An online exchange more open “marketplace” than within a to match suppliers and consumers. incentives would have undesirable advantage of faster, cheaper informa-
OPINION to circulate presents from where they “firm”. Prof Roth put his work into practice effects; Prof Roth described such cases tion to make markets work even better.
are not wanted to where they are would, The sharing economy is Coasean eco- by devising ways to use the processes of as “repugnant markets”. Nevertheless, This does not mean they will always
Diane without doubt, increase consumer wel- nomics brought to life: lower search a market without prices or money. The the efficiency gains from a matching work well. Markets need to sit in a
Coyle fare. Users could also save money by costs mean more transactions are likely best known example is the kidney exchange can be large. framework of law, competition policy
sending in presents they have received to occur in a marketplace, and markets exchange that matches donors and So, too, with the gains from improved and employment and consumer regula-
(a scarf that will never be worn) and will reach areas where they were not recipients, increasing the number of matching in the conventional monetary tion to balance individual incentives

f only the hobbits of the Shire, in selecting others more suited to their feasible before. feasible life-saving operations. Another economy. Reduced transaction costs and collective outcomes. Although it
JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth, had intended recipients (a photo frame for Such platforms fall into two catego- allow both sides of the market, consum- extends the scope of markets, the for-
invented the internet. Surely if grandma’s birthday). ries: community-focused and monetary ers and producers, to benefit. This is profit sharing economy is not unique in
Frodo Baggins and friends had
been online, some hairy-footed
In short, is an exem-
plary sharing-economy platform. The
marketplaces. Critics of the latter object
that there is no “sharing”, just selling —
Would Frodo make his seen in the effect of introducing mobile
phones off the coast of Kerala. When
any way other than increasing economic
efficiency, with the potential for every-
entrepreneur would have launched term describes many different kinds of also known as old-fashioned capitalism. gift-matching platform a fishermen could phone ahead to port, one to share the benefits. as a platform to circulate
more efficiently the unwanted presents,
business, from hobbit-worthy commu-
nity exchanges to profit-seeking global
Some argue that such businesses even
get away with exploitation disguised in
non-profit exchange or part their incomes increased. Consumer
prices also fell. Both were possible due
Would a hobbit want to make a
gift-matching platform a community
or mathoms, stashed in hobbit holes for businesses such as Uber. The thing they hippy clothing; hence the debate about of the market economy? to reduced wastage. The fishermen exchange or part of the market econ-
regifting on another occasion. have in common is matching supply and the implications of the “gig economy”. threw less overboard because they took omy? The question never crossed Tolk-
The Christmas experience, with that demand more efficiently, using technol- The strength of feeling in this debate is the matching of young doctors to their the fish they caught to the market where ien’s mind as he wrote about the Shire’s
sinking of the heart on unwrapping a ogy to reduce the transaction costs is perhaps related to some early non- first residency, taking into account the it was most wanted. regifting culture; for all its qualities,
second box set of Parks and Recreation, involved in acquiring goods or services monetary uses of matching platforms. preferences of hospitals for the most Economics has always insisted that The Lord of the Rings is weak on econom-
always brings to mind this hobbit from the people able to provide them. Two other economists, Al Roth and able applicants they can attract and markets are the best means to allocate ics. But I note that the domain name
tradition of the polite circulation of Ronald Coase, the economics Nobel Lloyd Shapley, shared a Nobel Prize for applicants for the best locations they resources because they effectively co- seems to be available.
unwanted gifts. Many people salt away, laureate, explained in a 1937 article that their work in the area of “market can aspire to. ordinate information about consumer
with mild guilt, the soaps or socks they the lower the transaction costs, the design”. This paved the way for online We do not want people buying kid- preferences and information about the The writer is a professor of economics at the
find under the tree to give to someone more likely exchanges are to occur in a platforms and the algorithms they use neys or jobs since we believe financial costs of supply. Matching platforms take University of Manchester
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Expat life: from

There was a moment, shortly after I year-round sunshine. But we had heard head that my wife used to make picked up in LA of talking to myself
moved my family from one American similarly gloomy warnings before our jewellery. As I sat there, miserably while typing.

kale shakes and coast to the other, when the magnitude

of what we had done finally hit me.
While gingerly walking down the
move from London to LA and the dire
predictions about plastic people and
traffic proved unfounded.
tapping on the step, hands numb and
small shards of ice hitting me in the
face, our neighbour emerged from her
Whether it was the weather, the
commuting, or having to wear a tie
again, those first few months in New
sun to gossip steps that lead from our Brooklyn
street to another one below, I slipped
I admit, though, that in my first few
months in New York it occurred to me
house, politely asking if I was all right.
There were no such issues in LA. I
York were miserable. But then, slowly,
things began to get better. I had been
and icy reality on some ice and bounced the rest of the
way down on my back. Lying at the
on more than one occasion that I had
made an awful mistake, usually when
had got used to the sunshine, the
nearby beach and the peculiar food
I would jump every worried about my children being
cowed by the harsh weather but they
foot of the stairs, dazed, aching and fighting my way through the rush hour orders of diet-obsessed dining time someone rush outside every chance they get,
staring up at the slate grey sky, it on the subway to the Financial Times companions (on one of my final meals walked behind my rain or shine. I began to appreciate all
struck me that Santa Monica was a office. One morning I was delighted to there a friend ordered a kale shake and of the things New York has to offer and
very, very long way away. find myself on a completely empty a soy-cheese omelette). chair. I also had to also adjusted to an office environment
Work relocation requires personal as train, my happiness evaporating only In LA, I didn’t have to commute unlearn the habit again to the extent that I felt
well as professional adjustment and I once it dawned on me that I was because I worked from home, which comfortable throwing balls of paper at
have been fortunate enough to try it heading in the wrong direction and was was a big change from working in the of talking to myself the banking editor when he wasn’t
twice. In 2006 my wife and I swapped on my way to Queens, not Manhattan. FT’s London office. In LA, I would take while typing looking.

London for Los Angeles; then, 18 All expats have to deal with change. my children to school each morning, Yes, the Yorkshire terrier-sized rats I
months ago, now with three children in In LA, the daily sunshine means the return home, say goodbye to my wife see frolicking on the subway tracks
tow, we moved again — trading sun- seasons blur into each other whereas in and walk a few yards to the small office take a bit of getting used to and, yes,
kissed, southern California for the New York there are clear seasonal adjoining the garage. There I would the sweltering summer streets of
slightly less sun-kissed environs of New differences. The extremes are greater, settle down to work at my desk — Brooklyn and Manhattan are ripe with
York City. with stultifying summers and Game of alone. With no colleagues to exchange smells I never thought existed.
Before both moves, we had to Thrones-style winters. gossip with or annoy, it was a solitary But none of that has dented my
contend with friends and colleagues One evening in Brooklyn, shortly existence. I had to force myself to go belief that work relocation is positive
who weighed in with unsolicited advice after my tumble down the stairs, I out every day to see other humans to and rewarding. If, as the new year
and warnings. “You’re mad,” one Los resolved to clear the thick layer of ice avoid turning into Jack Nicholson’s looms, your thoughts turn to working
Matthew Garrahan Angeles friend said before the move covering the front steps of our house. character in The Shining. in a new and different region, give it a
east. “You’re supposed to move from We had used up the industrial-sized In New York I was once again try. Just take care on icy stairs.
Onwork New York to LA, not the other way
round.” He had a point. I had met those
bag of salt the previous tenant had left
in our basement so I set about the ice
working in a real office, which required
another period of transition. For the
New York transplants who trade the with a hammer. Only, I had misplaced first few weeks I would jump every
cold weather and cramped apartments our hammer so I used the only one I time someone walked behind my chair. The writer is the FT global media editor.
for airy houses, sandy beaches and could find: a small one with a dainty I also had to unlearn the habit I had Lucy Kellaway is away

Monday interview. Kim Beom-su, Kakao founder Working smarter

Strategies to help you switch

Life of Brian off when you leave the office

If you find it difficult to “Employees should avoid

English nicknames for all switch off after leaving the
office for the day, you may
starting a large task near the
end of the day when they
staff — just one way in benefit from strategies may not be able to finish it,”
which the tech billionaire to help stop work
thoughts intruding on your
he adds. When we take on
too much late in the
flouts South Korean free time. afternoon, we set ourselves
norms, writes Song Jung-a Spending a few minutes
each day planning how,
up to fail in the evening,
when we try to detach
when and where to from work.

im Beom-su, South Korea’s complete tasks will help Tara Swart, a
most successful internet you relax, according to neuroscientist and
entrepreneur, jokes that his research. consultant, says a good way
life might have gone wrong if Professor Brandon Smit, to switch off after work is to
there had been computer of Ball State University in download everything that
games to play with when he grew up. Indiana, found that this you need to do from your
The 49-year-old billionaire is a hardcore simple tactic tricks your brain.
gamer who enjoys playing online games, mind into thinking these Writing a list is effective,
such as Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo, tasks have been completed. she says, but so is talking
with his wife and two children in his It then no longer needs to through your day with a
free time. draw your attention to them. partner or a trusted
“You can experience things online “Planning seems to relax colleague.
that you can never in reality,” he the automatic process that The danger of not
enthuses. “In the process of fighting prompts work thoughts,” liberating your mind from
with your enemies and protecting your says Prof Smit. your worries early on in the
castle, you can learn problem-solving Being able to detach from evening, she says, is that
skills by setting up creative strategies work during your hours off they will resurface when you
and co-operating with others.” is important for try to sleep.
His love of online games and cyber psychological wellbeing and Equally beneficial is doing
communication has made him one of productivity. During the day, some exercise right after
South Korea’s few self-made billionaires the demands of work wear work, says Dr Swart,
— a rare feat in a country where the you down, says Prof Smit, because it will help your
economy is dominated by a handful of and having a break means mind to switch out of work
big family-run conglomerates known you are more able to mode and aid relaxation.
as chaebol. recover. “I did a three-month job
Mr Kim has created two successful “You’ll perform better at as a criminal psychologist,
ventures from scratch: the country’s work if you can recharge dealing with rapists,
first online game portal, Hangame Com- your batteries and start the murderers and
munications, followed by the locally day fresh,” he says. psychologists. I could not
ubiquitous mobile messenger app The research highlights go home if I had not
KakaoTalk. the importance of setting gone to the gym first,”
He chairs Kakao, the operator of realistic daily goals, says she says.
KakaoTalk, and has become one of the Rote-learning “I was so proud of myself leading my Although South Korea can boast glo- Prof Smit. If your journey home is by
country’s most popular super-rich busi- rebel: Kim own business but I was also afraid I bal manufacturers with vast interna- Each day he makes a list public transport, Dr Swart
nessmen — with a fortune estimated at Beom-su, might not be able to pay my staff.” CV tional operations, expansion across of tasks that he must suggests meditating using a
more than $2bn — thanks to his rags to pictured with a Since then, a long shower — some- the world has been a painful process complete, as well as mindfulness app; if your
riches tale, which contrasts sharply with KakaoTalk times up to an hour — has become a Born March 1966, Damyang, South Korea for its IT service providers. Kakao has important but not urgent commute involves driving,
the easier rise of most chaebol tycoons. character, says morning ritual and an opportunity to Education Bachelor of Science and struggled to expand its user base tasks. He uses an app to listening to music or an
Born to parents who did not study South Korea think. After heading NHN for five years, Master of Science degrees in industrial beyond the home market, with limited schedule other tasks as audiobook will help your
engineering at Seoul National University
beyond elementary school, Mr Kim needs a less Mr Kim moved to Silicon Valley in 2005 overseas success. It acquired this year they arise. mind switch off from work.
grew up in poverty. His family of eight rigid education to build the company’s gaming presence 1992-1998: software engineer at the shrunken US-based social network “My mind is set at ease “Use your commute in a
shared one bedroom in a poor neigh- system in the US. But it turned out to be tougher Samsung SDS Path in an attempt to revive its push when [ . . . ] those essential positive way,” she says,
bourhood of Seoul as his parents moved Penta Press
than expected and he stepped down in 1998-2000: founder and CEO of into Southeast Asia. things are done,” he says. advising against taking calls
from one job to another to make a living. 2007. “A ship is the safest at a harbour Hangame Communications As well as challenges overseas, Kakao Prof Smit also or doing emails.
He was the first of his family to go to col- but that’s not what it is made for,” he 2000-2004: Joint CEO of NHN, formed also has to cope with regulation at home. recommends that when it Ultimately, what works will
lege and paid his way through it by offer- said in his resignation letter, explaining from merger of Hangame and Naver Last year, Kakao came under the spot- comes to setting daily goals, vary between individuals.
2004-2006: CEO of NHN
ing private tutoring. why he was leaving the security of NHN light for a public stand-off with the gov- workers should focus on She adds: “it’s about picking
2007: CEO of NHN USA
“We had to create our own paths for another venture. 2007-2008: Non-executive director at ernment, whose heightened surveil- smaller, concrete tasks that what’s right for you”.
because my parents didn’t have time to While he was racking his brains in NHN lance of digital communication has are more likely to be
take care of us,” recalls Mr Kim, in his California for new ideas there came the 2010-present: Chairman of Kakao sparked fears for online freedom. The completed.
modest office in Pangyo, a small city just iPhone, which immediately mesmer- Interests Reading books and playing company ended up bowing to state pres-
south of Seoul where many IT compa- ised him. Mr Kim, with his new team online games sure in October, saying it would comply
nies are clustered. “A great degree of mates, returned to Korea to develop with prosecutors’ requests to monitor Feedback
autonomy was given to us, which also apps for the iPhone, two years before it criminal suspects’ messages.
taught me a sense of responsibility.” was introduced in the country. Of late, Mr Kim has been devoting Some critics say the decision by
Hardship made Mr Kim extremely
driven. But it is hard to detect any trace
‘We had to In 2010, they launched KakaoTalk,
which is now used by three quarters of
more time to his personal ambition of
developing 100 technology start-ups.
Kakao to back down was made as a com-
promise to win government approval to
Emma Jacobs wrote last
week about reading her
line. It is hard (for me) to
shake off the fog of
of such struggle in him today. He cuts a create our South Korea’s 50m population. Last He has already invested in more than set up the country’s first internet bank. late father’s notes on complacency and remember
relaxed figure with a goatee and in semi- year, he merged Kakao with Daum 70 start-ups through his two venture Asked about any possible link, Mr Kim
casual attire: white dress shirt, a brown own paths Communications, Naver’s competitor, capital firms to cultivate the country’s first looks perplexed. “Protecting users’
changes in the world of
work over the past
to take nothing for granted.
cardigan and navy jacket.
At Kakao, employees call him by his
because my providing a larger balance sheet with
which to move into new business lines
tech scene.
“In Korea, you should risk your life to
privacy remains our top priority but no
company can ignore the country’s legal
decades, and reflected that
their themes of identity, This fits with the recent
English nickname, Brian. In return, parents such as mobile banking and taxi hailing. start your own business because you are requirements,” he says defensively. disruption and hustling for review of [David] Frayne’s
they are also known by their English
nicknames. This is Mr Kim’s way of dis-
didn’t This year, he surprised the industry
by appointing Jimmy Rim, one of the
finished once you fail. You learn many
lessons from your failure but there is no
Along with government interference,
the country’s rigid education system is
assignments apply today.
Readers responded:
The Refusal of Work. Fits
also with Tim Harford’s
mantling the country’s hierarchical cor- have time’ country’s youngest CEOs, to control chance to use such know-how,” he says. also widely seen as a barrier to the devel- piece essentially on
porate culture, in which employees are Kakao’s daily operations. “But, in Silicon Valley, the venture envi- opment of the so-called creative econ- I was recently reading the universal living wage, and
expected to address senior colleagues ronment is so systematised that failed omy. The country faces growing criti- corporate spiel that went tech replacing jobs. JCJC
only by title and never by name. experiences often lead to better ideas. cism that its focus on rote learning with a job offer. I crossed out
His first job was developing an online “Brian always looks at things from a I envied that system and wanted to cre- bodes ill for the future. the hyperbole and other This is a good reason to take
communication service at Samsung’s IT Second different perspective, asking himself ate such a climate here.” Mr Kim is one of the growing ranks of “How Wonderful We time out from regular
services unit. But he left the company opinion what they will be like in six months?” As the first generation of successful the South Korean elite that send their Are” stuff to be left employment in mid-
five years later to open an internet café says Park Yong-hoo, a former Kakao internet entrepreneurs like Mr Kim children abroad. His son is studying at a with little and nothing career . . . Many people
and start developing online social casino executive. “Such forward-looking invest part of their wealth in start-ups, US university while his daughter had to describe the job allow work to become
games. Hangame has attracted huge The former questions have made him the industry’s the funding environment for South four years of home schooling. requirement. Green their identity, because
traffic and was later merged with search colleague first mover.” Korean start-ups has improved in recent “The current education is just focused Milo they fear the other
engine Naver to become the country’s Now, however, Mr Park says Kakao years, also backed by the government’s on the university entrance exam, which side is an abyss of
dominant web portal, NHN. needs to come up with globalised drive to foster ventures and ease the does not require any creative thinking,” “ . . . And that failure, isolation
“In the early days, I was working day services that travel far beyond Korea’s country’s economic reliance on chaebol. he mourns. “Many people confine appeared and economic
and night as a businessman and pro- shores, claiming that its failure to do so But smaller businesses still struggle to themselves to existing frames. But, for permanent”: for oblivion. Chuck
grammer. Then, I went to a sauna at so far is down to “government grow in the shadow of these sprawling the next generation . . . you need to me, this is the best Tatum
dawn and burst into tears,” he says. interference”. companies. think out of the box.”
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 13


From fairyland to Sodom on the Sea COMING UP IN

Shakespeare, Shakespeare everywhere
A show devoted to artists’ To mark the 400th
views of the rise and decline anniversary of the Bard’s
death, the coming year
of Coney Island provides will see a wealth of
intriguing views of New York productions, talks,
concerts, operas, film,
history. By Ariella Budick dance . . . everything
related to Britain’s
greatest writer.

eander through Coney Unconventional events
Island’s bleak, ram- include a table-top
shackle fairgrounds and ‘Complete Works’, and the
it’s almost impossible to Globe’s series of 10-minute film versions of every play
conjure the fairyland of to be screened along the banks of the Thames.
decades past. Today’s empty lots and car In Saturday’s FT Weekend, Sarah Hemming selects
parks once sparkled with thousands some of the best.
upon thousands of bulbs, all blinking
withthe promiseofpleasure.The Brook-
lyn Museum’s Coney Island: Visions of an
American Dreamland, 1861-2008 filters
the spirit of the electric Eden through
the eyes of those who treasured it.
This cornucopia of a show jumbles
carved carousel horses, postcards, sal-
vaged ghouls, film clips, souvenirs and
paintings to glorious and melancholy
effect. The show ignores developers’
futuristic daydreams for the Coney
Island of tomorrow and instead drifts off
on a plume of nostalgia. The halcyon
days are not coming back.
A spit of land linked to the rest of
Brooklyn by a private-toll causeway in The Revenant immersive snowy
landscapes that have a
mindless exoticism and exploitation. Coney Island toggled between “Amer- From top: Diane Arbus basked in the gloom. Her
The landmark was the In 1885, James Lafferty built the ica’s Playground” and “Sodom on the Harvey Stein’s “House of Horrors” lights up the empty
Oscar-winning Mexican
film director Alejandro
distinctly Call of the
Wild-ish quality, it is, he
first glimpse that “Elephant Hotel”, a 122-foot tall animal Sea”, and the artist who best understood ‘The Hug: Spook-a-Rama with a raw flash. She lays González Iñárritu talks to says, ‘a commentary about
with tin skin and glass eyes that its fusion of joy and darkness, of the Closed Eyes and bare the artificial machinery of fear, India Ross about his new how this time that has
immigrants got of the US, straddled the beach like a Colossus gorgeous and the grotesque, was Smile’ (1982); opening a dimension of absence and movie, a $135m-budget been portrayed as the
even before they set eyes of Brooklyn. The hind legs hid the
staircase to the torso’s 31 rooms and
Reginald Marsh.
During the Depression, while his
gambling wheel
death. She’s even more explicit in her
photo of a man garrotting a woman in
historical epic starring
Leonardo DiCaprio —
heroic American
dream . . . was actually a
on the Statue of Liberty ocean views. peers waded into politics, Marsh turned Samuel S. Carr’s the “Wax Museum Strangler”. and insists that it’s story of huge greed,
The landmark rising from a bed of his gaze upon tawdry emporiums of ‘Beach Scene’ This inanimate scene of shuddering definitely not a Western. amazing exploitation of
lights was the first glimpse that distraction and escape. In paintings (c 1879) — Harvey violence, and Arbus’s description of it, Played out against vast, human beings’.
the 1820s, Coney Island began develop- immigrants got of the US, even before such as “Wonderland Circus” and “Pip Stein, The New-York
Historical Society, Smith
reads like a requiem for Coney Island, a
ing as a resort after the Civil War. An they entered New York Harbor or set and Flip”, the amusement park appears College Museum of Art, neighbourhood brutalised, emptied and
1868 guidebook listed the wide, sandy eyes on the Statue of Liberty. It stares as a sulphurous dream, where half- Northampton, Massachusetts left for dead: “Still and always, in the The art market in 2016
shore as the best beach on the Atlantic out of posters for Barnum and Bailey’s clad beauties mingle with seedy murky half light behind the chicken
coast, and high-end hotels materialised travelling Coney Island Water Carnival, sailors, barkers and freaks. Marsh’s wire, murderers and their victims Georgina Adam looks
for overnight visitors from Brooklyn which was staged at indoor arenas populism bears a lurid sheen: the can- grapple silently and ambiguously for forward to what the
and beyond. By 1873, weekenders num- throughout Europe and fea- vases explode with exposed the last lasting time in the scuffed shoes coming year might bring
bered in the tens of thousands. tured a water tank flesh and wallow sala- and crumpled stockings and faded in this ever-changing
A foyer at the exhibition’s entrance 376ft long and 40ft ciously in “entertain- wallpaper of their hell where nothing sector, including an
contains painted glimpses of those early wide. The beast ments” enjoyed by ever happens or stops happening.” auction market that is
holidaymakers. Samuel S. Carr’s “Beach itself became an people of every ‘slowing, but by no
Scene” (c1879), for instance, bundles a icon of American race and class. To March 13, means slumping’.
range of amusements into a single pic- hedonism as the The second
ture. A portable puppet theatre holds hotel devolved world war saw
one group rapt, while nearby, a family into a brothel the ap ex of
poses stiffly for an itinerant tintype and the phrase this democratic
photographer. In the background, a “Seeing the Ele- idyll. Gasoline
beruffled toddler, shaded by his nanny’s phant” became rationing made
umbrella, perches on a donkey. Another code for louche subway excur-
of Carr’s paintings depicts a father-son adventures. The sions the only avail-
acrobatic team surrounded by smartly structure burnt able kind, and sol-
dressed bystanders. down in 1896, its notori- diers on their way over-
Within a few years, railway connec- ety soon eclipsed by a real seas lingered and mingled
tions opened access to day-trippers and pachyderm’s demise. with temporarily liberated
a bouquet of fantastical parks sprang up In 1903, Topsy, an Asian female with women. A 1943 painting by Yasuo
to delight them. The nation’s first roller- a well-cultivated reputation for nasti- Kuniyoshi — who was labelled an enemy
coaster opened there in 1884, and ness, was poisoned, electrocuted and alien after Pearl Harbor — depicts a
Steeplechase Park soon followed. Leo strangled before a small gathering of blond sailor on the boardwalk looking
McKay’s panorama (1903-06) portrays reporters and guests — as well as a out to the Atlantic while the Asian
an otherworldly place where thrill- film crew from the Edison Manufac- woman he will leave behind clings to
seekers could take to the track on turing movie company. The gruesome him,herfaceamaskofdespair.
mechanical horseback, cruise on footage, which was originally meant to The show mostly averts its gaze from
naphtha-powered gondolas along Vene- be viewed on coin-operated kinescopes, the neighbourhood’s postwar decline.
tian canals, plumb Dante’s infernal can be seen at the museum. It cannot, The fade-out was gradual and incom-
regions or take a cyclorama trip to a unfortunately, be forgotten. This plete. Cheap gasoline allowed middle-
green-cheese Moon. They could also nightmare of sadistic sensationalism class New Yorkers to flee the scorching
ride real elephants. was dreamt up by the same hucksters city for Long Island’s pristine beaches.
The elephant recurs like a bad dream who built the ethereal amusement A poorer clientele kept the faith but
in this exhibition, an emblem of mecca, Luna Park. couldn’t support the fancier establish-
ments. Street gangs expanded their turf,
and city government sealed the area’s
reputation as a dumping ground for
the poor by ringing it with high-rise
public housing projects. In 1964,
Fred Trump (father of The Donald)
gleefully razed the legendary Steeple-
chase Park, but never managed to
replace it with anything.
Ruination can be good for art, and
even an exhibition that would prefer not
to know contains a few moving docu-
ments of that decay. Robert Frank’s
1962 series “Fourth of July” has a racial
subtext. One black man contorts in his
sleep, the sand around him flecked with
garbage. Another, lying in the shadow of
the iconic Parachute Jump, looks like a
corpse in a body bag.


TELEVISION down by Palin’s clumsy presenting and

Inside the amateurish ambling of a shambling pace.
Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia
(BBC4 9pm) is the story of a fascinating FILM
woman and a striking painter, until Steven Soderbergh’s Behind the
recently underestimated. Artemisia Candelabra (BBC2 9pm) is dominated
Gentileschi was a contemporary of our by Michael Douglas as the pianist,
Jacobeans and her lurid life might blending the ridiculous, warm, spiteful
feature in a revenge tragedy. Suing for and silly, bizarrely shaping a young
rape, tortured as part of the trial lover (Matt Damon) in his own image.
process, legally triumphant but socially
disgraced, she left her mark in Rome, RADIO
Florence and Naples in sometimes Radio 4’s bite-size satires include
brilliantly vivid chiaroscuro after 15 Minute Musical (6.15pm) — Seven
Caravaggio, depicting ferociously Bribes, hymning Sepp Blatter’s
avenging women (Judith beheading gamesmanship . . . Rebecca and Jeremy
Holofernes, Jael hammering Sisera). Front return with another spoof profile
A wanderer (she visited Charles I’s in Incredible Women (7.45pm), with
court), often in debt, her episodic life all-offending, all-insulting media
remains mysterious. A terrific story with Michael Palin tells the story of the monster Kirstie Clarke.
richly sumptuous visuals, the film is let artist Artemisia Gentileschi Martin Hoyle
14 ★ Monday 28 December 2015

Explore more sports

data analysis and
visualisation in our series

Tyson v Fury?
Dream drama The Baseline
for year ahead Manchester United’s woes
Decline began under Ferguson, but he was able to get outstanding results
from middling performances. Under Moyes and van Gaal quality dipped
further, and neither has had Fergie’s knack of grinding out wins
After a sporting year full of shocks and
upsets, you can now settle back and Man United v top four spread (by season)
avoid being taken by surprise again.
The FT hereby presents, a year in Ferguson Moyes van Gaal
advance, its review of the sports events 01/02 03/04 05/06 07/08 09/10 11/12 13/14 15/16
of 2016. 1900
January: Struggling Premier League
club Newcastle United sack manager Results rating
Steve McClaren. (“He’s been here for
weeks!” says owner Mike Ashley).
Unemployed ex-Chelsea boss José
Mourinho replaces him on condition
that he accepts the same terms as
workers in Ashley’s sports goods
February: The Super Bowl in Performance rating
California cancelled due to floods. CBS 1900
sticks to its programme regardless,
showing continuous adverts: ratings hit World heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury — Julian Finney/Getty Images
new high. Iditarod Trail sledging race in
Alaska cancelled due to extreme heat, Germany on penalties. David Cameron October: Fury announces that he is 1700
and replaced by Arctic Ocean beach calls a summit of EU leaders and seeking gender reassignment surgery
volleyball contests. successfully demands reinstatement on and wishes henceforth to be known as
March: The FT reports that the pain of Brexit. Tyson withdraws from Tamsin I-used-to-be-furious-but-now-
banking industry is keen on recruiting fight against Fury, saying he has brought I’m-much-more-comfortable-in- Results relative
disgraced Fifa executives into boxing into disrepute. Champions myself. Tyson says that, under the to performances +100
boardroom positions. “The whole point Chelsea are expelled from Premier changed circumstances, he would be 0
of our business,” says one source, “is to League after owner Roman Abramovich willing to fight.
shift money around while getting some is declared bankrupt. “Unfortunately, November: In tennis, Britain retain -100
to stick to you. These people have skills some serious mistakes were made the Davis Cup, the team comprising
we can use.” Mourinho fired by involving decimal points and the value Andy Murray and a couple of blokes
01/02 03/04 05/06 07/08 09/10 11/12 13/14 15/16
Newcastle after arriving two minutes of the rouble in the 1990s,” explains the picked out of the pub at closing time.
late for a training session. newly appointed chairman of his bank, David Cameron had warned in advance Ferguson Moyes van Gaal
April: The owners of the Kansas City Sepp Blatter. that if Britain lost he would withdraw FT graphic Source: FT research
Royals, the reigning world baseball July: Opening Test match between from the UN. The US presidential
champions, move the franchise and England’s cricketers and Pakistan is election is won by write-in votes for a JOHN BURN-MURDOCH tion quality — didn’t even put them
announce that the club will henceforth called off because both teams insist on joint Mike/Tamsin ticket, appealing to among the four strongest sides in the
be known as the Havana Fidel Sticks. bowling wides to each other. “There both Red and Blue state voters by Manchester United sit in 6th place in league. The arrival of Louis van Gaal
“It’s way more fun here than in Kansas seems to be some kind of muddle in the offering both violence and inclusivity. the Premier League — and the Old brought about a slight recovery.
City,” says a spokesman. betting market. Both sides have been December: Mourinho is appointed Trafford faithful are restless, an From the second row of the chart,
May: Defeated world heavyweight bribed to lose,” says san official. Scorer manager of Great Snoring FC in the undercurrent of discontent growing performances began to decline in
champion Wladimir Klitschko George Osborne blames his Norfolk League. Dismissing him a week into a crescendo of criticism as per- 2010, well before Ferguson’s depar-
withdraws from planned rematch with predecessor. later, the chairman of the village club ceived lacklustre performances have ture. But results themselves — the
his conqueror Tyson Fury in protest at August: On the eve of the Rio explains: “He lost the dressing room. been followed by the poor results top row of the chart — remained
Fury’s reported views on women and Olympics, IOC chief Jacques Rogge That Portakabin was definitely here many felt they deserved. excellent. He was able to continue
gay people. Former champ Mike Tyson, announces that the use of performance- when he arrived.” Using his redundancy According to FT analysis, those getting league-leading results from
almost 50, steps in as replacement. enhancing drugs will be compulsory for money, Mourinho buys Chelsea and perceptions are backed up by the sta- substantially weaker performances.
Having lost all their matches in 2016, all competitors. “Trust me, it’s much becomes manager for the third time. tistics. After seven years of near-un- Following Ferguson’s retirement in
Christmas leaders Leicester are easier this way,” Rogge says. Iditarod Trail 2017 to be staged in Qatar, broken dominance in terms of 2013, performances dipped once
relegated from their Premier League; September: NFL chiefs are following assurances about the results, Sir Alex Ferguson’s departure again, and this time results followed.
Chelsea, having won all theirs, retain the astonished by reports that American likelihood of snow. David Cameron from the post of manager was fol- The third row of the chart shows how
title. Flying pigs are spotted in the sky football may cause brain damage. A named as Britain’s Sports Personality of lowed by a dramatic decline. in his final three seasons, Ferguson’s
above Stamford Bridge, alongside a spokesman says: “We take this so the Year. With all Tysons otherwise By the end of David Moyes’s soli- side were consistently getting results
flock of Mourinho sheep. seriously we intend to seek spiritual engaged, world heavyweight title now to tary term in charge, Man United’s far better than their performances
June: England are knocked out of the Matthew Engel guidance from Pope Francis, who we be decided by Blatter v Trump. And so results — after adjusting for opposi- warranted.
European football championship by have recently heard is a Catholic.” the world turns.

Forecasts by
1000 1010
12 LOW
HIGH 1020
12 990
1010 0
0 -1
1 Luxembourg Fair 8 46
1 1030
32 Lyon Sun 13 55
11 L Madrid Shower 13 55
11 1 9 LOW 15 Manchester Sun 13 55
13 Miami Cloudy 28 82
12 30 8 8 Milan Cloudy 6 43
13 Montreal Fair -8 18
12 3
13 7 Moscow Sun -1 30
12 12 13 Mumbai Sun 32 90
12 1020
16 16 Munich Sun 8 46
13 15 7
13 New York Fair 6 43
15 Nice Fair 14 57
15 17 13 HIGH 16 Paris Sun 12 54
19 17
20 Prague Cloudy 10 50
Reykjavik Snow 3 37
17 18 22
21 Rio Fair 34 93
Wind speed in MPH at 12 GMT 1 HIGH Rome Sun 15 59
Temperatures max for day˚C Wind speeds in KPH 18 San Francisco Fair 10 50
Stockholm Fair 1 34
Today’s temperatures Strasbourg Fog 6 43
Abu Dhabi Sun 24 75 Belgrade Fog 3 37 Copenhagen Cloudy 5 41 Hamburg Cloudy 7 45 Sydney Cloudy 21 70
Amsterdam Sun 12 54 Berlin Fair 10 50 Delhi Fair 25 77 Helsinki Sun -2 28 Tokyo Sun 8 46
Athens Sun 17 63 Brussels Sun 13 55 Dubai Sun 24 75 Hong Kong Fair 19 66 Toronto Fair 1 34
B’ham Fair 12 54 Budapest Cloudy 3 37 Dublin Shower 13 55 Istanbul Sun 12 54 Vancouver Cloudy 6 43
Bangkok Sun 34 93 Buenos Aires Sun 35 95 Edinburgh Fair 12 54 Jersey Sun 13 55 Vienna Fair 4 39
Barcelona Fair 16 61 Cardiff Shower 13 55 Frankfurt Fair 10 50 Lisbon Shower 17 63 Warsaw Cloudy 9 48
Beijing Sun 2 36 Chicago Snow 3 37 Geneva Fair 8 46 London Sun 13 55 Washington Cloudy 10 50
Belfast Rain 13 55 Cologne Sun 12 54 Glasgow Drizzle 11 52 Los Angeles Sun 16 61 Zurich Sun 7 45

ACROSS 6 Criminal activity could be

MONDAY PRIZE CROSSWORD 1 Character created by Boz – unpoetical (10)
No. 15,123 Set by CINCINNUS weightless like Uriah Heep (6)
4 Epitaphs composed for the most
7 Plant seen in New World, but
not before noon (5)
        fortunate (8) 8 Handle termination of voluntary
10 Mountainous region today with agreement (6)
 dead end stopping girl (9) 9 English knight with fine former
11 Censure comic’s front cover (5) shroud (6)
12 Monster undergoes partial 14 Cricketer with top hat under
reversal (4) pressure (4,6)
13 Doctor finding new ruler in bed 17 Putting the lid on a drink,
  (10) getting home before midnight
15 Ungainly Oscar, say, coming (9)

round with king (7) 18 Sixty per cent of stuff makes an
16 Can’t stand in odd parts of deep impression on pupils (8)
river (6) 20 Swell General Assembly (7)
 19 Task easily accomplished in 21 Bordering on ecstasy in less
cooler? (6) important recording (6)
   21 Buffet revealed for lavish meal 22 On a governing body (6)
(7) 24 Conservatives rejecting old

23 A Midsummer Night’s Dream essays (5)
isn’t so unfathomable (10) 26 Fiddle with small flower (4)
25 Police following a tart (4)
 27 Sharon’s Shakespearean spirit
(5) SOLUTION 15,113
  28 Row about limited edition – $ 1 $ ( 6 7 + ( 7 , & ( / )
from nine to five, say? (9) 1 1 $ 2 5 2 $ $
29 Range riders do create $ 1 7 2 1 6 & 2 8 1 ' 5 ( /

  confusion (8) 5 ( ' 7 / 8 : 7

& 2 / ' 6 7 ( ( / 1 2 , 6 (
30 Pictures seen one million times + 2 6 ( ' * 5
(6) , 0 3 ( 7 8 6 < $ 5 1
A prize of The Good Word Guide by Martin Manser and How to & ( 2 8 0 0
Sound Clever by Hubert van den Bergh will be awarded for the DOWN 2 &
2 3 8 6
6 2
2 0 % 2
/ $
first correct solution opened. Solutions by Wednesday January 1 Cream tea finally swallowed by 9 ( 5 6 ( 0 2 : ( ' ' 2 : 1
6, marked Monday Prize Crossword 15,123 on the envelope, to bird for presentation (8) ( $ & ( $ ( * 7

the Financial Times, 1 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL. Solu- 2 Sail on ark with more at sea (9) 5 , 9
0 (
( 5 % 2 $ 7
( 1 &
$ 5
, $
tion on Monday January 11. 3 Helen’s mother in Swaledale ( 2 1 7 + ( 7 + , 5 ' 0 $ 1
..................................................................................................................................... (4)
5 A religious service English The winner’s name will be published
............................................................................................................................................ divines originally put together in Weekend FT on January 9
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ 15

Steely gaze Steelmakers look to India Labour costs New year, old dilemma for
to solve market slide — JAMES CRABTREE, PAGE 18 Sports Direct — JONATHAN GUTHRIE, PAGE 16

Energy mutual Property battle Chinese regulator enters dispute

over battle to control country’s largest developer
Pressure on
AIG chief as
funds are the Icahn hints at
coup attempt

Pressure is mounting on Peter Han-

performers cock, the president and chief executive

of American International Group, to
come up with a compelling plan to
boost profits at the US insurer.
AIG has been under siege from share-
holder activists led by Carl Icahn, the
Losses of up to 35% as tumbling oil veteran campaigner, who wants to see it
split into three in order to free capital
prices and rising interest rates take toll and escape heavy regulatory burdens.
Mr Hancock’s future has become part
of the conversation in recent weeks at
had never gone through the kind of well-attended shareholder events
One of the hottest categories of mutual energy price crash that we have this organised by analysts, after Mr Icahn
funds in recent years inflicted the year.” hinted he could try to launch a board-
harshest losses on investors in 2015, the Many of the worst-performing funds room coup.
result of a toxic combination of sliding are less than five years old, created by Mr Hancock, a former head of the
oil prices and rising interest rates. mutual fund companies to capitalise on property-casualty unit who was pro-
A league table of the worst-perform- the boom in the US oil industry and moted to the top job last year, has
ing US funds is dominated by so-called investor demand for high-yielding argued for keeping the conglomerate
energy limited partnership funds, assets in an era of ultra-low interest more or less intact, announcing plans to
which were sold as a high-yield invest- rates. thin the ranks of senior managers while
ment that would not be as exposed to Strong returns from MLPs earlier this promising further “streamlining” meas-
commodity prices as direct investments decade encouraged investors to pile in. ures next month.
in energy producers. However, the Alerian MLP index — But one shareholder told the Finan-
The funds invest in master limited cial Times that he thought Mr Icahn’s
partnerships, stock market-listed com- break-up proposal was smart, and that
panies that run oil and gas pipelines and 36
% $20bn Mr Hancock might struggle to improve
other infrastructure businesses. MLPs Drop in RS Global Amount savers on it. “He has to come out with tremen-
are mandated to pay out most of their fund, the worst put into funds in dous data and force as to why [the
profits in dividends, making them pop- performer in the two years break-up does not make sense], because
ular with income investors. $1bn-plus section before 2015 the current plan is not going to cut it,” he
American savers poured more than said.
$20bn into energy limited partnership which tracks the companies’ share Another long-term shareholder said
funds in the two years before 2015, prices — has tumbled 37 per cent this Mr Icahn’s plan was unrealistic, but that
according to research firm Morningstar, year amid concerns that low oil prices time was running out for Mr Hancock.
only to suffer losses of up to 35 per cent will lead to lower production levels and Third-quarter results at AIG were the
in some cases this year. therefore less oil flowing through their worst in four years, as a big charge for
Of the 10 worst-performing mutual pipelines. restructuring came on top of poor per-
funds with more than $1bn in assets, five Financing costs for infrastructure Lofty ambition: Beijing’s pledge to let the market play a ‘decisive role’ in the economy faces a test — Qilai Shen/Bloomberg formance across the business.
are energy limited partnership funds. projects may also rise now that the Fed- “If there are no tangible results in the
Funds from Goldman Sachs, New York eral Reserve has raised interest rates, near term, he realises he is in the hot
Life affiliate MainStay Investments, and investors fear. TOM MITCHELL — BEIJING southern Chinese city, as Vanke’s larg- the weekend. “[Vanke] management seat here,” the shareholder said.
Kansas-based Tortoise Capital Advisors The collapse in the oil price, which set est shareholder. hopes the company’s culture, man- The comments are a sign of tensions
China’s security regulator said at the
topped the list for negative returns. a new low last week, below even its The China Securities and Regula- agement and credibility will be kept over the optimal structure for AIG,
weekend that it would examine an
Robert Goldsborough, energy analyst financial crisis-era nadir, has laid waste tory Commission confirmed it was intact,” it said in a statement to the which was kept alive by a $180bn gov-
apparent battle for control of China’s
at Morningstar, said investors had to many mutual fund performance looking into the matter with the coun- Shenzhen stock exchange. “These are ernment bailout at the height of the
largest property developer, throwing
learnt a harsh lesson, in that MLPs’ records this year. Other commodities try’s banking and insurance regula- the company’s most precious assets.” financial crisis.
up another potential obstacle to an
income is tied in part to the price of the have also fallen sharply, amid concerns tors. The CSRC did not specify the The government’s response to the Under former chief Ben Benmosche,
obscure insurance group’s stake-
commodities they transport. about global demand. nature of its inquiry but added that tussle between Vanke and Baoneng who stepped down in September last
building in China Vanke.
“This category has not behaved as The worst-performing $1bn-plus the government wanted to ensure could test the ruling Communist year, the group steadied itself by selling
promised, and while some professional mutual fund in 2015 is RS Global Natu- Earlier this month, Wang Shi, chair- that interests of all shareholders, party’s pledge to let the market play a assets and restructuring core divisions.
investors may not have been surprised, ral Resources fund, run by MacKenzie man and founder of the Shenzhen- especially small investors, were “decisive role” in the economy. Since then, according to Mr Icahn, exec-
the rest of the investor base had not Davis and Ken Settles of SailingStone based property group, criticised the protected. Baoneng declined to comment yes- utives have failed to take similarly radi-
appreciated what a commodity price Capital Partners, which is down 36 per emergence of Baoneng group, a little- China Vanke reiterated its concerns terday. China Vanke did not reply to a cal measures and have delivered con-
decline would do,” he said. “These funds cent according to Morningstar data. known insurer also based in the about Baoneng’s share purchases at request for comment. sistently subpar returns.

Fridge pioneers ride in the slipstream

of Williams Formula One engineers
MALCOLM MOORE electricity bills. It was invented by a complicated in real life in terms of fluid
company called Aerofoil Energy which dynamics,” said Ian Cluett, the head of
In a room at the back of a 38,000 sq ft
then partnered with Williams Programmes and Commercial at Wil-
engineering facility at the Oxfordshire
Advanced Engineering, which commer- liams. “The way the fridge behaves is
headquarters of the Williams Formula
cialises F1 technology, to develop the different when the shelves are full or
One team is a plain white supermarket
product. empty and when people put their hands
“I got an email from Williams saying in and out of the flow.”
Guinness acts to counter That fridge is one of the ways in which they wanted to work with us and it had A refined system will be released in
Indonesian alcohol bar Williams is trying to spread its techno- their F1 logo on it,” said Paul McAndrew January but supermarket chain Sains-
logical nous and glitzy brand to money- at Aerofoil Energy. “When I spoke to bury’s has already had a successful store
Diageo has been forced to change tack spinning projects outside of racing. them I said: ‘You do realise these are trial and is now rolling out the strips
in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority For a year, Williams engineers have fridges.’ They said they understood that more widely before deciding on whether
country with the introduction of been perfecting a thin strip of plastic, and explained they had a department to have them in all of its stores.
alcohol-free Guinness after Indonesia’s shaped as an aerofoil, which attaches to looking beyond F1.” Mr McAndrew said eight out of the
government clamped down on beer the shelves of the fridge. Mr McAndrew said Williams had used top 10 supermarkets are considering the
sales this year. It has invested about This device, which channels the flow its supercomputing power to model how product and that they could expand
$1m so far to launch Guinness Zero. of cool air and hinders its escape from the cool air inside chiller cabinets overseas. Depending on the fridge, he
Report i PAGE 18 the fridge, could collectively save super- behaved around the aerofoil. estimates between a 10 per cent and a 32
markets tens of millions of pounds in “It looks very simple, but it is very per cent energy saving.

Companies / Sectors / People

Companies De Beers.......................................................16 Lloyds Banking Group.........................16 Square............................................................10 Financials......................................................19 Dunleavy, Tony.........................................19
Aerofoil Energy.........................................15 Deutsche Bank..........................................17 Magnum Hunter Resources..............18 Strat Aero....................................................19 Food & Beverage...............................16,18 Enders, Tom...............................................26
Airbus............................................................26 Diageo............................................................18 Manchester United.................................14 TalkTalk.........................................................19 Industrials....................................................26 Felix, Mark...................................................19
Alrosa..............................................................16 Dong Energy.............................................26 Marks and Spencer................................19 Tata Steel.....................................................18 Media................................................................3 Fredriksen, John......................................26
Amazon....................................................16,19 Eon..................................................................26 Metro Bank.................................................16 Taylor Wimpey..........................................19 Oil & Gas......................................................26 Hancock, Peter..........................................15
American International Group.........15 Essar Steel...................................................18 Multi Bintang.............................................18 Virgin Money.............................................16 Retail...............................................................16 Harlow, Graeme........................................18
Anglo American.......................................16 Experian........................................................19 Newcastle United..............................14,16 Vodafone ....................................................19 Retail & Consumer.................................19 Icahn, Carl....................................................15
ArcelorMittal........................................18,26 Facebook......................................................16 Novo Banco..................................................4 Walmart.........................................................16 Telecoms.......................................................19 Jindal, Sajjan..............................................18
BT.....................................................................19 Fitch.................................................................18 Persimmon...................................................19 Walter Energy............................................18 Travel & Leisure.................................14,15 Kelly, Ava......................................................16
Banif..................................................................4 Goldman Sachs.........................................15 Peugeot........................................................26 Williams.........................................................15 Utilities..........................................................26 McKinnon, Gordon..................................19
Baoneng........................................................15 Google............................................................16 Posco..............................................................18 Williams & Glyn........................................16 People Mellier, Philippe........................................16
Barclays.........................................................17 Heineken.......................................................18 RWE................................................................26 YouTube........................................................16 Abramovich, Roman..............................14 Moritz, Michael.........................................10
Barratt Homes..........................................19 intu...................................................................19 Reelio..............................................................16 Zodiac Aerospace...................................26 Ashley, Mike..........................................14,16 Rim, Jimmy..................................................12
Barry Callebaut.........................................16 JPMorgan Chase......................................17 Rio Tinto.......................................................16 Sectors Basson, Edwin...........................................18 Shi, Wang......................................................15
BlueMountain Capital...........................17 JSW Steel.....................................................18 Royal Bank of Scotland.......................16 Aerospace & Defence.....................19,26 Beom-su, Kim.............................................12 Staley, Jes....................................................17
Boeing...........................................................26 John Lewis..................................................19 Samson Resources ................................18 Automobiles...............................................26 Chatterjee, Koushik................................18 Stokes, Mark...............................................16
Chelsea..........................................................14 Kakao..............................................................12 Seadrill...........................................................26 Banks.........................................................16,17 Cryan, John.................................................17 Tavares, Carlos.........................................26
China Vanke................................................15 Kansas City Royals.................................14 Sequoia..........................................................10 Basic Resources.......................................18 Cutifani, Mark............................................16 Thiam, Tidjane..........................................17
Credit Suisse..............................................17 Leicester.......................................................14 Sky....................................................................19 Construction...............................................19 Donaldson, Craig.....................................16 Zuckerberg, Mark....................................16
Currys.............................................................19 Lindt & Sprüngli......................................16 Sports Direct..............................................16 Energy............................................................18 Dorsey, Jack...............................................10 de Saint-Affrique, Antoine................16

© The Financial Times Limited 2015 Week 53

16 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Price cuts loom for diamond producers Jonathan

Balance sheets under build-up of stocks and led to sharp falls Alrosa of Russia, the largest miner by De Beers said this month that it had
in rough diamond purchases and prices. volume, and De Beers, which between pushed down rough prices by 15 per
strain amid weak demand
and build-up of stocks
Prices for rough diamonds — the
mined stones that are then turned into
polished gems — fell 18 per cent in the
them have more than half of the market
for rough diamonds.
Rio Tinto has about 11 per cent of the
cent during 2015 and cut output by
about 12 per cent to try to support
New year, old staffing
JAMES WILSON year to November, Moody’s, the rating
agency, said this month.
market by volume.
Among the large diversified mining
Philippe Mellier, De Beers’ chief exec-
utive, said the main selling season for
dilemmas for Sports
Diamond miners are expected to have to
offer more price cuts in 2016 to help the
industry clear a backlog of stock and
But while prices are down 28 per cent
from a peak in 2014, the drop “may be
insufficient to revive demand and we
groups, Anglo is the most dependent on
diamonds. De Beers was the largest
contributor to Anglo’s earnings in the
diamonds — which extends from
Thanksgiving in November in the US,
through Christmas, and into Chinese
Direct founder Ashley
revive sales, according to sector experts. think producers may have to cut them first six months of 2015, so weakness in ‘The debate new year — would be “very important”.
The likely need for lower prices and further as these challenges continue diamonds is a problem for Mark Cuti- “Depending on the size of the sales
will be

possible supply cuts will put further into 2016”, Moody’s said. fani, Anglo’s chief executive, who is at the end of this year we can say that he New Year is traditionally a time for self
strain on the balance sheets of some Analysts at RBC Capital Markets also trying to push through a big restructur- around the we are very hopeful that we will go examination. For Mike Ashley, introspection
miners including Anglo American, said this month that miners faced “a ing that would more than halve Anglo’s extent of through this crisis sometime in 2016,” will go beyond setting new career goals and
which owns De Beers, the largest sup- challenging outlook” with further weak- size. Mr Mellier said. resolving to visit the gym. The entrepreneur
plier of rough diamonds by value. ening of prices in 2016. However, the weakness in diamond the cuts De Beers is due to hold its next sale of will review whether Sports Direct, his sports-
Having been a rare bright spot for “The debate will be around the extent prices is being mitigated for some min- needed . . . rough diamonds — an event known as a wear retailing chain, exploits some workers.
miners as commodity markets softened of the cuts needed . . . our view is that it ers by big currency depreciations, par- our view is “sight” — in mid-January. The miner has A tension intrinsic to modern consumer capitalism will
in 2014, the diamond industry came could be in the region of 15 per cent,” ticularly in Russia and South Africa, promised a new level of transparency, therefore be embodied in the substantial form of the
under severe pressure in 2015 as weak- said RBC. which have helped to bring down pro- that it could saying it will release sales data from its former squash coach. Across the developed world, value
ening consumer demand led to a big The diamond trade is dominated by duction costs. be 15%’ 10 annual sights. retailers such as Sports Direct depend on low wage rates to
remain competitive. But practices that restrict labour
costs are at odds with pressure for a more equal division of
profits. Wage gaps are growing in Europe even as blue col-
lar incomes have been eroded in the US.
Food & beverage. Expansion drives The furore around Sports Direct echoes controversies
involving Walmart and Amazon. In December, an investi-

Chocolatiers hunt for the elusive sweet spot gation by The Guardian alleged staff at Sports Direct’s
main warehouse were poorly treated. The newspaper said
workers were harangued by loudspeaker, “named and
shamed” when performance was poor and in some cases
paid below the UK’s £6.70 per hour adult minimum wage.
Mr Ashley is a divisive figure in the City of London: a
financial centre less tolerant of rough-edged, talented
entrepreneurs than Wall Street. The businessman, who
owns 55 per cent of Sports Direct, a company valued at
£3.4bn, has had regular tussles with external investors
over governance.
He holds the anomalous, unpaid job of executive deputy
chairman and has had showdowns with the City over plans
to include him in a generous bonus scheme for permanent
staff. He also makes occasional large investments in rival
retailers for reasons he rarely deigns to explain. While the
UK business and sports press are fascinated with Mr Ash-
ley — he owns Newcastle United, a venerable but under-
performing football team — he gives them short shrift.
But it appears The Guardian story wounded him. The
group’s response was a press release challenging most of
the reporting, save for the claim some staff were under-
paid. The statement said Mr Ashley would “personally
oversee a review of all agency worker terms . . . to ensure
the company does not just meet its legal obligations, but
also provides a good environ-
ment for the entire work-
Believers in
The workplace culture of labour market
the UK reflects the “mid-
Atlantic” character of a
forces are on
country where US individu- the back foot in
alism and the communitari-
anism of France and Scandi-
the UK
navia coexist. Permanent
staff enjoy workplace protections that raise employment
overheads. As a result, many big businesses buy in flexible,
low-cost labour from employment agencies, among whose
staff immigrants are disproportionately represented.
Controversial “zero-hours contracts” are common at the
agencies. This means workers have no guaranteed mini-
mum shifts, with the result that their income is equally
uncertain. About 15,000 of Sports Direct’s staff of 28,000
are employed in this way, mostly at its shops.
Heat-resistant products are chocolate interacts with the mouth. times for the chocolate industry. Higher Switzerland’s more complex than just the confection- Critics say zero-hours contracts have helped create an
“In some ways, it is cooking, says cocoa prices have curbed appetites. Barry Callebaut ery lines.” exploited underclass at the bottom of a pyramid at whose
among plans to help growth Antoine de Saint-Affrique, chief execu- Western European chocolate confec- says demand Nevertheless, Barry Callebaut warned top chief executives and investment bankers receive huge
tive. “It is the way you organise the tionery sales have expanded by only 0.6 may take time to in November that it faced a “challeng- incomes. Supporters counter that zero-hours contracts
in warmer emerging markets structure of the chocolate through your per cent a year since 2010, according to build in markets ing” 2015-16 financial year and scaled suit many part-time workers and epitomise the flexibility
various raw materials that gives it prop- Euromonitor. such as China, back its targets for growth. Previously, it that underpins the UK’s low unemployment rate.
RALPH ATKINS — ZURICH erties which, on the one hand, resist A modest pick-up in global chocolate with sales had expected annual volume growth of But believers in labour market forces are on the back
The challenge to produce “heat resist- temperature and on the other hand, confectionery sales is expected in the growth slowing 6 per cent to 8 per cent per year. Under foot in the UK. The centre-right Conservative government
ant” chocolate that tastes as good as melt in your mouth and give you the next five years, but growth prospects are in Western the revised targets, it expects 4 per cent of David Cameron celebrated a General Election victory
normal chocolate has tested the confec- experience you want.” He has tasted the expected to be much more exciting in markets to 6 per cent average growth until this year by announcing a “national living wage”. This is a
tionery industry’s Willy Wonka skills. product himself. “It is really very good.” countries such as China, Indonesia and 2017-18. new minimum wage for older staff of £7.20 an hour, rising
Chocolate technicians have to achieve Offering heat resistant products is “a the Middle East. Mr de Saint-Affrique sees “plenty of to £9 by 2020. The reform signalled that upper-class Mr
two apparently conflicting objectives. formidable competitive advantage” in Some emerging markets, such as in opportunities” in new markets. Barry Cameron partakes selectively of Thatcherite radicalism
The product must stay firm when on warmer emerging market countries Latin America and eastern Europe, have Callebaut has only just entered the Indo- informed by the difficulties of owning and running small
display in warmer climates, then melt in with less sophisticated supply chains a “deep chocolate culture”, according to nesian market and has only small mar- businesses. The national living wage cunningly deprived
the mouth to produce a traditional than in advanced economies, Mr de Barry Callebaut’s chief executive. But ket share in China. the rival Labour party of the political centre ground.
chocolate sensation. Saint-Affrique argues. China is less accustomed to chocolate Heat resistant chocolate is part of the That is the context in which Mr Ashley will be examining
Not everyone is convinced it is possi- Such innovations are an important consumption. strategy. Given, however, the range of Sports Direct’s labour practices. The problem may lie in
ble. Lindt & Sprüngli, the luxury Swiss part of Barry Callebaut’s expansion In such countries, demand may take chocolate uses, differences in markets the enthusiasm of the company for searching staff leaving
retail chocolate manufacturer, told the strategy. These are not the sweetest of time to build, says Mr de Saint-Affrique, and Barry Callebaut’s broader chocolate its warehouse to deter theft. Mr Ashley may find that if the
Financial Times it did not believe the who headed Unilever’s global food busi- expertise, it is more “a symbol of the minutes that agency workers spend waiting to be searched
techniques currently available offered ness before taking over as Barry Calle- added value we can bring through inno- after their shifts is taken into account, hourly pay rates
the melting qualities it required.
Barry Callebaut uses a baut’s chief executive in October. “It is vation”. And Mr de Saint-Affrique is not sometimes fall below the statutory minimum.
But Barry Callebaut, the Swiss com- ‘toolbox’ of techniques about building and creating taste hab- expecting heat-resistant chocolate to But it is hard to dispute that controversies over wage
pany that is the world’s largest manu- its,” he says. help sales in advanced economies — at rates will become increasingly common. Mr Ashley is not
facturer of chocolate and cocoa prod-
affecting how chocolate Chocolate is not just about confec- least not yet. “I don’t think it is really rel- the only employer who will have to do some soul-searching
ucts by volume, believes it has cracked interacts with the mouth tionery, Mr de Saint-Affrique adds. It is evant at this point in time for western over the trade-off between profitability and popularity.
the problem. Its method is to use a “tool- also used in beverages and biscuits. “So Europe or America — unless global
box” of techniques affecting the way the the dynamics of the market are much warming gets totally out of control.”

Banks Technology

Metro hires senior banker as IPO approaches Charities follow big brands into social media
EMMA DUNKLEY — LONDON businesses, which receive close to half However, the bank has yet to make a HANNAH KUCHLER — SAN FRANCISCO tional forms of advertising were not founded by entertainment entrepre-
the challenger’s total lending. profit, reporting a £10.7m loss in the reaching the right audience. neur and philanthropist Todd Wagner.
Metro Bank has lured a senior banker Charities are turning to online stars
Craig Donaldson, chief executive of third quarter as it targets growth. YouTube creators can donate their Viewers can, for example, donate to
from rival challenger Williams & Glyn with large YouTube audiences, follow-
Metro Bank, said Mr Stokes would “play Metro reported in its last set of results influence and time for free, non-profits charity in order to get an influencer to
as it gears up preparations to float on ing an approach increasingly used by
a pivotal role in driving the business in October that it had experienced are able to reach people not necessarily answer a question from them.
the stock market. big brands to reach new donors and
forward” while focusing on customer record quarterly growth in deposits, watching television or reading direct Online networks are also an impor-
Mark Stokes’s decision to leave Wil- service. lending and customer acquisition. Total mail and brands get to be associated tant place to explain the ideas behind
liams & Glyn and sign up with Metro as Before Williams & Glyn, Mr Stokes gross loans climbed to £3bn, up 36 per The Make-a-Wish Foundation, for chil- with a good cause. Videos with a charita- giving to non-profits, as seen earlier this
managing director of commercial bank- spent 25 years at Lloyds Banking Group, cent on the previous quarter, 116 per dren with life-threatening illnesses, Dig- ble message get 2.5 times more views month when Mark Zuckerberg, Face-
ing is a blow to the retail lender, which holding a number of senior roles includ- cent year on year. Deposits jumped to Deep, the non-profit organisation and engagement than the normal videos book founder and chief executive, and
is being carved out of Royal Bank of ing managing director of its commercial £4.4bn — a quarterly increase of 16 per focused on water, and Los Angeles- that influencers post on their much-fre- his wife Priscilla Chan laid out their
Scotland. banking division. cent. Metro tied up with Zopa to become based anti-poverty group United Way quented channels, Reelio said. plans to donate 99 per cent of his Face-
The senior appointment comes only The bank aims to differentiate itself the first British bank to lend through a are among the charities using a new Social media is increasingly becoming book stock in a series of posts and videos
weeks before Metro is to list on the Lon- from traditional high street lenders by peer-to-peer platform. technology platform designed to let this the place to reach charitable givers, with on the world’s largest social network.
don Stock Exchange in a flotation offering superior service, based on Mr Stokes’s departure is a further set- new kind of minor social media celeb- companies such as Facebook and Ava Kelly, manager of Reelio Cares,
expected in February, according to peo- branch growth. Metro builds branches back for Williams & Glyn, which has rity do their marketing for them. Google often launching campaigns after said many non-profits’ idea of market-
ple familiar with the process. on the corners of prime locations to help already experienced delays in splitting Pete Borum, co-founder and chief natural disasters that ask all of their bil- ing was still a postcard sent through
For Metro, the appointment of Mr attract customers and is expanding its from state-backed RBS as a condition of executive of Reelio, is launching a plat- lions of users to donate. the door or getting more “likes” on
Stokes is part of a plan to expand its network at a time when the incumbents RBS’s bailout in 2008. Under EU terms, form Reelio Cares to link charities with Influencers can also promote their Facebook.
commercial banking operations and are retrenching from the high street and the bank must fully exit Williams & appropriate social media stars. He said causes on charity-specific networks “We’re introducing the idea of niche
services for small and medium-sized instead focusing on digital services. Glyn before the end of 2017. many non-profits were finding tradi- such as Chideo, an LA-based start-up celebrities to non-profits,” she said.
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17


Banking trio seek clean sweep with investors

Shareholders set to decide fate of new chiefs grappling with problems at Barclays, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse
Price pressure

the Under the

bankers spotlight
new brooms
-12.9 % -2%
Share price in -25% -17.4%
Share price in -13.1 %
+14.8% Share price since
year before
appointment Share price since
year before
appointment Share price since ‘He’s . . .
very detail-
Share price in appointment appointment appointment
In 2015, new bank chief executives have year before
been rather like buses. You wait ages Appointment Appointment Appointment
reported reported reported He has a lot
while anger mounts over regulation of
the service, then three turn up at once. 13 Oct 2015 7 Jun 2015 10 Mar 2015 of relevant
In the space of seven months in 2015 a experience
trio of the world’s biggest banks — Bar- for the
clays, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse
— all brought new leaders on board. analysis he is
These “new brooms” face similar chal- going to need
lenges in cleaning up their businesses: to run. He
cutting costs, reshaping their invest-
ment banks and dealing with a legacy of
won’t leave
legal and regulatory transgressions. any stone
But a new paper on “CEO turnover unturned’
and Relative Performance Evaluation”,
from the Journal of Finance, suggests JOHN CRYAN, HEAD
one metric is more likely to determine OF DEUTSCHE BANK
their fate: “bad [stock] market per-

Jes Staley
Jes Staley is a banker in a hurry. Since
taking charge of Barclays on December
1, just seven weeks after his appoint-
ment was reported, he has already
launched a strategic review, passed a
Bank of England stress test, crossed the
Atlantic a few times and sold a couple of
non-core businesses.
In some respects, the Boston-born
former JPMorgan Chase executive has
had three years to prepare for the job:
the 58-year-old was one of two names on More on
a shortlist to replace Bob Diamond in For the rest of
the three-part
2012, when the bank chose to make
Antony Jenkins its chief executive
Jes Staley John Cryan Tidjane Thiam series on The
New Brooms,
go to
Mr Staley, who joined Barclays after a
few years at US hedge fund BlueMoun-
tain Capital, faces three main chal-
Barclays Deutsche Bank Credit Suisse


There are various reasons for the low Tidjane Thiam

Barclays valuation. Uncertainty over whether Trading Directory
Return on equity* (%) the bank will need to raise more capital Credit Suisse
— fuelled by a web of legal entangle- Tidjane Thiam joined Credit Suisse in a
12 ments, as well as tightening regulatory blaze of glory. Reports of his appoint-
requirements — is one. Another is Deut- ment drove an 8 per cent rise in the
sche’s meagre return on equity, which bank’s intraday share price as investors
8 was 0.4 per cent in 2012, 1.2 per cent in bet that he was the man who would
2013 and 2.7 per cent in 2014. With the finally deal with Credit Suisse’s under-
6 bank on course for a big annual loss, this performing investment bank. They also
measure will not improve in 2015. hoped Mr Thiam would put an end to
Mr Cryan has already spelt out his persistent questions about the Swiss
2 response. Deutsche will shore up its bal- bank’s capital adequacy, which dogged
ance sheet by selling assets and with- his predecessor, Brady Dougan.
0 holding dividends, this year and next. It That was in March. But even though
2012 13 14 will seek to improve returns by improv- the former Prudential chief was not free
* Core business only ing efficiency: cutting 9,000 jobs, with- to take up his role until late June, the
Source: company
drawing from 10 countries and over- bank’s share price remained buoyant: at
hauling its creaking IT-systems. about SFr26 it was up more than 15 per
First is to come up with a coherent Former colleagues say Mr Cryan’s cent on its level before Mr Thiam’s
strategy. Many investors see Barclays as experience of restructuring UBS’s busi- appointment was announced.
a haphazard collection of businesses ness in the depths of the financial crisis He began his time in Zurich with a
thrown together almost by chance: a will stand him in good stead for the task. charm offensive, using interviews with
British high street bank; an investment “He’s . . . very detail-orientated,” says the Financial Times and a Swiss news-
bank with strong US and UK roots; a glo- one. “He has a lot of relevant experience paper in his very first week to outline
bal credit card operation; and an Afri- for the analysis he is going to need the “ruthless” review of costs and profit-
can unit. to run. He won’t leave any stone ability he would carry out.
Already, the new boss is reviewing unturned.” But the mood music began to change
whether to keep the African operation in the run-up to the October announce-
and he is expected to announce more ment date for his strategic review. Inves-
cutbacks in the investment bank, par- Deutsche Bank tors began to realise that a large capital-
ticularly in Asia, when he presents his Core tier one ratio, Q3 2015 (%) raising was in the offing — more than
strategy in early March. SFr5bn ($5.1bn) according to a Gold-
Second is to face the regulatory chal- 0 5 10 15 man Sachs poll. In their conversations
lenges. Barclays has the toughest task of with Mr Thiam, it was also becoming
any bank in complying with the UK’s UBS increasingly clear that there was no
ringfencing law, which requires big Goldman Sachs “magic bullet” to reinvigorate the bank.
lenders to hive off their retail banking Morgan Stanley Mr Thiam’s announcement ulti-
operations from their riskier invest- Credit Suisse mately confirmed both fears. Credit
ment banks. It must also create a stan- Citigroup Suisse needs to raise SFr6.05bn in new
dalone holding company in the US that JPMorgan capital, shed SFr30bn of non-strategic
is likely to raise its capital requirements. Barclays assets, reallocate resources to high-
Third, is to clear the whiff of scandal Deutsche Bank growth Asia and list its Swiss private
hanging over Barclays. Only last month, Bank of America bank to take on domestic rivals. Shares
the bank paid $150m to settle the latest in the bank have fallen back to the SFr21
investigation by US authorities — this mark, about 15 per cent below their
Source: company
time into its dark pool trading platform. opening level in 2015.
And it still faces a UK criminal probe Investors will be looking for signs that
into fees paid to the Qatari investors One question, however, is whether Mr Mr Thiam can turn things around in line
that supported its 2008 capital raising. Cryan can cut costs and assets without with his new strategy for the coming
A key test for Mr Staley will be to stay harming Deutsche’s earnings power too years. Without them, the early share
on the right side of John McFarlane, the severely. “The operative business is the price reaction to Mr Thiam’s appoint-
gruff Scot who became the bank’s chair- alpha and omega,” says Ingo Speich, a ment may prove a brief triumph of hope
man this year and took full executive portfolio manager at Union Investment, over the bank’s reality. Laura Noonan
control after sacking Mr Jenkins in July. one of Deutsche’s top 20 shareholders.
Mr McFarlane told staff in July that he “They have to show investors that they
aimed to double the bank’s share price can still earn money, even after they Credit Suisse
in three years. Since then, the shares have reshaped the investment bank.” Return on equity* (%)
have fallen by a fifth. Mr Staley, who will At least the decision about how and
be paid as much £8.25m a year, has his where to cut is in Mr Cryan’s control. 15
work cut out. Martin Arnold One of the factors making the veteran
banker’s job so difficult is that another
John Cryan key task — resolving Deutsche’s array of 10
legal woes, including an investigation
Deutsche Bank into its Russian business — is largely not.
When the news broke in June that John “The situation in Russia is the big
Cryan, a former UBS banker, was to take unknown,” says Jon Peace, an analyst at
the helm at Deutsche Bank, shares in Nomura. “Until they can convince
the German lender jumped 8 per cent. investors that they don’t need to
Since then, however, they have fallen raise capital — which depends on their 0
sharply — and they end the year trading progress on litigation as well as delever- 2010 11 12 13 14
on not much more than half of the aging — the shares are unlikely to re- * Attributable to shareholders
Source: company
group’s book value. rate.” James Shotter
18 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Oil & gas

Crude price fall raises doubts over restructurings

Energy groups seeking Companies that restructure crippling the group said it would run out of money ple advising the company. The speed being questioned and the pre-filing take over Samson had pledged to put
debt loads can often emerge from bank- by early 2016 and has opted for a sale of and extent of the fall in oil prices — agreement with creditors has fallen $400m into the company. But with
Chapter 11 protection face ruptcy and start life anew, but with the its assets, Standard & Poor’s said. Brent hit an 11-year low below $36 a bar- apart. prices of natural gas less than $1.75 per
prospect of liquidation latest fall in energy prices, even a freshly Not a single creditor will be repaid but rel on Tuesday — has caught many With the drop in energy prices “ele- million British thermal units — when
capitalised balance sheet may not be will receive a share in the proceeds from investors on the hop, forcing them to ments of the restructuring agreement, the investment thesis of the original
HENNY SENDER — NEW YORK enough to save the company. the sale, people involved said. recalibrate the value of debt. including refinancing senior debt and a owners required prices of $4 per mmbtu
“Even if you take away all the debt, it Creditors to Magnum Hunter When Samson Resources filed for commitment to inject new money, are — “it was rational to take another look”,
A growing number of energy companies is not clear some energy firms can oper- Resources, which filed for bankruptcy bankruptcy in September, wiping out likely no longer feasible”, according to a said one person involved in the talks.
that have filed for bankruptcy court ate,” said one restructuring specialist. protection this month, will receive $4.2bn of equity, the expectation was court document filed on December 17 in In its attempt to survive, Samson has
protection are likely to be liquidated, “Their basic economics requires oil to nothing other than equity, and even that second lien lenders, in the middle of Delaware. “Any new restructuring cut costs and suspended all drilling.
with their prospects diminished by the be considerably north of where it is. those who provide a loan to permit the the capital structure, would take over would likely provide significantly less Energy companies also face other
latest falls in natural gas and oil prices, They can’t reorganise.” company to operate under Chapter 11 the company, wiping out the junior debt value for stakeholders than the transac- challenges as hedges that helped shelter
according to investors and restructuring In the case of Walter Energy, which will receive equity rather than getting but paying senior debt holders 100 cents tion [originally] contemplated.” them from the full impact of falling
advisers. filed for Chapter 11 a few months ago, their money back, according to two peo- on the dollar. Now that assumption is Second lien lenders who expected to prices begin to expire.

Basic resources. Growth test

Battered steelmakers pin hopes on India to forge ahead

steelmaking, and hitting profitability.
Country’s growing appetite Many Indian steel projects also ran
and economy are a bright into regulatory difficulties, leaving once
fast-growing groups like Mumbai-based
spot as world prices slide Essar Steel struggling to pay down
debts. Many smaller companies are
effectively bankrupt. Bureaucratic
problems hit foreign producers too,
It is tough to find a bright spot in the glo- notably South Korea’s Posco, which has
bal steel sector, as prices plunge and mothballed a $12bn facility in the coun-
struggling Chinese producers flood try. ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest
world markets with their surplus stock. steel group by revenue, scrapped a big
But if pressed, gloomy industry-watch- plant two years back.
ers see at least some reason for opti- Billionaire tycoon Sajjan Jindal of JSW
mism in Asia’s second-largest emerging says a shakeout is needed. “There will
market, India. be a correction,” he says, predicting that
“There is really only one location that many minor groups will be swallowed
has the long-term potential to pull the up by larger ones. “These small steel
global steel market out of its current producers will find it hard to operate;
slump, and that is India,” says Edwin they are not environmentally friendly
Basson, director-general of the World or cost competitive.”
Steel Association, a trade group. “But — Others are more optimistic, pointing
and this is the big question — while India
has huge unfilled demand and a big
economy, when will all this be felt?”
India’s steel consumption
India is already the world’s fourth- is barely a tenth of China’s
largest steel producer and is expected to
overtake the US for third place in the
but Fitch expects it to
next year or two. And while its steel con- expand by 8% next year
sumption is barely a tenth that of the
world’s largest user, China, it is at least India is the world’s fourth-largest steel producer and is expected to overtake the US for third place in the next couple of years — Sam Panthaky/AFP/Getty Images
expanding. Growth will be 8 per cent
next year, according to Fitch, the rating both to India’s low per capita steel use
agency. performs far better, last year contribut- introduced a series of further minor and an upturn in the economy under
India is adding capacity too, led by its India’s steel consumption Steel imports ing 80 per cent of group underlying anti-dumping duties. Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Growth
big three producers: Tata Steel, JSW Finished steel products, kg crude steel M tonnes* profits. The second problem is poor finances. rates are set to stay above 7 per cent over
Steel and state-backed Steel Authority (’000) Nevertheless, India’s steel producers Indian steelmakers borrowed heavily to the next two years, boosting carmakers
of India. Last month, Tata Steel inaugu- are downbeat for two main reasons, the add capacity during the country’s mid- and steel-consuming sectors. Fiscal
rated a huge new plant in the eastern Forecast 90 12 first being China. In common with their 2000s boom years. Industry-wide net stimulus will help too, pumping money
state of Orissa, which eventually will 80
global counterparts, most have been hit debt soared 10-fold over the last decade into new roads and railways.
nearly double its output. 10 badly as Chinese competitors send as a result, hitting roughly $50bn this India is not going to be able to replace
Tata Steel in many way exemplifies 70 excess capacity abroad. Indian steel year, according to Credit Suisse. China as global steel’s locomotive any
India’s unusual place in world steel mar- 8 imports soared 72 per cent in the finan- All that borrowing pushed capacity time soon, says Koushik Chatterjee,
kets. The company’s lossmaking Euro- 60 cial year to March 2015, and have risen up by a third, with an extra 15m tonnes finance director of Tata Steel, but a mix
pean arm has been hammered by cheap 50 6 further still this year. added this financial year alone, accord- of protection against unfair imports and
imports and flat demand over recent India’s government responded in ing to Fitch analyst Muralidharan Ram- fresh government spending can at least
years. It is now moving toward selling 40 4 August by increasing taxes and import akrishnan. But it also came amid a spark a new period of growth.
off part of its ailing UK division, having 2006 08 10 12 14 16 2006 08 10 12 14 16** duties on a range of steel products, curb- plunge in global iron ore prices, under- “The biggest trend which can come is
announced 1,200 job losses in October. ing inflows somewhat. But industrialists cutting the cost advantage that Indian more public spending on infrastruc-
The group’s Indian arm is much smaller, * Financial years ** Estimate have been pushing for more, and this producers often enjoyed by mining ture,” he says. “If we get that, the future
Sources: World Steel Association; Credit Suisse
producing just a third of its output, but month policymakers in New Delhi cheap domestic ore, a key component in will look much better.”

Contracts & Tenders

Food & beverage

Indonesian curbs prompt

Guinness without punch
AVANTIKA CHILKOTI — JAKARTA Guinness Zero, marketed with the
tagline, “bold taste, zero alcohol”, is
Diageo is trying to reinvent itself in
aimed at consumers of the regular Guin-
Indonesia, pushing a new alcohol-free
ness brew, such as men looking for a
Guinness made exclusively for South-
“masculine” drink while avoiding alco-
east Asia’s largest market after an
hol in a society where drinking is often
unexpected clampdown on beer sales
taboo, said Mr Harlow.
earlier this year.
Diageo has introduced alcohol-free
The drinks group has been forced to drinks under other names elsewhere —
change tack in the world’s biggest Mus- such as Kaliber in the UK and Malta in
lim-majority country after creeping Nigeria — but its aim in Indonesia is to
conservatism and concerns around keep the Guinness label prominent in
underage drinking sparked a ban in minimarkets.
April on sales of beer in minimarkets. “We wanted it to be Guinness-
Diageo is still selling its regular brew branded and we wanted the product to
in large supermarkets and restaurants
where sales have not been curbed, but
has invested around $1m thus far to Beer ban
Sales of Diageo’s
launch Guinness Zero and is planning a products have
new facility to produce the drink locally. fallen 40 per cent
“We already had plans to enter the in Indonesia since
zero-alcohol beer market,” said Graeme the clampdown
Harlow, managing director of Diageo.
“After the ban came in, essentially it be distinctively Guinness,” Mr Harlow
made it even more important.” said. He said there are no plans to roll
UK-based Diageo has around 15 per out Guinness Zero beyond Indonesia.
cent of the Indonesian beer market, Diageo’s shift brings it into line with
which until last year was the world’s Indonesia’s other major beer producer,
fifth-biggest market for Guinness with Multi Bintang, majority-owned by
annual sales of around 400,000 hectoli- Dutch brewer Heineken, which already
tres. Since the ban, sales of Guinness and sells two popular alcohol-free drinks.
Diageo’s other alcoholic beverages have The UK group is aiming to capture 10
fallen 40 per cent year-on-year, as the per cent of Indonesia’s 150,000 hectoli-
number of outlets across the archipel- tre non-alcoholic beer market within
ago that carry the beer has shrunk from two years, from around 7 per cent now,
around 70,000 to just 40,000. said Mr Harlow.
The company blamed the new restric- The most immediate hurdle for the
tions in Indonesia as it reported a 28 per world’s largest distiller is the high pro-
cent decline in net sales in Southeast duction cost of the zero-alcohol alterna-
Asia for the year that ended in June, tive, which sells for half the price of a
even as Asia Pacific sales rose 64 per can of regular Guinness at Rp9,000
cent year on year to £2.2bn. ($0.65).
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 19

Retailers boxing clever to woo shoppers Burgess
Store groups report festive day,” he said. “In some places we have utilising both online and offline promo- Calamitous phones had risen 17 per cent on Boxing
had very good figures. In Stoke-on- tions throughout different phases of this Day compared with last year.
success with mix of online weather in
and high street offerings
Trent we were 65 per cent up in footfall.
The Trafford Centre in Manchester saw
a 6 per cent rise. We have seen fantastic
crucial peak shopping season.”
John Lewis, which began its sale
online at 5pm on Christmas Eve, said
the north of
Online sales also appear to have risen
strongly, with research from Experian,
which performs credit checks, and
Strat Aero on a tricky
MALCOLM MOORE numbers and a shopping frenzy.” He
added that December 27 also looked
the number of orders had risen 10.7 per
cent year on year on Christmas Day,
failed to
damp some
IMRG, the online retail association,
showing that internet shopping on
flight path and must
British retailers appear to have landed a
post-Christmas one-two combination:
bumper crowds on the high street and a
very strong.
Mr McKinnon said that retailers with
both bricks and mortar and a strong
with three-quarters of its internet traffic
coming from mobile devices.
Mark Felix, the online director of John
Christmas Day had risen 11 per cent year
on year to £728m and 22 per cent year
on year on Boxing Day to £856m.
avoid bumpy landing
surge in online sales too. online offering were likely to have done Lewis, said that, while more shoppers By comparison, £1.1bn was spent
Calamitous weather in the north of best in the Christmas period. According were switching to online, the company’s online on Black Friday in November, the

England failed to damp some shoppers’ to the Office for National Statistics, 46 stores remained a key driver for year’s busiest day for internet shopping. little over a year ago, a group of retired pilots
enthusiasm, said Gordon McKinnon, December accounts for 14 per cent of sales. “We know that shops are very In London, the fact that Boxing Day showed some top brass in the US Army how to
operations director of intu, which oper- the year’s retail spend. important because 80 per cent of our fell on a Saturday helped to persuade land their drones without crashing. The meet-
ates 18 shopping centres including Consumers are increasingly comfort- customers are interacting with a shop the luxury retailers on Bond Street to ing was so positive that the pilots formed a
Lakeside and the Trafford Centre. He able searching online for the best deals, before they make a purchase,” he said. open for the first time, said Jace Tyrrell, training company, Strat Aero, and floated it
reported a double-digit rise in footfall said James Miller, senior retail consult- Currys PC World, the UK’s largest the chief executive of the New West End on London’s junior market a few months later.
across the company’s 18 sites. ant at Experian. But he added: “Retail- electrical retailer, said revenues from Company, which represents 600 retail- It is not surprising that the US generals’ eyes lit up — mil-
“Boxing Day was an incredibly busy ers have clearly become more adept at customers shopping on their mobile ers across 25 West End streets. itary “unmanned aerial vehicles” or “UAVs” can cost as
much as $10m apiece. A bad landing by a rookie on the
remote is expensive.
Strat Aero’s meeting with the military was timely. Every-
where there was chatter about aerodynamic robots used as
Construction. Building challenge toys for boys or by the likes of Amazon. There was talk of
drones becoming more dangerous to aviation than birds.

Small housebuilders struggle to fill supply gap

When Strat Aero’s founders floated the company in
November 2014, they spoke about the “unique” invest-
ment opportunity and “the exponential growth of UAVs
and the wider aerospace industry”. They forecast revenues
of $12,000-plus per military student and riches from law
enforcement agencies using drones to patrol borders or
governments to inspect wind turbines and pipelines.
Land, planning and finance Strat Aero placed 8m shares at 8p each, valuing the com-
pany at just £6.2m, with the founders keeping close to two-
issues hamper new entrants thirds of the shares. That would make Strat Aero much too
as sector fails to meet demand small and illiquid for institutional investors to take an
interest even if it had not been for the doily of a business
plan. Even for a market designed to attract start-ups such
JUDITH EVANS as Aim, it was too early to float Strat Aero. A year later the
hoped-for contract to train the US military on the use of
The UK government’s message that “we UAVs has still not materialised. The company’s revenues
are the builders” should signal a boom fell from above $600,000 to below $60,000 in the six
time for small housebuilders. months to June. The shares are down 40 per cent to 6p. In
But in fact the number of small and September Tony Dunleavy, who calls himself an “entre-
medium-sized construction companies preneurial PwC trained accountant” was recruited as chief
has dwindled. executive to bring in new management and fill in the gaps
Some 27 per cent of UK homes are in the business plan. His first
built by companies that construct 500 acquisition was £1.5m for
or fewer units a year each — down from Geocurve, which provides
The hoped-for
44 per cent in 2008 — and while 5,647 drones for topographical contract to train
small housebuilders were in operation surveys.
in 2007, there are now fewer than half This month Mr Dunleavy
the US military
that number. raised £1.6m from investors has still not
“People used to start building houses — mainly small and private
from being a bricklayer or a joiner. They — to buy a Texas-based com-
would begin by getting planning per- pany providing high-end
mission for a pair of semi-detached drones to Fortune 100 clients. But investors will have to
houses. Now it’s far more difficult,” says reach into their pockets for at least four more acquisitions
Steve Midgley, managing director of before Strat Aero can provide the full drone service kit of
Derbyshire-based Fairgrove Homes. training, software and data analysis he is aiming for.
The economic downturn caused hun- Mr Dunleavy is eloquent about the opportunities to use
dreds of businesses to go bust but, UAVs to monitor anything from diamond mines in the
unlike in previous cycles, the number of desert to national flood defences.
small housebuilders has scarcely recov- He has a problem, though. Strat Aero is one of hundreds
ered as the economy has brightened. of companies with similar ambitions and better access to
There was a net increase of 30 new funding. The Gatwick business is a long way from making
companies between 2013 and 2014 but any money and will have more trouble than most in turn-
analysts do not expect this to accelerate ing opportunity into commercial reality.
under current conditions.
The immediate problem for smaller
companies is finance, as banks are A bit more to chew on for the FRC
unwilling to lend to what are seen as The Financial Reporting Council ends the year with a
riskier groups, especially for speculative flurry of activity and a promise to speed up enforcement
building or where sites do not yet have The housing 1988, when they peaked at 12,215, smaller businesses can handle, says Mr policy to support small sites” and to cases. The beancounters’ watchdog is entering a new phase
planning permission. sector is according to figures from the National Midgley — a change also driven by the shorten the planning guarantee, the having been given status in the EU as the UK’s authority
Anthony Codling, an analyst at Jeffer- expected to House Building Council. political sensitivities of new develop- length of time in which councils are over audit regulation. Cue the separation of supervision of
ies, the investment bank, says: “They struggle to meet John Stewart, director of economic ment. “It is almost as though councillors meant to rule on applications. auditors from financial reporting and corporate govern-
can’t secure the finance they need to an estimated affairs at the Home Builders’ Federa- prefer to have two big fights rather than But planning departments face fund- ance and the creation of a separate enforcement unit to
purchase land because lenders want need of up to tion, identifies a wider problem in plan- 25 little ones,” he says. ing cuts that will further stretch their probe number-crunching failures. This is good news.
pretty tough loan-to-value limits. Small 250,000 homes ning. “Until 1991, housebuilders were in Meanwhile, planning costs and the resources, making some industry The FRC’s cases have a history of dragging on. This
housebuilders want to build more a year without the driving seat. There was a presump- time involved in securing consent have observers doubt the changes will be month the regulator ended its investigation, which started
homes but they don’t have the equity to more small tion in favour of development, and local spiralled. Mr Midgley says costs of enough. in 2006, against previous soft directors, Timothy Whiston,
fill the gap.” operators — authorities had to have a good reason to securing planning permission for a “I’m not entirely sure there’s a short- former finance director and chief executive of the health-
Mr Midgley says Fairgrove survived Stefan Wermuth/Reuters
refuse [planning permission],” he says. small site could reach £50,000 — espe- term or even a medium-term solution to care software business, and John Whelan, also once its
the crisis because of the loyalty of pri- But at that time, concerns over unfet- cially problematic for small companies this supply gap,” says Mr Codling. group finance director. The FRC says the duo admitted
vate backers; Fairgrove expects to build tered development led to an overhaul. that cannot afford to work on many sites Mr Stewart backs a more radical idea: their conduct fell short of the regulators’ standards. They
about 50 homes this year. The new approach gave priority to at a time. returning to a presumption in favour of have been excluded from the Institute of Chartered
Ministers recognise the problem. In sites slated for construction in local Charlie Campbell, an analyst at granting planning permission on so- Accountants in England and Wales for eight years and Mr
July, the Homes and Communities plans — a form of guidance on how par- Liberum, says it will be difficult for the called brownfield sites, or urban sites Whiston is paying £50,000 towards costs.
Agency and Lloyds Banking Group ticular areas should develop — and industry to meet an estimated need of that have seen previous development. In the FRC’s favour, its teeth may not be sharp but they
launched a £100m fund to back small moved the onus on to developers to 200,000 to 250,000 homes a year with- This already exists, but only for specific do grind away after other regulators give up.
housing developers by taking equity show why any additional sites should be out the involvement of small players. He sites identified in local plans and other The chief City regulator, the Financial Conduct Author-
stakes in projects. That followed the considered for building. says the “big three” builders — Taylor documents assembled by local authori- ity, abandoned its prosecution against the iSoft executives
launch of a £100m fund by Santander. “There was no incentive for the little Wimpey, Barratt Homes and Persim- ties. These miss many of the most prom- after a seven-year investigation and two inconclusive
But while post-crisis financing has guys to scurry around trying to find mon — will jointly produce up to 45,000 ising small sites, he says. criminal trials in 2013, after which the judge entered not
been a struggle, industry figures say this sites, and supply was no longer respon- homes a year in this cycle, down from “You need to solve all three: land, guilty verdicts. The FCA had told the judge it would not
simply exacerbated a long-term trend. sive to demand,” says Mr Stewart. 60,000 at the last peak. planning and finance. One on its own seek another retrial and that the case was stale. Too right.
Numbers of small and medium-sized This resulted in a bias towards larger Last month the chancellor, George won’t work, but with all three, you
housebuilders have mostly fallen since sites, rather than the compact ones that Osborne, promised to “amend planning would be motoring.” kate

General financial Telecoms

FCA notches up surge in criminal convictions Rivals object to wider role for Openreach
CAROLINE BINHAM — FINANCIAL The surge in criminal convictions Only one former executive was ever DANIEL THOMAS that provides access to the national ing with home broadband customers in
coincides with a renewed focus from the investigated by the Financial Services TELECOMS CORRESPONDENT broadband network for the group’s spite of a large fleet of vans that are a
Criminal convictions following cases regulator on personal accountability. A Authority, the predecessor to the FCA. BT will pull back from proposals to retail arm on the same terms as rivals. familiar sight on many roads. It is a
brought by the Financial Conduct tougher civil regime that comes into In response to the report the FCA is con- allow Openreach to deal directly with But TalkTalk, Vodafone and Sky have wholesale provider of network services,
Authority surged in 2015, with 14 peo- force in March is intended to hold senior sidering whether it should investigate consumers over complaints, faults and called for the division to be formally with internet providers handling new
ple going to prison compared with two managers to account for failings on their other former HBOS executives and delays after a consultation with the split from BT to ensure equal access. line agreements and dealing with cus-
in 2014, according to the regulator. watch. board members. internet service providers that use its An Ofcom review of the telecoms tomer complaints.
While the most contentious element A separate review by the Bank of Eng- national network. market has meant that Openreach faces But rivals objected to expanding
The statistics come as the FCA prepares of the regime — a “guilty until proven land, FCA and the Treasury this year, in an uncertain few months. The regulator Openreach’s customer-facing role. One
for its biggest insider trading hearing innocent” provision — was scrapped response to City scandals such as the The telecoms group asked companies has said that it would consider whether executive at an internet service pro-
yet. Scheduled to begin in early January, by the Treasury in a last-minute Libor and foreign-exchange rigging epi- including Sky, Vodafone and TalkTalk Openreach should be more tightly regu- vider said rivals were reluctant to see
the long-awaited trial follows the Taber- U-turn, managers will still be banned or sodes, proposed extending the maxi- about the move, which was being con- lated or split from BT entirely. Openreach get more direct access to
nula — Latin for little tavern — probe. fined if the FCA proves they did not take mum sentence for market abuse from sidered following “persistent com- The initial results are expected in their customers.
The investigation resulted in arrests and all reasonable steps to prevent wrong- seven to 10 years. plaints” that customers were unable to early February, although many industry Openreach confirmed that most feed-
dawn raids across the City of London doing. Already the proportion of fines levied contact Openreach directly. This shift analysts and executives expect the rec- back suggested that there was no need
nearly six years ago. The hardline regime is partly a on individuals by the regulator has would have required the approval of ommendations to fall short of full sepa- to broaden its work beyond the inquir-
Five defendants, among them a response to questions from the public increased. Ofcom, the industry regulator. ration and focus on improving access ies from consumers and businesses that
former Deutsche Bank managing direc- and politicians over why so few senior In 2015, 21 people received fines total- The proposal was originally made as and service for rivals. it already fields to check fibre availabil-
tor, will stand trial at a London court on bank executives were held to account ling £6.7m, compared with the 13 indi- part of an “Openreach charter” pub- The Openreach charter was an ity, greenfield sites, network damage
insider trading charges, which carry a over the financial crisis. viduals whose penalties totalled £2.9m lished in September by BT, which set out attempt by BT to meet some of the com- and wayleaves, the process that allows
maximum prison sentence of seven This was underscored by a report into in 2014, FCA statistics show. commitments to improve broadband. plaints, including on customer service. the company to carry out work on pri-
years. The five deny the charges. the £20.5bn failure of HBOS in 2008. See Small Talk Openreach is a separate part of BT The division has a restricted role in deal- vately owned land.
20 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Brown Advisory US Equity Value Fund USD B $ 11.48 - 0.15 0.95 CF Seneca Diversified Income A INC 87.80 - 0.36 5.56 WealthBuilder A Acc £ 1.03 - 0.01 0.48

Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity SRI Fund USD B $ 14.60 - 0.16 0.38 CF Seneca Diversified Income B INC 104.21 - 0.43 5.65 Fidelity PathFinder
ACPI Global UCITS Funds Plc (IRL) Artisan Partners Global Funds PLC (IRL) Beaux Lane House, Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 -
Brown Advisory American Fund USD B $ 15.41 - 0.17 0.33 CF Seneca Diversified Income N INC 103.19 - 0.43 5.65
Regulated Tel: 44 (0) 207 766 7130 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.00 -
Brown Advisory US Smaller Companies Fund USD B $ 17.55 - 0.17 0.00 Investment Adviser - DSM Capital Partners
ACPI Emerging Mkts FI UCITS Fund USD A $ 106.56 - 0.21 0.00 FCA Recognised
Artisan Partners Global Funds plc The Westchester X $ 28.12 - 0.33 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.08 - 0.00 -
Brown Advisory US Small Cap Blend Fund USD B $ 12.19 - 0.13 0.00
ACPI Global Credit UCITS Funds USD A $ 13.93 - 0.00 0.00
Artisan Emerging Markets I USD Acc $ 6.70 - 0.04 0.00 The Westchester Class 1 GBP Acc £ 20.42 - 0.19 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.00 -
Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity Fund USD B $ 10.90 - 0.12 0.00
ACPI Global Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 151.97 - 0.05 0.00
Artisan Global Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 14.36 - 0.04 0.00 The Westchester Class 2 GBP Acc £ 20.47 - 0.20 0.00 Crèdit Andorrà Asset Management (LUX) EFG Hermes Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.09 - 0.01 - Fundsmith LLP (1200)F (UK)
Brown Advisory Global Leaders Fund $ 10.12 - 0.07 -
Q ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A $ 9.95 - 0.00 - DIFC, The Gate Building, West Wing Level 6, PO BOX 30727, Dubai UAE PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW 0330 123 1815
Artisan Global Opportunities I USD Acc $ 12.17 - 0.01 0.00 Investment Adviser - Morant Wright Management Limited Fidelity PathFinder Foundation 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.19 - 0.00 -
FCA Recognised Contact: Telephone + 971 4 363 4029 Email,
ACPI India Fixed Income UCITS Fund USD A3 $ 85.09 - 0.05 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan A X 278.84 - -1.78 0.00
Artisan Global Value Fund Class I USD Acc $ 15.67 - 0.11 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Eur I € 11.20 - 0.00 0.00 Other International Funds Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - 0.00 - Authorised Inv Funds
ACPI International Bond UCITS Fund USD A $ 17.72 - -0.05 0.00 CF Morant Wright Japan A Inc X 274.73 - -1.75 0.00 The EFG-Hermes Egypt Fund $ 29.93 - - 0.00 Fundsmith Equity T Acc 228.92 - 1.11 1.15
Artisan US Value Equity Fund Class I USD Acc $ 10.34 - 0.14 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Money Market Usd A $ 10.01 - 0.00 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.10 - 0.00 -
CF Morant Wright Japan B X 296.79 - -1.88 0.50 Middle East & Developing Africa Fund (Final) $ 19.81 - - 0.00 Fundsmith Equity T Inc 216.19 - 1.05 1.16
Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Eur € 10.54 - 0.00 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focused 2 Acc (Clean) £ 1.11 - 0.00 -
ACPI Select UCITS Funds PLC (IRL) CF Morant Wright Japan B Inc X 279.86 - -1.78 0.52 Saudi Arabia Equity Fund SR 12.69 - 0.19 0.00
Ashmore Sicav (LUX) Crediinvest SICAV Fixed Income Usd $ 10.35 - 0.00 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.11 - 0.01 -
Regulated CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC A X 283.69 - -2.23 2.06
2 rue Albert Borschette L-1246 Luxembourg Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.13 - 0.01 - GAM Limited (2300)F (UK)
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Retail $ 13.80 - 0.08 0.00 Crediinvest SICAV Spanish Value € 250.73 - 8.09 0.00
FCA Recognised CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield ACC B X 294.27 - -2.31 2.06 GAM Sterling Management Limited
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK) Crediinvest SICAV International Value € 216.26 - 8.36 0.00 Electric & General (1000)F (UK) Fidelity PathFinder Focussed 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.17 - 0.02 -
20 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY. 0800 919 927
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Retail € 10.40 - 0.05 0.00 Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Debt Fund $ 89.98 - -0.19 8.42
Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund A Inc X 246.60 - -1.94 2.10 Stuart House St.John's Street Peterborough PE1 5DD
Crediinvest SICAV Big Cap Value € 15.86 - 0.50 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Gross Acc (clean) £ 1.07 - 0.01 - Internet:
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Retail £ 10.53 - 0.06 0.00 Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Frontier Equity Fund $ 137.82 - -0.34 0.97 Authorised Inv Funds Orders & Enquiries: 0845 850 0255
CF Morant Wright Nippon Yield Fund B Inc X 255.87 - -2.01 2.09 Authorised Inv Funds
The Public Sector Deposit Fund Crediinvest SICAV US American Value $ 18.11 - 0.21 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 2 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.01 -
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund USD Institutional $ 10.00 - - - Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Total Return Fund $ 77.00 - -0.04 6.05 GAM Funds OEIC
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 1 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.52 Authorised Corporate Director - Carvetian Capital Management
Crediinvest SICAV Sustainability € 15.39 - 0.10 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 1 Acc (clean) £ 1.06 - 0.00 - GAM Global Diversified Acc 3840.49 - 44.25 0.00
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund EUR Institutional € 10.00 - - - Ashmore SICAV Global Small Cap Equity Fund $ 126.89 - 0.05 0.00 Electric&General Net Income A 149.70 - 1.30 1.97
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 2 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.34 Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 3 Acc (clean) £ 1.05 - 0.01 -
ACPI Balanced UCITS Fund GBP Institutional £ 10.00 - - - Ashmore SICAV Local Currency Fund $ 80.58 - 0.09 0.32 GAM North American Gwth Acc 3180.87 - 39.80 0.00
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 3 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.39
Asset Management
Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 4 Acc (clean) £ 1.04 - 0.01 - GAM UK Diversified Acc 1708.50 - 25.28 1.14
ACPI Horizon UCITS Fund $ 12.87 - 0.07 0.00 EM Mkts Corp.Debt USD F $ 85.08 - -0.59 8.49 Daiwa SB Investments (UK) Ltd (LUX)
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 4 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.45 5 King William Street, London EC4N 7DA
Ennismore Smaller Cos Plc (IRL)
Fidelity PathFinder Freedom 5 Acc (clean) £ 1.12 - 0.01 -
EM Mkts Loc.Ccy Bd USD F $ 73.90 - 0.05 4.38 5 Kensington Church St, London W8 4LD 020 7368 4220
The Public Sector Deposit Fund-share class 5 ♦ F 100.00 - 0.00 0.34 0207 597 7000
FCA Recognised Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Income (clean) £ 1.01 - 0.00 3.97
Abbey Life Assurance Company Limited (UK) Regulated GAM Limited (IRL)
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV £ 101.33 - -0.42 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Income 1 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.01 - 0.00 4.95 FCA Recognised
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8AL 0845 9600 900 Carmignac Gestion (FRA) DSBI Japan Equity Fundamental Active I JPY ¥ 12392.38 12392.38 26.32 0.00
additional fund prices can be found @ Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV € 138.48 - 0.95 0.00 GAM Fund Management Ltd
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK) DSBI Japan Equity Fundamental Active I GBP £ 123.19 123.19 0.29 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 3.55
Insurances Georges Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 + 353 1 6093927
Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET FCA Recognised
Life Funds DSBI Japan Equity Fundamental Active A EUR € 118.14 124.05 0.27 0.00 Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 gross £ 1.03 - 0.01 4.45 GAM Star Fund Plc
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Carmignac Emerg A EUR Acc € 790.38 - 8.27 0.00
Prop. Acc. Ser 2 1565.70 1648.20 0.30 - CBF Church of England Funds Ennismore European Smlr Cos Hedge Fd Fidelity PathFinder Income 2 Gross Income (clean) £ 1.02 - 0.00 4.43 GAM Star Asia-Pacific Eqty USD Acc F $ 11.79 - 0.06 0.00
Carmignac Invest A EUR Acc € 1123.35 - 16.04 0.00 Other International Funds
Investment Inc 1322.84 1337.47 20.03 3.78 Fidelity PathFinder Income 3 Income (clean) £ 1.03 - 0.00 4.05 GAM Star Asian Eqty USD Ord Acc F $ 13.30 - 0.06 0.00
Selective Acc. Ser 2 1580.00 1663.20 4.50 - DAVIS Funds SICAV (LUX)
Carmignac Patrim A EUR Acc € 622.82 - 2.49 0.00 NAV € 496.00 - 10.70 0.00
Aspect Capital Ltd (UK) Investment Acc 2714.19 2744.21 41.10 - Regulated Institutional OEIC Funds GAM Star Balanced GBP Acc £ 10.41 - 0.07 0.00
American Ser. 4 1708.50 1798.40 12.80 -
Other International Funds Global Equity Inc 150.38 152.04 3.30 4.31 Davis Value A $ 40.37 - 0.59 0.00 America £ 4.03 - 0.04 0.52
Custodian Ser. 4 490.80 516.60 1.20 - GAM Star Cap.Appr.US Eqty USD Inc F $ 17.21 - 0.29 0.00
Aspect Diversified USD $ 439.02 - 7.90 0.00 Carmignac Gestion (FRA) Equinox Fund Mgmt (Guernsey) Limited (GSY) Emerging Markets £ 3.14 - 0.00 0.81
Global Equity Acc 221.37 223.82 4.86 - Davis Global A $ 28.60 - 0.41 0.00 GAM Star Cat Bond USD Acc $ 12.70 - 0.00 0.00
Equity Ser. 4 558.30 587.70 4.60 - Regulated
Aspect Diversified EUR € 263.91 - 4.79 - Europe £ 4.12 - 0.02 1.55
UK Equity Inc 144.73 146.18 3.49 4.05 Regulated GAM Star Cautious GBP Acc £ 10.43 - 0.06 0.00
European Ser 4 577.20 607.60 3.10 - Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund Limited $ 118.76 - -1.14 0.00
Aspect Diversified GBP £ 135.02 - 2.50 0.00 Fidelity Pre-Retirement Bond Fund £ 116.90 - 0.00 3.01
UK Equity Acc 215.95 218.12 5.20 - Carmignac Eur-Entr A EUR Acc € 289.04 - 5.40 0.00 GAM Star China Equity USD Acc F $ 23.17 - 0.18 0.00
Fixed Int. Ser. 4 887.00 933.60 -1.30 -
Aspect Diversified CHF SFr 126.14 - 2.25 0.00 Global Focus £ 2.87 - 0.02 1.61
Fixed Interest Inc 161.76 162.41 -0.21 3.96 Carmignac Eur-Pat A EUR Acc € 286.04 - 2.19 0.00 GAM Star Cont European Eqty GBP Acc F £ 3.68 - 0.03 0.00
Intl Ser. 4 442.20 465.40 2.80 - Euronova Asset Management UK LLP (CYM)
Aspect Diversified Trends USD $ 129.96 - -0.32 0.00 Index Linked Bond £ 2.58 - -0.01 0.72
Fixed Interest Acc 495.63 497.62 -0.67 - CarmignacSécurité A EUR Acc € 1714.96 - -0.45 0.00 Regulated GAM Star Cred Opportunities GBP Acc £ 12.34 - 0.00 4.57
Japan Ser 4 374.20 393.90 -0.90 -
Aspect Diversified Trends EUR € 130.21 - -0.30 0.00 Index Linked Bond Gross £ 3.12 - 0.00 0.71
Property Fund Inc 133.46 137.93 0.16 6.51 Smaller Cos Cls One Shares (Est) € 35.82 - 0.55 0.00 GAM Star Defensive GBP Acc £ 10.85 - 0.03 0.00
Man. Ser. 4 1660.60 1748.00 7.40 -
Aspect Diversified Trends GBP £ 135.07 - -0.30 0.00 Index-Linked Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 12.19 - 0.00 0.72
Property Fund Acc 234.22 242.07 2.73 - Carmignac Portfolio (LUX) Smaller Cos Cls Two Shares (Est) € 24.98 - 0.33 0.00 GAM Star Discretionary FX USD Acc F $ 12.76 - 0.03 0.00
Money Ser. 4 524.40 552.00 0.00 - Deutsche Asset Management UK Ltd. (LUX)
Japan £ 2.06 - -0.02 0.78
Smaller Cos Cls Three Shares (Est) € 12.59 - 0.18 0.00 GAM Star Dynamic Gbl Bd USD Acc H $ 9.64 - -0.04 0.00
Prop. Ser. 4 1111.70 1170.20 0.20 - FCA Recognised Tel: + 44 207 545 9070
Atlantas Sicav (LUX) FCA Recognised Smaller Cos Cls Four Shares (Est) € 16.17 - 0.22 0.00 Long Bond £ 0.50 - 0.00 2.85
Custodian Ser 5 471.20 496.00 1.10 - CCLA Fund Managers Ltd (UK) Carmignac Cap + A EUR Acc € 1155.27 - -0.64 0.00 GAM Star Emerg. Market Rates USD Acc F $ 11.37 - 0.02 0.00
Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Deutsche Invest I Africa GBP RD1 Inc £ 118.66 118.66 0.26 1.12 Long Bond Gross £ 0.82 - 0.00 2.79
International Ser 5 424.50 446.80 2.70 - American Dynamic $ 3379.98 - -7.77 0.00 Carmignac GblBd A EUR Acc € 1276.54 - 4.51 0.00 GAM Star European Eqty USD Acc F $ 23.58 - 0.25 0.00
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
Deutsche Invest I Chinese Eq.GBP RD Inc £ 107.29 107.29 1.08 0.76 Long Bond Fund Gross Inc £ 11.10 - 0.01 2.84
Managed Ser 5 1594.30 1678.20 7.10 - American One $ 3166.01 - -0.89 0.00 COIF Charity Funds (UK) Carmignac Em Pat A EUR Acc € 101.47 - -0.20 0.00 GAM Star Flexible Gbl Port GBP Ac £ 12.53 - 0.08 0.00
Investment Inc 1216.56 1230.01 0.19 3.62 Deutsche Invest I Conv.GBP RDH Inc £ 168.38 168.38 0.76 0.62 Pacific (Ex Japan) £ 3.55 - 0.03 1.94
Money Ser 5 513.50 540.50 0.00 - Bond Global € 1393.55 - 11.23 0.00 Some Funds have distribution units and/or units denominated in other currencies GAM Star GAMCO US Equity Acc F $ 12.92 - 0.21 0.00
Investment Acc 11715.26 11844.84 1.79 - The full list can be found at Deutsche Invest I Global Agrib.GBP LD DS Inc £ 88.08 92.71 2.19 0.30 Pan European £ 2.66 - 0.01 2.04
Property Ser 5 1067.30 1123.50 0.20 - Eurocroissance € 874.57 - 7.66 0.00 GAM Star Global Rates USD Acc F $ 12.20 - -0.06 0.00
Ethical Invest Inc 187.44 189.51 -0.06 3.73 Deutsche Invest I Top Asia GBP RD Inc £ 155.03 155.03 0.17 1.15 Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond £ 10.42 - -0.02 3.56
Pension Funds Far East $ 672.33 - 9.09 0.00 GAM Star Global Selector USD Acc F $ 12.71 - 0.05 0.00
American 1978.30 2082.40 17.90 - Ethical Invest Acc 241.32 243.99 -0.07 - Cavendish Asset Management Limited (1200)F (UK) Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Gross £ 10.61 - -0.02 3.56
GAM Star Japan Eqty USD Acc F $ 13.44 - 0.03 0.00
Chelsea House, Westgate, London W5 1DR Eurobank Fund Management Company (Luxembourg) S.A.
Equity 4907.70 5166.00 59.40 - Global Equity Inc 143.39 144.98 0.41 4.41 Discretionary Unit Fund Mngrs (1000)F (UK) Reduced Duration UK Corporate Bond Inc £ 9.80 - -0.02 3.56
IFA Enquiries 020 8810 8041 Admin/Dealing 0870 870 7502 Regulated GAM Star Keynes Quant Strat USD Acc F $ 11.58 - -0.06 0.00
Atlantis Investment Management Ltd (IRL) 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8JR 020 7 415 4130
European 1164.60 1225.90 8.50 - Global Equity Acc 212.74 215.10 0.60 - Authorised Inv Funds Reduced Duration UK Corp Bond Gross Inc £ 9.81 - -0.03 3.56
2nd Floor, 13 St Swithin's Lane, London EC4N 8AL Authorised Inv Funds (LF) Absolute Return € 1.33 - 0.00 0.00 GAM Star Local EM Rates and FX USD Acc $ 10.63 - 0.00 0.00, Tel: 0207 877 3377 Cavendish Opportunities Fund B Class 1053.00 - 5.00 1.66 Select Emerging Markets Equities £ 1.15 - 0.00 1.64
Fixed Int. 1627.60 1713.30 -4.20 - Fixed Interest Inc 133.17 133.70 0.58 4.14 Disc Inc 1617.14 1726.01 15.89 0.00 (LF) Eq Emerging Europe € 0.68 - 0.00 0.00 GAM Star North of South EM Equity Acc F $ 9.78 - 0.10 0.00
Regulated Cavendish Opportunities Fund A Class 1047.00 - 4.00 0.82
International 941.10 990.60 7.00 - Fixed Interest Acc 763.55 766.61 3.31 - Do Accum 6093.54 6503.76 59.87 0.00 Select European Eqts £ 1.73 - 0.01 1.88
Atlantis China Fund $ 6.44 - 0.00 0.00 (LF) Eq Flexi Style Greece € 0.94 - -0.05 0.00 GAM Star Technology USD Acc F $ 15.57 - 0.12 0.00
Cavendish Opportunities Fund C Acc 1096.00xd - 5.00 1.48 Select Global Equities £ 3.03 - 0.02 1.10
Japan 394.60 415.40 -1.20 - Property Inc 114.67 118.52 0.08 5.79 (LF) Eq Mena Fund € 12.86 - 0.11 0.00 GAM Star US All Cap Eqty USD Acc F $ 13.40 - 0.18 0.00
Atlantis China Healthcare Fund $ 2.09 - 0.00 0.00
Cavendish Worldwide Fund B Class 302.40 - 1.50 0.70 South East Asia £ 3.57 - 0.00 2.05
Managed 4309.00 4535.80 24.80 - Property Acc 248.62 256.95 2.77 - (LF) Greek Government Bond € 18.32 - -0.08 - GAM Star Worldwide Eqty USD Acc F $ 3084.11 - 44.36 0.00
Atlantis Japan Opportunities Fund $ 2.54 - -0.03 0.00
Local Authorities Property Fd (LAMIT) (UK) Cavendish Worldwide Fund A Class 301.80 - 1.50 0.00 Sterling Core Plus Bond Gr Accum £ 2.05 - 0.00 3.39
Property 2885.00 3036.80 0.60 - (LF) Greek Corporate Bond € 11.99 - -0.01 -
Atlantis Asian Fund $ 6.18 - 0.02 0.00
Property 274.76 295.14 2.73 4.81 Cavendish Worldwide Fund C Acc 310.20xd - 1.50 0.62 Sterling Core Plus Bond Inc £ 1.33 - 0.00 3.50
Security 1476.60 1554.30 0.00 - (LF) FOF Dynamic Fixed Inc € 11.68 - 0.01 0.00 GYS Investment Management Ltd (GSY)
Cavendish AIM Fund B Class 160.50 - 0.20 0.71 UK £ 3.61 - 0.02 2.22
Selective 2015.10 2121.20 8.50 - (LF) FOF Real Estate € 16.61 - -0.05 0.00 Regulated
Cavendish AIM Fund A Class 156.40 - 0.30 0.00

Formerly Hill Samuel Life Assurance Ltd CG Asset Management Limited (IRL) UK Aggreg Bond Gr Accum £ 1.80 - 0.00 4.57 Taurus Emerging Fund Ltd $ 169.96 173.43 1.14 0.00
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Northern Trust, George's Court, 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2, Rep of Ireland Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund B Class 156.50 - 0.30 1.74 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds (IRL) UK Aggregate Bond Inc £ 1.21 - 0.00 3.14
Managed Ser A (Life) 1566.90 1658.10 13.00 - 00 353 1 434 5098 6 Duke Street,St.James,London SW1Y 6BN
ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund A Class 156.60 - 0.30 0.77
FCA Recognised 020 3713 7664 UK Corporate Bond £ 1.21 - 0.00 3.93 Generali International Limited
Managed Ser A (Pensions) 1045.60 1100.60 10.30 -
Capital Gearing Portfolio Fund Plc £ 26944.26 26944.26 162.14 0.62 Cavendish Asia Pacific Fund C Acc 163.50 - 0.30 1.71 FCA Recognised PO Box 613, Generali House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernesy, GY1 4PA 01481 714108
UK Corporate Bond - Gross £ 2.25 - 0.00 3.80
Formerly Target Life Assurance Ltd Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc - Global Bond Fund International Insurances
CG Portfolio Fund Plc Cavendish European Fund B Class 143.70 - 1.10 1.12
100 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AL 0845 6023 603 Axiom Alternative Investments (FRA) UK Gilt Bond £ 1.27 - 0.00 1.94
EUR Accumulating Class € 11.60 - 0.04 0.00 Global Multi-Strategy Managed $ 4.71 5.07 0.02 0.00
Managed (Life) 1592.70 1676.50 14.90 - 1 Conduit Street - 4th floor - London W1S 2XA Real Return Cls A £ 167.46 167.46 2.41 1.76 Cavendish European Fund A Class 142.50 - 1.10 0.30 UK Gilt Gross £ 2.03 - 0.00 1.91 Tel: +44 330 822 0374 EUR Accumulating Class (H) € 9.07 - 0.01 0.00 UK Multi-Strategy Managed £ 4.84 5.21 0.08 0.00
Dollar Fund Cls D £ 130.33 130.33 2.20 1.65 Cavendish Japan Fund B Class 159.80 - -0.90 0.73
Managed Growth (Life) 500.80 527.20 6.00 -
Regulated FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited (1200)F (UK) UK Long Corp Bond £ 1.36 - 0.00 4.32
EUR Distributing Class € 10.99 - 0.04 3.09 EU Multi-Strategy Managed € 3.03 3.26 0.02 0.00
Capital Value Fund Cls V £ 130.65 130.65 0.88 0.27 Cavendish Japan Fund A Class 158.90 - -0.90 0.00 130, Tonbridge Rd, Tonbridge TN11 9DZ
Managed (Pensions) 6274.20 6604.40 61.30 - Axiom Contingent Capital € 1030.52 - 0.99 - UK Long Corp Bond - Gross £ 2.45 - -0.01 4.16
EUR Distributing Class (H) € 8.58 - 0.01 3.37 Callfree: Private Clients 0800 414161 Global Bond USD $ 3.43 3.70 0.00 0.00
Managed Growth (Pensions) 613.00 645.30 8.90 - Axiom Contingent Capital £ 1034.95 - 1.29 - Cavendish North American Fund B Class 195.50 - 2.80 0.51 Broker Dealings: 0800 414 181 UK Long Corporate Bond Fund - Gross Income £ 10.90 - -0.02 4.30
GBP Distributing Class £ 9.82 - -0.03 3.26 Authorised Inv Funds
additional fund prices can be found on our website Cavendish North American Fund A Class 190.00 - 2.70 0.00 Retail Share Classes
Axiom Equity $ 887.18 - 21.61 -
GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 8.66 - 0.01 3.34 Unit Trust
Emerging Markets - retail £ 1.25 - 0.00 0.07 Genesis Asset Managers LLP
Axiom Equity € 931.38 - 22.65 0.00 Cavendish Technology Fund B Class 294.30 - 2.10 0.02
Cash Accum Units 186.42 186.42 0.00 0.00 Other International Funds
USD Accumulating Class $ 9.14 - 0.01 0.00 {*}CAR - Net income reinvested
Axiom Obligataire $ 1779.72 - 0.78 0.00 Cavendish Technology Fund A Class 279.50 - 2.00 0.00 Emerging Mkts NAV £ 5.13 - 0.04 0.00
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-Global Stock Fund Cash Fund £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.15
Axiom Obligataire € 1776.12 - 0.31 0.00 Cavendish UK Balanced Income Fund B Class 136.70 - 0.60 4.90
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 15.72 - 0.24 0.00 Gross Accum Cash £ 1.28 1.28 0.00 0.00
Cavendish UK Balanced Income A Class 129.90 - 0.50 5.16 FIL Fund Management (LUX)
Axiom Obligataire £ 1788.88 - 0.83 0.00 GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 17.39 - 0.20 0.00 MoneyBuilder Cash ISA £ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.14
Canada Life Investments (UK) 2a, rur Albert Borschette, BP 2175, L-1021, Luxembourg Guardian (UK)
1-6 Lombard Street, EC3V 9JU. Dealing 0345 606 6180 Cavendish UK Select Fund B Class 144.50 - 0.80 2.28 Phone: 800 22 089, 800 22 088 Ballam Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 4JZ 01253 733 151
GBP Distributing Share class £ 12.65 - 0.15 0.83 MoneyBuilder Global £ 2.64 2.64 0.03 0.20
Authorised Inv Funds Regulated Insurances
Cavendish UK Select Fund A Class 144.30 - 0.80 1.38 OEIC Funds
Algebris Investments (IRL) BLME Asset Management (LUX)
Asia Pacific B Acc 771.57 - 0.01 1.12
EUR Accumulating Share Class € 21.62 - 0.39 0.00
China Consumer A-GBP £ 14.85 - -0.07 0.00 Guardian Assurance
Regulated BLME Sharia'a Umbrella Fund SICAV SIF Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-International Stock Fund American £ 27.27 - 0.34 0.00
China Focus A-GBP £ 4.40 - -0.03 0.71 Equity S-GH Class B £ 12.04 - 0.06 -
Algebris Financial Credit Fund - Class I EUR € 132.03 - -0.63 0.00 Regulated Balanced B Acc 148.37 - 0.57 1.47
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 13.44 - 0.24 0.00 American Special Sits £ 11.77 - 0.10 0.00
Income Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1135.08 - -0.15 0.00
Cedar Rock Capital Limited (IRL) Managed Fund Bond £ 23.37 24.35 0.03 -
Corporate Bond B Inc 204.24 - -0.21 4.03 Global Financial Services A-GBP £ 0.45 - 0.00 0.11
Algebris Financial Income Fund - Class I EUR € 118.55 - 0.60 0.00 Regulated EUR Accumulating Share Class € 14.48 - 0.28 0.00 Asia Pacific Ops W-Acc £ 1.09 - 0.00 0.42
Income Fund - Share Class G Acc £ 1075.97 - -0.13 0.00 Global Health Care A-GBP £ 0.58 - 0.00 0.00 Choices Wth-Pfts Lg-tm 321.10 338.00 0.00 -
Algebris Financial Equity Fund - Class B EUR € 98.41 - 1.67 - European B Acc 254.33 - 0.88 1.57 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc $ 362.04 - -6.02 0.00 Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-U.S. Stock Fund Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Accumulation £ 1.10 - 0.00 1.43
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share Class A Acc $ 1224.55 - 0.42 0.00 Global Industrials A-GBP £ 0.64 - 0.00 0.00 Choices Wth-Pfts St-tm 271.90 286.20 0.00 -
Algebris Asset Allocation Fund - Class B EUR € 99.57 - 0.69 - Global Bond B Inc 92.15 - -0.11 2.96 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc £ 375.93 - -7.94 0.00 USD Accumulating Share Class $ 17.93 - 0.26 0.00
Fidelity Asian Dividend Fund A-Income £ 1.03 - 0.00 3.52
Gl Sukuk Fund - Share class B Acc £ 1093.19 1093.19 0.37 0.00 Global Inflation-Linked Bd A-GBP-Hdg £ 1.15 - 0.00 0.56 Choices Managed 616.48 648.93 1.89 -
Global Equity B Acc 598.01 - 4.51 1.10 Cedar Rock Capital Fd Plc € 341.77 - -21.01 0.00 GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 18.75 - 0.19 0.00
China Consumer £ 1.50 - 0.00 0.08
Global Real Asset Securities £ 1.38 - 0.01 0.00 Choices Equity 679.30 715.05 3.16 -
Global Equity Income B Inc 121.89 - 0.70 3.91 GBP Distributing Share Class £ 11.92 - 0.12 0.57
Alken Asset Management (LUX) Emerging Asia £ 1.18 - 0.00 0.14
Freedom With Pfts Long-Tm 220.20 231.80 0.00 -
61 Conduit Street, London, W1S 2GB Bank of America Cap Mgmt (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) Global High Yield Bond B Inc 90.92 - 0.41 5.02 EUR Accumulating Share Class € 21.29 - 0.36 0.00 Global Technology A-GBP £ 0.27 - 0.00 0.00
Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds Plc (IRL) Emerg Eur, Mid East & Africa H £ 1.28 - 0.01 0.97 Regulated Regulated Freedom With Pfts Short-Tm 197.80 208.30 0.00 -
Global Infrastructure B Acc 109.46 - 1.05 0.94 Global Telecomms A-GBP £ 0.29 - 0.00 1.17
Regulated Global Liquidity USD $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.45 Enhanced Income - Acc £ 1.92 - 0.01 6.45
Schwab USD Liquid Assets Fd $ 1.00 - 0.00 0.01 India Focus A-GBP £ 4.35 - -0.02 0.00 Freedom Managed 358.98 377.88 0.43 -
Alken European Opportunities € 211.48 - 3.94 0.00 Global Resource B Acc 69.69 - 3.05 0.89
Enhanced Income - Inc £ 1.22 - 0.01 7.18
Latin America A-GBP £ 1.30 - 0.00 0.65 Freedom Equity 399.13 420.13 -0.27 -
Alken European Opportunities £ 123.77 - 0.97 0.00 Japan B Acc 51.49 - -0.04 0.93
European - Inc £ 1.43 - 0.01 0.77
Barclays Investment Funds (CI) Ltd (JER)
Portfolio III B Acc 107.61 - 0.17 2.32 Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd Corp Pens Mananged 217.63 217.63 0.67 -
Alken Absolute Return € 143.42 - 1.11 0.00 39/41 Broad Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RR Channel Islands 01534 812800 European £ 16.27 - 0.06 1.16
Other International Funds Corp Pens Equity 221.78 221.78 1.03 -
Alken Absolute Return £ 116.47 - 0.90 0.00 FCA Recognised Portfolio IV B Acc 109.78 - 0.24 2.36 Findlay Park Funds Plc (IRL)
CAM-GTF Limited $ 271900.24 271900.24 -414.02 0.00 European Opportunities £ 3.86 - 0.02 0.24
Bond Funds 30 Herbert Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 020 7968 4900 Corp Pens Fixed Interest 296.64 296.64 -0.11 -
Alken Small Cap € 189.50 - 3.15 0.00 Portfolio V B Acc 109.51 - 0.33 1.56
Sterling Bond F £ 0.45 - 0.00 3.30 CAM GTi Limited $ 612.98 - -36.72 0.00 Extra Income £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.29 FCA Recognised
Dragon Capital Group Corp Pens Index Linked 334.16 334.16 -2.94 -
Portfolio VI B Acc 108.10 - 0.30 1.60
Raffles-Asia Investment Company $ 1.55 1.55 -0.11 5.55 c/o 1901 Me Linh Point, 2 Ngo Duc Ke, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Extra Income - Gross £ 0.26 - 0.00 3.29 American Fund USD Class $ 81.03 - 0.76 0.00
Corp Pens Deposit 191.04 191.04 0.00 -
Portfolio VII B Acc 104.59 - 0.31 1.58 Fund information, dealing and administration:
Amundi Funds (LUX) Global Dividend - Acc £ 1.62 - 0.00 3.08 American Fund GBP Hedged £ 43.77 - 0.23 0.00
Baring Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK)
North American B Acc 854.80 - 9.72 0.74
Other International Funds Corp Pens Protector 356.45 356.45 0.06 -
5 Allee Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg + 44 (0)20 7074 9332 American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 54.10 - 0.51 -
Dealing and Enquiries 020 7214 1004 Vietnam Enterprise Inv. (VEIL) NAV $ 3.59 - 0.09 0.00 Global Dividend - Inc £ 1.44 - 0.01 3.27 Corp Pens UK Index Tracker £ 1.92 1.92 0.01 -
Fund Information: Strategic Return B Acc 97.58 - 0.54 0.00
FCA Recognised Vietnam Growth Fund (VGF) NAV $ 23.26 - 0.53 0.00 Global Focus £ 13.46 - 0.10 0.00 Latin American Fund USD Class $ 11.08 - 0.00 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Guardian Linked Life Assurance Ltd
Bd. Euro Corporate AE Class - R - EUR € 18.45 - -0.01 0.00 Total Return B Acc 98.77 - 0.90 2.97
Vietnam Property Fund (VPF) NAV $ 0.81 - 0.00 0.00 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Acc £ 11.72 - 0.02 4.86 Latin American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 7.47 - 0.03 -
Multi Asset A Acc ... C 154.20 - 0.40 1.50 Managed Acc £ 17.87 18.81 0.06 -
Bd. Global AU Class - R - USD $ 25.36 - -0.04 0.00 UK Equity B Acc 111.37 - 0.57 1.68
Multi Asset A Inc ... C 147.10 - 0.50 1.27 Global High Yield Fund - A Gross Inc £ 9.70 - 0.02 5.53 Equity Acc £ 32.37 34.07 0.14 -
Eq. Emerging Europe AE Class - R - EUR € 26.83 - -0.24 0.00 UK Equity & Bond Income B Inc 237.67 - 0.63 5.04
Charity Fund Global High Yield Fund - A Net Acc £ 11.28 - 0.02 4.92 Fixed Interest Acc £ 17.02 17.92 -0.01 -
DSM Capital Partners Funds (LUX)
Eq. Emerging World AU Class - R - USD $ 80.58 - 0.67 0.00 Enquiries 020 7214 1763 UK Equity Income B Inc 427.41 - 1.38 4.97 Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP (IRL) Global High Yield Fund - A Net Inc £ 9.69 - 0.02 5.53
Regulated International Acc £ 13.30 14.00 0.05 -
Targeted Return Fund Acc 144.60 145.40 0.50 3.14 UK Government Bond B Inc 46.91 - -0.01 1.97 Regulated
Eq. Greater China AU Class - R - USD $ 560.28 - 3.63 0.00 Global Property - Acc £ 1.50 - 0.00 1.31
Cheyne Convertibles Absolute Return Fund € 1356.01 - 5.00 0.00 International S-NA Acc £ 6.84 7.19 0.03 -
Targeted Return Fund Inc 110.70 111.30 0.30 3.20 Global Growth I2 Acc € 136.71 - -0.01 0.00
Eq. Latin America AU Class - R - USD $ 308.67 - 4.01 0.00 Global Property W Inc £ 1.23 - 0.01 3.06
Cheyne Global Credit Fund € 117.35 - 0.06 0.00 International S-PA Acc £ 4.13 4.34 0.02 -
Global Growth I1 Eur € 102.24 - 0.00 -
Gl. Macro Bds & Curr Low Vol AHG - GBP £ 98.68 - 0.03 0.00 Global Special Sits £ 26.34 - 0.10 0.00
Cheyne European Mid Cap Fund € 1126.48 - -2.94 0.00 International S-EU Acc £ 3.33 3.50 0.01 -
Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Fleming Financial Trust Investment Fund Limited (NZ)
Index Emerging Markets P-Acc £ 0.96 - 0.00 2.70 Incorporated in New Zealand, Reg No 5141841 Managed S-PR Acc £ 6.79 7.15 0.02 -
Northern Trust, George Court 54-62 Townsend Street, Dublin 2 Rep of Ireland 020 7214 1004
Eclectica Asset Management (UK)
Registered address: Level 5, 3 City Road, Graftn, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
The Antares European Fund Limited FCA Recognised Index Europe ex UK P-Acc £ 1.03 - 0.00 2.43 Fixed Interest S-IL Acc £ 6.43 6.77 0.00 -
Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH
Other International ASEAN Frontiers A GBP Inc £ 108.43 - -0.06 0.59 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 608 0941
Other International Funds Index Japan P-Acc £ 1.14 - -0.01 1.53 Deposit Accum £ 4.44 4.67 0.00 -
AEF Ltd Usd (Est) $ 667.04 - 4.66 - Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers
Asia Growth A GBP Inc H £ 45.11 - -0.07 0.00 Cheyne European Event Driven Fund € 145.83 - -0.11 0.00 Index Pacific ex Japan P-Acc £ 1.03 - 0.00 3.98 Other International Funds Guardian Pensions Management Ltd
AEF Ltd Eur (Est) € 669.79 - 4.32 0.00
Candriam Investors Group (LUX) Authorised Inv Funds
Fleming FT Investment Fund
Australia A GBP Inc £ 70.66 - 0.80 1.95 FCA Recognised Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund £ 161.86 - 0.94 0.00 Index UK A-Acc £ 0.83 - 0.00 2.86 Pens. Managed Acc. £ 23.29 24.51 0.08 -
CF Eclectica Agriculture A EUR Acc ♦ € 1.45 - 0.02 0.00
Fleming Fund £ 4.53 4.53 0.00 -
Baring China Bond Fund $ 9.80 - 0.00 0.00 Candriam Eqts L Australia Cap A$ 981.01 - 13.38 0.00 Cheyne Real Estate Credit Holdings Fund III £ 111.98 - 0.56 0.00 Index UK P-Acc £ 1.02 - 0.01 3.10 Pens. Equity Acc. £ 34.21 36.01 0.16 -
CF Eclectica Agriculture A GBP Acc ♦ 105.91 - 0.91 0.00
Arisaig Partners Baring Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund $ 9.15 - 0.01 0.00 Candriam Eqts L Sust World Cap € 285.45 - 5.92 0.00 Cheyne Real Estate Debt Fund Class A1 £ 131.65 - 0.83 0.00 Index US A-Acc £ 1.68 - 0.02 1.40
CF Eclectica Agriculture A USD Acc ♦ $ 1.58 - 0.02 0.00
Other International Funds
Baring European Opportunities Fund Class A EUR Acc € 13.82 - 0.09 0.00 Candriam Bds Euro Cap € 1127.53 - -1.60 0.00 Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund - December 2017 Class $ 173.12 - -9.06 0.00 Index US P-Acc £ 1.29 - 0.01 1.60
Arisaig Africa Consumer Fund Limited $ 13.43 - -0.07 0.00 CF Eclectica Agriculture C EUR Acc ♦ € 1.50 - 0.02 0.32 HPB Assurance Ltd
Baring Global Mining Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 3.51 - 0.06 0.65 Candriam Bds Euro Infl Linked Cap € 140.85 - -0.21 0.00 Cheyne Total Return Credit Fund 2020 $ 103.39 - 0.01 - Index World A-Acc £ 1.45 - 0.01 1.77 Anglo Intl House, Bank Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LN 01638 563490
Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Limited $ 63.93 - -0.06 0.00 CF Eclectica Agriculture C GBP Acc ♦ 109.96 - 0.94 0.38
International Insurances
Dynamic Emerging Markets A GBP Acc F £ 8.56 - 0.00 0.00 Candriam Qt-Eqts Europe Cap € 2313.12 - 55.14 0.00 Index World P-Acc £ 1.18 - 0.01 1.88
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS € 11.98 - 0.15 0.00 CF Eclectica Agriculture C USD Acc ♦ $ 1.63 - 0.02 0.40 Holiday Property Bond Ser 1 £ 0.50 - 0.01 0.00
Eastern Europe A GBP Inc £ 40.28 - 0.07 1.72 Candriam Qt-Eqts USA Cap $ 2346.06 - 32.86 0.00
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS STG £ 11.18 - 0.02 0.00 Clareville Capital Partners LLP Japan £ 2.81 - -0.03 0.00
Holiday Property Bond Ser 2 £ 0.60 - 0.01 0.00
Emerging Mkt Debt LC A GBP Hedged Inc £ 7.01 - 0.01 6.56 Other International Funds
Arisaig Latin America Consumer Fund $ 20.13 - 0.12 0.00
Japan Smaller Companies £ 2.06 - -0.03 0.00 First State Investments (UK) (1200)F (UK)
Pegasus Fund Ltd A-1 GBP £ 53.68 - -1.64 0.00 23 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 1BB
Emerging Opportunities A GBP Inc H £ 17.83 - -0.15 0.00 Candriam Investors Group (BE) MoneyBuilder Asset Allocator £ 1.18 - 0.01 0.63
Pegasus Fund Ltd A-2 GBP £ 136.12 - -4.17 0.00 Hargreaves Lansdown Fd Mgrs (1100)F (UK)
FCA Recognised
Glb Emerging Markets A GBP Inc H £ 18.93 - 0.02 0.00 MoneyBuilder Balanced £ 0.50 - 0.00 3.99 Client Services: 0800 587 4141 Dealing Line: 0800 587 3388 PO Box 55736, 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf London E14 1BT
Candriam Sust Euro Bonds Cap € 357.60 - -0.57 0.00 Pegasus Fund Ltd A-1 EUR € 22.96 - -0.68 0.00 Authorised Funds
Glb Resources A GBP Inc H £ 10.70 - 0.18 0.37 Money Builder Dividend £ 2.60 - 0.01 4.34 Enquiries 0117 90090000
Candriam Sust North America Cap $ 39.46 - 0.51 0.00 Pegasus Fund Ltd A-1 USD $ 24.56 - -0.75 0.00 Asia Pacific A Shares 947.67 - 2.52 0.46
High Yield Bond A GBP Hedged Inc H £ 6.09 - 0.02 7.10 MoneyBuilder Growth £ 0.76 - 0.01 2.40 Authorised Inv Funds
Candriam Sust World Cap € 26.46 - 0.55 0.00 Pegasus Fund Ltd A-2 USD $ 133.55 - -4.11 0.00 Asia Pacific Leaders A Shares 475.65 - 0.34 0.30
Hong Kong China A GBP Inc £ 594.05 - -0.60 0.59 EdenTree Investment Management Ltd (UK) MoneyBuilder Growth ISA £ 0.76 - 0.00 2.56 Hargreaves Lansdown Funds
Pegasus Fund Ltd B-1 GBP £ 192.46 - -0.16 0.00 PO Box 3733, Swindon, SN4 4BG, 0800 358 3010 Asia Sustainability A Shares 356.00 - -0.71 0.44 Unit Trust
India Fund - Class A GBP Inc £ 14.28 - -0.05 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds MoneyBuilder Income £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.21
Candriam Investors Group Pegasus Fund Ltd B-2 GBP £ 147.55 - -0.13 0.00 Emerging Markets Bond A Accumulation £ 1.18 - 0.01 4.85 HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust A Acc 269.43 283.61 1.52 0.52
Artemis Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) Latin America A USD Inc H $ 25.29 - 0.27 0.23 Amity UK Cls A Inc 214.40 - 1.00 1.46 MoneyBuilder Income -Gross £ 0.35 - 0.00 3.21
Other International Funds Emerging Markets Bond A Income £ 1.02 - 0.00 4.99 HL Multi-Manager Special Situations Trust M Acc 269.44 283.62 1.53 0.42
57 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1LD 0800 092 2051 Pegasus Fund Ltd B-1 EUR € 161.47 - -0.14 0.00
MENA A GBP Inc F * £ 12.10 - -0.05 0.66 Amity UK Cls B Inc 214.90 - 0.90 2.25 Multi Asset Adventurous A-Acc £ 1.32 - 0.01 0.44
Authorised Inv Funds Candriam Eqts L Emerging Mkts Cap € 638.13 - 9.70 0.00
Pegasus Fund Ltd B-1 USD $ 172.66 - -0.16 0.00 Global Agribusiness Fund A Accumulation 119.47 - 1.49 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Acc 165.30 173.92 2.08 3.83
Artemis Capital R ACC 1280.80 1353.45 6.18 1.24 Candriam Eqts L Euro 50 Cap € 540.89 - 11.84 0.00 Higher Income Cls A Inc 122.90 - 0.60 4.98 Multi Asset Alloc Adventurous A-Acc £ 3.74 - -0.01 3.07
Global Emerging Mkts A Shares 557.56 - 1.50 0.70 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Acc 165.31 173.92 2.08 1.79
Artemis European Growth R Acc 246.37 259.98 0.61 1.19 Baring International Fd Mgrs (Ireland) (IRL) Candriam Eqts L Europe Cap € 970.40 - 27.34 0.00 Higher Income Cls B Inc 126.60 - 0.60 4.90 Multi Asset Alloc Strategic A-Acc £ 1.17 - 0.01 0.37
Global Emerging Mkts Leaders A Shares 404.10 - 0.59 0.75 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust A Inc 99.10 104.28 1.24 3.91
Artemis European Opps R Acc 75.93 80.13 0.23 0.82
Regulated Cohen & Steers SICAV (LUX) UK Equity Growth Cls A Inc 243.60 - 1.10 0.59 Multi Asset Alloc Def - Gross A £ 1.12 - 0.01 0.34
Candriam Eqts L Japan Cap ¥ 21068.00 - -115.00 0.00
China A-Share A GBP Inc £ 5.70 - 0.14 0.00 Regulated Global Emerging Mkts Sustainability A Acc 216.61 - 0.57 0.98 HL Multi-Manager Income & Growth Trust M Inc 99.10 104.27 1.24 1.81
UK Equity Growth Cls B Inc 249.80 - 1.20 1.20 Multi Asset Alloc Def - Net A £ 1.11 - 0.00 0.38
Asset Management
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Acc 80.95 - -0.08 - Candriam Bonds Credit Opportunities € 189.66 - 0.15 0.00 European Real Estate Securities € 23.7239 - 0.3571 1.54
Global Listed Infrastructure Acc 173.35 - 2.23 3.09 HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust A Acc 183.86 193.38 1.20 1.10
Artemis Global Emg Mkts I GBP Dist

Artemis Global Energy R Acc

80.96 - -0.07

20.77 22.06 0.61 0.00

Barings (Luxembourg) (LUX)
Candriam Bds Euro Conv. Classic Cap € 3418.67

Candriam Bds Euro Corp ExFin Cap € 161.35


6.87 0.00

-0.18 0.00
Europ.RealEstate Sec. IX

Gbl Listed Infrastructure I

€ 31.7601

$ 9.7901

0.4782 0.00

0.1376 -
Amity Balanced For Charities A Inc

Amity European Fund Cls A Inc



0.40 6.09

1.00 1.23
Multi Asset Alloc Growth A

Multi Asset Defensive




0.01 0.09

0.01 0.26
Global Listed Infrastructure Inc 134.83 - 1.74 3.15 Asset Manageme
HL Multi-Manager Balanced Managed Trust M Acc 183.87 193.39 1.21 0.71
FCA Recognised Global Opportunities A Shares 303.90 - 1.15 0.18 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Inc 108.55 114.09 0.57 2.25
Artemis Global Growth R Acc 182.59 192.67 0.63 0.81 Candriam Bds Euro Gov.Cl.Cap € 2260.49 - -5.03 0.00 Amity European Fund Cls B Inc 204.20 - 1.10 2.09 Multi Asset Defensive - Gross £ 1.22 - 0.00 0.27
Russia A GBP Inc F £ 24.82 - 0.21 0.00 Gbl Listed Infrastructure IX $ 9.7901 - 0.1376 -
Global Property Securities A Accumulation 169.42 - 1.16 2.21 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Inc 108.54 114.07 0.57 1.04
Artemis Global Income R Acc 95.38 100.76 0.48 4.09 Candriam Bds Euro High Yield Cap € 996.24 - 1.03 0.00 Amity Global Equity Inc for Charities A Inc 102.20 - 0.70 3.99 Multi Asset Growth £ 1.35 - 0.00 0.25
Gbl RealEstate Sec. I $ 10.8739 - 0.0735 1.42
Global Property Securities A Income 131.88 - 0.90 2.24 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust A Acc 147.25 154.76 0.78 2.22
Artemis Global Income R Inc 76.80 81.14 0.39 4.26 Candriam Bds Euro High Yield R Cap € 110.70 - 0.12 0.00 Amity International Cls A Inc 203.40 - 1.20 1.38 MultiManager Balanced £ 1.09 - 0.00 0.56
BlackRock (JER) Gbl RealEstate Sec. IX $ 12.8603 - 0.0869 0.00
Global Resources A Shares 166.39 - 5.09 1.35 HL Multi-Manager Equity & Bond Trust M Acc 147.26 154.77 0.78 1.03
Artemis Global select R Acc 72.63 76.64 0.23 0.00 Regulated Candriam Bds Euro Long Term Cap € 7842.05 - -30.17 0.00 Amity International Cls B Inc 205.70 - 1.10 2.25 Multi Asset Open Growth A-Acc £ 0.46 - 0.00 0.59
Greater China Growth A Shares 524.67 - -2.63 1.04 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Acc 166.39 171.53 -0.22 1.80
Artemis High Income R Inc 77.20 82.29 0.09 5.83 BlackRock UK Property £ 41.21 - 0.17 3.37 Amity Sterling Bond Fund A Inc 105.20 - 0.00 5.17 Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Acc £ 1.22 - 0.01 1.03
Candriam Bds Euro Sh.Term Cap € 2076.02 - -0.57 0.00
Consistent Unit Tst Mgt Co Ltd (1200)F (UK) Indian Subcontinent A Acc 338.39 - -0.22 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Acc 166.38 171.52 -0.21 0.89
Artemis Income R Inc 203.44 215.66 0.97 4.22 Blackrock UK Long Lease £ 1071.52 - 0.97 0.00 PO BOX 10117, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9JB Amity Sterling Bond Fund B Inc 113.70 - 0.00 5.16 Multi Asset Open Strategic A-Inc £ 0.29 - 0.00 2.53
Candriam Bds International Cap € 981.46 - -1.42 0.00
Worldwide Equity Fund A Accumulation £ 1.29 - 0.00 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust A Inc 138.26 142.53 -0.18 1.82
BLK Intl Gold & General $ 3.93 4.15 0.05 0.00 Dealing & Client Services 0845 0264281
Artemis Income R Acc 346.93 367.78 1.65 4.10 Candriam Bds USD Cap $ 924.16 - -1.26 0.00 Multi Asset Strategic £ 1.52 - 0.00 0.30
Authorised Inv Funds Worldwide Equity Fund A Income £ 1.31 - 0.01 0.00 HL Multi-Manager Strategic Bond Trust M Inc 138.24 142.51 -0.18 0.91
Artemis Monthly Dist R Inc 62.27 66.09 0.11 4.61 Candriam Total Return Bond Cap € 131.08 - 0.19 0.00 Consistent UT Inc 53.62 54.29 0.23 4.72 Edinburgh Partners Limited (IRL) Open World A-Acc £ 1.20 - 0.01 0.00
HL Multi Manager Emerging Markets A Acc 85.64 88.27 0.30 0.33
27-31 Melville Street, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH2 4DJ +353 1 434 5143
Artemis Pan-Euro Abs Ret GBP 112.67 - 0.09 - BONHOTE Consistent UT Acc 124.98 126.53 0.55 4.57 Multi Asset Income A Gross Acc £ 1.56 - 0.01 3.45
Dealing - Fax only - +353 1 434 5230 HL Multi-Manager European A Acc 103.49 106.67 1.12 0.74
Other International Funds
Multi Asset Income A Gross Inc £ 1.08 - 0.00 4.92
Foord Asset Management
Artemis Strategic Assets R Acc 73.43 77.77 0.08 0.00 Practical Investment Inc 202.43 207.88 1.10 3.98 FCA Recognised
Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Arbitrage (USD) Classe (EUR) € 6649.00 - -46.00 2.28 Other International Funds HL Multi-Manager UK Growth A Acc 104.27 107.49 1.33 1.24
Edinburgh Partners Opportunities Fund PLC Multi Asset Income A Net Acc £ 1.47 - 0.00 3.47
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Acc 83.11 88.28 -0.02 4.04 Practical Investment Acc 988.54 1015.14 5.37 3.87 Foord International Trust $ 34.56 - 0.09 0.00
Bonhôte Alternative - Multi-Performance (USD) Classe (EUR) € 9920.00 - 129.00 0.92 European Opportunities I EUR € 2.52 - 0.08 2.20
Artemis Strategic Bond R M Inc 53.46 56.79 -0.01 4.12 Multi Asset Income A Net Inc £ 1.08 - 0.00 4.90 Foord Global Equity Fund_Class B $ 12.60 - 0.13 0.00
European Opportunities I GBP £ 1.83 - 0.03 2.47 Haussmann
Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Acc 83.19 88.37 -0.02 4.10 South East Asia £ 8.08 - -0.01 0.12
Other International Funds
Braemar Group PCC Limited (GSY) European Opportunities I USD $ 2.75 - 0.06 2.05
Artemis Strategic Bond R Q Inc 53.67 57.01 -0.01 4.18 Special Situations £ 30.96 - 0.20 0.78 Haussmann Cls A $ 2671.56 - -36.15 0.00
Regulated European Opportunities A EUR € 2.46 - 0.08 1.53 Franklin Templeton International Services Sarl (IRL)
Artemis UK Growth R Acc 459.14 486.35 1.82 0.54
Capita Asset Services (UK) Sterling Core Plus Red Dur £ 10.02 - -0.02 - JPMorgan House - International Financial Services Centre,Dublin 1, Ireland
UK Agricultural Class A £ 1.27 - 0.01 0.00 Haussmann Cls C € 2336.81 - -33.24 0.00
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Global Opportunities I USD $ 1.62 - 0.02 2.09 Other International Funds
Artemis UK Smaller Cos R Acc 1167.38 1258.85 5.82 0.48 UK Agricultural Class B £ 1.39 - -0.02 0.00 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 922 0044 Strategic Bond £ 0.31 - 0.00 2.83 Haussmann Cls D SFr 1236.49 - -18.03 0.00
Global Opportunities I GBP £ 1.09 - 0.01 1.94 Franklin Emerging Market Debt Opportunities Fund Plc
Authorised Inv Funds
Artemis UK Special Sits R Acc 524.45 557.63 2.69 1.63 Student Accom Class B £ 0.55 - -0.17 0.00 Strategic Bond Gross £ 0.31 - 0.00 2.83 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp CHFSFr 17.44 - 0.51 8.01
CF Heartwood Cautious B Acc X 127.01 - 0.29 0.15 Global Opportunities I EUR € 1.52 - -0.01 1.98
Artemis US Abs Ret I Acc 108.85 - -0.16 0.00 Coronation Fund Managers Target 2015 £ 0.50 - 0.00 0.38 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp EUR € 12.27 - 0.36 7.13 Heartwood Wealth Management Limited (IRL)
CF Heartwood Cautious Income B Inc X 109.14 - 0.36 2.42 +44 (0)20 7389 8840 Global Opportunities A GBP £ 1.02 - 0.01 1.47
Artemis US Equity I Acc 117.46 - 0.60 0.28 Enquiries: +27 (21) 680 2837/2457 Target 2020 £ 0.56 - 0.00 0.52 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp GBP £ 10.18 - 0.25 6.96 Regulated
CF Heartwood Growth B Acc X 143.35 - 0.95 0.66 Pan European Opportunities I EUR € 1.52 - 0.05 -
Artemis US Select I Acc 119.63 - 0.58 0.12 Other International Funds Target 2025 £ 1.32 - 0.01 0.32 Heartwood Caut Multi Asset B Acc 138.77 - 0.59 0.00
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp SGD S$ 22.43 - 0.51 6.17
CF Heartwood Balanced Income B Inc X 110.93 - 0.69 2.95 Global Equity Fund of Funds - Class A $ 13.48 - -0.07 0.00
Artemis US Select I Inc 106.85 - 0.52 - Target 2030 £ 1.42 - 0.01 0.40 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp USD $ 17.18 - 0.35 6.99
CF Heartwood Balanced B Acc X 124.27 - 0.70 0.31 Global Emerging Markets - Class A $ 11.88 - 0.15 0.00
Artemis US Smlr Cos I Acc 121.03 - 0.77 0.00 UK Select £ 2.44 - 0.01 0.86 Henderson Global Investors (UK)
CF Heartwood Defensive Multi Asset Fund B Accumulation 108.98 - 0.18 0.00 All Africa $ 13.33 - -0.47 0.00 PO Box 9023, Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Enquiries: 0800 832 832
Artemis US Ex Alpha I Acc 125.91 - 0.66 0.14 UK Growth £ 3.60 - 0.01 0.00
CF Richmond Core X 175.84 - 1.73 0.00 Africa Frontiers $ 15.50 - -1.10 0.00
Frontier Capital (Bermuda) Limited
Brown Advisory Funds plc (IRL) UK Smaller Companies £ 2.16 - 0.01 0.18 Other International Authorised Inv Funds Tel: 020 3301 8130 CF Seneca Diversified Growth A ACC 218.75 - 1.16 1.42
Commercial Property-GBP Class £ 71.42 - -0.53 - Asia Pacific Capital Growth A Acc 705.40 - 0.30 0.16
FCA Recognised
CF Seneca Diversified Growth B ACC 129.49 - 0.69 2.43
Brown Advisory US Equity Growth Fund USD B $ 22.81 - 0.19 0.00 Global Real Estate-GBP C Class £ 45.26 - -0.50 - Asian Dividend Income Inc 83.83 88.46 0.00 7.17
CF Seneca Diversified Growth N ACC 128.19 - 0.69 2.10
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 21


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Cautious Managed A Acc 236.70 - 0.50 3.28 Gbl Financial Cap Acc Gross 93.25 - 0.10 4.78 Invesco European Growth Equity A € 24.63 - 0.39 0.00 UK Equity Growth Inc 105.60 - 0.50 1.18 M&G Corporate Bond A Inc 39.18 - 0.00 3.09 UK Equity Fd Cl A Series 01 £ 2357.45 2381.20 0.73 0.00 Asian Equity A F $ 40.90 - 0.44 0.00

Cautious Managed A Inc 146.40 - 0.40 3.34 Gbl Financial Cap Inc Gross 75.15 - 0.08 4.97 Invesco Global Absolute Return Fund A Class € 11.73 - 0.01 0.00 UK Higher Inc Acc ... C 908.80 - 3.60 4.12 LF Funds (Banque Libano-Francaise Group) (LUX) M&G Dividend A Inc 60.91 - -0.03 4.47 Diversified Absolute Rtn Fd USD Cl AF2 $ 1586.40 - -4.69 0.00 Asian Property A F $ 17.57 - 0.16 0.00

China Opportunities A Acc 859.70 - 0.70 0.40 Global Opportunities Acc ♦ F 94.66 - 0.72 0.47 Invesco Global Bond A Inc $ 5.50 - 0.00 0.75 UK Higher Inc Inc ... C 528.20 - 2.10 4.25 - M&G Dividend A Acc 610.08 - -0.38 4.32 Diversified Absolute Return Stlg Cell AF2 £ 1607.75 - -3.92 0.00 Asian Property AX F £ 10.78 - -0.01 0.54
Emerging Markets Opportunities A Acc 139.40 - 0.20 0.80 Global Smaller Cos Acc ♦ F 1681.49 - 8.73 0.20 Invesco Global Conservative Fund 90 (EUR) A € 11.88 - 0.01 0.00 UK Smaller Cos Acc 388.40xd - 2.50 0.27 M&G Episode Growth X Inc 51.54xd - 0.19 1.78 Diversified Alpha Plus A F € 29.54 - 0.03 0.00
LF Total Return Bond Fund - Class A $ 116.77 - 0.15 0.00
European Growth A Acc 171.20 - 0.50 0.54 Global Smaller Cos Inc ♦ F 1605.63 - 8.35 0.20 Invesco Global Equity Income Fund A $ 58.63 - 0.79 0.00 UK Smaller Cos Inc 75.21xd - 0.48 0.27 M&G Episode Income A Acc 135.94xd - 0.38 3.58 Manek Investment Mgmt Ltd (1000)F (UK) Emerg Europ, Mid-East & Africa Eq A F € 65.61 - 0.89 0.00
LF Total Return Bond Fund - Class D $ 114.78 - 0.15 0.00
European Selected Opportunities A Acc 1286.00 - 7.00 0.67 Global Targeted Rets Acc 56.54 - 0.01 0.29 Invesco Global Inc Real Estate Sec A dist $ 9.05 - 0.03 2.23 UK Strategic Eq Inc Acc ... C 151.60xd - 0.60 3.73 M&G Episode Income A Inc 113.07xd - 0.30 3.65 P.O.Box 100, Swindon SN1 1WR 0844 800 9401 Emerging Markets Debt A F $ 73.97 - 0.05 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds
European Special Situations A Acc 94.66 - -0.29 1.05 High Income Acc ♦ F 830.81 - 3.78 3.28 Invesco Global Inv Grd Corp Bond A Dist $ 11.80 - -0.01 3.03 UK Strategic Eq Inc Inc ... C 98.04xd - 0.39 3.82 M&G Extra Income A Inc 719.03xd - 2.68 4.53 Emerging Markets Domestic Debt AX F £ 10.23 - -0.02 5.50
Lloyds Investment Fund Managers Limited (1000)F (JER) Growth Fd Acc 52.27 55.33 0.08 0.00
Fixed Interest Monthly Income A Inc 21.66 22.72 0.00 5.85 High Income Inc ♦ F 458.30 - 2.09 3.36 Invesco Global Leisure A $ 36.24 - 0.18 0.00 US Acc 733.10 - 6.10 0.00 PO Box 311, 11-12 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8ZU 01534 845555 M&G Extra Income A Acc 5932.09xd - 22.09 4.39 Emerging Markets Equity A F $ 32.80 - 0.36 0.00

Global Care Growth A Inc 200.60 - 1.10 0.00 High Yield Fund Acc 104.81 - 0.07 5.23 Invesco Global Smaller Comp Eq Fd A $ 56.87 - 0.32 0.00 US Inc 101.50 - 0.90 0.00 Other International Funds M&G Global Basics A Inc 612.85 - 2.13 0.61 Euro Bond A F € 15.68 - -0.03 0.00
Lloydstrust Gilt £ 12.1400 - -0.0800 2.38 LNG Capital (CYM)
Global Equity Income A Inc 49.51 - 0.27 3.78 High Yield Fund Acc (Gross) 122.44 - 0.08 5.19 Invesco Global Structured Equity A $ 46.33 - 0.43 0.73 US Equity Income Acc ... C 123.00xd - 1.40 2.11 M&G Global Basics A Acc 931.23 - 3.23 0.57 Kingsbury House, 15-17 King St, London SW1Y 6QU Euro Corporate Bond AX F £ 21.73 - -0.20 1.52
Lloyds Investment Funds Limited
Global Growth Fund 2084.42 2179.23 10.95 0.00 High Yield Fund Inc 41.47 - 0.03 5.37 Invesco Global Total Ret.(EUR) Bond Fund A € 13.14 - -0.01 0.00 US Equity Income £ hdg Inc ... C 99.20xd - 1.31 2.22 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Acc 185.68 - 3.13 3.30, Tel: 0207 839 3456 Euro Strategic Bond A F € 43.19 - -0.07 0.00
Euro High Income € 1.6120 - -0.0030 2.97 Regulated
Global Technology A Acc 985.30 - 3.00 0.00 High Yield Fund Inc (Gross) 41.55 - 0.03 5.37 Invesco Gold & Precious Metals A $ 3.50 - 0.00 0.00 US Equity Income Inc ... C 104.40xd - 1.20 2.13 M&G Global Dividend Fund A Inc 146.53 - 2.47 3.37 European Currencies High Yield Bd A F € 21.39 - 0.00 0.00
European £ 7.5070 - 0.1700 1.24 LNG Europa Credit Fund EUR (Est) € 1196.70 - 65.31 -
Multi-Manager Absolute Return A Acc 134.40 - 0.20 0.39 Hong Kong & China Acc ♦ F 477.62 - 0.88 0.74 Invesco Greater China Equity A $ 44.48 - 0.54 0.00 US Select Acc 114.20 - 1.20 0.00 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Acc 183.28 - 1.16 0.94 European Equity Alpha A F € 42.72 - 1.00 0.00
High Income £ 0.8574 - -0.0031 4.96 LNG Europa Credit Fund GBP (Est) £ 1196.70 - 56.94 -
Multi-Manager Active A Acc ▲ 173.10 - 0.00 0.00 Income & Growth Acc ♦ F 954.43 - 4.64 4.05 Invesco India Equity A $ 51.57 - 0.42 0.00 US Select Inc 112.80 - 1.20 0.00 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Inc 177.07 - 1.12 0.95 European Property A F € 35.38 - 0.41 0.00
International £ 3.9370 - 0.0540 1.17 LNG Europa Credit Fund USD $ 1183.45 - -15.60 -
Multi-Manager Distribution A Inc 125.90 - 0.60 3.33 Income & Growth Inc ♦ F 414.08 - 2.01 4.17 Invesco Japanese Equity Adv Fd A ¥ 3803.00 - 0.00 0.00 US Smaller Cos Acc 382.60xd - 4.50 0.00 M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Acc 106.68xd - 0.10 1.38 Eurozone Equity Alpha A F € 11.54 - 0.23 0.00
North American £ 15.5700 - 0.2000 0.13
Multi-Manager Diversified A Acc 77.37 - 0.24 2.86 Income Acc ♦ F 3188.20 - 13.50 3.13 Invesco Japanese Value Eq Fd A ¥ 1280.00 - 0.00 0.00 US Smaller Cos Inc 100.20xd - 1.12 0.00 M&G Global Macro Bond Fund A Inc 73.90xd - 0.07 1.38 Global Bond A F $ 38.10 - -0.11 0.00
Sterling Bond £ 1.4580 - -0.0070 3.63 Marlborough Fd Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK)
Multi-Manager Global Select Acc 178.00 - 0.90 0.00 Income Inc ♦ F 1773.09 - 7.50 3.20 Invesco Latin American Equity A $ 5.50 - 0.03 0.00 M&G Global High Yield Bond X Inc 47.47xd - 0.09 4.70 Marlborough House, 59 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QP 0808 145 2500 Global Brands A F $ 98.26 - 1.52 0.00
UK £ 6.3650 - 0.1300 1.69
Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Acc 151.40 - 0.80 2.21 Japan Acc ♦ F 314.95 - -0.24 0.31 Invesco Nippon Small/Mid Cap Equity A ¥ 1035.00 - 0.00 0.00 M&G Global High Yield Bond X Acc 112.33xd - 0.23 4.70 Global Convertible Bond A F $ 42.06 - 0.16 0.00
JPMorgan Charity Funds (UK) Lloyds Gilt Fund Limited
Authorised Inv Funds
Multi-Manager Income & Growth A Inc 139.10 - 0.80 2.24 Japanese Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 66.70 - -1.74 0.00 Invesco Pan European Equity A EUR Cap NAV € 19.06 - 0.45 0.00 60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP 020 7742 9175 Lloyds Gilt Fund Quarterly Share £ 1.2640 - -0.0080 1.88 M&G Managed Growth X Inc 75.69xd - 0.38 0.57 Global Property A F $ 27.60 - 0.16 0.00
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Balanced 155.98 164.94 0.03 0.05
Multi-Manager Managed A Acc 225.50 - 0.00 0.42 Latin America Acc ♦ F 97.41 - 0.91 1.14 Invesco Pan European High Income Fd A € 13.73 - 0.04 2.38 Monthly Share £ 1.2140xd - -0.0080 1.88 M&G Optimal Income A Inc 141.11 - 0.17 2.63 Indian Equity A F $ 34.43 - 0.26 0.00
UK Equity Fund for Charities I...C £ 2.809538 2.821504 1.786384 3.52 Bond Income 49.36 52.23 -0.09 4.95
Multi-Manager Managed A Inc 221.50 - 0.00 0.41 Latin America Inc ♦ F 81.09 - 0.76 1.16 Invesco Pan European Small Cap Equity A € 23.00 - 0.22 0.00 Lloyds Money Fund Limited M&G Optimal Income A Acc 186.41 - 0.22 2.63 Latin American Equity A F $ 35.94 - 0.37 0.00
Bond Fund for Charities £ 1.333069 1.339426 0.309915 3.58 Cash 50.05 50.05 0.00 0.32
Sterling Class £ 52.6160 - 0.0000 0.12
Sterling Bond Acc 194.86 203.60 -0.08 2.85 Managed Growth Acc ♦ F 161.06 - 1.13 0.71 Invesco Pan European Structured Equity A € 17.30 - 0.27 0.00 M&G Recovery GBP A Inc 115.09 - 1.00 0.76 Short Maturity Euro Bond A F € 20.37 - 0.00 0.00
Lloyds Multi Strategy Fund Limited Cautious Inc 81.99 86.30 -0.05 1.33
Sterling Bond Inc 60.41 63.11 -0.03 2.89 Managed Growth Inc ♦ F 134.08 - 0.94 0.71 Invesco UK Eqty Income A £ 31.75 - 0.36 0.00 M&G Recovery GBP A Acc 258.43 - 2.24 0.76 US Dollar Liquidity A F $ 13.03 - 0.00 0.00
Conservative Strategy £ 1.0930 - -0.0020 1.97 Defensive A Inc 117.22 117.22 -0.05 0.27
Strategic Bond A Inc 125.30 - 0.00 5.22 Managed Income Acc ♦ F 159.78 - 0.83 2.97 Invesco UK Investment Grade Bond A £ 0.97 - -0.01 2.90 M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Inc 72.46xd - 0.01 2.98 US Growth A F $ 68.86 - 0.42 0.00
Growth Strategy £ 1.4710 - 0.0060 1.32 Emerging Markets 222.09 222.09 1.46 1.71
UK & Irish Smaller Companies A Acc 539.80 - 1.50 0.00 Managed Income Inc ♦ F 97.37 - 0.51 3.02 Invesco US Structured Equity A $ 20.82 - 0.16 0.00 M&G Strategic Corp Bond A Acc 104.59xd - 0.02 2.98 US Growth AH F € 47.72 - 0.29 0.00
Aggressive Strategy £ 1.8030 - 0.0170 0.00 ETF Global Growth A 152.13 152.13 1.14 0.00
UK Absolute Return A Acc 151.60 - 0.00 0.00 Money Acc ♦ F 90.19 - 0.00 0.21 Invesco US Value Eq Fd A $ 30.48 - 0.30 0.00 M&G Global Leaders GBP A Inc 193.16 - 0.42 1.34 US Growth AX F £ 46.29 - 0.17 0.00
Global USD Growth Strategy $ 1.3740 - 0.0090 0.00 ETF Commodity A 65.13 65.13 0.29 0.00
UK Alpha A Acc ♦ 115.40 - 0.20 1.86 Money Acc (Gross) ♦ F 95.32 - 0.00 0.21 Invesco USD Reserve A $ 87.02 - 0.00 0.00 Dealing Daily M&G Global Leaders GBP A Acc 454.92 - 0.97 1.32 US Property A F $ 68.45 - 0.20 0.00
European Multi-Cap 292.50 292.50 0.43 0.29
UK Equity Income & Growth A Inc 596.90 - 3.10 3.90 Monthly Income Plus Acc ♦ F 294.38 - 0.20 4.84 GAM M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Acc 110.72 - 0.22 0.12
Extra Income 78.96 83.56 0.67 4.39,
UK Index A Acc 490.60 - 2.50 2.90 Monthly Income Plus Acc (Gross) ♦ F 346.52 - 0.24 4.82 Invesco Global Asset Management Ltd (IRL) M&G UK Inflation Lnkd Corp Bnd A Inc 109.13 - 0.21 0.12 Morgens Waterfall Inc
Regulated Lohengrin Management Ltd (BAH) Far East Growth A Inc 161.60 161.60 1.00 2.33
UK Property A Acc 193.08 203.24 0.05 4.04 Monthly Income Plus Inc ♦ F 108.11 - 0.07 4.95 Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00 852 2842 7200 Tel: 242-502-7020 Other International Funds
JB BF ABS-EUR B € 104.74 - -0.04 0.00 Global 177.35 186.68 0.20 0.00
FCA Recognised Other International Funds Phaeton Intl (BVI) Ltd (Est) $ 397.63 - 0.35 0.00
UK Property A Inc 97.68 102.81 0.03 4.16 Monthly Income Plus Inc (Gross) ♦ F 108.29 - 0.07 4.94 JB BF Abs Ret Def-EUR B € 108.82 - 0.02 0.00 M & G Securities Ltd (UK)
Invesco Stlg Bd A QD F £ 2.59 - 0.00 3.30 Lohengrin Fund Ltd - Class C € 33.14 - -14.11 0.00 Global Bond Inc 136.42 144.36 -0.30 3.19
UK Tracker A Acc 218.70 - 1.30 2.99 Pacific Acc ♦ F 983.12 - 2.07 0.38 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
Invesco Asian Equity A $ 6.21 - 0.03 0.53 JB BF Abs Ret EM-USD B $ 113.16 - 0.10 0.00 High Yield Fixed Interest 72.90 77.35 0.20 5.71
Charibond 122.25 - -0.04 5.29
US Growth A Acc 793.60 - 2.80 0.00 Pacific Inc ♦ F 899.66 - 1.90 0.38 JB BF Abs Ret-EUR B € 127.43 - 0.09 0.00
Invesco ASEAN Equity A $ 87.05 - 0.24 0.45 Multi Cap Income A Inc 160.08 160.08 0.85 4.40
(Accum Units) 3619.20 - -1.19 5.29
Tactical Bond Acc ♦ F 68.49 - 0.00 0.81 JB BF Abs Ret Pl-EUR B € 126.02 - 0.13 0.00
Invesco Bond A $ 26.75 - -0.02 2.22 Nano-Cap Growth A Acc 102.3154 112.6300 0.0776 0.00
NAACIF 74.38 - 0.50 4.71
Tactical Bond Inc ♦ F 59.38 - 0.00 0.82 JB BF EM Corporate-USD B $ 105.95 - -0.01 0.00
Invesco Continental Eurp Small Cap Eqty A $ 198.89 - 1.36 0.00 Special Situations A Acc 1194.81 1264.35 2.95 0.37
(Accum Units) 6667.06 - 45.13 4.58
Tactical Bond Acc (Gross) ♦ F 71.07 - 0.01 0.81 JB BF EM Infl Link-USD B $ 78.55 - 0.42 0.00
Invesco Emerging Markets Equity A $ 34.77 - 0.27 0.00 UK Multi-Cap Growth A Inc 242.84 256.97 0.93 0.65
M&G Property Portfolio A Acc 135.69 142.83 0.01 3.40
Tactical Bond Inc (Gross) ♦ F 59.44 - 0.00 0.82 JB BF EM Inv Grade-USD B $ 96.94 - 0.07 0.00
Invesco Emerging Markets Bond A $ 20.33 - -0.01 4.73 UK Micro Cap Growth A 473.25 500.79 0.24 0.00 Natixis International Funds (Lux) I SICAV (LUX)
Property Portfolio A 124.49 131.04 0.01 3.46
UK Focus Acc F 197.62 - 1.78 1.83
Invesco Continental European Equity A € 8.73 - 0.13 0.19 JB Emerging (EUR)-EUR B € 327.29 - 0.53 0.00 Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A (LUX)
US Multi-Cap Income 322.96 322.96 2.60 0.63
Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000 Property Portfolio X 124.49 124.49 0.01 3.46 FCA Recognised
UK Focus Inc F 164.57 - 1.48 1.86 JB Emerging (USD)-USD B $ 399.08 - 0.99 0.00 MFM - Third Party Funds
Invesco Gilt A £ 14.86 - -0.10 1.40 Regulated Harris Global Equity R/A (USD) $ 255.35 255.35 1.73 0.00
Hermes Investment Funds Plc (IRL)
UK Growth Acc ♦ F 540.86 - 4.07 1.87 JB BF Local EM-USD B $ 243.43 - 0.75 0.00 Lombard Odier Funds Junior Oils 57.50 60.85 2.23 0.00
Hermes Investment Management Limited, 1 Portsoken Street, London E1 8HZ +44 (0) 207 680 2121 Invesco Global Small Cap Equity A NAV $ 118.08 - 0.71 0.00 Harris US Equity Fund R/A (USD) $ 204.78 204.78 2.42 0.00
FCA Recognised UK Growth Inc ♦ F 343.14 - 2.58 1.90 JB BF Total Ret-EUR B € 96.65 - -0.01 0.00
Absolute Ret Bond (EUR) PA € 11.95 - -0.01 0.00 M & G (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) Junior Gold C Acc 18.50 18.50 -0.03 0.00
Invesco Global High Income A NAV $ 11.66 - 0.02 5.46 Regulated Harris Concentrated US Equity R/A (USD) $ 155.81 155.81 1.83 0.00
Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class F Acc £ £ 1.02 1.02 0.00 - UK Smaller Cos Equity Acc ♦ F 888.95 - 4.37 0.77 Absolute Ret Bond (USD) PA $ 17.58 - -0.01 0.00 MFM Artorius Fund 159.08 159.08 1.14 0.17
Invesco Gbl R/Est Secs A GBP F F £ 7.89 - 0.02 0.89 JB EF Abs Ret Eur-EUR B € 120.43 - -0.07 0.00 The M&G Offshore Fund Range
Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha R/A (USD) $ 109.05 109.05 -0.03 -
Hermes Abs Return Credit Fund Class R Acc € € 2.00 2.00 0.02 - UK Smaller Cos Equity Inc ♦ F 680.74 - 3.35 0.78 All Roads (CHF) PA SFr 17.20 - -0.02 0.00 MFM Bowland 163.94 177.23 2.41 0.00
JB EF Euro Value-EUR B € 176.64 - 6.33 0.00 Corporate Bond 1304.39 1344.73 0.00 3.07
Invesco Global Health Care A $ 127.78 - 0.54 0.00
Hermes Active UK Inflation Fund Class F Acc £ 1.27 1.27 0.00 0.00 UK Strategic Income Acc ♦ F 185.37 - 0.82 3.50 All Roads (USD) PA $ 10.98 - -0.01 0.00 Global Basics 2267.70 2337.83 7.85 0.32 MFM Hathaway Inc 105.15 110.10 0.16 1.89
Invesco Global Select Equity A $ 12.96 - 0.17 0.00 JB EF Japan-JPY B ¥ 17299.00 - -57.00 0.00
Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.56 1.56 0.00 0.00 All Roads (GBP) PA £ 11.21 - -0.01 0.00 Natixis International Funds (Dublin) I plc (IRL)
UK Strategic Income Inc ♦ F 136.57 - 0.61 3.59 JB EF Luxury B-EUR B € 216.73 - 3.85 0.00 Global Leaders 3354.94 3494.73 7.26 1.06 MFM SGWM Managed A Acc 125.95 125.95 -0.06 0.15
Invesco Jap Eqty Core A $ 1.80 - 0.00 0.00 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA +44 (0)20 3216 9000
Hermes Asia Ex-Japan Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.37 3.37 0.01 0.00 US Equity Acc ♦ F 547.55 - 9.70 0.00 All Roads (EUR) PA € 11.12 - -0.01 0.00 Global High Yield Bond 933.30 962.17 1.76 4.69 MFM Techinvest Special Situations Acc 140.56 140.56 0.56 0.01 Regulated
Invesco Japanese Equity A $ 19.02 - 0.02 0.00 JB Ms EF Special Val. EUR/A € 137.22 - 2.91 1.10
Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class F Acc £ 1.17 1.17 0.00 0.00 Invesco Perpetual Funds (No Trail) Alpha Japan (EUR) PA F € 11.68 - 0.02 0.00 Global Macro Bond Fund 11091.94 11434.99 10.48 1.39 MFM Techinvest Technology Acc 345.33 345.33 6.80 0.00 Loomis Sayles Global Opportunistic Bond R/D (USD) $ 12.25 12.25 -0.03 1.21
Invesco Korean Equity A $ 31.42 - 0.00 0.00 JB Strategy Balanced-CHF/B SFr 148.83 - 1.24 0.00
Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund Class R Acc € 2.94 2.94 0.01 0.00 Asian (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 182.36 - 0.90 1.47 Alpha Japan (CHF) PA F SFr 14.57 - 0.03 0.00 Loomis Sayles High Income R/D (USD) $ 8.11 8.11 0.03 14.98
JB Strategy Balanced-EUR € 154.20 - 1.40 0.00 North American Dividend Fund 158.12 164.71 2.61 2.22 MFM UK Primary Opportunities A Inc 326.63 326.63 4.86 1.35
Invesco PRC Equity A $ 52.27 - 0.52 0.00
Hermes Global Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.53 1.53 0.01 0.00 Asian (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 164.04 - 0.81 1.49 Alpha Japan (JPY) PA F ¥ 1388.00 - 3.00 0.00 Slater Investments Ltd - Investment Adviser Loomis Sayles Multisector Income R/D (GBP) $ 11.91 11.91 0.03 5.77
JB Strategy Balanced-USD/B $ 128.64 - 0.87 0.00 Optimal Income Fund 139.83 144.16 0.17 2.56
Invesco Pacific Equity A $ 47.02 - 0.24 0.19
Hermes Global Equity Fund Class R Acc € 4.00 4.00 0.04 0.00 Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 114.41 - 0.33 4.67 Alpha Japan (USD) PA F $ 16.74 - 0.03 0.00 MFM Slater Growth 418.07 443.58 3.42 0.11
JB Strategy Growth-CHF/B SFr 91.68 - 1.11 0.00 Recovery Fund Limited 'A' Participating Shares 9960.76 10375.79 85.48 0.48
Invesco Global Technology A $ 16.09 - 0.07 0.00
Hermes Global ESG Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.19 1.19 0.01 0.00 Asian Equity Income (No Trail) Inc 95.13 - 0.27 4.80 Alternative Beta PA F SFr 113.77 - 0.21 0.00 MFM Slater Income A Inc 160.71 160.71 0.97 3.81

Asset Management Natixis International Funds

JB Strategy Growth-EUR € 115.53 - 1.51 0.00 Recovery Fund Limited 'I' Participating Shares 9988.20 10089.09 86.17 1.33 (UK)
Invesco UK Eqty A £ 7.95 - 0.18 1.37

set Management
Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class F Acc £ 1.04 1.04 -0.01 0.00 Balanced Risk 6 No Trail Acc 104.56 - 0.23 0.16 Alternative Beta PA F € 76.93 - 0.15 0.00 MFM Slater Recovery 181.25 192.31 1.62 0.23 Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate Hill, London, EC4R 2YA 0044 20 3216 9000
JB Strategy Inc-CHF/B SFr 118.52 - 0.53 0.00 Strategic Corporate Bond Fund 131.57 137.05 0.02 2.96

Asset Management
Authorised Funds
Hermes Global High Yield Bond Fund Class R Acc €

Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class F Acc £ £


2.71 0.01 0.00

0.99 0.00 -
Balanced Risk 8 No Trail Acc

Balanced Risk 10 No Trail Acc

Asset Management 106.73


0.34 0.43

0.43 0.59 Invest AD

JB Strategy Inc-EUR/B € 159.00 - 0.81 0.00
Alternative Beta PA F $ 115.15 - 0.22 0.00 UK Select 1506.80 1569.58 12.56 0.97 H2O MultiReturns Fund N/A (GBP) £ 1.40 - 0.00 1.40

Client services: +971 2 692 6101 JB Strategy Inc-USD/B $ 145.42 - 0.49 0.00
Commodities (CHF) PA SFr 4.86 - -0.02 0.00 Marlborough International Management Limited (GSY) Harris Associates Global Concentrated Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 1.05 - 0.00 0.00
Corporate Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 163.63 - -0.11 3.76 Tudor House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, Guernsey, CI, GY1 1DB +44 1481 71520
Hermes Global Small Cap Fund Class R Acc € € 1.95 1.95 0.02 - Other International Funds Commodities (EUR) PA € 4.93 - -0.02 0.00
FCA Recognised Loomis Sayles Strategic Income N/D (GBP) £ 0.94 - 0.00 4.06
Hermes Multi Asset Inflation Fund Class F GBP Acc £ 0.98 0.98 0.00 0.00 Corporate Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 115.91 - -0.08 3.85 Invest AD - Iraq Opportunity Fund $ 61.80 - 0.78 0.00 Commodities (USD) PA $ 5.11 - -0.02 0.00 Marlborough North American Fund Ltd £ 31.55 33.62 0.63 0.00 Loomis Sayles Strategic Income H-N/D (GBP) £ 0.89 - 0.01 4.14
Hermes Multi Strategy Credit Fund Class F Acc Hed £ 1.01 1.01 0.00 0.00 Distribution (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 166.24 - 0.30 4.46 Invest AD - Emerging Africa Fund $ 898.73 - 2.31 0.00 Convertible Bd P A € 17.38 - 0.01 0.00 Marlborough Tiger Fund Ltd F £ 25.38 27.05 0.24 0.00 Loomis Sayles US Equity Leaders N/A (GBP) £ 1.51 - 0.00 0.25
Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Acc £ 1.31 1.31 0.01 0.00 Distribution (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 109.94 - 0.19 4.55 Invest AD - GCC Focus Fund $ 1426.93 - 19.01 0.00 Convertible Bd Asia PA F SFr 13.56 - 0.02 0.00
Seeyond Factor Plus Europe Ex U.K Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 1.00 - 0.00 -
Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class F Dis £ 1.27 1.27 0.00 1.29 Emerging European (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 68.79 - 0.45 3.40 Convertible Bd Asia PA F € 14.49 - 0.03 0.00
Marwyn Asset Management Limited (CYM) Seeyond Factor Plus U.K Equity Fund N/A (GBP) £ 1.00 - 0.00 -
Hermes Sourcecap EU Alpha Fund Class R Acc € 3.16 3.16 0.02 0.00 Emerging European (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 60.80 - 0.40 3.51 Convertible Bd Asia PA F $ 14.61 - 0.03 0.00 Majedie Asset Management LTD (UK) Regulated
Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class F Acc £ 1.39 1.39 0.01 0.00 European Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 149.02 - 0.40 2.06 Kames Capital ICVC (UK) Emerg. Consumer (CHF) PA SFr 11.25 - 0.03 0.00 Marwyn Value Investors £ 458.79 - -5.08 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds
Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9SA NatWest (2230)F (UK)
Hermes Sourcecap EX UK Fund Class R Acc € 3.25 3.25 0.02 0.00 European Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 123.51 - 0.34 2.10 Emerg. Consumer (EUR) PA € 11.41 - 0.03 0.00 Global Equity X Acc GBP £ 1.15 - 0.01 0.59
0800 45 44 22 PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ**
Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class F Acc £ 1.71 1.71 0.01 0.00 European Equity Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 151.12 - 0.46 3.46 Authorised Funds Enquiries: 0800 085 5588
Emerg. Consumer (USD) PA $ 11.40 - 0.04 0.00 Global Focus X Acc GBP £ 1.17 - 0.01 0.38 McInroy & Wood Portfolios Limited (UK)
Easter Alderston, Haddington, EH41 3SF 01620 825867 Authorised Inv Funds
Hermes UK Small & Mid Cap Fund Class R Acc € 5.11 5.11 0.03 0.00 European Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 114.92 - 0.34 3.54 Diversified Income B Acc 112.56 - 0.32 0.00 UK Equity X Acc 140.39 - 1.63 2.81
Emerg.Eq. Risk Par.(EUR) PA € 7.41 - -0.01 0.00 Series 1(Minimum initial investment 16375,000)
JPMorgan Asset Mgmt (1200)F (UK) Authorised Inv Funds
Hermes US All Cap Equity Class F Stg £ Acc £ 1.01 1.01 0.01 - European High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 166.04 - 0.24 3.48 Diversified Income B Inc 102.61 - 0.29 0.00 UK Focus X Acc 155.53 - 0.91 1.93 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.32 - 0.28 2.92
60 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0JP Emerg. Eq. Risk Par.(USD) PA $ 5.68 - 0.02 0.00 Balanced Fund Personal Class Units 3905.80xd - 22.80 1.90
Hermes US All Cap Equity Class R € Acc € 1.98 1.98 0.03 - European High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 120.35 - 0.18 3.54 Brokerline: 0800 727 770, Clients: 0800 20 40 20 Diversified Growth B Acc £ 1.40 - 0.01 3.25 UK Income X Inc 152.68 - 0.87 4.96 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.16 - 0.35 0.40
Emerg. Loc.Cur.&Bds DH (CHF) PASFr 7.79 - 0.00 0.00 Income Fund Personal Class Units 2378.80 - 17.00 2.89
Authorised Inv Funds
Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class F Acc £ 1.62 1.62 0.01 0.00 European Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 183.38 - 0.87 1.64 Ethical Cautious Managed B Acc £ 1.23 - 0.00 2.29 UK Smaller Companies A Acc 261.52 - 1.62 1.33 Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 15.95 - 0.19 0.00
JPM Retail OEIC (A class unless stated) Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA SFr 8.15 - -0.04 0.00 Emerging Markets Fund Personal Class Units 1605.10 - 8.90 2.44
Hermes US SMID Equity Fund Class R Acc € 3.46 3.46 0.04 0.00 European Opportunities (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 171.43 - 0.81 1.67 America Equity Acc 62.58xd - 0.76 0.00 Ethical Cautious Managed B Inc £ 1.17 - 0.01 2.32 US Spec Equity Fund £ 14.12 - 0.12 0.00
Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA € 10.83 - -0.06 0.00 Smaller Companies Fund Personal Class Units 3653.00 - 25.30 1.70
European Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 238.16 - 1.47 0.74 America Equity Inc 62.58xd - 0.77 0.00 Ethical Corporate Bond B Acc £ 1.69 - -0.01 3.67 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 9.93 - 0.01 0.00
Emerg.Loc.Cur.Bd.Fdt PA $ 8.25 - -0.01 0.00 Majedie Asset Management LTD (IRL)
Global Balanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 158.75 - 0.68 2.03 Asia Acc 120.10 - -0.10 0.32 Ethical Corporate Bond B Inc £ 0.99 - 0.00 3.74 FCA Recognised Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 21.84 - 0.04 0.92
Hermes Property Unit Trust (UK) Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA SFr 15.34 - -0.02 0.00
US Equity Z Acc GBP £ 1.29 - 0.01 0.00
Meridian Fund Managers Ltd
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Global Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 138.97 - -0.13 1.42 Asia Inc 66.67 - -0.05 0.31 Ethical Equity B Acc £ 2.03 - 0.00 2.11 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.81 - -0.05 2.53
Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA € 12.21 - -0.01 0.00 Other International Funds
Property £ 5.78 6.15 0.03 4.14 High Yield Bond B Acc £ 2.39 - 0.01 5.18 Tortoise Z Acc GBP £ 0.91 - 0.01 0.00
Asset Management
Global Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 125.64 - -0.12 1.43 Cautious Managed Rt Acc 67.73xd - -0.06 0.47 Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA £ 10.79 - -0.01 0.00 Global Gold & Resources Fund $ 181.65 - 1.97 - UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.49 - 0.14 4.08
Glbl Distribution Acc (No Trail) 106.15 - 0.32 3.89 Cautious Managed Rt Inc
Asset Management
59.57xd - -0.06 0.47 High Yield Bond B Inc £ 0.96 - 0.01 5.30
Euro BBB-BB Fdt PA $ 17.34 - -0.02 0.00
Asset Management
Global Energy & Resources Fund $ 34.67 - 0.79 - Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.73 - -0.03 3.03
Hermes UK Residential Real Estate
Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
(UK) Glbl Distribution Inc (No Trail)

Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Acc ♦ F



0.31 3.97

0.80 1.59
Diversified Real Ret Acc

Diversified Real Ret Inc



0.10 1.07

0.11 1.09
Investment Grade Bond B Acc

Investment Grade Bond B Inc £



-0.22 1.50

0.00 3.55
Euro Credit Bd PA F

Euro Government Fdt PA

Asset Management
€ 12.85

€ 12.54

-0.02 0.00

-0.04 0.00
MFS Investment Funds
FCA Recognised
Asset Management Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.95
Series 2 (Investment Management customers only)
- 0.01 0.08

VISTA UK Residential Real Estate £ 1.02 1.06 0.03 - Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. € 104.12 - 1.95 -
Gbl Emerging Markets (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 143.48 - 0.74 1.61 Sterling Corporate Bond B Acc £ 0.74 - 0.00 3.36 United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 12.32 - 0.28 3.57
Emerging Mkts Acc 133.40 - 0.70 0.78 Euro Inflation-Lk Fdt PA € 11.93 - -0.03 0.00
Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. £ 102.35 - 0.80 -
Global Equity (No Trail) acc ♦ F 209.50 - 1.30 1.18 Sterling Corporate Bond B Inc £ 0.31 - 0.00 3.43 UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.37 - 0.36 1.59
Emerging Mkts Inc 57.37 - 0.30 0.78 Euro Resp.Corp. Fdt PA € 18.07 - -0.03 0.00
Impax Asset Management (IRL) Blend.Research U.S.Core Eq.Fd. ¥ 10401.00 - 143.00 -
Global Equity (No Trail) inc ♦ F 193.84 - 1.21 1.20 Strategic Bond B Acc £ 1.11 - 0.00 2.75 Contl Europe Spec Equity £ 16.65 - 0.20 1.18
Norfolk House, 31 St James's Square, London, SW1Y 4JR Emrg Eur Eq Acc 132.40 - 0.40 2.74 Europe High Conviction PA € 11.65 - 0.00 0.00
Blend.Research Gb.Eq.Fd. $ 100.00 - 1.09 -
FCA Recognised Global Equity Income (No Trail ) Acc ♦ F 251.25 - 1.57 3.59 Strategic Bond B Inc £ 1.16 - 0.00 2.79 US Spec Equity Fund £ 14.73 - 0.12 0.37
Emrg Eur Eq Inc 31.46 - 0.08 2.70 Eurozone Small&Mid Caps PA € 53.84 - -0.07 0.00
Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Euro € 111.07 - 2.15 0.00 Emerging Markets Managed Accounts PLC (IRL)
Env Mkts (Ire) Stl A £ 2.26 - 0.02 0.00 Global Equity Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 204.06 - 1.27 3.69 UK Equity B Acc £ 2.61 - 0.01 2.35 Japan Specialist Fund X £ 10.52 - 0.00 0.64
Emrg Mkts Inc Acc... C 46.45xd - 0.16 5.32 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd EUR PA € 10.67 - -0.01 0.00,+44(0)20 8123 8369
Em.Mk.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 95.57 - 0.82 0.00
Env Mkts (Ire) Euro A € 2.12 - 0.04 0.00 Global ex UK Core Equity Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 175.98 - 1.20 1.55 UK Equity Absolute Return B Acc £ 1.24 - 0.00 0.00 Regulated Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 21.63 - 0.05 1.90
Emrg Mkts Inc Inc... C 40.53xd - 0.14 5.47 Fdmt.Eq.L/S SH Sd USD PA $ 10.71 - -0.01 0.00
Em.Mk.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 92.29 - 1.07 0.00
Env Mkts (Ire) USD A $ 1.76 - 0.02 0.00 Global ex UK Enhanced Index ( No Trail) Acc ♦ F 203.69 - 1.53 2.04 UK Equity Income B Acc £ 2.17 - 0.01 4.68 Milltrust ASEAN A $ 85.89 - 0.45 0.00 UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 11.00 - -0.05 2.53
Europe Acc 1074.00 - 4.00 1.45 Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt PA € 10.48 - -0.05 0.00
Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Euro € 279.41 - 4.28 0.00
Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Acc 181.58 - 0.20 4.28 UK Equity Income B Inc £ 1.68 - 0.01 4.81 Milltrust India A $ 122.57 - 3.78 0.00 UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.29 - 0.15 4.03
Europe Inc 61.84 - 0.23 1.45 Gbl.Gvt.Fdmt.(CHF) PA SFr 22.77 - -0.10 0.00
Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterl.UK T £ 171.04 - 0.76 0.00
INDIA VALUE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (INVIL) Gbl Fin Cap No Trail Inc 152.82 - 0.17 4.41 UK Opportunities B Acc £ 1.77 - 0.01 2.28 Milltrust Latin America A $ 64.87 - -0.30 0.00 Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.90 - -0.02 3.03
Eur Dynamic exUK Acc 163.40 - 0.50 0.80 Gbl.Gvt.Fdt.SH (CHF) PA SFr 26.46 - -0.07 0.00 Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.Sterling £ 258.87 - 1.14 0.00
Global Opportunities (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 243.73 - 1.85 1.02 UK Smaller Companies B Acc £ 2.99 - 0.01 1.45 Milltrust Keywise China Fund $ 118.30 - 2.98 0.00 Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.52 - 0.01 0.91
Other International Funds Eur Dynamic exUK £ hdg Acc 186.20 - 0.70 0.71 Gbl.5B Fdmt (EUR) PA € 11.64 - -0.06 0.00
Gb.Conc.Eq.Fd.US $ 192.47 - 1.43 0.00 The initial charge you will pay will depend on the amount you invest
NAV £ 7.91 - 0.02 0.00 Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 245.80 - 1.28 0.75 Eur Dynamic exUK Inc 75.02 - 0.22 0.80 Gbl.5B Fdmt (CHF) PA SFr 10.32 - -0.04 0.00
Gb.Eq.Hdg Fd.Euro IRE T € 182.64 - 2.35 0.00 **Address and Telephone number for series 1 only
Global Smaller Companies (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 234.87 - 1.23 0.75 Eur Smaller Cos Acc 514.90xd - 3.20 0.03 Kames Capital Investment Portfolios ICVC (UK) Gbl.5B Fdmt SH (USD) PA $ 10.82 - -0.01 0.00 Ministry of Justice Common Investment Funds (UK)
Gb.Eq.Euro Hdg Fd. € 258.81 - 3.32 0.00 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts
Kames House, 3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9SA
Global Targeted Rets (No Trail) Acc 114.30 - 0.03 0.83 Eur Smaller Cos Inc 66.95xd - 0.41 0.02 Generation Global (CHF) PA F SFr 13.65 - 0.04 0.00
Intrinsic Value Investors (IVI) LLP (IRL) 0800 45 44 22 Gb.Eq.Fund Euro € 284.32 - 5.00 0.00 The Equity Idx Tracker Fd Inc 1317.00 1317.00 8.00 2.86
1 Hat & Mitre Court, 88 St John Street, London EC1M 4EL +44 (0)20 7566 1210 High Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 177.75 - 0.81 3.27 Fusion Balanced Acc 54.93 - 0.26 0.47 Authorised Funds Generation Global (EUR) PA F € 20.75 - 0.07 0.00
Gb.Eq. Fd Euro IRE T € 179.90 - 3.17 0.00 Distribution Units
FCA Recognised
High Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 130.69 - 0.60 3.35 Fusion Balanced Inc 55.33 - 0.26 0.47 Property Income B Acc 119.20 - 0.13 4.53
Generation Global (USD) PA F $ 15.51 - 0.12 0.00
IVI European Fund EUR € 17.89 - 0.34 0.00 Gb.Eq.Fd.Sterling UK T £ 210.45 - 1.42 0.00
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Acc 217.33 - 0.14 5.22 Fusion Conservative Acc 54.23 - 0.20 0.65 Property Income B Inc 110.53 - 0.13 4.67
Global Energy (USD) PA F $ 5.61 - 0.11 0.00
IVI European Fund GBP £ 17.64 - 0.15 1.02 Gb.Eq.Fd.US Dollar $ 309.20 - 3.02 0.00
High Yield Fund (No Trail) Inc 160.18 - 0.11 5.35 Fusion Conservative Inc 54.17 - 0.20 0.67 Golden Age (CHF) PA F SFr 21.29 - 0.10 0.00
Gb.Eq.Fund Sterling £ 208.02 - 1.41 0.00
Hong Kong & China (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 189.53 - 0.36 1.24 New Capital Fund Management Ltd (IRL)
Fusion Growth Acc 56.53 - 0.41 0.47 Kames Capital VCIC (IRL) Golden Age (EUR) PA € 14.50 - 0.08 0.00
Gb.Val.Ex-Jap.Fd.USD $ 117.45 - 1.36 0.00 Leconfield House, Curzon Street, London, W1J 5JB
1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland +35 3162 24493
Income & Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 224.82 - 1.10 4.03 Fusion Growth Inc 56.53 - 0.41 0.47 Golden Age (USD) PA F $ 20.12 - 0.10 0.00 FCA Recognised
FCA Recognised Gb.Val.Ex-Japan Fd.Yen ¥ 13974.00 - 173.00 0.00
Income & Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 177.97 - 0.86 4.15 New Capital UCITS Funds
Fusion Growth + Acc 59.16 - 0.47 0.47 Absolute Return Bond B GBP Acc 1081.92 - 0.43 - Sh.T- Money Mkt EUR PA € 112.27 - 0.00 0.00
Gb.Val.Fd. Euro € 133.66 - 2.54 0.00 Asia Pac Bd USD Inst Inc $ 92.59 - -0.06 3.25
Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 175.29 - 0.74 3.12 Fusion Growth + Inc 59.17 - 0.47 0.47
Mirabaud Asset Management (LUX)
Eq Market Neutral B Acc 1022.09 - -0.36 - Sh.T- Money Mkt CHF PA SFr 128.50 - 0.00 0.00
Gb.Val.Fd.Sterling £ 119.11 - 0.98 0.00, Asia Pac Bd USD Ord Inc $ 94.33 - -0.06 2.52
Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 128.34 - 0.55 3.19 Fusion Income Acc...C 53.70xd - 0.18 2.37 Sh.T- Money Mkt GBP PA £ 10.28 - 0.00 0.00 Regulated
Eq Market Neutral Plus B Acc 1036.08 - -0.67 - Gb.Val.Fd.USD $ 104.81 - 1.17 0.00 Asia Pac Eq EUR Ord Inc € 85.09 - 0.42 3.37
Invesco Fund Managers Ltd (UK) Japan (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 149.74 - -0.11 0.78 Fusion Income Inc...C 50.74xd - 0.17 2.41 Sh.T- Money Mkt USD PA $ 10.31 - 0.00 0.00 Mir. Conv. Bds Eur A EUR € 136.69 - -0.07 0.00
High Yield Global Bond A GBP Inc 513.17 - 1.20 5.26 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.Euro € 105.77 - 1.80 -
Perptual Park, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 1HH Asia Pac Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 88.34 - 0.46 3.81
Japanese Smaller Companies (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 169.99 - -4.44 0.00 Global Allocation Acc 52.98xd - 0.20 0.91 Sw.Fr.Bd(For) PA SFr 23.57 - -0.03 0.00 Mir. Conv. Bds Glb A USD $ 114.45 - 0.12 0.00
Dealing: 0800 085 8571 High Yield Global Bond B GBP Inc 1066.32 - 2.50 5.26 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.Sterl £ 103.98 - 0.64 - Asia Pac Eq USD Ord Inc $ 88.78 - 0.47 3.19
Investor Services: 0800 085 8677 Latin American (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 94.25 - 0.89 1.85 Global Allocation Inc 52.17xd - 0.20 0.92 Sw.Fr.Credit Bd(For) PA SFr 13.52 - -0.02 0.00 Mir. - Eq Asia ex Jap A $ 173.43 - 1.00 0.00
Investment Grade Global Bd A GBP Inc 551.92 - -0.34 2.34 Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.USD $ 101.58 - 0.93 - Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Acc $ 94.27 - 0.50 0.00
Latin American (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 84.64 - 0.80 1.88 Global Bond exUK Acc 251.10 - -0.30 0.74 Tactical Alpha (CHF) PA SFr 10.00 - -0.04 0.00 Mir. - Eq Glb Emrg Mkt A USD $ 87.51 - 0.49 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Acc 1201.69 - 8.04 - Low Volatility Gb.Eq.Fd.Yen ¥ 9586.00 - 95.00 - Asia Pac Eq USD Inst Inc $ 99.26 - 0.52 3.91
INVESCO PERPETUAL Funds Managed Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 195.37 - 1.37 1.23 Global Bond exUK Inc 197.50 - -0.20 0.74 Tactical Alpha (EUR) PA € 10.30 - -0.04 0.00 Mir. - Eq Global Focus A USD $ 100.72 - 0.66 0.00
Kames Global Equity Income B GBP Inc 1145.49 - 7.67 -
Dyn Europ Eq EUR Ord Inc € 177.53 - 3.93 1.29
Asian Acc ♦ F 434.90 - 2.14 0.92 Managed Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 179.67 - 1.26 1.24 Global Bond Opport. Acc 48.49xd - 0.06 2.91 Tactical Alpha (USD) PA $ 14.84 - -0.05 0.00 Mir. -Eq Spain A € 24.97 - 0.13 0.00
Strategic Global Bond A GBP Inc 1085.70 - -0.29 0.71
Asian Inc ♦ F 388.49 - 1.92 0.93
MFS Meridian Funds SICAV (LUX) Dyn Europ Eq GBP Ord Inc £ 188.74 - 4.40 1.64
Managed Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 191.58 - 1.00 2.96 Global Bond Opport. Inc 47.36xd - 0.06 2.98 Technology PA € 13.23 - 0.09 0.00 Mir. - Eq Swiss Sm/Mid A SFr 327.75 - -0.06 0.00
Strategic Global Bond B GBP Inc 616.11 - -0.17 1.21 Regulated
Dyn Europ Eq USD Ord Inc $ 177.15 - 4.06 1.21
Asian Equity Income Acc ♦ F 55.86 - 0.16 4.69 Managed Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 156.57 - 0.81 3.02 Global Eq Income £ hdg Acc... C 68.51xd - 0.43 3.16 Technology PA $ 20.05 - 0.14 0.00 Absolute Return A1 € 19.76 - 0.00 0.00 Mir. - Glb High Yield Bds A $ 106.27 - 0.10 -
China Equity EUR Ord Acc € 132.84 - 1.28 0.00
Asian Equity Income Inc ♦ F 46.44 - 0.13 4.82 Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 169.89 - 0.11 4.83 Global Eq Income £ hdg Inc ... C 49.03xd - 0.31 3.23 Wld Gold Expertise PAF SFr 8.63 - -0.03 0.00 Asia ex-Japan A1 $ 22.66 - 0.26 0.00 Mir. - Glb Eq High Income A USD $ 97.86 - 0.71 0.00
Kleinwort Benson Bank (UK) China Equity GBP Ord Acc £ 139.06 - 1.43 0.00
Balanced Risk 6 Acc 51.30 - 0.11 0.00 Monthly Income Plus (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 106.62 - 0.07 4.93 Global Eq Income Acc... C 72.48xd - 0.38 3.11 14 St. George Street, Mayfair, London W1S1FE Wld Gold Expertise PA € 6.89 - -0.02 0.00 Bond A1 $ 10.28 - -0.01 0.00 Mir. - Glb Inv Grade Bds A € 100.39 - -0.16 -
Dealing and enquiries: 0800 024 2400 China Equity USD Ord Acc $ 135.21 - 1.37 0.00
Balanced Risk 8 Acc 52.38 - 0.17 0.00 Pacific (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 182.48 - 0.39 0.87 Global Eq Income Inc ... C 62.79xd - 0.33 3.17 Wld Gold Expertise PA $ 9.20 - -0.03 0.00 China Equity Fd A1 $ 9.28 - -0.01 0.00 Mir. - Glb Strat. Bd A USD $ 103.62 - -0.11 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds China Equity USD Inst Acc $ 139.06 - 1.42 0.00
Balanced Risk 10 Acc 53.39 - 0.21 0.13 Pacific (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 171.67 - 0.36 0.95 Global Financials Acc 735.60 - 5.20 0.85 Unit Trust Manager/ACD - Host Capital LO Selection Continental European Eqty A1 € 17.46 - 0.29 0.00 Mir. Opp.- Activ.Strategies I $ 98.86 - -0.22 0.00

Childrens Acc ♦ F 395.74 - 2.92 1.79 Tactical Bond (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 140.25 - 0.00 1.31 HC KB Capital Growth A Acc 169.46 - 0.50 1.36 Balanced (CHF) PA F SFr 106.12 - -0.04 0.00
Asset Management Mir. Opp. -Emerg. Mkt HO $ 102.74 - 0.00 0.00
Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Inc £ 110.72 - -0.01 3.61

set Management
Global Financials Inc 41.84 - 0.30 0.86 Emer Mkts Debt Lo Curr Fd A1 $ 10.69 - 0.03 0.00
Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Inst Acc $ 122.28 - -0.02 0.00

Asset Management Asset Management

Corporate Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 206.69 - -0.12 3.50 Tactical Bond (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 118.90 - 0.01 1.32 HC KB Capital Growth A Inc 158.68 - 0.47 1.38 Balanced (EUR) PA F € 123.90 - -0.04 0.00 MirAlt Sicav-Diversified A Cap. $ 107.83 - -0.98 0.00
Global High Yield Bd Mth Inc C 34.74xd - 0.14 7.25 Emerging Markets Debt A1 $ 32.47 - 0.06 0.00
Global Val.Cr.Fd GBP Ord Acc £ 176.27 - -0.02 0.00
Corporate Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 87.83 - -0.05 3.60 UK Focus (No Trail) Acc F 162.68 - 1.47 2.38 HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Inc 108.22 - 1.46 3.06 Conservative (CHF) PA F SFr 102.86 - -0.09 0.00 MirAlt Sicav-Europe A dis € 73.66 - 0.77 0.00
Global High Yield Bd Acc C 92.35xd - 0.37 7.22 Emerging Markets Eq.A1 $ 10.20 - 0.11 0.00
Global Val.Cr.Fd USD Ord Acc $ 165.43 - -0.03 0.00
Corporate Bond Acc ♦ F 183.83 - -0.11 3.52 UK Focus (No Trail) Inc F 136.88 - 1.23 2.43 HC KB Enterprise Equity Income A Acc 160.79 - 2.18 3.69 Conservative (EUR) PA F € 113.37 - -0.09 0.00 MirAlt Sicav - North America A dis $ 155.78 - 0.12 0.00
Global High Yield Bd Inc C 34.89xd - 0.14 7.22 European Concentrated A1 € 17.26 - 0.30 0.00
Global Val.Cr.Fd EUR Ord Acc € 154.01 - -0.05 0.00
Corporate Bond Inc ♦ F 87.69 - -0.05 3.59 UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 397.66 - 2.18 3.60 HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Acc 130.46 - 0.66 0.81 Global Allocation (GBP) PA F £ 10.03 - 0.01 0.00
Global Property Secs Acc 58.31 - 0.43 0.58 European Core Eq A1 € 31.47 - 0.46 0.00
Swiss Select Equity Inst Acc SFr 115.44 - 1.46 0.00
Distribution Acc ♦ F 108.29 - 0.19 4.47 UK Enhanced Index (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 247.68 - 1.37 3.69 HC KB Endeavour Multi Asset Balanced A Inc 123.99 - 0.63 0.81 Growth (CHF) PA F SFr 110.54 - 0.00 0.00
Global Property Secs Inc 50.33 - 0.37 0.57 European Res.A1 € 32.42 - 0.59 0.00 MW Japan Fund Plc (IRL)
FCA Recognised Swiss Select Equity Ord Acc SFr 114.11 - 1.43 0.00
Distribution Acc (Gross) ♦ F 124.10 - 0.22 4.45 UK Growth (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 143.14 - 1.08 2.40 HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Acc 121.85 - -0.39 3.44 Growth (EUR) PA F € 133.64 - 0.02 0.00
Global Unconstrained Eq. Acc 1028.00 - 11.00 0.15 European Smaller Companies A1 € 52.08 - 0.66 0.00
MW Japan Fund PLC A $ 25.26 - -0.07 - US Growth USD Ord Acc $ 211.38 - 2.23 0.00
Distribution Inc ♦ F 62.91 - 0.11 4.56 UK Growth (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 117.13 - 0.89 2.45 HC KB Enterprise Fixed Income A Inc 108.16 - -0.35 3.44 Vantage 1500 (EUR) MA € 10.16 - -0.01 0.00
Global Unconstrained Eq. Inc 76.40 - 0.80 0.14 European Value A1 € 36.44 - 0.59 0.00
MW Japan Fund PLC B $ 25.46 - -0.07 - US Growth EUR Ord Acc € 202.10 - 2.07 0.00
Distribution Inc (Gross) ♦ F 62.94 - 0.11 4.56 UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 289.58 - 1.43 1.26 Vantage 3000 (EUR) MA € 10.26 - -0.01 0.00
Income Acc ... C 48.48xd - 0.06 6.64 Global Conc.A1 $ 35.91 - 0.32 0.00
PrivilEdge MW Japan Fund PLC C $ 97.37 - -0.69 - US Growth GBP Ord Acc £ 212.76 - 2.27 0.00
Emerging European Acc ♦ F 33.05 - 0.22 2.84 UK Smaller Companies Equity (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 267.15 - 1.32 1.28 Income Inc ... C 44.86xd - 0.05 6.73 Global Credit Fund $ 10.21 - -0.01 0.00
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.CNH PA CNH 102.65 - 0.00 0.00 US Growth USD Inst Acc $ 195.27 - 2.05 0.00
Emerging European Inc ♦ F 30.13 - 0.20 2.91 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 736.73 - 3.26 3.50 Japan Acc 302.10 - -5.10 0.00 Global Energy Fund A1 $ 12.10 - 0.47 0.00
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH CHF PA SFr 9.64 - 0.04 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Inst Inc € 107.94 - -0.10 3.77
European Equity Acc ♦ F 843.53 - 2.28 1.51 UK Strategic Income (No Trail) Inc ♦ F 542.81 - 2.40 3.58 Japan Inc 72.72 - -1.23 0.00
Morant Wright Funds (Ireland) PLC (IRL)
Global Equity A1 $ 44.79 - 0.50 0.00
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.SH EUR PA € 9.73 - 0.04 0.00 FCA Recognised Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Inst Inc £ 112.15 - -0.07 3.61
European Equity Inc ♦ F 703.84 - 1.90 1.54 US Equity (No Trail) Acc ♦ F 228.14 - 4.05 0.11 Multi-Asset Inc Mth Inc ... C 63.01xd - 0.23 3.65 Global Equity A1 € 25.99 - 0.26 0.00
Inc.Pt.RMB Dt.USD PA $ 9.81 - 0.04 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Acc Hedged € 11.68 - 0.07 -
Wealthy Nat Bd EUR Ord Inc € 107.13 - -0.10 3.53
European Equity Income Acc ♦ F 73.32 - 0.22 3.46 Multi-Asset Inc Acc... C 84.16xd - 0.31 3.64 Global High Yield Fund $ 23.70 - 0.07 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield EUR Dist Hedged € 10.98 - -0.10 -
Lazard Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK) Jenn. US Eq.Opp. USD PA $ 9.36 - 0.10 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd GBP Ord Inc £ 112.71 - -0.08 3.34
European Equity Income Inc ♦ F 55.74 - 0.17 3.55 Multi-Asset Inc Inc... C 63.18xd - 0.23 3.73 Global High Yield Fund € 15.80 - 0.03 0.00
Mellon House Ingrave Rd Brentwood Essex CM15 8TG Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Acc Hedged £ 11.39 - -0.11 0.00
Neubrg.Berman US Core PA $ 13.68 - 0.14 0.00 Wealthy Nat Bd USD Ord Inc $ 109.67 - -0.07 3.32
European High Income Acc ♦ F 80.55 - 0.12 3.49 Dealing: 0870 6066408, Info: 0870 6066459
Multi-Asset Macro Acc 65.22 - -0.04 0.00 Global Multi-Asset A1 $ 14.86 - 0.11 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield GBP Dist Hedged £ 11.08 - -0.10 -
Authorised Inv Funds Sands US Growth PA € 14.30 - 0.05 0.00 New Capital Alternative Strategies
European High Income Inc ♦ F 58.39 - 0.09 3.55 Multi-Asset Macro Inc 65.22 - -0.04 0.00 Global Res.A1 $ 25.64 - 0.36 0.00
Lazard Investment Funds (OEIC) Retail Share Class Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Acc Hedged $ 11.07 - -0.11 0.00 All Weather Fd USD Cls $ 118.47 - 0.69 0.00
Sands US Growth PA $ 17.27 - 0.05 0.00
European Opportunities Inc ♦ F 84.63 - 0.40 1.12 Multi-Manager Growth Acc 734.60 - 3.00 0.45 Developing Markets Acc 73.17 - 0.34 0.00 Global Total Return A1 € 17.74 - 0.12 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield USD Dist Hedged $ 11.10 - -0.11 2.09 All Weather Fd EUR Cls € 106.34 - 0.53 0.00
Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA € 15.87 - 0.01 0.00
European Opportunities Acc ♦ F 87.54 - 0.41 1.11 Multi-Manager Growth Inc 685.60 - 2.80 0.45 Developing Markets Inc 72.28 - 0.33 0.00 Inflation-Adjusted Bond A1 $ 13.73 - 0.02 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Acc ¥ 1141.48 - -11.06 0.00 All Weather Fd GBP Cls £ 114.58 - 0.58 0.00
Invesco (LUX) Will.Blair Gbl. Ldrs PA $ 12.98 - 0.06 0.00
European Smlr Cos Acc ♦ F 193.82 - 1.20 0.23 Natural Resources Acc 322.60 - 8.20 0.13 Emerging Markets Acc 217.20 - 1.00 1.62 Japan Equity A1 $ 10.43 - 0.12 0.00
Dublin 00 353 1 439 8100 Hong Kong 00852 3191 8282 Morant Wright Fuji Yield B YEN Acc ¥ 1007.08 - -9.74 - Tactical Opps USD Cls $ 136.80 - 0.69 0.00
Global Bd Acc (Gross) ♦ F 131.61 - -0.13 1.17 FCA Recognised Natural Resources Inc 22.85 - 0.59 0.13 Emg Mkts Inc 189.80 - 0.80 1.64 Latin American Equity Fd A1 $ 11.10 - 0.17 0.00 Morant Wright Fuji Yield YEN Dist ¥ 1117.80 - -10.83 2.08 Tactical Opps EUR Cls € 114.49 - 0.51 0.00
Invesco Management SA Lothbury Property Trust (UK)
Global Bd Inc (Gross) ♦ F 81.04 - -0.07 1.18 Portfolio Acc 201.70 - 1.30 0.68 European Alpha Acc 665.00 - 2.20 1.45 Limited Maturity A1 $ 13.97 - 0.00 0.00
Invesco Active Multi-Sector Credit Fund A € 2.86 - 0.00 0.00 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TQ +44(0) 20 3551 4900 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Sterling Acc Hedged £ 13.98 - -0.12 0.00 Tactical Opps GBP Cls £ 128.72 - 0.55 0.00
Global Bond Acc ♦ F 123.64 - -0.11 1.17 Sterling Corporate Bond Acc 82.35xd - -0.04 2.33 European Alpha Inc 604.10 - 2.00 1.45 Property & Other UK Unit Trusts Prudent Wealth Fd A1 $ 14.85 - 0.06 0.00
Invesco Asia Balanced A dist $ 13.77 - 0.05 3.72 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Euro Acc Hedged € 13.94 - -0.12 0.00
Global Bond Inc ♦ F 80.98 - -0.08 1.18 Sterling Corporate Bond Inc 51.48xd - -0.02 2.33 European Smaller Cos Acc 456.30 - 3.50 0.48 Lothbury Property Trust GBP £ 1787.34 1916.91 11.71 3.22
Research Bond A1 $ 16.43 - -0.01 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Yen Acc Unhedged ¥ 1423.11 - -11.97 0.00
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand Fund A income $ 12.41 - 0.05 0.24
Glbl Distribution Acc 52.66 - 0.16 4.91 Strategic Bond Acc 68.05xd - 0.01 3.24 Global Equity Income Acc 123.20 - 1.10 5.72 UK Equity A1 £ 8.00 - 0.13 0.00
Invesco Asia Infrastructure (A) $ 12.14 - 0.09 0.78 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Dollar Acc Hedged $ 13.88 - -0.12 0.00
Glbl Distribution Acc (Gross) 53.40 - 0.17 4.91 Strategic Bond Inc 56.49xd - 0.01 3.24 Global Equity Income Inc 83.26 - 0.74 5.88 US Conc.Growth A1 $ 15.44 - 0.17 0.00
Invesco Asia Opportunities Equity A $ 100.99 - 0.48 0.00 Morant Wright Sakura Fund Swiss Franc Acc HedgedSFr 13.80 - -0.12 0.00
Glbl Distribution Inc 49.90 - 0.15 4.93 UK Dynamic Acc 161.20 - 0.80 1.46 Managed Bal Inc 135.60 - 0.60 2.13 US Government Bond A1 $ 16.99 - -0.02 0.00
Invesco Balanced Risk Allocation Fund A € 14.52 - 0.03 0.00
Glbl Distribution Inc (Gross) 49.92 - 0.15 4.93 UK Dynamic Inc 131.80 - 0.60 1.48 UK Income Acc 1177.00 - 5.00 4.49 Value A1 $ 21.85 - 0.28 0.00
Invesco Emerging Europe Equity Fund A $ 7.50 - 0.12 0.00
Global Emerging Markets Acc ♦ F 235.46 - 1.22 0.99 UK Eq & Bond Inc Acc ... C 141.00xd - 0.40 3.36 UK Income Inc 578.90 - 2.70 4.58 Northwest Investment Management (HK) Ltd
Invesco Emerging Local Currencies Debt A Inc $ 6.63 - -0.01 6.93 11th Floor, Kinwick Centre, 32, Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong +852 9084 4373
Global Emerging Markets Inc ♦ F 212.33 - 1.10 1.00 UK Eq & Bond Inc Inc ... C 82.05xd - 0.26 3.44 UK Omega Acc 203.90 - 1.00 1.56
MMIP Investment Management Limited (GSY) Other International Funds
Invesco Emerging Mkt Quant.Eq. A $ 8.94 - 0.08 0.00 M & G Securities (1200)F (UK)
Global Equity (acc) ♦ F 474.33 - 2.94 0.64 UK Equity Blue Chip Acc 65.58xd - 0.29 2.15 UK Omega Inc 192.80 - 0.90 1.61 Regulated Northwest $ class $ 2357.94 - -24.48 0.00
PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
Invesco Energy A $ 15.86 - 0.33 0.00 Multi-Manager Investment Programmes PCC Limited
Global Equity (inc) ♦ F 430.00 - 2.66 0.64 UK Smaller Cos Inc 1700.00 - 7.00 1.05 Enq: 0800 390 390, Dealing: 0800 328 3196 Northwest Warrant $ class $ 1969.35 - -444.40 0.00
UK Equity Blue Chip Inc 54.89xd - 0.24 2.19
Invesco Euro Corporate Bond Fund (A) € 17.00 - -0.02 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds European Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser € 2642.19 2642.19 62.94 0.00
Global Equity Income Acc ♦ F 121.39 - 0.76 3.60 UK Equity Core Acc 279.70 - 1.50 3.07 Morgan Stanley Investment Funds (LUX)
Invesco Euro Inflation Linked Bond A € 15.47 - -0.03 0.00 Charifund Inc 1432.46 - 7.75 4.83 Japanese Equity Fd Cl A Initial Ser ¥ 368031.00 368031.00 6127.00 0.00 6b Route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg Luxembourg (352) 34 64 61
Global Equity Income Inc ♦ F 98.59 - 0.62 3.70 UK Equity Core Inc 52.74 - 0.27 3.07
Invesco Euro Reserve A € 322.69 - -0.01 0.00 Charifund Acc 19771.63 - 107.08 4.68 MMIP - US EQUITY CLASS A 01 June 07 Series $ 1304.31 1304.31 168.32 0.00
Gbl Financial Capital Acc 89.05 - 0.10 4.29 UK Equity Growth Acc 113.20 - 0.60 1.16 FCA Recognised
Invesco Euro Bond A € 7.11 - -0.01 0.00 M&G Corporate Bond A Acc 62.38 - 0.00 3.09 Pacific Basin Fd Cl A Initial Ser $ 2059.34 2059.34 -82.99 0.00
Gbl Financial Capital Inc 74.93 - 0.08 4.42 US Advantage A F $ 58.75 - 0.55 0.00
22 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015


Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield Fund Bid Offer +/- Yield

Pictet-EUR Government Bonds I EUR € 157.95 - -0.47 0.00 Polunin Developing Countries $ 716.15 722.24 7.66 0.00 Japanese Fund C Acc 183.87 - 0.15 0.00 Outstanding British Cos B Acc X F 271.49 - 0.78 1.42 Data Provided by
Pictet-EUR High Yield-I F € 239.37 - 0.05 0.00 Polunin Discovery - Frontier Markets $ 1339.24 - -8.90 0.00 Japanese Fund O Acc X 181.78 - 0.15 0.00 Saracen Fund Managers Ltd (1000)F (UK) Taube Hodson Stonex Ptnrs UT (1200)F (UK) UK Smaller Cos A Inc X F 439.02 - 2.55 0.35

Pictet-EUR Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F € 136.74 - -0.11 0.00 Polunin Small Cap $ 1380.61 1397.87 52.27 0.00 Pacific C Acc 303.49 - 5.03 0.54 19 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BB 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT UK Smaller Cos B Inc X F 429.33 - 2.50 1.22
Dealing: 00 353 1 603 9921 Admin: 50 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NT
Pictet-EUR Short Term HY I EUR € 119.26 - 0.02 0.00 Pacific O Acc 300.14 - 4.96 0.25 Saracen Investment Funds ICVC (OEIC) Enq. 0131 202 9100 Dealing & Enquiries: 0870 870 8433 UK Income A Acc X F 266.92 - 1.26 3.88

Pictet-EUR Sov.Sht.Mon.Mkt EUR I € 102.96 - 0.01 0.00 Total Return C Acc 387.97 - 0.41 1.38 Authorised Inv Funds Authorised Inv Funds UK Income A Inc X F 239.46 - 1.13 3.97
Private Fund Mgrs (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY)
Saracen Growth Fd Alpha Acc £ 3.71 - 0.07 0.98 THS Growth & Value Funds
Pictet-Euroland Index IS EUR € 129.58 - 0.31 0.00 Regulated Total Return C Inc 268.81 - 0.28 1.39 UK Income B Acc X F 283.60 - 1.35 3.86
Oasis Crescent Management Company Ltd Monument Growth 22/12/2015 £ 489.13 494.57 5.40 1.01 Saracen Growth Fd Beta Acc £ 5.92 - 0.10 1.46
Other International Funds
Pictet-Europe Index-I EUR F € 165.63 - -0.07 0.00 Total Return O Inc 265.96 - 0.26 1.39
Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Acc £ 1.15 - 0.02 3.03
IGV - Inc A 324.30 - 2.70 2.42 UK Income B Inc X F 254.54 - 1.21 3.95
Oasis Crescent Equity Fund R 9.43 - 0.11 0.00 Pictet-European Equity Selection-I EUR F € 615.13 - 1.91 0.00 Total Return O Acc 384.03 - 0.39 1.38 IGV - Inc B 323.30 - 2.70 1.60
Saracen Global Income & Growth Fund A - Dist £ 1.07 - 0.02 2.76
Data as shown is for information purposes only. No
Pictet-European Sust Eq-I EUR F € 237.85 - -0.98 0.00 Prusik Investment Management LLP (IRL)
IGV - Acc X 395.80 - 3.30 1.89 offer is made by Morningstar or this publication.
Enquiries - 0207 493 1331 Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Acc # £ 1.43 - 0.02 3.39
Pictet-Global Bds Fundamental I USD $ 116.12 - 0.01 0.00 Regulated IGV - Acc Y 424.70 - 3.50 2.38
Oasis Global Mgmt Co (Ireland) Ltd (IRL)
Saracen Global Income and Growth Fund -Dist # £ 1.26 - 0.02 2.79
Regulated Pictet-Global Bonds-I EUR € 164.17 - -0.52 0.00 Prusik Asian Equity Income B Dist $ 157.29 - 0.78 3.83 IGV - Acc Z 393.10 - 3.30 1.61
Oasis Global Investment (Ireland) Plc Saracen UK Income Fund - Acc £ 0.98 - 0.02 -
Pictet-Global Emerging Currencies-I USD F $ 95.91 - 0.10 0.00 Prusik Asia A $ 194.15 - 0.81 0.00 European
Oasis Crescent Global Short Term Income Fund $ 0.99 - 0.00 0.79 Saracen UK Income Fund - Dist £ 0.97 - 0.02 -
Pictet-Global Emerging Debt-I USD F $ 352.77 - -1.44 0.00 Prusik Asian Smaller Cos A $ 137.00 - -0.22 0.00 EGV - Acc S 275.00 - 2.00 0.00
Oasis Global Equity $ 27.12 - 0.22 0.23 .
Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection-I USD F $ 220.16 - 1.46 0.00 For Save & Prosper please see Countrywide Assured EGV - Acc Z 275.00 - 2.00 0.82
Oasis Crescent Global Investment Fund (Ireland) plc
S W Mitchell Capital LLP (CYM) Continental
Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund $ 27.61 - 0.23 0.00 Pictet-Greater China-I USD F $ 452.76 - 3.19 0.00 Purisima Investment Fds (UK) (1200)F (UK) Regulated
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH CGV Acc S 114.70 - 0.70 0.06
Oasis Crescent Variable Balanced Fund £ 10.26 - 0.03 0.59 Pictet-Health-I USD $ 270.95 - 1.29 0.00 S W Mitchell European Fund Class A EUR € 338.41 - 4.04 - Schroder Property Managers (Jersey) Ltd Value Partners Hong Kong Limited (IRL)
Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 922 0044,
Pictet-High Dividend Sel I EUR F € 151.97 - 0.22 0.00 Other International Funds CGV Acc X 113.30 - 0.70 0.00
OasisCresGl Income Class A $ 10.76 - 0.01 2.40 Authorised Inv Funds S W Mitchell Small Cap European Fund Class A EUR € 231.17 - -2.80 -
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers Indirect Real Estate SIRE £ 133.37 139.46 0.14 2.88 CGV Inc A 114.30 - 0.70 -
OasisCresGl LowBal D ($) Dist $ 11.56 - 0.05 0.00 Pictet-India Index I USD $ 94.05 - -0.50 0.00 The Charlemagne Fund EUR € 327.90 - 4.49 - Value Partners Asia ex-Japan Equity Fund $ 8.81 - 0.07 -
Global Total Fd PCG A 170.00 - 1.55 0.34 CGV Inc B 114.30 - 0.70 -
OasisCresGl Med Eq Bal A ($) Dist $ 11.80 - 0.07 0.32 Pictet-Indian Equities-I USD F $ 433.33 - 4.13 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund USD Z Unhedged $ 11.46 - -0.01 0.00
Global Total Fd PCG B 168.45 - 1.54 0.12 Scottish Friendly Asset Managers Ltd (UK)
Oasis Crescent Gbl Property Eqty $ 9.43 - 0.06 2.07 Pictet-Japan Index-I JPY F ¥ 16185.98 - 22.88 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund CHF HedgedSFr 11.99 - -0.01 0.00
S W Mitchell Capital LLP (IRL) Scottish Friendly Hse, 16 Blythswood Sq, Glasgow G2 4HJ 0141 275 5000
Global Total Fd PCG INT 166.22 - 1.51 0.00
Pictet-Japanese Equities Opp-I JPY F ¥ 9709.16 - 10.37 0.00 Regulated Authorised Inv Funds The Hartford International Funds (IRL)
Value Partners Classic Equity Fund EUR Hedged € 12.11 - -0.02 0.00
SWMC European Fund B EUR € 15443.99 - 285.50 0.00 Regulated
Pictet-Japanese Equity Selection-I JPY F ¥ 14400.25 - 25.14 0.00 Managed Growth ♦ 243.20 - 1.20 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Hedged £ 12.39 - -0.02 0.00
Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index (GBP) £ 1605.80 - -13.42 0.00
Pictet-LATAM Index I USD $ 47.03 - 0.17 0.00 Purisima Investment Fds (CI) Ltd (JER) SWMC UK Fund B £ 12064.25 - 22.80 0.00 UK Growth ♦ 265.80 - 1.60 0.00
UK Corporate Bond £ 1567.30 - -0.72 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity Fund GBP Unhedged £ 13.03 - 0.07 0.00
Pictet-LATAM Lc Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 104.37 - -0.01 0.00 SWMC Small Cap European Fund B EUR € 13454.94 - 59.86 0.00
PCG B X 166.56 - 1.84 0.00 Value Partners Classic Equity USD Hedged $ 14.09 - -0.01 0.00
Pictet-Pacific Ex Japan Index-I USD F $ 321.17 - 2.01 0.00
PCG C X 164.23 - 1.81 0.00
SWMC Emerging European Fund B EUR € 9050.45 - 138.91 0.00
SIA (SIA Funds AG) (LUX)

Global Eq (Ex Japan) Index Fund

£ 1573.90

¥ 1.38

-0.97 0.00

0.03 0.00 Value Partners Greater China Equity Fund $ 8.66 - 0.07 - Guide to Data
Pictet-Premium Brands-I EUR F € 151.41 - 0.66 0.00 Regulated
Global Eq (ex Japan) Class HJ4 ¥ 1.43 - 0.03 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund RMB Class Z UnhedgedCNH 10.14 - 0.07 -
Odey Asset Management LLP (UK) LTIF Classic € 333.49 - 9.04 0.00 The fund prices quoted on these pages are supplied by
Pictet-Quality Global Equities I USD $ 133.05 - 1.27 0.00 Value Partners Health Care Fund HKD Class A UnhedgedHK$ 9.54 - 0.07 -
40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH Putnam Investments (Ireland) Ltd (IRL) LTIF Natural Resources € 69.19 - 2.53 0.00 Global Eq (ex Japan) Class JP5 ¥ 1.55 - 0.03 0.00 the operator of the relevant fund. Details of funds
Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 300 2106 Pictet-Russia Index I USD $ 45.26 - 0.28 0.00 Regulated Value Partners Health Care Fund USD Class A Unhedged $ 9.58 - 0.07 - published on these pages, including prices, are for the
LTIF Stability A ACCU € 162.93 - 2.91 0.00 Global Eq Ex Japan Index Fund (Hedge) ¥ 1.42 - 0.03 0.00 purpose of information only and should only be used
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers Pictet-Russian Equities-I USD F $ 39.94 - 0.04 0.00 Putnam New Flag Euro High Yield Plc - E € 1012.24 - 0.15 4.27 as a guide. The Financial Times Limited makes no
Authorised Inv Funds Gbl Govt Bond (Ex Japan) Index ¥ 1.32 - -0.01 0.00
representation as to their accuracy or completeness
Pictet-Security-I USD F $ 198.41 - 0.92 0.00
CF Odey Continental European GBP R Acc 720.79 - 1.56 0.19 Gbl Govt Bond (ex Japan) Class JP4 ¥ 1.30 - 0.00 0.00 Veritas Asset Management LLP (IRL) and they should not be relied upon when making an
Pictet-Select-Callisto I EUR € 105.25 - 0.08 0.00 SIA (SIA Funds AG) (CH) HSSI Ltd, 1 Grand Canal Sq, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland investment decision.
CF Odey Opus GBP R Inc 3729.42 - -4.51 0.00 RobecoSAM (LUX) Other International Fds Japan Equity Index Fund ¥ 1.05 - -0.01 0.00
Veritas Funds Plc
Pictet-Small Cap Europe-I EUR F € 1131.72 - -4.74 0.00 Tel. +41 44 653 10 10 The sale of interests in the funds listed on these pages
CF Odey Absolute Return GBP R 321.52 - -0.99 0.00 LTIF Stability Growth SFr 188.30 - 0.50 - Japan Equity Class JP3 ¥ 1.27 - -0.01 0.00
Regulated may, in certain jurisdictions, be restricted by law and
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-I € 140.46 - 0.00 0.00 +353 1 635 6799 the funds will not necessarily be available to persons
CF Odey Portfolio Fund GBP R Inc 146.50 - -0.30 0.07 LTIF Stability Inc Plus SFr 161.70 - 0.50 5.80
RobecoSAM Sm.Energy/A £ 11.72 - 0.10 1.69 FCA Recognised in all jurisdictions in which the publication circulates.
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt JPY I USD ¥ 101514.94 - 3.60 0.00
Institutional Persons in any doubt should take appropriate
RobecoSAM Sm.Energy/N € 12.13 - 0.23 0.00 The National Investor (TNI) professional advice. Data collated by Morningstar. For
Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-ICHF SFr 124.22 - -0.01 0.00 Veritas Asian Fund A USD H $ 316.45 - 1.30 0.43
Odey Asset Management LLP (CYM)
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/A £ 123.55 - 1.88 1.42 Smith & Williamson Investment Management (1200)F (UK) other queries contact +44
Regulated Pictet-ST.MoneyMkt-IUSD $ 135.26 - 0.02 0.00 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 020 7131 8100 Other International Funds (0)207 873 4211.
Veritas Asian Fund A GBP H £ 392.35 - 0.67 0.24
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/N € 145.46 - 3.78 0.00 TNI Blue Chip UAE Fund * AED 9.63 - 0.09 0.00
OEI Mac Inc GBP A £ 373.47 - 29.16 0.00 Pictet-Timber-I USD F $ 146.42 - 0.97 0.00
Veritas Asian Fund A EUR H € 328.10 - 1.49 0.21 The fund prices published in this edition along with
RobecoSAM Sm.Materials/Na € 100.38 - 2.61 - Authorised Inv Funds TNI Funds Ltd (BMU)
OEI Mac Inc GBP B £ 204.92 - 15.22 0.00 Pictet Total Ret-Agora I EUR € 116.21 - -0.13 0.00 additional information are also available on the
Ram Active Investments SA European Equity Fund A Class 512.70 - 1.90 0.73 Veritas China Fund A USD $ 145.48 - 0.01 0.36 Financial Times website, The
RobecoSAM Gl.Small Cap Eq/A £ 78.53 - 0.65 1.30 MENA Hedge Fund $ 905.00 - -40.66 0.00
OEI MAC Inc USD $ 1994.35 - 156.27 0.00 funds published on these pages are grouped together
Pictet Total Ret-Corto Europe I EUR € 137.11 - -0.46 0.00 Veritas China Fund A GBP £ 150.78 - 0.01 0.37
Other International Funds Far Eastern Income and Growth Fund A Class 425.90 - -1.90 3.14 TNI Funds Plc (Ireland) by fund management company.
RobecoSAM Gl.Small Cap Eq/N € 160.11 - 3.06 0.00
Odey European Inc EUR € 870.27 - 63.05 0.00 Pictet Total Ret-Divers Alpha I EUR € 105.25 - 0.07 0.00 MENA UCITS Fund * $ 1079.79 - 10.85 0.00
RAM Systematic Emerg Markets Core Eq $ 79.12 - 0.75 - Fixed Interest Fund A Class 119.90 - 0.00 3.11 Veritas China Fund A EUR € 143.99 - 0.00 0.37
RobecoSAM Sustainable Gl.Eq/B € 182.16 - 3.87 0.00 Prices are in pence unless otherwise indicated. The
Odey European Inc GBP A £ 335.21 - 25.12 0.00 Pictet Total Ret-Kosmos I EUR € 109.03 - -0.04 0.00
RAM Systematic Emerg Markets Eq $ 141.26 - 0.82 - Global Gold and Resources Fund A Class 131.20 - 1.50 0.00 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D USD $ 112.96 - 0.94 4.11 change, if shown, is the change on the previously
RobecoSAM Sustainable Gl.Eq/N € 157.23 - 3.34 0.00 quoted figure (not all funds update prices daily). Those
Odey European Inc GBP B £ 190.23 - 14.27 0.00 Pictet Total Ret-Mandarin I USD $ 115.38 - 0.13 0.00
RAM Systematic European Eq € 384.34 - 3.86 - MM Endurance Balanced Fund A Class 212.60 - 1.10 1.19 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D EUR € 199.95 - 1.38 3.91 designated $ with no prefix refer to US dollars. Yield
RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/B € 179.54 - 3.09 0.00
Odey European Inc USD $ 401.96 - 30.18 0.00 Pictet-US Equity Selection-I USD $ 187.95 - 1.19 0.00 percentage figures (in Tuesday to Saturday papers)
RAM Systematic Global Shareholder Yield Eq $ 99.37 - 1.14 0.00 MM Global Investment Fund A Class 2091.00 - 8.00 1.83 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund D GBP £ 147.07 - 0.93 4.08
RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/N € 167.33 - 2.88 0.00 allow for buying expenses. Prices of certain older
Giano Capital EUR Inc € 4456.59 - 3.33 0.00 Pictet-US High Yield-I USD F $ 142.35 - 0.30 0.00 insurance linked plans might be subject to capital
RAM Systematic Long/Short Emerg Markets Eq $ 118.94 - -0.58 - North American Fund A Class 1716.00 - 15.00 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund D USD $ 25.72 - 0.14 0.64
RobecoSAM S.HealthyLiv/Na £ 106.81 - 0.68 - Thesis Unit Trust Management Limited (UK) gains tax on sales.
Pictet-USA Index-I USD F $ 180.20 - 1.59 0.00 Veritas Global Focus Fund D EUR € 23.66 - 0.10 0.61
RAM Systematic Long/Short European Eq € 145.89 - -0.65 - Oriental Growth Fund A Class 150.80 - -0.10 1.01 Exchange Building, St Johns Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UP
RobecoSAM S.Water/A £ 167.87 - 1.77 1.21 Guide to pricing of Authorised Investment Funds:
Odey Asset Management LLP (IRL) Pictet-USD Government Bonds-I F $ 634.17 - -1.48 0.00 Authorised Funds Veritas Global Focus Fund D GBP £ 29.26 - 0.11 0.63
RAM Systematic North American Eq $ 228.80 - 2.38 - UK Equity Growth Fund A Class 417.40 - 2.90 0.66 (compiled with the assistance of the IMA. The
FCA Recognised RobecoSAM S.Water/N € 165.15 - 3.53 0.00
Pictet-USD Short Mid-Term Bonds-I F $ 129.39 - -0.06 0.00 TM New Court Fund A 2011 Inc £ 12.84 - -0.02 0.00 Investment Management Association, 65 Kingsway,
RAM Tactical Convertibles Europe € 144.16 - 1.02 - UK Equity Income Fund A Class 223.10 - 0.90 4.68 Veritas Global Focus Fund A GBP £ 28.25 - 0.10 0.36
Odey Pan European EUR R € 342.77 - 5.49 0.00 London WC2B 6TD.
Pictet-USD Sov.ST.Mon.Mkt-I $ 102.63 - 0.01 0.00 TM New Court Fund - A 2014 Acc £ 12.95 - 0.04 0.00 Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 0898.)
RAM Tactical Global Bond Total Return € 138.02 - -0.04 - Veritas Global Focus Fund A EUR € 13.79 - 0.05 0.35
Odey Absolute Return Focus Fund $ 100.00 - - -
Pictet-Water-I EUR F € 276.83 - 0.28 0.00 TM New Court Equity Growth Fund - Inc £ 12.90 - -0.03 0.00
RAM Tactical II Asia Bond Total Return $ 125.31 - 0.02 - Veritas Global Focus Fund A USD $ 24.82 - 0.14 0.37 OEIC: Open-Ended Investment Company. Similar to a
Odey Allegra European EUR O € 262.71 - 4.34 0.00 Smith & Williamson Fd Admin Ltd (1200)F (UK)
unit trust but using a company rather than a trust
25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY 0141 222 1150 Veritas Global Focus Fund C GBP £ 30.68 - 0.11 0.00 structure.
Odey Allegra International EUR O € 176.09 - 2.48 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
Pimco Fds: Global Investors Series Plc (IRL)
Rathbone Unit Trust Mgmt (1200)F (UK) Veritas Global Focus Fund C EUR € 24.92 - 0.10 0.00
Odey Allegra Developed Markets USD I $ 131.29 - 1.76 0.00 S&W Deucalion Fd (OEIC) 2061.00 - 0.00 0.27 Different share classes are issued to reflect a different
PIMCO Europe Ltd,11 Baker Street,London W1U 3AH
PO Box 9948, Chelmsford, CM99 2AG Veritas Global Focus Fund C USD $ 27.02 - 0.15 0.00 currency, charging structure or type of holder.
Odey European Focus Fund € 17.60 - 0.33 0.49 S & W Magnum 378.70 400.30 1.40 1.91
Order Desk: 0845 300 2101, Enquiries: 0207 399 0399
Dealing: +44 20 3640 1000 Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK) Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A GBP £ 140.94 - 0.89 4.09 Selling price: Also called bid price. The price at which
Odey Atlas Fund GBP I S £ 1.14 - 0.00 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
PIMCO Funds: +44 (0)20 3640 1407 287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB, 0845 6000 181 S & W Marathon Trust 185.40 196.10 0.50 1.73 units in a unit trust are sold by investors.
Blue Chip Income Inc 153.83 158.89 0.63 4.19 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A EUR € 194.24 - 1.34 3.91
Odey Giano European Fund EUR R € 122.10 - 0.18 0.00 FCA Recognised Authorised Funds
Santander Atlas Range Veritas Global Equity Income Fund A USD $ 108.69 - 0.90 4.11 Buying price: Also called offer price. The price at
Capital Securities Inst Acc $ 15.04 - 0.01 0.00 Blue Chip Income Acc 229.34 236.64 0.94 4.06
Odey Naver Fund EUR I € 126.50 - -0.63 0.00 which units in a unit trust are bought by investors.
Santander Atlas Inc Port Acc Inst 287.50 - 2.00 - Standard Life Wealth (JER)
Includes manager’s initial charge.
Commodity Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 5.70 - 0.03 0.00 Ethical Bond Inc 89.97 91.95 -0.05 4.69 Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C GBP £ 169.40 - 1.07 -
Odey Odyssey USD I $ 141.78 - -0.17 0.00 PO Box 189, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9RU 01534 709130
Ethical Bond Acc 172.08 175.49 -0.09 4.87 Santander Atlas Inc Port Inc Inst 221.10 - 1.60 - FCA Recognised Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C EUR € 233.34 - 1.61 - Single price: Based on a mid-market valuation of the
Credit Absolute Return Fund Inst Acc $ 10.96 - 0.00 0.00
Odey Orion Fund EUR I € 119.32 - -0.10 0.00 Standard Life Offshore Strategy Fund Limited underlying investments. The buying and selling price
Global Opportunities Acc 142.32 146.87 0.84 0.11 Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Ret 147.60 - 0.10 - Toscafund Asset Management LLP (UK)
Veritas Global Equity Income Fund C USD $ 129.81 - 1.08 -
Diversified Income - Inst Acc $ 19.01 - 0.03 0.00 for shares of an OEIC and units of a single priced unit
Odey Swan Fund EUR I € 94.01 - -2.72 0.00 Bridge Fund £ 1.6365 - 0.0056 1.96
Income Inc 857.63 887.98 4.16 4.09 Santander Atlas Port 3 Inc Ret 101.70 - 0.00 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund A USD $ 20.42 - 0.02 0.30 trust are the same.
Diversified Income Durat Hdg Fund Inst Acc $ 11.13 - 0.00 0.00 Authorised Funds
Odey European Absolute Return GBP S £ 98.42 - -0.88 0.00 Diversified Assets Fund £ 1.1867 - 0.0032 2.82
Income Acc 1334.51 1380.00 6.48 3.97 Santander Atlas Port 3 Acc Inst 162.30 - 0.10 - Aptus Global Financials B Acc £ 3.18 - 0.04 4.53 Veritas Global Real Return Fund A GBP £ 11.44 - 0.01 0.32 Treatment of manager’s periodic capital charge:
Emerging Asia Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 9.53 - 0.01 0.00
Global Equity Fund £ 1.9222 - 0.0092 1.02 The letter C denotes that the trust deducts all or part
Multi Asset Enhanced Growth Acc 123.71 - 0.64 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Ret 181.30 - 0.70 - Aptus Global Financials B Inc £ 2.81 - 0.03 4.53 Veritas Global Real Return Fund A EUR € 12.05 - 0.01 0.12 of the manager’s/operator’s periodic charge from
Emerging Local Bond - Inst Acc $ 10.57 - 0.03 0.00
Odey Wealth Management (CI) Ltd (IRL) Global Balanced Fund - Income Units £ 1.3624 - 0.0051 1.85 capital, contact the manager/operator for full details
Multi Asset Strategic Growth inc 149.47 - 0.52 1.13 Santander Atlas Port 4 Inc Ret 129.70 - 0.40 - Retail Emerging Markets Bond - Inst Acc $ 37.10 - 0.02 0.00 of the effect of this course of action.
Global Balanced Fund - Accumulations Units £ 1.5813 - 0.0059 1.82 Veritas Asian Fund B USD $ 220.98 - 0.90 0.00
FCA Recognised Multi Asset Strategic Growth acc 158.18 - 0.55 1.12 Santander Atlas Port 4 Acc Inst 164.70 - 0.60 -
Emerging Markets Corp.Bd Fund Inst Acc F $ 12.48 - 0.01 0.00 Toscafund Asset Management LLP (CYM)
Exit Charges: The letter E denotes that an exit charge
Global Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.9789 - 0.0010 5.04 Veritas Asian Fund B GBP £ 289.26 - 0.49 0.00
Odey Opportunity EUR I € 222.29 - 2.35 0.00 Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Ret 190.60 - 1.30 - may be made when you sell units, contact the
Emerging Markets Short-Term Local Currency Fund $ 11.67 - 0.01 0.00 Multi Asset Total Return inc 126.31 - 0.17 1.83
Sterling Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.8402 - -0.0005 4.20 Regulated manager/operator for full details.
Santander Atlas Port 5 Acc Inst 161.80 - 1.10 - Veritas Asian Fund B EUR € 241.83 - 1.07 0.00
Euro Bond - Inst Acc € 22.64 - 0.00 0.00 Multi Asset Total Return acc 139.24 - 0.19 1.79
UK Equity Fund £ 1.9519 - 0.0093 2.66 Tosca A USD $ 306.65 - 4.15 0.00
Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Ret 260.70 - 2.00 - Veritas China Fund B GBP £ 146.11 - 0.00 0.00 Time: Some funds give information about the timing of
Omnia Fund Ltd Euro Credit - Inst Acc € 14.69 - 0.01 0.00 Recovery Inc 428.53 445.36 2.03 2.62
Tosca Mid Cap GBP £ 253.12 - -6.14 0.00 price quotes. The time shown alongside the fund
Other International Funds Veritas China Fund B EUR € 163.91 - 1.09 0.00 manager’s/operator’s name is the valuation point for
Recovery Acc 517.83 537.61 2.46 2.57 Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc X 186.10 - 1.40 -
Euro Income Bond - Inst Acc F € 12.92 - 0.01 0.00 Tosca Opportunity B USD $ 346.98 - -10.49 0.00
Estimated NAV $ 855.62 - 16.81 0.00 their unit trusts/OEICs, unless another time is
Santander Atlas Port 6 Acc Inst 160.50 - 1.20 - Veritas Global Focus Fund B USD $ 17.93 - 0.10 0.00
Euro Long Average Duration - Inst Acc € 21.35 - 0.01 0.00 Strategic Bond I-Class Acc 124.33 125.05 0.03 3.93 indicated by the symbol alongside the individual unit
Veritas Global Focus Fund B GBP £ 21.59 - 0.07 0.00 trust/OEIC name.
Strategic Bond I-Class Inc 109.06 109.76 0.03 3.88 Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Ret 202.80 - 1.90 -
Euro Low Duration Fund Inst Acc € 11.28 - 0.00 0.00
Santander Atlas Port 7 Acc Inst 160.90 - 1.50 - Veritas Global Focus Fund B EUR € 16.43 - 0.07 0.00 The symbols are as follows: ✠ 0001 to 1100 hours; ♦
Euro Real Return - Inst Acc € 13.36 - 0.01 0.00 1101 to 1400 hours; ▲1401 to 1700 hours; # 1701 to
Authorised Inv Funds Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B GBP £ 129.61 - 0.81 4.11 midnight. Daily dealing prices are set on the basis of
Euro Short-Term Inst Acc € 12.27 - 0.00 0.00
Max 70% Shs Acc Ret 168.00 - 0.50 - the valuation point, a short period of time may elapse
Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B EUR € 178.19 - 1.23 3.93
Euro Ultra Long Duration - Inst Acc € 28.03 - 0.12 0.00 Stenham Asset Management Inc before prices become available. Historic pricing: The
Max 70% Shs Inc Ret 141.50 - 0.40 - Veritas Global Equity Income Fund B USD $ 107.72 - 0.90 4.13 letter H denotes that the managers/operators will
Global Advantage - Inst Acc $ 11.98 - 0.05 0.00 normally deal on the price set at the most recent
Investments Inc Acc Ret 154.10 - 0.00 - Other International Funds
Veritas Global Real Return Fund B USD $ 19.80 - 0.01 0.00 valuation. The prices shown are the latest available
Global Advantage Real Return Fund Inst Acc $ 8.36 - 0.04 0.00 Stenham Asia USD $ 129.80 - -0.24 - before publication and may not be the current dealing
Investments Inc Inc Ret 101.80 - 0.00 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund B GBP £ 11.23 - 0.01 0.00
Global Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.80 - 0.02 0.00 levels because of an intervening portfolio revaluation
Stenham Credit Opportunities A Class USD (Est) $ 100.94 - -1.12 0.00 or a switch to a forward pricing basis. The
Robeco Asset Management (LUX) Equity Inc Inc Inst 248.70 - 1.00 - Veritas Global Real Return Fund B EUR € 12.88 - 0.01 0.00
Global Bond Ex-US - Inst Acc $ 19.49 - 0.01 0.00 managers/operators must deal at a forward price on
Optima Fund Management Coolsingel 120, 3011 AG Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Equity Inc Inc Ret 213.10 - 0.80 -
Stenham Equity UCITS USD $ 141.72 - 1.78 0.00 TreeTop Asset Management S.A. (LUX)
request, and may move to forward pricing at any time.
Other International Funds Global High Yield Bond - Inst Acc $ 19.58 - 0.03 0.00 Regulated Forward pricing: The letter F denotes that that
Stenham Growth USD (Est) $ 215.41 - 0.52 -
FCA Recognised Equity Inc Acc Inst 150.20 - 0.60 - TreeTop Convertible Sicav managers/operators deal at the price to be set at the
Cuttyhunk Fund II Limited $ 1473.36 - -17.59 0.00 Global Investment Grade Credit - Inst Income $ 12.08 - 0.02 3.65 Veritas Asset Management LLP
Asia-Pacific Equities (EUR) € 132.70 - 1.92 0.00 Stenham Healthcare USD (Est) $ 183.28 - 2.64 0.00 International A € 300.81 - 1.23 0.00 next valuation.
N&P UK Gwth Inc Ret 168.40 - 0.70 -
JENOP Global Healthcare Fund Ltd $ 15.01 - -0.05 0.00 Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc € € 11.64 - -0.04 0.00 Other International Funds
Chinese Equities (EUR) € 75.18 - 0.53 0.00 Stenham Managed Fund USD $ 114.16 - 0.50 - International B $ 385.59 - 1.30 0.00 Investors can be given no definite price in advance of
Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Inst 90.47 - 0.51 -
OPTIKA Fund Limited - Cl A $ 100.29 - -0.54 - Global Investment Grade Credit Fund Inst Acc $ $ 16.52 - 0.02 0.00 Real Return Asian Fund USD (Est) € 277.60 - -26.20 0.00 the purchase or sale being carried out. The prices
Em Stars Equities (EUR) € 172.90 - 4.23 0.00 Stenham Macro UCITS USD $ 101.56 - 0.08 - International C £ 130.17 - 0.40 0.00
Stckmkt 100 Track Gwth Acc Ret 168.10 - 0.90 - appearing in the newspaper are the most recent
Optima Fd NAV $ 89.52 - 0.11 0.00 Global Multi-Asset - Inst Acc $ 14.43 - 0.01 0.00 Real Return Asian Fund GBP (Est) £ 296.77 - -7.03 0.00 provided by the managers/operators. Scheme
Emerging Markets Equities (EUR) € 144.62 - 1.88 0.00 Stenham Multi Strategy USD $ 116.28 - 0.06 - International D € 279.23 - 1.15 2.94
UK Growth Acc Inst 294.90 - 1.30 -
Optima Discretionary Macro Fund Limited $ 87.21 - -1.06 0.00 particulars, prospectus, key features and reports: The
Global Real Return - Inst Acc $ 17.78 - 0.04 0.00 Real Return Asian Fund EUR (Est) $ 292.91 - -10.89 0.00
Flex-o-Rente (EUR) € 109.24 - -0.15 0.00 Stenham Quadrant USD A (Est) $ 401.44 - 7.18 - TreeTop Global Sicav most recent particulars and documents may be
UK Growth Acc Ret 341.50 - 1.40 -
The Dorset Energy Fd Ltd NAV $ 21.19 - -2.22 0.00 Income Fund Inst Acc $ 12.31 - 0.00 0.00 obtained free of charge from fund
Stenham Trading Inc USD (Est) $ 116.37 - 2.08 - Global Opp.A € 142.94 - 1.71 0.00
Glob.Consumer Trends Equities (EUR) € 157.13 - 1.87 0.00 UK Growth Inc Ret 225.10 - 1.00 - managers/operators. * Indicates funds which do not
Platinum Fd Ltd $ 85.93 - -0.34 0.00 Inflation Strategy Fund Inst Acc $ 8.68 - 0.02 0.00 Global Opp.B $ 140.63 - 1.42 0.00 Waverton Investment Funds Plc (1600)F (IRL) price on Fridays.
High Yield Bonds (EUR) € 121.82 - 0.82 0.00 Managed OEIC Stenham Universal USD $ 431.45 - -0.38 -
Platinum Fd Ltd EUR € 16.68 - -0.07 0.00 Low Average Duration - Inst Acc $ 14.79 - 0.01 0.00
Glob Em Shs Port Acc Ret 152.60 - 0.80 - Stenham Universal II USD $ 159.84 - -0.20 0.00 Global Opp.C £ 181.06 - 1.31 0.00 Charges for this advertising service are based on the
Lux -O- Rente (EUR) € 140.06 - -0.41 0.00 FCA Recognised
Platinum Japan Fd Ltd $ 53.63 - -0.11 0.00 number of lines published and the classification of the
PIMCO RAE Fundam.PLUS Em.Mkts Inst Acc $ 8.09 - 0.01 0.00 Max 70% Shs Port Acc Ret 255.90 - 1.20 - Sequoia Equity A € 144.18 - 1.44 0.00
New World Financials (EUR) € 52.70 - 1.00 0.00 Waverton Asia Pacific A USD $ 17.60 - 0.13 5.27 fund. Please contact or
Optima Partners Global Fd $ 14.10 - -0.17 0.00 PIMCO RAE Fundam.PLUS Gl.Dev.Inst Acc $ 10.81 - 0.01 0.00 Sequoia Equity B $ 147.22 - 1.19 0.00 call +44 (0)20 7873 3132 for further information.
Max 70% Shs Port Acc X 183.80 - 0.90 - Waverton Global Bond Fund Cls A $ 8.76 - 0.00 5.41
US Premium Equities (EUR) € 181.98 - 2.42 0.00 Stratton Street Capital (CI) Limited (GSY)
Optima Partners Focus Fund A $ 15.81 - -0.10 0.00 PIMCO RAE Fundam.PLUS US Inst Acc $ 12.24 - -0.02 0.00 Max 70% Shs Port Acc S 148.70 - 0.80 - Regulated Sequoia Equity C £ 169.73 - 0.86 0.00
US Premium Equities (USD) $ 203.43 - 2.71 0.00 Waverton Global Equity Fund A GBP £ 13.59 - 0.09 0.58
Socially Resp.Emerg.Mkts Bd Fd Inst Acc F $ 12.36 - 0.00 0.00 Japan Synthetic Warrant Yen Class ¥ 1772.84 - -37.12 0.00
Investment Port Acc Ret 230.60 - -0.30 - Waverton UK Fund A GBP £ 13.32 - 0.07 1.83
StocksPLUS{TM} - Inst Acc $ 23.23 - -0.03 0.00 Japan Synthetic Warrant GBP Hedged Class £ 199.88 - 1.10 0.00
Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd Investment Port Acc X 163.50 - -0.20 - Waverton Equity Fund A GBP £ 14.72 - 0.15 0.19
Other International Funds Royal Bank of Scotland (2230)F (UK)
Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Class $ 18.75 - -0.43 0.00
Total Return Bond - Inst Acc $ 27.12 - 0.03 0.00 PO Box 23873, Edinburgh EH7 5WJ 0800 917 7072 Max 50% Shs Port Acc Ret 243.90 - 0.70 - Waverton Sterling Bond Fund A GBP £ 9.46 - 0.01 5.31
NAV (Fully Diluted) £ 6.93 - 0.36 0.00
UK Corporate Bond - Inst Acc £ 17.15 - -0.04 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Japan Synthetic Warrant USD Hedged Class $ 198.97 - 1.03 0.00
Max 50% Shs Port Inc Ret 217.20 - 0.60 -
Series 5 (Minumum Initial Investment £75,000)
UK Long Term Corp. Bnd Inst-Inst Acc £ 18.98 - -0.09 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls A A$ 119.18 - 0.24 3.82
Max 50% Shs Port Acc X 176.50 - 0.50 -
United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 15.42 - 0.36 2.92 WA Fixed Income Fund Plc (IRL)
OTP Asset Management Romania SAI SA ((ROM)) UK Low Duration - Inst Acc £ 14.05 - 0.00 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund AUD Cls B A$ 120.90 - 0.24 3.57
Max 50% Shs Port Acc S 147.80 - 0.40 - Regulated UK Specialist Equity Inc £ 19.16 - 0.34 0.40
Other International Funds UK Real Return - Inst Acc £ 22.31 - -0.25 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls A SFr 115.85 - 0.21 3.88 European Multi-Sector € 115.55 - -0.19 0.00
Max 100% Shs Port Acc Ret 283.20 - 2.30 -
Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 23.56 - 0.28 0.00
OTP Comodisro RON 16.86 - 0.00 - UK Sterling Long Average Duration - Inst Acc £ 21.31 - -0.17 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund CHF Cls B SFr 115.56 - 0.21 3.64
Max 100% Shs Port Acc X 203.30 - 1.70 -
Japan Specialist Fund X £ 15.03 - 0.01 0.00
OTP Obligatiuni RON 14.25 - 0.00 - Unconstrained Bond - Inst Acc $ 11.88 - 0.00 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls A CNH 126.55 - 0.15 3.33
US Spec Equity Fund £ 19.08 - 0.16 0.00
Max 100% Shs Port Acc S 148.30 - 1.20 - Troy Asset Mgt Ltd (UK)
OTP Avantisro RON 8.46 - 0.02 - US High Yield Bond Fund Inst Acc $ 26.79 - 0.04 0.00 Renminbi Bond Fund CNH Cls B CNH 126.19 - 0.14 3.10 40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH
Enhanced Inc Inc Ins 212.10 - 0.80 -
Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 38.52 - 0.08 0.90 Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 608 0950
OTP Euro Bond € 12.40 - 0.00 - Renminbi Bond Fund Euro Cls B € 117.33 - 0.22 3.64
Enhanced Inc Inc Ret 200.00 - 0.70 - Authorised Inv Funds
UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.60 - -0.05 2.53
OTP Dollar Bond $ 10.56 - 0.00 - Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls B £ 119.43 - 0.23 3.42 ACD Capita Financial Mgrs
Enhanced Inc Inc X 170.10 - 0.60 -
UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 9.47 - 0.14 4.08 Trojan Investment Funds
OTP Premium Return RON 1070.04 - 1.37 - Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls B S$ 118.70 - 0.23 3.38
Enhanced Inc Acc Inst 158.90 - 0.60 -
Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.58 - 0.01 0.07 Spectrum Fund 'O' Acc ♦ 162.01 - 0.60 0.27 Yuki International Limited (IRL)
Managed Investments OEIC Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls B $ 118.78 - 0.22 3.19
Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.58 - -0.03 3.03 Spectrum Fund 'O' Inc ♦ 157.92 - 0.59 0.27 Tel +44-20-7269-0207
Max 30% Shs Port Acc Ret 154.40 - 0.30 - Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls B ¥ 13067.70 - 22.79 0.00 Regulated
Series 6 (Investment Management Customers Only) Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Acc 97.03 - 0.45 -
Max 30% Shs Port Acc X 154.10 - 0.20 - Yuki Mizuho Umbrella Fund
United Kingdom Equity Index Fund £ 15.21 - 0.35 3.57 Renminbi Bond Fund USD Cls A $ 163.88 - 0.31 3.43
Spectrum Income Fund 'O' Inc 96.58 - 0.44 - Yuki Mizuho Japan Dynamic Growth ¥ 6717.00 - -88.00 0.00
Platinum Capital Management Ltd Max 30% Shs Port Acc S 148.00 - 0.20 - Renminbi Bond Fund GBP Cls A £ 159.29 - 0.31 3.66
UK Specialist Equity £ 19.37 - 0.35 1.59
Other International Funds Trojan Fund O Acc ♦ 260.78 - 0.92 0.43 Yuki Mizuho Japan Large Cap ¥ 777.62 - -0.38 0.00
Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc Ret 152.70 - 0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund SGD Cls A S$ 157.33 - 0.30 3.62
Platinum All Star Fund - A (Est) $ 117.46 - - - Contl Europe Specialist Fund £ 24.37 - 0.29 1.18
Trojan Fund O Inc ♦ 216.34 - 0.76 0.43 Yuki Japan Low Price ¥ 25555.00 - -281.00 0.00
Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc X 152.80 - 0.10 - Renminbi Bond Fund YEN Cls A ¥ 19352.04 - 33.76 0.00
Platinum Global Dividend Fund - A $ 57.27 - - - Japan Specialist Fund X £ 15.80 - 0.00 0.64
Permal Investment Mgmt Svcs Ltd Trojan Global Equity O Acc 222.92 - 0.94 0.87 Yuki Japan Value Select ¥ 12136.00 - -219.00 0.00
Max 30% Shs Inc Port Inc S 146.80 - 0.20 - Renminbi Bond Fund EUR Cls A € 107.98 - 0.21 3.88 Platinum Maverick Enhanced Fund Limited (Est) $ 96.39 - - 0.00 US Spec Equity Fund £ 19.95 - 0.16 0.37 YMR Umbrella Fund
Trojan Global Equity O Inc 189.89 - 0.80 0.88
Other International Funds Max 60% Shs Port Acc Ret 267.90 - 1.30 -
Pacific Basin Specialist Equity Fund £ 38.15 - 0.07 1.90 YMR N Growth ¥ 16989.00 - -25.00 0.00
Offshore Fund Class A US $ Shares Trojan Income O Acc ♦ 278.44 - 1.69 3.62
Max 60% Shs Port Inc Ret 212.00 - 1.10 - Yuki Asia Umbrella Fund
UK Sovereign Bd Index Fund £ 10.72 - -0.05 2.53
Investment Holdings N.V. $ 5487.68 - 49.80 0.00 Trojan Income O Inc ♦ 176.38 - 1.08 3.74
Max 60% Shs Port Inc X 164.20 - 0.90 - Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund JPY Class ¥ 22999.00 - -295.00 0.00
UK Specialist Equity Income Fund £ 10.29 - 0.15 4.03
Macro Holdings Ltd $ 4192.02 - 66.31 0.00
Max 60% Shs Port Inc S 145.40 - 0.70 - Yuki Japan Rebounding Growth Fund USD Hedged Class $ 912.94 - -11.87 -
Global Spec Inv Grade Bd Fund GBP £ 9.88 - -0.02 3.03
Fixed Income Holdings N.V. $ 364.13 - -1.93 -
Managed Investments OEIC 2 UBS Asset Management (UK)
Global Emerg Mkts Equity Fund X £ 10.52 - 0.01 0.91 21 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9AH
Permal Absolute Return Fund $ 163.59 - 0.48 0.00 Investments Inc Port Inc Ret 161.90 - 0.10 -
Address and telephone number for Series 5 only Client Services 0800 587 2113, Client Dealing 0800 587 2112
Investments Inc Port Inc X 146.70 - 0.10 - E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited (GSY)
Polar Capital Funds Plc (IRL)
Regulated Authorised Inv Funds
Regulated £ Gov Bond Inc Inst (gross) 175.60 - 0.00 -
Royal London Unit Managers Ltd. (1200) F (UK) Nippon Growth Fund Limited ¥ 103357.00 - 1500.00 0.00 OEIC
Asian Financials I USD $ 278.75 278.75 0.44 0.00 £ Gov Bond Inc Inst 144.30 - 0.00 - Zadig Gestion (Memnon Fund) (LUX)
5th Floor, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU 03456 057777 Global Emerg Mkts Eqty B Acc £ 1.28 - 0.00 1.73
Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd JPY ¥ 91049.00 - 849.00 0.00 FCA Recognised
Biotechnology I USD $ 18.28 18.28 0.30 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
£ Gov Bond Acc Inst 146.40 - 0.00 -
Strat Evarich Japan Fd Ltd USD $ 901.12 - 8.51 0.00 Global Optimal B Acc £ 1.00 - 0.01 0.64 Memnon European Fund I GBP £ 115.16 - 1.61 0.00
European Income Acc EUR € 11.61 11.61 0.31 0.00 Royal London Sustainable Diversified A Inc £ 1.57 - 0.01 2.01
Strat Bond Inc Inst (gross) 179.50 - 0.10 -
UBS UK Opportunities Fund B Acc £ 0.85 - 0.01 3.09
European Ex UK Inc EUR Acc € 9.94 9.94 0.24 - Royal London Sustainable World A Inc 173.60 - 0.90 0.81
Strat Bond Inc Inst 148.40 - 0.00 -
US Equity B Acc £ 1.49 - 0.02 0.28
Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA (LUX)
Financial Opps I USD $ 12.26 - 0.09 2.13 Royal London Corporate Bond Mth Income 88.28 92.93 -0.08 4.16 E.I. Sturdza Funds PLC (IRL) Zebedee Capital Partners LLP (CYM)
15, Avenue J.F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Strat Bond Acc Inst 150.90 - 0.10 - Regulated
Regulated UBS S&P 500 Index C Acc £ 0.55 - 0.01 1.08
GEM Growth I USD $ 8.29 - 0.09 0.00 Royal London European Growth Trust 111.90 117.80 0.50 0.41
Tel: 0041 58 323 3000 Managed Investments OEIC 3 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A EURO Shares € 169.78 - -0.96 0.00
Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Class EUR) € 1082.97 - -0.32 0.00 UBS Targeted Return B Acc £ 1.24 - 0.00 0.81
FCA Recognised Royal London Sustainable Leaders A Inc 465.50 - 2.30 0.80 Div Inc Port Inc Ret 175.50 - 0.70 -
GEM Income I USD $ 9.18 - 0.08 0.00
Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Euro Hedged Institutional Class EUR) € 1275.69 - -0.37 0.00 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class B USD Shares $ 197.30 - -1.19 0.00
Pictet-Absl Rtn Fix Inc-HI EUR € 106.80 - 0.08 0.00 UBS Sterling Corporate Bond Indexed Fund 50.72 - -0.26 3.26
Global Alpha I USD $ 12.80 12.80 0.17 0.00 Royal London UK Growth Trust 483.30 508.70 2.60 1.44 Corp Bond Acc Inst (gross) 212.10 - 0.00 -
Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class A shares ¥ 100145.00 - -34.00 0.00 Zebedee Focus Fund Limited Class A USD $ 170.38 - -0.82 0.00
Pictet-Absl Rtn Glo Div-I EUR F € 124.74 - 0.27 0.00 UBS Multi Asset Income B Inc (net) £ 0.48 - 0.00 3.61
Global Convertible I USD $ 11.33 11.33 0.01 0.00 Royal London UK Income With Growth Trust 222.00 233.70 0.70 4.40 Corp Bond Inc Inst 141.40 - 0.00 -
Pictet-Agriculture-I EUR F € 182.81 - 1.48 0.00 Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class B Acc shares ¥ 83974.00 - -29.00 0.00 UBS UK Equity Income B Inc Net £ 0.37 - 0.00 4.85

Pictet-Asian Equities Ex Japan-I USD F $ 204.79 - 1.30 0.00

Global Insurance I GBP £ 4.18 - 0.01 0.00 Royal London US Growth Trust
Additional Funds Available
154.30 162.30 1.90 0.00 Corp Bond Acc Inst
Multi-Manager OEIC
144.00 - 0.00 -
Nippon Growth (UCITS) Fund JPY Class C Dis shares ¥ 82212.00 - 968.00 0.00 Corporate Bond UK Plus B Inc Net £ 0.51 -Money Market
0.00 4.00
Global Technology I USD $ 23.72 - 0.12 0.00

Asset Management Trusts and

Please see for details Nippon Growth (UCITS Fund Class D Institutional JPY) ¥ 54375.00 - -18.00 0.00 UBS Global Allocation (UK) B Acc £ 1.07 - 0.01 1.42
Pictet-Asian Local Currency Debt-I USD F $ 150.61 - -0.62 0.00 Bal Intl Track Acc Ret 263.70 - 1.50 -

Pictet-Biotech-I USD F $ 840.67 - -2.85 0.00

Healthcare Blue Chip Fund I USD Acc $ 10.73 10.73 0.14 0.00
Bond Mthly Inc Acc Ret 142.40 - -0.30 - Strategic China Panda Fund USD $ 2246.42 - 13.93 0.00
UBS Global Enhanced Equity Income C Inc £ 0.46 Management
- 0.01 10.94 Asset Management
Pictet-Brazil Index I USD $ 33.85 - 0.40 0.00
Healthcare Opps I USD

Income Opportunities B2 I GBP Acc £

$ 38.83

- 0.49 0.00

1.73 0.01 0.00

Bond Mthly Inc Inc Ret 91.17 - -0.21 - Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged EURO € 2190.37 - 12.72 0.00 UBS US Growth Fund B Acc £ 1.57 - 0.01 0.00 Bank Accounts Gross
Pictet-CHF Bonds I CHF SFr 504.35 - -2.21 0.00 Strategic China Panda Fund Hedged Sterling £ 2220.25 - 12.79 0.00 UBS Emerging Markets Equity Income B Inc £ 0.34 - 0.00 6.60 Gross Net AER Int Cr
Japan Alpha I JPY ¥ 209.16 209.16 -2.04 0.00
Pictet-China Index I USD $ 105.11 - 0.17 0.00 Strategic Euro Bond Accumulating Class CHFSFr 982.46 - -1.03 0.00
Japan I JPY ¥ 2074.05 - -18.88 0.00 Santander Asset Management UK Limited (1200)F (UK)
Pictet-Clean Energy-I USD F $ 78.07 - 0.30 0.00 287 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NB 0845 605 4400 Strategic Euro Bond Institutional Class EUR € 1009.75 - -0.82 0.00 CCLA Investment Management Ltd
North American I USD $ 17.80 17.80 0.17 0.00
Unicapital Investments (LUX) Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
Authorised Inv Funds
Pictet-Digital Communication-I USD F $ 259.61 - 1.86 0.00 Strategic Euro Bond Fund Accumulating Class Shares € 1132.04 - -0.93 0.00 Regulated CBF Church of England Deposit Fund 0.50 - 0.50 Qtr
UK Absolute Equity I GBP £ 12.89 12.89 0.07 0.00 Ruffer LLP (1000)F (UK) Santander Premium Fund (OEIC)
40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH Strategic Euro Bond Fund Distributing Class Shares € 1021.62 - -0.84 1.33 Investments III € 5.03 - -22.38 -
Pictet-Eastern Europe-I EUR F € 259.56 - -2.13 0.00 A Shares
Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 601 9610 Investments IV - European Private Eq. € 247.75 260.13 -44.58 - CCLA Fund Managers Ltd
Pictet-Em Lcl Ccy Dbt-I USD F $ 151.41 - -0.61 0.00 Europe (ex-UK) 280.10 - 1.30 - Strategic European Smaller Companies Fund EUR Class € 973.36 - 11.72 -
Authorised Inv Funds Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4ET
Polar Capital LLP (CYM)
Authorised Corporate Director - Capita Financial Managers Japan Equities 156.90 - -0.60 - Strategic Global Bond RMB Acc $ 1046.84 - -3.81 0.00 Investments IV - Global Private Eq. € 366.42 384.74 -49.81 -
Pictet-Emerging Markets-I USD F $ 458.63 - 2.83 0.00 COIF Charities Deposit Fund 0.45 - 0.45 Qtr
CF Ruffer Investment Funds Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 510.10 - 2.00 - Strategic Global Bond USD Acc $ 1041.84 - -1.27 0.00
Pictet-Emerging Markets Index-I USD F $ 206.43 - 0.82 0.00 ALVA Convertible A USD $ 128.64 - -0.21 0.00
CF Ruffer Gold Fund C Acc 82.20 - 2.69 0.00
Pictet-Emerging Corporate Bonds I USD $ 105.08 - 0.03 0.00 European Conviction A EUR € 140.86 - 1.11 0.00
Sterling Bonds 262.80 - 0.00 - Strategic US Momentum and Value Fund $ 769.16 - 5.90 0.00 Unicorn Asset Management Ltd (UK)
CF Ruffer Gold Fund O Acc 81.34 - 2.65 0.00 PO Box 10602, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 9PD 0845 026 4287
Pictet-Emerging Markets High Dividend I USD $ 89.87 - 0.71 0.00 UK Equities 270.90 - 1.60 - Strategic US Momentum & Value Fund USD I Class $ 510.88 - 3.92 0.00
European Forager A EUR € 174.98 - 0.29 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
Equity & General C Acc 373.11 - -0.25 0.06
Pictet-Emerging Markets Sust Eq I USD $ 80.96 - 0.47 0.00 US Equities 270.90 - 2.70 - Strategic US Momentum and Value EUR Hedged Class EUR € 536.61 - 4.09 0.00 UK Growth A Inc 410.23 - 1.02 0.00
Equity & General C Inc 344.13 - -0.22 0.06
B Shares Strategic US Momentum and Value CHF Hedged Class CHFSFr 533.61 - 3.94 0.00 Mastertrust A Inc X F 368.35 - 1.39 0.07
Pictet-Environmental Megatrend Sel I EUR € 159.17 - -0.09 0.00
Polunin Capital Partners Ltd Equity & General O Inc 342.69 - -0.24 0.00 Pacific Bas (ex-Japan) 509.40 - 2.10 -
Pictet-EUR Bonds-I F € 554.55 - -2.07 0.00 Other International Funds UK Growth B Inc 411.70 - 1.04 0.56
Equity & General O Acc 369.35 - -0.26 0.00
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds Ex Fin i EUR € 142.65 - -0.25 0.00 Emerging Markets Active $ 40.08 - -0.85 - Mastertrust B Inc X F 330.30 - 1.25 0.91
European C Acc 499.69 - -1.10 0.27
Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds-I F € 199.12 - -0.29 0.00 Luxcellence Em Mkts Tech $ 924.87 - 44.96 0.00 Outstanding British Cos A Acc X F 259.72 - 0.75 0.66
European O Acc 494.69 - -1.12 0.00
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 23



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-0.16% -0.29% -0.06% -0.11% -0.03% -0.62%

No change No change No change No change
0.05% 0.22% 0.44% 0.79%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Nov 25 - Dec 24 Index All World Nov 25 - Dec 24 Index All World Nov 25 - Dec 24 Index All World Nov 24 - Dec 23 Index All World Nov 26 - Dec 25 Index All World Nov 26 - Dec 25 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul
19,847.58 2,030.68
2,089.14 13,403.42 13,309.80 6,337.64 6,254.64 10,933.99 1,990.65
2,060.99 10,727.64
Day -0.16% Month -1.23% Year -1.02% Day 0.19% Month -0.73% Year -8.89% Day 0.22% Month -0.33% Year -5.34% Day 2.28% Month -3.29% Year 8.12% Day -0.11% Month -5.80% Year 5.12% Day -0.43% Month -0.65% Year 2.66%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
44,138.75 1,502.46 10,332.30 22,498.00 2,891.58 2,877.62
5,102.81 43,528.27 22,138.13
5,048.49 1,439.94

Day 0.05% Month -1.06% Year 5.94% Day -0.12% Month -2.35% Year 1.22% Day -0.06% Month -2.79% Year 4.73% Day 0.43% Month -5.78% Year -7.59% Day 0.44% Month -2.33% Year -5.12% Day 0.49% Month -0.89% Year 11.76%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
4,946.02 3,635.55 3,627.91
17,812.19 45,872.92 25,775.74 25,838.71
17,552.17 4,663.18 21,948.14
44,014.93 21,456.36

Day -0.29% Month -1.35% Year -2.62% Day 1.25% Month -8.59% Year -13.51% Day -0.24% Month -4.62% Year 8.07% Day 1.88% Month -3.76% Year 10.87% Day 0.43% Month 0.33% Year 22.05% Day -0.04% Month 0.08% Year -6.06%

Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous
Argentina Merval 12040.85 11439.48 Cyprus CSE M&P Gen 65.64 66.55 Italy FTSE Italia All-Share 23212.88 22815.05 Philippines Manila Comp 7002.42 6966.18 Taiwan Weighted Pr 8363.28 8324.36 Cross-Border DJ Global Titans ($) 235.77 235.83
Australia All Ordinaries 5256.10 5193.50 Czech Republic
PX 945.49 929.83 FTSE Italia Mid Cap 34234.23 33934.71 Poland Wig 46564.08 46421.28 Thailand Bangkok SET 1282.93 1284.15 Euro Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3284.47 3286.68
S&P/ASX 200 5207.60 5141.80 Denmark OMXC Copenahgen 20 999.80 979.95 FTSE MIB 21456.36 21060.13 Portugal PSI 20 5349.50 5346.03 Turkey BIST 100 74050.35 74044.89 Euronext 100 ID 910.01 910.94
S&P/ASX 200 Res 2441.90 2349.20 Egypt EGX 30 6812.65 6769.08 Japan 2nd Section 4592.40 4589.78 PSI General 2532.26 2523.32 UAE Abu Dhabi General Index 4241.73 4209.15 FTSE 4Good Global ($) 5439.33 5441.49
Austria ATX 2401.19 2365.04 Estonia OMX Tallinn 897.05 898.73 Nikkei 225 18769.06 18789.69 Romania BET Index 6987.23 6951.53 UK FT 30 2892.10 2890.60 FTSE All World 265.43 265.52
Belgium BEL 20 3691.71 3689.51 Finland OMX Helsinki General 8570.01 8403.40 S&P Topix 150 1257.05 1263.40 Russia Micex Index 1734.21 1742.71 FTSE 100 6254.64 6240.98 FTSE E300 1439.94 1440.87
BEL Mid 6026.57 6035.74 France CAC 40 4663.18 4674.53 Topix 1516.19 1523.62 RTX 772.94 781.10 FTSE 4Good UK 5706.76 5698.47 FTSE Eurotop 100 2855.59 2857.84
Brazil Bovespa 44014.93 43469.52 SBF 120 3676.11 3684.14 Jordan Amman SE 2088.34 2083.84 Saudi-Arabia TADAWUL All Share Index 6941.75 6934.06 FTSE All Share 3448.56 3441.21 FTSE Global 100 ($) 1319.95 1320.37
Canada S&P/TSX 60 784.16 783.07 Germany M-DAX 20708.82 20402.37 Kenya NSE 20 3955.73 3918.75 Singapore FTSE Straits Times 2877.62 2863.65 FTSE techMARK 100 3985.91 3985.99 FTSE Gold Min ($) 917.47 917.47
S&P/TSX Comp 13309.80 13284.91 TecDAX 1814.35 1789.41 Kuwait KSX Market Index 5619.98 5624.68 Slovakia SAX 293.69 293.08 USA DJ Composite 6033.13 6040.23 FTSE Latibex Top (Eur) 2309.00 2300.40
S&P/TSX Met & Min 372.33 375.39 XETRA Dax 10727.64 10488.75 Latvia OMX Riga 579.81 592.35 Slovenia SBI TOP 690.19 685.02 DJ Industrial 17552.17 17602.61 FTSE Multinationals ($) 1500.98 1498.74
Chile IGPA Gen 18020.37 18047.66 Greece Athens Gen 619.96 619.04 Lithuania OMX Vilnius 483.02 483.82 South Africa FTSE/JSE All Share 51324.01 50839.81 DJ Transport 7622.61 7610.49 FTSE World ($) 470.65 470.82
China FTSE A200 9794.75 9757.54 FTSE/ASE 20 181.60 180.38 Luxembourg LuxX 1390.19 1390.73 FTSE/JSE Res 20 26115.74 25615.83 DJ Utilities 581.02 581.01 FTSEurofirst 100 (Eur) 4053.42 4055.66
FTSE B35 12098.44 11945.72 Hong Kong Hang Seng 22138.13 22040.59 Malaysia FTSE Bursa KLCI 1663.51 1643.26 FTSE/JSE Top 40 46355.04 45865.58 Nasdaq 100 4622.77 4624.59 FTSEurofirst 80 (Eur) 4425.11 4426.55
Shanghai A 3796.96 3781.10 HS China Enterprise 9953.21 9882.95 Mexico IPC 43528.27 43579.67 South Korea Kospi 1990.65 1999.22 Nasdaq Cmp 5048.49 5045.93 MSCI ACWI Fr ($) 402.13 402.27
Shanghai B 442.76 432.98 HSCC Red Chip 4061.99 4055.44 Morocco MASI 8893.10 8893.10 Kospi 200 245.33 246.53 NYSE Comp 10258.55 10276.28 MSCI All World ($) 1673.30 1674.00
Shanghai Comp 3627.91 3612.49 Hungary Bux 23547.40 23455.91 Netherlands AEX 444.12 443.72 Spain IBEX 35 9682.90 9641.00 S&P 500 2060.99 2064.29 MSCI Europe (Eur) 1412.50 1412.50
Shenzhen A 2468.61 2454.67 India BSE Sensex 25838.71 25850.30 AEX All Share 682.86 681.90 Sri Lanka CSE All Share 6858.64 6858.64 Wilshire 5000 21354.56 21379.40 MSCI Pacific ($) 2280.77 2288.08
Shenzhen B 1345.67 1333.97 S&P CNX 500 6656.75 6652.75 New Zealand NZX 50 6225.53 6225.53 Sweden OMX Stockholm 30 1446.69 1413.74 Venezuela IBC 14555.81 14628.48 S&P Euro (Eur) 1469.95 1470.19
Colombia COLCAP 1154.77 1161.02 Indonesia Jakarta Comp 4522.65 4517.57 Nigeria SE All Share 26871.24 26918.22 OMX Stockholm AS 502.81 492.81 Vietnam VNI 567.67 566.17 S&P Europe 350 (Eur) 1477.55 1477.62
Croatia CROBEX 1655.77 1647.67 Ireland ISEQ Overall 6746.72 6774.53 Norway Oslo All Share 644.39 626.97 Switzerland SMI Index 8705.74 8515.82 S&P Global 1200 ($) 1848.21 1848.38
Israel Tel Aviv 100 13.08 12.94 Pakistan KSE 100 32500.75 32500.75 Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3108.11 3109.23
(c) Closed. (u) Unavaliable. † Correction. ♥ Subject to official recalculation. For more index coverage please see A fuller version of this table is available on the research data archive.


AMERICA LONDON EURO MARKETS TOKYO Dec 24 %Chg %Chg Dec 24 %Chg %Chg Dec 24 %Chg %Chg Dec 24 %Chg %Chg
ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's FTSE 100 price(p) week ytd FTSE 250 price(p) week ytd FTSE SmallCap price(p) week ytd Industry Sectors price(p) week ytd
traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change Winners Winners Winners Winners
Apple 14.7 108.03 -0.58 Bp 26.2 365.95 5.55 Nestle N 474.6 67.80 1.76 Nippon Suisan Kaisha, 413.1 647.00 81.00 Anglo American 328.05 24.5 -72.7 Evraz 75.85 23.2 -50.9 Ferrexpo 20.00 42.9 -62.3 Industrial Metals 747.03 24.5 -50.4
Hospira 11.8 89.95 -0.01 Hsbc Holdings 21.6 541.30 0.40 Roche Gs 305.3 251.86 4.90 Toyota Motor 347.7 7483.00 -57.00 Glencore 92.40 14.3 -69.1 Ophir Energy 97.10 15.5 -31.4 Petra Diamonds 87.75 27.0 -54.8 Mining 7501.18 10.4 -47.6
Nike 8.8 63.18 -1.18 Royal Dutch Shell 20.7 1571.00 6.50 Novartis N 270.2 78.61 1.62 Mitsubishi Ufj Fin,. 321.4 742.10 -12.70 Antofagasta 462.60 11.5 -38.5 Cairn Energy 158.40 14.9 -11.3 Gem Diamonds 119.50 20.7 -31.6 Oil & Gas Producers 5782.67 7.3 -18.7 7.2 662.79 -0.91 Glencore 18.1 92.40 -0.69 Eni 251.1 13.96 0.46 Sumitomo Mitsui Fin,. 256.6 4492.00 -68.00 Bhp Billiton 776.50 10.9 -44.1 Acacia Mining 183.50 14.8 -28.2 Kaz Minerals 102.00 15.8 -60.4 Oil Equipment & Services 13228.50 6.1 -19.4
Facebook Class A 6.8 105.02 0.39 Astrazeneca 17.7 4540.00 27.00 Intesa Sanpaolo 203.1 3.09 -0.01 Mizuho Fin,. 255.2 238.00 -3.90 Fresnillo 715.50 9.3 -6.6 Tullow Oil 178.80 14.8 -56.8 Hunting 319.25 15.8 -39.9 Industrial Engineering 7236.42 5.0 -18.1
Microsoft 5.3 55.67 -0.15 Vodafone 17.5 216.65 1.05 Bayer Ag Na 202.5 116.10 2.70 Canon . 249.7 3730.00 -30.00 Rio Tinto 2006.50 7.9 -33.1 Nostrum Oil & Gas 395.50 13.6 -5.8 Hss Hire 71.50 14.4 - Health Care Equip.& Services 7104.52 3.8 5.3
Bank Of America 5.1 17.27 -0.07 Royal Dutch Shell 16.4 1557.00 6.00 Basf Se Na O.n. 191.8 70.95 1.96 Softbank . 222.3 6036.00 -75.00 Royal Dutch Shell 1571.00 7.6 -29.6 Home Retail 101.20 12.8 -51.2 Stv 501.00 14.1 37.3 Food & Drug Retailers 2550.38 3.7 -9.7
Exxon Mobil 4.6 79.33 -0.86 Standard Chartered 16.4 589.00 5.40 Siemens Ag Na 191.4 89.64 2.13 Toshiba 201.7 216.60 -4.00 Bp 365.95 7.5 -11.0 Amec Foster Wheeler 440.60 12.3 -48.3 Premier Oil 48.75 13.4 -70.8 Electricity 8852.84 3.6 -9.9
The Walt Disney 4.6 105.86 0.30 Rio Tinto 15.5 2006.50 -8.00 Daimler Ag Na O.n. 184.9 77.84 1.47 Tokyo Electric Power ,orporated 196.4 673.00 -49.00 Royal Dutch Shell 1557.00 7.4 -27.7 Drax 252.30 11.9 -45.2 Brammer 177.50 13.1 -48.0 Life Insurance 7876.67 2.9 4.5
Chevron 4.6 92.05 -1.76 Glaxosmithkline 14.8 1376.00 6.00 Allianz Se Vna O.n. 181.2 163.00 2.70 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 166.3 517.50 -25.20 Standard Chartered 589.00 7.1 -38.8 Centamin 66.80 10.5 13.4 Consort Medical 1133.00 12.0 31.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech. 12784.07 2.6 0.5
Carnival 3800.00 6.9 30.2 Serco 101.80 8.5 -36.7 Soco Int 150.00 11.7 -50.6 Banks 3862.31 2.5 -11.7
BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's
Randgold Resources Ld 4235.00 6.5 -3.3 Dechra Pharmaceuticals 1085.00 8.5 29.7 Enquest 21.50 11.7 -39.4 Automobiles & Parts 7135.78 2.4 -10.8
price change chng% price change chng% price change chng% price change chng%
Ups Ups Ups Ups Losers Losers Losers Losers
Navient 12.61 0.46 3.79 Ophir Energy 97.10 4.00 4.30 Thyssenkrupp Ag O.n. 18.79 1.18 6.73 Nippon Suisan Kaisha, 647.00 81.00 14.31 Next 7180.00 -3.0 5.3 Onesavings Bank 348.40 -8.3 62.4 Game Digital 127.50 -34.6 -46.9 Food Producers 8848.50 -0.9 8.4
Csra 28.02 1.01 3.74 Jimmy Choo 131.00 4.70 3.72 Rwe Ag St O.n. 11.98 0.68 6.02 Dainippon Screen, 883.00 30.00 3.52 Admiral 1639.00 -2.1 24.0 Ted Baker 2996.00 -7.6 34.9 Exova 142.50 -8.1 -10.9 Fixed Line Telecommunication 5269.38 -0.7 15.4
Nxp Semiconductors N.v. 86.42 1.89 2.24 Cairn Energy 158.40 5.00 3.26 Fortum 13.96 0.74 5.60 Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., 1903.00 53.00 2.86 Sports Direct Int 564.50 -2.1 -20.6 Card Factory 361.40 -6.9 27.7 Oxford Biomedica 6.40 -7.9 21.9 Technology Hardware & Equip. 1271.74 -0.3 6.7
Newmont Mining 18.54 0.40 2.21 Evraz 75.85 2.20 2.99 E.on Se Na 8.95 0.47 5.49 Nippon Express Co., 564.00 15.00 2.73 Coca-cola Hbc Ag 1475.00 -2.1 20.1 B&m Eur Value Retail S.a. 281.10 -6.0 -1.4 Hostelworld 215.00 -4.9 - General Retailers 2983.15 -0.3 0.3
Illumina 189.00 3.65 1.97 Jardine Lloyd Thompson 949.50 26.00 2.82 Statoil 13.15 0.65 5.22 Shionogi & Co., 5356.00 134.00 2.57 Provident Fin 3299.00 -2.0 34.0 Shawbrook 340.80 -4.5 - Hilton Food 528.00 -4.8 34.8 Real Estate Investment Trusts 3285.52 0.2 7.4
Associated British Foods 3339.00 -1.9 5.9 Riverstone Energy 772.75 -3.9 -10.1 Rm 165.00 -4.8 5.3 Nonlife Insurance 2458.97 0.2 27.1
Downs Downs Downs Downs
Ashtead 1112.00 -1.3 -3.5 Allied Minds 387.00 -3.3 5.4 Lms Capital 71.00 -4.7 -9.0 Real Estate & Investment Servic 3092.44 0.5 15.5
Comcast 58.00 -1.69 -2.83 Nostrum Oil & Gas 395.50 -14.70 -3.58 Bankia 1.08 -0.02 -1.64 Tokyo Electric Power ,orporated 673.00 -49.00 -6.79
Marks And Spencer 453.40 -1.0 -5.3 Telecom Plus 1055.00 -3.1 -16.4 Novae 850.00 -4.5 42.6 Household Goods 16223.96 0.6 26.7
Ensco 15.96 -0.45 -2.74 Ted Baker 2996.00 -111.00 -3.57 Alstom 27.20 -0.31 -1.11 Thb Kansai Electric Power ,orporated 1382.00 -80.00 -5.47
Bt 467.05 -0.8 16.3 Entertainment One 170.70 -3.1 -47.1 Goodwin 1855.00 -4.4 -25.5 General Financial 9382.87 0.6 10.1
Fossil 37.54 -0.91 -2.37 Shawbrook 340.80 -11.70 -3.32 Jc Decaux Sa. 34.97 -0.39 -1.09 Unitika 54.00 -3.00 -5.26
Whitbread 4440.00 -0.5 -6.9 Int Personal Finance 291.20 -2.6 -35.2 Mears 445.00 -4.3 18.5 Mobile Telecommunications 5012.72 0.6 -0.4
Cf Industries Holding 43.25 -0.92 -2.08 Allied Minds 387.00 -13.00 -3.25 Sanofi 79.09 -0.87 -1.09 Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., 441.00 -23.00 -4.96
Wolseley 3682.00 -0.5 -0.1 Jupiter Fund Management 448.30 -2.5 22.9 Avon Rubber 1003.00 -4.3 31.1 Media 7347.00 0.8 12.4
Kinder Morgan 16.08 -0.33 -2.01 Onesavings Bank 348.40 -11.60 -3.22 Zodiac Aerospace 22.37 -0.23 -1.00 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 517.50 -25.20 -4.64
Taylor Wimpey 197.20 -0.4 43.1 Atkins (ws) 1616.00 -2.4 18.2 Photo-me Int 148.25 -4.2 5.2 Equity Investment Instruments 7448.78 0.8 2.9
Based on the constituents of the S&P500 and the Nasdaq 100 index Based on the constituents of the FTSE 350 index Based on the constituents of the FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone index Based on the constituents of the Nikkei 225 index
Based on last week's performance. †Price at suspension.

Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's
Dec 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Dec 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Dec 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Dec 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Argentina Argentine Peso 13.0748 - 14.3281 - 19.5345 - Indonesia Indonesian Rupiah 13642.5000 - 14950.2083 - 20382.6641 - Poland Polish Zloty 3.8674 - 4.2381 - 5.7781 - ..Three Month 0.6694 - 0.7333 0.0000 - -
Australia Australian Dollar 1.3751 - 1.5070 - 2.0545 - Israel Israeli Shekel 3.8896 - 4.2624 - 5.8112 - Romania Romanian Leu 4.1337 - 4.5300 - 6.1760 - ..One Year 0.6696 0.0000 0.7327 0.0000 - -
Bahrain Bahrainin Dinar 0.3772 - 0.4133 - 0.5635 - Japan Japanese Yen 120.2850 - 131.8148 - 179.7122 - Russia Russian Ruble 70.2200 - 76.9509 - 104.9124 - United States United States Dollar - - 1.0959 - 1.4941 -
Bolivia Bolivian Boliviano 6.9100 - 7.5724 - 10.3239 - ..One Month 120.2849 -0.0002 131.8149 0.0000 179.7122 -0.0002 Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal 3.7520 - 4.1116 - 5.6057 - ..One Month - - 1.0957 -0.3982 1.4941 0.0000
Brazil Brazilian Real 3.9415 - 4.3193 - 5.8887 - ..Three Month 120.2848 -0.0005 131.8149 0.0001 179.7119 -0.0006 Singapore Singapore Dollar 1.4057 - 1.5404 - 2.1002 - ..Three Month - - 1.0956 -0.3982 1.4941 -
Canada Canadian Dollar 1.3852 - 1.5180 - 2.0696 - ..One Year 120.2835 -0.0030 131.8148 0.0000 179.7122 -0.0020 South Africa South African Rand 15.2866 - 16.7518 - 22.8389 - ..One Year - - 1.0944 -0.3982 1.4944 0.0000
Chile Chilean Peso 700.2000 - 767.3173 - 1046.1364 - Kenya Kenyan Shilling 102.3000 - 112.1059 - 152.8417 - South Korea South Korean Won 1167.8500 - 1279.7936 - 1744.8307 - Venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte 6.3055 0.0205 6.9099 0.0225 9.4208 0.0306
China Chinese Yuan 6.4768 - 7.0976 - 9.6767 - Kuwait Kuwaiti Dinar 0.3034 - 0.3325 - 0.4533 - Sweden Swedish Krona 8.3937 - 9.1983 - 12.5407 - Vietnam Vietnamese Dong 22532.0000 - 24691.8458 - 33664.0263 -
Colombia Colombian Peso 3136.5000 - 3437.1478 - 4686.1015 - Malaysia Malaysian Ringgit 4.3103 - 4.7235 - 6.4398 - Switzerland Swiss Franc 0.9873 - 1.0819 - 1.4751 - European Union Euro 0.9125 - - - 1.3634 -
Costa Rica Costa Rican Colon 535.4300 - 586.7533 - 799.9612 - Mexico Mexican Peson 17.2788 - 18.9350 - 25.8154 - Taiwan New Taiwan Dollar 32.7905 - 35.9336 - 48.9908 - ..One Month 0.9124 - - - 1.3633 -
Czech Republic Czech Koruna 24.6635 - 27.0276 - 36.8486 - New Zealand New Zealand Dollar 1.4637 - 1.6040 - 2.1868 - Thailand Thai Baht 36.0900 - 39.5494 - 53.9204 - ..Three Month 0.9123 - - - 1.3632 0.0000
Denmark Danish Krone 6.8095 - 7.4622 - 10.1738 - Nigeria Nigerian Naira 199.0500 - 218.1298 - 297.3914 - Tunisia Tunisian Dinar 2.0244 - 2.2184 - 3.0246 - ..One Year 0.9111 0.0000 - - 1.3626 0.0000
Egypt Egyptian Pound 7.8328 0.1517 8.5836 0.1662 11.7026 0.2266 Norway Norwegian Krone 8.6588 - 9.4888 - 12.9367 - Turkey Turkish Lira 2.9175 - 3.1972 - 4.3589 -
Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar 7.7514 - 8.4944 - 11.5809 - Pakistan Pakistani Rupee 104.7650 - 114.8072 - 156.5245 - United Arab Emirates UAE Dirham 3.6730 - 4.0251 - 5.4877 -
Hungary Hungarian Forint 288.6299 - 316.2963 - 431.2285 - Peru Peruvian Nuevo Sol 3.3957 - 3.7212 - 5.0734 - United Kingdom Pound Sterling 0.6693 - 0.7335 - - -
India Indian Rupee 66.2150 - 72.5620 - 98.9288 - Philippines Philippine Peso 47.2250 - 51.7517 - 70.5567 - ..One Month 0.6694 0.0000 0.7334 - - -
Rates are derived from WM Reuters Spot Rates and MorningStar (latest rates at time of production). Some values are rounded. Currency redenominated by 1000. The exchange rates printed in this table are also available at
Produced in conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Dec 24 Dec 23 Dec 22 Dec 21 Dec 18 Yr Ago High Low Year to date percentage changes Closing Week's Closing Week's
£ Strlg Day's Euro £ Strlg £ Strlg Year Div P/E X/D Total FT 30 2892.10 2890.60 2823.11 2809.90 2778.10 0.00 3110.40 2067.70 Software & Comp Serv 33.67 Real Est Invest & Tr 8.27 NON FINANCIALS Index -2.87 FTSE 100 Price Change FTSE 100 Price Change
Dec 24 chge% Index Dec 23 Dec 22 ago yield% Cover ratio adj Return FT 30 Div Yield 1.74 1.74 1.78 1.79 1.84 0.00 3.93 2.74 Forestry & Paper 29.43 Consumer Services 6.87 Gas Water & Multi -3.30 3I Group PLC 479.80 10.10 Kingfisher PLC 329.70 0.30
FTSE 100 (100) 6254.64 0.22 6658.69 6240.98 6083.10 6609.93 3.97 1.46 17.22 248.53 4900.28 P/E Ratio net 25.62 25.58 25.03 24.96 24.31 0.00 19.44 14.26 Nonlife Insurance 27.34 Health Care Eq & Srv 6.12 Chemicals -3.58 Aberdeen Asset Management PLC 290.00 1.00 Land Securities Group PLC 1186 0.00
FTSE 250 (250) 17415.10 0.13 18540.11 17391.88 17166.18 16104.92 2.58 1.93 20.13 443.23 12119.19 FT 30 since compilation: 4198.4 high: 19/07/1999; low49.4 26/06/1940Base Date: 1/7/35 Household Goods & Ho 27.06 Electronic & Elec Eq 5.90 Utilities -4.71 Admiral Group PLC 1639 -36.00 Legal & General Group PLC 269.30 5.90
FTSE 250 ex Inv Co (209) 18942.24 0.16 20165.91 18911.42 18659.98 17379.65 2.60 2.02 19.03 485.90 13441.52 FT 30 hourly changes Construct & Material 23.72 FTSE SmallCap Index 5.65 FTSE 100 Index -4.74 Anglo American PLC 328.05 64.50 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 73.50 2.17
FTSE 350 (350) 3499.64 0.20 3725.72 3492.53 3411.84 3616.16 3.72 1.52 17.68 130.18 5526.33 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 High Low Real Est Invest & Se 16.43 Telecommunications 5.62 Industrial Transport -5.31 Antofagasta PLC 462.60 47.60 London Stock Exchange Group PLC 2702 -7.00
FTSE 350 ex Investment Trusts (309) 3475.51 0.21 3700.03 3468.22 3387.08 3595.81 3.75 1.52 17.48 130.32 2825.86 2890.6 2890.5 2890.8 2891.6 2888.8 2892.1 2896.8 2886.5 Technology 15.92 Support Services 5.56 Electricity -9.65 Arm Holdings PLC 1038 -2.00 Marks And Spencer Group PLC 453.40 -4.60
FTSE 350 Higher Yield (108) 3175.38 0.41 3380.51 3162.36 3078.98 3532.83 5.48 1.28 14.25 172.95 5143.24 FT30 constituents and recent additions/deletions can be found at Fixed Line Telecomms 15.47 Life Insurance 4.35 Food & Drug Retailer -10.07 Ashtead Group PLC 1112 -15.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 450.00 5.80
FTSE 350 Lower Yield (242) 3494.42 -0.01 3720.16 3494.63 3425.36 3346.22 1.94 2.20 23.34 72.44 3698.04 Tobacco 13.02 Tech Hardware & Eq 4.17 Automobiles & Parts -11.28 Associated British Foods PLC 3339 -65.00 Mondi PLC 1359 14.00
FTSE SmallCap (290) 4612.39 0.48 4910.35 4590.44 4581.99 4348.87 2.83 1.37 25.72 127.91 6321.84 Consumer Goods 12.54 Personal Goods 3.93 Banks -11.71
FTSE SmallCap ex Inv Co (155) 4172.63 0.47 4442.18 4153.04 4147.33 3792.39 2.78 1.82 19.74 113.35 6006.16 FX: EFFECTIVE INDICES Media 12.19 Equity Invest Instr 2.29 Aerospace & Defense -12.25
Astrazeneca PLC 4540 106.00 National Grid PLC 935.00 9.10
Aviva PLC 519.00 13.00 Next PLC 7180 -225.00
FTSE All-Share (640) 3448.56 0.21 3671.34 3441.21 3364.33 3552.11 3.69 1.52 17.87 127.09 5508.80 Travel & Leisure 11.32 Industrials 1.68 Industrial Eng -16.39
Dec 23 Dec 22 Mnth Ago Dec 24 Dec 23 Mnth Ago Babcock International Group PLC 1023 29.00 Old Mutual PLC 181.70 9.90
FTSE All-Share ex Inv Co (464) 3409.95 0.22 3630.23 3402.62 3324.54 3519.31 3.73 1.53 17.52 127.15 2818.45 Financial Services 10.13 General Retailers 1.20 Oil Equipment & Serv -18.23 Bae Systems PLC 497.30 1.00 Pearson PLC 768.00 16.50
FTSE All-Share ex Multinationals (575) 1191.93 0.09 1051.71 1190.81 1172.53 1137.93 2.80 1.56 22.82 33.84 2031.62 Australia 91.69 91.57 92.60 Sweden 79.95 79.87 78.65 Beverages 8.80 Health Care 1.13 Oil & Gas -18.95 Barclays PLC 221.70 2.95 Persimmon PLC 1973 19.00
FTSE Fledgling (101) 7710.44 0.15 8208.54 7698.53 7666.51 6741.59 2.55 1.16 33.85 177.58 13894.50 Canada 84.93 84.38 88.45 Switzerland 159.59 159.55 158.07 Leisure Goods 8.46 Pharmace & Biotech 0.63 Oil & Gas Producers -18.97 Barratt Developments PLC 616.00 1.00 Provident Financial PLC 3299 -66.00
FTSE Fledgling ex Inv Co (51) 10544.28 0.21 11225.44 10522.67 10481.12 8270.51 2.79 1.37 26.05 237.62 18484.49 Denmark 105.71 106.04 104.99 UK 90.95 90.33 93.83 Food Producers 8.38 Mobile Telecomms -0.22 Basic Materials -41.02 Berkeley Group Holdings (The) PLC 3613 28.00 Prudential PLC 1540 36.50
FTSE All-Small (391) 3198.09 0.46 3404.68 3183.38 3177.16 3004.70 2.82 1.36 26.03 87.97 5628.27 Japan 127.49 127.28 126.16 USA 106.18 106.06 106.17 FTSE 250 Index 8.27 Financials -0.95 Mining -47.39 Bg Group PLC 986.50 40.70 Randgold Resources LD 4235 258.00
FTSE All-Small ex Inv Co Index (206) 3113.70 0.46 3314.85 3099.40 3094.84 2811.14 2.78 1.81 19.93 83.89 5678.76 New Zealand 115.61 115.90 112.30 Euro 86.04 86.70 84.31 FTSE All{HY-}Share Index -2.38 Industrial Metals & -51.75 Bhp Billiton PLC 776.50 76.50 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 6226 51.00
FTSE AIM All-Share Index (861) 728.24 0.39 775.28 725.42 723.68 696.75 1.52 0.65 101.62 9.57 783.72 Norway 84.06 83.89 86.23
BP PLC 365.95 25.60 RELX PLC 1180 6.00
FTSE Sector Indices Source: Bank of England. New Sterling ERI base Jan 2005 = 100. Other indices base average 1990 = 100. British American Tobacco PLC 3781 48.50 Rio Tinto PLC 2006.5 147.50
Oil & Gas (18) 6116.39 0.68 6511.50 6075.08 5794.68 7696.89 6.16 0.20 81.34 371.71 5122.86 Index rebased 1/2/95. for further information about ERIs see British Land Company PLC 793.50 -1.00 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 595.00 21.50
Oil & Gas Producers (11) 5816.24 0.71 6191.97 5775.00 5507.80 7318.76 6.18 0.16 99.97 354.65 5037.18 Bt Group PLC 467.05 -3.65 Royal Bank Of Scotland Group PLC 304.80 10.10
Oil Equipment Services & Distribution (7)13888.37 -0.28 14785.56 13927.17 13328.50 17477.14 5.48 1.41 12.93 761.22 10214.32 FTSE GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX SERIES Bunzl PLC 1870 17.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1571 111.00
Basic Materials (28) 2793.49 -0.06 2973.95 2795.28 2652.27 4659.72 7.30 1.88 7.28 198.46 2739.11 Burberry Group PLC 1209 8.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1557 107.00
Chemicals (7) 11633.38 -0.45 12384.90 11685.54 11389.91 12034.56 2.39 2.28 18.34 237.16 10001.53 Dec 24 No of US $ Day Mth YTD
YTD Gr Div Dec 24Total No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total YTD Gr Div Capita PLC 1223 13.00 Royal Mail PLC 450.00 6.00
Forestry & Paper (1) 15973.05 1.80 17004.91 15690.96 15514.66 12482.25 2.26 3.37 13.13 360.52 16592.37 Regions & countries stocks indices % % %
% Yield Sectorsretn stocks indices % % % retn % Yield Carnival PLC 3800 246.00 Rsa Insurance Group PLC 430.90 6.70
Industrial Metals & Mining (2) 751.34 2.86 799.87 730.44 680.68 1520.15 1.53 -18.64 -3.50 11.18 655.68 FTSE Global All Cap 7751 453.82 0.0 -1.7
-1.1 -3.4 620.57
2.5 Oil & Gas 165 312.47 0.0 0.0 -21.5 477.45 -18.7 4.2 Centrica PLC 218.20 4.70 Sabmiller PLC 4075 25.00
Mining (18) 7191.73 -0.14 7656.31 7201.86 6776.29 13418.08 8.68 1.85 6.22 616.70 3692.35 FTSE Global All Cap 7115 466.64 0.0 -1.8
-1.4 -3.6 626.89
2.4 Oil & Gas Producers 117 292.60 -0.1 -0.1 -19.2 455.08 -16.2 4.2 Coca-Cola Hbc AG 1475 -31.00 Sage Group PLC 596.00 7.00
FTSE Global Large Cap 1416 401.39 0.0 -1.6
-1.3 -3.7 561.46
2.7 Oil Equipment & Services 39 283.71 0.0 0.0 -31.6 395.27 -29.3 4.6 Compass Group PLC 1160 7.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 266.40 10.60
Industrials (119) 4375.77 0.26 4658.44 4364.51 4294.37 4324.61 2.51 1.20 33.34 112.35 4346.07
Construction & Materials (14) 5313.15 0.16 5656.38 5304.84 5255.58 4304.87 2.21 -0.81 -55.97 121.45 5429.23 FTSE Global Mid Cap 1642 604.83 0.0 -1.8
-0.2 -2.0 789.49
2.1 Basic Materials 261 356.32 -0.1 -0.1 -18.2 521.56 -15.9 3.4 Crh PLC 1946 25.00 Schroders PLC 2961 28.00
Aerospace & Defense (9) 4332.83 0.16 4612.73 4325.95 4246.02 4953.69 2.64 0.96 39.53 113.27 4479.26 FTSE Global Small Cap 4693 630.44 0.0 -2.2
-1.6 -3.4 799.07
2.0 Chemicals 122 596.17 0.0 0.0 -4.4 875.21 -2.2 2.6 Dcc PLC 5620 30.00 Severn Trent PLC 2175 13.00
General Industrials (6) 3593.45 0.33 3825.59 3581.76 3527.39 3183.96 3.23 1.67 18.60 115.93 3912.09 FTSE All-World 3058 265.43 0.0 -1.7
-1.1 -3.4 382.92
2.6 Forestry & Paper 16 198.63 0.0 0.0 -4.6 319.04 -1.7 3.4 Diageo PLC 1856.5 23.00 Shire PLC 4609 159.00
Electronic & Electrical Equipment (10) 5416.04 0.08 5765.92 5411.71 5337.55 5075.37 2.26 1.98 22.33 111.33 4786.18 FTSE World 2541 470.65 0.0 -1.6
-0.8 -3.1 911.66
2.5 Industrial Metals & Mining 67 263.54 -0.4 -0.4 -36.1 386.43 -34.5 3.4 Direct Line Insurance Group PLC 410.70 2.80 Sky PLC 1099 -3.00
Industrial Engineering (14) 7716.67 0.27 8215.17 7696.01 7492.05 9406.45 3.18 1.57 20.01 244.11 9035.53 FTSE Global All Cap ex UNITED KINGDOM In 7426 466.15 0.0 -1.7
-0.9 -3.1 628.56
2.4 Mining 56 333.97 0.0 0.0 -41.4 489.36 -38.8 6.5 Dixons Carphone PLC 497.70 9.70 Smith & Nephew PLC 1173 53.00
Industrial Transportation (8) 3930.96 -0.21 4184.91 3939.38 3890.49 4108.81 3.86 0.94 27.61 168.06 3307.00 FTSE Global All Cap ex USA 5745 418.75 -0.1 -1.7
-3.8 -6.4 607.22
3.0 Industrials 536 300.16 -0.1 -0.1 -4.6 416.95 -2.6 2.3 Easyjet PLC 1721 6.00 Smiths Group PLC 958.50 31.50
Support Services (58) 6687.78 0.35 7119.81 6664.29 6558.46 6371.71 2.26 1.52 29.12 158.26 6706.09 FTSE Global All Cap ex JAPAN 6489 463.00 0.0 -1.6
-2.0 -4.3 638.72
2.6 Construction & Materials 109 421.60 -0.1 -0.1 -2.2 612.96 -0.2 2.2 Experian PLC 1204 36.00 Sports Direct International PLC 564.50 -12.00
FTSE Developed 2104 429.36 0.0 -1.50.3 -2.0 591.49
2.5 Aerospace & Defense 28 509.45 0.0 0.0 2.5 701.67 4.6 2.1 Fresnillo PLC 715.50 61.00 Sse PLC 1533 50.00
Consumer Goods (40) 18204.95 0.30 19380.99 18151.34 17830.03 16311.63 3.02 1.73 19.18 548.74 12842.47
FTSE Developed All Cap 5741 450.13 0.0 -1.60.2 -2.1 613.41
2.4 General Industrials 56 216.83 -0.1 -0.1 -0.3 323.61 2.3 2.6 Gkn PLC 305.20 5.60 St. James's Place PLC 996.00 7.50
Automobiles & Parts (1) 7172.34 -0.88 7635.67 7235.79 6925.59 8180.51 2.79 1.53 23.45 199.75 6595.97
FTSE Developed Large Cap 916 397.40 0.0 -1.40.1 -2.3 554.91
2.6 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 69 316.39 0.0 0.0 -2.7 405.37 -1.0 1.9 Glaxosmithkline PLC 1376 34.50 Standard Chartered PLC 589.00 39.10
Beverages (6) 15440.67 0.38 16438.13 15382.20 15159.92 14328.07 2.48 1.65 24.53 382.69 10517.00
FTSE Developed Europe Large Cap 218 333.83 0.0 -1.1
-2.4 -5.6 525.95
3.5 Industrial Engineering 104 537.93 -0.3 -0.3 -13.0 734.93 -11.0 2.7 Glencore PLC 92.40 11.54 Standard Life PLC 395.20 17.90
Food Producers (10) 8897.44 0.59 9472.22 8845.24 8706.27 8317.59 1.84 1.39 38.94 163.90 7445.82
FTSE Developed Europe Mid Cap 302 516.29 0.0 0.95.7 3.2 739.34
2.6 Industrial Transportation 97 497.98 0.0 0.0 -16.6 689.84 -14.9 2.4 Hammerson PLC 605.00 1.50 Taylor Wimpey PLC 197.20 -0.70
Household Goods & Home Construction (13)13570.26 -0.20 14446.90 13596.89 13379.31 10647.34 2.15 2.54 18.37 289.55 9231.46
FTSE Dev Europe Small Cap 721 733.21 0.0 2.38.9 6.5 1022.75
2.3 Support Services 73 277.08 -0.2 -0.2 1.7 370.06 3.6 1.9 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1482 8.00 Tesco PLC 150.90 6.05
Leisure Goods (2) 5440.58 -0.31 5792.04 5457.31 5546.07 5029.75 4.40 1.32 17.20 238.83 4607.83
FTSE North America Large Cap 318 440.40 0.0 -1.41.2 -1.0 579.61
2.2 Consumer Goods 421 418.67 0.0 0.0 3.4 594.80 5.8 2.4 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2251 34.00 Travis Perkins PLC 1975 40.00
Personal Goods (6) 22293.07 0.13 23733.21 22263.37 21822.15 21749.87 2.93 3.01 11.35 652.95 14382.74
FTSE North America Mid Cap 395 646.59 0.0 -2.6
-3.2 -4.7 797.82
1.7 Automobiles & Parts 102 383.83 -0.2 -0.2 -1.5 523.51 0.7 2.5 HSBC Holdings PLC 541.30 9.60 Tui AG 1230 8.00
Tobacco (2) 45940.25 0.64 48907.98 45649.66 44733.55 41082.50 4.34 1.18 19.58 1994.40 27997.02
FTSE North America Small Cap 1522 649.87 0.0 -3.5
-4.2 -5.7 780.07
1.8 Beverages 48 577.84 0.0 0.0 7.4 833.36 10.2 2.5 Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 3543.5 26.50 Unilever PLC 2891 33.00
Health Care (19) 9393.91 0.51 10000.76 9346.52 9111.28 9285.20 3.72 3.53 7.61 348.00 6849.49
FTSE North America 713 294.06 0.0 -1.60.5 -1.6 396.61
2.2 Food Producers 106 560.62 0.1 0.1 1.6 819.93 3.8 2.2 Inmarsat PLC 1130 0.00 United Utilities Group PLC 936.50 11.00
Health Care Equipment & Services (7) 7229.94 0.25 7696.99 7212.07 7069.59 6727.49 1.57 2.15 29.65 104.41 6130.00
FTSE Developed ex North America 1391 227.15 -0.1 -1.30.1 -2.7 353.32
3.0 Household Goods & Home Construction 47 402.55 0.0 0.0 1.6 569.08 4.0 2.3 Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC 2636 62.00 Vodafone Group PLC 216.65 1.90
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (12)12686.35 0.53 13505.89 12619.34 12295.39 12616.82 3.92 3.58 7.12 498.46 8216.61
FTSE Japan Large Cap 177 322.09 -0.5 -2.87.6 5.6 402.41
2.0 Leisure Goods 28 131.93 0.0 0.0 4.7 168.71 5.7 1.4 International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. 603.00 4.50 Whitbread PLC 4440 -24.00
Consumer Services (97) 4884.81 -0.08 5200.37 4888.60 4817.57 4551.21 2.31 1.61 26.93 114.75 4408.52 FTSE Japan Mid Cap 303 480.38 -0.4 -3.4
14.7 13.0 579.76
1.5 Personal Goods 79 599.25 0.0 0.0 2.8 811.85 4.7 2.0
Food & Drug Retailers (7) 2659.20 -0.38 2830.99 2669.39 2570.79 2912.22 2.01 -1.50 -33.07 53.33 3040.81 Intertek Group PLC 2790 52.00 Wolseley PLC 3682 -18.00
FTSE Global wi JAPAN Small Cap 782 510.01 -0.5 -2.5
10.7 8.8 635.49
1.8 Tobacco 11 1227.09 0.0 0.0 14.3 2393.89 19.1 4.0 Intu Properties PLC 322.30 4.60 Worldpay Group PLC 300.90 6.40
General Retailers (32) 2921.01 0.14 3109.70 2916.87 2895.26 2855.64 2.45 2.27 18.01 72.09 3199.56
FTSE Japan 480 133.84 -0.5 -3.09.0 1.9 Health Care
7.1 187.90 173 459.59 0.0 0.0 5.8 640.06 7.8 1.8 Itv PLC 275.00 7.50 Wpp PLC 1538 8.00
Media (22) 7442.17 -0.36 7922.93 7468.97 7338.09 6634.98 2.74 1.62 22.48 208.85 4393.78
FTSE Asia Pacific Large Cap ex Japan 531 542.18 0.0 -1.2
-9.3 -11.9 809.23
3.3 Health Care Equipment & Services 61 651.31 0.0 0.0 10.3 746.72 11.4 1.0 Johnson Matthey PLC 2703 87.00
Travel & Leisure (36) 8768.73 0.11 9335.19 8758.98 8669.63 7870.11 1.96 1.95 26.15 174.07 7991.39
FTSE Asia Pacific Mid Cap ex Japan 433 744.07 0.1 -1.1
-5.4 -7.7 1071.23
2.9 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 112 348.89 0.0 0.0 4.5 504.85 6.7 2.1
Telecommunications (7) 3939.62 -0.16 4194.12 3945.96 3850.28 3801.75 4.15 0.18 131.47 162.88 4128.15 FTSE Asia Pacific Small Cap ex Japan 1426 494.91 0.2 -1.6
-5.0 -7.4 703.05
2.8 Consumer Services 386 390.52 0.0 0.0 4.4 507.21 6.1 1.7
Fixed Line Telecommunications (5) 5357.16 -1.14 5703.23 5419.15 5275.32 4796.67 2.89 1.74 19.87 153.43 4646.01
Mobile Telecommunications (2) 5005.13 0.53 5328.46 4978.54 4865.90 5068.95 5.02 -0.44 -45.29 251.48 4681.15
FTSE Asia Pacific Ex Japan
FTSE Emerging All Cap
-11.4 682.13
3.3 Food & Drug Retailers
-16.5 820.88
3.2 General Retailers
54 303.34
121 531.88
0.9 409.84
11.2 674.22
Utilities (7) 8399.86 0.42 8942.49 8364.32 8169.88 8871.73 4.83 1.36 15.20 405.87 8945.60 FTSE Emerging Large Cap 500 543.82 0.0 -3.9
-14.4 -16.8 780.27
3.3 Media 87 290.40 0.0 0.0 -3.4 377.92 -1.8 1.9 Dec 24 Dec 23 Dec 22 Dec 21 Dec 18 Yr Ago
Electricity (2) 8832.74 1.09 9403.34 8737.67 8567.12 9793.78 5.71 1.35 13.01 504.89 11750.08 FTSE Emerging Mid Cap 454 714.70 0.1 -3.2
-14.8 -17.0 1013.89
2.9 Travel & Leisure 124 381.37 0.0 0.0 5.9 500.13 7.7 1.7 SEAQ Bargains 2375.00 4476.00 4441.00 5151.00 4591.00 4591.00
Gas Water & Multiutilities (5) 7837.77 0.25 8344.09 7818.08 7628.74 8167.39 4.59 1.37 15.90 360.10 8380.01 FTSE Emerging Small Cap 1056 613.10 0.3 -1.8
-10.9 -13.3 842.77
3.0 Telecommunication 92 158.34 0.0 0.0 -5.2 278.53 -1.3 4.2 Order Book Turnover (m) 3.59 18.97 26.89 27.18 35.91 35.91
Financials (285) 4597.95 0.14 4894.98 4591.58 4514.60 4673.76 3.56 1.87 14.99 164.01 4015.76 FTSE Emerging Europe 99 273.65 -0.2 -7.9
-8.6 -12.2 401.49
4.5 Fixed Line Telecommuniations 44 133.58 0.0 0.0 -2.5 256.95 2.0 4.7 Order Book Bargains 156659.00 624732.00 619621.00 668764.00 853743.00 853743.00
Banks (9) 3813.64 0.01 4060.00 3813.14 3724.10 4347.09 4.31 1.37 17.00 170.78 2628.85 FTSE Latin America All Cap 244 607.35 0.0 -7.5
-30.6 -32.6 896.94
3.8 Mobile Telecommunications 48 165.14 0.0 0.0 -8.7 263.45 -5.6 3.6 Order Book Shares Traded (m) 289.00 1015.00 940.00 994.00 2137.00 2137.00
Nonlife Insurance (11) 2830.53 -0.06 3013.38 2832.28 2809.57 2238.05 2.66 2.06 18.24 75.75 4757.01 FTSE Middle East and Africa All Cap 220 631.95 0.0 -6.4
-15.6 2.9 Utilities
-17.9 941.82 162 237.64 -0.2 -0.2 -11.1 435.05 -7.8 4.0 Total Equity Turnover (£m) 2035.80 - - 2646.25 0.00 0.00
Life Insurance/Assurance (11) 7989.31 0.29 8505.42 7966.53 7796.77 7742.44 3.79 1.59 16.60 293.04 7334.28 FTSE Global wi UNITED KINGDOM All Cap In 325 333.98 0.0 -1.7
-3.7 3.8 Electricity
-7.0 527.77 111 258.79 -0.3 -0.3 -8.7 468.66 -5.5 3.8 Total Mkt Bargains 210657.00 1.00 1.00 776834.00 1.00 1.00
Index- Real Estate Investment & Services (21) 3107.75 0.35 3308.51 3096.99 3078.75 2674.95 2.04 5.73 8.54 61.70 7989.45 FTSE Global wi USA All Cap 2006 505.64 0.0 -1.71.3 2.0 Gas Water & Multiutilities
-0.6 647.82 51 253.18 -0.1 -0.1 -14.9 475.44 -11.4 4.4 Total Shares Traded (m) 2528.00 0.00 0.00 4291.00 0.00 0.00
Real Estate Investment Trusts (25) 2978.78 0.50 3171.21 2964.02 2934.84 2791.48 2.95 5.97 5.67 88.33 3520.44 FTSE Europe All Cap 1400 385.20 0.0 -0.7
-0.3 3.3 Financials
-3.3 588.50 676 202.27 -0.1 -0.1 -6.2 314.03 -3.6 3.0 † Excluding intra-market and overseas turnover. *UK only total at 6pm. ‡ UK plus intra-market turnover. (u) Unavaliable.
General Financial (32) 8026.11 0.06 8544.60 8021.50 7949.26 7308.97 2.87 2.21 15.76 217.93 8711.22 FTSE Eurobloc All Cap 636 362.53 0.0 -0.51.2 3.0 Banks
-1.6 560.18 243 180.10 -0.1 -0.1 -10.4 297.93 -7.6 3.4 (c) Market closed.
Equity Investment Instruments (176) 7689.12 0.17 8185.84 7676.20 7620.10 7527.37 2.63 1.08 35.35 199.46 4042.65 FTSE RAFI All World 3000 3009 5471.08 -0.1 -2.0
-4.4 3.1 Nonlife Insurance
-7.1 6887.28 71 215.95 0.1 0.1 0.8 300.48 3.1 2.3
Non Financials (355) 3981.93 0.24 4239.16 3972.37 3875.57 4120.37 3.74 1.39 19.22 148.48 5575.72 FTSE RAFI US 1000 1001 8935.21 0.0 -1.5
-1.5 2.5 Life Insurance
-3.8 11291.02 51 200.93 0.0 0.0 -4.8 304.74 -2.3 2.9
Technology (20) 1430.52 -0.51 1522.93 1437.93 1420.38 1234.40 1.37 1.93 37.82 18.79 1787.68 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient All-World 3058 317.00 0.0 -1.11.3 2.3 Financial Services
-0.8 425.78 141 223.65 0.0 0.0 -3.4 297.85 -1.6 2.0 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed
Software & Computer Services (14) 1826.04 -0.52 1944.00 1835.57 1808.61 1366.33 1.79 1.75 31.94 32.44 2390.55 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Developed Europe 520 281.05 0.0 0.33.5 2.7 Technology
0.9 410.22 186 175.43 0.0 0.0 1.9 209.17 3.6 1.7 accurate at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
Technology Hardware & Equipment (6) 1584.07 -0.51 1686.40 1592.21 1576.38 1521.11 0.96 2.25 46.20 14.34 1818.37 Software & Computer Services 85 310.04 0.0 0.0 14.2 355.75 15.5 1.1 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be
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Amount Latest Company Turnover Pre-tax EPS(p) Div(p) Pay day Total Issue Issue Stock Close Mkt
Issue paid renun. closing Caledonian Trust Pre 0.774 0.857 0.565 0.164 4.79 1.39 - - - - - date price(p) Sector code Stock price(p) +/- High Low Cap (£m)
price up date High Low Stock Price p +or- Schroder UK Growth Fund Int 4.364 41.096L 2.72 2.7 2.6 2.5 Jan 29 5.1 4.75 12/24 144.00 Diurnal Group PLC 153.00 - 154.40 151.00 7988.2
460p nil 19-01-16 849.50 836.00 RPC Group PLC 849.50 10.00 12/17 2.00 LVRT Levrett PLC 2.38 0.00 3.10 2.25 227.4
12/17 100.00 AIM PURP Purplebricks Group PLC 97.00 -1.50 106.50 87.99 23305.1
12/11 3.50 AIM WEY Wey Education PLC 4.25 0.00 4.35 3.88 399.4
11/17 260.00 AIM FARN Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy 265.00 10.00 295.00 263.00 6124.6
11/17 10.00 SCGL Sealand Capital Galaxy Ltd 12.50 - 13.90 13.90 0.0

Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. §Placing price. *Intoduction. ‡When issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
For more information on dividend payments visit For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
24 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Monday 28 December 2015



52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week
Stock Price+/-Week High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price+/-Week High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price+/-Week High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price+/-Week High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price+/-Week High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price+/-Week High Low Yld P/E MCap m
Australia (A$) Finland (€) Japan (¥) Sweden (SKr) ArcherDan 36.65 1.65 53.64 33.84 2.91 12.83 21870.52 Lockheed 218.56 6.38 227.91 181.91 2.71 19.67 67162.5
ANZ 27.25 0.72 37.25 25.01 9.04 11.12 57814.84 Nokia 6.61 0.11 7.87 4.91 2.13 -45.22 28900.83 AstellasPh 1681 -39.00 2047 1514.5 1.89 22.02 31050.29 AtlasCpcoB 197.70 1.60 270.00 173.70 1.50 17.41 9190.92 AT&T 34.66 1.06 36.45 30.97 5.35 37.05 213228.32 Lowes 76.28 2.39 78.13 64.22 1.29 24.89 69804.18
BHPBilltn 18.34 1.32 34.29 16.25 12.60 21.50 42833.75 SampoA 46.80 0.21 49.40 37.72 4.19 15.48 28658.61 Bridgestne 4217 -200.00 5182 3753.5 2.82 12.35 28506.07 Ericsson 82.20 3.30 120.00 75.30 3.98 27.25 32365.87 AutomData♦ 85.94 2.66 90.67 64.29 2.25 29.00 39636.1 Lyondell 88.17 0.64 107.32 71.74 3.31 9.59 39627.46
CmwBkAu 83.32 2.63 96.69 70.15 7.12 15.69 103460.46 France (€) Canon 3730 11.00 4539 3402 4.25 18.77 41359.59 H&M 300.00 -1.50 368.50 292.20 3.12 23.93 59153.73 Avago Tech♦ 146.32 6.12 150.50 95.18 1.02 30.56 40455.95 Marathon Ptl 52.64 2.29 60.38 37.62 2.00 8.44 28055.76
CSL 103.25 -0.28 105.71 81.48 1.35 27.02 34757.96 Airbus Grpe 62.15 -2.98 68.50 40.78 1.94 17.09 53487 CntJpRwy 20945 -360.00 24800 17170 0.57 14.21 35870.39 Investor 312.50 0.70 363.40 266.60 2.84 15.38 28363.36 BakerHu 47.72 3.80 70.45 42.78 1.41 -77.58 20810.06 Marsh&M 55.54 1.03 59.99 50.90 2.59 20.52 28972.34
NatAusBk 29.39 0.45 39.71 27.51 9.10 12.63 56377.88 AirLiquide 104.00 -1.95 123.95 97.02 2.37 21.09 39220.55 Denso 5759 -113.00 6548 4945 2.12 17.87 42327.41 Nordea Bk 93.30 1.65 115.50 86.35 6.14 11.00 45016.88 BankAm 17.27 0.51 18.48 14.60 1.14 13.12 179823.52 MasterCard 98.59 2.30 101.76 74.61 0.64 30.75 108472.03
Telstra 5.46 0.02 6.74 5.06 7.88 15.85 48541.97 AXA 25.09 -0.03 26.02 18.16 3.66 12.45 66663.16 EastJpRwy 11300 -230.00 12815 8710 1.10 21.14 36872.84 SEB 89.05 2.05 111.50 83.70 5.27 11.25 23021.91 Baxter♦ 38.15 1.50 43.44 32.18 4.33 11.59 20868.73 McDonald's 118.57 1.91 118.99 87.50 2.83 26.04 108874.51
Wesfarmers 40.68 1.33 46.95 36.65 8.15 18.78 33313.71 BNP Parib 53.30 0.02 61.00 43.14 2.83 9.20 72788.54 Fanuc 21045 -420.00 28575 17930 3.64 20.26 36031.54 SvnskaHn 113.40 2.50 426.00 108.40 3.63 14.98 25288.04 BB & T 38.27 1.04 41.90 34.24 2.63 14.37 29856.35 McGraw Hill 97.49 3.63 109.13 84.64 1.31-269.25 26351.55
Westpc 32.54 0.36 40.07 29.10 7.68 14.12 78934.61 ChristianDior 157.85 -3.80 195.35 135.60 2.08 11.47 31435.26 FastRetail 43140-2040.00 61970 40610 0.78 41.45 38043.13 Swedbank 187.80 1.00 223.90 177.20 5.97 13.49 25327.26 BectonDick♦ 155.91 2.79 157.50 128.87 1.52 47.19 33078.76 McKesson♦ 199.41 6.01 243.61 160.10 0.49 22.73 45886.05
Woolworths 24.27 0.74 34.71 22.42 7.03 14.19 22430.91 Cred Agr 10.89 0.24 14.49 9.82 3.23 23.16 31497.33 Fuji Hvy Ind 4937 -128.00 5223 3669 2.19 11.37 32132.1 TeliaSonera 42.28 -0.26 55.85 39.89 7.00 12.79 21810.98 BerkshHat 201137 6417 228870 190007 - 14.72 163148.05 Medtronic♦ 77.63 1.32 79.50 55.54 1.71 45.93 109159.87
Belgium (€) Danone 62.47 -0.65 67.74 51.73 2.32 42.70 44836.66 Hitachi 670.10 -33.10 929.10 585.70 1.77 13.26 26926.93 Volvo 80.05 1.15 120.50 75.90 3.70 17.32 15477.73 Biogen 302.29 8.92 480.18 254.00 - 20.02 67381.38 Merck♦ 52.85 1.21 63.62 45.69 3.36 14.21 147638.75
AnBshInBv 114.95 -1.15 124.20 87.73 2.62 22.97 202587.79 EDF 13.68 0.77 24.89 12.40 8.83 7.45 28774.84 HondaMtr 3858 -135.00 4499 3420 2.26 12.81 58099.43 Switzerland (SFr) BkNYMeln 41.23 1.01 45.45 35.63 1.63 18.09 45062.44 Metlife 48.27 1.82 58.23 44.49 2.96 9.48 53658.21
KBC Grp 57.65 0.09 66.00 43.99 3.49 9.47 26393.72 Engie SA 16.48 0.20 20.08 13.80 5.86 45.79 43967.12 JapanTob 4493 -150.00 4848 3101 2.25 19.71 74705.9 ABB 17.84 0.07 22.16 16.49 - 16.97 41826.21 BlackRock 337.40 15.93 382.84 275.00 2.48 17.58 55331.08 Microsoft 55.67 1.54 56.79 39.72 2.20 37.63 444687.13
Esslr Intl 114.50 -1.90 125.15 88.72 0.86 41.39 27155.11 KDDI 3116 26.00 8550 2519 1.91 16.46 69707.9 CredSuisse 21.73 0.55 28.94 18.57 3.16 10.24 43080.98 Boeing 143.53 3.95 158.83 115.14 2.38 18.29 96162.75 Mnstr Bvrg 148.82 2.98 160.50 106.77 - 52.30 30169.16
Brazil (R$)
Hermes Intl 309.05 -10.10 365.55 277.55 0.92 36.18 35753.59 Keyence 65430 -770.00 70100 50700 0.31 32.47 33073.7 Nestle 73.35 -0.20 77.00 64.55 3.01 16.20 236877.49 BrisMySq 68.97 1.33 70.87 51.82 2.12 66.06 115061.71 MondelezInt 45.35 2.05 48.58 33.97 1.35 8.98 72068.75
Ambev♦ 18.20 0.05 20.46 15.54 8.85 23.07 72577.5
LOreal 156.70 -4.15 181.30 133.40 1.66 30.92 96114.45 MitsbCp 1963 -59.50 2837 1887.5 2.78 10.66 25949.37 Novartis 85.05 -0.15 103.20 82.20 3.12 24.99 230606.97 Broadcom 57.82 1.54 58.48 40.21 0.92 25.48 32437.02 Monsanto 99.27 4.43 126.00 81.22 1.92 21.51 43705.31
Bradesco 21.27 -1.59 32.40 20.90 4.48 7.58 13622.71
LVMH 146.05 -2.85 176.60 123.50 2.12 13.34 81333.26 MitsubEst 2486.5 -99.00 2975 2321 0.60 45.72 28741.93 Richemont 71.95 0.00 91.75 66.40 2.21 23.30 38041.02 CapOne 73.52 1.05 92.10 67.73 1.88 10.48 39115.97 MorganStly 32.48 1.19 41.04 30.15 1.52 20.25 62888.55
Cielo 34.42 -1.66 46.27 30.48 1.95 16.79 16476.03
Nmrcble-SFR 33.70 -3.83 60.01 32.19 - -41.25 16184.53 MitsubishiEle 1244.5 -47.50 1718 1063 2.15 11.74 22215.51 Roche 272.50 2.40 289.40 238.80 2.95 26.16 193911.01 CardinalHlth 89.71 3.10 91.91 74.76 1.60 22.77 29512.89 MylanNV 54.82 1.65 76.69 37.59 - 31.02 26957.57
ItauHldFin 24.43 -1.37 32.66 23.81 2.05 5.58 18886.26
Orange 15.36 -0.30 16.98 12.21 3.77 41.83 44572.37 MitsuiFud 3032 -178.00 3879 2951 0.91 25.15 24990.64 Swiss Re 98.45 -0.05 99.75 74.95 4.47 39.40 36965.56 Carnival 54.12 1.71 54.62 42.51 1.88 30.96 31936.78 Netflix 117.33 -0.69 133.27 45.26 - 317.80 50145.47
Petrobras 8.88 0.06 16.26 7.66 - -3.40 16767.7
PernodRic 105.00 -0.95 117.75 87.95 1.51 33.55 30540.66 MitUFJFin 742.10 -34.30 936.80 604.00 2.40 6.81 87414.89 Swisscom 497.30 2.50 580.50 471.10 4.41 18.30 26092.48 Caterpillar 69.38 4.27 94.66 62.99 4.08 14.53 40395.38 NextEraE 103.93 1.82 112.64 93.74 2.88 15.12 47863.5
Vale 13.22 0.48 27.89 11.25 18.06 -5.67 10790.77
Renault 95.25 3.83 100.25 56.85 1.93 10.66 30867.53 Mizuho Fin 238.00 -11.80 280.40 191.00 3.23 7.45 49218.06 Syngent 393.70 22.40 435.20 280.00 2.79 26.67 37063.41 CBS♦ 47.44 1.78 63.95 38.51 1.25 15.53 20574.86 Nike♦ 63.18 -65.34 68.20 45.35 0.86 32.88 42629.81
Canada (C$) Murata Mfg 17240 -955.00 22220 12520 1.15 17.17 32286.19 Celgene 122.14 12.00 140.72 92.98 - 62.07 96556.57 NorfolkS 86.78 2.51 112.22 72.10 2.66 15.91 25909.88
Safran 62.96 -1.61 72.45 50.40 1.84 -19.78 28772.95 UBS 19.31 0.18 22.57 13.58 3.87 11.98 75289.76
BCE♦ 54.03 0.51 60.20 51.56 4.84 17.41 33755.47 NipponTT 4695 -102.00 5066 3011 2.00 16.73 81827.1 CharlesSch 33.05 1.14 35.72 25.43 0.72 33.76 43511.1 Northrop 190.11 5.25 193.99 141.58 1.56 18.59 34672.84
Sanofi 79.09 -0.31 101.10 72.94 3.48 22.35 113160.4 Zurich Fin 255.70 4.70 334.60 232.60 - 12.82 38952.83
BkMontrl 78.71 -0.28 82.91 64.01 4.22 11.69 36512.95 Nissan Mt 1253.5 -24.50 1350 963.10 2.96 9.71 47110.73 ChevrnTx 92.05 2.24 114.38 69.58 4.59 20.26 173241.48 NXP 86.42 2.32 114.00 72.05 - 30.26 21756.36
Sant Gbn 39.87 0.17 44.84 32.36 1.50 27.69 24504.29 Taiwan (NT$)
BkNvaS 57.95 0.80 67.72 52.60 4.77 10.11 50333.72 Nomura 670.20 -48.50 909.20 609.30 3.40 9.51 21298.44 Cigna 146.46 2.49 170.68 100.67 0.03 18.19 37732.18 Occid Pet♦ 69.20 3.24 83.74 63.60 4.19 -8.87 52850.52
Schneider 53.57 0.11 75.29 48.57 3.46 19.18 34495.01 Chunghwa Telecom 99.50 1.10 101.00 92.10 4.79 19.80 23539.35
Brookfield♦ 44.50 -0.08 48.64 38.58 1.41 11.64 31516.69 Nppn Stl 2382.5 27.50 3505 2122.5 2.70 9.88 18823.13 Cisco 27.38 1.11 30.31 23.03 2.90 15.17 139286.25 Oracle 37.01 0.66 46.50 35.14 1.53 17.92 155487.15
SocGen 43.27 0.08 48.77 32.45 2.79 11.85 38224.09 HonHaiPrc 81.60 -0.80 99.70 77.90 4.36 8.66 38916.35
CanadPcR 176.88 -0.42 245.05 168.12 0.81 19.33 19517.72 NTTDCMo 2452.5 -49.50 2873.5 1731 2.83 20.68 83305.13 Citigroup 52.71 1.50 60.95 46.60 0.22 12.04 157022.59 Pepsico♦ 100.54 2.64 103.44 76.48 2.66 30.23 146471.78
Total 42.11 0.21 50.30 36.92 5.93 114.87 112518.78 MediaTek 256.50 -2.50 505.00 227.00 8.42 12.79 12293.54
CanImp♦ 93.04 -1.08 102.90 83.10 4.73 10.23 26684.49 Panasonic 1193 -72.00 1853.5 1177.5 1.36 85.17 24329.65 CME Grp♦■ 91.90 -0.65 100.87 83.43 2.11 24.93 31083.64 Perrigo 147.54 3.21 215.73 140.40 0.32 148.16 21600.16
UnibailR 236.15 1.55 262.00 209.10 3.99 13.88 25527.07 TaiwanSem 143.00 -2.00 155.00 112.50 3.09 12.41 113082.91
CanNatRs♦ 31.06 2.83 42.46 25.01 3.00 77.48 24540.43 Seven & I 5458 -110.00 5998 4117.5 1.32 28.83 40222.81 Coca-Cola 43.54 1.04 43.91 36.56 2.93 28.32 189354.81 Pfizer 32.62 0.63 36.46 28.47 3.33 24.85 200863.19
Vinci 59.28 0.12 62.60 43.40 2.88 17.51 38999.4
CanNatRy♦ 78.78 1.17 88.89 69.90 1.54 18.20 45014.44 ShnEtsuCh 6491 -293.00 8310 5801 1.60 20.27 23317.99 Thailand (THB) Cognizant 60.73 1.87 69.80 50.71 - 24.16 37016.71 Phillips66 84.36 3.80 94.12 57.33 2.48 9.99 45001.02
Vivendi 19.61 0.18 24.83 18.81 10.25-226.56 29385.5
Enbridge 46.42 2.52 66.14 40.17 3.83-117.46 28942.31 Softbank 6036 -204.00 7827 5370 0.66 12.97 60250.12 PTT Explor 248.00 6.00 382.00 206.00 4.35 -75.92 19627.66 ColgtPlm 66.99 1.42 71.56 50.84 2.18 25.13 60084.81 PhilMorris♦ 88.86 1.94 90.27 75.27 4.46 19.36 137670.42
GtWesLif♦ 34.77 0.01 37.70 30.42 3.77 12.46 24935.59 Germany (€)
Sony 2933.5 -144.50 3970 2351.5 0.76 35.66 30784.87 United Arab Emirates (Dhs) Comcast 57.30 0.90 64.99 50.01 1.68 18.22 120015.38 PNCFin 96.24 2.49 100.52 81.84 2.03 13.14 49844.65
ImpOil 45.43 2.93 55.37 39.30 1.07 22.42 27798.46 Allianz 163.00 2.85 170.15 131.05 4.23 11.46 81042.47
SumitomoF 4492 -167.00 5770 3902 3.42 11.87 52807.4 Emirtestele 16.00 0.20 16.50 9.77 3.95 17.65 34439.07 ConocPhil 48.59 2.66 70.79 41.10 5.95 -60.11 59991.25 PPG Inds 100.39 4.10 118.95 82.93 1.37 23.80 27031.93
Manulife 21.24 0.81 24.20 18.91 3.12 16.49 30233.72 BASF 70.95 0.73 97.22 63.00 3.97 12.77 70897.41
Takeda Ph 5895 -29.00 6657 4904.5 3.02 -30.57 38726.19 United Kingdom (p) Corning 18.56 0.56 25.16 15.42 2.44 12.30 21956.19 Praxair 104.51 2.99 132.95 98.55 2.64 21.59 29769.21
Potash 25.09 1.08 47.10 22.89 7.95 10.41 15125.17 Bayer 116.10 2.10 146.45 106.80 1.95 25.60 104452.59
TokioMarine 4651 2.00 5504 3703 2.29 18.71 29290.82 AscBrFd♦ 3339 -65.00 3606 2705.75 1.02 46.79 39493.81 Costco 161.75 4.05 169.73 117.03 0.95 30.54 71133.97 Prec Cast♦ 231.19 0.43 242.96 186.17 0.05 24.62 31807.38
RylBkC 75.64 0.70 81.53 68.05 4.17 11.00 81091.95 BMW 98.55 3.06 123.75 72.05 2.96 11.42 64544.4
Toyota 7483 -220.00 8783 6650 2.98 10.35 207658.76 AstraZen 4540 106.00 4931.68 3746 4.09 51.28 85729.29 CrownCstl♦ 86.94 2.12 89.44 75.78 3.72 57.49 29018.08 Priceline 1273.07 -12.60 1476.52 990.69 - 26.96 63378.37
Suncor En 36.89 1.45 40.93 32.13 2.32 545.94 38496.95 Continental 225.50 6.10 234.25 166.60 1.45 16.83 49068.01
Mexico (Mex$) Aviva 519.00 13.00 578.68 428.40 3.49 13.58 31372.71 CSX 26.13 0.93 37.67 24.47 2.57 13.17 25475.31 ProctGmbl 79.79 1.66 93.81 65.02 3.23 27.03 217074.5
ThmReut 52.81 0.00 55.92 45.29 3.45 15.35 29277.52 Daimler 77.84 1.75 96.07 62.06 3.17 10.71 90600.28
AmerMvl 12.46 -0.59 17.37 12.15 2.02 22.63 30300.43 Barclays 221.70 2.95 289.90 209.05 2.93 0.74 55649.83 CVS 98.86 4.00 113.65 81.37 1.32 22.53 109469.37 Prudntl 82.55 3.00 92.60 73.19 2.77 10.92 37064.95
TntoDom 55.03 0.13 56.48 47.75 3.72 12.75 73741.15 Deut Bank 22.32 0.89 33.42 20.69 3.38 -7.26 33485.44
FEMSA UBD 163.52 1.51 169.74 121.38 0.68 31.69 33863.08 BG 986.50 40.70 1301.62 785.20 1.93 -19.05 50375.67 Danaher♦ 93.40 2.17 97.62 81.25 0.53 26.31 64005.65 PublStor♦ 248.25 -0.49 252.86 182.08 2.46 42.20 42921.4
TrnCan 46.72 0.16 59.50 40.58 4.45 19.44 23913.26 Deut Tlkm 16.62 0.44 17.63 12.63 3.03 34.04 83271.18
WalMrtMex 43.80 0.05 47.00 28.32 1.24 33.35 44264.78 BP 365.95 25.60 499.25 252.55 7.36 -13.37 100422.52 Deere 78.79 3.82 98.23 71.85 2.95 14.11 24952.8 Qualcomm 49.55 2.12 75.72 45.93 3.58 15.60 74478.31
ValeantPh 157.68 1.65 347.84 92.65 - 65.96 38838.43 DeutsPost 26.05 0.69 31.19 22.93 - 21.63 34319.58
BrAmTob 3781 48.50 3931.5 3231.5 3.92 17.55 105310.03 Delphi 86.84 3.33 90.57 66.10 1.14 18.55 24322.86 Raytheon 126.29 0.94 129.99 95.32 2.04 18.91 38025.67
E.ON 8.95 0.64 14.85 7.08 1.58 -1.92 19486.22 Netherlands (€)
China (HK$) BSkyB 1099 -3.00 1180 857.50 2.94 14.05 28225.66 Delta 52.26 2.30 52.77 34.61 0.76 15.27 41101.11 Regen Pharm 537.63 -6.60 605.93 393.00 - 107.75 54919.58
Fresenius Med 77.11 1.14 83.17 60.41 1.00 24.84 26099.1 Altice 12.86 -0.19 47.73 9.98 - 229.11 11573.06
AgricBkCh 3.34 0.28 4.55 2.84 6.65 5.05 13245.05 BT♦ 467.05 -3.65 502.60 385.60 2.44 17.60 58376.48 DiscFinServ 54.77 2.33 66.73 50.20 1.87 11.45 23413.29 ReynoldsAm♦ 46.44 1.74 49.56 31.35 2.90 17.74 66367.47
Fresenius SE 64.79 1.13 70.00 42.29 0.68 28.03 38411.95 ASML Hld 83.07 1.33 104.85 70.25 0.85 25.65 39447.39
Bk China 3.50 0.04 5.68 3.25 6.63 5.19 37757.97 Compass 1160 7.00 1223.36 963.00 2.37 22.22 28505.51 Disney♦ 105.86 -1.86 122.08 90.00 1.69 21.88 175005.41 Salesforce 77.83 0.80 82.90 54.95 - -599.81 51679.12
HenkelKgaA 88.75 3.40 99.44 75.76 1.46 21.59 25084.73 Heineken 79.38 -0.24 85.90 56.14 1.34 23.32 50105.85
BkofComm 5.61 0.21 8.61 5.17 5.88 5.18 25339.49 Diageo 1856.5 23.00 2055 1592.5 2.88 19.62 69769.45 DominRes 67.77 0.87 80.89 64.54 3.70 22.76 40345.76 Schlmbrg♦ 70.53 3.19 95.13 66.57 2.66 27.02 88945.64
Linde 132.55 1.25 195.55 127.85 2.39 21.44 26784.16 ING 12.55 0.06 16.00 10.20 - 27.59 53220.52
BOE Tech 2.20 -0.04 4.78 1.17 1.73 31.35 56.47 GlaxoSmh♦ 1376 34.50 1645 1227.5 5.81 6.81 100056.5 DowChem 52.31 2.68 57.10 35.11 3.17 14.29 60580.31 Shrwin-Will 265.17 8.94 294.35 218.27 0.95 25.76 24687.46
MuenchRkv 184.20 2.75 206.50 156.00 4.24 9.85 33435.59 Unilever 39.95 -0.22 42.84 31.34 2.80 24.42 75060.32
Ch Coms Cons 8.10 0.00 17.00 7.70 2.92 7.36 4626.65 Glencore 92.40 11.54 318.46 66.67 12.39-214.88 19872.08 DukeEner 72.04 2.44 89.97 65.50 4.39 21.22 49587.61 SimonProp 194.35 3.83 208.14 170.99 2.92 36.85 60135.4
SAP 73.00 1.82 75.75 53.63 1.52 28.08 97568.22 Norway (Kr)
Ch Evrbrght 3.75 0.16 5.65 3.22 6.06 4.95 3323.03 HSBC 541.30 9.60 674.57 478.35 6.19 10.67 159174.69 DuPont 66.40 3.00 76.61 47.11 2.69 19.33 58193.42 SouthCpr 26.91 2.02 33.31 23.41 1.54 21.41 21134.47
Siemens 89.64 1.43 106.35 77.91 3.56 13.38 85918.49 DNB 109.70 0.80 143.00 100.90 3.63 7.70 20473.84
Ch Rail Cons 10.16 0.00 17.70 8.10 1.80 8.89 2721.48 ImpTob 3543.5 26.50 3665 2763.7 3.73 20.03 50755.87 Eaton 53.25 3.51 73.82 49.21 3.96 12.50 24644.1 Starbucks 60.32 1.70 64.00 39.28 1.05 33.57 89563.14
Volkswgn 143.20 8.30 254.50 95.00 3.38 11.30 45973.35 Statoil 124.90 -2.10 161.70 113.90 5.79 -10.63 45634.58
Ch Rail Gp 6.06 0.05 12.30 5.47 1.57 10.20 3289.34 LlydsBkg 73.50 2.17 89.35 68.57 2.04 43.83 78466.5 eBay 27.66 0.20 29.83 22.11 - 11.33 33210.09 StateSt 67.14 2.41 81.26 63.97 1.88 15.93 27090.06
ChConstBk 5.43 0.12 7.98 5.02 6.77 4.91 168417.14 Hong Kong (HK$) Telenor 147.20 -4.00 186.10 140.20 2.59 35.84 25324.81 Ecolab♦ 115.78 3.16 122.48 97.78 1.12 31.46 34190.24 Stryker 94.36 3.10 105.34 89.81 1.44 31.06 35434.28
Natl Grid♦ 935.00 9.10 954.00 806.40 4.59 16.30 52298.01
China Vanke RMB 24.43 4.53 24.43 10.93 2.05 16.75 36633.77 AIA 47.00 -0.10 58.20 38.85 0.91 22.12 73054.68 Qatar (QR) EMC 26.01 0.66 30.92 22.66 1.74 22.11 50429.16 Sychrony Fin 30.60 1.09 36.40 27.92 - 11.79 25515.07
Prudential 1540 36.50 1761.5 1045.99 2.40 15.68 59169.2
ChinaCitic 5.08 0.19 7.40 4.36 - 4.80 9753.32 BOC Hold 24.00 0.55 33.70 22.30 4.43 10.32 32735.76 QatarNtBk 170.10 8.50 214.00 158.20 4.35 10.80 32689.46 Emerson 48.26 3.67 63.15 42.21 3.84 12.21 31588.93 Target 73.17 1.80 85.81 68.15 2.80 16.93 45076.5
RBS 304.80 10.10 414.00 281.40 - -13.67 52935.31
ChinaLife 25.95 0.25 41.00 23.40 1.85 15.75 24911.57 Ch OSLnd&Inv 26.70 0.35 34.05 20.70 1.96 7.74 33965.36 EOG Res 73.42 1.99 101.36 68.15 0.90 -10.69 40361.44 TE Connect 65.29 2.54 73.73 54.32 1.87 21.99 25221.91
Russia (RUB) ReckittB 6226 51.00 6450 5060 2.23 26.45 65856.49
ChinaMBank 18.52 0.52 26.85 16.40 4.42 6.64 10968.86 ChngKng 51.10 -0.30 77.55 50.10 - 11.33 25444.55 EquityResTP♦ 80.87 0.97 82.53 61.90 2.63 35.56 29457.86 Telsa Mtrs 230.57 0.11 286.65 181.40 - -43.85 30193.45
Gzprm neft 134.48 2.23 166.94 129.15 6.41 6.72 45337.62 RELX 1180 6.00 1232 988.50 2.20 27.10 36196.82
ChinaMob 88.55 -0.55 118.00 85.00 3.12 14.03 233908.23 Citic Ltd 13.76 -0.02 16.40 11.64 1.48 6.84 51640.16 Exelon 27.75 0.85 38.93 25.09 4.41 12.50 25517.91 TexasInstr 56.75 1.81 59.99 43.49 2.36 20.37 57567.89
Lukoil 2310.2 -16.90 3297.7 2126 7.95 19.37 27983.07 RioTinto 2006.5 147.50 3280 1843 6.80 19.96 41216.28
ChinaPcIns 33.20 1.55 47.10 24.80 1.79 16.34 11886.94 Citic Secs 18.84 0.70 40.50 12.82 1.83 8.48 5537.57 ExpScripts 88.25 2.62 94.61 68.06 - 27.77 59681.36 TheTrvelers♦ 113.27 3.14 116.48 95.21 2.02 10.20 34458.86
MmcNrlskNckl 9344 115.00 12247 7975 15.18 10.97 21057.33 RollsRoyce 595.00 21.50 1061 504.50 3.88 -43.76 16345.09
ChMinsheng 7.84 0.43 11.88 6.70 2.88 5.09 7012.9 CK Hutchison 104.70 3.50 174.90 97.50 3.31 4.35 52133.92 ExxonMb 79.33 2.05 94.43 66.55 3.53 16.98 330245.91 ThrmoFshr♦ 141.32 6.81 141.75 117.10 0.42 29.14 56400.49
Novatek 581.80 3.60 646.30 408.00 10.63 50.22 25156.98 RylDShlA 1557 107.00 2216.5 1415.5 8.07 94.11 92838.49
ChMrchSecs RMB 22.67 -0.40 40.00 13.85 1.85 12.95 16811.76 CNOOC 8.41 0.42 13.78 7.41 6.41 7.66 48441.15 Facebook 105.02 0.98 110.65 72.00 - 107.50 237317.53 TimeWrnr 64.39 0.88 91.34 62.94 2.09 15.00 52515.29
Rosneft 245.80 -4.95 294.20 192.00 3.53 6.28 37098.18 SABMill 4075 25.00 4090 2773 1.82 33.76 98634.68
Chna Utd Coms RMB 6.25 -0.06 10.74 4.27 1.08 42.27 20454.29 HangSeng 146.80 -0.40 162.10 126.50 3.62 11.06 36207.7 Fedex♦ 149.65 2.50 185.19 130.01 0.60 38.47 41245.82 TimeWrnrC 184.50 3.37 194.22 134.21 2.00 27.92 52249.95
Sberbank 101.34 2.53 110.70 51.60 0.47 10.34 31153.85 Shire 4609 159.00 5870 4082 0.32 13.60 40793.32
ChShenEgy 12.50 0.80 24.40 11.28 7.12 8.71 5480.62 HK Exc&Clr 203.20 2.40 311.40 170.60 1.86 36.64 31681.52 FordMtr 14.31 0.51 16.74 10.44 3.96 12.17 55777.2 TJX Cos 70.89 1.57 76.93 63.53 1.05 22.33 47462.92
Surgutneftegas 33.92 -0.34 39.80 23.21 - 1.22 17254.94 StandCh 589.00 39.10 1166 475.55 8.70 13.77 28640.05
ChShpbldng RMB 9.73 -0.15 20.19 8.05 0.39-591.48 26977.91 MTR 37.15 0.05 40.00 31.10 2.68 14.36 28071.44 Franklin♦ 36.97 1.97 57.44 34.62 1.60 11.39 22237.07 T-MobileUS 39.67 1.78 43.43 26.46 - 66.59 32372.2
Saudi Arabia (SR) Tesco 150.90 6.05 252.52 141.00 0.77 -2.17 18354.24
ChStConEng RMB 6.68 0.16 12.52 4.88 2.59 8.52 30837.68 SandsCh 26.75 0.45 40.55 22.85 7.06 15.34 27846.88 GenDyn 139.84 3.13 153.76 130.91 2.33 15.98 44207.36 UnionPac♦ 78.80 3.37 124.52 74.78 2.69 13.80 67304.71
AlRajhiBnk 51.56 -2.02 69.00 46.60 3.58 13.24 22330.75 Vodafone♦ 216.65 1.90 258.00 201.25 5.18 -40.57 85953.11
ChUncHK 9.57 -0.03 16.00 8.90 2.55 20.47 29565.55 SHK Props 95.00 0.15 137.60 92.00 2.40 9.11 35460.98 GenElectric♦ 30.83 0.55 31.23 19.37 2.94 60.60 311667.84 UPS B 97.34 -0.66 114.40 93.64 2.90 22.66 67762.53
Natnlcombnk 50.69 -2.04 72.75 48.80 - 11.65 26947.76 WPP 1538 8.00 1616 1273 2.48 15.90 29750.46
CNNC Intl RMB 9.66 -0.27 14.38 4.07 - 27.04 5803.35 Tencent 151.80 0.20 171.00 111.30 0.23 42.64 184146.46 GenMills 58.72 1.78 59.87 47.43 2.92 24.44 34841.23 USBancorp 43.42 1.06 46.26 38.81 2.27 13.95 75949.27
SaudiBasic 81.76 -6.54 110.50 70.50 6.20 10.53 65373.12 United States of America ($)
CSR 9.84 0.21 20.70 7.80 - 22.03 5548.89 India (Rs) GenMotors♦ 34.60 0.93 39.00 24.62 3.76 12.87 53843.72 UtdHlthcre 118.34 2.52 126.21 95.00 1.46 19.04 112790.85
SaudiTelec 66.33 -1.17 73.25 52.75 5.95 13.75 35357.14 21stC Fox A 27.43 0.32 39.15 22.81 1.08 7.24 32113.73
Daqin RMB 9.02 0.24 15.15 7.88 5.35 9.45 20704.39 Bhartiartl 338.45 16.05 452.45 304.15 0.65 23.57 20432.23 GileadSci♦ 103.58 1.98 123.37 86.00 0.82 9.65 149277.44 UtdTech 96.30 3.96 124.45 85.50 2.57 15.33 85420.12
Singapore (S$) 3M 151.19 4.27 170.50 134.00 2.56 19.83 93089.64
Gree Elec Apl 0.24 0.00 0.45 0.13 - -2.68 371.77 HDFC Bk 1074 -6.25 1128 936.25 0.74 24.84 40922.67 GoldmSchs♦ 182.47 6.98 218.77 167.49 1.35 12.15 77830.05 ValeroEngy 71.93 1.90 73.88 43.45 2.02 8.11 34634.54
DBS 16.64 0.05 21.50 16.00 3.52 12.92 29617.25 AbbottLb 45.10 1.40 51.74 39.00 2.06 27.17 67276.57
GuosenSec RMB 20.10 0.02 34.94 7.00 1.00 12.12 25447.72 Hind Unilevr 864.25 0.00 981.00 744.50 1.66 40.26 28243.23 Halliburton 35.15 1.71 50.20 30.93 2.02 115.79 30081.84 Verizon 46.71 1.15 50.86 38.06 4.68 18.99 190057.06
JardnMt US$ 47.48 1.45 67.88 45.00 2.90 11.63 33347.79 Abbvie 58.46 2.72 71.60 45.45 3.26 34.29 95567.3
HaitongSecs 14.06 0.42 27.90 10.00 2.17 8.73 6184.55 HsngDevFin 1229.55 -11.40 1402.3 1093.2 1.21 21.55 29310.72 HCA Hold 68.92 4.45 95.49 43.91 - 14.61 28096.46 VertexPharm 124.84 8.33 143.45 97.45 - -46.13 30675.35
JardnStr US$ 27.19 0.84 36.93 25.75 0.94 10.15 30263.8 Accenture 104.23 2.30 109.86 83.47 2.02 23.34 84032.66
Hngzh HikVDT RMB 35.30 0.65 56.48 21.80 1.14 24.99 17199.3 ICICI Bk 257.95 4.80 393.40 243.05 1.91 12.08 22641.53 Hew-Pack♦ 11.73 0.22 18.66 11.03 5.54 4.89 21018.38 VF Cp 62.28 0.27 77.83 61.17 2.03 26.31 26550.53
OCBC 8.85 0.12 10.92 8.50 3.97 10.08 25905.44 Ace 118.19 4.50 118.78 96.00 2.20 14.64 38315.01
Hunng Pwr 6.89 0.11 11.90 6.24 6.70 6.56 4178.08 Infosys 1096.35 -10.75 2336 932.65 3.36 19.94 37843.98 HiltonWwde♦ 21.87 0.41 31.60 20.91 0.32 29.29 21595.57 Viacom♦ 41.11 2.05 77.50 36.32 3.50 8.81 14272.02
SingTel♦ 3.66 -0.12 4.57 3.43 4.66 15.44 41511.97 Adobe 94.30 2.99 96.42 68.98 - 99.51 47036.78
IM Baotou Stl RMB 3.71 -0.05 7.50 3.16 - -47.22 9017.19 ITC 323.70 3.20 409.95 294.00 1.97 25.33 39267.59 HomeDep 132.90 2.61 135.47 92.17 1.63 25.75 168501.42 Visa Inc 78.26 1.94 81.01 60.00 0.60 30.81 152328.58
UOB■ 19.40 0.29 25.05 18.20 4.27 10.07 22112.75 AEP 58.40 2.12 65.38 52.29 3.58 16.43 28663.74
In&CmBkCh 4.80 0.13 7.10 4.30 6.50 5.18 53747.21 L&T 1294.5 -1.70 1893.8 1264.5 1.17 23.69 18205.2 Honywell 104.65 2.82 107.41 87.00 1.95 18.59 80652.86 Walgreen 86.46 3.95 97.30 73.00 1.54 22.23 93865.82
Aetna 109.63 1.16 134.40 87.25 0.88 17.05 38227.98
IndstrlBk RMB 17.44 1.26 21.42 11.90 3.28 6.62 43566.69 OilNatGas 233.85 9.05 373.80 211.25 4.21 10.25 30215.25 South Africa (R) HumanaInc 178.30 2.92 219.79 137.45 0.63 20.80 26428.33 WalMartSto♦ 60.83 1.98 90.97 56.30 3.10 13.48 194771.17
Aflac 60.18 1.89 66.53 51.41 2.56 10.68 25681.13
Kweichow RMB 224.50 8.64 290.00 166.20 1.96 17.46 43542.56 RelianceIn 1000.55 -9.15 1067.85 796.45 0.99 12.06 48946.49 Firstrand 44.46 1.31 58.47 34.08 5.11 9.39 16314.86 IBM 138.25 3.35 176.30 131.65 3.42 9.61 134117.72 WellsFargo 54.82 1.03 58.77 47.75 2.61 13.44 281410.76
AirProd 133.19 5.34 158.20 123.66 2.37 22.97 28701.11
Midea 1.99 0.01 2.68 1.65 4.77 13.18 55.21 SBI NewA 228.30 -2.60 336.00 220.15 1.53 9.48 26764.97 MTN Grp 139.00 0.80 250.00 123.04 10.72 6.97 16781 IllinoisTool 94.13 3.21 100.14 78.79 2.10 18.79 34215.48 Williams Cos♦ 24.91 3.37 61.38 20.95 9.42 56.40 18676.64
Alexion 189.41 7.28 208.88 142.02 - 173.94 42678.68
New Ch Life Ins 33.85 1.30 56.55 27.05 0.75 9.47 4515.92 SunPhrmInds 790.85 -11.40 1200.8 704.00 - 66.99 28743.71 Naspers N 2149 17.96 2270 1489.17 0.24 61.93 61557.14 Illumina 189.00 7.06 242.37 130.00 - 55.94 27669.6 Yahoo 34.11 1.16 51.68 27.20 - 135.40 32211.95
Allegran 311.23 4.65 340.34 237.50 - -42.82 122663.38
PetroChina 5.38 0.18 11.04 4.93 3.57 18.99 14644.11 Tata Cons 2434.25 -5.50 2812.1 2315.25 1.61 23.08 72438.49 South Korea (KRW) Intcntl Exch♦ 251.92 7.34 266.74 202.24 0.84 24.16 27651.92 Yum!Brnds 74.00 2.16 95.90 66.35 2.19 35.86 31911.88
Allstate♦ 63.14 1.81 72.87 54.12 1.84 11.15 24454.51
PingAnIns 44.20 1.55 62.90 35.00 1.87 11.79 42467.8 Indonesia (Rp) HyundMobis 252500 2500 271500 185500 1.15 13.11 21046.65 Intel 34.98 1.12 37.74 24.87 2.66 15.18 165070.62 Venezuela ()
Alphabet 765.84 8.99 793.05 490.91 - 35.83 223110.47
PngAnBnk RMB 12.41 0.34 17.50 9.30 1.41 7.85 22617.4 Bk Cent Asia 13175 -300.00 15600 11000 1.03 20.12 23810.08 KoreaElePwr 50300 450.00 54000 38750 0.99 7.14 27649.78 Intuit 97.59 2.02 109.21 79.63 1.04 61.55 25764.18 Bco de Vnzla 105.00 5.00 143.95 27.00 - - 28366.6
Altria♦ 58.29 1.16 61.74 47.31 3.60 22.24 114288
Pwr Cons Corp RMB 8.17 -0.08 20.00 6.31 1.23 15.99 4162.72 SK Hynix 31700 1450 51700 28550 0.92 5.15 19178.32 John&John 103.72 1.77 106.50 81.79 2.76 20.18 286987.39 Bco Provncl 4150 50.00 4400 850.00 0.82 57.28 33146.96
Israel (ILS) Amazon 662.79 -1.35 684.82 285.25 - 969.55 310690.77
SaicMtr RMB 21.85 1.20 29.18 14.00 5.98 8.32 37195.63 SmsungEl 1285000-5000.00 1510000 1033000 1.55 9.69 142284.33 JohnsonCn♦ 40.50 1.75 54.52 38.48 2.53 18.84 26240.29 Mrcntl Srvcs 5000 -50.00 5900 1310 0.16 37.68 22000.5
TevaPha 258.40 255.87 275.90 214.70 1.95 32.64 67445.58 AmerAir 43.81 2.72 56.20 34.10 0.90 6.38 27614.56
ShenwanHong 0.17 -0.01 0.41 0.15 - -2.55 53.49 Spain (€) JPMrgnCh 66.60 2.20 70.61 50.07 2.49 11.50 245163.24
Italy (€) AmerExpr 70.16 2.29 94.89 67.57 1.55 12.66 69054.69
ShgPdgBk RMB 19.32 0.83 20.12 11.91 3.94 7.26 55642.37 Kimb-Clark♦ 126.88 3.34 128.13 103.04 2.71 77.45 46056.73 Closing prices and highs & lows are in traded currency (with variations for that
Enel 3.90 0.00 4.50 3.36 3.62 64.55 39898.45 BBVA 6.94 -0.19 9.77 6.70 2.32 17.56 48427.07 AmerIntGrp 61.70 2.10 64.93 48.68 1.05 18.14 76323.67
Sinopec Corp 4.95 0.25 7.79 4.29 4.90 23.34 16292.88 KinderM 16.08 0.94 44.71 14.22 11.41 30.39 35882.76 country indicated by stock), market capitalisation is in USD. Highs & lows are
ENI 13.96 0.20 17.66 13.05 6.93 -18.19 55195.21 BcoSantdr 4.69 -0.10 7.17 4.45 10.62 8.98 74202.67 AmerTower♦ 98.14 3.54 104.12 86.83 1.71 74.28 41569.18
Sinopec Oil RMB 8.62 -0.16 14.23 5.08 - -247.44 598.91 Kraft Heinz 73.96 3.29 81.20 61.42 0.73 -49.17 89747.18 based on intraday trading over a rolling 52 week period.
Generali 16.92 0.04 19.21 15.16 3.57 13.59 28659.09 CaixaBnk 3.29 -0.36 4.57 3.20 2.45 27.59 20965.67 Amgen 163.55 4.75 181.81 130.09 1.80 19.81 123370.32
Denmark (kr) Iberdrola 6.50 -0.08 6.71 5.35 2.40 16.59 45130.93 Kroger 42.46 1.82 42.67 27.32 0.87 21.61 41386.73 ♦ ex-dividend
IntSPaolo 3.09 0.02 3.65 2.22 2.28 17.66 53316.25 Anadarko 51.22 5.55 95.94 44.50 2.08 -4.52 26027.07
DanskeBk 183.80 1.90 218.00 155.50 3.01 27.03 27224.37 Inditex 31.79 -1.29 35.38 22.61 1.23 35.82 108575.46 L Brands 96.82 1.05 101.11 75.11 1.84 25.17 28023.04 ■ ex-capital redistribution
Luxottica 60.10 0.35 67.80 44.80 1.21 36.24 31620.98 Anthem 140.56 2.81 173.59 122.86 1.62 13.64 36683.85
MollerMrsk 8955 -110.00 16450 8760 3.26 8.17 13996.18 Repsol♦ 10.94 0.19 18.75 9.90 8.78 31.90 16788.44 LasVegasSd♦ 44.36 2.83 61.59 36.53 5.45 16.17 35374.93 # price at time of suspension
Unicred 5.16 0.04 6.61 4.82 2.34 16.03 33498.66 Aon Cp 92.05 1.06 107.08 86.38 1.18 21.32 25214.04
NovoB 393.80 1.50 415.00 259.60 1.28 30.66 119280.08 Telefonica 10.54 -0.21 14.31 9.97 3.81 17.65 56157.99 LibertyGbl 39.74 0.88 58.66 38.43 - -26.00 10044.53
Apple 108.03 2.00 134.54 92.00 1.81 11.88 602303.01
Lilly (E) 85.85 1.08 92.85 68.31 2.29 39.38 95128.37

Close Prev Day Week Month Close Prev Day Week Month Day's Mth's Spread Day's Mth's Spread
price price change change % change change % change % price price change change % change change % change % Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs
China Vanke 24.43 24.43 0.00 0.00 4.53 22.8 74.50 Nike 63.18 64.36 -1.18 -1.83 -65.34 -50.8 -52.32 Dec 24 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US Dec 24 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US
Williams Cos 24.91 25.34 -0.43 -1.70 3.37 15.6 -32.93 Nmrcble-SFR 33.70 33.70 0.00 0.00 -3.83 -10.2 -11.23 High Yield US$ US$
Glencore 92.40 93.09 -0.69 -0.74 11.54 14.3 -1.68 CaixaBnk 3.29 3.31 -0.02 -0.64 -0.36 -9.8 -6.81 Windstream Services, LLC 11/17 7.88 B+ B2 BB 102.46 6.53 0.01 1.22 5.53 Burlington Resources, Inc. 02/26 6.88 A A2 A 112.87 5.29 0.00 0.66 3.05
Anadarko 51.22 51.50 -0.28 -0.54 5.55 12.2 -17.41 Bradesco 21.27 21.02 0.25 1.19 -1.59 -7.0 -17.53 High Yield Euro Halliburton Company 02/27 6.75 A A2 A- 117.96 4.71 0.09 0.29 -
Celgene 122.14 122.07 0.07 0.06 12.00 10.9 8.41 Nomura 670.20 670.00 0.20 0.03 -48.50 -6.7 -12.78 Kazkommerts Intl BV 02/17 6.88 B Caa1 B 97.50 - 0.00 0.00 - Korea Electric Power Corporation 08/27 6.75 AA- Aa2 AA- 98.90 7.01 0.00 0.00 -
CanNatRs 31.06 31.13 -0.07 -0.22 2.83 10.0 -6.70 Panasonic 1193.00 1203.00 -10.00 -0.83 -72.00 -5.7 -16.46 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 01/28 6.50 A- A3 A 115.93 4.80 0.00 0.58 -
AgricBkCh 3.34 3.34 0.00 0.00 0.28 9.2 9.15 MitsuiFud 3032.00 3066.00 -34.00 -1.11 -178.00 -5.5 -5.01 Emerging US$ SunTrust Banks, Inc. 01/28 6.00 BBB+ Baa1 A- 108.98 5.06 0.01 0.02 -
BakerHu 47.72 47.63 0.09 0.19 3.80 8.7 -10.11 ItauHldFin 24.43 24.26 0.17 0.70 -1.37 -5.3 -9.89 Peru 05/16 8.38 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 121.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.23 FleetBoston Financial Corp. 01/28 6.88 BBB Baa3 A- 119.28 4.81 0.00 -0.03 -
Emerson 48.26 48.33 -0.07 -0.14 3.67 8.2 -3.61 Murata Mfg 17240.00 16870.00 370.00 2.19 -955.00 -5.2 -12.40 Mexico 09/16 11.40 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 106.91 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.56
Brazil 01/18 8.00 BB+ Baa3 BB+ 103.65 6.06 0.00 0.00 5.06 Euro
SouthCpr 26.91 26.69 0.22 0.82 2.02 8.1 3.22 Mizuho Fin 238.00 241.90 -3.90 -1.61 -11.80 -4.7 -7.89 Credit Agricole S.A. 03/27 2.63 BBB Baa3 A- 95.43 3.11 0.02 0.11 -
RioTinto 2006.50 2014.50 -8.00 -0.40 147.50 7.9 -11.76 Hitachi 670.10 684.40 -14.30 -2.09 -33.10 -4.7 -8.41 Russia 07/18 11.00 BB+ Ba1 BBB- 118.34 3.50 0.00 0.23 2.51
Peru 03/19 7.13 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 114.11 2.59 -0.01 0.21 0.87 BHP Billiton Fin Ltd 09/27 3.25 A+ A1 A+ 106.33 2.62 0.03 0.61 -
IndstrlBk 17.44 17.27 0.17 0.98 1.26 7.8 8.12 Sony 2933.50 2950.00 -16.50 -0.56 -144.50 -4.7 -11.38 TeliaSonera 09/27 3.00 A- A3 A- 108.18 2.20 0.00 0.19 -
BHPBilltn 18.34 17.41 0.93 5.34 1.32 7.8 -8.62 Cielo 34.42 33.55 0.87 2.59 -1.66 -4.6 -9.82 Brazil 01/21 7.88 BB+ Baa3 BB+ 92.69 6.71 0.00 1.26 4.99
Turkey 03/21 5.63 - Baa3 BBB- 105.75 4.43 0.00 0.10 2.72 B.A.T. Netherlands Fin B.V. (Re - British American Tobacco) 03/29 3.13 A- A3 A- 107.98 2.41 0.04 0.27 -
E.ON 8.95 8.49 0.47 5.49 0.64 7.7 7.69 Airbus Grpe 62.15 62.58 -0.43 -0.69 -2.98 -4.6 -5.24
Poland 04/21 5.13 A- A2 A- 111.23 2.85 0.00 0.07 1.13 Yen
BP 365.95 360.40 5.55 1.54 25.60 7.5 -5.17 Bridgestne 4217.00 4228.00 -11.00 -0.26 -200.00 -4.5 -4.87
Colombia 07/21 4.38 BBB Baa2 BBB 100.09 4.40 0.00 0.41 2.69 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 07/15 0.94 NR WR NR 100.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 -
RylDShlA 1557.00 1551.00 6.00 0.39 107.00 7.4 -5.64 AmerMvl 12.46 12.51 -0.05 -0.40 -0.59 -4.5 -11.32
VertexPharm 124.84 123.80 1.04 0.84 8.33 7.1 -6.23 FastRetail 43140.00 43050.00 90.00 0.21 -2040.00 -4.5 -10.22 Turkey 04/26 4.25 - Baa3 BBB- 93.68 5.11 0.00 0.13 2.87 £ Sterling
StandCh 589.00 583.60 5.40 0.93 39.10 7.1 7.07 MitUFJFin 742.10 754.80 -12.70 -1.68 -34.30 -4.4 -9.71 Emerging Euro IPIC GMTN Limited 03/26 6.88 AA Aa2 AA 123.17 4.06 0.06 0.08 1.81
Eaton 53.25 53.28 -0.03 -0.06 3.51 7.1 -7.70 ShnEtsuCh 6491.00 6567.00 -76.00 -1.16 -293.00 -4.3 -8.73 Brazil 02/15 7.38 BBB- Baa2 BBB 111.75 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.09 B.A.T. Intl Fin plc (Re - British American Tobacco) 09/26 4.00 A- A3 A- 105.19 3.41 0.04 0.16 1.17
HCA Hold 68.92 69.54 -0.62 -0.89 4.45 6.9 -0.10 Inditex 31.79 31.90 -0.11 -0.34 -1.29 -3.9 -1.58 Mexico 07/17 4.25 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 111.13 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 Data provided by SIX Financial Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M -
Mexico 02/20 5.50 BBB+ - BBB+ 109.46 3.03 -0.01 0.10 1.31 Moody’s, F - Fitch.
Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency
Bulgaria 09/25 5.75 BB+ - BBB- 114.73 3.96 -0.02 0.10 1.71
Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other
London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M - Moody’s, F - Fitch.

Dec 24 Rate Current Since Last Mnth Ago Year Ago Day's Month's Year Return Return Dec 24 Day Chng Prev 52 wk high 52 wk low Red Change in Yield 52 Week Amnt
US Fed Funds 0.00-0.25 16-12-2008 1.00 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 Index change change change 1 month 1 year VIX 15.74 0.17 15.57 53.29 10.88 Dec 24 Price £ Yield Day Week Month Year High Low £m
US Prime 3.25 16-12-2008 3.25 3.25 3.25 Markit IBoxx VXD 15.65 -0.06 15.71 56.32 7.04 Tr 2pc '16 100.11 0.31 -11.43 -6.06 -26.19 -31.11 101.68 100.11 0.32
US Discount 0.75 18-02-2010 0.75 0.75 0.75 ABF Pan-Asia unhedged 173.38 0.03 0.02 -2.75 0.47 -2.33 VXN 17.81 0.13 17.68 46.72 11.15 Tr 1.75pc '17 101.40 0.43 -4.44 0.00 -4.44 -29.51 102.68 101.38 0.29
Euro Repo 0.05 10-09-2014 0.05 0.05 0.25 Corporates( £) 295.30 -0.36 -0.96 0.61 -0.48 1.41 VDAX 19.73 -1.93 21.66 29.94 - Tr 5pc '18 109.52 0.62 -1.59 6.90 6.90 -31.11 113.54 109.52 0.35
UK Repo 0.50 05-03-2009 0.50 0.50 0.50 Corporates($) 249.47 -0.19 -0.75 -0.40 -0.75 -0.40 † CBOE. VIX: S&P 500 index Options Volatility, VXD: DJIA Index Options Volatility, VXN: NASDAQ Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.5pc '19 111.31 0.89 -2.20 5.95 8.54 -21.93 115.07 111.30 0.36
Japan O'night Call 0.00-0.03 05-10-2010 0.03 0.00-0.10 0.00-0.10 Corporates(€) 211.11 -0.12 -0.94 -0.75 -0.66 -0.55 ‡ Deutsche Borse. VDAX: DAX Index Options Volatility. Tr 4.75pc '20 114.83 1.12 -0.88 6.67 5.66 -16.42 119.04 114.67 0.33
Switzerland Libor Target 0.00-0.25 15-01-2015 0.00-0.75 -1.25--0.25 0-0.25 Eurozone Sov(€) 225.01 -0.26 -1.16 1.50 -0.80 1.82 Tr 1.5pc '21 100.48 1.40 -1.41 6.06 6.06 -4.76 142.92 99.91 0.12
Gilts( £) 287.14 -0.51 -1.05 0.52 -0.36 1.60 BONDS: BENCHMARK GOVERNMENT Tr 4pc '22 115.19 1.43 -1.38 6.72 4.38 -9.49 119.85 113.65 0.38
INTEREST RATES: MARKET Global Inflation-Lkd 239.93 -0.53 -1.15 -4.35 -0.91 -4.56 Red Bid Bid Day chg Wk chg Month Year Tr 5pc '25 127.04 1.79 -1.65 5.29 4.68 -3.76 134.70 124.47 0.35
Over Change One Three Six One Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts 295.08 -0.36 -0.86 0.54 -0.39 1.32 Date Coupon Price Yield yield yield chg yld chg yld Tr 4.25pc '27 123.11 2.06 -0.96 5.10 5.10 -1.44 131.90 119.79 0.31
Dec 24 (Libor: Dec 23) night Day Week Month month month month year Overall ($) 225.33 -0.21 -0.25 0.52 -0.25 0.52 Australia 10/18 3.25 103.27 2.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4.25pc '32 125.59 2.36 -0.84 3.96 3.51 0.00 136.85 121.93 0.35
US$ Libor 0.36710 0.000 0.215 0.000 0.42190 0.60310 0.82730 1.14750 Overall( £) 286.84 -0.47 -0.99 0.54 -0.37 1.52 04/26 4.25 112.59 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4.25pc '36 126.95 2.54 -0.78 3.67 3.67 1.20 140.37 123.52 0.28
Euro Libor -0.28143 -0.002 -0.003 0.001 -0.20429 -0.12714 -0.03786 0.05929 Overall(€) 220.46 -0.21 -1.04 0.90 -0.75 1.17 Austria 10/18 1.15 103.64 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4.5pc '42 136.39 2.61 -0.76 3.57 3.98 0.77 153.16 132.20 0.26
£ Libor 0.48188 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.50381 0.58794 0.74844 1.06119 Treasuries ($) 217.28 -0.24 0.06 1.03 0.06 1.03 10/25 1.20 102.74 0.91 0.00 0.09 0.19 0.00 Tr 3.75pc '52 128.87 2.53 -1.17 3.27 3.27 -3.44 145.21 121.95 0.22
Swiss Fr Libor 0.000 -0.80500 -0.77000 -0.70160 -0.60960 FTSE Belgium 06/18 0.75 101.88 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tr 4pc '60 140.38 2.49 -0.80 3.75 3.32 -4.23 159.23 131.72 0.21
Yen Libor -0.003 0.05000 0.07714 0.11443 0.22286 Sterling Corporate (£) 110.02 -0.08 - - -0.75 -2.89 06/25 0.80 98.54 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 xd Ex dividend. Closing mid-prices are shown in pounds per £ 100 nominal of stock. Red yield: Gross redemption yield.
Euro Euribor 0.000 -0.20100 -0.13100 -0.04000 0.06000 Euro Corporate (€) 105.34 -0.12 - - -1.11 -4.01 Canada 11/17 0.25 99.54 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 This table shows the gilts benchmarks & the non-rump undated stocks.
Sterling CDs 0.000 0.51000 0.60000 0.79500 Euro Emerging Mkts (€) 863.79 -1.82 - - -10.01 -7.42 06/26 1.50 99.90 1.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Euro CDs
Eurozone Govt Bond 113.26 -0.02 - - -1.17 -0.96 Denmark 11/18 0.25 101.42 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GILTS: UK FTSE ACTUARIES INDICES
CREDIT INDICES Day's Week's Month's Series Series 11/25 1.75 108.01 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Price Indices Day's Total Return Return
Short 7 Days One Three Six One Index change change change high low Finland 05/18 1.00 99.20 1.34 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.00
Fixed Coupon Dec 24 chg % Return 1 month 1 year Yield
Dec 24 term notice month month month year Markit iTraxx 09/25 0.88 99.45 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 Up to 5 Years 98.46 0.05 2367.28 -0.03 1.32 0.98
Euro -0.35 -0.25 -0.35 -0.20 -0.30 -0.15 -0.24 -0.09 -0.15 0.00 -0.04 0.11 Crossover 5Y 324.13 -10.85 -6.92 29.09 389.82 280.05 France 05/18 1.00 102.96 -0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 5 - 10 Years 178.93 0.16 3238.07 -0.20 2.30 1.64
Sterling 0.40 0.55 0.40 0.55 0.46 0.56 0.55 0.65 0.72 0.87 1.02 1.17 Europe 5Y 78.98 -2.81 -0.74 7.80 95.40 68.39 11/20 0.25 100.69 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 10 - 15 Years 203.26 0.27 3785.93 -0.56 2.28 2.15
Swiss Franc - - - - - - - - - - - - Japan 5Y 75.00 0.00 0.78 2.22 83.13 65.01 11/25 1.00 100.10 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 5 - 15 Years 184.64 0.19 3369.95 -0.32 2.27 1.84
Canadian Dollar - - - - - - - - - - - - Senior Financials 5Y 73.36 -3.08 -2.42 3.64 99.56 65.28 05/45 3.25 127.84 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Over 15 Years 293.63 0.43 4263.04 -0.86 2.98 2.54
US Dollar 0.32 0.42 0.32 0.42 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.10 1.20 Germany 04/18 0.25 101.29 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Markit CDX 7 All stocks 171.22 0.24 3210.17 -0.39 2.15 2.27
Japanese Yen -0.05 0.15 -2.00 -1.00 -0.30 0.00 -0.15 0.15 -0.15 0.15 -0.10 0.20 10/20 0.25 101.35 -0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Emerging Markets 5Y 353.95 -6.82 11.45 34.77 376.07 299.17 08/25 1.00 103.43 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Libor rates come from ICE (see and are fixed at 11am UK time. Other data sources: US $, Euro & CDs: Day's Month Year's Total Return Return
Nth Amer High Yld 5Y 479.32 -17.64 -2.16 25.99 522.53 416.39 08/46 2.50 126.06 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tullett Prebon; SDR, US Discount: IMF; EONIA: ECB; Swiss Libor: SNB; EURONIA, RONIA & SONIA: WMBA. Index Linked Dec 24 chg % chg % chg % Return 1 month 1 year
Nth Amer Inv Grade 5Y 89.95 -2.52 0.47 5.39 96.32 75.52 Greece 07/17 3.38 94.30 7.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nth AmerHiVol 5Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 283.44 100.00 1 Up to 5 Years 308.36 0.03 -0.30 -2.42 2355.89 -0.30 -0.83
02/26 3.00 69.18 8.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 Over 5 years 561.52 0.39 -1.47 0.55 4144.52 -1.47 1.30
Websites:, All indices shown are unhedged. Currencies are shown in brackets after the index names. Ireland 10/17 5.50 110.29 -0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 5-15 years 424.64 0.17 -1.27 -2.99 3226.91 -1.27 -1.88
03/25 5.40 136.97 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Over 15 years 690.83 0.48 -1.54 2.28 5004.78 -1.54 2.89
COMMODITIES BONDS: INDEX-LINKED Italy 10/18 0.30 100.37 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 All stocks 521.01 0.33 -1.30 0.39 3894.99 -1.30 1.25
11/20 0.65 100.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Energy Price* Change Agricultural & Cattle Futures Price* Change Price Yield Month Value No of
12/25 2.00 103.09 1.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yield Indices Dec 24 Dec 23 Yr ago Dec 24 Dec 23 Yr ago
Crude Oil† Jan 38.12 0.30 Corn♦ Mar 364.50 -0.50 Dec 24 Dec 24 Prev return stock Market stocks
09/46 3.25 112.02 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Yrs 1.25 1.26 1.28 20 Yrs 2.56 2.59 2.51
Brent Crude Oil‡ 37.93 0.25 Wheat♦ Mar 468.25 -0.25 Can 4.25%' 21 127.45 -0.327 -0.298 0.48 5.18 70132.45 7
Japan 12/17 0.10 100.30 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 Yrs 1.96 1.98 1.93 45 Yrs 2.51 2.53 2.63
RBOB Gasoline† Dec 1.26 0.00 Soybeans♦ Jan 877.00 -4.75 Fr 2.25%' 20 114.05 -0.752 -0.732 -1.49 20.31 212447.32 14
12/20 0.10 100.30 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Yrs 2.38 2.40 2.31
Heating Oil† Jan 1.13 0.02 Soybeans Meal♦ Jan 268.90 -3.80 Swe 0.25%' 22 106.98 -0.655 -0.655 -2.27 32.00 222665.12 7
12/25 0.30 100.20 0.28 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Natural Gas† Dec 2.04 0.06 Cocoa (ICE Liffe)X Mar 2264.00 3.00 UK 2.5%' 16 - - - - - - -
12/45 1.40 102.72 1.27 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 inflation 0% inflation 5%
Ethanol♦ - - Cocoa (ICE US)♥ Mar 3220.00 -24.00 UK 2.5%' 24 333.96 -0.637 -0.619 -1.68 6.82 475402.43 25
Netherlands 04/17 0.50 101.12 -0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Real yield Dec 24 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago Dec 24 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago
Uranium Jan 36.75 0.00 Coffee(Robusta)X Jan 1485.00 -8.00 UK 2%' 35 226.67 -0.657 -0.642 -2.23 9.08 475402.43 25
07/25 0.25 95.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Up to 5 yrs -0.72 2.36 -0.71 -1.13 -1.54 2.39 -1.54 -1.76
Carbon Emissions - - Coffee (Arabica)♥ Mar 119.75 -0.85 US 0.625%' 21 100.66 0.505 0.519 -0.86 35.84 1101158.73 36
Diesel Mar - - White SugarX 414.80 1.00 New Zealand - - - - - - - Over 5 yrs -0.73 23.34 -0.71 -0.67 -0.76 23.43 -0.74 -0.71
US 3.625%' 28 131.03 0.948 0.519 -1.20 16.78 1101158.73 36
Unleaded (95R) - - Sugar 11♥ 15.05 -0.05 12/17 6.00 106.34 2.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5-15 yrs -0.60 9.59 -0.58 -0.83 -0.72 9.60 -0.70 -0.97
Representative stocks from each major market Source: Merill Lynch Global Bond Indices † Local currencies. ‡ Total market
Norway 05/17 4.25 104.94 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Over 15 yrs -0.74 28.99 -0.73 -0.65 -0.76 29.04 -0.75 -0.67
Base Metals (♠ LME 3 Months) Cotton♥ Mar 63.59 0.76 value. In line with market convention, for UK Gilts inflation factor is applied to price, for other markets it is applied to par
03/25 1.75 102.25 1.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 All stocks -0.73 20.24 -0.71 -0.68 -0.77 20.40 -0.76 -0.72
Aluminium 1540.50 -2.50 Orange Juice♥ Jan 148.25 -0.90 amount.
Aluminium Alloy 1605.00 15.00 Palm Oil♣ Jan 562.00 - Portugal 06/18 4.45 110.26 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 See the FTSE website for more details:
Copper 4692.50 -25.50 Live Cattle♣ Feb 136.80 8.20 BONDS: TEN YEAR GOVT SPREADS 10/25 2.88 102.91 2.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lead 1744.00 5.00 Spain 04/18 0.25 100.01 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed accurate
Feeder Cattle♣ Jan 163.68 0.53
Nickel 8620.00 -35.00 Lean Hogs♣ Feb 58.65 0.40 Spread Spread Spread Spread 10/25 2.15 102.69 1.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor guarantee
Tin 14540.00 -65.00 Bid vs vs Bid vs vs Sweden 01/18 0.88 99.22 1.26 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.00 that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be liable for any
Zinc 1553.50 -2.00 % Chg % Chg Yield Bund T-Bonds Yield Bund T-Bonds 05/25 2.50 113.01 1.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information. For all queries e-mail
Precious Metals (PM London Fix) Dec 23 Month Year Australia 2.83 2.20 0.59 Italy 1.67 1.04 -0.57 Switzerland 01/18 3.00 107.96 -0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gold 1068.25 -6.65 S&P GSCI Spt 314.01 2.07 - Austria 0.91 0.28 -1.33 Japan 0.28 -0.35 -1.96 05/26 1.25 113.22 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Silver (US cents) 1420.00 -13.00 DJ UBS Spot 78.49 1.82 - Belgium 0.96 0.33 -1.28 Netherlands 0.80 0.17 -1.45 United Kingdom 07/18 1.25 101.06 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Data provided by Morningstar |
Platinum 866.00 -3.00 R/J CRB TR 176.62 -4.93 -25.13 Canada 1.51 0.88 -0.73 Norway 1.49 0.86 -0.76 01/21 1.50 100.47 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Palladium 551.00 -7.00 Rogers RICIX TR 2026.30 - - Denmark 0.90 0.27 -1.34 Portugal 2.53 1.90 0.29 09/25 2.00 100.69 1.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bulk Commodities M Lynch MLCX Ex. Rtn 231.14 -9.84 -33.05 Finland 0.93 0.30 -1.31 Spain 1.85 1.22 -0.39 01/45 3.50 117.43 2.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Iron Ore (Platts) 40.30 0.00 UBS Bberg CMCI TR 12.11 -4.90 -27.17 France 0.99 0.36 -1.25 Switzerland -0.02 -0.65 -2.26 United States 11/17 0.88 99.77 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Iron Ore (The Steel Index) 40.20 0.00 LEBA EUA Carbon 8.02 -5.87 18.64 Germany 0.63 0.00 -1.61 United Kingdom 1.92 1.29 -0.32 11/20 1.63 99.56 1.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GlobalCOAL RB Index 48.75 0.30 LEBA CER Carbon 0.47 -26.56 -11.32 Greece 8.15 7.52 5.91 United States 2.24 1.61 0.00 11/25 2.25 100.07 2.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Baltic Dry Index 478.00 3.00 LEBA UK Power 725.00 2.11 -19.71 Ireland 1.15 0.51 -1.10 11/45 3.00 100.70 2.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sources: † NYMEX, ‡ ECX/ICE, ♦ CBOT, X ICE Liffe, ♥ ICE Futures, ♣ CME, ♠ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information Data provided by SIX Financial Information & Tullett Prebon Information
unless otherwise stated.
Monday 28 December 2015 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 25


Main Market
52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence HBM Hlth SFr 100.50 0.50 113.50 87.00 - 22.72 13.7 Rotork 186.50 11.00 267.20 162.60 2.69 16.25 428.7 ..5%Pf♦ 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.60833.33 - - Redefine 51.00 0.20 59.90 48.26 6.47 10.00 105.8 Lavendon 145.50 9.50 211.50 130.00 3.16 15.34 253.0
AvonRub 1003 -45.00 1180 687.39 0.62 18.37 24.8 HenderGp 305.00 4.00 314.30 205.40 2.95 21.28 178.0 Severfd♦ 65.25 0.00 75.00 57.00 0.77 142.16 1.7 AquarsPl 10.75 -0.25 15.75 5.53 - -2.57 98.5 SEGRO 431.70 3.30 466.70 369.00 3.50 4.04 61.1 MngCnslt 14.88 0.13 19.00 13.25 5.55 -72.56 1103.6
BAE Sys 497.30 1.00 549.00 419.30 4.12 22.46 797.2 ICAP 510.50 7.50 573.00 420.60 4.31 25.35 77.5 SKF SKr 140.90 3.40 231.70 134.80 3.85 14.97 2110.6 Barrick C$ 10.85 1.16 16.54 7.89 1.26 -3.02 1249.3 Shaftbry 921.00 7.00 975.50 771.00 1.46 5.50 50.5 MearsGp 445.00 -20.00 475.00 367.04 2.25 17.20 6.2
Chemring 179.50 8.00 242.00 131.00 2.28 -20.53 1.6 Indvardn SKr 146.00 1.00 183.50 130.00 4.23 13.51 197.5 Spirax-S 3309 217.00 3767.56 2738 2.02 25.39 10.0 BHP Bltn 776.50 76.50 1670.5 665.70 10.26 18.70 1688.5 Town Ctr♦ 325.00 4.50 336.25 260.71 3.21 7.20 0.2 MenziesJ 414.00 29.00 525.00 338.50 3.91 36.81 221.2
Cobham 281.00 -5.10 349.10 250.50 3.79 -163.18 249.3 ICG♦ 612.00 8.00 712.83 485.70 4.19 9.59 53.4 Tex 106.50 0.00 130.00 86.30 5.63 7.57 4.5 BisichMg 77.50 0.00 94.75 60.15 5.16 5.96 0.3 Wkspace 971.00 9.00 988.00 748.40 1.24 4.51 8.3 MichaelPge 498.10 -0.70 568.00 397.70 2.21 24.10 51.6
Meggitt 370.90 8.10 593.50 337.60 3.71 15.43 175.7 IPF 291.20 -7.70 512.00 230.00 4.12 8.47 243.7 Trifast 119.00 -0.25 134.00 93.50 1.76 14.24 8.8 EVRAZ 75.85 14.30 209.90 58.00 - -1.47 485.1 Real Estate Inv & Services MITIE♦ 310.00 8.70 341.00 265.70 3.77 15.51 39.5
RollsRoyceX 595.00 21.50 1061 504.50 3.88 -43.76 552.5 Investec 493.70 24.20 649.50 410.70 4.05 14.09 366.6 Vitec 597.25 1.75 670.85 588.00 4.02 23.64 0.1 Fresnillo 715.50 61.00 939.50 569.63 0.27 151.27 173.8 Cap&Count 448.80 5.20 475.10 361.10 0.33 6.60 151.1 PayPoint 945.00 -8.50 1112.15 779.82 4.07 32.04 4.8
Senior 231.50 0.10 361.70 215.60 2.43 15.57 145.0 Jupiter 448.30 -11.70 481.30 338.79 2.94 13.41 70.8 Weir 989.50 41.50 2045 925.00 4.45 - 343.1 GemDmnd 119.50 20.50 189.13 94.75 2.66 9.79 18.8 CLS 1827.5 -11.50 2037 195.00 - 3.89 1.8 PremFarn 100.25 6.25 204.60 87.75 10.37 8.44 321.4
UltraElc 1950 -33.00 2044 1627 2.27 -171.07 7.9 Liontrust 283.00 5.00 393.50 260.82 2.83 20.99 27.4 Harmony R 16.25 3.17 38.50 7.92 - -1.30 737.2 Daejan 6515 350.00 6614.2 5323.5 1.26 6.70 0.3 Rentokil 159.80 2.40 162.50 115.60 1.62 22.38 278.8
Man 173.00 3.90 217.80 138.60 3.68 11.72 673.2
Industrial General Hochschild 49.50 1.75 134.25 44.50 - -3.45 271.3 Ricardo 872.50 7.50 967.50 620.99 1.78 24.81 2.0
Grainger♦ 238.00 -1.50 256.00 183.60 1.06 23.15 36.8
Automobiles & Parts NB GFRIF 91.60 -0.15 99.75 91.40 4.06 23.45 76.3 BritPoly 680.00 -17.00 755.00 620.00 2.35 10.93 1.9 Kenmr 0.33 -0.02 4.92 0.27 - -0.15 7294.8 HelclBar♦ 462.00 -8.00 475.50 365.00 1.57 4.91 17.8 RbrtWlts 366.50 4.50 478.00 303.72 1.64 21.37 284.4
FordMtr $X 14.31 0.51 16.74 10.44 3.96 12.17 9000.1 Paragon 360.00 -3.70 461.50 343.80 2.50 11.08 51.5 Coats Group 24.75 0.25 30.90 20.00 - -369.40 14.0 Lonmin 77.00 76.30 18970 55.00 - 0.00 741.8 RPS 233.00 5.25 271.37 181.50 3.64 16.48 37.4
ExovaGroup 142.50 -12.50 199.12 134.50 1.40 20.42 168.7 HK Land $ 6.96 0.01 8.80 6.40 2.59 13.49 901.8
GKN 305.20 5.60 389.00 248.56 2.75 33.97 680.6 Providnt 3299 -66.00 3654 2414 2.97 24.62 27.6 Petra 87.75 18.65 205.10 52.77 - 15.02 979.5 Lon&Assc 25.00 0.00 42.52 24.00 0.62 -3.53 22.0 Shanks♦ 96.00 -3.25 113.50 88.00 3.59 -50.29 8.7
RathbnBr 2194 -21.00 2348 1983 2.37 28.26 0.7 JardnMt $X 47.48 1.45 67.88 45.00 2.90 11.63 176.6 Petropvlsk 6.68 0.04 18.89 4.21 - -0.97 1324.6 SIG 144.40 1.10 212.20 117.00 3.05 25.87 233.2
Banks Jard Str $X 27.19 0.84 36.93 25.75 0.94 10.15 122.9 MacauPrp 157.13 -2.63 239.50 149.25 - -3.71 1.5
Record 27.00 -0.50 41.00 26.26 6.11 9.73 36.1 PolymtIntl 575.00 39.00 634.00 424.20 2.36 -17.73 399.9 Mntview 11950 -150.00 12900 9975 2.30 13.00 0.1 SpeedyHr♦ 38.88 1.13 80.00 27.94 1.80 -14.14 51.8
ANZ A$X 27.25 0.72 37.25 25.01 9.04 11.12 2659.8 Macfrlne 57.25 3.00 58.96 35.60 2.88 13.89 147.4
S&U 2457.5 30.50 2595 1955 2.69 14.62 3.1 RndgldRs 4235 258.00 5752.1 3546 0.92 30.77 72.1 RavenRuss 40.38 0.38 58.56 37.25 - -2.85 38.7 St Ives 223.25 8.75 225.00 156.68 3.20 64.10 21.5
BcoSant 346.00 -1.50 563.00 320.84 10.59 9.03 71.3 REXAM 602.50 6.50 609.00 424.60 2.94 21.31 239.6
Schroder 2961 28.00 3441 2538 2.63 18.17 13.4 RioTintoX 2006.5 147.50 3280 1843 6.80 19.96 770.8 RavenR Prf♦ 129.50 0.25 146.00 116.80 9.27 - 5.5 TribalGrp 24.00 0.50 188.00 19.16 7.50 -4.08 131.8
BnkGeorgia 1894 -5.00 2345 1609 2.36 9.32 7.3 RPC♦ 849.50 31.50 849.50 490.00 1.82 43.54 176.7
..N/V 2222 -29.00 2629 1961 3.51 13.64 2.2 Troy Res A$ 0.20 -0.04 0.77 0.20 - -0.43 1318.9 RavenR Wrt 24.50 0.00 34.00 22.00 - - 7.1 Vp♦ 755.00 15.00 816.00 582.85 2.19 15.23 2.7
BankIre € 0.35 0.01 0.39 0.07 - 16.35 3355.8 Smith DS 392.70 -7.50 423.70 304.30 2.90 28.54 285.1
SVG Cap 495.40 8.40 535.00 416.35 - 12.36 6.3 VedantaRs 284.00 20.40 695.06 258.00 14.66 -0.56 200.8 Safestre 356.50 2.90 370.00 232.00 2.09 7.33 38.7 Watermn♦ 92.00 1.00 95.00 53.15 1.52 20.91 8.5
BkNvaS C$X 57.95 0.80 67.72 52.60 4.77 10.11 984.1 Smiths 958.50 31.50 1243 915.00 4.23 15.53 103.0
TullettPre 366.40 7.80 415.90 275.50 4.60 7.83 28.5 Savills 870.50 -6.00 991.46 638.50 1.26 20.35 24.5 Wolseley 3682 -18.00 4398 3414.95 2.32 29.84 75.7
BarclaysX 221.70 2.95 289.90 209.05 2.93 0.74 5576.7
WlkrCrip 52.00 0.00 55.00 37.60 3.27 30.93 5.0 SmurfKap € 23.25 -0.85 30.31 17.98 2.59 18.23 21.4 Oil & Gas
CanImp C$X♦ 93.04 -1.08 102.90 83.10 4.73 10.23 479.0 Vesuvius 346.20 14.20 530.00 316.60 4.66 9.74 49.0 Aminex 1.48 0.18 2.92 1.25 - -17.35 897.6 SchroderRE 60.50 0.25 63.00 56.10 4.10 7.41 225.5 Tech - Hardware
HSBCX 541.30 9.60 674.57 478.35 6.19 10.67 3984.3 Food & Beverages BGX 986.50 40.70 1301.62 785.20 1.93 -19.05 1500.1 Smart(J) 103.50 0.00 114.80 87.50 2.86 16.06 30.6 ARM Hldgs 1038 -2.00 1332.5 811.50 0.74 46.01 205.8
LlydsBkgX 73.50 2.17 89.35 68.57 2.04 43.83 18116.2 AngloEst 540.50 15.50 683.10 508.00 0.56 -42.20 0.2
Industrial Transportation BPX 365.95 25.60 499.25 252.55 7.36 -13.37 7161.9 StModwen 424.50 1.20 499.40 379.47 1.08 4.00 36.2 Laird 341.50 1.50 413.30 299.20 3.66 16.62 426.1
RylBkC C$X 75.64 0.70 81.53 68.05 4.17 11.00 814.7 AscBrFdX♦ 3339 -65.00 3606 2705.75 1.02 46.79 115.3 BBA Aviat 184.00 6.20 259.11 165.20 4.03 15.27 237.9 Cadogan 8.13 0.00 13.25 8.00 - -0.49 150.0 U and I 239.00 18.00 293.00 214.75 2.47 11.29 19.5 Pace# 415.40 -8.40 520.80 316.34 1.05 11.89 32039.0
RBSX 304.80 10.10 414.00 281.40 - -13.67 1082.0 Barr(AG) 520.00 7.00 699.36 500.00 2.33 19.75 6.5 Braemar 442.63 5.88 513.86 390.00 5.87 21.08 1.2 CairnEng 158.40 20.50 210.00 133.60 - -2.59 359.1 UNITE Gp 653.00 -4.50 706.00 459.30 1.72 5.27 26.1 SpirentCM 68.25 0.75 98.75 64.25 3.61 75.58 92.1
StandChX 589.00 39.10 1166 475.55 8.70 13.77 2785.5 Britvic♦ 718.50 11.50 788.00 632.00 2.99 17.42 98.1 Clarkson 2337 -38.00 2855 1850 2.57 48.17 2.4 Cape 239.50 6.75 275.75 177.00 5.85 13.18 2.9 Urban&C 284.50 -4.50 291.00 243.25 0.53 9.27 0.7
..7.375%Pf 107.13 0.13 128.00 104.50 6.88 - 7.7 C&C € 3.77 -0.02 4.08 3.16 3.03 -14.22 11.7 Eurotunnl € 11.10 -0.22 14.57 10.57 1.57 56.63 241.2 EnQuest 21.50 2.25 61.00 17.69 - -1.88 807.1
Tech - Software & Services
Fisher J 1090 -7.00 1442 894.50 2.02 14.12 1.3
Retailers AVEVA 1601 12.00 2350 1267 1.91 36.21 22.8
..8.25%Pf 120.00 0.25 141.00 116.50 6.88 - 26.2 CarrsGroup♦ 154.50 -6.50 178.50 136.00 2.25 11.94 8.4 ExxonMb $X 79.33 2.05 94.43 66.55 3.53 16.98 5848.3 AA 314.90 18.40 434.50 254.80 - -188.45 54.8
TntoDom C$X 55.03 0.13 56.48 47.75 3.72 12.75 1112.8 Coca-Cola H 1475 -31.00 1638 1051 3.43 23.43 30.1 Flybe Grp 91.25 2.00 111.00 52.00 - 30.42 19.6 GenelEgy 183.00 15.25 736.00 164.25 - -2.24 287.4 Computcnt 852.00 29.00 857.50 651.67 2.32 9.27 7.5
Goldenpt 30.75 5.00 233.50 24.38 - -0.11 20.0 AO World 160.00 5.00 240.00 118.60 - -69.32 133.2 DRS Data 12.00 0.00 14.90 11.25 - -5.06 8.8
VirginMoney 385.00 9.40 472.90 284.00 - -962.50 11.5 Cranswk♦ 1950 49.00 1950 1280 1.74 23.05 7.2 GeoPark $ 2.75 0.00 5.73 2.70 - -1.50 2.3 AshleyL 27.00 0.50 36.00 25.00 7.41 10.51 26.7
Westpc A$X 32.54 0.36 40.07 29.10 7.68 14.12 2454.8 Dairy Cr 680.00 20.50 687.00 437.90 3.19 49.16 113.7 OceanWil♦ 767.50 0.00 1028.9 722.00 5.21 70.56 3.0 GrnDnGas 225.00 -7.50 412.25 220.00 - 18.28 5.0 Elecdata 65.00 -1.00 74.90 62.00 3.08 21.62 1.7
RoyalMail♦ 450.00 6.00 532.50 396.48 4.67 15.65 292.2 Brown N♦ 312.10 9.10 400.00 286.03 4.56 21.00 33.0 MicroFoc 1579 45.00 1589 1016.51 1.97 38.84 51.3
Devro 275.00 3.50 328.00 256.17 3.20 49.13 32.9 GulfKeyst 16.75 0.75 70.17 14.75 - -0.79 898.7 Caffyns♦ 540.00 5.00 665.00 480.00 3.75 1.57 0.2
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) UK Mail♦ 270.00 5.25 569.00 260.00 8.07 17.89 0.5 NCC Grp 303.50 15.75 307.63 192.68 1.20 38.79 146.7
Glanbia € 16.85 -0.51 19.59 12.19 0.63 32.10 0.5 HellenPet € 3.83 -0.13 5.65 3.35 - -16.60 270.7 Card Factor 361.40 -26.70 401.50 250.72 1.88 21.04 22.6
Ferrexpo 20.00 6.00 83.00 12.50 20.99 2.05 810.6 RM 165.00 2.00 185.00 137.50 2.42 10.38 3.3
Grncore♦ 352.90 6.50 359.40 262.80 1.60 25.15 314.3 Insurance Hunting 319.25 43.55 677.00 271.10 6.19 -20.08 123.7 Dairy Fm $ 5.92 -0.03 9.77 5.76 3.69 18.05 94.5
Mondi 1359 14.00 1614.36 1006 2.19 17.62 376.3
HiltonFd 528.00 -13.50 550.00 375.00 2.52 21.06 1.8 ImpOil C$X 45.43 2.93 55.37 39.30 1.07 22.42 370.7 Sage 596.00 7.00 625.50 363.39 2.09 33.11 240.8
Vale BRLX 13.22 0.48 27.89 11.25 18.06 -5.67 7174.8 Admiral 1639 -36.00 1699 1286 2.82 15.62 40.2 Debenhm♦ 74.10 1.00 96.80 68.00 4.59 9.74 579.1 SDL 419.50 0.25 472.00 315.00 0.60 39.84 1.2
Kerry € 73.74 -2.19 77.61 56.51 0.77 25.70 3.9 Amlin 662.00 0.00 666.00 445.70 4.08 14.43 145.8 IE Hldgs 80.00 0.50 173.00 67.00 - -2.73 13.1 Dignity 2475 39.00 2643 1729 0.81 -28.45 4.7 Telecity 1221 -7.00 1250 973.75 1.11 97.01 18.0
Chemicals Nestle SFrX 73.35 -0.20 77.00 64.55 3.01 16.20 7000.5 AvivaX 519.00 13.00 578.68 428.40 3.49 13.58 883.0 JKX 27.25 0.00 39.40 10.23 - -0.72 0.7 DixonsCar 497.70 9.70 500.00 398.90 - 23.48 590.1
PremFds 39.50 3.50 47.79 29.50 - -1.55 743.2 Nostrum 395.50 47.20 670.00 333.40 4.45 55.14 69.6 TriadGp 26.50 -2.00 43.00 9.25 - 9.26 7.8
Bayer €X 116.10 2.10 146.45 106.80 1.95 25.60 1744.2 Beazley 387.50 -5.50 402.08 269.00 2.43 13.48 24.1 Dunelm 952.00 2.50 1023 800.00 2.15 20.14 11.6
Carclo 131.00 -0.25 169.75 87.00 2.10 43.78 0.1 PureCircle 412.00 12.00 590.00 352.24 - 261.59 1.9 Chesnar 338.50 3.50 367.81 310.00 5.44 13.27 6.7 OphirEgy 97.10 13.05 171.20 78.00 - -2.24 845.0 Findel 204.50 -7.25 255.00 162.00 - -29.54 1.4 Telecommunications
Croda 3042 30.00 3150 2537 2.15 23.68 26.0 REA 264.00 -1.00 352.00 244.00 2.92 55.31 0.6 DirectLine 410.70 2.80 418.90 299.96 3.51 12.87 252.7 PremOil 48.75 5.75 191.40 41.00 - -0.52 2571.6 Halfords♦ 335.60 8.10 563.51 317.80 4.35 10.07 74.1 BTX♦ 467.05 -3.65 502.60 385.60 2.44 17.60 1622.6
Elemntis 230.60 9.40 324.10 206.70 2.30 10.03 309.4 SABMillX 4075 25.00 4090 2773 1.82 33.76 342.4 Eccles prf♦ 134.25 0.50 146.00 124.50 6.42 - 31.7 RylDShlAX 1557 107.00 2216.5 1415.5 8.07 94.11 1055.2 Inchcape 775.00 8.00 906.65 673.50 2.59 20.86 67.6 Inmarsat 1130 0.00 1141 780.00 2.85 24.61 112.5
Syngent SFrX 393.70 22.40 435.20 280.00 2.79 26.67 359.4 StckSpirit 140.50 4.75 235.00 97.75 1.26 21.03 20.1 Hansard 112.50 2.50 123.24 80.00 7.56 10.37 24.0 ..B 1571 111.00 2315 1423 8.00 94.96 1319.9 JDSportsF♦ 1012 -17.00 1081 439.86 0.70 23.31 6.1 KCOM Gp♦ 118.75 -2.25 124.50 78.50 4.52 47.56 385.9
Synthomer 325.00 0.40 364.10 217.20 2.40 21.92 29.0 Tate&Lyl♦ 595.00 6.00 682.50 492.20 4.71 61.75 85.5 Hiscox 1039 -9.00 1059 699.50 2.26 12.75 22.7 Schlmbrg $X♦ 70.53 3.19 95.13 66.57 2.66 27.02 2968.8 Lookers 177.80 9.90 185.30 128.00 1.60 14.51 51.1 TalkTalk 217.40 -2.10 415.10 210.10 6.35 40.92 221.4
Victrex 1819 24.00 2202.55 1606 2.48 18.38 28.2 TongtHu R 90.70 3.39 172.92 77.85 4.57 10.73 245.5 JardineL 949.50 59.50 1112 840.50 3.04 18.56 7.3 SEPLAT 73.38 0.88 169.00 66.00 13.31 7.42 100.0 Marks&Sp♦ 453.40 -4.60 600.00 438.10 3.97 17.37 1129.6 TelePlus 1055 -34.00 1291 725.50 3.79 25.71 15.9
Unilever 2891 33.00 3087 2450 2.85 24.09 338.0 Lancashire 622.50 -7.50 772.90 539.50 1.43 8.75 31.6 Soco Int 150.00 15.75 314.50 117.00 6.49 -12.95 153.6 MossBros 101.50 1.00 112.00 83.50 5.17 22.82 1.2
Construction & Materials ..NV € 39.98 -0.26 42.98 31.41 2.80 24.43 0.9 TrnCan C$X 46.72 0.16 59.50 40.58 4.45 19.44 1255.6 Next♦ 7180 -225.00 8175 6465 2.09 16.91 91.8 Tobacco
Leg&Gen 269.30 5.90 296.02 230.40 4.18 15.68 2887.9
Alumasc 177.50 -1.50 221.83 117.00 2.99 11.99 22.2 Tullow 178.80 23.00 456.90 150.59 2.36 -1.65 2127.4 Ocado 340.80 2.50 478.50 309.50 - 298.69 400.2 BrAmTobX 3781 48.50 3931.5 3231.5 3.92 17.55 329.5
Health Care Equip & Services NovaeGp 850.00 -40.00 914.39 585.00 2.92 11.15 9.1
Boot(H) 226.00 4.00 245.00 121.00 2.48 13.83 2.5 Pendragn 45.38 -0.38 47.00 31.00 1.98 7.95 106.5 ImpTobX 3543.5 26.50 3665 2763.7 3.73 20.03 277.6
Bioquell 141.50 0.50 155.50 80.00 2.33 141.22 3.5 Old Mut 181.70 9.90 20590 154.60 4.79 12.62 1253.6 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
ClarkeT 82.25 0.00 91.00 56.00 3.77 - 6.2 Photo-Me 148.25 -6.50 163.00 131.50 3.29 21.33 22.4
ConstMed 1133 121.00 1133 820.50 1.60 112.65 10.3 PermTSB € 4.60 -0.04 6.30 0.05 - -5.79 30.9 BTG 675.50 16.00 835.87 504.00 - 56.75 86.8 Travel & Leisure
CRH 1946 25.00 2478.5 1454 2.28 36.41 84.2
PhoenixGrp 916.00 6.00 935.00 783.50 5.83 19.26 57.2 Saga 201.60 -0.60 225.10 146.00 2.03 16.43 58.0
GalfrdT 1513 23.00 1824 1195.63 3.97 13.64 44.3 GNStre kr 123.10 2.80 158.50 113.70 0.74 25.07 575.8 CathayIn 16.50 0.00 28.29 16.00 - -17.17 14.6 888 Hldg 185.00 3.00 187.75 131.00 2.75 24.63 155.4
UDGHlthC♦ 582.00 11.00 588.00 378.00 1.31 46.40 41.3 PrudntlX 1540 36.50 1761.5 1045.99 2.40 15.68 484.1 Dechra 1085 85.00 1105 818.00 1.45 49.34 10.2 SuperGroup 1643 -32.00 1733.49 750.00 - 33.58 41.7 AirPrtnr 420.00 3.13 470.00 251.00 5.25 14.71 8.3
Keller 835.50 -5.50 1105 780.50 3.02 26.38 12.5 TescoX 150.90 6.05 252.52 141.00 0.77 -2.17 3130.8
RSA Ins 430.90 6.70 528.00 390.50 0.46 66.37 224.1 Genus 1555 72.00 1565 1210 1.18 23.96 9.5 127.70 1.70 128.20 70.40 2.80 352.76 346.1
KierGp 1382 35.00 1779 1250 4.25 34.55 43.0 House, Leisure & Pers Goods SagicFin 59.00 0.00 68.00 53.00 4.48 4.72 1.0 GlaxoSmhX♦ 1376 34.50 1645 1227.5 5.81 6.81 1077.6 Cineworld 560.00 15.50 599.00 397.39 2.41 18.76 77.4
Kingsp € 24.12 -1.63 26.07 13.81 0.65 31.77 3.0
BarrttDev 616.00 1.00 673.50 411.60 1.93 13.82 255.8 StJmsPl 996.00 7.50 1031 764.00 2.34 29.64 75.0
Support Services
LowBonr 67.00 0.00 76.00 49.00 4.03 17.25 47.9 HikmaPhm 2251 34.00 2617 1849.38 0.62 29.14 40.3 Acal♦ 278.50 -0.50 334.75 225.98 2.73 26.16 3.5 CompassX 1160 7.00 1223.36 963.00 2.37 22.22 297.5
Bellway♦ 2732 -10.00 2798.38 1686 2.23 11.84 58.5 Stan Life 395.20 17.90 505.68 365.70 4.62 29.18 418.5 Oxfd Bio 6.40 -0.55 13.38 5.18 - -16.37 183.0 EntInns 110.00 5.80 139.60 94.65 - -8.48 22.6
Marshlls 319.40 -0.60 379.80 228.51 1.88 26.04 32.3 Aggreko 957.00 43.00 1724.15 866.00 2.83 12.67 102.9
Berkeley♦ 3613 28.00 3788 2264 4.98 11.99 96.1 RichterG $ 18.77 -0.12 19.22 12.20 0.63 24.58 0.0 FirstGrp 108.00 2.90 129.90 88.65 - 19.51 210.2
MorgSdl 747.50 -12.50 865.00 604.00 3.61 -21.87 1.8
BovisHme 989.50 37.00 1206 750.00 3.54 12.14 76.8
Media APR Engy 170.75 -1.25 407.44 49.98 2.00 -0.29 6.1
Norcros♦ 192.50 1.50 227.60 150.00 2.91 13.56 23.6 4imprint 1265 -9.00 1351.85 780.00 1.62 29.01 2.3 ShireX 4609 159.00 5870 4082 0.32 13.60 236.3 AshtdGp 1112 -15.00 1231 838.00 1.37 15.71 326.0 Fuller A♦ 1178 74.00 1250 905.50 1.33 23.36 1.1
Cairn Homes € 1.22 0.03 1.22 1.00 - - 167.2 VecturGp 178.60 6.90 187.50 127.00 - 110.52 36.6 Go-Ahead 2634 19.00 2758 2269 3.25 22.04 3.6
StGobn €X 39.87 0.17 44.84 32.36 1.50 27.69 282.7 Creston♦ 123.00 -4.00 163.00 108.00 3.41 15.98 46.2 AtknsWS♦ 1616 -40.00 1669 1225 2.26 16.60 27.0
CrestNic 545.50 4.50 598.50 342.00 2.62 12.21 60.5 GreeneKg♦ 926.00 -3.50 985.00 730.00 3.10 22.80 53.9
Tyman 295.00 21.00 342.00 230.00 2.71 42.78 0.9 DlyMailA♦ 696.00 12.50 989.50 647.50 2.97 15.33 76.8 Real Estate Babcock♦ 1023 29.00 1152.76 868.50 2.31 19.09 67.2
GamesWk 591.50 7.50 620.00 487.25 8.79 15.45 1.0 IrishCtl € 5.30 0.00 5.50 3.11 1.91 15.06 0.5
HaynesPb 106.50 0.00 157.00 103.00 7.04 -2.00 5.0 Berendsen 1078 14.00 1161 946.50 2.78 21.17 10.3
Electronic & Electrical Equip Gleeson 528.00 -10.00 551.62 345.02 1.44 22.97 11.4 Harworth Gr 12.38 -1.00 14.37 7.26 - 2.99 128.8
Brammer 177.50 20.50 420.50 138.50 6.03 24.77 888.3 Ladbrokes 119.80 2.50 147.00 92.85 7.43 -45.87 708.2
Headlam♦ 500.00 1.00 550.00 408.00 3.50 16.62 2.0 ITE Grp 153.00 3.00 204.75 125.00 4.84 14.65 142.2
Dialight 465.00 25.25 850.00 398.00 3.23 24.88 152.7
ITV 275.00 7.50 281.90 205.50 1.71 21.01 762.5
REITs Bunzl♦ 1870 17.00 1969 1665 1.90 27.40 54.7 MandarO $ 1.45 -0.01 1.78 1.42 4.51 19.26 69.7
e2v Tech 224.25 6.00 268.00 167.50 2.27 20.39 1.4 McBride 159.75 15.50 176.00 74.00 - -416.02 116.0 Assura♦ 55.50 0.75 64.00 49.63 3.51 10.05 115.5 Marstons♦ 166.70 2.10 177.00 137.60 4.02 -35.30 130.4
McCarthy&S 254.00 13.75 255.00 180.00 - 21.29 132.0 JohnstnP 52.00 3.00 174.00 35.00 - -108.56 0.3 Capita 1223 13.00 1336 1032 2.39 33.15 84.9
Halma 869.50 0.00 876.50 658.00 1.38 30.85 67.0 BigYellw♦ 821.50 17.00 838.50 578.50 2.64 9.77 36.5 Carillion 317.00 7.80 371.40 293.20 5.60 25.34 172.2 Natl Exp 327.00 0.10 333.96 216.30 3.15 20.26 22.8
Persimn 1973 19.00 2156 1423.36 - 13.70 91.1 News Corp A $ 13.62 0.44 17.55 12.16 0.72 -75.73 994.3
MorganAd 254.80 9.10 375.84 224.85 4.28 44.08 49.4 BritLand 793.50 -1.00 891.50 755.00 3.51 5.78 297.5 Comnsis 42.75 2.75 63.00 36.25 4.68 -5.87 103.2 PPHE Htl 664.00 20.00 688.00 440.00 2.67 10.12 35.0
Philips € 23.78 -0.36 28.00 20.48 - 37.07 339.8 NewsCpB $ 14.23 0.61 17.11 12.24 0.69 -79.13 455.4
OxfordIn 713.00 43.50 1114 502.62 1.82 -83.24 16.7 Cap&Reg 67.50 -0.50 71.50 50.95 1.41 4.11 122.4 ConnectGp 165.25 5.00 175.00 128.02 5.75 18.33 14.5 Restaurt 680.00 24.50 748.70 631.50 2.26 24.29 50.3
PZCusns 283.40 1.70 376.90 264.70 2.77 22.79 26.7 Pearson 768.00 16.50 1517.42 695.00 6.64 32.90 320.8
Renishaw 1920 10.00 2672.9 1800 2.21 11.46 16.5 Countrywd 406.80 7.80 608.00 375.00 3.69 20.26 27.0 DCC 5620 30.00 6060 3357 1.50 36.61 14.6 Sportech 59.50 2.75 72.00 52.56 - -1.42 5.4
ReckittBX 6226 51.00 6450 5060 2.23 26.45 148.3 Quarto 222.50 -1.00 239.00 147.00 3.72 8.65 5.7
Spectris 1815 65.00 2420 1608 2.56 16.81 26.6 DrwntLdn 3718 31.00 3891 2969 1.07 5.15 21.7 DeLaRue♦ 450.00 3.25 606.00 414.75 5.56 11.60 40.1 Stagech 296.20 -1.90 437.90 291.00 3.54 12.86 101.4
Redrow 462.20 7.40 504.50 254.50 0.87 10.41 103.4 RELX NV € 15.28 -0.17 16.75 12.42 2.52 25.75 298.4
TT Elect 159.88 12.38 164.00 96.00 3.44 -81.86 3.1 Gt Portld♦ 836.00 -11.50 892.50 728.00 1.08 4.54 36.4 Diploma♦ 754.00 14.00 916.50 600.29 2.31 23.22 5.7 ThomasCook 120.70 2.20 162.20 97.65 - -31.16 650.4
TaylorWm 197.20 -0.70 207.40 121.85 0.79 15.52 1080.5 RELX PLCX 1180 6.00 1232 988.50 2.20 27.10 240.8
XP Power♦ 1447.5 12.50 1750 1375 4.28 14.38 1.9 Green Reit € 1.55 -0.02 1.70 1.21 - - 2.7 Elctrcmp♦ 235.80 7.50 263.10 167.55 4.98 24.81 65.6 TUI 1230 8.00 1294.78 996.74 - 21.96 82.4
TedBaker 2996 -245.00 3650 2169 1.35 35.44 17.3 STV Grp 501.00 62.00 505.00 338.00 1.60 15.30 15.8
Hammersn 605.00 1.50 708.00 569.50 3.37 6.99 116.9 EnergyAst 485.00 -15.00 640.00 392.25 - 16.58 0.6 Whitbrd 4440 -24.00 5475 4278 1.85 21.51 91.8
Financial General ThmReut C$X 52.81 0.00 55.92 45.29 3.45 15.35 221.5
Hansteen 116.00 0.00 128.95 106.50 4.31 5.72 191.4
Industrial Engineering UTV Med 176.00 -0.50 204.00 137.00 4.12 31.47 1.6 Essentra 836.50 4.00 1069 714.00 2.19 29.94 48.7 Willim H 390.90 10.90 432.10 312.10 3.12 19.52 244.5
3i♦■ 479.80 10.10 571.50 421.70 1.69 7.66 236.5 HIBERNIA 1.40 -0.01 1.45 1.06 - - 114.6
AberAsM 290.00 1.00 509.64 280.30 6.47 13.31 1157.1 Bodycote 574.50 35.00 797.59 489.90 2.51 18.39 28.9 WPPX 1538 8.00 1616 1273 2.48 15.90 272.6 Experian 1204 36.00 1264 1017 2.18 26.56 229.5 Utilities
Castings♦ 474.75 -2.63 488.00 360.00 2.80 13.91 1.7 Highcrft 987.50 0.00 1090 820.00 3.65 18.09 0.1 Grafton 747.00 28.50 868.00 615.00 1.44 19.36 47.5
BrewDlph 309.80 9.70 361.00 247.70 3.20 47.08 44.5 Mining INTU 322.30 4.60 376.50 301.50 4.25 16.85 166.8 Centrica 218.20 4.70 300.70 200.87 6.19 -21.95 3098.5
Canaccord 230.00 0.00 460.00 201.50 4.28 -8.57 0.5 Fenner 148.00 7.00 237.00 124.50 8.11 -27.33 75.8 HarvyNah 86.88 3.88 107.00 69.50 4.10 12.60 3.4 DeeVally♦ 1455 2.50 1484 1135 4.30 18.97 0.9
Goodwin 1855 -85.00 3040 1629 2.28 13.72 0.5 Acacia 183.50 23.70 318.90 154.00 1.50 51.21 196.4 LandSecs♦ 1186 0.00 1363 1138 2.71 4.49 162.8 Hays 148.30 6.90 173.70 134.20 1.80 20.29 400.5
CtyLonInv 334.50 5.00 380.37 310.00 7.17 12.85 5.9 LondonMtrc 163.10 1.50 173.20 149.20 4.29 6.61 152.0 Drax 252.30 26.80 463.10 205.60 4.72 5.91 278.9
Hill&Sm♦ 756.00 4.50 776.50 565.00 2.38 29.35 67.7 AngloAmer 328.05 64.50 1277.59 261.50 16.63 -0.95 2278.2 Homesve♦ 419.70 8.30 447.84 320.70 2.95 23.98 15.5
CloseBrs 1350 3.00 1857.39 1303 3.74 11.59 18.2 McKaySec♦ 266.00 1.00 279.75 223.28 3.27 4.64 1.2 Natl GridX♦ 935.00 9.10 954.00 806.40 4.59 16.30 987.6
IMI 881.50 28.00 1454.55 831.00 4.27 13.62 74.8 AngloPacif♦ 58.50 1.00 106.43 49.00 14.44 -2.34 65.3 HowdenJny 518.00 -6.50 538.50 386.50 1.62 22.05 156.2
DBAG € 29.39 0.12 34.50 24.65 1.32 11.40 28.1 MucklGp♦ 505.13 4.63 530.00 440.00 4.06 5.67 0.6 Pennon 863.00 15.00 925.00 711.90 3.64 29.83 72.1
MelroseInd 294.30 9.10 314.78 242.70 2.83 46.05 250.6 AnGoldA R 112.09 12.19 149.99 71.59 - -24.44 114.6 Intserve 517.00 -11.00 878.50 487.20 4.45 14.05 42.5
Hargr Lans 1482 8.00 1533 912.50 1.53 44.81 47.9 PrimyHth 108.00 3.50 113.50 90.25 4.57 12.11 126.3 UtdUtils♦ 936.50 11.00 1045 816.50 4.03 22.82 138.5
Renold 58.00 1.50 86.00 50.75 - 22.70 2.4 Antofagasta 462.60 47.60 811.50 408.90 2.95 30.05 425.9 Intertek 2790 52.00 2949 2196 1.76 23.69 22.9

52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol 52 Week Vol
Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s
Aerospace & Defence PolarCap♦ 397.63 4.88 489.75 335.00 6.29 15.52 4.4 Symphny 6.13 0.00 11.22 5.60 - -17.16 253.7 EuropaOil 3.00 -0.13 9.72 2.63 - -3.49 10.6 Palace Cap♦ 355.00 5.00 405.00 328.75 3.66 6.11 0.6 Tech - Hardware
Cohort 395.00 2.00 432.04 230.00 1.27 29.08 7.9 Share 28.00 0.00 40.75 25.00 2.21 297.87 2.0 FalkldO&G 7.90 1.30 45.00 6.25 - -17.02 164.2 PnthrSec 367.50 0.00 402.00 300.00 3.27 16.23 0.1 AminoTech 109.50 2.50 171.00 103.00 4.57 9.75 71.1
ShoreCap 425.00 0.00 431.50 400.00 2.35 14.72 0.2
Insurance GETECH 29.00 5.00 65.00 21.75 7.66 5.27 2.3 PSPI 42.75 1.25 43.00 23.50 - -8.92 9.2 IQE 17.75 -0.25 27.00 15.78 - 73.65 796.8
Banks STM Group 60.00 3.00 73.00 20.50 - 32.29 12.5 Gable 14.00 -5.25 60.00 12.00 - -2.03 30.3 Infrastrata 1.45 -0.18 5.65 1.10 - -0.29 925.6 SiriusRE €♦ 0.50 0.00 0.54 0.39 3.25 7.84 129.1
BCB Hldgs 8.50 0.00 11.60 3.25 - -0.78 13.0 WH Ireland 90.00 -10.50 130.00 79.00 2.22 34.63 27.9 Helios 201.00 0.00 210.00 120.00 0.75 26.10 10.0 Iofina 13.38 -1.63 43.50 8.50 - -4.61 3.0 SumGermny € 0.98 0.01 0.99 0.69 3.07 16.88 333.2 Tech - Software & Services
STB 3285 -1.00 3425 2701 2.07 23.87 0.3 Media Ithaca Engy 28.00 0.25 76.25 26.25 - 19.68 1564.5 TaliesinPr 2250 0.00 2545 1973.6 - 8.15 0.2 Blinkx 17.63 -0.13 40.50 14.75 - -1.21 580.0
Food & Beverages KBC Adv 136.50 0.00 144.50 77.00 0.73 34.61 12.7 BondInt 98.50 -1.50 148.25 83.48 2.23 18.34 6.5
Basic Resource (Ex Mining) FinsbryFd 113.00 -2.00 118.50 56.00 1.40 20.21 22.2 Avesco 223.50 10.50 252.00 106.55 2.68 15.57 31.5 Retailers Brady 51.00 2.50 110.13 33.60 3.63 -40.06 208.0
Cello Gp 87.50 0.00 106.70 79.00 2.97 81.70 4.8 PetrelRes 3.25 0.00 4.98 2.00 - -1.59 4.0
CropperJ♦ 620.00 -2.50 718.00 390.00 1.37 28.55 0.2 Nichols 1425 -5.00 1496.81 872.00 1.57 24.68 1.5 ASOS 3264 2.00 4259 2146 - 73.52 84.5 Datatec 225.00 0.00 370.00 210.00 2.31 10.58 0.1
M&Csaatc 330.25 -8.25 395.00 280.25 1.90 -45.21 1.6 Petroceltic 24.00 -8.00 140.00 24.00 - -0.32 293.4
RealGdFd 53.50 0.50 59.40 31.00 - 38.74 2.5 Koovs 26.75 0.00 158.00 26.50 - -0.90 156.8 DDD 1.75 0.13 4.50 1.25 - -1.81 240.0
Chemicals MissionMk 43.50 0.75 50.00 39.00 2.30 9.65 11.6 PetroNeft 2.18 0.00 5.00 1.86 - -3.20 150.0
Wynnstay 562.50 -32.50 610.00 474.52 1.81 15.85 6.3 Plexus 167.63 3.63 245.00 148.00 0.67 27.20 4.9 Majestic 300.00 2.75 480.00 273.25 1.40 22.97 61.4 Eckoh 50.00 0.75 56.00 35.89 0.74 73.31 172.5
Scapa 213.00 3.50 225.25 124.08 0.70 42.98 43.6 Next15Cm 241.50 -5.00 278.25 147.00 1.14 156.21 11.5
Rockhop 26.25 1.25 83.00 24.00 - -5.13 310.7 StanlGib 86.50 1.00 312.00 84.00 5.78 -38.75 48.9 EgSoltns 54.50 0.00 79.00 53.10 - -37.82 1.5
Health Care Equip & Services YouGov 145.50 0.00 156.00 101.50 0.55 47.18 9.6
Construction & Materials Sound Oil 14.50 0.88 26.73 8.75 - -9.20 232.2 Support Services Iomart 265.00 6.50 310.00 159.93 0.94 31.01 109.4
Advnc Med 180.00 0.50 187.29 120.00 0.39 28.10 56.0
Abbey 1172.5 0.00 1215 833.35 0.73 7.11 0.6
AVO 6.63 0.75 16.90 3.75 - -8.39 394.0
Mining TowerRes 0.10 0.00 0.75 0.08 - -0.43 144.5 AndSyks 322.50 -7.50 355.00 270.00 7.38 13.86 0.2
K3BusTc♦ 364.50 -3.00 377.00 205.00 0.34 34.12 15.5
AccsysTch 66.13 1.13 81.50 56.00 - -42.31 49.9 Amara 7.53 -0.48 20.00 6.80 - -4.44 316.5 TrinityE 4.38 0.50 28.00 2.92 - -0.05 125.0 OMG♦ 44.50 -1.50 51.56 32.30 1.12 42.38 10.0
CareTech 236.00 2.00 262.15 190.00 3.39 11.13 18.5 Augean 53.50 0.25 62.00 37.65 0.93 10.79 1.1
Aukett 6.63 0.00 8.50 5.50 3.17 8.69 0.3 AMC 7.75 -0.17 44.58 5.50 - 7.72 718.1 UnJackOil 0.14 -0.01 0.30 0.12 - -5.38 5839.0 Progility 1.43 0.05 8.00 1.25 - 5.84 39.5
CircleHldgs 35.50 0.00 68.75 32.00 - -10.33 1.4 Begbies 45.00 2.00 51.08 38.50 4.89 -35.71 50.9
BotswanaD 0.88 0.00 2.50 0.63 - -5.34 520.8 VictorOil 38.75 -0.50 89.05 34.49 - -1.22 16.9 Pub Tech 129.00 0.50 208.00 114.00 - -3.97 56.0
Electronic & Electrical Equip ImmunDiag 242.50 -2.50 340.00 216.40 1.24 55.68 1.5 Christie 126.50 0.00 162.00 118.00 1.78 11.04 0.5
SciSys 72.00 0.00 95.51 38.50 2.24 -62.88 26.3
SphereMed 10.50 0.00 23.50 8.30 - -1.34 21.6 CentAsiaM 150.25 2.25 198.00 135.16 8.25 15.45 0.9 VolgaGas 33.00 0.00 76.85 31.00 9.63 8.02 5.0 Empres 99.50 3.00 106.90 38.13 0.70 12.00 7.4
CeresPow 7.00 -0.90 10.08 5.90 - -5.25 11.1 WANdisco 86.00 3.50 545.00 75.07 - -0.94 11.0
Tristel 146.50 4.00 152.00 67.10 1.26 27.99 63.7 Connema 1.30 0.00 2.80 0.25 - -3.69 115.0 Hargreaves 258.75 -3.75 650.00 255.00 10.32 4.03 15.0
ElektronT 5.88 0.00 8.70 4.00 - 8.87 65.0
C'royG&NR 32.50 0.00 31.00 0.28 - -5.82 1.1
Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
FlowGp 15.25 -0.50 49.00 9.75 - -3.17 119.5 House, Leisure & Pers Goods Abcam 645.00 18.00 649.50 420.00 1.23 34.73 57.2 Impellam 800.00 0.00 859.60 500.00 0.78 13.07 6.5 Telecommunications
GrekaDrill 5.25 -0.18 13.90 5.02 - -5.05 10.8 ISG 142.50 1.50 355.00 119.50 3.45 -4.29 28.5
LPA 89.50 -1.00 99.00 58.00 1.73 79.06 5.0 AllcePharm♦ 43.75 -1.25 63.00 33.25 2.29 14.02 152.9 AltNetwks 494.13 -7.88 545.00 405.00 2.93 26.67 7.2
Airea 17.50 -0.25 23.00 12.25 3.43 13.52 14.0 Herencia 0.06 0.00 0.30 0.05 - -0.68 617.3 JhnsnSrv 88.75 -1.75 95.41 60.88 1.92 60.54 109.6
ThorpeFW 236.00 -0.50 250.70 130.00 1.40 23.34 1.3 Epistem 120.00 0.00 339.00 110.00 - -3.99 0.9 Peoples Op 89.00 -1.00 147.60 85.00 - -39.29 1.7
Churchll 700.00 12.50 713.50 502.00 2.30 21.72 2.1 HighldGld 57.00 5.00 59.75 26.00 7.97 -9.42 29.7 JourneyGp 178.50 10.00 187.50 120.00 1.67 14.17 5.3
Zytronic 431.50 11.50 440.00 252.00 2.39 17.74 32.4 e-Thera 27.25 -0.25 49.40 20.25 - -8.81 23.9
gamingrealm 24.50 -0.13 36.89 20.00 - -5.24 4.4 KarelianDd 0.93 0.03 1.85 0.80 - -30.83 1383.3 LonSec 2100 0.00 2400 1800 2.95 21.95 0.2 Travel & Leisure
GW Phrms 399.50 17.25 708.55 310.00 - -22.09 66.2
Financial General Mulberry 927.75 14.00 969.00 771.00 - -638.07 0.2 OracleC 2.23 0.00 3.20 0.47 - -14.26 100.0 Matchtech 496.00 -29.00 587.80 483.85 4.09 16.77 2.3 32Red PLC 116.00 -5.50 123.00 35.25 2.07 42.00 39.5
Portmern 942.50 -2.50 980.00 860.20 2.81 15.42 1.5 ShantaGold 4.63 0.00 11.45 4.00 - -9.54 52.7 HtchChMd 2762.5 105.00 2896.6 1140.15 - 159.87 2.2
Ambrian 4.88 0.00 12.05 4.50 - -1.27 346.3 NewmkSec 2.83 0.00 4.93 1.92 2.65 6.62 76.9 CastleStIn 32.50 0.63 41.25 17.00 - 5.80 108.9
TelfordHms♦ 382.50 -4.75 495.00 337.00 2.90 7.97 39.4 SierraRut 18.75 -0.50 32.00 16.06 - -16.15 126.0 ImmuPhar 29.88 -0.38 65.00 19.10 - -10.05 56.8
Arbuthnot 1530 -3.50 1650 1281 1.76 21.01 1.2 NWF 190.00 8.00 206.75 123.00 2.68 14.92 8.7 Celtic 73.50 0.50 79.00 70.75 - -17.28 0.4
WalkerGb 202.50 0.00 244.85 178.00 1.14 22.52 2.0 Sirius Min 15.25 -0.25 29.50 6.40 - -45.12 4488.9 ReNeuron 3.00 0.25 6.50 2.26 - -6.24 708.5
Aurora 11.25 2.13 11.77 8.00 - -0.81 2.2 Paysafe 356.50 12.50 378.00 326.17 - 54.53 242.2 ..6%CvPf 65.00 0.00 80.00 35.00 4.98 - 0.0
Stratex 1.40 0.00 2.50 1.00 - -2.90 443.4 Sareum 0.19 0.00 0.65 0.18 - -2.92 420.3
BP Marsh 152.50 -1.00 159.00 127.00 1.80 6.77 8.7 Industrial Engineering PennaCns 281.50 0.00 292.00 28.30 1.24 16.36 0.1 ..Cv Pf 135.00 0.00 150.00 120.00 - - 0.8
ZincOx 1.73 1.15 18.00 0.53 - -0.14 8956.2 SinclairIS 39.00 -0.75 61.33 31.50 - -14.95 29.7
BrooksMac 1950.5 33.00 1985 1320 1.49 28.63 0.3 Petards 12.25 -0.50 14.65 10.00 - 9.74 8.8 Dalata 385.00 17.50 400.00 111.15 - 207.55 2.6
600 Grp 13.88 0.63 20.00 11.35 - 10.00 0.3 Vernalis 69.88 -1.13 88.29 44.45 - -105.08 7.4
Camellia 9056 -94.00 9992 8401 1.39 307.29 0.7 Oil & Gas RedhallGp 6.63 0.00 15.50 5.00 - -1.06 25.4 Dart 570.00 9.00 576.00 267.50 0.53 9.01 20.7
Molins 77.00 1.00 96.80 66.10 7.14 -18.78 8.3
Fairpoint 132.00 -14.00 195.00 105.66 4.85 18.99 42.3
MS Intl♦ 205.00 0.00 227.50 116.00 3.90 25.01 1.6 AmeriRes 22.75 1.25 47.00 19.50 - -35.16 859.9
Real Estate Renew 389.25 4.25 401.25 237.00 1.28 22.56 29.8 GoalsSocc 164.50 0.50 242.00 127.00 1.22 11.53 4.3
Leeds 36.00 0.00 43.79 30.00 - 9.43 3.2 Conygar 172.00 -3.50 195.00 163.50 1.02 22.29 2.0 Restore 298.00 3.00 316.00 232.00 0.81 54.41 13.4 MinoanGp 7.00 0.13 13.50 6.00 - -11.09 10.0
Pres Tech 192.50 -3.50 395.00 140.00 4.36 11.67 8.2 AndesEnrg 19.50 -1.00 38.75 16.50 - -14.37 0.2
MattioliWds 642.50 -3.00 650.00 435.50 1.45 32.79 1.6 FltchKng 50.50 1.50 64.00 41.11 4.46 4.33 0.5 SafeCharge 248.00 2.00 297.00 235.01 2.15 27.02 0.3 PeelHtls 102.00 0.50 110.00 78.00 1.47 20.11 3.5
TP Group 2.75 -0.38 6.75 2.25 - -2.61 5.0 BahamasP 1.98 0.70 3.10 0.92 - -8.44 2892.6
Miton 27.00 0.25 31.00 18.50 2.22 9.38 171.0 InlandHms♦ 83.00 3.38 88.00 54.00 0.72 6.03 935.1 Servoca 27.50 -0.50 34.75 17.00 - 20.46 1.0
Numis♦ 246.00 -2.50 278.00 196.09 4.47 13.43 6.7 Industrial General
BorSthnPet 1.43 -0.02 7.18 1.25 - -2.89 232.6 Utilities
ClontarfEn 0.23 0.03 1.00 0.13 - -4.69 288.4 Lok'nStor 322.50 -20.00 374.00 235.00 2.27 42.21 7.8 Utilityws 192.00 5.75 288.25 115.00 2.34 13.19 85.2
Park Grp 76.25 -2.25 97.97 52.00 3.15 15.17 196.4 ModernWtr 7.38 -0.13 20.50 7.00 - -0.34 11.0
Powerflte 89.00 -3.00 100.98 49.00 1.19 28.65 13.0 Egdon Res 9.63 0.25 17.00 6.24 - -4.76 2.9 LXB Retail 94.50 -2.00 149.00 77.00 - - 67.1
SeaEnergy 3.50 0.00 30.40 3.04 - -0.37 7.8
RM2 38.75 -0.25 73.00 36.50 - -3.90 32.6 NewRiver♦ 343.00 -5.00 362.00 283.25 3.79 9.11 83.0

Investment Companies
Conventional (Ex Private Equity) 52 Week Dis(-) Edin Inv 726.00 5.00 737.00 633.15 3.29 715.3 1.5 JPMGIConv♦ 90.75 0.75 106.00 89.50 6.20 95.1 -4.6 ScotAmer 260.00 5.50 276.50 230.44 4.06 246.2 5.6 VCTs 52 Week Dis(-) Marwyn Val 213.50 0.00 251.93 199.07 - - -
Price +/-Week High Low Yld NAV or Pm Edin WWd 462.38 -1.13 502.44 389.26 0.32 495.3 -6.6 JPM GEI♦ 87.63 1.38 124.67 79.00 5.59 90.3 -3.0 Scottish In 593.50 3.50 670.00 552.50 2.06 674.0 -11.9 Price +/-Week High Low Yld NAV or Pm TerraCat 106.00 0.00 110.89 90.00 - - -
3i Infra♦ 172.30 -0.30 189.56 163.40 4.51 - - EP Global 227.50 3.00 262.10 212.05 1.45 237.3 -4.1 JPM I&C Uni 348.50 0.00 370.00 342.00 - 363.7 -4.2 ScottMort 277.20 2.20 283.40 226.20 1.06 266.9 3.9 AlbionDev 69.00 0.00 70.89 66.00 7.25 73.7 -6.4
AbnAsianIn 156.50 7.50 207.75 142.50 5.24 168.2 -7.0 Estabmt 168.50 1.00 187.00 138.00 2.91 204.7 -17.7 JPM Inc&Gr 105.38 0.00 115.85 102.00 4.27 109.7 -3.9 ScottOrtll♦ 743.75 21.25 898.50 660.00 1.55 836.3 -11.1 Albion Ent 91.50 0.00 91.90 85.50 5.46 101.1 -9.5 ISDX
AbnAsian 737.75 2.75 953.50 653.77 1.36 837.7 -11.9 Euro Ast 1117.5 16.00 1160 966.10 4.72 1098.4 1.7 JPM Ind 503.50 2.50 605.50 443.00 - 567.2 -11.2 SecTstScot 128.50 0.75 148.00 120.50 4.05 138.1 -7.0 AlbionTech 74.00 0.00 78.49 72.50 6.76 75.3 -1.7
EuroInvT 717.50 2.50 849.00 667.00 1.95 777.7 -7.7 JPM JpSm 272.00 3.50 275.00 203.32 - 291.4 -6.7 Seneca I&G 144.13 0.88 150.00 134.00 3.98 146.1 -1.3 52 Week Vol
AbnJapInv 471.50 -4.00 571.00 430.00 0.55 522.9 -9.8 AlbionVCT♦ 66.50 0.00 67.90 63.00 7.52 70.0 -5.0
F&C Cp&I♦ 260.50 5.50 277.00 249.00 3.84 258.3 0.9 JPM Jap♦ 294.75 6.75 307.95 227.76 0.95 316.9 -7.0 Shires Inc 214.50 5.00 261.00 205.00 5.71 234.5 -8.5 Price +/-Week High Low Yld P/E 000s
AbnLatAmIn♦ 45.50 -0.50 73.00 43.10 9.34 50.8 -10.4 ArtemisVCT♦■ 60.00 0.00 74.00 58.11 6.67 66.4 -9.6
F&CGblSmlr 987.50 13.50 1028.92 875.00 0.98 974.8 1.3 JPM Mid 1088 1.00 1094.63 777.00 1.88 1072.9 1.4 StdLf Eqt 460.00 0.50 471.46 396.50 3.13 456.1 0.9 ArsenalFC 1567000 0.00 1600000 1430000 - 48.64 0.0
..Sub 0.05 0.00 0.61 0.10 - - - ..VCT 2 96.50 0.00 99.00 91.00 6.74 100.2 -3.7
F&CMgdG 152.00 0.50 158.00 138.00 - 151.2 0.5 JPM O'seas 1045 20.00 1159 930.00 1.44 1126.4 -7.2 StdLf Sml 375.00 9.50 384.75 271.10 1.23 375.8 -0.2 ShephdNm 1185 -10.00 1232 1000.00 2.20 24.30 3.0
AbnNewDn 150.50 3.75 205.23 136.00 2.52 171.8 -12.4 ..VCT 3 101.00 0.00 103.49 94.00 7.43 104.6 -3.4
F&CMgdI♦ 118.50 1.00 130.00 112.10 4.18 116.3 1.9 JPMRussian 315.00 8.50 391.00 259.50 4.13 365.7 -13.9 StrategicEq 221.00 1.25 241.50 175.75 0.35 210.8 4.8 Thwaites 117.50 0.00 131.00 102.00 3.80 7.08 5.0
AbnNewThai 353.00 -4.00 489.88 324.00 2.32 419.8 -15.9 ..VCT 4 94.00 0.00 95.19 88.25 3.19 97.0 -3.1
AbnSmlCo 214.50 1.75 229.00 177.00 3.03 248.6 -13.7 FidAsian 242.88 4.38 285.50 195.50 0.45 272.2 -10.8 JPMSnrSec♦ 83.00 -0.50 101.05 82.50 7.41 87.6 -5.3 Temp Bar♦ 1054 26.00 1235.01 1002 4.44 1121.4 -6.0 ..VCT 5 81.00 -0.25 82.49 72.00 4.94 86.1 -5.9
Abn UK 302.50 9.25 334.75 281.83 3.37 317.0 -4.6 FidChiSpS 142.10 3.80 179.78 105.06 0.91 167.0 -14.9 JPM Smlr 909.00 11.50 929.20 599.58 1.06 1034.6 -12.1 TempEmerg 408.90 1.90 607.78 370.00 2.02 465.0 -12.1 BSC VCT♦ 86.00 0.00 91.00 82.00 6.40 97.1 -11.4
Abf Gd Inc 206.00 1.50 212.00 162.25 3.57 221.5 -7.0 Fid Euro 173.40 2.80 187.50 155.91 1.79 180.9 -4.1 JPM US Sml 183.38 1.13 193.75 155.25 - 184.0 -0.3 TRIG 101.20 3.70 109.00 93.80 6.01 - - ..VCT2 56.00 0.00 59.00 51.98 8.04 60.7 -7.7 Guide to FT Share Service
Abf Sml 1185 -13.00 1235 1015 2.09 1262.2 -6.1 Fid Jap 86.50 3.00 88.25 70.75 - 96.4 -10.3 JupUSSmCo 584.50 9.00 704.03 569.00 - 697.0 -16.1 ThreadUKSel 166.50 0.00 180.00 156.00 2.61 189.4 -12.1 Crown Place 29.00 0.00 30.50 27.75 8.62 30.5 -4.9
AcenciADbt $ 1.45 -0.01 1.80 1.41 4.15 1.6 -9.4 Fid Spec 201.00 3.00 217.00 164.80 2.14 - - KeystoneInv♦■ 1810 40.00 1900 1720.95 2.79 1899.8 -4.7 TREurGth 649.25 15.75 661.00 509.00 1.00 693.6 -6.4 FrsightSol 104.50 0.00 106.00 95.00 5.74 109.7 -4.7
AdvDvpMk 400.50 14.50 483.00 350.00 - 450.9 -11.2 FinsG&I 586.00 8.00 609.36 522.00 2.00 583.0 0.5 Law Deb 497.63 17.63 545.50 452.50 3.15 473.0 5.2 TroyInc&G 72.25 1.50 74.71 64.43 3.18 71.5 1.0 Inc&GthVCT 99.00 2.50 104.00 88.25 18.18 106.2 -6.8
Alliance♦■ 514.00 4.00 531.50 437.00 1.93 558.1 -7.9 FstPacfic H HK$ 5.09 0.30 8.10 4.56 3.92 - - LinTrain £ 570.00 -5.00 585.00 370.00 1.13 430.4 32.4 UtilicoEmg 166.00 0.75 173.75 119.11 3.67 185.5 -10.5 KingsAYVCT 18.50 0.00 19.00 17.25 5.41 19.9 -7.0 For queries about the FT Share Service pages e-mail
AllianzTech 644.50 3.50 650.00 507.00 - 673.7 -4.3 For & Col 443.30 3.50 467.90 395.60 2.12 480.3 -7.7 Ln&StLaw 348.00 3.50 384.00 331.51 4.08 370.8 -6.1 UtilEmSubs 10.00 0.00 14.00 7.01 - - - Maven I&G 66.75 -0.50 75.00 59.50 8.84 62.6 6.6
AltAstsOps 42.00 0.00 46.81 37.50 - 49.2 -14.6 Geiger 12.00 0.00 24.50 10.50 - 15.9 -24.5 Lowland 1383 27.00 1440 1231.25 2.82 1346.4 2.7 UIL Inv 107.75 -2.75 126.00 105.00 6.96 156.8 -31.3 MavenVCT2 49.25 0.00 64.00 45.00 8.12 50.3 -2.1 All data is as of close of the previous business day. Company classifications
Art Alpha♦ 246.38 3.63 294.25 242.00 1.44 311.7 -21.0 GenEmer 455.60 11.10 575.00 391.70 - 511.4 -10.9 M&GHighInc 160.00 5.00 179.95 145.00 2.88 170.1 -5.9 ValAndInc♦ 245.00 3.00 264.75 228.50 3.67 305.6 -19.8 MavenVCT4 85.50 0.00 88.39 80.00 5.85 97.9 -12.7 are based on the ICB system used by FTSE (see FTSE
..Sub 16.50 -1.75 33.00 15.50 7.27 - - GFIS 14.00 0.00 20.89 12.00 - 39.8 -64.8 Majedie 270.88 3.38 283.00 230.75 2.77 270.3 0.2 Witan 785.00 7.00 850.00 676.78 1.99 777.2 1.0 MavenVCT5 35.50 -0.25 37.00 32.00 7.04 39.3 -9.7 100 constituent stocks are shown in bold.
AsianToRt 190.13 0.13 224.00 163.25 1.71 207.5 -8.4 GRIT 6.38 0.00 25.11 4.00 - - - Man&Lon 247.00 0.00 259.28 219.00 1.41 308.3 -19.9 WitanPac 226.75 5.00 274.75 203.03 2.01 262.8 -13.7 Nthn 2 VCT 73.00 0.00 88.00 67.25 7.53 76.8 -4.9 Closing prices are shown in pence unless otherwise indicated. Highs & lows
Aurora 156.00 1.50 162.23 144.00 2.47 164.6 -5.2 GoldenPros 19.00 0.00 34.00 17.00 - 21.6 -12.0 MCGlobPort 178.63 2.13 195.00 155.00 2.30 179.1 -0.3 WorldTst♦ 252.00 1.25 285.25 231.00 1.38 294.0 -14.3 Nthn 3 VCT 95.50 0.00 104.00 86.50 5.76 100.5 -5.0 are based on intra-day trading over a rolling 52 week period. Price/earnings
Axiom 101.50 0.00 103.00 100.00 - - - Hansa 802.50 12.50 921.00 740.50 1.99 1110.2 -27.7 MCurPac 259.00 2.75 336.00 236.73 2.90 302.2 -14.3 WwideHlth♦ 1935 4.00 2108.5 1590.25 0.65 2025.6 -4.5 NthnVent 76.00 0.00 85.36 74.00 7.89 79.6 -4.5 ratios (PER) are based on latest annual reports and accounts and are updated
BG Japan 475.00 3.25 493.25 371.75 - 452.7 4.9 ..A 767.50 -2.50 930.00 747.25 - 1110.2 -30.9 MercantIT♦ 1818 24.00 1821 1410 2.37 1973.8 -7.9 ProVenGI 75.25 0.00 81.25 73.00 5.98 78.6 -4.3 with interim figures. PER is calculated using the company’s diluted earnings
Conventional - Private Equity 52 Week Dis(-)
BG Shin 442.75 6.00 446.25 303.00 - 435.1 1.8 Hend Alt 222.50 4.50 241.75 215.00 1.35 276.7 -19.6 MrchTst 437.00 19.00 500.00 401.50 5.47 457.0 -4.4 ProVenVCT 91.50 0.00 97.89 89.50 5.46 100.0 -8.5 from continuing operations. Yields are based on closing price and on dividends
Price +/-Week High Low Yld NAV or Pm
BSRT 14.50 0.00 34.00 13.00 - 39.7 -63.5 Hen Div♦ 87.63 0.63 95.50 86.50 5.82 87.0 0.7 Mid Wynd 340.50 0.00 352.50 299.68 1.13 333.1 2.2 UnicornAIM 143.50 0.00 144.79 122.00 4.18 162.1 -11.5 paid in the last financial year and updated with interim figures. Yields are
HenEuroF 1057.5 27.50 1148.5 925.91 2.31 1036.2 2.1 MitonUKMic 56.75 -0.38 57.65 50.00 - - - AbnPvtEq 88.88 0.75 96.00 82.00 2.52 126.2 -29.6
Bankers 635.50 -6.00 674.50 548.00 2.38 626.5 1.4 shown in net terms; dividends on UK companies are net of 10% tax, non-UK
HenEuro 908.00 30.50 957.00 779.50 1.98 877.8 3.4 MitonWw 158.00 0.00 164.65 155.95 - 176.8 -10.6 Altamir € 11.11 0.33 11.82 9.60 4.35 17.1 -35.0 Ordinary Income Shares 52 Week HR
BrngEmEu 472.50 5.00 607.70 433.00 4.02 551.7 -14.4 companies are gross of tax. Highs & lows, yields and PER are adjusted to reflect
HenFarEs 288.00 5.75 362.00 238.25 6.42 285.1 1.0 MMP 3.13 0.00 4.25 3.00 - - - Dun Ent 321.50 -5.50 378.00 305.00 1.46 511.9 -37.2 Price +/-Week High Low Yld WO GRY 0%
BH Global 1275 -4.00 1343.6 1225 - 1350.0 -5.6 capital changes where appropriate.
HendGlob♦ 375.00 1.00 416.81 334.86 2.67 414.8 -9.6 Monks 425.50 5.90 458.90 371.50 0.93 470.0 -9.5 Electra 3704 34.00 3750 2994 1.03 3936.3 -5.9 JPM I&C 88.75 0.00 106.00 82.00 7.49 -18.3 1.0
..USD $ 12.65 0.05 13.35 12.20 - 13.3 -4.9 Trading volumes are end of day aggregated totals, rounded to the nearest
HenHigh♦ 179.25 3.25 195.25 165.90 4.85 175.2 2.3 MontanSm♦ 576.00 23.00 580.00 441.00 1.30 623.8 -7.7 ElectraPrf 152.00 0.00 152.75 147.43 - 149.0 2.0 JupiterDv&G 3.50 0.00 5.40 3.00 21.14 7.1 -40.3
BH Macro 2037 10.00 2191 1990 - 2134.0 -4.5 1,000 shares.
HenInt Inc 120.00 1.25 137.69 106.92 3.71 121.3 -1.1 Mur Inc 679.50 14.50 793.58 637.04 4.60 722.4 -5.9 F&C PvtEq 239.00 3.75 244.50 214.00 4.54 292.8 -18.4 M&GHI&Gt 49.00 -3.88 65.50 45.50 - -21.1 -0.8
..EUR € 19.63 0.23 21.10 19.11 - 20.7 -5.2
Hen Opp 896.25 0.25 1059.1 778.31 1.39 963.6 -7.0 Mur Int 830.00 6.00 1070 777.18 5.42 844.2 -1.7 GraphEnt 576.50 5.50 615.94 555.00 1.73 705.8 -18.3 Rghts&Icp 4725 25.00 4950 3840 - -91.2 -3.3 Net asset value per share (NAV) and split analytics are provided only as a
..USD $ 19.47 0.06 21.10 19.05 - 20.5 -5.0
HenSmlr 691.00 6.50 698.00 549.74 1.66 732.4 -5.7 ..B 725.00 0.00 1144.44 627.00 - 844.2 -14.1 HVPE 912.00 12.00 912.00 803.99 - 1130.8 -19.3 guide. Discounts and premiums are calculated using the latest cum fair net
BiotechGth 720.50 5.00 898.92 582.73 - 774.0 -6.9 Income Shares 52 Week HR
Herald 744.00 9.00 750.00 650.12 - 878.9 -15.3 NB DDIF $ 1.09 0.00 1.21 1.00 - - - HgCapital 1099 9.00 1169 1044 2.91 1297.5 -15.3 asset value estimate and closing price. Discounts, premiums, gross redemption
BlckRCom♦ 55.00 2.00 94.14 50.69 10.93 54.9 0.2 Price +/-Week High Low Yld WO GRY 0%
HICL Infra♦ 151.30 0.30 161.40 149.90 4.86 137.7 9.9 NewCtyEgy 12.25 1.50 21.88 8.32 - 17.0 -27.9 JPM Pvt Eq $ 0.94 -0.01 1.07 0.81 - 1.3 -27.7 yield (GRY), and hurdle rate (HR) to share price (SP) and HR to wipe out (WO)
BlckREmEur 202.63 1.25 240.00 164.58 - 231.7 -12.5 JPM In&Gr 98.13 0.13 100.50 92.50 4.59 -79.7 9.7
Impax Env. 159.50 3.00 167.75 139.00 0.88 178.1 -10.4 NewCityHY 55.38 1.38 65.11 52.00 7.78 55.7 -0.6 JZ Capital 383.50 -8.00 480.00 381.00 - 640.9 -40.2 are displayed as a percentage, NAV and terminal asset value per share (TAV)
BlckRFrnt 103.50 2.75 118.50 95.25 4.00 106.2 -2.5 M&GHghIc 49.25 -2.00 63.00 45.00 - -21.1 2.6
Ind IT 393.00 8.00 398.00 280.00 1.27 398.3 -1.3 NewIndia 314.50 14.50 371.30 263.00 - 347.6 -9.5 Mithras 146.00 0.00 151.91 126.50 0.68 168.6 -13.4 in pence.
BlckRGtEur 255.00 2.00 264.50 219.00 1.90 257.3 -0.9 Rghts&I 1285 0.00 1350 925.00 2.80 - 34.2
Intl PP 139.90 -1.60 141.80 130.00 4.50 128.3 9.0 New Star IT 72.50 0.00 78.00 65.45 - 113.4 -36.1 NB PE Ptnr $ 10.73 0.02 12.20 10.61 - - -
..Sub 10.50 0.38 25.63 8.50 - - -
InvAsTr 182.00 3.50 213.58 147.00 2.01 201.0 -9.5 NorthAmer 811.00 0.00 906.45 729.50 3.76 930.5 -12.8 Nthn Invs 562.50 -7.50 695.00 439.00 3.02 553.6 1.6 Capital Shares 52 Week HR X FT Global 500 company
BlckR I&G 186.50 1.50 193.00 171.01 3.06 189.4 -1.5
Inv Inc♦ 279.00 5.50 305.00 264.00 3.64 302.6 -7.8 NthAtSml 2238 32.00 2274.31 1785 - 2680.2 -16.5 Pantheon 1322 2.00 1395 1220 - 1644.2 -19.6 Price +/-Week High Low SP WO TAV 0% ♦ trading ex-dividend
BlckRIncStr 135.50 -0.75 141.00 124.44 4.97 135.4 0.1
InvPerp 70.00 -1.13 79.00 68.40 7.14 69.4 0.9 Oryx Int 647.50 0.00 657.00 400.00 - 693.2 -6.6 PantheonR 1232.5 0.00 1300 1170 - 1644.1 -25.0 JPM Inc&Gr 8.25 -0.75 15.19 7.75 4.6 -1.9 2.5 ■ trading ex-capital distribution
BlckRckLat 279.75 -0.25 413.13 262.11 6.89 313.5 -10.8
IPST BalR 116.00 0.00 123.00 115.11 - 115.1 0.8 PacAsset 190.00 0.00 226.15 156.25 1.37 192.7 -1.4 PrincssPE € 7.90 0.10 8.15 6.90 6.87 9.1 -13.2 M&GHghIc 2.35 0.05 5.30 1.70 14.5 13.4 - # price at time of suspension from trading
BlckRckNrAm♦ 113.00 -0.25 124.50 101.00 3.54 126.3 -10.5
IPST Gbl Eq 158.00 -1.25 172.00 149.76 2.91 157.6 0.3 PacHorzn 173.25 3.50 223.77 142.50 0.81 194.1 -10.7 Riverstone 772.75 -31.25 1114 750.00 - 1063.7 -27.4
BlckRSmlr 1000.00 23.00 1000.00 764.50 1.45 1047.3 -4.5 Zero Dividend Preference Shares 52 Week HR The prices listed are indicative and believed accurate at the time of publication.
IPST Mngd 102.75 0.00 104.00 101.00 - 103.2 -0.4 Perp I&G 417.00 1.10 431.00 382.40 2.97 413.0 1.0 StdLfEuPv♦ 208.75 2.75 223.50 198.00 3.23 271.7 -23.2
BlckRThrmt 366.75 9.25 368.28 272.39 1.20 396.8 -7.6 Price +/-Week High Low SP WO TAV 0% No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
BlckRWld 185.00 10.00 336.91 168.25 11.35 213.7 -13.4 IPST UK Eq 173.50 1.00 174.39 153.78 3.54 170.6 1.7 PerAsset♦ 34879.5 319.50 36313.1 33000 1.61 34950. -0.2 Conventional - Property ICs 52 Week Dis(-)
Abf Gd Inc 153.75 0.00 154.40 146.25 -51.0 - 159.7 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept
Bluecrest A 192.00 -1.20 200.00 185.00 - 201.2 -4.6 InvPpUK 393.50 5.75 395.06 316.75 4.36 411.0 -4.3 4 Price +/-Week High Low Yld NAV or Pm
EcofinWatr 155.75 0.00 156.35 152.67 -83.3 -96.2 160.7 responsibility and will not be liable for any loss arising from the reliance on
Brit Emp♦ 456.90 6.90 557.08 435.50 2.30 527.2 -13.3 Invs Cap A 91.50 1.50 102.00 88.00 4.96 98.0 -6.6 PolarFins 104.75 2.75 112.84 94.00 2.96 111.5 -6.1 Direct Property JPM I&C 175.63 0.13 176.50 170.41 -22.4 - 192.1 or use of the information.
Brunner 525.25 4.25 584.12 506.10 2.28 609.2 -13.8 Invs Cap B 92.00 2.00 103.00 88.00 3.73 98.0 -6.1 ..Sub 4.75 0.00 9.50 3.75 - - -
AXA Propty 54.13 0.63 55.50 41.57 - - - JupiterDv&G 114.75 0.00 116.50 109.00 -6.6 - 131.2
Calednia♦ 2380 34.00 2517.66 2110 2.13 2817.2 -15.5 Invs CapU 363.50 1.00 404.95 349.00 1.88 392.4 -7.4 PolarHealth 171.88 1.88 187.50 163.00 2.09 181.9 -5.5 The FT Share Service is a paid-for-print listing service and may not be fully
CustdnREIT♦ 106.75 -0.75 110.50 104.00 5.15 - - JZ Capital 364.00 0.00 365.00 353.00 - - 369.8
CanGen C$ 18.25 0.00 22.00 17.08 3.00 24.8 -26.4 JLaingInf 117.30 -0.10 128.60 113.99 5.65 105.7 11.0 PolarTech 630.00 4.00 647.00 487.40 - 628.6 0.2 representative of all LSE-listed companies. This service is available to all listed
F&CComPrp♦ 134.30 1.60 149.00 129.50 4.47 132.3 1.5 M&GHghIc 117.00 0.00 117.50 112.25 -24.3 -98.8 122.8
Cap Gear 3282.5 -29.50 3575 3152.28 0.49 3328.3 -1.4 JPM Amer 275.10 -4.40 296.14 238.90 1.18 292.5 -5.9 ProspJap $ 1.04 0.00 1.09 0.90 - 1.3 -20.0 companies, subject to the Editor’s discretion. For new sales enquiries please
F&CUKRealE♦ 101.13 -0.13 105.50 93.50 4.94 96.9 4.4 UILFn16 189.25 0.00 189.90 182.50 - - -
City Merch 179.25 0.25 194.00 179.00 5.58 178.3 0.5 JPM Asn 218.25 6.25 268.92 182.00 1.01 245.1 -11.0 QatarInvF $♦ 1.10 -0.04 1.49 1.02 3.02 1.3 -15.4 email or call 020 7873 4012.
InvistaERET# 0.30 0.00 1.50 0.03 - 2.0 -85.0 UILFn18 144.50 0.25 146.50 136.50 - - -
CityNatRs 84.75 1.25 107.79 75.00 6.61 95.1 -10.9 JPM Brazil 35.75 -0.13 62.80 32.25 1.12 39.5 -9.5 RIT Cap 1672 17.00 1675 1383 1.78 1593.6 4.9
Longbow♦ 103.63 -0.88 106.75 101.25 5.79 - - UILFn20 123.88 -0.13 125.25 107.75 - - -
City Lon 387.80 6.00 418.35 359.00 3.91 380.7 1.9 JPM China♦ 166.50 0.50 233.96 136.30 0.96 198.2 -16.0 RobecoNV € 30.38 0.00 - - - - -
PictonProp 71.75 1.25 74.75 64.50 4.39 72.1 -0.5
DexionAb 181.00 -2.75 191.00 175.25 - 189.9 -4.7 JPMElct MC 100.00 0.00 101.99 97.01 0.35 101.3 -1.3 RolincoNV € 28.32 0.00 - - - - -
SLIPropInc♦ 85.00 2.00 90.25 77.00 5.46 79.7 6.6 Investment Companies - AIM Data provided by Morningstar
DiverseInc♦ 95.50 0.75 97.50 78.00 2.46 91.5 4.4 ..MG 619.00 11.00 635.00 568.00 1.09 625.9 -1.1 Ruffer Inv 210.50 -0.50 226.00 207.00 - 208.6 0.9
UKComPrp 84.25 0.55 94.00 79.55 4.37 85.1 -1.0
Dun Inc 227.50 6.00 273.00 214.75 4.95 244.9 -7.1 ..MI 103.50 1.50 110.00 92.00 3.67 104.7 -1.1 SchdrAsiaP♦ 266.88 0.88 321.50 226.25 1.03 294.2 -9.3 52 Week Dis(-)
Dun Sml 206.00 7.00 229.00 176.03 2.55 240.7 -14.4 JPM Emrg 539.00 5.00 674.65 486.00 1.02 610.0 -11.6 Schdr Inc♦ 259.88 4.88 348.25 243.50 3.89 273.8 -5.1 Property Securities
Price +/-Week High Low Yld NAV or Pm
JPM EurGth 250.00 13.25 263.00 217.00 2.88 258.5 -3.3 SchdrJap 155.00 -1.50 165.00 128.00 1.16 162.8 -4.8 SchdrGlbRe 127.00 6.25 132.98 111.90 1.71 133.6 -4.9
EcofinWatr 117.50 1.00 158.90 113.00 5.96 143.3 -18.0 AdFrntMkt 49.50 -0.13 60.50 48.13 - 54.4 -9.0
JPM EurInc♦ 134.75 3.75 147.50 120.00 3.53 133.4 1.0 SchdrOrient 177.88 3.13 215.25 154.00 4.36 181.4 -1.9 TR Prop♦ 303.00 18.00 325.00 278.50 2.54 319.3 -5.1
..CULS 99.50 0.00 106.00 99.48 - - - CrysAmber 157.50 -4.00 173.96 148.00 0.3 159.4 -1.2
EdinDragn 242.13 6.13 311.00 212.50 0.91 269.2 -10.1 JPM EuSm♦ 288.00 5.25 291.24 200.02 1.11 297.1 -3.1 SchdrUK 156.25 3.00 174.00 145.00 3.20 175.3 -10.9 GLI Finance♦ 36.50 0.00 65.00 32.00 13.7 - -
JPM Clavr 600.50 10.50 645.18 550.50 3.41 638.9 -6.0 SchdrUKMd 489.00 5.50 504.50 423.00 1.74 536.9 -8.9
..CULS 103.25 0.00 107.89 102.00 - - - IndiaCap 61.00 0.75 69.40 52.00 - 73.3 -16.8
Infra India 18.50 0.00 21.99 11.10 - 48.4 -61.8
MMP 3.13 0.00 4.25 3.00 - - -
26 ★ Monday 28 December 2015

Europe Leaders and laggards of the year ECONOMICS IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES

Eon, Germany’s biggest utility by market The company was hit hard in previous Recovery in main economies varies widely
value, will break itself up in 2016 in a years when the bottom fell out of the
radical response to the shift to European automotive market, racking up In the absence of significant economic momentum of the recovery is strong
renewables in its home country. €7.2bn in losses in 2012 and 2013. data releases over the holiday period we enough to absorb higher interest rates.
The move is a powerful illustration of “People were fed up for working like are looking at developments over the The manufacturing purchasing
the pressures faced by conventional hell for red ink,” Mr Tavares told the FT. past year and the economic questions managers’ index from the Institute for
power generators as the expansion of “They were willing to listen to me, and that will preoccupy markets in 2016. This Supply Management entered
clean energy sources brings down the they were surprised what they could do.” week the focus is on the developed contraction territory in November for
wholesale power price. It reported a net profit of €571m in the economies. the first time in three years.
Germany’s green makeover was not the six months to June 30, compared with a While US gross domestic product is
only bad news for Eon in 2015. Low oil loss of €114m in the same period last year. The leading developed economies enter almost 10 per cent higher than the pre-
prices squeezed earnings from its North Max Warburton, an analyst at 2016 at widely differing stages of crisis peak, in the eurozone that peak
Sea assets. Bernstein, likened PSA’s efforts to economic recovery. In the US, the has not yet been surpassed after eight
Meanwhile, the fall in the price of coal “splitting the atom, walking on the moon Federal Reserve felt confident enough years. Market reaction to the ECB’s
further reduced the wholesale power and mapping the human genome”. He this month to raise interest rates after extension of QE was somewhat muted
Jasper Juinen/Bloomberg
price in Germany, where the fuel accounts also compared the company to the seven years at ultra-low levels. In the and further policy action is likely to be
for 18 per cent of electricity generation. Airbus investors hope soaring success will continue “legend of the phoenix”. eurozone, however, the European needed to stimulate growth.
Prices for next year power delivery sank Next year is likely to be harder for Mr Central Bank announced a further Spain is forecast to be the best
to a 12-year low in September. Tavares, however, with analysts saying extension to their programme of performing of the larger eurozone
Eon has pinned its hopes on a Tom Enders, chief executive of Airbus, new middle of the market aircraft to much of the low hanging fruit in terms quantitative easing, which will now economies next year, with consensus
transformation of corporate structure. can bid farewell to 2015 with a smile on reverse the trend. of cost-cutting has now gone. The continue into 2017. This divergence forecasts pointing to growth of 2.7 per
From 2016, a new company, Uniper, will his face. Despite last-minute setbacks in This might be good news for aviation slowing market in China could also be a between the central banks should see cent, after 3.2 per cent in 2015. Germany,
own Eon’s fossil fuel power generation the group’s ambition to deliver 15 of its enthusiasts but it will put pressure on problem. Mr Tavares has said that if the dollar remain strong, with France and Italy, the three largest
and energy trading business. Eon will new A350 wide bodies before January, both companies, which already face a February full-year results showed the implications for inflation and trade flows. economies, are not forecast to achieve
focus on renewable energy, distribution it has been a satisfying year for the sizeable challenge in ramping up their turnround strategy has worked, it would In the US, markets will look for clues growth of 2 per cent in 2016.
and customer services. European aircraft manufacturer. production of the record number of then be free to explore tie-ups with other about the timing of the next rate rise Eurozone inflation releases will again
Earlier this month, RWE paid Eon the In what Nick Cunningham of Agency aircraft already on order. carmakers. Michael Stothard and the planned pace of tightening. be closely watched, with the headline
compliment of unveiling its own plan to Partners calls a “decisive break with Next year will be the test of Airbus’s Political uncertainty will be added to the measure in or around deflationary
separate renewables from fossil fuels. historical trend”, Airbus has taken a ability to meet this challenge. A combination of collapsing prices, mix during a presidential election year. territory throughout 2015.
The radical plans at both companies clear lead over its rival Boeing in aircraft Production of the A350 will have to oversupply and stuttering global demand The case for higher US interest rates The Japanese economy — still the
show how the rise of clean energy and orders. quadruple and already the supply chain made 2015 a trying year for steelmakers. was by no mean unequivocal. Strong fourth largest at purchasing power
new technology such as smart meters is The US aerospace and defence group is struggling, as evidenced by Zodiac No less so for ArcelorMittal, the biggest employment growth and core CPI parity — will again struggle to cope with
reshaping the business of energy supply. has been losing market share in the Aerospace’s inability to deliver the producer of the metal by tonnage. inflation close to the 2 per cent target chronic problems of demand deficiency.
But analysts doubt whether traditional high volume market for short-haul cabin for the 15th aircraft, which was Shares in the Luxembourg-based argued for a rise, but wage pressures are Japan avoided a technical recession in
utilities possess the skills and agility to narrow-body jets, with Airbus’s due to have been completed this year. group lost 60 per cent following cuts to far from rampant, and the dollar’s the third quarter of the year, although
take advantage of these changes. A320neo outselling the Boeing 737 Max Nevertheless investors can raise a its earnings guidance. strength should bear down on inflation. poor growth performance is partly due
Still, there are some grounds for by between 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 over the glass to a successful 2015, with Airbus A wave of cheap shipments exiting It also remains to be seen whether the to demographic factors. Keith Fray
optimism. Eon generates 18 per cent of past two years. Boeing still leads on shares outperforming most China, following the country’s weakest
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation deliveries, but longer term there is a international indices over the past year. growth in years, has contributed to
and amortisation from renewables, frisson of expectation in the air that it They should enjoy the ride while it lasts. deteriorating conditions in Arcelor’s key
Eurozone inflation US inflation
compared with just 8 per cent at RWE. will be forced into an early launch of a Peggy Hollinger markets of Europe and the US. Annual % change Annual % change
Eon’s offshore wind business added two At the same time, the economic malaise 3 4
significant new projects in the UK and spreading over emerging markets has hit
Germany, making it the world’s second items. At the same time, rig rates have fleets with excellent operational sales and profitability at operations in
biggest offshore wind power generator fallen below $300,000 a day — half the performance.” Kiran Stacey Brazil and South Africa.
by installed capacity after Dong Energy. level of two years ago — and the backlog Steel associations around the world 3
In October, it agreed to sell its Norwegian of orders has fallen from $14bn to $12bn. PSA Peugeot Citroën’s recovery this year blame the downturn on dumping by 2
North Sea oil and gas assets, reducing The company has suffered in part was described by one respected analyst lossmaking Chinese mills propped up by
exposure to the oil price. Jeevan Vasagar because its business model was geared to as being “like the legend of the phoenix” government cash. Experts say excess
a rising market, say analysts. For example as the French automaker came back to capacity globally is the root cause. 2
This year has been one of the toughest in the company used to build rigs and then life after years on the brink of collapse. ArcelorMittal is cutting costs with a
recent history for any company involved look for customers to buy them, though it Shares in Europe’s second-largest view to improve earnings before interest, 1
in oil or gas, as the price of crude has now says it will only build new rigs once carmaker by sales rose 60 per cent under taxes, depreciation and amortisation by
fallen to below $40, down from $115 last they have contracts. the leadership of chief executive Carlos $1bn next year. 1
summer. It is also highly indebted — net debt at Tavares, who squeezed suppliers, cut the This includes plans to shut down Core personal
The effect of that slide has been the third quarter stood at $10.1bn, just number of models and raised prices. processing facilities in North America, consumption
particularly felt by companies involved in over four times what analysts expect it to The company was helped by the following the conclusion of labour 0 deflator
drilling, with new exploration being one make in earnings before interest, rebound in the European market after six negotiations. Investors will be hoping the
of the first things to be cut by producers. depreciation and amortisation this year. years of decline, but also by improved measures are enough to overturn a
Seadrill, the deepwater-rig company The company’s shares in Oslo are now sales in China, its largest market by sales. dividend suspension.
set up by the shipping magnate John trading at NKr37, nearly 60 per cent lower Mr Tavares took over the company With global steel demand forecast to -1 -1
Fredriksen, has been particularly heavily than where they started the year. following a €3bn rescue package agreed grow only slightly next year, trade cases
hit, losing $1.9bn before tax in the third The company said: “2015 was a tough last year that involved the French in the EU and US could offer some relief. 2011 12 13 14 15 2011 12 13 14 15
quarter of this year, after writing off year for the industry as a whole. Seadrill government and Chinese carmaker City analysts expect full-year ebitda of Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
$1.8bn in investments and other non-cash has one of the youngest, most modern Dongfeng both taking 15 per cent stakes. $5.26bn. Michael Pooler

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