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Women and African Americans in the Progressive Era Test

1. The term, "The Great Migration", refers to the movement of what ethnic group? LT3
a. White Americans
b. African Americans
c. Hispanic Americans
d. Asian Americans
2. In regards to the South's economy, what factor contributed to the massive move north
during the Great Migration? LT3
a. Southern farms needed less workers.
b. There was no longer commercial farming in the south.
c. Southern farmers were forced to work their own land.
d. People from the North began to move South to work on the farms.
3. In regards to the North's Economy, what factor contributed to the massive move north
during the Great Migration? LT3
a. Northern companies were giving away free land to anyone who moved North.
b. Northern factories needed more workers due to the massive expansion of
c. Everyone wanted to move North to farm.
d. The North provided tax incentives to anyone who moved there.
4. What social factors did NOT contribute to the Great Migration North between
1910-1930? LT3&LT5
a. Jim Crow Laws
b. Lynching
c. Southern Hospitality
d. Southern Prejudice
5. What term is used to refer to rebirth of African American culture in Harlem, New York
during the early 1900's? LT2
a. Harlem Shake
b. Harlem Renaissance
c. Harlem Resurrection
d. Harlem Awakening
6. What industry developed in Detroit, Michigan during the early 1900's? LT2
a. Auto Industry
b. Soda Pop Industry
c. Manufacturing
d. Technology Industry
7. Which two Civil Rights Organizations were founded in Harlem, New York in 1909/1910?
LT 2
c. National Urban League
8. Why was Lucy Stone so significant during the Progressive Era? LT 6
a. Founded "Women's Journal" & Lectured for American Anti-Slavery Union
b. Staged pickets outside the capitol.
c. She was the first president of the National Women's Suffrage Association.
d. She was an African Americans journalist who wrote about racism.
9. What idea did Plessy v. Ferguson reinforce? LT4
a. Public facilities CANNOT be segregated.
b. Public facilities CAN be segregated (seperated) as long as they are equal.
c. Public facilities can do whatever they want.
d. The Government has total control over all public facilities.
10. For African Americans,what areas of public life did Plessy v Ferguson affect? LT4
a. African American Employment
b. Women's Voting Righs
c. Immigrant Voting Rights
d. African American education, employment, and public activities
11. Which of the following supported Jim Crow laws from a legal standpoint? LT4
a. The Nineteenth Ammendment
b. Plessy v Ferguson
c. The NAACP
d. Woman Suffrage Association
12. Why was Elizabeth Cady Stanton so significant during the Progressive Era? LT6
a. She served as a leader and activist for the NAACP
b. She refused to take her husband's name when the married.
c. She was the first woman to vote.
d. She organized the first women's rights convention/ first president of NAWSA.
13. What role did Alice Paul play during the Progressive Era? LT6
a. President of NAWSA
b. Leader of the militant wing of women's suffrage/ proposed an Equal Rights Amm.
c. She was an African American author.
d. She was the first woman to graduate from Harvard.
14. Booker T. Washington and his followers were in favor of what kind of approach in terms
of obtaining equality? LT5
a. Immediate Equality
b. Gradual Equality
c. Complete Equality
d. Partial Equality
15. W.E.B. DuBois and his followers , who publicly criticized Booker T. Washington, were in
favor of this approach in terms of equality? LT5
a. Immediate Equality
b. Gradual Equality
c. Complete Equality
d. Partial Equality

Learning Targets
a. LT 1-I can compare and contrast the location of major urban centers with

their corresponding industry.

b. LT 2-I can describe the development of cities and explain the causes of

the tensions within them.

c. LT 3-I can identify the causes of the Great Migration.

d. LT 4 - I can evaluate how African Americans were treated in the South

after the passing of ​Plessy v. Ferguson​.

e. LT 5 - I can explain how African Americans responded to the inequality

that was present in the South.

f. LT 6 - I can analyze the successes and failures of the women’s rights

movement prior to the passing of the nineteenth amendment.

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