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D100 highly illegal items that would be

sold at the black market

Things that could be highly illegal in a RPG world that may be sold as a service or item
at a black market.

1. Exotic pets [/u/cade_brower29]

2. Fake Identification [/u/cade_brower29]
3. Body alteration surgery [/u/cade_brower29]
4. Highly classified information [/u/cade_brower29]
5. Organs [/u/cade_brower29]
6. Drugs [/u/cade_brower29]
7. Torture tools [/u/cade_brower29]
8. Body parts [/u/cade_brower29]
9. Slaves [/u/rasingang]
10. Stolen items (such as artwork and jewelry) [/u/rasingang]
11. Banned potions (banned for having unforeseen effects that make them addictive
and/or unsafe in various ways) [/u/rasingang]
12. Unmarked weapons (maybe your world has a system that regulates or tracks the
shipment and sale of weapons?) [/u/rasingang]
13. Magic items [/u/rasingang]
14. A giant painting that depicts the tyrannical leader in a very amusing/unflattering
manner [/u/rasingang]
15. Artifacts related to a certain religion that has been outlawed by the government
16. Nercomacy services (necromancers need to bankroll their own schemes
somehow) [/u/rasingang]
17. Explosives [/u/rasingang]
18. Fake coins/ Counterfeit money [/u/CleoDyret]
19. Resurrection spells [/u/ajchafe]
20. Counterfeit uniforms/ID Badges [/u/ajchafe]
21. Rare and dangerous plants [/u/ajchafe]
22. Rare and dangerous insects [/u/ajchafe]
23. Banned Books [/u/ajchafe]
24. Goods at much lower prices due to no taxes, but could be fakes [/u/maurej11]
25. Clone jars with celebrities in them [/u/a_shiny_heatran]
26. Banned goods from regions that the government is in a trade dispute or war
with. [/u/StPattyIce]
27. Devils true Names [/u/rocconox]
28. Banned spell reagents (maybe they enhance the effects of the spell but are
extremely dangerous to use/unethical to acquire) [/u/gavilu17]
29. A small spice pouch that when entering new territories/cities/countries fills up
with a local drug [/u/kendaday]
30. A fish that when cooked poisons the eater for 1d12 hours. The eater is
paralyzed, and cannot regain health for the duration. Must make a DC17 con
save or be under the effects and take 4d6 poison damage every hour until the
effects wear off or they are cured of the toxins. [/u/kendaday]
31. A small silver band that when held to your ear whispers infernal chatterings
from the Nine Hells (on a nat 20 roll from the DM when the player puts the ring
to their ear they get one piece of critical information relating to the players
mission) [/u/kendaday]
32. A necklace of dark green ribbon and a ceramic skull, where if they press on the
mandible a small pill ejects. (Once used this effect cannot be used again for
d100 days). If they (or someone else) ingest this pill they have access to the
Power Word Kill spell for 1 use. If the spell is above the players casting level
they must succeed a DC 25 WIS save or suffer the effects of the spell
themselves. [/u/kendaday]
33. A bag of holding that is really just a friendly mimic that will eat any belongings
placed inside [/u/kendaday]
34. Cultist order / thieves guild representative handing out inscription forms
35. A doctor that works for people anonymously [/u/RobusterBrown]
36. Spell scrolls of illegal spells [/u/RobusterBrown]
37. Maps of the sewers with secret tunnels marked [/u/RobusterBrown]
38. Poisons [/u/RobusterBrown]
39. Siege weapons [/u/RobusterBrown]
40. Illithid Tadpoles (not liable for what happens if you use them)
41. Preserved two headed animals [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
42. Rust Monster Glands [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
43. Dark magic totems [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
44. Alignment switcher candies (mostly evil) [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
45. Trained Monsters (Goblin Butlers, Mimics, Rust Monsters, e.t.c)
46. A lock of hair from a famous adventurer [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
47. Custom Voodoo dolls [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
48. An Ipod with a never-ending battery [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
49. Cazu Marzu (Rotting Cheese) [/u/RavenTheNarrator]
50. 50. Cow eggs - Banned because cows aren't supposed to lay eggs.
51. "Volunteers" (victims of gaes-level magical compulsion, will follow about any
order given, technically not slaves) [/u/Vote_for_Knife_Party]
52. Petrification victims. For an extra surcharge, the merchant (who refuses to be
seen without her hood on) will take special requests. [/u/Vote_for_Knife_Party]
53. Lobster soul: the soul of a lobster, extracted through cruel means. Can be added
magically to other foods (and even non-food items) to make them more
delicious. [/u/Vote_for_Knife_Party]
54. The weapons and regalia of a fallen kingdom. Treated as a taboo collectible by
some, others use them to privately display their loyalty to the old regime.
55. Duty-free health potions. Smuggled over the border to get around a steep tariff.
56. Chicken. As far as you can tell there is nothing unusual or illegal about the
chicken, but from the way the seller is acting you'd think they were selling a
nuke. [/u/Vote_for_Knife_Party]
57. Dragon Eggs (ready to hatch!) [/u/Captnlunch]
58. Pickpocket potion [/u/Captnlunch]
59. Halfling meat [/u/Captnlunch]
60. Poisonous snakes [/u/Captnlunch]
61. Fireworks [/u/Captnlunch]
62. A single ridiculously expensive book bound in fine leather and gemstones with
nothing written inside. [/u/drewmana]
63. Maps of classified/protected facilities/locations. [/u/EigenUponATime]
64. Contraption that puts one bag of holding in another [/u/HeaterTheYeeter]
65. A black letter, tightly sealed with red wax. The letter cannot normally be opened
by any magical or non-magical means. However, if a person's name is written on
the letter, then the letter is opened, some incriminating piece of information
about that person will appear in the letter. Said individual must pay (their living
expenses x 100) to that player, or else suffer a social consequence befitting their
social standing. NOTE: The Blackmail may or may not be true, however those
who hear it will believe it to be. The amount paid may be greater if a person has
a lot of money, but lives a low lifestyle. The letter disappears, and the
information learned from it forgotten if the amount is paid. [/u/snakebite262]
66. Torn piece of an ancient lich'es phylactery [/u/Beepbopboopboy]
67. Cursed book written in first person. Everything you read in it will happen to you
the next day. [/u/Beepbopboopboy]
68. Sacrificial dagger from a dead religion, it is haunted by numerous victims.
69. A glass vial containing the tears of an angel. [/u/CorenNayturus]
70. A jar containing the blood of a unicorn. [/u/CorenNayturus]
71. A set of goggles containing the eyes of a Medusa. When worn, the wearer can
use them to petrify creatures in a manner identical to that of a Medusa.
(Extremely rare) [/u/CorenNayturus]
72. Cursed jewelry [/u/CorenNayturus]
73. A vial of vampire blood. When drunken, the imbiber gains the abilities of a
vampire. Alternatively, this can be used to brew a potion that will transform the
drinker into a vampire permanently. [/u/CorenNayturus]
74. Tiefling horn [/u/ThreeAndTwentyChars]
75. Meat selected from only the choice cuts of hummingbirds.
76. Any art or literature that speaks out against or makes fun of (the ruler / the ruling
class / nobility) [/u/World_of_Ideas]
77. Copies of keys to secure locations [/u/World_of_Ideas]
78. Cursed artifacts [/u/World_of_Ideas]
79. Dangerous monsters [/u/World_of_Ideas]
80. Dangerous monster eggs [/u/World_of_Ideas]
81. Erotic art (if banned in local region) [/u/World_of_Ideas]
82. Forged passport or travel papers [/u/World_of_Ideas]
83. Magic items that allow one being to mind control or enslave another
84. Magic items that corrupt the user over time [/u/World_of_Ideas]
85. Maps that show secret ways into secure locations [/u/World_of_Ideas]
86. Meat of sentient creatures [/u/World_of_Ideas]
87. Monster attracting pheromones [/u/World_of_Ideas]
88. Rare food that is highly poisonous if not prepared correctly [/u/World_of_Ideas]
89. Recipe for a forbidden ritual [/u/World_of_Ideas]
90. Recipe for outlawed potions [/u/World_of_Ideas]
91. Recipe for poison [/u/World_of_Ideas]
92. Assassination services [/u/World_of_Ideas]
93. Body Double Services - provide an alibi / lead pursuers astray
94. Cleaner services - remove evidence [/u/World_of_Ideas]
95. Loan shark services [/u/World_of_Ideas]
96. Mage services - polymorph into specific person / summon a specific demon /
teleport into or out of location [/u/World_of_Ideas]
97. Mercenary services [/u/World_of_Ideas]
98. Morally flexible minion services [/u/World_of_Ideas]
99. Smuggling services (into / out of) location [/u/World_of_Ideas]
100. Succubus / Incubus services [/u/World_of_Ideas]
101. Thief services [/u/World_of_Ideas]
102. Volatile alchemical vials. Highly unstable and explosive. [/u/cc4295]
103. Endangered unicorn horns [/u/Milkslinger]
104. Weaponized Pigs [/u/ScruffleKun]
105. Weaponized Cows [/u/ScruffleKun]
106. Weaponized Chickens [/u/ScruffleKun]
107. love potion [/u/snakebite262]
108. Experimental spell scrolls: The spells work, but typically have some
terrible side effect (Fireballs spread out further, though are a bit weaker.
Teleportation spells might only teleport PARTS of you, flight spells have no
way of controlling the flight, etc. [/u/snakebite262]
109. A potion of happiness: After it is drunk, the person gains the flaw "I am
incredibly depressed. I've experienced true happiness, then lost it. All else is
bitter" [/u/snakebite262]
110. Assassination Insurance [/u/snakebite262]
111. Bad-Day Contracts (Instead of killing them, the person makes sure they
have a really bad day.) [/u/snakebite262]
112. Madness-Inducing artwork [/u/snakebite262]
113. Fixers (Accidentally killed someone? Stole something famous? They can
make the incident go away for a fee) [/u/snakebite262]
114. A hag who can change a person's past (Allows the player to re-roll one of
their character's ideals, flaws, etc.) [/u/snakebite262]
115. A spell scroll that summons a humanoid humanoid. Like all summoning
spells, it's not a real person, but acts and funtions exactly like one [/u/m0dredus]

1. "And then the wolves came..."

2. "And that’s why it’s hard for me to buy pants."
3. “What do you mean it’s infected?”
4. “How far do you think I can throw this hammer?”
5. “I swear to gods it was just two goblins in a trench coat”
6. "and that's the second time I got crabs."
7. "And I said to him, that's no displacer beast, that's my wife!"
8. "That's not beer they're drinking."
9. " I told myself, Mario, take it easy!"
10. "No Jane I'm not going to your stupid baby's baptism to Tiamat"
11. “I mean, legally, it’s a religion but they are just worshipping a lump of green
stone! Got more followers than the Temple of Bahamut now and the priest is
mighty unhappy to be losing devotees to a damn rock...”
12. "There's good money to be made in barley smuggling and that's the truth."
13. "So I says to her, that's BARLEY legal!"
14. "So there I was, I had 1 foot on the latrine, I had 2 pieces of pie left, the dog was
having a seizure."
15. “So I’m sitting there, covered in grog and the tentacles can’t even touch me...”
16. “... it was THIS big! And that was just between the eyes!”
17. “You really think she’s into it...?”
18. " my fist got the sucker in his liver and that little weasel went scurryin'! But
enough about your husband, how are you doing?"
19. "No, no, no, the pigeon is the least of your problems.."
20. "Oh god, its the goose. run."
21. "Hey, who moved my cheese?"
22. “Just hire some band of adventurers to do it, they will accept anything as long as
you tell them it’s a quest.”
23. "How awful... did he at least die painlessly?... to shreds you say..."
24. "Jones's dog went missing, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that,
would you, Elkard?"
25. "You still got that book on how to get demons out of pigeon?"
26. "These owl tassels cost HOW much?"
27. "You know, it's about time they put a Tavern in that Orphanage."
28. “Some holy woman - she’s slept with half the nuns!!!”
29. "I'm going to the bear pits tomorrow. Wanna come with?"
30. “And they were roommates...”
31. "...and that's how I got trampled over by a herd of owlbears"
32. "THAT'S the reason you keep honey on you?! For that!?"
33. "...that's how they convinced me that I needed a pet crow."
34. "So I was on my third pint at that point..."
35. "I don't know Marv, I work my ass off to provide for her and what do I get? My
own boot leather fried in a skillet and served with a side of spit."
36. "Now why the hell wouldja do that?!"
37. "...thinks 4 swords are too many? That's ridiculous..."
38. "I'd ask for medium-rare but everyone knows what they make this steak out of is
better burnt."
39. “But I DID see it! He ate the whole bag of nails!”
40. “The cleric said it should clear up if I keep putting the poultice on it. Smells like
piss, it does”
41. "I know they say beauty's in the eye of the beholder but I don't know if I can stay
with a woman with that many eyestalks"
42. "...and by this point, I still hadn't found my pants!"
43. "Dude, I don't care if she's an elf. She's still way too young for you."
44. "…Dropped that ax on his foot. Took off three toes but he stood there screeching
about his new boot…"
45. " I push this oddly thin orc and... I shit you not... he fell apart into three
goblins and ran in different directions.."
46. “What do you mean I remind you of MY mother!?!?”
47. “I’m told it’s the latest fashion but honestly does that make them worth the
48. “Three steak and kidney pies was not a good idea...”
49. " two casks of ale, a buttered piece of bread, and a wet sock are all you
50. "She ate how many breadsticks?"
51. "No Dad I'm not a crazed marauder, I'm an adventurer. Well, the difference
being, one's a job and the other's mental sickness."
52. "...and I said unicorns don't even wear pants."
53. "Where did you find a blue antler at 3 in the morning?"
54. “Had a dog once. Turns out it was just a creepy old Druid.”
55. "And that's how I learned that flammable and inflammable mean the same
thing... and it's also why I can't grow eyebrows."
56. "Who is she, anyway!? Some... tart from the village!? Humph! 'Younger than
me' is she!?"
57. "No, no! It's true! At least that's what I was told... Drink a troll's blood at
midnight and you'll get younger right on the spot!"
58. "I swear to the gods that boy's got some ogre in him. I saw him eat fifty eggs in
an hour."
59. "...and get this. He says he can't see me again because he's actually a
polymorphed dragon and he had to go back to his lair."
60. "...and for a small fee of 10 gold you can start your own potion selling business
and be rich just like me!"
61. "I just don't trust those magic-using types. I heard they can stick their magic into
your head and make you do whatever they want!"
62. "If he comes back this way I'll stick a spear right in his gut. I ain't got no qualms
about it neither."
63. "If it weren't for my horse I never would've gotten into college."
64. ".....those aren't children."
65. "Let me guess... someone stole your sweet roll."
66. "What do you call a group of owlbears, a sleuth or a parliament?"
67. "So help me Pelor, if Max makes one more 'I barely know her' joke, I'm gonna
shove him face-first into the dirtiest latrine in the Hag and Hog!"
68. "The ale at the pub is too foamy because they don't pour it right! My mam
always said, "Don't be an ass, tilt the glass!"
69. “...was a good friend of mine. Never understood a word he said but I helped him
drink his wine..”
70. "... and they didn't know what to feed the damn thing, so they figured to just feed
it nails and call it a day. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know someone in
need of a dead ostrich, would you?"
71. “.... and that is why you don’t eat the blue ones. “
72. "...No, it's not gay!"
73. “...and I haven’t swum since.”
74. “...he’s in my face yelling about flamingos...”
75. “...weeks to get the smell of corpse out.”
76. “So, imagine a 50 ft tall mushroom...”
77. “...the guy was holding it upside down!”
78. "And that's how I learned that flammable and inflammable mean the same
thing... and it's also why I can't grow eyebrows."
79. "You know, there are eyes on the moon"
80. "...and he used the strawberries as a distraction and jumped through the window.
And the mayor didn't even see him!"
81. “Lucky for us, the wizard lit the pinecones on fire, and we hurled them at the
dire wolves that had chased us up the trees!”
82. “Can we not talk about that incident in the graveyard?”
83. “You did what with a fire elemental?”
84. "And so I told him, “Mate, you’re just a post-birth abortion waiting to happen.”
Shit really hit the cyclone after that."
85. "Nobody talk about those damn chickens okay?"
86. "... and, of course, the invisibility spell had to pick that specific moment to wear
off, and me without even a towel to cover myself with. And that's the story of
how I ended up getting my head and ass kicked in by the women's rugby team."
87. "You really thought it would be a good idea to hire a bard for your daughter's
18th birthday? Especially one with his reputation?"
88. "...why do so many of your spells involve tentacles?!"
89. "Hey, you. Wanna buy a sundial?"
90. "... and then I said 'Wrecked'em? Damn near killed'em!' Get it? ... ah, you guys
wouldn't know a joke if it bit ya."
91. "... I guess, in a way, kobolds are kinda like Dragonborn halflings. Not that I'd
ever say that within earshot of a Dragonborn, however."
92. "Seeing as they have to run after criminals, is it really wise to hire someone with
a knee injury as a guard?"
93. "And I'm-a telling you, the world, she is not-a flat-a. She's a round, she's a firm-
a, she's a fully-packed-a! She's-a round, LIKE-A MY HEAD!!!"
94. “...we’re halfway through when I open a door and: frogs. Everywhere.”
95. “...’ oh no, Mr. Bigshot Wizard is gonna curse me! Ha!’ ZAP! And that’s why
I’m married to a cow.”
96. “Wait, they regenerate?”
97. “ was so cute too, he even had a bucket on his head for a helmet. I still
walloped him after I fished him out of the well though.”
98. "...Curr, I am Zote the Mighty knight of great renown. Surely you have heard of
me! You simply must give me, Zote the Mighty Knight of great renown, free
99. "Say you put it atop your house, would you become a god?"
100. “...but I had to put that life behind me. Too much glamour and fame in
candlemaking, and I just wanted to settle down. The ladies it brought, though...
my goodness, the ladies.”

• our enemy sees your swing and narrowly avoids the blow.

• You bring your weapon down on your foe and they raise their shield at the last

• The beast convulses as tendrils of magic corse over its body but it shakes it head
looks right at you and snarls.
• The sorcerer wheezes as the wind is knocked out of her but she stays standing cape
blowing in the wind.

• You spell shoot from your fingertips and the orca hair is now smoldering from the
near miss. It seems to be too stupid to know how close it came to death.

• Your weapon hits them square in the plate mail. But the plate has been designed to
withstand such blows.

• Due to an unlucky angle the sun blinds you just as you get ready to strike, making the
blow go wide.

• You and <player> each swing and your weapons collide midair causing you to miss.

• You and <player> swing and his strike accidentally knocks your out of the way.

• As <friendly spellcaster> casts <spell that hits> you go in for a feint and, instead of
striking, bounce <spell> off your <weapon/shield>

• You trip over a rock you didn't see and quickly manage to get up. But you lose the

• Your enemy seems to be so fat that when you cut into him he doesn't even bleed.

• As you raise your blade/axe/slapping implement, your foe knocks your weapon from
your hand. You manage to catch it (and if you have an extra attack, make another

• (For high-level warlocks) You try to hit him, but you can't comprehend the nature of
your own attack.

• Dust gets in your eye, causing you to blink at a critical moment.

• Enemy blocks the hit with their shield.

• Enemy ducks at the last moment.

• Enemy is hit by someone else, causing them to stumble out of the way of your attack.

• Enemy jumps backwards at the last moment.

• Enemy parries the blow.

• Enemy nimbly steps out of the way.

• Enemy (stumbles / trips) causing you to miss.

• You swing at the goblin/kobold/halfling and it catches the blade in its teeth, before
spitting it out and hissing at you.
• Light reflecting off of some object, hits you in the eyes just as you are about to strike.

• Someone (friend, foe, bystander) bumps into you, throwing off your aim

• You are briefly distracted by (ally's, enemy's) (assets, beauty, ferocity, power, skill),
causing you to miss.

• Your attack glances off your opponents (armor, carapace, hide, scales).

• Your attack glances off an obstacle (boulder, furniture, tree, wall, etc), causing you to

• Your attack just doesn't hit solidly enough to penetrate the enemy's (armor, carapace,
hide, scales).

• Your attack encounters someone else's attack meant for the same target.

• You narrowly dodge (an attack, a projectile, a falling object), which throws off your

• You trip or stumble, causing you to miss.

• The enemy is in awe of your arcane power, but comforted by your accuracy.

• Deadly claws of lightning crackle from your wand as the room is filled with a
deafening BOOM! and everyone is left asking the same question, "What did you have
against that bookcase?"

• You whiff, as the opponent ducks under your blow.

• A puffin flying by takes your arrow by tragic happenstance.

• Your attack phases through your ghostly foe without any effect.

• Your foe sees your attack coming and briefly steps to the side, causing you to strike
nothing but air.

• Though you strike with all your might, your attack glances off your foe's armour/hide

• Your foe swiftly raises its blade and with one fluid motion redirects your attack away
from it.

• Your foe crouches down, just barely ducking underneath your strike.

• Though your attack leaves a deep gash in the Hill Giant's belly, you don't appear to
have struck anything vital.

• Your foe's armour buckles under the force of your attack, but holds.
• Your weapon connects, but with the plate ringing in your head, the bandit looks

• The blade cuts into the hide, but not deep enough as there seems to be no pain and no

• The rogue predicts your swing as they glide to the side and gently pushes your sword

• They bring their shield up just in time to come between their face and your sword.

• The dragon nimbly evades the blow with a single flap of it's wings

• As you draw back, the manticore hurls a volley of spines, throwing your shot wide

• Your mace crashes home with a sickening pop, but devils don't fear pain, which is
evident as it forces the shoulder back in place with a snarl

• The wounded gnoll spits blood into your face at the height of your swing

• The hag notices you begin casting, and snaps her fingers. Dozens of books take
flight(complete with flapping) from the shelves and throw your shot. "Young'uns don't
appreciate the simple things."

• [enemy name] twirls out of the path of your charge with the speed and grace of a
profession bull-fighter. Olé!

• The enemy sees your attacking hand, reaches out and grabs your wrist, stopping the
dagger / dart in its tracks while looking you in the eye, a sly smile on its face. Before
throwing your hand to the side, it winks at you.

• The spell rushes through the air only for the enemy to spring backwards, landing
clumsily but avoiding the effect. They look both triumphant and embarrassed.

• You rush towards the enemy readying your fists to strike. As you wind up to hit, they
sidestep and come around you in a flash of almost impossible dexterity. Your fist meets
air and you hear a chuckle.

• You lunge forward with your weapon and the enemy barely manages to step aside
with panic in their eyes, you graze their [insert body part here] but no damage is dealt.

• Your weapon smacks against the armour of the enemy, unfortunately not finding a
place where it can penetrate.

• You aim a swift kick to the head, and although the enemy takes the blow, there just
isn’t quite enough power behind it to do damage.
• The enemy strikes out at you with eyes slitted in anger. You duck and their weapon
sails through the air just above your head. A small chunk of your hair / horn / headpiece
/ hood is taken but otherwise you are unharmed.

• You hear a whoosh and turn just in time to dodge an arrow coming for your head,
close enough that the wind of it tickles your inner ear.

• There is a dull thunk as a dagger hits your travel pack, bouncing off the metal beer
tankard hanging off the side. Once again you’re reminded of the perks of drinking.

• The enemy laughs as you illustrate your intent, but fail to make your point.

• You are reminded of a classic Elven idiom, "Not all arrows fly true."

• The dwarf glances at where you've marred their breastplate and sneers, "That is why
you should always tip your blacksmith."

• You loose an arrow at the cultist, but she leans back, Matrix style, and the projectile
whizzes by just above her chin.

• As you thrust towards your opponent with your rapier, they take a step offline and
your blow goes wide.

• You prepare to release the arcane power of your spell but as you do so, you remember
your crisis of faith the previous night and the spell sparks and then is extinguished.

• As you swing your sword towards your opponent's head they artfully catch it with
their own blade and wind, deflecting the strike.

• Your blow clangs off the wall (furniture, tree, etc) next to him as the duck out of the

• You’re able to get your mouth around his leg, but the armor and padding prevent you
from doing any damage (Our Druid likes to wildshape often)

• "You reach in and try to bite their neck, but the armor from their doublet protects it"

• Your arrow arches perfectly in the air but is blown wide by the wind.

• A low branch slightly deflects your swinging sword/axe/weapon.

• The arrow hits the tree the enemy is leaning on, narrowly missing her shoulder.

• The opponent stumbles slightly on uneven ground, and your blow misses its target.

• He swerves as you shoot, and your shot passes harmlessly past his elbow.

• She brings her blade up to deflect your clumsy blow.

• The 3/4 orc ducks.

• A sudden gust of wind diverts your shot.

• A wave hits the boat as you swing, causing you to miss.

• When the roll is close to hitting you might use something like "while you were
making an undercut slash, your sword hit the lucky enemy's coin purse (or any item tha
can do the job) which stopped your blow"

• Your shot would have hit true, but a suicida monkey jumps in its path and gives you a
thumbs up as falls to it’s much desired death.

• As you prepare your spell and take a couple steps forward, you lose your footing on a
loose piece of rubble. The shock causes you to fire your spell prematurely and it the
ground in front of the enemy as you struggle to regain balance.

• Your [agile/powerful] blow has stricken thin air.

• You hitn't.

• Your target shifts at the last moment, you hear the scream of steel, see the sparks as
the blow glances off their armour.

• Just a moment earlier, and your shot would have struck home, but the enemy was just
a little faster.

• You swing your quarter staff into the beast's belly but its thick layer of fat cusions the

• You shoot your arrow at the skeleton and watch as it passes directly between its ribs.

• As you approach the blood soaked floor causes you to slip. You swing a touch to
early to catch your balance again.

• Realizing you should have gone to the latrine before the fight, you go stiff as a
sudden bowel movement attempts to happen, messing up your concentration.

• A sudden gust of wind blows the brim of your hat into your eyes just as you loose the

• You swing with all your might, but they respond with lightning reflexes, snaking their
weapon in between themselves and your attack causing it to ricochet off harmlessly.

• In a flash, your target changes direction as they move, causing you to cut nothing but
• a Natural 1 attack roll: You swing your weapon with every ounce of strength you can
muster. You nearly drop your weapon from the reverberation of the strike and yet your
target appears unfazed and uninjured, shrugging off the blow as if it were nothing.

• Your blade bites into the beasts thick hide, but ultimately not deep enough to deal

• Your strike hits the slime, however it simply molds itself around the blow, avoiding
all damage.

• Lady luck guides your aim, the earth feels your blow.

• Your thrust forward and your enemy almost falls to avoid the blow

• You bring your (weapon) down in a wide arc, but the foe narrowly deflects it with it's

• With a slow powerful thrust, you lung at your foe, but they block, mitigating the

• With a loud CHINK, your weapon tip clashes against the thick steel of their armor.

• With surprising nimbleness, your foe sidesteps the attack!

• Ducking at just the right time, your foe dodges your high swing!

• The foe meets your weapon with theirs, matching your force! The two are of you are
deadlocked for a brief second before you both take a shallow breath and are back to

• You come in with a quick low thrust, but the weapon tip strikes their armor,
resounding a loud clank.

• you scratch his face leaving a small bleeding cut

• You strike the barbarian in the chest with your mace, however it seems to simply
bounce off his thick hide

• The mole on your arm concerns you long enough to distract you from your attack

• A sudden inhale of dust makes you sneeze just as you attempt to strike.

• The Gods do not favor you in this moment, perhaps they have already turned their
eyes to another; you shudder at the thought.

1. A picture of the family

2. A letter from a temple thanking them for their donation to the orphans
3. Some crumpled bits of paper, multiple drafts of a birthday card for their partner
4. A hand drawn picture signed by a child
5. A tattered love letter dated years ago
6. A love poem ripped out of a book with a handwritten "Found this for you" in a
7. A list saying, "Remember: eggs, flour, spatula, do it for them"
8. They have a tattoo of a dog that says RIP below and years of life suggesting it
was their childhood pet
9. A photobooth style short reel of pictures with them and some buddies being silly
10. A letter from the humane society thanking them for their donation
11. Bagged lunch with a heart drawn on the bag
12. A child's toy and a note in childish writing "so u arnt lonly" with it
13. A keychain with two initials in a heart with a date (presumably wedding) 1d6
years back
14. A copper coin that's been through one of those presses that they have at tourist
places, for a child theme-park
15. A recent child's grade report showing quite good grades
16. A note from their parents saying both are sick but don't worry they'll be fine, and
some overtime pay slips
17. A schedule for a recreational sports league and a list of names, some crossed off,
suggesting they were putting the team together
18. Pocket is full of dog treats and poo pickup bags, clearly forgotten there after a
morning walk
19. A few drafts of a (still) poorly rhymed love poem to a partner
20. A volunteer ID for the local PTA
21. “Happy Early Retirement” card from their buddies with the date in two weeks.
22. A map showing the last known location of their long lost parent (and a bunch of
other locations/clues crossed off a long list that started hundreds of miles away).
23. A tattoo saying “as long as you have breath, there is hope”.
24. A ransom note from a kidnapper who has their family held hostage with a
looming deadline and a crazy task to accomplish.
25. A tiny, hinged velvet box containing a silver ring with a single gem embedded in
26. A note from a wife congratulating on a promotion and reminder to pick up some
nice wine on the way home to celebrate
27. A clay piece with a drawing of a woman and baby in a soldier’s pocket far from
28. A letter with the following written inside "we only need 300 more gold until we
can bring her back and live peacefully once again as a family"
29. A worn letter in childish scrawl asking when they will be coming home
30. A brand new copy of “Volo's Guide to What to Expect When You’re Expecting”
with a couple of pages dog-eared in and “Congratulations!” written on the inside
31. A pair of carefully wrapped baby shoes, never worn
32. A note detailing back home talking about how they almost had enough money to
buy their father's house back from the debt collector
33. A bill from a sorcerer listing an exorbitant amount of gold for a spell to cure a
terminally ill child.
34. A tear stained map of the local cemetery with an “X” marking a specific grave.
35. A pouch of small medicinal vials labelled with different names, with a
handwritten note detailing dosages and urgency in delivery.
36. An invitation to a charity ball rewarded for substantial devotion and contribution
to community and individual wellbeing.
37. A small wooden trinket and a list clear written by a child with the heading
“birhday ideaz”
38. 3 tickets for passage on a ship to faraway lands and an ad about a new life in
said faraway land
39. A small pet, like a salamander or a rat, that tries to wake up its deceased owner.
40. A letter from family thanking them for the money they've been sending, it's
made a huge difference.
41. A letter from family thanking them for the money they've been sending, but ma
isn't getting better so they should come home to see her soon.
42. A letter from a sister with a time to meet her away from her violent partner.
43. To-do list with milk for grandma.
44. An unsent letter to their child congratulating them for their job as chef, which
finally reveals a secret family recipe to the kid.
45. Notes on how to alchemy up a cure to a disease, unfinished.
46. A wanted poster of not them, with personal notes on tracking them down for
what they did to this minion's family.
47. A small brass pendant with a year on it.
48. A wedding ring with the gemstones removed.
49. A long letter from a old friend / family about all the silly drama from a quiet
50. A formal letter of a next of kin's passing that indicates the bearer is the last of
the family.
51. A small bundle of letters, all from the same person, signed the same way, "See
you soon love!"
52. A writ of freedom for years of indentured servitude paid off.
53. A full set of knitting needles, ball of yarn, and a couple baby-sized hats.
54. A calendar going back months with days crossed off, leading to blanks and a
circle a few days from now.
55. A letter of acceptance to a wizard college.
56. A pair of baby's shoes, they look like they've never been worn.
57. Flower, safely tucked away in a pocket
58. A locket, with two sets of initials and a date inscribed into it
59. An expensive charcoal drawing of of the soldier and a woman
60. A bracelet with several charms on it
61. A wedding ring

6/7. A letter to/from a lover back home

8. A lucky rabbits foot

9. A scale of a dragon (of any color)

10. A small knife, used for whittling

11/12. A set of cards/gambling dice

13. A key. It is unknown what it opens

14. A small vial of oil, used for cleaning weapons and armor

From u/catsAndImprov

15. A bag of carefully wrapped sweets

16. A calendar with a date circled

17. A sketchbook, filled with talented drawings of nature and scenes of a soldier’s life

18. A pouch of trinkets, such as buttons and bird feathers

From u/KaptanKangarooroo

19. A book of prayers to a deity

20. The dog tags of a fallen comrade

21. The collar of a pet

From u/jwjunk

22. A baby rattle

23. A scarf, faintly smelling of perfume

24. A small, dirty holy symbol

1. Invisible ring - When activated, ring turns invisible

2. Wand of Night Vision - Its a torch
3. Rope of Entanglement - Rope cannot be untangled
4. Potion of confusion - Really cheap booze
5. Wish Scroll - Upon activation, summons a well.

1. Convince a loan shark to forgive a mans debt

2. Helping a poor lad win a race so that he can win the heart of his crush.
3. Babysit for a friendly fey power-couple whose magically-gifted children love
playing games like "the floor is made of lava," "don't let the balloon touch the
ground," and "freeze tag."
4. Light all the sacred shrine lanterns along a deserted mountain trail.
5. Investigate the site of a meteor crash in the deep woods.
6. Track down a cow that broke free from the herd and return it to the farmer
7. convince someones child not to become a soldier/ adventurer.
8. Convince someone's parents that they should allow their child to be a soldier or
9. Take a lesson from a BARD and make a performance.
10. Use your spells to aide in a Play or performance.
11. Look into strange happenings around town. (It's just restless kids/ teens playing
12. Take some food/ supplies to the orphanage outside of town.
13. Help gather food for the upcoming celebratory feast (fruit from the orchard,
grain or vegetables from the fields, herbs and mushrooms from the forest, etc.
Choose what makes most sense in your setting)
14. Harvest honey from a certain beehive with the sweetest honey. The bees there
are notoriously ornery.
15. Gather rare medicinal herbs to help the local healer brew a salve for Little
Timmy who's sick.
16. The town's blacksmith has broken his arm. Figure out a way to keep the town
supplied until he's back on his feet.
17. An NPC's party is a total snooze fest. Liven it up. Let your players interpret that
as they wish...
18. Negotiate with the local kobold tribe over mining rights and dues.
19. Spy on the populace for a local lord, to find the insurrectionists.
20. Convince a proud weapon smith to make plow shares, instead of his legendary
blades. (The blades end up sentient and cursed after so many battles.)
21. Infiltrate a thieves guild, to unmask the new “Puppet Master.”
22. Rebuild a home destroyed by bandits
23. Help a local cleric move a sofa
24. Re-light a signal fire on top of a mountain
25. Participate in a talent show
26. Challenge the village bullies to a game of basketball
27. Deliver secret letters for two star crossed lovers from rival houses.
28. Solve the murder mystery.
29. Find the elven queen and get magical soil and seeds to heal the recently cleaned
blighted forest.
30. Win a tournament of carnival games.
31. Win a poker/card/dice tournament.
32. Deliver a love letter.
33. Take a group to the school prom.
34. Fix up a bunch of broken items in the shopkeeper’s place.
35. Be a member of the jury for a very grey case
36. Set up trade agreements between competing guilds to help alleviate the amount
of sabotage in the business.
37. Train a group of guards in how to anticipate the often unpredictable actions of
38. Host a support group for "I think my child might be turning evil"
39. Resolve a miner’s strike for the local magistrate.
40. Save a servant’s job by finding the missing silver and prove she didn’t pilfer it.
41. Raise funds from the tight-fisted local aristocracy to build an orphanage for the
children orphaned by the recent war, to which the local aristocracy was heavily
called upon to financially support by the Baron/Duchess/Queen, etc.
42. Perform a puppet show for the children of a fey court to keep them entertained
and out of mischief while their parents/guardians attend court.
43. Collect living magical beasts for the local Countess’s Mystical Menagerie.
44. Take the Baroness’s teenage son on a “heroic adventure” as he is enamored with
adventurers and longs for an epic quest, but is socially awkward, bad with
weapons, clumsy, and so far unable to learn even cantrips. They are forbidden
from placing him in front of any real threat. Do they put on a completely faux
adventure or attempt to build his confidence and teach him skills?
45. Prove the innocence of a man accused of theft of a noble's jewels
46. Find a way to repair a large windmill that helps drive the town
47. Put on a play for a group of orphans after the local actor troupe quit
48. Interview witnesses of a possible murder
49. Interview applicants for the job of henchman
50. Get alchemical supplies for healing potions to a remote town dealing with a
disease outbreak
51. Deal with a noble's son bullying and throwing his weight around
52. Plan security for a festival. They have to be careful, too tight and it's no fun. Too
loose, and it can get out of hand. Include different areas where things can go
wrong (party boats, shooting range, stuff for kids in the morning).
53. A local orphanage is going to be shut down. The only way to keep it open is to
win the cash prize at the local talent show/battle of the bands.
54. A series of combat fake-outs where a siege turns out to be a festival, but the
party needs to convince them to clear a path from the front gate. Then some
marauders attack but it turns out they're just larping, but they are still bothering
travelers, etc.
55. Help Catsy Cline the tabaxi farmer do chores around her farm with lots of
unusual creatures.
56. Help a group of mourners put on a funeral. You'll need to play music and cater
57. Try to beat the Fairy Godfather at a casino game to win a magic item.
58. A woman's flock of prize chickens were spooked away by last night's storm.
They look to be a different breed than most other chickens in the area. Help her
round them up safe and sound and she'll give you a warm meal and a small
59. A young boy asks for help to find his runaway family dog. He gives you a
shabby old blanket covered in fur and tells you it was her favorite. Under the
smudges of mud and dead leaves, you notice finely embroidered clothes that
suggest that he comes from a wealthy family.
60. A performer who was supposed to make an appearance at the tavern the party is
staying at hasn't shown up yet. Either find them or stall for time so the crowd
doesn't get bored!
61. A house party in the city has been getting lots of noise complaints. Break it up
and send the drunk guests home.
62. A little girl's direcat got stuck in a tree.
63. A wizard's familiar is going on strike. Apparently it doesn't like dying so much.
64. Find a very small lost item.
65. Be bodyguards for someone who just wants them for the prestige. They are
incredibly irritating but under no threat of violence.
66. Retrieve a blink dog or semi intangible animal.
67. Write a diplomatic letter for an inept ruler to prevent disaster.
68. Help out local farmers before the first frost rolls in.
69. Babysit a powerfully magical infant.
70. Rescue a cat from a giant magical tree (its near the top)
71. Find and bring back a child lost in a maze (the maze changes and uses illusions)
72. Fill in for some performers who are unavailable (sick, hurt, left). Could be a
play, stunts, music, etc. (lots of role playing, write an outline of challenges
they'll encounter during it)
73. Help someone find a loophole in a contact with a demon / fey
74. Gather rare ingredients for a particular perfume, poison, or potion for an
75. Help the local blacksmith with their next armor piece.
76. Baby sit a bunch of old time adventures with dementia. Their class abilities are
still intact, they're just senile.
77. Someone seeks help in solving a magical puzzle box they inherited from a
family member.
78. Plant some false information, either by rumour, or in letter form. Make sure the
correct people learn this information. Bonuses for making them believe it comes
from an enemy of theirs, not the player, and is supposed to be secret.
79. Help a local chef win a cook off by gathering his necessary exotic ingredients
(marketplace, dark market, going and getting them yourself from the wilderness)
80. Go with a dragon studies professor to study a dragon's habits.
81. A changling has a sword pulled on them by their friends after telling them
they're a changling.
82. Declog a sewer pipe in the sewers beneath the city. There is a homeless
werebeaver living there that is unknowingly building a dam, causing the
blockage, during full moons.
83. Track down a cowardly sentient ooze with a magic item.
84. Win a poetry competition in a cave of intelligent pacifist orcs
85. Help a lone forest dweller unblock the mountain path from storm debris
86. Help an astral dragon return to its home plane.
87. Help with rebuilding an intricate shrine so the settlement it's built around can
receive the blessing of its god(s) once more. Proper reconstruction probably
requires it to be partly made of rare materials using exotic techniques.
88. Help the festival planners in preventing an important festival
competition/election/nomination from being rigged.
89. Accompany a famous explorer(s) as they seek to catalog new sights with the aid
of 'fresh yet experienced perspectives'.
90. Rescue a merchant caravan trapped in a stormy mountain pass.
91. Tutor a newborn demigodlike being in mortal matters, so that it can blend in
with the mortal family it is raised with.
92. Help the local government investigate and assess candidates for an office of high
esteem, requiring specific traits e.g. unwavering loyalty, honesty, a propensity
for pragmatism, etc.
93. Bring a renowned artist to somewhere they've never been so they can become
inspired once more.
94. One of the locals owns a hyperactive blink dog as a pet. Recently they hurt their
leg so need someone to take it for a walk. WCGW.
95. Recover several missing sandbags and get them to the town before the coming
1: They were once made a dark lord, only for the dark powers to realize just how much
power they have and teleported them away, fearing this thing would destroy them. The
BBEG now hunts for a way back to Ravenloft to subjugate them.

2: Saying their name is punishable by death in certain kingdoms, children scream and
cry at it's utterance.

3: The Aboleths wiped themselves of almost all memories of them, the only indication
of their existence in their heads is "They must be kept away at all costs".

4: They strolled into the abyss and made themselves a castle in the bottom lair.

5: They sent a personal message to Primus, who now seems more keen on sending
people to gather powerful items.


6: The only time two otherwise completely hostile nations came together was to fend
them off the first time they tried to put their plans into motions.

7: Most everyone observes a daily ritual of pricking their finger and dripping some
blood on the ground to help maintain the magic that keeps them imprisoned.

8: They were once banished to Carceri, after decades they found a way out to get


9: They say he was from an island nation off the coast. But no modern map show any
islands. And the older maps have been burned or had the ocean section scratched off.
Sailors refuse to go further than the lighthouses can see. At night, you can still see a
feint red glow in the direction the tales speak of, as a fire still burns.

10: They say he was the champion of a great army, but his pride prevented him from
refusing a duel. After he died to a trick he swore revenge with his dying breath. A year
after his funeral the grave was empty, and the man who struck him down was spread
over the entire kingdom. No one knows who he is after now.

11: There are few beings that can wake a dragon. Fewer still that get a dragons
attention. But only one who can make a dragon run in terror. If even the great beasts of
ancient times fear him, what are we to do?


13: Beholders, self-obsessed as they are, worship this being as a god. Some say it's
because they beat the Great Beholder Mother into submission.

14: They had scryed their future in the past and now know most of the major details of
every living being in the surrounding area.

15: (Trigger warning) Almost all people who have seen them have killed themselves,
except one who went blubbering mad.

16: The moon's craters are from the BBEG practicing new spells.

17: The reason the Gods never show themselves to mortals anymore is because BBEG
killed a former God.


18: They visited Elysium, and came out without even a trace of having been affected by
the planes effect

19: Asmodeus regularly sends them tainted souls out of a sheer hellish sense of "oh god
take this and stay away from me"

20: (In a modern campaign) Occasionally when visiting countries, their presence is
announced by nuke sirens

21: The PC's regularly get notes, regardless of their location, and all delivered by hand
while the party sleeps. Those who keep watch sometimes hear the BBEG'S voice

22: The BBEG openly ignores the effects of an archmage divination wizards portent

My Own Ideas

23: Tharizdun considers them the only worthy successor.

24: They straight up made an elemental plane, not just a demi plane, but the elemental
plane of suffering, after they decided the Abyss wasn't hardcore enough.


25: Everyone they meet insists they’ve never heard of the BBEG. They’re lying, and
will do everything in their power- regardless of rapport with the PCs- to keep their
mouths shut. Insight checks reveal that the NPCs feel primordial terror. Continued
attempts to talk about the BBEG with NPCs leads to the PCs being arrested, ambushed
or otherwise attacked by forces from either side of the law.

26: If the group has a patron, deity or anything remotely similar, that being should break
from any of their typical mysticism or aloofness to warn the party about this enemy.

27: Animal companions and sidekicks innately fear this enemy.

28: The party should hear stories of a weapon able to defeat this enemy. Before they can
obtain it, they should then hear stories about the enemy snapping this weapon in half
with their bare hands.
29: Pick a village / city / state / continent. The players stop hearing about it.


30: The bbeg made an eclipse occur for far longer than it should ( a month? ) just
because (s)he was bored.

31: Some ancient well kept tales speak of two moons. But looking up you can only see
one at night. Scholars also find unusual debry around the stellar bodies, something that
doesn't seem to occur onwards.


32: A god thought dead in the last great war in the heavens is in fact chained to the foot
of their throne.

33: There used to be a 9th school of magic. That was before the BBEG hunted down
and killed every practitioner of the art, burned their labs and shredded their spellbooks.

34: The BBEG cast an epic level spell on the whole world, causing anyone who tries to
utter their true name to get choked out. A Con save must be made for each individual

35: The BBEG's name is literally in the dictionary, much the same way we'd use
"Machiavellian" for cunning plots or "Gygaxian" for dungeons that are a pain in the ass.

36: The BBEG was offered godhood in exchange for halting their assaults on everything
and everyone. They declined, seeing it as a demotion.

37: The devils of the underworld have a standing order; no making deals with the
BBEG. Not after what happened last time.


38: Many soldiers and guards of towns around the province are taught specialty courses
on how to die the least painful way to die by said BBEG.

39: The BBEG has lost most motivation to fight, and as such, finds like meaningless
and often goes on genocide sprees just to simply find a spark of interest in his boring

40: His name is known throughout all dimensions, from Asgard to The Underworld, and
even the everchanging Feywild and Shadowfell.


41: The BBEG was recently released (by an earthquake) from an ancient prison guarded
by krakens at the bottom of the ocean. The krakens, normally chaotic evil themselves,
vowed to never again let this being see the light of the sun.

42: The BBEG periodically actively tries to destroy itself... but cannot.

43: The BBEG has a death wish, which it pursues by allowing the PCs to harm him.


44. Even Archdevils and Demon Lords fear them, and it is rumored that all fiends
cannot disobey them. Could they end the blood war and bring about the end times?


45: When encountered by angels, instead of attempting to kill them the angels instead
decide to side with the BBEG, believing them to be a greater power than even the gods

46: Cults have formed around the BBEG, hoping for salvation from their wrath.


47: (Using Obyriths as inspiration) BBEG destroyed the previous planes of existence,
got bored of nothingness and created new material planes and is currently waiting for it
to be built up so that they can tear it to shreds for the joy of doing it all again in a
thousand years.

48: The BBEG created the Elemental Planes by destroying and sealing the original four
Primordial Elementals.

49: The BBEG is constantly seen and does things in plain sight, but nobody can
remember what they look like, write anything descriptive about them, etc. They can be

50: Have the BBEG kill a powerful NPC with a simple strike, wave of a hand, a word,
nothing too fancy. The ending result being a dead NPC.

51: (Tharizdun inspired) Created dozens of cults with different names and false
appearances. Allow the party to slowly uncover that the majority of the cults they fight
are actually the same god.

52: Have an villainous NPC that the party hates (perhaps a backstory NPC) be treated
like they are pathetic by the BBEG.


53: Has it's own god as slave and forces them to grant them powers and favors

54: When asked about the material plane and all the different dimensions, the BBEG
goes aloof and offers that they’ve never really thought about all those insignificant
matters before


55: The BBEG immolates a great hero (or heroes) with a wave of the hand in front of
the party. With a chuckle they bring the hero(es) back to be killed again.....and
again....and again...and again...

56: The soul trade provides a tithe each cycle of the cosmos in order to secure

57: They can cast 10th and 11th level magic with few drawbacks whereas it is
impossible or deadly to any other caster who have attempted.

58: Legends suggest that the BBEG subjugated the Tarrasque, using the creature as their

59: The BBEG has single-handedly created a new metamagic that drastically increase a
spells potency but slowly corrupts them to be under the control/suggestion of the
BBEG. They have been using this to steadily grow their following over the centuries.
(credit to my DM)


60: Vecna (God of secrets) and his cultists won't stop going on about how scary BBEG


61: The villain, formerly a high level wizard of the guild, wreaked such havoc on the
mages’ guild that the mages do not send their own people to hunt him. They only send
willing adventurers crazy enough to challenge him. None have ever succeeded.


62: The BBEG is of a race that is supposed to have a weakness to a certain damage type
(ex: vampires and radiant damage), yet hunts beings which almost exclusively deal
damage via this type for sport. Example: a vampire (supposedly vulnerable to radiant
damage) hunts angels (which deal radiant damage) for sport.

63: The BBEG hunts powerful beings (celestials or fiends) or creatures (Ancient
Dragons or the Terrasque) for sport.

64: A legend says that a man once insulted the BBEG while in a country far away from
the BBEG. That night, the man’s body was found torn to shreds and scattered
throughout his bedchamber. There were no signs of entry from another creature, as the
room’s door was locked and the windows sealed shut.
65: If someone speaks ill of the BBEG, they are immediately set upon and torn to shreds
by a mob of local people. This is because the people are terrified of what happened the
last time a person spoke ill of the BBEG. (Leave the exact occurrences of what
happened vague and up to the players’ imagination)

66: An entire army of deities/arch celestials/arch fiends/fey lords went out to challenge
the BBEG. None returned.

67: Legends say that the BBEG cannot be killed. He has been decapitated, torn to
shreds, burned to ashes, etc only to rise again the following night.

68: Legends say that the BBEG once devoured the souls of multiple kingdoms simply
because he desired a snack.

69: Legends say that the BBEG never acts through open force. They instead take the
form of a trusted friend or ally, and manipulate local heroes to do their dirty work for

70: It is said that the gods themselves once attempted to strike the BBEG down.
Needless to say, the attempt failed. The only reason why those gods are still in existence
is because the BBEG found the attempt to be amusing enough that he spared them.

71: Supposedly, there is an entire kingdom with not a single citizen, being populated
entirely by statues. The BBEG petrified this kingdom as a warning to others when they
tried to defy him.


72: The king of "x" once insulted the BBEG. That kingdom now lies in ruins, the few
people to survive scattered to the four winds. They say it was no army that destroyed the
kingdom, it was the work of a single foe.

73: Anyone that speaks the BBEG's name is stricken with a sudden overwhelming sense
of dread.

74: When powerful beings are summoned to help vs the BBEG, they refuse.

75: When powerful beings are summoned to help vs the BBEG, the being opens a portal
to another world and offers the PCs a chance to leave their world behind.

76: When a seemingly unstoppable villain hears that the BBEG might be approaching,
they immediately stop fighting, withdraw all their forces, and flee the country.

77: The PCs are in the council chamber of (angels / arch wizards / devils / kings / the
Fae / war lords). The chamber is filled with noise as everyone is arguing over important
things. The mere mention of the BBEG's name causes the room to go dead silent as all
eyes turn to the speaker.
78: The kingdom's most powerful (adventurers, heroes, warriors, wizards) gathered to
go defeat the BBEG. Only one of them returned. With (his / her) dying breath, reported
that all the others were dead.

79: (A god / The wizard's council) dropped an asteroid on the BBEG's capital city
reducing it to a crater and causing powerful earthquakes halfway around the world. The
BBEG climbed out of the crater and started hunting down everyone responsible.

Jersey Dragon

80: Last time they “went for a casual stroll” they left a 500 mile long path of carnage,
destruction, and unspeakable horrors before they got bored and took “the scenic route”
back the same way.

81: Lands they have traveled must be salted to avoid countless blights and other
creatures and horrible plants feeding on the raw evil from growing.


82: When doing history / knowledge checks you remember your parents telling you
scary stories to keep you away from danger. The scary stories are based off of the

83: Introduce a BBEG and once the party beats that BBEG and questions them, reveal
to the players that it was simply an (out of fear) loyal minion of the even bigger Bad
Evil Guy.

84: Have historians tell the party about the story, powers and evil deeds of the long dead
BBEG. Make the players glad that they dont have to fight anyone like that in their
current age. Sometime after the foreshadowing bring the BBEG back. Maybe they were
in hiding for so long to cure their wounds or maybe they were resurected.

85: The party spots corpses of good old friends hanging dead from trees or executed in
their villages. Friends that they know stood up to the BBEG.

86: The BBEG rides an enslaved Ancient Gold Dragon.


87: He practices the most forbidden of magic, the lost 9th school of magic- blasphemy
redirection magic. He can so offend the gods that they attempt to smite him, only to
have that energy repurposed and redirected at the bbeg's enemies. The more the gods try
to punish him, the more damage and chaos he can cause.


88: Reveal to the players that the BBEG can replace what any person is saying with its
own words, without the person's consent, without the person noticing, and without any
noticeable tell, except in perhaps a few heavily warded locations where one or more of
those properties is held back. If you want to take it a step farther, the BBEG can also
rewrite words that have been written, a la Ruin from the Mistborn trilogy.

89: The BBEG kills and then becomes the leadership of a nation the day after that
nation declares war on the BBEG. Depending on how mindbogglingly powerful the
BBEG is, anywhere from the leadership's direct servants to every citizen of the nation
now willfully serves the BBEG.

90: The BBEG takes displeasure with a natural landmark, and has it thrown into space.

91: The BBEG becomes enamored with a natural landmark or architectural wonder, and
abruptly removes it to a pocket dimension already populated with other 'Wonders of the
World'. Ideally follow this up with a ridiculous number of craters or blank spaces on
your world map.

92: Everyone trusts their friend 'Steve' (or another generic name), even if they can't
recall when they became friends with Steve, how to describe him, or anything Steve did.
Discovering these limitations in one's own memories of Steve is difficult, and doing so
elicits barely any discomfort/suspicion/revulsion. People recognize the BBEG as Steve
while able to directly perceive it, but otherwise don't make the connection even after the
fact. Even while engaged in hostilities with the BBEG, its opponents have a hard time
mustering any negative sentiment towards it, and everyone gets upset with the hostiles
for attacking their friend Steve.

93: The texts of ancient philosophers, scientists, and magi agree on a basic truth. There
are four kinds of 'laws' in the world, in order of importance: the laws set forth by men,
the laws decreed by the gods, the laws defined by nature, and whatever the BBEG says.

94: The BBEG offhandedly mentions that it owes the players a small favor for whatever
their last adventure was, as it served the BBEG's interests in some small way.
Knowledgeable NPCs who learn of this immediately begin courting the players' favor
solely because of this fact, even if those NPCs were previously enemies of the party.

95: The BBEG completely ignores a flock of fully-grown metallic dragons and angels
trying to kill it, until the point where one of them obstructs its vision, at which point the
BBEG grabs the offending attacker, snaps its neck, and reshapes its flesh into a chair for
it to sit on.


96 BBEG has bought and owns a village where the locals are paid to be professional
peasants, and the BBEG gets to cosplay as a commoner for their own entertainment.

97 it turns out that the BBEG has been creating minor threats around the world to give
hero’s a call to action and slowly guiding the threats toward themselves, so that the
BBEG might finally have a worthy opponent. Because no one is more challenging than
someone with something to fight for

98 the PCs can never remember the BBEG as he magically removes himself from short
term memories. Even the gods don’t seem immune.
99 the sun shines away from the BBEG, not that the BBEG is absorbing the light and
thereby causing darkening, but rather the light bends away to avoid the pure evil of the
big bad

1. Blessings
2. • Charms
3. • A letter of recommendation
4. • Medals
5. • Key to the City
6. • Land
7. • Buildings
8. • Businesses
9. • Favours
10. • Special rights
11. • Titles
12. • Training opportunities
13. • Epic boons
14. • An animal companion
15. • A non-animal companion
16. • Their weight in cheeses
17. • The name of a god which grants an ability but once given to another is
forgotten forever
18. • Clues
19. • Evidence
20. • A get out of jail free card
21. • A regret, resolved
22. • Youth
23. • A map
24. • An introduction
25. • Knowledge thought forgotten
26. • A tin of “Ham?”
27. • One question to a deity
28. • A deal with a fiend
29. A marvelous work of art in the character's name u/bad1aj
30. An apprentice, who may both help and accidentally hinder
31. Access to an unique location for crafting certain items, and the tools/staff to
work it (think a dwarven forge in the heart of a volcano, gnomish tinker
laboratories, etc.)
32. Access to either an additional spell slot of the highest level available, or an extra
spell being available (either one is temporary)
33. The horn of a given dragon type. Blow it, and they shall come to your aid,
although depending on which color it is, the help may not be that great in the
34. Having the character's very essence put into a magical beast/item, turning it into
a semi-sentient item.
35. A type of vehicle made for about the party's level (a basic wagon or boat at low
level, all the way up to an airship or a magic cloud that can fit everyone).
36. Membership to a group u/silvertone62
37. Juicy blackmail fodder
38. A lottery ticket
39. Trading cards
40. A coupon book
41. A pigeon that always knows the way home
42. A memento
43. A "magic" 8 ball
44. Boxing gloves
45. Name a sandwich after them
46. A sponsorship
47. A business opportunity
48. A surprise pregnancy/kid
49. A theme song
50. Treasure map u/plunkystarship
51. Mastercraft weapons
52. A wish
53. A favor from the king
54. The support of an army
55. A body double (you ever need to appear to be in too places at one time)
56. A discount
57. A license or permit
58. A mount
59. A ship
60. A statue or monument built in their honor
61. A writ of safe passage
62. Access to restricted locations
63. Food and lodging
64. Forgiveness of a crime / expunged criminal records
65. High quality equipment
66. Wealth (gold, gems, jewelry, letters of credit, etc)
67. A skill instructor u/Fallstar
68. An invitation to an important event
69. A training ground (for learning feats during downtime)
70. Fair maiden's kiss u/InquisitiveNerd
71. A proposal
72. A dowry
73. A honeymoon
74. A kid
75. A restraining order
76. A memory
77. An end
78. Paid entry to a tournament. u/ajchafe
79. Repair equipment.
80. The answer to a riddle.
81. Birth on a ship. (Edit, berth haha).
82. Passage on a caravan.
83. Fishing Rights.
84. Mining Rights.
85. Sheep.
86. Barrel of rum.
87. Spices to trade (Salt, peppercorns).
88. Cancel a contract on someone's life.
89. Assassinate someone.
90. Flamethrower that runs on Alchemists Fire. u/AGuestIGuess
91. Free admission to something for life u/ArcaneSpellbook
92. Betrothal to a princess of your choice
93. A nice estate with all expenses pai
94. A grappling hook u/Canid_Red
95. Manacles
96. A key to a specific place of interest
97. A tome or book on information such as the histories of various dragons
98. Upgrades to a mundane weapon, such as adding silver to the edge
99. A particular set of armor
100. Audience with an important figure such as a queen or deity
101. Antitoxin or antivenom
102. Hirelings
103. Medical treatment for something
104. Curses with practical utility u/Dragonsdoom
105. Mutations
106. Fish
107. A home-cooked meal u/Dryu_nya
108. A family heirloom
109. A second chance
110. Fame and respect
111. A follower
112. Land
113. A pure-bred animal
114. Aged wine/mead
115. A position of power
116. A fine mechanical device
117. A date
118. A kiss
119. A favor with an important or beloved NPC u/UnwillingGoddess
120. A spare/new outfit
121. The right to some day, and that day may never come, to call upon the
giver for an unspecified, but vaguely implied to be illegal, service. u/kandoras
122. Access to higher (or maybe lower) levels of society and the chance to
interact with the people living at those levels.
123. A business or residence which had been seized by the giver and was
vacant. Perhaps the previous owners will try to reclaim it?
124. A bottle of fine spirits or wine. u/Neontal_Ream
125. A portrait of the PC
126. Delicious soup that is so good you improve the mood of anyone who
drinks it. u/countfluffythetrout
127. Tea u/tosety
128. A pet
129. A copy of Aurora's Whole Realm Catalogue
130. a fortune telling - a bad omen that preceeds caution u/Silixtime
131. a divination - a solution to a sticky situation (ex. When in doubt choose
blue = one possible solution to an upcoming riddle)
132. a key without lock (for now)
133. outstanding care for their pet(horse)
134. a song/ tale that will be praised far and high
135. access to a magic item shop
136. access to sell magic items
137. invitation to a yearly festival
138. opportunity to a rare natural phenomenon
139. favourable relation between two others
140. Accurate maps

A wagon and oxen

An extraordinarily comfortable bedroll

A bag of quicklime (any self-respecting Dwarf has several, and knows at least a dozen

The ability to always find good company

The ability to always find "good company"

The ability to always find joy in simple things


1. What was your childhood fear, how did you overcome it?
2. What did your parents do for a living? Where are your parents now? If they're
not alive or you don't know where they are, why? How did that affect your
character mentally, emotionally, and physically?
3. Who did you spend a lot of time with in your teenage and early adult years?
What kind of things did you do in your spare time?
4. If there is a tragic event in your character's past, what was life like before that?
When the tragic event happened, what did your character and your close
friends/family do about it? What happened to those involved? How did that
affect your character?

4 part 2) Who was responsible for the tragic event? What was their motivation for
putting said event into motion? Does your character desire revenge, reconciliation, or
simply to leave the past behind and start a new life? How does your character plan on
doing this?

5) How did others from your homeland treat you? Were you well liked, a bit of an
outcast, or were people jealous of you?

6) What is your biggest childhood trauma?

7) What’s your character’s home life like?

8) How are your parents?

9) What does the family tree look like (Siblings, Cousins, Etc.)?

10) How are your siblings different to you? Who did your parents like better?

11) What's a time you disappointed your family?

12) What's a time your family was proud of you?

13) What were you doing before you started adventuring?

14) Where are you family/what happened to them?


15) What was your first fight like?

16) What's one rumor about you that puts you in negative light, which people spread to
hurt your character?

17) What's one rumor spread about you which puts you in a positive light?

18) What has been the best day of your life so far?

19) What is a skill that you underrate in your self, or overrate.

20) What are your previous accomplishments?

21) What jobs have you worked in the past?

22) Do you have any formal education or apprenticeship?

23) Who were your closest friends in each of those places you worked or went to
school? Who were your rivals? Who were your supervisors and how did they treat you?

24) Where have you previously lived? For each community you previously lived in,
what was your involvement/contribution to that community?

25) How does X being your lowest ability score affect you?

26) How do you feel about the city watch/guards?

27) Have you ever fought anyone/anything?

28) Did you choose to be an adventurer or did circumstances push you into it?
29) Has your character ever been in love?

30) Describe a moment where you felt like a hero

31) Describe a moment where you felt like a villain

32) Recall a time your character experienced gratification because of their actions.

33) Recall a time your character experienced regret because of their actions.

34) What is a memory your character cherishes from their past life?


35) What emotion do you associate with your character?

36) What hobbies do you have? Have you had any hobbies in the past that you've
stopping taking part in?

37) What 3 words best describe your character?

38) How much do you tip your waitress after she mixes up your order and gives you a
discount due to her mixup?

39) If the character could have his/her way without conscience... what would they do?

40) Is your instinctive reaction to danger fight, flight or freeze?

41) Do you have any allergies?

42) Do you have any addictions?

43) Where’d you get that scar?

44) What party stories does your character like to tell?

45) What does your character find funny?

46) If you got one wish, what would it be?

47) What’s with the bandana tied about your wrist?

48) Why are you so afraid of (roll D20) ? 1: Water, 2: Open spaces, 3: Enclosed spaces,
4: Insects, 5: Snakes, 6: Dogs, 7: Cold, 8: Fire, 9: Failure, 10: Abandonment/being
alone, 11: Ghosts, 12: Darkness, 13: Loud noises, 14: Silence, 15: Sharp objects, 16:
Blood, 17: Thunderstorms, 18: Gore, 19: Disease, 20: Filth

49) Does your character have any obsessive or compulsive habits?

50) If you came into a great fortune what would you do with it?

51) Are you more comfortable in a city or a forest?

52) Do you have any prejudices?

53) What would you be doing if you weren't adventuring with this group?

54) Who was your first crush?

55) Who/what would you stop adventuring to save/protect?

56) What do you want? What are your goals in life?

57) If you could design the ideal teammate/friend/partner, what would they be like?
How would they act?

58) Name a song that describes your character.

59) What motivates your character?

60) What discourages your character?

61) What color best represents your character?

62) Your character gets to name the next boat they sail on, what do they name it?

63) What does your character want the most?

64) What does your character want to be remembered for once they leave this world?

What sort of Campaign do you want?

There were solid suggestions for this rather than what their specific character is like, so
here's another list:

1. What sort of puzzles do you enjoy? Or do you enjoy puzzles?

2. Do you like to do character voices?
3. Are you interested in complex settings?
4. How political would you like the campaign?
5. Do you enjoy mysteries?
6. What videogames do you like best?
7. What balance of combat/RP do you like?
8. What is something in a previous campaign which you've really enjoyed?
9. What is something in a previous campaign which you really didn't enjoy?
10. Do you prefer visual storytelling and descriptions or getting down to business
11. How dark do you like settings to be?
12. What is off the table content-wise (would recommend playing with the rule that
anyone can veto events, so if torture or sexual themes come up and they aren't
comfortable they can just nope it)
13. What in the world would you like to explore?
14. How big do you want the world?
15. What are some theoretical endgames for your character?
16. How long would you like sessions to be?
17. Would you like breaks in sessions?
18. Do you like to play optimally or more casually?
19. How often do you expect to level?
20. Do you want long campaigns or shorter quests?
21. How long is too long for combat?
22. Do you want set solutions and practical ways to find them, or the opportunity to
be inventive?
23. Would you like NPCs who are close to the party?
24. How comfortable are you with violence/gore/sexual themes/in-game

1. Send away: "I would heartily recommend you turn around, this is not a great
place for tourism."
2. Disarm or Diplomacy: "Alright, leave your weapons by the door and come talk
by the fireside."
3. Trap: "Okay, wait in the waiting area - to your left, more to your left, forward a
bit, to your left, perfect." *engage trap*
4. Diplomacy: "Well you sound like stand up individuals, I'll go get the boss so
they can decide."
5. Diplomacy or Trap: "If you're looking to join the
gang/tribe/horde/group/association then follow me to the recruit testing
6. Send away: "You don't want to come this way, this is the poison cave, I'm just
here to warn people away. We tried just putting up a sign but too many
unfortunates ignored it."
7. Send away and/or Extort: "Hey you's. How's about a bit of coin, and I won't
tell anyone I's seen ya? Eh? Eh? I won't even ring this here alarm bell." <Wink>
8. Send away: "Yeah, I wouldn't recommend coming here unless you're invited,
trespassers tend to end up becoming part of the chef's special. Needless to say,
don't eat any meat if you do get invited here."
9. Send Away: On orders of [setting appropriate authority figure], this area has
been declared off limits, please take your business elsewhere.
10. Diplomacy: You want through? Alright, the commander is in the tent over there,
leave your weapons in the rack before you head in.
11. Trap: You want through? Alright, the commander is in the tent over there, leave
your weapons in the rack before you head in. (The "commander's tent" contains
a monster)
12. Diplomacy: Before you enter, you need to swear an oath of peaceful travel to
our god, [setting appropriate god, non-evil alignment]. (If sworn, this oath
inflicts a curse on anyone that attempts to draw first blood in a conflict within 24
hours of being sworn. Once first blood is drawn, all restrictions are off).
13. Trap: Before you can enter, you need to swear an oath of peaceful travel to our
god, [setting appropriate god, ideally NE or LE alignment]. (DC 15 sense motive
check to detect something is screwy, DC 20 Knowledge: Religion check to
know that a more accurate translation of "peaceful" from the original infernal is
"yielding" or "surrendering". Any character who swears the oath can be
commanded by a cleric of the god in question, as though affected by a Geas
14. Turn Away: By order of the [setting appropriate authority figure], none may
pass here without appropriate authorization, and nothing may be removed
without paying the appropriate taxes. Do you have those forms? No? Then I'm
sorry, but you must return to the castle and make an appropriate request.
15. Extort: By order of the [setting appropriate authority figure], none may pass
here without appropriate authorization, and nothing may be removed without
paying the appropriate taxes... but if you didn't get those forms, I could get them
squared away for you, with an appropriate fee, of course.
16. Trap: You want into the caverns? Sure! But before you head down, the bosses
insist that everyone have a light source, so we've got torches and fuel here for
anyone who needs it. (The torches and fuel are treated to emit a smell that
attracts a group of monsters that live deep in the structure. The regular occupants
use torches and fuel treated with a compound that repels the same monsters).
17. Extort: Real talk, if you go in there, the displacer beasts are going to get you.
Unless you have one of these (holds up a necklace with a small amulet on it; the
amulet smells of herbs and medicine), which drives them off. I've got a couple
spares here, but they cost money to make...
18. Trap: Real talk, if you go in there, the displacer beasts are going to get you.
Unless you have one of these (holds up a necklace with a small amulet on it; the
amulet smells of herbs and medicine), which drives them off. I've got a couple
spares here, but they cost money to make... (the necklace does work as
advertised, but also contains a concealed clockwork device. In response to a
particular tone and cadence of whistle, the necklace rapidly and forcefully
constricts around the throat, causing asphyxiation and preventing casting of
spells with verbal components).
19. Trap: That's above my pay grade, buddy. Leave your weapons here and go talk
to my supervisor. She's the third door on the left, don't forget to knock three
times. (The guard's supervisor is a medusa, and knocking three times is a code to
let her know the people at the door are worth killing. She throws open a
concealed viewport in the door, achieving surprise, and uses her petrifying gaze
on whoever is on the other side. Initiative is then rolled normally from there).
20. Send Away: Aww geeze, more adventurers? Killing you lot is getting tedious.
Either piss off or come here and get it over with!
21. Ignore: "Oggork not worry, Shaman said Adventurers not real. They can't hurt
Oggork if he do not let them. Only in Oggork Head."
22. Send away: "You no even look like Adventurers Oggork needs to look out for.
Make away, Oggork needs to look out for Adventurers. BUT NOT YOU!"
23. Barter: "If Oggork tell that Oggork suddenly has Urge to turn life around and
start new Carrerrr.. Karier..Carerer... Job as Farmhand. People believe Oggork,
24. Flee: "Oggork not paid enough to be made Hurt by angry People. Oggork not
paid at all!" (While making a desperate Scene to throw Weapons away and walk
around the Party before running away)
25. Barter: "Oggork might be convinced to never has seen angry People while also
finding sudden interest in a Stone far down the Valley. Yes?"
26. Diplomacy: "Parsley! Parsley! Oggork knows what to say when angry People
want to talk! Parsley!"
27. Feint: "Yes yes. Mean People come to help Oggork fulfil mission! Oggork had
to wait many many moon here! Better not let Oggork keep you. Quick, pass.
28. Various: Welcome, friends! Come in, sit down, and hear tell of the philosophy
of Amway.
29. Various: Look, we're supposed to fight you, but honestly I'd prefer to play a few
rounds of 3 Dragon Ante and call it even.
30. Various: We're selling these fine leather jackets...
31. Various: Want to join our gang?
32. Send away: "I wouldn't recommend walking around here in full armour and
carrying weapons; people might get the wrong idea"
33. Avoid or Diplomacy: Crap. More adventurers. ::feigns death:: Which could
lead to negotiation/diplomacy: “Please. I’ll just say I was knocked unconscious.
I have to feed my family.
34. Ambush: Upon further inspection, the NPC isn’t dead. They yell “Get ‘em!”
triggering an ambush
35. Avoid: More attempts to feign death: “I swear I’m dead this time. It sure is
convenient that I died when you appeared. Like totally really died.”
36. Send away: (hurried) "How'd you even get here? Take my advice, 'accidents'
tend to happen to people when they're not welcome, so get lost and I'll pretend I
didn't see you."
37. Diplomacy: "Normally I'd give you a light beating or call my buddies, but that
is a very dangerous-looking (weapon, item, or character). Boss is this way."
38. Fakeout/Trap: "Yeah, get 'em boss/sic 'em Fido!"(points behind the party at
nothing, runs for help)
39. Trap: "You all make a good poin- POCKET SAND!" (Attempt to injure or take
hostage blinded player)
40. Extort: "Tell you what. You make it worth my while, and I never saw a thing."
(Scoff at first offer, haggle it up even if it's amazing)
41. Send away: “Unless you’re selling mint wafers just go away!”
42. Avoid: “Let’s exchange a few punches so you have bruises and so I can “”Pass
out”” Then you go deal with the boss. Rations have been tight lately”
43. Ambush: *in an attempt to buy time for the bad guys, grunt has a conversation
with the adventurers. This particular NPC stops after the party and moves his
lips in a muttering fashion. If anyone has the observant feat they notice grunt
repeating what the party says. A DC 15 perception check reveals a glint of wire
between grunt’s fingers. * He’s actually using message to relay what the
adventurers say, and the lair is alerted. Don’t tell the PC’s anything about
message. Just let the observant characters or the players who know their spell
components shine here. With a 10-14 insight check he seems nervous, with a
15+ he appears to be buying time.
44. Send away: *The Goblin waves their hand in a hovering semi circle* "These
are not the Warforged you're looking for..."
45. Send away: "We don't take kindly to your type round hn'ya!"
46. Diplomacy: "Want to play a hand of cards/dice/coins? I'm bored as hell!"
47. Send Away: Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. (Life of Brian
48. Send Away: "You're not supposed to be here. Maybe I can, ah, persuade you to
leave?" The goblin pulls back his trouser legs, lifts his feet into the air, exposing
well-shaped calves. He winks at you. That's a... <rolls d20> 17 persuasion?
<DM looks at the players hopefully>
49. Diplomacy: Okay fine im the bad guy, you are the good guys, listen i am broke?
deeply underqualified, and would much rather go home to my wife and kids.
Could you spare me a small tribute of xx gold? I can go home, you did a great
thing and i tell you what i know.
50. Send Away: "If we fight we know this will end up with either you or us dead.
But if we let you in, the boss is going to kill us too. Just leave and we pretend
that you were never here."
51. Negotiate: "If we fight we know this will end up with either you or us dead. But
if we let you in, the boss is going to kill us too. Look, we hate all of this, but we
can't just leave - we tried. Unless you're willing to pretend that we fought and
you killed us...?"
52. Allow past: You can see me? Are you sure you can see me? How many fingers
am I holding up? Wow... this invisibility potion sucks. What are you guys doing
here anyway? Lookin' for treasure? Sure, have at it. I’m gonna take a nap.
53. Allow past or Ambush: "Ah, you must be the reinforcements. Come in, we're
just about to serve soup. I'll introduce you to the boys there!"

1. A sad druid who has lost her companion

2. A man tries to shoot an apple off his friend's head. He rolls to hit...
3. You spot 2 dogs ahead, doing the business...
4. A guy dressed as a bird jumps out of a tree and tries to fly
5. A mirror image of the party walks towards them, disappearing when they get
6. A mysterious key lies on the floor. When used to try to unlock something, roll a
d20. On a 20 it unlocks and the key disappears
7. A stranger asks for directions to the town the party just left. When they next visit
the town, the stranger gives them 10d6 gold
8. A pitfall trap. If the party fall in a hunter runs towards them looking
disappointed. He helps them out and offers gold as compensation; the party were
not what he was hoping to trap
9. A man is trapped under the log, the party can decide to help. A successful
Strength check frees the man and gives the party inspiration. A failed check
crushes the man
10. The party is being followed by a bush. If the party chases, the bush runs away. If
they catch up, the goblin throws a gold coin to try to get the party to leave
11. A smiling roadside merchant is roasting squirrels and rats. He offers one to the
12. An evil wizard is tied to a stake, his corpse still smouldering
13. 3 humanoid-shaped pieces of meat are roasting over a campfire
14. An out of control wagon is rolling downhill past the party, man giving chase
15. An overturned wagon lies ahead, a troll snoring loudly surrounded by empty
16. A wagon is stuck in the roof of a tree. You don't know how it got there
17. An overturned wagon lies ahead, injured merchant inside
18. A merchants wagon has suffered a broken wheel. He offers discounts until it's
19. A merchant wagon is off to the side of the road, selling wares
20. A merchant wagon goes by hitting a bump and a potion falls onto the ground
and smashes. A nearby cat/dog/chicken drinks from the potion. The creature is
now under the effect of the Enlarge spell
21. Some centaurs cross over the path, bows in hand
22. You meet a stranger who gives advice about the path ahead, and tells of a tavern
where you can get a discount if you mention his name. All the information he
gave was correct, except when you mention his name you are informed that he
died years ago
23. There is a bright flash of light and one of the PCs becomes paralysed for a
24. A little girl in a dress and holding a doll stands by the side of the road. The next
time the party look over, a wolf walks away from that location
25. The party walks past some mushrooms being left to dry
26. A broken bear trap lies ahead, surrounded with blood and feathers. A successful
nature check reveals they are owlbear feathers
27. Some guards attach wanted posters to a tree
28. A group of orcs are picking berries and twigs, they ignore the party as they walk
29. A goblin screams running past the party, on fire
30. A traveling merchant carrying a coffin on his back, in which he stores and
displays his goods [u/LeReneg8]
31. On the road from A to B, an unkempt man appears and warns the party that at B,
peoples' heads have been turning to cabbages lately for no reason! This story is
false, however. He asks for coin before disappearing [u/mindless_confusion]
32. A halfling boy appears and, putting a ring on his hand, disappears, laughs and
runs noisily into the forest [u/Captnlunch]
33. A tree that says, “Oh, I give up! This spell will never work,” when someone gets
close for the first time [u/Captnlunch]
34. A despondent hill giant. “Nobody will let me eat them,” he whines
35. A blue bear runs across your path followed by a young magic user saying,
“Don’t go! I can change you back! I promise!” [u/Captnlunch]
36. A very drunk hobgoblin [u/Captnlunch]
37. An animated stump [u/Captnlunch]
38. 2 dwarves carrying a halfling with a broken leg [u/Captnlunch]
39. A half-orc child runs up, touches a member of the party and says, “You’re it,”
and runs off [u/Captnlunch]
40. A goldfish that swims in the air. Not easy to catch, won’t do too well while
confined [u/Captnlunch]
41. An apparently insane gnome that exclaims, “I can fly!” He then jumps up in the
air and falls into the dirt face-first [u/Captnlunch]
42. A fog bank that obscures vision to 5ft that takes 3d10 rounds to pass through
43. A sprite that warns them from the side of the path. “Stay out of my forest!”
44. child that is holding a dagger and is clearly insane. He is non-threatening, but,
who knows what happens when someone gets too close [u/Captnlunch]
45. Some engineers are dragging a ballista behind them, it seems the military is
being deployed somewhere
46. You encounter two people on a horse who ask you for quick directions to the
nearest port city. One is in Knight's armor, the other is heavily obscured by a
cloak, but if you see under they are wearing fabulous jewelry and in modest
noble dress. If you tell them the directions, they leave quickly. An hour later, a
platoon of other knights rides up and asks if you encountered the couple. If you
answer yes they inform you that they are a knight and prince/princess who have
run off to start a new life abroad, and race after them [u/VVitchDoggo]
47. You come across a statue of a good aligned deity with an empowering and
positive inscription. Once a day when someone reads the inscription they will
receive 3d10 temporary hp for the next 24 hours. This effect will recharge at the
next dawn [u/mkerns1984]
48. The wind carries with it a powerfully rotten smell. If the party follows the smell
they find a mound of decaying owlbear corpses [u/mkerns1984]
49. On the side of the path you see a shelter house with several tables under it's roof.
As you cross the threshold of the structure you suddenly find yourself with a
busy and bustling tavern. If you take one step out you are suddenly beside the
shelter house again [u/mkerns1984]
50. A friendly gnoll comes up to you and asks "have you seen my human?" Later on
on the journey come across a naked (and possibly feral) man wearing nothing
but a collar running off in the distance [u/JPreadsyourstuff]
51. You come across a trail of breadcrumbs, it leads to a house with containing a
dead witch rolled up in a carpet and 2 villagers in panic trying to hide the body
blaming the strange mushroom stew one of them made for dinner the previous
day. (Hansel and Gretel gone weird) [u/JPreadsyourstuff]
52. A wagon has run off road and its wheel has popped off, an elderly merchant and
his daughter are trying to get the wheel back on to no avail (assist them in
exchange for a ride up the road a ways) [u/JPreadsyourstuff]
53. A bard is sat on a tree stump frustratedly composing a song saying things like "
no that's not right, dammit why do I have to be such a coward?" . His passion is
in song but he is too scared to actually adventure with a group to gain any form
of inspiration for his sonnet, if the party can manage to impress him with a tale
of a previous adventure (persuasion or deception checks) or even a performance
of their own(performance checks). He gives the party the coin from his last
performance and blesses the highest roller with bardic influence
54. The party comes across evidence of a murder that recently took place. Various
investigation/survival checks reveal that several people stood face to face before
it all kicked off with 1 survivor leaving the scene not too long ago . They can
loot the area and find a medallion with the name "Willard" on it.. upon arrival to
the next village/ town they come across a woman putting up posters looking for
her missing son Willard. But is Willard a victim or the survivor?
55. A small band of adventurers wandering back the opposite way from you looking
worse for wear, their fairly basic gear bloodied and damaged but victorious.
They mention a small goblin warren they just cleared out down the road you're
heading, some goblins escaped but couldn't give chase. They clap one of you on
the shoulder, wishing you blessings of luck and fortune. [u/The-F-Key]
56. An old man holding a well-made, unique, and tantalising sandwich is just staring
at his sandwich like a young lover at their other half. The sandwich is whole
without a single blemish and is very hypnotising and you must make a wisdom
save. Stealing the sandwich or attempt to will aggro the old man and his muscles
will rip through his shirt [u/Th3R3493r]
57. You see a pair of men arguing loudly in a foreign language and gesturing loudly.
One will continue to argue and take out two small fish which they begin slap the
other one while backing off as an accordian plays a shanty in the background.
The one being hit will be alright until the other says "it" or "ni" which will make
him shut up, pull a full grown mackerel and deck the slapper with it
58. An annoyed man who looks to be beside a pack of wolves. The wolves are
wagging their tail wildly as they bark and snarl. Once you get close enough, the
man will say "back off you filthy animals!" which makes all the wolves stop,
turn around and whine as the man begins to backtrack with "Wait no, I didn't
mean that. You all really smell good like flowers." or "Don't do that. You were
doing so well. I was kind of scared." [u/Th3R3493r]
59. You come across a leprechaun sat by a tree eating a comically large chicken leg
for his stature. It's as suprised to see you as you are it . He slowly rises to his feet
give you a slight nod as he backs slowly behind a tree before disapearing. If
someone goes to see behind the tree they find a single gold coin a large chicken
bone and a note "let's keep this between us shall we?" [u/JPreadsyourstuff]
60. An open skeletal hand is protruding from a tree, on the ground is a very old
golden ring , if the ring is put on the finger (or in the hand) the hand retracts into
the tree and you hear a faint "thank you honest race" whispered. If they take the
ring it turns out mildly cursed/haunted as the player consistently seems to hear
whispers calling them a charlatan and a thief. Until the ring is discarded, sold or
the curse is removed [u/JPreadsyourstuf]
61. Several peasants are sacrificing a goat praying for a good harvest. As the goats
throat is sliced thunder strikes and it imediately starts raining heavily for 1d10
hours [u/JPreadsyourstuff]
62. A paladin and a cleric are knelt atop a hill in the distance facing the sun for
several minutes before rising .. the paladin reaches down and grabs another
warrior by the hand helping him to his feet . The party just witnessed a
resurrection [u/JPreadsyourstuff]
63. A blindfolded Halfling with his arms out in front of him, stumbling forward and
asking "am I getting warmer?" [u/IshtarJack]
64. A tightly secured horse with a sign that says “worst horse ever good luck!” This
horse is actually a cursed Druid trickster [u/TeddyBrooseveltSr]
65. Cresting the top of a hill or mountain the party looks out through the fog and
sees a small town. The buildings lit by torches they can see the light shift as
people move about. Upon descending into the fog again the party will be unable
to find the town again, seemingly vanishing [u/InquisitorViktorTarr]
66. The party hears a mighty crack of thunder and the sound of rushing wind. A
dragon speeds through the sky, twisting and turning in tumultuous combat with a
foe that appears to have found their way onto the dragon's back. The dragon
soars nearly directly upward with its built up speed before turning back down.
The great beast scrapes it's back upon the peak of a mountain before flying away
triumphantly or being brought low and driven into the mud by the very skilled,
or fortunate dragon slayer [u/InquisitorViktorTarr]
67. At sea the party finds a small island with a crumbling but still standing tower.
Upon investigating they find the long decayed corpses of several armored and
unarmored people. Long dried blood leads the party up the stairs a way to a
room untouched by battle. The remains of one of the combatants sit in a chair
overlooking the vast ocean as the sun sets [u/InquisitorViktorTarr]
68. The party finds a common looking person on the road, they ask if the party
could please aid them by exchanging a foreign land's silver for theirs. If the
party would accept the coins obtained this way turn to copper 1d4 hours later
69. The party start waking and hear two men and a woman in a heated argument,
until suddenly they hear “I had enough of this!” Followed by two fiery
explosions, if the party go investigate they find three incinerated bodies, among
their ashes there are three blades, that when touched start talking! It turns out the
blades saved the users souls by storing it in them when they died. The party now
must help these three wizards new body’s while dealing with their awkward
romantic triangle. For more dramatic intent have players only find 2 blades, the
wizards ask for the party’s help to find their loved one before finding new
bodies. [u/VainillaCat616]
70. There is a tree with a faced carved into it. If the party approach it, the tree speaks
to them. If they roll a check high enough, they might spot the cheeky Firbolg in
the foliage behind the tree trying to mess with them. [u/Taggy1999]
71. An awakened hare strikes up a conversation at a desolate crossroads
72. A man carrying dragon eggs on a cart. He's the biological father; the mother
abandoned him due to his lycanthropy [u/RafeHaab]
73. The players pass by a small camp with a tent and a long-dead campfire. 6
bandits are crushed, completely mutilated by a strong force. A streak of blood
across the grass goes into the tent, which has a dead body in it. The body has
loose skin, as if it was stretched out, and 3 vials lay next to it. Two are empty,
but one has a thick black fluid in it that when ingested gives you a strength of 25
for one minute, but after that minute you gain one level of exhaustion and take
2d4 bludgeoning damage as your body reverts back to its normal state
74. Guards burning a field of crops to make an example of a farmer for not paying
his taxes. The farmer is begging to a scarecrow like effigy to not harm the
guards or the noble who ordered it. The farmer sees the party and asks them to
prevent the wrath of his dark harvest god that might cause war and famine in the
area [u/Git777]
75. The party meet a band of travelling bards on the road. They travel together for a
while and might even camp together. One bard gambles and will entice party
members to a game of chance that the bard will always win. One bard will try to
seduce a party member. One bard will tell a tall tale about treasure and
adventure then reluctantly sell a party member bogus treasure map [u/Git777]
76. The Party happen across a body that has been brutally murdered and mutalated
in a ritualistic way, this matches up with rumours of a killer on the loose. Near
by they find a shrine made of any article mentioning the killer. At the center of
the shine is a single bloody hand print placed deliberately. The print is missing
the very top of its middle finger on it's right hand [u/Git777]
77. Butterfly tree: viewed from a distance, something about this tree seems vaguely
unsettling. A successful perception check t will notice occasional strange,
colorful ripples. If the party approaches, all ripples stop. When they are within
10 feet, they see the bark on the trunk is covered with thin protrusions. If they
attempt to touch the tree, the protrusions on the bark and all the leaves explode
in a heartstopping ripple of butterflies that fly away, leaving an ordinary tree
with bare branches. A successful investigation reveals a magic ring inside the
tree [u/yingkaixing]
78. Strandbeest. Harmless wandering mechanical construct in the middle of
nowhere. Works off ambient power, no intelligence, just aimlessly repeating
simple tasks [u/yingkaixing]
79. A youthful sorcerer, fey creature, or other magically inclined playful being is
playing catch by itself. It throws the ball, then teleports to where it’s going to
land, then catches it. This repeats until the party investigates or moves on
80. A floating tower, chained to massive anchors on the ground. One chain is
broken, so the tower is listing dangerously to the side [u/yingkaixing]
81. Natural predator trap. Tar pits, quicksand, a sinkhole, or pit cave has trapped a
helpless creature, still alive and making noise. Predators are circling what they
think will be an easy meal, but the trap will kill them too [u/yingkaixing]
82. A unicorn stands serenely in the middle of a sun-dappled clearing, soaked in
blood and surrounded by a pile of goblinoid corpses [u/yingkaixing]
83. The party finds a monolith etched with simple runes and covered in crude
paintings of long since extinct flora and fauna. A druid or other caster attuned
with nature can attempt a moderately difficult check to interpret the nature of the
runes. If successful, they see this stone details the casting of an ancient spell.
Then they can attempt a casting check to perform the spell. On a success the
paintings and runes animate showing the methods these ancient people once
used to hunt, fish, and gather from the ancient wilds. The party gains advantage
on checks relevant to foraging for the next day. On a failed cast, ghosts of
ancient beasts stalk the party on the next full moon. Menacing them as they
attempt to sleep [u/spectrumpositive]
84. The party finds a necklace containing [Number of party members] vials of
blood. A successful nature check will determine the races of the blood samples:
It has the same composition as the party
85. If someone were to stare at the stars for too long one of them blinks
86. The party finds a small lizard on the road, it appears to be following them
(although it would not do so for too long). It tries to get the group's attention and
brings them to a rock. Should the party pick up the rock it reveals a burrow
which several baby lizards come out of. The mother lizard scurries into the
burrow bringing out a coin and nuzzling it towards the group
87. 1d12+1 horse-riders gallopng towards the party, cheering happily. They seem to
be having a race. Roll a d4. On a 2-4, the horses run past and nothing major
happens. On a 1, one of the riders falls off, his horse running off and dragging
him along the ground for a short while. He needs medical help or he won't make
88. Something spooks your horses (if you are horse-riding). Make an Animal
Handling check DC15 to calm the horse, or have the horse run off for about a
mile before waiting for the party.
89. The party finds a potion on the ground, with a note saying 'for when you need it.'
Roll a d6 to determine the potion's effect: 1 - Common Healing, 2 - Animal
Friendship, 3 - Climbing, 4 - Hill Giant Strength, 5 - Water Breathing, 6 - Poison
90. A wood elf hunting for animals and accidently hearing the party and aiming for
them like they're an animal, but with no intention to harm the players
91. A little girl who is seeking her mother [u/MieskeB]
92. A treasure map on an arrow on a tree [u/MieskeB]
93. The path randomly ends, and starts a few dozen meters further ahead
94. Some maniac dressed as an animal (like a boar or so) walking in the woods to
scare random people walking around [u/MieskeB]
95. A wizard trying out the spells they've newly learned [u/MieskeB]
96. A pair of duelling mages, they mean no harm to the party or each other, they are
merely practising
97. A young child who ran away from home due to stress of exams
98. A pair of cheery dwarves walk past, pickaxes in hand
99. Some soldiers doing target/combat practice
100. A fortune teller tries to sell a reading to the party. It costs 1 gold per
reading. All the reading is is 'I see death in your future'
101. A traveling Tortle on a cart is seen om the road. He speaks slowly and
serenely. If a PC wins his game of riddles, he will gift them a magic item.
Unbeknownst to the party, the merchant is an ethereal being that likes
adventurers. If encountered again, the Tortle will pretend to not know the party
102. A man digging a hole. The party don't know why he's digging. Maybe
they will ask?
103. The party notice a sudden change in temperature, but just as suddenly
everything is back to normal
104. A toll bridge has recently been constructed ahead but some civilians were
unaware of this news. They ask the party for money to pay for travel across
105. A man likes to show off his juggling bear. It's pretty good
106. A mysterious pressure plate on the ground. If the party steps on it,
confetti falls from the sky and the pressure plate disappears
107. As you turn a corner you notice a dwarf and an elf standing next to a pile
of goblin corpses, arguing over who killed the most
108. A halfling leaning back against a tree trunk smiles at the party as he
smokes his pipe
109. A migrating Treant walks the opposite direction to the party
110. A pixie hovers in the air telling rude jokes to passersby
111. A girl picks flowers just off to the side of the road
112. Two boys pretend to have a swordfight with sticks they found on the
113. An abandoned potion that has expired for at least a year is just embedded
the ditch. May be worth taking or might be a trap [u/Th3R3493r]
114. A turtle is nearly half way through the road. It is determined and focused.
A child is running to pick it up and may help or hinder its travel [u/Th3R3494r]
115. A rusted strongbox is in a clearing just in sight of the road. No path leads
to it and no other traveler seems to take heed of it. Investigate or leave it be
116. A half full bottle of local booze is on the ground covered in blood and
seems to have a blood trail leading to a cave. On investigation, the drunk is fine
but, he cut his hand on a baby porcupine and took his new friend to a nearby
cave to keep it safe. They are best buddies now and both enjoy flamed roasted
bread and cheese toasties [u/Th3R3493r]
117. A noble and a stable boy is going down the road and both seem to be
chuckling as they walk. You see both are holding a fistful of sweets and the
stable boy has a saddle bag made into a carrier bag. They seem like they are
guilty of theft but, they paid for all of the candy. It robbed a bully of many
children in the village of sweets by buying all the candy and making all the
village children take what could not be carried. Plus, any of the candy that is
taken by the bully will taste like shit due to a wizard who needed coin
enchanting the candy [u/Th3R3493r]
118. Two well-dressed goblins are carrying a well-made large bronze statue of
a hunting dog from a broken cart. They are moving slow and are tired. If
attacked, they will surrender and yell in broken common "No hit! No hit us!
White Flaggy! We make! No steal! Commission Work! Barker croaked! Noble
Skirt cry and want shiny dog for dead hole stone!" [u/Th3R3493r]
119. Two old orcs and two young elves and both sides are wearing local blood
sport teams colors and peacefully chatting about the last game. Elves are the
bros boys who just like watching the game for the action as the orcs are
technical masters of the game but are too old to play anymore as they have
grand-kids and great grand-kids to think about living for [u/Th3R3493r]

1. You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.
2. In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.
3. Truth is truth. How you deal with it is up to you.
4. Hero’s are no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.
5. Add life to your days, not days to your life. Life is either a daring adventure or
nothing. It is not death most people are afraid of. It is getting to the end of life,
only to realize, that you never truly lived. Some beautiful paths cannot be
discovered without getting lost.
6. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why
we call it the present.
7. [u/M1LK3Y2h] We don't get to decide what weighs on our souls, but it is our
responsibility nonetheless
8. [u/OliverCrowley5m] "We don't make peace with our friends" in the context of
"making peace with your enemies is of course difficult and unpleasant, that's
why they're your enemies"
9. [u/iruleU] Speaker (someone the party is going to for answers) pouring tea into a
full cup. Tea goes everywhere.
10. [u/iruleU] PC asks why they are pouring tea into the full cup.
11. [u/iruleU] Like the full cup you come to me full of yourself. You must be empty
if you are to be filled with wisdom.
12. [u/butcher_666] When you learn to balance a tack hammer on your head, you
will learn to head off your enemies with a balanced attack
13. [u/Woopdeedo] “There is more to life than what you're living. You take a
chance and face the wind. An open road and a road that's hidden. A brand new
life around the bend. “
14. [u/Woopdeedo] “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and
there you have The facts of life.”
15. [u/Woopdeedo] “Now, the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum What
might be right for you, may not be right for some.”
16. [u/Moon_Dew] Inaction in the face of evil can be as damning as the act of evil
17. [u/Moon_Dew] Choosing to take no action is still a choice. Taking no action is
still an action.
18. [u/Moon_Dew] Is there really honor and glory in war? Look in the eyes of the
widows and orphans, listen to cries of the wounded and the silence of the fallen,
and stand within the worn-torn battlefields. You'll find your answer.
19. [u/Moon_Dew] When deciding between the devil you know and the devil you
do not know, remember that, in the end, they are both still devils.
20. [u/Moon_Dew] Four strands of rope, kept separately, can be snapped with ease.
Four strands of rope, twined together, are stronger than the sum of their parts.
Strength lies not in numbers, but in unity, in cooperation.
21. [u/Moon_Dew] There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, but always
remember that too much pride can be blinding.
22. [u/Moon_Dew] Always keep an eye on your pawns, even the ones you've
already sacrificed. Off the board doesn't necessarily mean out of the game.
23. [u/Moon_Dew] Even a mouse can be ferocious when cornered.
24. [u/u/Moon_Dew] The past is written in stone, the present in clay, and the future
in sand.
25. [u/Moon_Dew] You are only bound to your destiny if you believe yourself
bound to it. Only when you realize that it is you who controls your destiny can
you well and truly be free.
26. [u/Moon_Dew] Better a swift death at the blades of tyrants, than a slow one
under their heel.
27. [u/Moon_Dew] If you believe you know everything, then you truly know
nothing at all.
28. [u/Moon_Dew] Steel rusts, flesh weakens, but will is unbreakable.
29. [u/Moon_Dew] If you think you're prepared for any eventuality, I can promise
you'll be caught by surprise quite frequently.
30. [u/Moon_Dew] Before binding yourself to someone through oaths of honor and
loyalty, be sure to ask yourself if they even deserve such honor or loyalty.
31. [u/Moon_Dew] There is no honor or glory in war, just victory or defeat.
32. [u/Moon_Dew] Until beasts have scribes of their own, tales of the hunt shall
always venerate the hunter.
33. [u/Moon_Dew] The first step towards true wisdom is acknowledging that
everything you know pales in comparison to everything you do not. The second
is accepting that, no matter how long you study, you can never know everything.
The third step is to keep learning regardless.
34. [u/Moon_Dew] What is the path to true enlightenment? I'm afraid I cannot tell
you. Everyone must forge their own path.
35. [u/Moon_Dew] What is the meaning of life? The meaning of life is to live.
36. [u/Moon_Dew] There is no shame in accepting charity when it is offered, or in
asking for help when it is needed.
37. [u/Moon_Dew] To er is human, to forgive is divine... but never pay full price for
late pizza.
38. [u/iruleU] Speaker (someone the party is going to for answers) pouring tea into a
full cup. Tea goes everywhere.
39. [u/iruleU] PC asks why they are pouring tea into the full cup.
40. [u/iruleU] Like the full cup you come to me full of yourself. You must be empty
if you are to be filled with wisdom.
41. [u/DMforaDM] "The same hammer that breaks glass forges steel"
42. [u/DMforaDM] "Leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's you"
43. [u/DMforaDM] "Dont try to have sex with dragons"
44. [u/DMforaDM] "Sometimes you have to walk in the dark to appreciate the light"
45. [u/DMforaDM] "Nobody's perfect. You just have to live and work it again and
again until you get it right"
46. [u/DMforaDM] "If the world ended tomorrow, would you rest in peace knowing
your actions today?
47. [u/Woopdeedo] “There is more to life than what you're living. You take a
chance and face the wind. An open road and a road that's hidden. A brand new
life around the bend. “
48. [u/Woopdeedo] “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and
there you have The facts of life.”
49. [u/Woopdeedo] “Now, the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum What
might be right for you, may not be right for some.”
50. [u/PutridMeatPuppet] There is a fine line between being brave and being stupid.
Make sure you are on the correct side of this line.
51. [u/Viscumin] You must wait for the silt to settle, before the water can be clear.
52. [u/burnslikefook]
Only a fool leaves this world with a bag full of healing potions.
53. [u/OwenMcCauley] A road of gold is both loud and slippery.
54. [u/Funlovingpotato] Assassin/LE: "The world is cruel, unkind, and deceitful. A
wise man will use that against his enemy."
55. [u/Funlovingpotato] Hermit: "The man who thinks himself wise is foolish. The
man who thinks himself foolish is wise. The man who thinks too little is dead.
The man who thinks too much loses everything he fights for."
56. [u/Vaskre] A bowl is most useful when it is empty.
57. [u/Asthma_Enthusiast] Live. Laugh. Love.
58. [u/Torvaak] Calm waters run deep
59. [u/Torvaak] You can bring a horse to water, but you can not make it drink
60. [u/Torvaak] A copper saved is a copper earned
61. [u/Torvaak] Liquor before beer and you are in the clear, Beer before liquor and
you are never sicker....I think.
62. [u/That_Guy545] Nothing is written in stone, but a dirt path. If you roll your
wagon the same way for too long, it will become the only path you can take
63. [u/MrMage88] Sleep is good.
64. [u/MrMage88] People in glass houses should rarely throw bears.
65. [u/MrMage88] Kindness rewards kindness just as anger punishes anger.
66. [u/MrMage88] Life is a journey and death is the destination. Where you go and
what you do with your journey, how you enjoy it, is up to you.
67. [u/MrMage88] When in danger, it can be a good idea to pray, but never forget to
run, too.
68. [u/MrMage88] Patience brews the best tea.
69. [u/MrMage88] We should strive to make things better than ourselves.
70. [u/MrMage88] Let me tell you what I wish I’d known when I was young and
dreamed of glory: You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your
71. [u/MrMage88] Life is story: it’s best to have one worth reading.
72. [u/MrMage88] Every person is a thread in the tapestry of mortal history.
73. [u/MrMage88] I may die but my requiem plays on, the consequences of my life
echoing into the void of history.
74. [u/Fallstar] There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence
without integrity.
75. [u/Fallstar] Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge
without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
76. [u/Fallstar] There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow; but there is
something in it so like virtue, that he who is wholly without it cannot be loved.
77. [u/Fallstar] It is more from carelessness about truth than from intentional lying,
that there is so much falsehood in the world.
78. [u/Fallstar] Every man naturally persuades himself that he can keep his
resolutions, nor is he convinced of his imbecility but by length of time and
frequency of experiment.
79. [u/Fallstar] It is always observable that silence propagates itself, and that the
longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find any thing to say.
80. [u/Fallstar] Beware the fury of the patient man.
81. [u/Fallstar] We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
82. [u/Fallstar] Happiness is the perpetual possession of the well decieved.
83. [u/Fallstar] There can only be one wisdom. For if it were possible that there be
several wisdoms, then these would have to be from one. Namely, unity is prior
to all plurality. All we know of the truth is that the absolute truth, such as it is, is
beyond our reach.
84. [u/M1LK3Y] We don't get to decide what weighs on our souls, but it is our
responsibility nonetheless
85. [u/Nesurame] "When there are no foes to slay, there might be a cake to cut."
86. [u/Nesurame] "Sometimes the simple solution IS the solution"
87. [u/Nesurame] "Sonny, I have forgotten more things than you have ever bothered
to learn"
88. [u/Japo1998] Remember to add the pasta when the water is boiling. And don't
forget to salt it too.
89. [u/sax87ton] Barbarian and a wizard get into a fight about who’s smarter.
90. [u/sax87ton] Barbarian says “you thing you’re so smart because you read your
fancy books, but your so dumb you don’t even realize you just stepped in dog
91. [u/sax87ton] Wizard “what when? The dm didn’t tell me”
92. [u/sax87ton] Dm “you’d have to check to know for sure”
93. [u/sax87ton] The wizard raises his foot to check the bottom and the barbarian
shoves him over.
94. [u/sax87ton] “See, told you I was smarter”
95. [u/1337d00dXD] Take the long road, strangers. The long road will set you free
96. [u/1337d00dXD] Always waver, but never bend
97. [u/1337d00dXD] Even monkeys fall from tree
98. [u/World_of_Ideas] Often it is the journey that is important not the destination.
99. [u/World_of_Ideas] The truth remains the truth, an untruth remains an untruth,
no matter how many people believe otherwise.
100. [u/AyoRobo] Oh you don't have to be wise to play a wise old mountain
man. You only have to be cryptic.
101. [u/DevilBusterRage] Do not disturb your foe while he is making a
102. [u/Plz_gib_username] Bravery is not to feel no fear, bravery is to be
afraid, but still act despite it.
103. [u/Plz_gib_username] When the storm winds blow fiercely the tree that
bends breaks
104. [u/Plz_gib_username] When the storm winds blow fiercely the tree that
doesn’t bend breaks
105. [u/World_of_Ideas] If you don't take time to enjoy life, what was the
106. [u/World_of_Ideas] If you try, you might fail. If you do not try, you have
already failed.
107. [u/World_of_Ideas] One, who does not question, is easily lead astray.
108. [u/World_of_Ideas] Good intentions may lead one down the wrong path.
However, without good intentions one is already on the wrong path.
109. [u/World_of_Ideas] Stop dreading failure. Learn from it.
110. [u/World_of_Ideas] The truth doesn't care what anyone believes.
111. [u/World_of_Ideas] Titles and praise do not make one great. The path to
greatness lies in what you do.
112. [u/World_of_Ideas] When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
113. [u/KatLikeGaming] You see.. marriage is like a rattlesnake. You can
have the head of a rattlesnake with its sharp teeth and curious tongue, and the
tail of a rattlesnake with its mesmerizing rattle. But only together do you have a
whole rattlesnake. Apart, you're just a hollow object and a screaming mess.
114. [u/hells_angle] If you take that bus... you get there.
115. [u/Firriga]
A wise man is but a normal person who is very vocal about the clear lack of
common sense nowadays.
116. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] “Prodigious size alone does not dissuade the
sharpened blade”
117. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] “A strict regimen is paramount, if one is to master
the brutal arithmetic of combat”
118. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] “Every creature has a weakness. The wise hero
trains for what they will face.
119. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] “A little hope, however desperate, is never without
120. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] “Failure tests the the mettle of heart, brain, and
121. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] You will endure loss, and learn from it.”
122. [u/t0tallyn0tab0tbr0] “Ignorance of your enemy and of yourself will
invariably lead to defeat”
123. [u/Arkhwitch] “Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.”
124. [u/Kicooi]
The Zhuangzi is a great source of sayings that sound mysterious and wise.
125. [u/Kicooi] “Now gaining is timely, but losing is what follows. Take
comfort in timeliness, and settle into what follows, then grief will not be able to
disturb you”
126. [u/Kicooi] “The cosmos burdens me with physical form, toils me through
life, eases me through old age, and rests me in death. What makes my life good
is what makes my dying good also”
127. [u/Kicooi] “A large tree must have had little worth to grow so vast”
128. [u/E3RIE_] "It is important to draw wisdom from many different places,
or else it becomes rigid and stale."
129. [u/E3RIE_] "Are you so busy fighting that you do not realize your own
ship has set sail?"
130. [u/E3RIE_] "In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. It
is the meaning of inner strength"
131. [u/E3RIE_] "Destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are
going to work out."
132. [u/E3RIE_] "This tea is something more than hot leaf juice!"
133. [u/TheMightyFishBus] What is the most important step a man can take?
Always the next one.
134. [u/Guns_and_Dragons] "Get a beach house. It gives you somewhere to
135. [u/psychotic_jimmy] "Rather than to aim to be something, just be."
136. [u/Fony64] "Remember that this moment will also pass. Good or bad,
everything is temporary"
137. [u/Fanche1000] Those who don't love never live. Those who do love
never die.
138. [u/superheltenroy] Use soap every now and then.
139. [u/arsalantheking] Death is inevitable, but Life is a journey to death so
make it count
140. [u/Kronk458] Even you're in the right tunnel, the ooze will still eat you if
you just sit there.
141. [u/always_gamer_hair] You only get one chance to screw things up
forever, so don't be afraid to take it.
142. [u/always_gamer_hair] Saying something that sounds wise and actually
being wise are two entirely different matters. Make sure you aim to be wise,
unlike me.
143. [u/always_gamer_hair] Knowing your right from your left is irrelevant
when the enemy stands straight in front of you.
144. [u/always_gamer_hair] Being able to do the right thing doesn't matter so
much as knowing to not to the wrong thing.
145. [u/always_gamer_hair] Regularly wash behind your ears. It will help you
to hear the world a little differently.
146. [u/Quibblicous] You are what you are. Once you know what you are,
what others are doesn’t matter.
147. [u/HimurasanX] "It's an old hat, just a different coat"
148. [HimurasanX] "Funny thing about strength, the stronger you are the less
you have to fight."
149. [u/HimurasanX] "First over the wall is an idiot, the second, is an idiot.
The third, seeing what happened to the first two, is who you need watch out for."
150. [u/legaladult] You already have what you're looking for.
151. [u/lander776] The more you run from the past, the quicker you’ll be
burning through your future.
152. [u/lander776] Life isn’t set in stone, but it is set in a muddy road. The
more you drag your cart through the same rut, the harder it’s gonna be to get it
153. [u/BigJon117] “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living
thing can go against it.”
154. [u/TAGMOMG] "What a person intends means all to them, and little to
others. What a person says means little to them, and all to others."
155. [u/TAGMOMG] "To seek wisdom from a single being is, in itself, an act
of the unwise. Open your mind, and you will find yourself garnering more
wisdom from the journey home then I may ever teach you."
156. [u/TAGMOMG] "All things in moderation. Including, of course,
157. [u/TAGMOMG] "In your profession, you must not fear death. Fear leads
to inhibitions, lack of action, and hesitation - all fully capable of causing your
death, and others alongside it, when action is needed. You will fear it, it is
natural to do so. Yet you must ignore that instinct, and act without hesitation."
158. [u/TAGMOMG] "The early bird may get the worm, but it is the second
mouse that gets the cheese."
159. [u/TAGMOMG] "Life very rarely molds itself well to universal wisdom.
Take all advice with this in mind. Including this advice, of course."
160. [u/Lightsong-Thr-Bold] In response to the party failing in a major way:
“You tried to (insert major defeat). You mostly failed. This is life. The longer
you live, the more you fail. Failure is the mark of a life well lived. In turn, the
only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone. Trust me, I've
161. [u/Moon_Dew] Only two kinds of people claim to feel no fear: liars and
162. [u/MildlyConcernedGhost]

• "We can forget happy things. We can probably forget sad things too. People
have the power to forget."

1. [u/MildlyConcernedGhost] - "An upper jaw filled with joy, and a lower jaw
filled with sorrow. Life has a habit of grinding these two together. It is our job to
relish it."
2. [u/Maxpowers13] Fight like you are dying, live like you are fighting
3. [u/lavapants42] "The question is not whether you will love, hurt, dream, and die.
It is who you will love, why you will hurt, when you will dream, and how you
will die." -Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
4. [u/Mike_Kachowski31456] I would love to see where this goes, but just like you
I'm not the wisest person you'll come across
5. [u/Avenja99] Don’t wait around for someone to make you happy, if you want to
be happy, then be happy.
6. [u/ZerWolff] You will be forgotten in the shade of your achievements.
7. [u/jaydezi] There's no situation so bad, that you can't make it worse. - Chris
Hadfield (maybe)
8. [u/BoldSerRobin] Mastery of the self is the only mastery that matters.
9. [u/BoldSerRobin] There is no civility, only politics.(Palpatine)
10. [u/BoldSerRobin] A war without civility is a massacre. (Treys Renata)
11. [u/e_dot_price] One who is never without one’s weapon will always find oneself
using it.
12. [u/Rhonoke] A little ritual goes a long way.
13. [u/Rhonoke] Mistakes should be rested on the heart not the soul.
14. [u/Rhonoke] All is Human that suffers from the human condition.
15. [u/Rhonoke] To live is to devour others.
16. [u/Rhonoke] Everything is Food for something else.
17. [u/Rhonoke] Not everything needs to be Okay at the same time.
18. [u/Rhonoke] Love is a rich man's gold.
19. [u/Rhonoke] Live for the little things. Die for the big things.
20. [u/Rhonoke] To do for someone, something that they can do for themselves, is a
form of theft.
21. [u/Fallstar] Nature is where birds fly about uncooked.
22. [u/Fallstar] Among the most courageous must be counted the first to eat an
23. [u/Fallstar] It is not through violence but compassion that the virtue of a
civilization is proved.
24. [u/Fallstar] When one categorizes people according to their great love before all
else, all other categories quickly dissolve.
25. [u/Fallstar] Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease.
26. [u/Fallstar] Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those
whom we cannot resemble.
27. [u/Fallstar] No man is much pleased with a companion, who does not increase,
in some respect, his fondness for himself.
28. [u/Fallstar] Men more frequently require to be reminded than informed.
29. [u/Fallstar] Avarice is generally the last passion of those lives of which the first
part has been squandered in pleasure, and the second devoted to ambition.
30. [u/Fallstar] Every man is rich or poor according to the proportion between his
desires and his enjoyments; any enlargement of wishes is therefore equally
destructive to happiness with the diminution of possession, and he that teaches
another to long for what he never shall obtain is no less an enemy to his quiet
than if he had robbed him of part of his patrimony.
31. [u/Fallstar] He is no wise man that will quit a certainty for an uncertainty.
32. [u/Fallstar] Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of poverty, of
sickness, or captivity, would, without this comfort, be insupportable; nor does it
appear that the happiest lot of terrestrial existence can set us above the want of
this general blessing; or that life, when the gifts of nature and of fortune are
accumulated upon it, would not still be wretched, were it not elevated and
delighted by the expectation of some new possession, of some enjoyment yet
behind, by which the wish shall at last be satisfied, and the heart filled up to its
utmost extent.
33. [u/Fallstar] Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought. Our brightest
blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks. The flowers
which scatter their odours from time to time in the paths of life, grow up without
culture from seeds scattered by chance. Nothing is more hopeless than a scheme
of merriment.
34. [u/Fallstar] Merriment is always the effect of a sudden impression. The jest
which is expected is already destroyed.
35. [u/Fallstar] It is seldom that we find either men or places such as we expect
them. ... Yet it is necessary to hope, though hope should always be deluded, for
hope itself is happiness, and its frustrations, however frequent, are yet less
dreadful than its extinction.
36. [u/Fallstar] Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must be
first overcome.
37. [u/Fallstar] Example is always more efficacious than precept.
38. [u/Fallstar] If one wishes to avoid all criticism, one must simply say nothing, do
nothing, and be nothing.
39. [u/NewToSociety] "You're the one who has to die when its time for you to die,
so live your life the way you want to."
40. [u/NewToSociety] "Holding a grudge is drinking poison and praying for your
enemy to die. Of course, I knew a paladin whose prayers set their sword afire
and raised the dead...."
41. [u/NewToSociety] "The gods ask us to be faithful to them at all times because of
how hard it is to believe in yourself in the hard times. Faith in miracles is good
practice for facing down dragons."
42. [u/kaldogle] From Dimension 20, DnD show; “[We] mortal beings are the
instrument by which the universe cares.” I just like the quote
43. [u/unjust1] Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. Those whom the gods
would destroy first they make proud!
44. [u/someone_back_1n_time] I'm not a wise man. I'm not even a wise guy. But I
am wise enough to know I can be wiser still.
45. [u/Enddar] Forgiveness is difficult. The pain of hatred, even more so.
46. [u/Moon_Dew] There is nothing to be gained from following the well-worn
path. Though blazing your own trail comes with risks, it also comes with
47. [u/finlshkd] One is not a fool for believing a lie, nor for knowing the truth; only
for believing one knows.
48. [u/c_wilcox_20] Bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is being scared and
saddling up anyway.
49. [u/Arcane_Quadrivium] When in doubt, go slow.
50. [u/Moon_Dew] When in doubt, go slow. Unless there's an owlbear chasing you,
in which case you run fast.
51. [u/DogmaSychroniser] Let it be.
52. [u/unjust1] A fool would become wise if he would persist in his foolishness.
53. [u/102bees] For there is no form or substance that does not have its roots in the
TOWER, which is under assault from the EGO, that terrible enemy called I.

1. There is a line of flammable liquid leading from one door into another.
2. The players are summoned to meet the lord, who is laying dead in their throne as
soon as they arrive
3. A room is filled with dead bodies. Someone pretending to be dead crawls over,
and tells the party some important advice in exchange for something from the
room ahead.
4. A sudden cloud of dust appears behind the party as the room they just came
from collapses suddenly. Looking back, the party can't see what did it (Outside
5. The party finds someone running in the opposite direction, screaming, covered
in blood.
6. The entire room is filled with a still-moving cloud of soot, that's starting to settle
on the floor. The players instinctively cover their mouths and noses to avoid
choking, and they leave footprints in their steps that fill in within seconds.
7. A half-eaten body is thrown at a wall from an open door that slams shut. Only
the lower torso and legs remain
8. Someone is trying to run away from another room, but is tripped, and as they try
to scramble away, they are pulled backwards. The door slams shut.
9. A dead body hangs upside down from the ceiling. The wrists are bound above
the head, slit marks cover their arms, neck and clothing. There isn't a drop of
blood on the floor.
10. The words "RUN! DONT MAKE A NOI" are written on the wall in blood
11. A horse with it's reins shoddily cut comes bursting through, seemingly oblivious
to the party. The horse will run them over if they don't move out of the way first,
and if the party tries to stop the horse it will kick and struggle until it escapes
12. A strong gust of wind blows a straw hat into the room. The hat is coated in
blood and is completely tattered.
13. The floor clicks
14. The air is incredibly hot for a second, until the heat leaves the room through the
door the players came through
15. The bitter taste of almonds hits your throat
16. A disembodied/ethereal hand slams the door shut behind
17. The floor squelches beneath the player's feet
18. The entire room is empty, save for a child's doll on a table in the side. It's facing
the door, and has those sunken eyes that look like they're following the party.
When they aren't looking, the doll will turn it's head to face the party
19. A pile of smouldering ash sits in the centre of the room. A single, charred plank
of wood is next to it. That plank is covered in barnacles and seems to come from
the bottom of a ship
20. The not-too-distant sound of rumbling shakes the ground a little
21. The door behind closes on it's own. It softly clicks and the sound of grinding
metal gears comes from the walls and ceiling
22. The floor is a giant chessboard. There are giant pieces, and anything on a white
square has disintegrated. This trap is no longer in effect, but the door on the
opposite side is a lot bigger than the one the party came from
23. The ceiling is covered in spikes. (Roll D6, if 5 or 6, there is a dead body
dripping blood)
24. There is a candle chandelier hanging from the ceiling. But the ceiling is 100 feet
in the air, and spinning slightly, as if it were handled just recently
25. Someone is chained to a table in the middle of the room. Their entire torso has
been cut open, and their insides are spilling out. The show no sign of being
alive, except for the still-beating heart in their chest
26. A book on how to cast invisibility is laying on the floor, seemingly dropped
there. It's written in a language one of the players knows. There are empty,
locked cages throughout the room
27. The distinct sound of dripping comes from nearby, but the air is bone-dry
28. In the previous room, the party could hear distant noises. Now, it's complete
29. The sound of beastly snarls and growls can be heard
30. The floor and walls are clean. Not a speck of dust, not a single item out of place
31. A door on an opposite wall bursts from it's hinges, hitting the wall opposite, and
shattering into pieces
32. A set of armour lays on the ground, ground up with teeth marks
33. A wounded warrior tries to give advice, before choking on their own blood and
34. An incomplete circle of dead bodies, touching head-to-toe, is in the centre of the
floor. The circle needs only two more to be completed
35. The floor begins to cave away under the feet of the most heavily-armoured
36. A rope is tied to the doorknob of the door they just passed through. The rope is
cut and lays loose on the floor, and there are burn marks all over the rope
37. Kevin McAllister taunts the party from the far end of the room and disappears
down the hall
38. Two or three giant crossbows are pointed at the door the party walks through.
Another two or three are pointed at the door on the far end. They are all loaded,
but nobody is there to fire them
39. The light from a window/light source is firing a beam, inches away from a
crystal in the centre of the room. Moving the crystal to the beam of light causes
it to mechanically move down under the floor, and close behind it.
40. The decoration on the far end of the room is completely different to the near side
- almost looking like two rooms were forcibly collided together
41. A puddle or water bath in the room begins trembling slightly
42. A parrot squarks "Marines, we are leaving! Everyone, retreat!"
43. A table full of laughing adventurers or guards goes silent as they see the party.
They all hunch over their drinks and glare at the party with a side-eye. They
won't talk, except to spit at the parties' shoes.
44. A pair of smoking boots sits in the centre of the room. If the party investigates
the boots, a pair of feet will fall out
45. The party hears a yelling from another door: "Mimi! Spit her out! No! Down!
Mimi! Drop her! No! Mimi! No! NOOOO!"
46. A tough-looking barbarian stumbles through the door on the far side, clutching
their side to keep their intestines from falling out. They collapse as a much
smaller maid steps behind, with a smear of blood on their apron. The maid will
step on the barbarian's corpse, tell the party "They all overstepped their
boundaries. But it's fine now," before walking off.
47. The floor in the centre of the room collapses. The stone-to-flesh orc that was
stood on it falls through, and before the floor rejoins, there is a large shattering
sound heard.
48. All of the parties' light sources are extinguished. They have a 50/50 chance to
relight themselves after a few seconds.
49. The party sees themselves on the far side of the room, all looking wounded and
beaten up, passing through a door on the far side. One of them looks back,
seems to yell something incomprehensible at the party, then continues down the
50. A skeleton on a mechanism is pushed forward, and yells "Greetings, and
welcome to the room of certain demise! Greetings, and welcome to the room of
certain demise! Greetings, and welcome to the room of certain demise!" on loop.
Each time, their voice seems to get louder and more tinny. You choose the
voice, but it sounds cartoonish and silly
51. All the player's hair stands on end immediately. The room isn't colder than
52. A person intercepts the party, telling them they ought not go on ahead, there's a -
before exploding into a puddle of blood and viscera
53. All light sources turn green
54. Blood drips into cracks on the ceiling from the floor
55. A fluffy white cat walks through the room, and it stops to clean the blood off it's
tail. If the party approaches, it hisses, bites, or runs away.
56. The door behind them closes with a loud slam, followed by a strange warping
sound as it fades from existence.
57. An impaled body is stuck on a spear embedded in the floor. It's still dripping
blood into a small, fresh puddle, and the body is still warm to the touch.
58. A babies' cot is filled with blood. If anyone puts their hand in, they are sucked in
by a force under the surface, that lets go the moment it feels air. If anyone puts
their hand in a second time, that force is nowhere to be seen.
59. Dust falls from the ceiling every few seconds.
60. A series of mosaics shows the party in the rooms prior, all solving any issues
they had. Someone has been watching them.
61. A door on the opposite side of the wall is completely mangled, having been
thrown off it's hinges and crushed under some large creature's bite force.
62. A large pit in the middle of the room is covered with a spider's web.The party is
free to walk on it problem-free, but if they attempt to break the webbing or set
fire to it, it is destroyed and a large army of baby spiders all crawl out and
surround the parties' feet. (Warning: Do NOT use this if anyone in the party
suffers arachnophobia. If they do, then say it's a rug covering the pit, and if it's
removed in any way, then an army of angry weasels bursts forth.)
63. There is a puppet on strings on a seat, dancing in place. The strings end about an
arm's length above the puppet.
64. A skull is hanging from the ceiling. It's swinging as if it were just dropped there.
65. Cracked glass lines one side of the room, from a broken cupboard.
66. The party does not enter the room. They exit on the other side as if they walked
through it, and just didn't experience walking through the room at all. (Think
King Crimson if you know Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
67. A statue in the corner of the room is holding a drum. When the party isn't
looking, they hear the sound of a drum beat. The statue did not hit the drum.
68. A campfire in the middle of the room extinguishes if the party gets too close,
like a candle that was just blown out.
69. The party hears the faint sound of a commentator, narrating their actions to a
crowd they cannot see or hear.
70. There are several other doors in this room, but the deafening sound of chains
grinding together is heard as one door opens.
71. A boat has crashed into one of the walls.
72. Dead snakes dangle from the ceiling. (If your party has a phobia of snakes, then
it's rats)
1: A lord has asked the party to dispatch some low-life bandits who are terrorizing the
local people. The bandits call themselves freedom fighters, fighting against the over
taxing of the lord, taking the money off the middle class to fund for weapons, not
wanting to give up vengeance against the lord who let their children starve.

2: A farming community tell of a beast that has been killing their live stock. The beast is
in fact a wild man, cursed by a witch to become a rampaging wolf at night. The witch
cursed the man because he rebuked her love for the love of another.

3: The people of a town talk of a demonic force that is terrorizing a few buildings and
they want it gone. The demonic force is a very young child who lost their parents and
made a pact with a fiend/devil to play with the child and keep them company

4: A Lord sends the party to investigate the lack of supplies coming from a usually
thriving village in the woods. The Village is falling apart because the fruit and
vegetables that they gather from the forests are rotten and shriveled. The reason for this
is because the section of the forest is controlled by a group of overly charitable dryads
that give their lives to supply the food and now the forest is dying with the last dryad.

5: The party is hired to protect a caravan that contains medicine for a far away castle
filled with plague infected commoners. A different town which is also far off hears of
this, and attempts to raid the caravan to acquire the medicine for their own people who
are also infected. There is not enough medicine nor time to get to both places.

6-9: (Pisceswriter123)

Outside the village:

6: Along the road to the village they come upon a huge ogre. He's carrying a big club
and is covered in mud. If the players choose to talk with the ogre he will give them
some of the freshly caught fish he has. If they choose to fight him, the ogre will scream
and use his club to defend himself until he can run away. If the players decide to do the
"murder hobo" type of thing and kill the ogre something else will happen.

7: At the village gates they see a dragon. He seems angry. He breathes fire and mumbles
under his breath about a bet and "The Eye of D". A number of times the fire comes
awfully close to the trees surrounding the village.

Inside the village:

8: The players find the entire place crawling with guards depending on whether or not
the players chose to fight the ogre. They have word that a number of bandits tried to
mug the mayor's son. If the players succeeded in killing the ogre then the guards are
looking for murderers. If the players choose to sit and eat the fish with the ogre, he will
escort them to the village to meet his father.

9: In the village there's a tavern. The owner of the tavern is a grizzled old man with a
glass eye. He's big and hearty. Looks like he could take down a bear. His name, Denny
(or something that starts with a 'D'). If the players talk to him he might tell a tale about
how he almost defeated a dragon in an arm wrestling contest. Will trade work for
anything the players choose.

10-15: (ilovejuices2)

10: Rig an election

11: Defend a wizard's tower while he's casting a ritual. The town's folk are up in arms
because (half-way through the battle the party realizes) the wizard kidnapped a child for
blood sacrifice.

12: A devil promises one wish in exchange for his release from magical shackles

13: The there is a plague and the only way to stop it from spreading is to burn a caravan
of innocent people who may or may not be infected

14: A vampire who doesn't want to hurt innocent people is found killing prisoners. But
you know at least one prisoner was innocent awaiting trial.

15: There is evidence that the noble family was murdered by changelings. But the
changelings are benevolent rulers.

16: (Thecaninestesticles)

Deliver a crate from the servants entrance of a nobles large and excessively decadent
estate, across the city to a waiting ship on the roughest side of the docks. You are
instructed to never open the box. Don't tilt the box. Don't damage the box. Don't lose the
box. The box is more important than your own life until it is delivered.

The crate is roughly a meter and a half on each side. The rather snooty butler who
signed off on the contract made it clear and certain the contents of the box are worth
more than the entire parties lives put together. When inspected closely with a DC 16
perception check in a quiet area very faint muffled sounds can be heard from within the

Some possible threads if the party breaks contract and opens the box:

-Illegitimate tiefling twins of the noble, sold off to foreign rulers who wish to add them
to their collection to save him the embarrassment of their existence.

-A servant girl who overheard the plot of the noble to gentrify the slums to eradicate the
poor and make more money, she's being unwillingly smuggled away by the head butler
for her own protection, who intends to do nothing with the information she has learned
and keep it quiet.

-An artifact from the noble's collection worth a fortune. The sound is from the halfling
thief who failed to steal it before the lid of the box was nailed shut. The local thieves
guild are currently looking for his whereabouts presuming he's absconded with the loot,
painting a target on their and the parties back.
17: (Chewbaxter)

The party are told to find and kill a large Man-Wolf that has been stalking a village
nearby. When they find it’s hideout, it’s a woman in pain and with no ability to control
the curse.

18: (DragonJohn1724)

A small village in the middle of nowhere, stuck in a time loop that ends in fire and
death. When the original fire happened the entire village died, except for a novice
wizard. The wizard made a grave for all the people in the woods, but wasn't able to
recover the bodies and so the graves are empty. He tried to revive the village, but his
spell went horribly wrong, trapping their souls in the empty graveyard, leaving the fire
to kill them again every night.

The wizard also trapped in the loop but lost his magic and remembers everything. He
knows the only way to end it is for all the villagers to be killed and buried with their
souls. After several failed attempts to do it himself he gave up and just tries to scare off
any normal people so they don't get caught in the fire.

19: (Chalupabatman322)

The party is hired by a foreign government or entities within the current government to
infiltrate a peaceful protest and surreptitiously turn the protest violent. This will either
give the government the justification it needs to send in soldiers to suppress the locals,
or it will propel the protest into a revolution to overthrow a corrupt regime.

20: (Stairmaster5k)

Players get hired by a Wizard for protection. As of late, the Wizard has been hunted by
devils/demons/twisted creatures of some sort from another plane. Turns out though,
these creatures used to be living people- the Wizards former apprentices, who are
coming back for revenge.


Obligatory colonialism idea; PCs are hired to clear out kobolds from their mine nearby,
so that humans can mine their silver.


Anything from spec ops the line.

23: (infernova99)

A widow asks the party to find a pet for their child since ”their feeling down since the
other parent died”

In reality the widowed parent abused both of them and the pet is only to pacify the
24-35: (Ninten_Joe)

24: An incredibly old Dragonborn wants the party to reclaim his families Silver Mine
from bandits. These bandits haven’t stolen anything, but are rumoured to have captured
prisoners. The whole town is nervous and is on the brink of sending in an angry mob!
Turns out the rumours are somewhat true, but the bandits see themselves as bounty
hunters and recently caught a group of pedophiles. They’re using the mine to keep the
children safe while they search for their parents.

25: The major of a large district has hired the party to find out why a certain black cat is
following him. He sees it everywhere whenever he leaves the house and his right hand
man, a fairly sketchy Wizard, can’t seem to do anything about it. The cat is an
Awakened animal that saw the Major (almost universally liked in the town) murder a
(insert relevant minority race) woman and her two children when she claimed they were
his. The Wizard helped him cover it up.

26: A new city is going to be built on the sight of an old mill town that’s been
abandoned for decades. Unfortunatly, the old inhabitants died off for a reason, and they
are willing to rise from the grave to protect that terrifying secret.

27: The party are sent to a crumbling tower to recover a special book for an old, sketch
Wizard. Upon arriving, they find the books previous owner dead, still clutching the
book in his withering hands. Next to him is his diary. If the players read it, they will
discover that this book holds powerful secrets, and that every person who owns the
book is killed by another before they can read the last page...

28: It is well known that priests of (Insert relevant god here eg Pelor) are spread thin.
Because of this, they travel alone to small towns and villages without a proper temple to
absolve the men and women of their sins and to teach them how to pray, etc. Recently, a
man was found dead, nailed to a tree with the word ‘Fornicator’ carved into his
forehead. A second man was found, barely alive having the word ‘Liar’ burned into his
flesh over and over again. He swears that one of the travelling priests tried to kill him
after he confessed his sins... but which one is it?

29: Local travellers have gotten sick and tired of ‘The Old Man of the Mountain’. He’s
an incredibly old man with a beard longer than he is tall and a voice like thunder. He
calls down to anyone attempting to find passage through the mountain pass, telling them
to turn back and that there is a curse on the mountain, or that there are terrifying
creatures down there in the snow. He starts pelting people with rocks if they get too
close and ignore him, forcing them to add another 3 days travel instead of using the
pass. Is he telling the truth? Or is he just crazy like they all say?

30: A village near some supposedly haunted woods recently outed a werewolf in their
town and chased him into the forest. Now they hear howling at night and fear he’ll
return. When they send the party to investigate, they discover he wasn’t actually a
werewolf, but was bitten and turned by one in the forest after he fled and has now
joined a clan of peaceful werewolf druids that are pissed off with the townsfolk for
hunting them and disturbing nature when all the want to do is live peacefully among the
31: Overnight, a forest seems to have sprung up around a small village near a swamp.
When the party are sent to investigate, they find regular forest animals in all the houses,
but they’re acting like people, struggling to clean human clothes, bake bread and gather
water. The party can not understand these creatures (unless they can cast ‘speak with
animals’), but can eventually understand they all want them to go further into the nearby
swamp. Once there, the party locate a witch who candidly states that she cursed the
townsfolk to become beasts, and they’ll forget they were ever human before the end of
the month. She gives you two options: “Give me something of emotional value from
each of you, or kill me, but be warned, there may be consequences...”

32: An entire mountain village are advertising a magical wellspring that can grant any
who bathe in it the power of a dragon! The opportunity (although incredibly expensive)
is too good not to investigate. What they’re NOT telling everyone is that this ‘Magical
Wellspring’ is actually the crystal blue blood of a dragon that is beyond ancient and the
last of its kind. They have it chained up inside the mountain it used to call its home and
have bled it to the point that it’s almost dead. What will the party do? Fight these
dragon infused people? Or let an innocent, good hearted creature suffer?

33: The party are sent to investigate a plague that has taken a large walled city to the
brink. Less than 100 people out of tens of thousands are left and the government doesn’t
seem to care. Once inside, you cannot leave until it is solved. Once inside however, you
learn that this is the work of a monster FAR stronger than you are ready for. The city is
full of dead adventurers sent before you, many stronger than you, and their epic
equipment and letters detailing who should get their belongings if they perish (a last
will). You also discover a way to escape the city through a hole in the wall near the
graveyard where the monster is said to lurk. Do you let the people hope for your
triumph, only to abandon them with the spoils? Or do you fight the seemingly
unbeatable foe and risk it all?

34: A local cult have become very vocal that they are looking for new members to join
them in spiritual bonding and meditation in a clearing near a waterfall. The townsfolk
nearby think it’s fishy and are getting riled up, but it doesn’t appear that these cultists
are doing anything wrong or magical at all... except openly admitting that they’re in a

35: A cart has been seemingly crashed and abandoned on the side of the road, guards in
heavy armour skewered by arrows and crossbow bolts. You can hear a man, woman and
children screaming for help from the overturned carriage, but can seem to see the
bandits, who may still be nearby after killing the guards. What should the party do?

36: (me) People have been getting food poisoning without any apparent reason. In
secrecy, the local wizard or alchemist has been magically changing the corpses of
humans (or rotten dead animals) into prime livestock meat. The town will starve
without the extra food, but will continue to fall ill with it.

37: (supersnes1) A wizard has been terrorizing the region in the search of magic items
and materials for a powerful ritual. The wizard and their cohorts have been relying on
extortion, theft, banishment, and assault to acquire the materials. It is said that they are
currently looking to wipe out a village in the mountains. Wizard is doing these things to
perform a powerful ritual to repulse or destroy a cloud giant fortress that is home to
many foul extraplanar entities. If the fortress is allowed to gain a foothold in our plane
then the kingdom will be at risk for invasion. Wizard tried to raise a warning of this
threat and procure materials ethically but were met with mockery and hostility by both
the nobility and commoners alike.

38: (neznetwork) A local lord has slaughtered their servants. He wes, however, under
the influence of a Devil which he made a deal with because his wife could not bear
child. She is now pregnant. Will you enact revenge on the families and let a child grow
without their father or shall you let this murder and devil worshipper go?

39: (kandoras) The Kidnap Job: the daughter of a local lord ran away from home, is
now in danger, and the lord has hired the party to find her and bring her safely back
home. However, as the party gathers more clues and gets closer to retrieving her they
figure out that she had reason to flee and that the danger might have been caused by one
of her father's plots that got out of hand.

40: (kbean826) Orcs have been raiding, raping, enslaving, and pillaging a local
township. The lord pays you a handsome fortune to end the orc band once and for all.
When you approach the leader of the orc clan, after killing at least one wave of his
scouts and lookouts, you find out that the township has been stealing orc children and
using them as slaves in a mine.

41: (Cernunnos280) A man sends the party to kill a band if revenants haunting him and
his family. When the party arrives, they find one living person who explains that the
band of revenants were killed by the man while he was a cruel knight. The former
knight is repentant, but knows that should he die, the revenants may kill his family as
well, therefore keeping them hostile towards one another.

42: (angrybudah)

the party is hired by a powerful group of merchants in the business of magical and rare
items. Recently a new venue popped up in town, called baubles for a bargain, offers
quite useful items for a few mere gold pieces at most. they ask the party to investigate
this mysterious new shop and its equally mysterious owner. they are confident
something twisted is afoot. They explain that this new shop is upsetting the local
economy and staining the reputation of the merchants, who are starting to get accused of
abusing their wealth and power to reserve the possession of magical items for the elite.
the merchants already attempted cutting off the flow of supply of both finished products
and raw materials coming into baubles for a bargain, but they are still consistently able
to keep their shelves stocked. the party is offered a handsome reward and a network of
useful contacts if they are successful in ridding the city of this new and dangerous

The shop-keep, Martha, is a beautiful middle aged woman who appears to be very nice
and approachable. When asked where she gets her items from or why shes selling so
low, she just says its a trade secret, regardless of how high you roll persuasion or
intimidation. If you attempt to cast any spells on her to get more information, the spell
will be resisted and she will politely ask you to respect her privacy.
upon further investigation, Martha is actually a night hag, and she crafts her items out of
the nightmares she collects naturally from the townspeople around her to create items
geared toward easing their anxiety.

example: a man has a nightmare about his pants falling in public, so she creates and
sells him a belt that will never fail to keep your pants above your waist. These items
don't have any bad twists, and Martha genuinely just wants to run an honest business
while helping the people around her.

However, recently Martha has been looking to expand both her product line and target
audience. Adventurers are the prime market when it comes to buying and selling magic,
and she wants a piece of that pie. She is offering people customized magic items that fit
you perfectly, but she doesn't tell them that to do this she must invade their dreams and
manipulate their nightmares to craft the item. These experiences are excruciatingly
terrifying and last for weeks.

if the party sides with the merchants. they earn the reward and a network of valuable
contacts for more profitable quests.

If they side with martha and report that nothing is fishy, she will continue to do what
she is doing, now giving the players a very valuable resource: A magic item vendor that
sells quality items for cheaper than market price.

43-46: (LichsGetStitches)

43: A magic spring near a bandit camp that makes the bandits jolly and charitable. But
5% of those who drink from the spring are turned into lycanthropes that hunt and kill
with the Glee of a old timey clown. (The spring can be disenchanted easily but it's
inhabitants will return to their ways)

44: A necromancer mother raises her dead daughter from the grave. The father can't
stand to watch his little girl turned into a monster.

45: A lich that caused the genocide and torture of hundreds, faked his death and is
trying to make amends with the gods before his phalactory decays.

46: A man is being sentenced to death for the deaths that the party has left in their wake.
If the party comes clean, they will be wanted through out the land.

47: (WhippedFuture) Coastal village expands, gets more business, needs more food.
They expand their fishing operations and encroach on some mermaids territory and
home. Skirmishes happen, and both sides grow to hate and alienate each other. I intend
to introduce it to the players through the town saying that the mermaids are attacking
fishing ships, and terrorising sailors. As the players are paid to go out and help/guard
the fishing ships, a mermaid will come up to them and ask them to move elsewhere, and
otherwise discuss the problem. This quest can be moulded for whatever purpose, and it
will get a bit freestyle, but the point of the morally ambiguous is there. Conflict can be
further instigated by using an extremist mermaid faction, who want to fight, so
regardless of player actions with the mermaid, you could take it how you want.
48: (mrbgdn) Plenty of botchlings start to terrorize remote village. Long story short -
turns out that there was an old hag that helped to perform abortions for poor women
during last few decades. The aborted fetuses were burried somewhere near her hidden
hut, somewhere in the twisted forest. The hag died lately and the aborted children
suddenly rise from the graves and crawl into the village seeking their parents - either
wanting their love or simple revenge. People are terrified, few have died, many talk of
curse. Short investigation should help to estabilish a connection between the attacks and
the families which had 'lost their child'. The abortions are taboo in the village. Villagers
will try to hire PCs to help with the curse by whatever means, but soon the players will
find out about the origins of this mess. Why the villagers did it? Same reasons as always
- not enough food to go around, romances to hide, fear of abusing husbands... and the
hag was there for the people. Now she is gone and her methods have proven to be, well,

49: (LordsOfJoop) There's an army on the move across the Great Desert, moving slowly
along a path of oasis-like tree groves. Ahead of the now-organized bandit-legion is a
single monk with a unique magical item capable of building a new oasis overnight and
is doing so to provide travelers with a safe respite from the desert heat and the lack of
water, acting out of penance and guilt for failing to provide for their former
companions. If the PCs stop the monk, they'll be stranding future travelers and
preventing them from fleeing the bandit-legion; if they allow the monk to continue,
they'll be responsible for an invasion force surviving the only natural defense the
heartland has to offer.

50: (LordsOfJoop)PCs discover a town in a deserted iron mine, populated by the

survivors of a purge of "undesirables" (read as: nonhuman races). Having managed to
stay beneath notice, they're due to be discovered when the rightful owner of the mine
reopens it in a matter of a few weeks. With over two thousand people living in the dark,
deep passages of the mines, they're now faced with a troubling choice: make a break for
the surface world or dig deeper and deeper and try their luck in the Underdark. Players
have the option of trying to relocate or defend the group of refugees and asylum-
builders. Bonus points if one or more of the PCs share heritage or religious beliefs with
the unhappy campers.

51: (ironic_swag) Travelers ate being attacks by goblins for their food. The goblins are
relatively peaceful otherwise and will starve without the food. Bonus pounts if the party
arrives where ever the goblins are in the middle of a goblin town hall led by their
democratically elected leader.

52:(Th3R3493r) A beloved pillar of the community needs help in his home that cleric or
paladin need not heed. The guards are not allowing anyone but those investigating see
the crime scene. If you accept to help, you must sign a form not to tell a soul of what
you see. The incident happened in the victim's basement and the victim's victims are in
cages, undead, some sentient dead, some living but missing limbs, all missing children
of the surrounding towns. The problem is obvious that the child who strapped on the
table is now the pillar as a rebounding spell ripped the soul of the pillar and put him into
the child's body. The pillar's body is dead and broken. The pillar is in a rotting corpse
now and time is ticking. Without the pillar, night hags will begin to move on the village
as the covens have been repealed by his rituals for 75 years now. Now the party must
kidnap an old man traveling for a honest business trip as he is of clean body and soul,
force him into a ritual, put the pillar's soul into his body and the old man's soul into the
corpse. Night hags polymorphed as guards and merchants will try to talk the party into
doing "the right thing".

53: (GuySingingMrBlueSky) The local magistrate has employed the party to take care
of a grim (the spirit of a black dog charged with protecting the spirits of a cemetery) so
that the city can re-develop the site of the cemetery for economic gain. The party
discovers that the local governor is actually a changeling posing as the previous one. It
turns out that the entire city knows, as the previous governor was put in place by the
Empire, which deposed the governor before him even though he was beloved by the
population. The party has been told to destroy a beast that has been rampaging across
the local townships. Once you find him, you discover that it’s an ogre who just doesn’t
know his own strength and was forced to run (destroying part of a town in the process)
when the town tried to kill him for accidentally stepping on a farm boy. The party is
forced to pick a side between the Githyanki and Githzerai, who, for all intents and
purposes, have each wronged each other in equal measure.

54: (MalarkTheMad) The party enters a village, hearing panic, sobbing of a woman, a
scream of a man, and someone runs up to them. They explain that they caught two
thieves robbing them. One stabbed a villager and ran, the other grabbed a child and is
holding them hostage in a barn. They can hear the mob around the barn getting angry.
SO, if they go help the man, and chase the thief, they can save him and likely catch the
thief. However, the mob might get too angry and storm the barn, resulting in the death
of the thief and child. If they go to the barn, they must find a way to help the child, but
the other thief might get away and the man might die.

55: (Th3R3493r) An army has had a supply cart come in late and they can't send men
out of the outpost due to manning being low. The quest giver says he know it is
monsters who killed them. When you go to the supply cart, all the bodies have been
riddled with arrows but all the arrows have been removed. Oddly enough, there is an
obviously placed goblin who has been dead for at least a month. There are deep wagon
treads that lead into the forest. When you get to a hill with a big tree on it, 20 child
soldiers come out and aim their bows at you. The leader says, "You can turn back right
now and say the local goblin tribes got the bastards who kill our parents. Ain't like they
were going to spare little Susie and Annette another rape after they find us" You
decline, fight orphans. You accept, they send you off with a crippled six year old as to
keep you from ratting on them and a bag of goblin ears to turn in for a reward. The six
year old will act like a perfect angel but is a foul mouth, salt of the earth, spy. The quest
giver will seize the boy on sight and yell "these little monsters are the scum of the earth.
Should have told the troops to kill the boys and enslave the girls." Boy will drop the
ears and say start crying "I dont know what ye talks about, kind sir. I's just the bag boy
for the gentlesir you sent off to kill them green skins." The soldiers who see this will
side with the child as the quest giver is the prick of the camp. Party must stay loyal to
the ploy for the kid to not die. Reward will be a fourth of what was promised for goblin
ears as and doubled if they rat on the kids.

56: (DireOmega) A necromancer has been sending his undead to a nearby villages to
raid supplies in an otherwise barren land and has been accused of grave robbing. When
confronting the necromancer, the party finds out that he is only gathering supplies so he
can find and restore his long dead family; spouse, children, pets. He only wants to see
them one more time.

57: (bamicee) A young giant has escaped from the circus, the circus is willing to pay an
enormous sum to have it returned and is fearing for the safety of the nearby villages.
When running into the giant it has an affinity for shiny objects and trusts the players if
lured by this. But when seeing the circus ringleader begins freaking out and vefore
giving the money the ring leader asks your help holding it down to maim him as
punishment for running, and the cage for the giant is laughably too small. if the giant is
allowed to roam free indeed he starting rummaging through villages destroying things
all in the sake of finding new shiny things

58: (Baconator137) The players are hired to clear out a kobold nest that's been robbing
caravans recently. Inside the nest they find that the kobolds are actually caring for a
very young (metallic) dragon orphan and stealing was the only way for them to feed it

59: (infernova99) A widow asks the party to find a pet for their child since ”their feeling
down since the other parent died”. In reality the widowed parent abused both of them
and the pet is only to pacify the child.

1. You finally have the villain at your mercy, but their child is with them. Are you
willing to kill an innocent child's parent in front of their very eyes?
2. The village is going to be culled to prevent the spread of a terrible plague. Do
you spare the villagers by preventing the cull at risk of millions of lives dying to
3. The villain has framed you for a crime you didn't commit, but to resist arrest
would make it more likely that your reputation as an outlaw sticks with you
permanantly. Do you turn yourself in?
4. The wizard sent you on a simple errand: decomission his malfunctioning golem,
but when you find the golem it is exhibiting obvious signs of sentience, and self
awareness. Does it deserve the freedom of other sentient beings?
5. The villain shares a common goal/enemy with the party and suggests declaring a
truce to deal with the situation. Do you work together with your sworn enemy?
6. You captured some enemy soldiers for information and have them at your
mercy. Do you let them go and risk them giving away your position or slaughter
the unarmed troops? (u/BiD3sign)
7. Your party is guilty of a crime (aren’t they all at some point?) and the local law
enforcement has arrested someone else for it. Do you turn yourself in and save
the person, or do you let them try him so you can remain out of prison?
8. Your party is contracted to deal with a group of bandits that has been waylaying
merchants on the road, miles outside of town. It turns out that the spoils of these
robberies are being redistributed to the poor citizens. (u/McLellanCM)
9. The villain is currently holding a hostage that the party hates but the public
loves. (u//MojoDragon365)
10. The king, who has proven himself to be a great ally and a terrifying enemy, has
charged you to escort a caravan of people to be sold into slavery
11. A bottle of stolen mead has been found by the party after a merchant warns them
to be on the lookout for it. However, the rare mead is unattended and probably
worth a nice chunk of change. The party can either steal it, sell it, and tell the
merchant what they did, lie about stealing it, return it to the merchant, or do
nothing. If the party ends up stealing or returning the mead, a later quest will
reveal it was honestly bought and that the merchant, now gone, is something of a
scammer. (u/SelfDefibrillation)
12. You come to a crossroads and suddenly from the north a girl comes running
down saying "please help....they are about to sacrifice my sister" And then a boy
comes running up from the other direction "please village is under
attack" Helping the girl stop the sacrifice summons a demon but the sister is
saved and the other village is slaughtered. Saving the village means the sister is
sacrificed and the girl stalks the party waiting for her moment to strike to get
revenge (u/whitecloud197)
13. You see a bear following a child who was yelling in another language, if the
party kill the bear, the girl runs backs to his werebear father while he is dying.
14. Your sibling wants to ask hags/fiends for a cure to save your sick mother, but
may have to commit some evil deeds in the process. (u/solidfang)
15. A mad queen made a pact with a demon lord to always return from the dead, so
long as her bloodline remains, some of her descendants may be some people you
know... (u/ElZoof)
16. The party comes cross an infant gnoll, crying over the corpse of its dead parent.
It may be an inherently chaotic and evil creature, but it is still young—do they
leave it, kill it, or try to help it? (u/insanityscribe)
17. A local mimic wants to stop being used as furniture. Does the party kill it, or
take pity and relocate the poor creature (u/iSquirrelyy)
18. The party were the only witnesses to a child stealing something from a stall, but
the city punishes stealing with death. If the party doesn't describe (and thus
likely condemn) the child to death, the blame will fall on the only other possible
thieves: themselves. (u/shirking_my_studies)
19. A local lord and his knights have recently killed an adult dragon which had been
terrorizing the surrounding lands for years. There's one last job: go to the
dragons lair and exterminate it's clutch of eggs and the remaining wyrmlings.
None can survive or the lairs effects on the region will never go away.
20. There's a deadly and neigh-unbreakable curse that jumps from parent to
biological child when the parent dies. The current curse bearer is a powerful
wizard who keeps it at bay with ritual sacrifice of humanoids, using their souls
to empower his resistance. The wizard has many children and dozens of
grandchildren, and if he's killed, they'll quickly die from the inherited curse,
them lacking his ability to resist it. (u/shirking_my_studies)
21. A senile old wizard has been secluded in the mountains, summoning mass
amounts of monsters to keep himself from being lonely. The monsters run away
from him out of fear but savagely kill innocents. Does the party kill him to stop
the killings or go to the trouble of trying to find help for him. (u/Elilacky)
22. There's a prophecy that a young child, descendant of a great hero, will be the
gateway for a great demon to come back into this world by bursting out of the
kid's chest. An evil wizard can get the demon out without harming the child, but
the demon will be under the wizard's control. Do the heroes wait to see if the
prophecy is false (it's not), enlist the help of the wizard and have to deal with
that problem later, or murder the great-great-great-great grandchild of the man
who saved the entire kingdom? (u/ksgt69)
23. Your party gets hired by a wealthy collector to transport an artifact purchased
from the town over. When they arrive in the other town, they find out the artifact
they are to transport is a little girl. (u/sKoutXII)
24. A quest to go slay a nearby ogre is posted in a tavern. The ogre has no interest in
hurting anyone but doesn't want to leave either. Gemstones poking out of the
walls of the caves hint at why the bounty was placed. (u/Pinstar)
25. You are fighting your way to a dragon's lair through some surprisingly smart
owl bears, shambling mounds, treants, and other typically dumb creatures. You
learn that to destroy the dragon's (or other BBEG) power will be to rob all these
creatures of their intelligence that they now prize so dearly. (u/micahaphone
partially based on a post by u/SageSilinous)
26. A level in the dungeon is filled with monsters and deadly traps, but also cages
filled with innocents in the way. If the party isn't careful they are likely to be
killed. (u/jediboogie)
27. The local village is holding a firbolg named Thorbyrn prisoner, saying he killed
one of the local guardsmen. The firbolgs have always been peaceful and all
evidence suggests he’s not the culprit. He’s to be executed in the morning and
the party must decide if they will save him. (u/datgingerr)
28. A village is under the influence of a long forgotten goddess of Fertility who
requires blood sacrifices to work her magic. Without the sacrifices, the crops are
eaten by pests, die to diseases from the soil, or don't even make enough food for
a small child. (u/NotActuallyEvil)
29. You've been called to kill a bunch of 'evil' creatures (goblins, orcs, whatever) but
find that while they're not the best ever they're also the victims of discrimination
and being kept out of 'honest' ways to make a living (u/_Lusus)
30. You receive a powerful magic item that perfectly fits in with your character's
abilities, but are warned soon after earning it that the more you use it, the more
that your morality will be corrupted. Will you use it or destroy it? (u/_Lusus)
31. You've come across a group of revolutionary inventors, they've created things
that will change the path of history for the better. You find out they've invented
everything sacrificing innocent, unwilling, lives in the testing process. Do you
stop them? (u/slaptac)
32. You come across a prisoner and a guard. The prisoner claims to be a person of
good who is being held unjustly while the guard claims the prisoner is evil.
(u/gvblake22 inspired by u/slaptac)
33. There's a secret group of werewolves among the people in a small village.
They've been feeding on livestock; however, they are also responsible for
keeping the monsters in the surrounding area at bay. The villagers want their
livestock safeguarded, but the werewolves are desperate to remain a secret so
they can be with their families. (u/AstralMarmot)
34. The party has slain the evil tyrant, and freed the kingdom, but discovered that
the reason the tyrant ruled so harshly was to prepare the kingdom to fight against
an even greater threat. (u/fwimmygoat)
35. The liches phylactery is a small puppy (u/vmos)
36. the antichrist has just been born into the body of a human child, but the mother
knows nothing about her child's special abilities (u/vmos)
37. You're in a cave, a rockslide has blocked the flow of an underground river, a
huge beastie is coming down the tunnel and suddenly unleashing a river in it's
face is the best way to deal with it, but a gnome has built a house in the way and
his wife is sick in bed (u/vmos)
38. a magic mcguffin is very important to the survival of a town, you learn that a
criminal gang are planning to steal it and they're recruiting new members to
assist. A perfect opportunity to infiltrate and save the town, except the mcguffin
would be really useful to your master quest. (u/vmos)

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