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Handayani, Ida 2017. Description of Teenage Girl Behavior, Age 13-15 Years in
Dysmenorrhea Treatment. Final Assignment. Midwifery DIII
Program, STIKes Maharani Malang. Supervisors: (1) Ns. Sih
Ageng Lumadi, S.Kep.,M.Kep, (2) Agnis Sabat K, S.ST.M.Kes

Dysmenorrhea is a disorder during menstruation characterized by pain in the lower

abdomen that can interfere activity. Approximately 59,671 people (54.89%) had
primary dysmenorrhea and 9,496 people (9.36%) had secondary dysmenorrhea. If
dysmenorrhea isn’t treated properly, it can cause reproductive organs disorders or
abnormalities, nausea, vomiting or fainting. The purpose of this study was to find out
teenage girl behavior aged 13-15 years in dysmenorrhea treatment. The design of
this study was descriptive. Study population was 66 female students who already had
menstruation. Study samples was 34 girls who had dysmenorrhea. Sampling
technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis technique used univariate
analysis. The result of the study of the teenage girl behavior aged 13-15 years in
dysmenorrhea treatment were 18 students (52,9%) had positive behavior (favorable)
and 16 people (47,1%) had negative behavior (unfavorable). From the result of this
study can be concluded that mostly had positive behavior by doing the right action,
one of them was a warm compress on the abdomen. Based on the study, the teenage
girl is expected to increase the knowledge about dysmenorrhea treatment through

Keywords : Behavior, Teenage Girl, Dysmenorrhea Treatment


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