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Human Resource Initiatives (Primary Research Assignment)

Primary research for this assignment can be in the form of a

personal or telephone interview.  With COVID-19, please utilize
technology to conduct your interview, so the interview is not
face-to-face (teleconference, video conference, etc.).   The
person must be an expert in the human resource field, someone
who has first-hand experience with the initiative or issue,
reporting of direct observation from you in a researcher role or
a human resource role.

Secondary research does not require an interview and we

continue to gather data by utilizing existing research.

Topic: Human Resource Working Through the COVID-19


Topic Selections:

Remote Working Plan (telework)

Business Continuity Plan

Managing Employee Communication

Maintaining Organizational Culture

Talent Acquisition and Retention

Engaging Remote Employees

Essential versus Non-Essential Employees

Implementation of Preventative Measures

Considerations to Remain Open or Re-Opening

Investment in Technology

Handling of Sick Leave and/or Time-Off

Our paper must select a minimum of 5 COVID-19 HR related


Person to interview

Consider the COVID-19 learning objectives or concepts of

interest to research

5-6 page paper demonstrating an understanding of Human

Resource application of course concepts

A minimum of 6 references

We must use a minimum of 3 references from our Annotated


We must use information from the course textbook to support

your paper.  

Find additional peer-reviewed journal articles from Welder

Library E-Resources or Google Scholar to support your paper
(minimum of 5). Your articles must be within the last 10 years.  

Paper Requirements:

Write a 5-6 page paper demonstrating an understanding of the

application of course concepts
 A good rule of thumb is to introduce the subject discussed and
use the information from your interview to support the subject.
You must include citations from the course textbook and a
minimum of four scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles (from
Welder Library E-resources) to support your paper. Also, make
sure how to review how to 
cite an interview in APA.   (Links to an external site.)

Your paper is required to be in APA.  

Include a title page 

You do NOT need an abstract

Avoid first person. 

Include a reference page with a minimum of 6 sources (the

course textbook and 5 peer reviewed journal articles). If you list
a source as a reference,  you must include an in-text citation
within your paper for that source.v

Running Head: Human Resource working through COVID-19


Human Resource Working through COVID- 19 3

Annotated Bibliography

Jamal Carter

University of Mary

BUS 510:
Thomas Lawler

The Leadership and Management Theory

Date Due: 16 August 2020

Annotated Bibliography

1. Remote Working Plan (Telework)

Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. (2018, January).

Communication and teleworking: a atudy of communication
channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for
teleworking employees.
International Journal of Business Communication., 55
(1), 44-68. doi:10.1177/2329488415589101.
: The purpose of this article is to study the level of job
satisfaction that employees receive while using varicose type of
channels for communication. The study compared this
satisfaction between the traditional in office provide verses
working from the home and the benefits and disadvantage that
teleworking offers regarding the family, commute and ability to
master the office systems from a home environment.

Smith and his colleagues found that there is a positive
relationship between with regard to the level of job satisfaction
among people who telework.

: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic health crisis and
subsequent declaration of a national emergency, Army's leaders
maximized the conditional use of telework in an effort to
prevent the spread of the virus. This has affected me directly as
I work for the Army and have had to self-guarantee and
telework from home for two weeks due to travel. First
considered a short-term measure, many across the federal
community are now planning for and considering the long-term
implications of telework combined with a measured approach to
safely return to the workplace.
2. Managing Employee Communication

Massey, J. E. (2001). Managing organizational legitimacy:

communication strategies for organizations in crisis.
Journal of Business Communication., 38
(2), 153-182. doi:10.1177/002194360103800202

Using a quasi-experiment, this study tested organizational
legitimacies relating to crisis management response to
determine if the effects produce better legitimacy.

: Massey found that when managing organisation in crisis, if
leadership is consistent with communication then the
crisis-response consistency will produce differing effects on
organizational legitimacy
(Massey, 2001)

The relevance:
Communication is especially valuable to assess the applicability
and effectiveness of telework throughout the workforce and my
job is no exception. We are constantly asked to communicate
with our immediate supervisors and leaders to better understand
the decisions that are being made and so they can also
understand our candid thoughts, honest opinions and the unique
challenges each of us face in this environment.

3. Talent Acquisition and Retention

Suseno, Y. (2017). The war for talent: human capital challenges

for professional service firms.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 23
(2), 205-229. doi:10.1080/13602381.2017.1287830

This study looks at the distinctive characteristics of service
firms to the concept of knowledge in the professional his
workforce it is an in-depth view into the challenges faced by
organizations in order to find good professional talent in the
competition that is Inherit and finding that talent.

The finding is that talent management challenges is contingent
upon leadership capability. This relates to the employee
autonomy the revenue and profitability of the organization, the
management knowledge and the employee mobility.
The relevance:
Since my job entails helping Soldiers, there is a need for talent
whose responses are expressed in a positive way during COVID.
New employees have to be vetted to maintain the need for
increased safety for the Soldiers, the new employee and their
Families, as well as improved morale in this environment. The
talent that is brought on will bring to light the need for valuable
face-to-face interactions and mentoring in a socially distanced
environment as well as challenges with training and bringing on
new employees. Part of my responsibility is to make that happen
safely and effectively.

4. Implementation of Preventative Measures

Rezende, G. C. (2020, May). Brazilian government takes tax

measures to support the economy against COVID-19.
International Tax review
. Retrieved August 15, 2020

The purpose of this article is to review the Brazilian
government’s tax policies taken as a response to COVID-19.
The article directed the import and federal excise tax, custom
clearance changes, and postponement of payment of federal
taxes and ancillary tax obligations.
Rezende’s finding is that the duty import and tax changes
applies only to antiseptic, medical protective equipment and is
being used for blood transfusion, and other pharmaceutical
products. The article outline that is a needed six months tax
holiday that is due to end September 2020.

The relevance:
This is relevant now because in our country we are still
grappling with an uptick of cases and some people are still out
of work. The President of the United States has been floating
the idea of a tax holiday for Americans since the recent
Stimulus talks have stalled out. Many Small businesses recently
received assistance from the Government to help deal with the
crisis and pay their employees.

5. Handling of sick Leave and/or Time off

Gornick, J. (2015). Leave policies in challenging times: what

have we learned? What lies ahead?
Community, Work & Family., 18
(2), 236-243. doi:10.1080/13668803.2015.1023062.

: This article looks at organizational leave policy during
challenging times. In particular the researcher looked at three
areas. She studied persistent gender disparities regarding taking
leave, the unintended consequences in doing so and the
emphasis instrumental for good leave policy in the organization.

What Gornick found is that there is leave policy expansion. She
found that women are being incentivised to return to work early
and men are being paid to take more responsibility. The study
concluded that the children of employees who are privy to a
great leave policy benefited in improved infant health.

The relevance:
This is especially relevant for me because although I am only
able to accumulate a few leave days, leave during the Pandemic
is very different. The Department of Defence recently provided
an exception to policy for civilian employee to extend the time
that accumulated leave time is to be used due to COVID-19.
COVID has affected travel and therefore without this extension
many people would lose their leave.


Gornick, J. (2015). Leave policies in challenging times: what

have we learned? What lies ahead?
Community, Work & Family., 18
(2), 236-243. doi:10.1080/13668803.2015.1023062.

Massey, J. E. (2001). Managing organizational legitimacy:

communication strategies for organizations in crisis.
Journal of Business Communication., 38
(2), 153-182. doi:10.1177/002194360103800202

Rezende, G. C. (2020, May). Brazilian government takes tax

measures to support the economy against COVID-19.
International Tax review
. Retrieved August 15, 2020

Smith, S. A., Patmos, A., & Pitts, M. (2018, January).

Communication and teleworking: a atudy of communication
channel satisfaction, personality, and job satisfaction for
teleworking employees.
International Journal of Business Communication., 55
(1), 44-68. doi:10.1177/2329488415589101.

Suseno, Y. (2017). The war for talent: human capital challenges

for professional service firms.
Asia Pacific Business Review, 23
(2), 205-229. doi:10.1080/13602381.2017.1287830

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