Trouble in Paradise: Ryan Servis

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Trouble in

Ryan Servis

2CGaming, LLC.

© 2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Trouble in Paradise v1.0 digitally published May 2017, by 2CGaming,
LLC. The 2CGaming logos and name, the book name (Trouble in Paradise), and the series name (Epic Legacy), are
protected by appropriate copyright and trademark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained
herein is prohibited without the express written permission of 2CGaming, LLC. or its authorized representatives.
Ryan Servis

Valerie Valdes, Jonathan Kelly, Steven Gordon

Ambrose Hoilman (Illustration), June Heo (Illustration)
Kadra Alvaro (Maps), John Cason (Graphic Design)

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Trou ble in Par adise

Table of Contents

Trouble in Paradise

adventure outline

get ting started


part one: th e promise of wealth


part t wo: a bargain well struck


part three: one woman’s greed


Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor

Appendi x B: Epic Affixes


T rou b le in Par adis e

Adventure Outline

Trouble in
Welcome to the second installment of three adventure level characters, or acts as a continuation from the
modules for 2CGaming’s Epic Legacy project, Trouble previous adventure, The Frostpine Horror, offering
in Paradise. This module is intended for four 24th level your players the opportunity to level their characters
characters built with the Epic Legacy Player’s Guide as and continue their tale. Level the group up to 24th
they continue to grow in strength, and will likely run level using the rules found in the Epic Legacy Player’s
for two to four sessions of gameplay, depending on Guide, then prepare to face fierce conflict on a
your preferences and experience with Epic Legacy. To resplendent vacation island.
4 run this game, each player and the Dungeon Master
(DM) should have a copy of the Epic Legacy Player’s Players in this tale will find themselves in a resort
Guide, which is available at http://www.2cgaming. town of truly epic wealth, where the power of a
com/epic-legacy. staggeringly dangerous Epic Relic, the Grasp of
the Pharaoh, keeps the peace when wielded by the
This module is intended for DMs only, so players, island’s mistress, Dalia Concordat. She runs the
stop here and pass this over to your Dungeon resort as a center for trade and commerce that has
Master to avoid spoilers. We recommend that made its residents extravagantly wealthy. Dalia
Epic DMs review both the Epic Legacy Player’s serves as a money-grubbing, financially-motivated
Guide and Trouble in Paradise thoroughly before ally who has the power to make the players
running this module, as the former contains the fabulously wealthy, but only if they are willing to
Epic spells that monsters will be using and the risk their lives.
latter contains details of the adventure. Epic Legacy
brings substantial changes to 5th Edition, and as the Hidden behind Dalia’s glamorous presentation of
Dungeon Master, you will need to help guide your wealth and power lies a secret that has returned with
players through this new style of play. It is critical a vengeance. Amun-Hakkor, the Immortal Pharaoh,
that you read through both documents before the has awakened deep within the vaults buried so long
first session begins. ago. Irresponsible plundering by Dalia’s operation
has made the already imperious mummy king even
If you’re running Trouble in Paradise as a one-shot more furious, and he has begun using his powers to
adventure, you won’t need to flesh out the world tear through Dalia’s many layers of magical security
much for your players; they should know what to reclaim his hoard. Soon the Immortal Pharaoh
they’re getting into. Alternately, this module very will be free, and his return heralds the rise of an old
cleanly drops into an existing game with high- empire that will obliterate all who stand before it.

Trou ble in Par adise

Adventure Outline

adventure outline Island: the Trophy Case and the Lap of Luxury. If
you have your own ideas for additional locations,
Trouble in Paradise is an opportunity not just for you are encouraged to include them. Keep in mind,
your Epic players to fight worthy battles, but to this is a place where characters and significant NPCs
roleplay what it means to be a mighty Primordial can meet others without worry of assassination,
or a cunning Grifter in a world that fears, reveres, assault or other significant setbacks. The attitude
and can often match them in a fight. Make sure to for roleplaying should be casual, even for Epic
give your players a chance to stretch their legs and characters. Most folks here on are vacation, and
explore the island. On Dalia’s isle, there are limits even the sight of a dreaded enemy is more likely to
and rules that can be enforced over Epic players to elicit a frustrated sigh than a violent response.
show them, forcibly if need be, that they are not
invincible. If you are adding this module into an Part 2: A Bargain Well Struck
ongoing campaign, this is a good opportunity to
introduce new Epic heroes and villains in a more Dalia gives the players the details of her situation,
casual setting. A dragon you intend to use as a foe at which point it doesn’t take a genius to infer that
in a later quest could easily be present at one of the Amun-Hakkor is slowly making his way out to
locales, or a powerful wizard from the players’ past wreak havoc, starting with Dalia’s precious island.
could be doing some much-needed wheeling and The players could wait for Amun-Hakkor to come
dealing to acquire new spells. to them, but that would not provide them Dalia’s
glorious reward. Taking the fight to Grobulax the
Part 1: The Promise of Wealth Lascivious and Marcho of Revealing Light is the
fastest path to victory, but the scenario at their
This adventure begins with a tempting offer: locale The House of Negotiable Affection is a humorous 5
incredible wealth. This is usually a good enough one to say the least.
reason for the players to show up and at least hear
what Dalia has to say. She can deliver on her promise Part 3: One Woman’s Greed
of riches in spades, so if your players seem doubtful,
feel free to play up her commitment to honoring Amun-Hakkor is more than justified in his anger
bargains and legendary wealth. The players can toward Dalia, but he is unwilling to settle for
roleplay a conversation with Caravas, Dalia’s anything less than complete submission of those
devilish accountant and counsel on retainer, to gain around him as he rebuilds his empire. You should
more information and potentially some additional be intimately familiar with how his encounter is run
magical equipment to aid them in their mission. before having your players face him; compared to
many non-Epic challenges, Amun-Hakkor is a very
Additionally, the players can test the security complicated boss with multiple phases, powerful
of Dalia’s island without any real penalty. The Epic magic and devastating combos. A thorough
experience should be a sobering one for those who review of his statistics in advance ensures best
wish to go on a destructive rampage. If money isn’t a results, allowing you to smoothly combine his
strong enough motivation for your players, be sure thematic abilities in a devastating assault.
to imply that artifacts can also be given as a reward
for a job well done.
getting started
Finally, this island is an Epic place. Creatures of
incredible power, evil, beauty and vice reside under The letter from Dalia provides the party with a
Dalia’s watchful eye. The players can visit two reason to come together if they do not have one
major locations for roleplaying purposes on the already. Make sure to read it with gravitas and

T rou b le in Par adis e

Getting Started

a serious demeanor, for while Dalia is a woman for bringing untold wealth with a mere touch,
of impeccable class and poise, she is not above you would have considered it an intricate prank.
making subtle threats to get what she wants. Epic However, few would dare to forge such a signature,
characters should not have to make skill checks of and fewer still would refuse a direct invitation
any kind to learn general information about Dalia; from the woman herself. From what little you
her name is often spoken in such circles. That said, know of Dalia, those wishing an audience must beg
if the party wishes to spend resources to learn about for the privilege of being added to a five-year-long
her, provide a few details about her motivations waiting list of hopefuls. Your curiosity piqued, you
and make sure to hint about her possession of the and your companions set out to rendezvous with
Grasp of the Pharaoh. If the players are unfamiliar Dalia’s personal yacht, The Prosperous Venture, to
with each other, be sure to allow proper time for journey to her private resort island, known as the
grandiose introductions--they are living legends, Isle of Paradise.
after all. If players are making new characters for
this adventure, make available to them the following The Letter
magical equipment:
Scrawled in impeccable handwriting, the letter
• 1 Very Rare item came wrapped in an envelope made of whisper-thin
• 1 Rare item adamantine, and is itself written upon paper that
• 1 Uncommon item smells and feels like the still-living tree it was cut
from. It reads:
Additionally, one player in the group may start with
a Legendary item. If your party is not particularly Noble champions,
6 diplomatic or would have trouble selecting an item
that benefits everyone, feel free to do it for them to It is with the warmest of regards that I extend to
keep the game moving. you my personal invitation to the Isle of Paradise,
with intentions to discuss a business proposition,
As a note, Legendary items are exceptionally the details of which are only fit for divulging at
powerful and can change a lot about how a character my residence. Your deeds and accomplishments
works. Secondly, be wary of intelligent Legendary are as lengthy as they are legendary, so I am
items; many of these far exceed the strength of other certain we can work out an arrangement to our
Legendary items. Amun-Hakkor will be up to the mutual satisfaction. To that end, you are to meet
challenge, but an Epic character with a sentient my attendant Caravas at midday upon the sands
Legendary weapon will have a notable one-up over of White Turtle Beach; he will answer any initial
one without. questions you may have and escort you aboard my
private yacht. He will also have further discourse
Once you’re ready to begin, use the following text with you whilst you travel, and I expect you will
to set the scene: find the journey most pleasant. I look forward to
making your personal acquaintance. As a show
It was merely three days ago that you received the of good faith, I offer you these passes to visit my
fateful letter. Delivered via falcon to your personal island at your leisure for a full year, which only
residence, inside lay a written invitation that was a privileged few are able to afford at any point in
more a work of art than missive, enticing you with their lifetimes.
the promise of planar riches beyond imagination.
Had the signature scrawled magnificently at the Warmest regards,
bottom been other than Dalia Concordat, known Dalia Concordat, High Financier of Seven Worlds

Trou ble in Par adise

Part One: The Promise of Wealth

part one: As a note, Caravas is not an adversary, but if you

the promise of wealth wish to use him and his crew for an encounter at
sea, his stats are provided.
Dalia’s yacht, The Promise of Wealth, is the very
definition of excessive luxury. Crafted from the CARAVAS
wood of ancient ents, and set with an adamantine Medium Fiend (Devil), Lawful Evil
gold alloy, each element of the ship, from its sails
to its deck, is a work of art. The ship is cut with Armor Class 18
intricate designs by skilled hands, and the players Hit Points 353 (18d8 + 272)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
can’t help but feel woefully underdressed, no matter
how great their personal wealth. At the prow of the
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
magnificent craft, straight-backed and regal, stands
Saving Throws: Str +10, Dex +13, Con +14, Wis +12,
Caravas, a famous Erinyes Devil lawyer (History Cha +14
check, DC 20 to learn his background), who gazes Damage Resistances: cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
with furrowed brow across the sea, clearly lost in slashing from non-magical weapons that aren’t silvered
Damage Immunities: fire, poison
thought. The players can take this time to review
Condition Immunities: poisoned
their invitation letter, or speak to Caravas about Skills: Deception +19, intimidate +19, persuasion +19
the nature of the invitation. If the players are able Senses: Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12
to succeed on their History check about Caravas’ Languages: Celestial, Common, Infernal, Sylvan
Challenge: 14
background, they learn the legend of Caravas. In
addition, should the players wish to test the might TRAITS
of Caravas and his crew (an indescribably bad idea, Hellish Weapons: Caravas’ weapon attacks are magical
as the players should be made very aware that this and deal an extra 13 (3d8) poison damage on a hit 7
act will make an enemy of one of the richest figures (included in the attacks).
Invulnerability: When Caravas takes damage from
in existence), their statistics are available. any source, he instead takes half of that damage.
Magic Resistance: Caravas has advantage on saving
The Legend of Caravas throws against spells and other magical effects.

Known as an exceptional lawyer for interplanar legal
Multiattack: Caravas makes three attacks.
systems and contracts, Caravas first made his name Staff of Charming: Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit,
acting as an advocate for a trio of death knights reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning
known as the Forsaken Triad, arguing that they had damage plus 13 (3d8) poison damage plus 10 (3d6) fire
been wrongfully punished for breaking their oaths.
Finding a loophole in the oaths taken by the three
former paladins, Caravas appealed to the deities of Caravas and his crew wait patiently for over an hour
justice from across the planes to force the paladins’ for the players to make any necessary preparations
patrons to forgive their sins and restore their souls. for their journey. The hobgoblin crew in particular
So persistent and persuasive was Caravas, that he was are a swarthy bunch with surprisingly good manners,
able to begrudgingly demonstrate how the gods of standing at attention when the players approach
good and law had created a flawed oath, forcing them and offering them the finest vittles and beverages
to forgive their former champions, who promptly should they express need over the course of the
went on a vengeful killing spree against the followers journey. Caravas himself is patient, knowing beings
of those who had wronged them. After several more of such strength and intelligence are often eccentric
successful high profile cases, Caravas was contacted and “prickly,” and he will take great care to learn the
by Dalia and was soon put on retainer as her personal players’ mannerisms and preferences so he can best
contract negotiator and financial attendant. negotiate with them.

T rou b le in Par adis e

Part One: The Promise of Wealth

If the players do not speak to Caravas during the the players with 100,000 gold pieces, and a non-
voyage, he will approach them as they draw nearer artifact, Legendary magical item of their choice
to the island, speaking down his nose at them with for each player character. The contract is magically
supercilious bearing. He carries an enormous book binding, inflicting an Imprisonment (Burial) spell on
in the crook of his left arm at all times, which he those who break the treaty (treat this as an Epic
opens whenever negotiating a contract to consult effect that does not allow a saving throw). If the
his notes and legal references. From this book, he players are able to beat Caravas in a Persuasion
draws a massive parchment, almost 20 ft. in length, check to negotiate the contract to be more in their
that he requires the players to sign before landing favor, they are able to additionally receive a single
on the island. As explained by Caravas in summary, Rare magic item of their choice as payment in
the contract states that the players shall take no advance, which they will receive immediately upon
direct action that would harm Dalia or her interests landing. At the DM’s discretion, you may provide
in any way. In addition, it stipulates that the players an alternate, comparable benefit for their successful
will do all within their power short of knowingly negotiations. If a player refuses to sign the contract,
giving their lives to accomplish the tasks Dalia Caravas is notably displeased, and states that their
has for them within the period of one day. The compensation will instead be 50,000 gold pieces and
successful completion of the contract compensates a Very Rare magic item of their choice.


Trou ble in Par adise

Part One: The Promise of Wealth


Municipal Guidelines: All penalties take the form of fees, which must be paid immediately. Fees that cannot be
paid require the perpetrator to enlist in Dalia’s service until the debt has been repaid (at her discretion).

Paragraph A: All currency that is at any point not in

possession of an individual immediately becomes property of Fee: 100 Gold Pieces
Dalia Concordat.

Paragraph B: Loitering is forbidden, as is panhandling. Fee: 1,000 Gold Pieces

Paragraph C: All items from registered vendors are for sale.

All prices for items must be registered with the Trade Fee: 10,000 Gold Pieces.
Consortium. Only registered vendors may sell goods or services.

Fee: 20,000 Gold Pieces, action of any nature

Paragraph D: Violence is forbidden, as is trespassing.
deemed necessary by Dalia Concordat.

When the players have finished their negotiations If pressed, he indicates that the security includes
and the ship arrives in view of the Isle of Paradise, a powerful network of Fortune Golems as well
read the following text: as the eye-topped-towers, known as the Towers
of Midas, which will immediately and forcefully 9
As the ship glides smoothly into the bay of the attempt to subdue them. He goes further in stating
island, you can see many features of the small that these weapons are powered by Dalia’s own
resort town that even from this distance convey a hand through an item known as the Grasp of the
sense of incredible artistry and beauty. The sand Pharaoh, a mythical magical item of phenomenal
of the nearby beach glitters with tiny flecks of power, which no visitor has been able to match on
gold, giving off a sparkling radiance in the warm the field of battle. For proof of this, he recommends
sunlight. The city itself curves with the grace of visiting The Trophy Case, a museum adjacent to
elven architecture, but is fashioned from valuable Dalia’s mansion, where the players can learn of the
metals and stone that remind you of the genius ancient empire of Amun-Hakkor, from which the
of dwarven craftsmen. Noteworthy are massive relic was unearthed. He also recommends visiting
towers, upon which are nestled golden eyes that the beachfront tavern, The Lap of Luxury, at which
seem to rotate with intention, observing all those the finest alcoholic drinks across seven worlds are
who move about the city with a watchful gaze. available for consumption. He finalizes his advice
Overlooking it all, nestled within a verdant jungle, with the stipulation that Dalia expects an audience
stands a mansion that serves as the residence of with them around dinner time, allowing the players
Dalia Concordat, almost inconspicuous next to the to explore the two tourist features present on the
splendor that lays before it. island before getting to work.

Before disembarking, the players are warned again As a note, if the players are still skeptical about
by Caravas that any attempt to attack Dalia and Dalia’s power and her security, Caravas offers a
her interests, as outlined in their contract, or any challenge, permitting the players to test out the
other kind of violation of the contract will result in security system as though they had triggered it (see
a violent response from the island’s security system. the optional encounter, “Should Violence Ensue”).

T rou b le in Par adis e

Part One: The Promise of Wealth

He will call off the golems and towers if the party Should Violence Ensue (Optional)
becomes petrified, or states that they yield. Though
expensive to replace, seeing how the players fare Encounter Level: Challenge 28
against the island’s security confirms that the Creatures: 4x Fortune Golems, then 12x Fortune
players are a worthy investment, and provokes no Golems
antipathy from Caravas or Dalia.
Caravas himself offers to personally guide them on a Any attempt at violence toward Dalia’s assets or
tour of notable locations, as well as providing them guests without her express permission, including
with a general legal code to follow. The code has theft, magical manipulation, or other malicious
extensive legal jargon for each of its sections, but a intent, immediately provokes a massive response
reasonable summary has been provided. However, from the city. At all times, the players are under the
should the players wish to proceed to Dalia’s watchful gaze of the Towers of Midas, shrouding
mansion immediately, they may do so. them with a rich golden light, even inside buildings
or underground. Unless the players are more than
When the players disembark, setting foot on the 1,000 ft. away from any part of the city, they are
isle, read them the following text: always in range of at least one Tower of Midas. In
addition, four Fortune Golems that regularly patrol
As you disembark The Prosperous Venture, you the streets will engage the players, focusing on those
immediately witness more wealth within your easiest to hit to petrify and subdue them.
first few minutes than you have seen in your
entire life. Every building is ornately decorated, Should the players fall in their battle, their statues are
10 every street corner brightly furnished. Magic taken to Dalia’s residence, where they are restored;
suffuses this place, as the residents and visitors she will now only do business with the players in
are able to afford conveniences that would make the presence of eight Fortune Golems guarding
even kings jealous. Animated illusions advertise her closely. Should the players defeat their initial
services and luxury goods from luminescent shops. opponents, they are instead confronted by Caravas
A troupe of dancing skeletons manipulated by with a reinforcement of 12 Fortune Golems and
some unseen wizard seeks to entice shoppers into demand the players stand down and accompany him
a concert hall to hear the latest series of requiems immediately. If in either case the players choose to
from a bardic quartet native to the Negative attack, an additional pair of Fortune Golems reinforce
Energy Plane. Without a doubt one could find combat every 2 rounds until the players flee or are
the finest pieces from across the planes here, or subdued. If the players agree to stand down, proceed
the most depraved substances from its darkest immediately to Act II if they provoked the response,
corners. Even more startling than the shops are the but if they chose to test their mettle at Caravas’
shoppers themselves. Clearly this place is a nexus invitation, continue with the adventure as usual.
of powerful activity. Particularly plentiful are
djinn, selling and buying large quantities of goods. This encounter’s initial phase is a test, whether the
However, every so often you catch the sight of players violate the law or agree to it voluntarily.
stray celestials, fiends, dragons and other powerful Dalia gains little from having the players killed, and
creatures, all kept in line by the city’s impressive has currently found her army of Fortune Golems to
defenses. be useless against the threat of Amun-Hakkor, so
she is content to let a few be destroyed to get a better
sense of her investment. That said, the second wave
of twelve Fortune Golems is a serious one.

Trou ble in Par adise

Part One: The Promise of Wealth

Challenge with Epic Legacy Introducing the Encounter

Read the following text prior to starting this encounter:
Epic Legacy denotes encounter challenge using three
metrics: Challenge, Epic Challenge, and Mythic
Challenge. The first, Challenge, is consistent with
Four massive figures, clad in what appears to be
classic 5th Edition encounter challenge - determined golden armor, solemnly stride forward to address
through encounter budgeting and tables in the DMG. you. You do a double take as you realize these
Epic Challenge is used in cases where monsters are
creatures are formed of solid gold, their plated feet
designed to specifically challenge Epic characters.
Mythic Challenges are those with Mythic Monsters shaking the ground with every step. The golems
- monster of great power and legend that are capable speak in unison, their voices as heavy as the metal
of altering the course of your campaign world and they are forged from.
slaying your player characters outright.

“You have violated section 1049 of the implicitly

Terrain agreed upon Conditional Personal Freedom
Most of the Isle of Paradise is either a beachfront or and Autonomy clause. File your appeal post-
luxurious city, with wide blocks and plenty of space. apprehension at the nearest financial office.”
The buildings are magically protected against most
forms of non-Epic damage, but a careless Epic spell The Trophy Case - Museum of the Lost Empire
or a carried-away Ravager can cause considerable
collateral damage. When the party approaches the museum, read them
the following text:
The Towers of Midas, which protect the island
from aggressors, act on initiative count 20 of any The museum is by far the most plain building you
combat encounter on the island, this one included, have seen in the city. More of a mortuary then a 11
with the following effect: place of knowledge, its halls are inlaid with the
golden bodies of petrified victims, a testament to
Tower of Midas: Ranged Spell Attack: +14 the ruthless efficiency with which Amun-Hakkor
to hit, range 500 ft., one target. Hit: The ran his ancient empire. The victims range from
target gains one level of exhaustion and demons laid low mid-rampage, to nymphs who
must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution failed to wear enough clothing in public. Outside
saving throw or be subjected to the spell is a billboard that unavoidably catches your
flesh to stone. The Tower need not maintain attention. It reads:
concentration on this effect and can cause this
effect concurrently with other instances of “Tales of Amun-Hakkor’s immortality and power
this effect. Creatures failing the three saving were greatly exaggerated, for his empire fell into
throws associated with flesh to stone are turned economic collapse and financial ruin. It is with
to gold, rather than stone. Creatures that great bravery and skill that Dalia Concordat
would be slain by gaining their sixth level of plumbed the depths of Amun-Hakkor’s vaults,
exhaustion by this attack are instead petrified and from the ruins of his lost empire pulled forth
(turned to gold). the Grasp of the Pharaoh, claiming his wealth
and power for herself. This Museum stands in
Tactics testament to Dalia’s mastery and power, for what
The golems are straightforward and simple. They was once Amun-Hakkor’s is now hers by right.
attack targets relentlessly, only stopping if the target
proves too elusive or until petrification is achieved. DON’T FORGET IT.”
Those who rely on staying away from the Fortune
Golems are subjected to the Tower of Midas

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Part One: The Promise of Wealth

Large Construct, Unaligned

Armor Class: 24 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 338 (28d10 + 168)
Speed: 20 ft.
26 (+8) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities: electricity, poison, psychic,
thunder, and slashing/piercing damage from non-magic
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Damage Resistances: necrotic, radiant
Senses: Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages: Common

Magic Resistance: A Fortune Golem has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Deep Impact: Damage from a Fortune Golem bypasses
all resistance and immunity from non-Deific sources.

Overhead Slam: Melee Weapon Attack +14 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (7d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage
12 and the target must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution
saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion. Creatures
that would be slain by gaining their sixth level of
exhaustion from this attack are instead petrified (turned
to stone).
Molten Slag: Ranged Attack: +14 to hit, range 120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 22 (5d8) bludgeoning damage plus 22
(5d8) fire damage.

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Part One: The Promise of Wealth

As the players peruse the museum, they come across amounts of radiant damage. Even more worryingly,
several statues of note. Each statue has a magical it can be observed that he is able to manipulate the
gem in front of it that, when touched, can replay power of the sun itself, creating miniature blazing
the moments of the creature’s defeat in a dazzling stars that he can command.
illusory display for all to see. In addition, a narration
is magically played when this occurs. Son of Azathoth
Nestled in the back of the museum is the form of a
Ironstavix the Blazing massive monstrosity of burnished gold. Terrifyingly
This golden statue of an ancient red dragon stands alien, it assaults the very concept of reality. There
as a centerpiece to the museum. A massive figure, are some things for which language is not equipped
his form is covered in an impressive set of ornately to describe. This is one of those things.
carved adamantine armor.
Descriptions Read the players the following text as they read the
Read the players the following text as they read the description displayed by the monstrosity:
description by the dragon’s statue:
“There was a rumor that Amun-Hakkor had
Famous for his insatiable greed, Ironstavix sought consorted with beings beyond the realm of sanity to
to take the wealth of Amun-Hakkor by force, acquire arcane power. If there is any truth to this
launching a massive invasion using thousands of rumor, it can be found here. Most learned scholars
minions. To his dismay, Amun-Hakkor’s arcane scoff at this notion, arguing that it couldn’t possibly
might proved too powerful, turning his minions be real and is instead an elaborate forgery.”
to gold before his very eyes. Desperate to recoup 13
his losses, he swept down from the sky to carry off As the narration ends and you view the creature it
what he could, only to become a statue himself. gives you the chills, and you can feel a slight pull
behind your eyes as you gaze at it. Turning away,
When the players watch the illusory recording, read you swear you can feel some presence, ever so
them the following: slight, brushing your mind.

A great dragon soars over a field of golden corpses, Players watching the illusion must succeed on a
amidst which stands the defiant Immortal Pharaoh. DC 25 Wisdom saving throw or gain 1 level of the
With a tumultuous roar, the beast descends towards Insanity 1Epic condition for the next 24 hours. Read
Amun-Hakkor with claws and teeth bared. A the following to creatures succeeding their saving
storm of radiant light streams from miniature throws:
novas of energy about the Pharaoh’s shoulders,
piercing the dragon again and again. The beast Amun-Hakkor appears facing off against the
crashes to the ground a few meters from its foe, and visceral form of the golden creature beside you,
Amun-Hakkor strides casually over. A touch from brought to life. Raising his arms high, the ground
the gauntleted hand, a final roar from the great around him coalesces into swarms of glass
dragon, and all that remains is a golden statue. warriors, which throw themselves against their
foe. Though they appear to shatter easily, their
A Religion or Survival check of DC 22 or higher numbers seem limitless, eventually bringing the
while viewing the illusory display can determine that beast to earth, where Hakkor transforms it to gold
Amun-Hakkor’s powers seem to deal considerable with a touch from his gauntlet.

“Insanity” is an Epic Condition that applies levels of effects similar to exhaustion. A creature with one level of Insanity that rolls a
natural one on an attack roll automatically hits itself with the attack instead.

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Part One: The Promise of Wealth

Arm of the Thronelord The Lap of Luxury

In a simple glass case displayed predominantly rests
a simple human arm. The plaque labeling the case “If ye think ye know ale, I’m about to take ye to school.”
simply reads, “The Thronelord.” Murrin Redscruff’s favorite opening line

Descriptions Descriptions
The following description is displayed by the arm: As the players arrive at the magnificent inn, read
them the following text:
At his peak, the might of Amun-Hakkor held sway
enough to cause the Thronelord himself pause. Positioned in a picturesque location on the edge of
the city, the bar opens onto the glittering golden
When the players watch the illusion, read them the sands of a beach that stretches for miles. Scattered
following: about the beach are lawn chairs, umbrellas and
resting areas for beings of all sizes and shapes.
The illusion plays, showing Amun-Hakkor Manning the bar stands the waist-high Murrin
facing off against what appears to be a human- Redscruff, a dwarf of excessively pleasant
like creature, though its details are blurred and disposition happily serving various practitioners.
unclear, as though viewed through static. Visibly Alenoth the Everflowing, a water elemental
angry, Amun-Hakkor lunges forward, golden magically altered to be composed of pure golden
gauntlet outstretched, and latches onto the figure’s ale, moves around him with exceptional grace,
arm--which transforms to gold with a colossal acquiring mixing ingredients and ice.
explosion, throwing Amun-Hakkor to the ground.
14 The sentience of Alenoth is a mystery unsolved, but
The mysterious figure tilts its head as if speaking his liquid is known to be excessively delicious to the
and vanishes, leaving Hakkor furious and injured. point of fame. He offers but 10 draughts of himself
The Pharaoh’s pain and rage manifests in a per day to interested customers.
tremendous burst of radiant energy as he glows
like the sun. What’s on Tap?
The Lap of Luxury has a colorful selection of drinks,
A successful DC 25 Arcana or History check and just as colorful patrons. It is not uncommon
determines the following: to find a Storm Giant and Empyrean engaged in a
drinking contest, or a Celestial tempted to its first
• The Thronelord is a magic user widely sip. The magical properties of the building allow
considered to be the greatest mage alive, anyone of Gargantuan size to be seated comfortably.
who can wield the Siege Arcana, a great There is something for everyone, so be sure to
tower in a far away land that can magnify accommodate your players’ potentially exotic tastes.
even Epic magic to world-shattering A basic menu is provided with some of the more
strength. noteworthy drinks. In addition, two persons of
interest stand out immediately to the players as they
• Amun-Hakkor can transform when gravely imbibe drinks and partake in merrymaking:
injured into another form, likely something
he holds back until his life is threatened. • Academy, a well known Diviner Archmage, and
• Bloopar, the Muck with a Mind.

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Part One: The Promise of Wealth


Essence of Alenoth Famous throughout the planes for its taste, this beer is imbued with the
living essence of Alenoth, the multiverse’s only beer elemental. Alenoth
aids the drinker by manipulating his essence to suffuse one’s tastebuds.
Constitution save DC 26, or drinker is Charmed by every humanoid
creature they meet for 1 hour.
Price: 10,000 gp

Archon’s Tears Brewed from the waters of Styx, this magical ale is prized amongst those of
less wholesome tastes for its rarity and sharpness.
Constitution save DC 19, or target becomes evil for the next 24 hours, and
poisoned for 4 hours.
Price: 3,000 gp

Chronoblend Magically aged for 10,000 years over the course of a few days,
Chronoblend gives the finest culinary experience that is afforded by age
while temporarily restoring one’s youth for a period of one day. Popular
choice for those going to visit the House of Negotiable Affection.
Constitution save DC 21, or target becomes an infant. The creature
rapidly ages back to its original age over the next hour, during which it is
Price: 5,000 gp 15

Flamethirst Special A mixed drink invented by popular patron Archmagister King, this hard
liquor consists of three wines brewed in the Elemental Plane of Fire,
topped off with a single delayed blast fireball bead dipped in chocolate.
Constitution save DC 24 or all orifices erupt in flames, dealing the target
77 (22d6) fire damage, and stunning the affected target for 1 round.
Price: 4,000 gp

Ecto Elixer Brewed from the captured essence of ghosts and other incorporeal beings.
This beer is first pick amongst undead and other incorporeal beings, as they
are able to fully ingest it. Non-incorporeal beings find this beer excessively
Constitution save DC 22, or target gains incorporeal movement, allowing
them to move through creatures and objects as though they were difficult
terrain for 1 minute.
Price: 900 gp

Water Cool, crisp, and refreshing. Target feels appropriately hydrated.

Price: 100 gp

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Part One: The Promise of Wealth

Their details and valuable information are provided fools, and would undoubtedly demand a great price,
below, but feel free to include additional NPCs a bargain he knew would finance their fell schemes
of interest to your campaign and games. Keep in for centuries to come. His eyes full of sadness,
mind, the mood here is extremely light, as even the Amun-Hakkor told the young man there was
most drunk ogre is not fool enough to pick a fight nothing he could do, which sent the youth flying
and bring down the wrath of a Tower of Midas or into a rage. Accusing Amun-Hakkor of numerous
Fortune Golems. sins, including greed, ego, and malevolence, the
youth spat at his feet as a sign of disgust.
Academy, Archmage and Scholar
Reclined on a chair, sipping from his favorite drink Furious, Amun-Hakkor stood tall, having never
in a pair of boardshorts, lies the powerful Archmage, once been treated in such a manner. He pointed
Academy. He immediately stands out to the players his finger at the lad, and stated that if his people
as a Diviner of incredible power, with Epic abilities could not be grateful for all he provided, he would
and skills. He sits with an adult red dragon a few strip them bare, and return only when they
feet away, discussing the merits of scrying for learned humility. Turning to his council of mages,
the purposes of blackmailing leaders of powerful Amun-Hakkor used powerful magic to entomb
nations. If approached by the players, Academy himself within his Arcane Vaults for eternity, to
demands that at least one of them have his favorite awaken when all his subjects begged for his return
drink--a Flamethirst Special, available at the bar-- having learnt their lesson. His council begged
and wants their opinion of it once they have drank him not to do this, for there would always be a
it. If they are able to hold their liquor, Academy will few malcontents, but Amun-Hakkor would not
tell them he has heard of their mission, and offers be dissuaded. If he expected his subjects to learn
16 them this sage advice, the legend of Amun-Hakkor. the error of their ways, he was sorely mistaken.
As the empire fell to ruin around his tomb, the
Read the players the following: subjects blamed Amun-Hakkor for his selfish ego,
for without someone to wield the Grasp of the
Few empires of old are remembered so vividly as Pharaoh, the Golden Union lost the source of its
the Golden Union of Amun-Hakkor. From its lands wealth. While Amun-Hakkor’s empire is long
streamed endless rivers of gold, dominating and gone, the Pharaoh Conqueror still sleeps, ready to
uplifting all other civilizations through economic rebuild the Golden Union by raising it from the
power alone. Though many coveted the power and old world, atop the ruins of the new if need be.
wealth of Amun-Hakkor and his Golden Union,
none dared to take it for themselves, and many Academy refuses to aid the players in their task,
journeyed to his grand palace to seek his favor. and if they attempt to persuade him, will politely
Never did his people want, for Amun-Hakkor request to be left alone before turning back to his
provided every luxury and convenience as was conversation.
within his power to do so, and enjoyed the love
of his people. However, one day a young man Bloopar, the Muck with a Mind
journeyed to Amun-Hakkor and told him of his Resting in a large tub of what appears to be black
troubles. A young love of his had made a foolish sludge is Bloopar, the Muck with a Mind. A black
bargain with a Devil, and had her soul taken to pudding that somehow gained sentience, this
the burning hells. Tearfully pleading with Amun- peculiar being has fought against overwhelming
Hakkor, the young man begged him to bargain back stigma to find “unconventional” work: Bloopar
her soul with his great wealth, and restore her to contorts itself into dynamic and evocative shapes,
life. Amun-Hakkor knew that the Devils were no much to the delight of those watching. The ooze

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Part Two: A Bargain Well Struck

is remarkably proficient at obtaining gossip, as it Caravas escorts through a set of obsidian doors to a room
finds many figures of prominence and wealth have furnished with fluffed couches and recliners, upon one of
loose tongues around things they think cannot hear which rests Dalia herself. She does not bother to even sit
them. Currently it is taking a well earned vacation, up, but gazes at you expectantly. After introducing you
but is happy to talk if players buy it a drink--having by name, Caravas takes a seat on a large purple chair
no taste buds, the ooze is not picky--and it has a next to Dalia while motioning for you to sit as well. Dalia
few interesting tidbits of information. Thankfully, herself is clad in a fine dress of an unknown material
nestled in Bloop’s form is a helm of telepathy, making that seems to produce its own light. A necklace of rubies,
conversation easy. sapphires and emeralds graces her, while numerous gold
trappings adorn her figure. She has taken great care to
• A contact down at the House of Negotiable not overburden herself, however, wearing just enough
Affection told it that a Grifter fled inside jewelry to imply her status without discomfort; the sole
three days ago, only to be caught by Dalia’s exception being the cumbersome, ornate golden gauntlet
forces as she attempted to escape the island on her left hand, its power unmistakable as you feel the
some time later. It is whispered that the air hum with energy.
Grifter had stolen an item from Dalia, which
is shocking because no one steals from Dalia. Dalia greets the players briefly, but won’t begin
No one knows that happened to the Grifter, negotiations until they are comfortably seated and
but it is assumed she is now a statue in refreshments have been served. She compliments
Dalia’s residence. the players on their skill and legend with loquacity,
and will happily request a story or two to enhance
• It is a known secret that while Dalia does the pleasantness of the evening. Give players a
indeed wield the Grasp of the Pharaoh, she has chance to size her up. Dalia is a shrewd woman 17
not unlocked its full potential, as much as with considerable moxy, trading clever quips and
she would like to pretend otherwise. humorous barbs. If the players don’t get to the point,
Caravas moves things along by clearing his throat,
at which point Dalia adopts a serious expression,
part two: a bargain gives Caravas an imperious eyebrow, and explains
well struck her problem, her voice suddenly business-like and
When the players travel to Dalia’s mansion, read
them the following text: “Very well then, I have not invited you here for
pleasantries, so let’s discuss the matter at hand.
As you approach Dalia’s mansion, you are Beneath this mansion are the Arcane Vaults of
confronted by a lengthy flight of stairs fashioned Amun-Hakkor, from which I made my fortune
of chiseled marble. Flanking you on either side are and financed my investments. Within the vaults
flowering plants of outstanding beauty, many of is more than treasure, for Amun-Hakkor sleeps in
them extraplanar in origin. Darting between them, his golden Sarcophagus. Or so he did…”
you can see tiny sprite gardeners ensuring that
each petal is picturesque and resplendent. At the “I have seen him. Some foolish Grifter--” Dalia
top of the stairs near the entrance to the mansion grinds her teeth here as she speaks, “--hired by
stands Caravas. As you approach, he greets you and my enemies snuck into the vaults and opened the
motions you inside, leading you through several Sarcophagus, unleashing the bastard Pharaoh, who
rooms decorated with different works of art, each has been blasting his way through my security
themed after the worlds they were pulled from. ever since. The vaults have dozens of layers of

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Part Two: A Bargain Well Struck

protection, but my Fortune Golems have thus far At this point, the players may balk at Dalia’s
been unable to slow him down. request, but she is quick to reassure them that
Amun-Hakkor has been dead for a long time and
“I suspect this is due to them being formed from is not at full strength. Dalia will also refuse to
the power of the Grasp of the Pharaoh.” Here she commit any additional “assets” to the fight against
gives a meaningful look at her gauntlet. “Amun- Amun-Hakkor. In addition, the players should be
Hakkor is the true master of the relic and as long reminded that they are contractually obligated to
as he lives, its power is muted considerably. do this expediently, so only allow them a short
rest before embarking to the House of Negotiable
When Amun-Hakkor gets out, he will be very Affection. Dalia will afford a few moments at this
cross with me to say the least. Fortunately, I’ve point for questions, but there are some important
recently acquired a set of contractually-obligated things to keep in mind.
bodyguards--that’s you, by the way--and my best
analysts have determined you will be a match for • Dalia avoids discussion of the powers
the Pharaoh Conqueror. If you need any more of the Grasp of the Pharaoh, with one
incentive, know that if Amun-Hakkor kills me and exception. A successful Persuasion or
acquires the Grasp of the Pharaoh, you will have Insight ability check against DC 24 reveals
no chance of defeating him, and his reappearance Dalia is mortally afraid of Amun-Hakkor,
will not be a healthy change for this world. as she has been storing her wealth within
the Arcane Vaults. This means that if she
Fortunately, Amun-Hakkor is currently in my flees, the Grasp of the Pharaoh will soon
vaults dismantling my security and no doubt turn her into gold permanently (see Grasp
18 helping himself to my treasures, and I am of the Pharaoh relic description for details).
nothing if not proactive. The aforementioned Dalia would rather die than lose control of
Grifter also stole both my, and Caravas’ keys to the item, so fleeing is not an option.
the Arcane Vaults. Both of these must be turned
simultaneously to gain access to the vaults, and • Dalia won’t describe Marcho or Grobulax
both are conveniently in the same place on my in any particular detail, simply stating
island. they are a celestial and a fiend who are an
endless public nuisance that she regrets
Within the House of Negotiable Affection in the having ever let onto the island.
city’s red light district. You’ll find two extremely
unpleasant individuals, each with a key. Grobulax • Dalia refuses to negotiate any further and
the Lascivious and Marcho of Mercy’s Light are if pressed with demands, Caravas steps in
these two fools, and I cannot act against them to handle the players, by force if necessary.
directly as their residence contracts protect them. From here, the players can journey
You must recover their keys as soon as possible. straight to the House of Negotiable
Affection, but only after being provided
The details of your contract allows me to look with masks to hide their identities, as is
the other way for a brief period of time so my customary in that area of the city.
security will not act against you within the House
of Negotiable Affection, so do whatever it takes.
Amun-Hakkor is likely destroying millions in
assets in his rage, so the collateral damage you
may cause is a trifling price by comparison.

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Part Two: A Bargain Well Struck

House of Negotiable Affection Grobulax the Lascivious

The House of Negotiable Affection is, to put it Encounter Level: Epic Challenge 3
bluntly, where powerful beings go to hook up. Dalia Creatures: Grobulax the Lascivious (Balor, Epic
is masterful at business, recognized a demand and Affixes), 4x Consort of Grobulax (Succubus, Epic
found herself well-situated to create the supply. It Affixes)
is standard protocol when exploring the red light
district, in which the House of Negotiable Affection When the players enter Grobulax’s leisure suite,
is located, to wear masks providing magical read the following descriptive text:
precautions to hide one’s identity, as being spotted
here can detrimentally impact one’s reputation. As you enter this dimly lit room, you find
The House of Negotiable Affection is warded Grobulax sitting between four succubi consorts,
against even the most catastrophic damage, so if the who float around him massaging and oiling
numerous activities of the House become violent, his corpulent form while he relaxes in a hot tub
property damage is not a concern. At this point in filled with molten magma. When approached, he
the adventure, the players should have some urgency invites you to join him, signaling his consorts to
to get things done, but if you have creative ideas be as hospitable as possible, though with a sinister
for what else to put in the city’s red light district, air that suggests that nothing in this house of
or even the House of Negotiable Affection itself, depravity will be remotely pleasurable.
this is a good time. When the players enter the red
light district of the Isle of Paradise, read them the Summary
following text: Grobulax is a hedonistic demon who enjoys
comfort and swaggering about with his entourage. 19
As you approach the city’s red light district, you find His favorite target is Marcho, who he subjects to
yourselves surrounded by masked customers. You ceaseless discomfort by performing unsavory acts
have heard that kings, politicians, outsiders both good in the Celestial’s full view. While his preferences
and evil, and the occasional abomination are clientele are unusual, Grobulax is not uncivilized and has
of this sensual place. It is not difficult to understand good manners (for a demon). If asked about the
why, with every temptation well-represented and key, Grobulax refuses to hand it over unless the
easily accessible under the cloak of anonymity. following conditions are met:
Towering above it all stands the House of Negotiable
Affection, a palace where the dreams of all beings can • Marcho is evicted from the premises and
become reality. Legends about pairings between angels never allowed to return. Grobulax must
and devils, or trysts between chromatic and metallic also be present when Marcho is evicted so
dragons, are legendary around these parts, adding to he can properly humiliate the Celestial. A
the mystery and excitement. successful Persuasion ability check followed
by a successful Deception ability check, both
At the door, you are greeted by handsome fey against a DC of 26, will convince Grobulax
attendants, who make up the majority of the staff. that he doesn’t need to be present for the
The inside is dimly lit, and the smell of incense and eviction.
perfume quickly overwhelms your senses. Upon
querying the staff about the location of those you • A permanent penthouse suite at the House of
seek, they offer to escort you to either of them without Negotiable Affection. This can be arranged
delay, as they are both well known figures here who by Dalia without much difficulty.
choose not to wear masks.

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Part Two: A Bargain Well Struck

Of course, combat is also an option. Grobulax is a tall ceiling. The molten hot tub Grobulax sits in
powerful demon, but a party of Epic heroes should magically follows him, moving around the floor of
be able to handle him without too much trouble. If the room to remain underneath him at all times,
the players kill Grobulax, they can acquire the key even if he takes flight. Grobulax begins combat in
from his corpse. the center of the room.

Encounter Weight Tactics

This encounter shouldn’t be too difficult for the Grobulax spreads the pain around as he does battle.
players. Characters will enter this encounter close to He prioritizes engulfing as many people in his hot
full-strength and have many resources available. That tub as possible, teleporting and using his whip
said, a couple of poor decisions and rolls can quickly to make sure more elusive targets feel the burn.
land a charmed character in a bath of molten lava. The succubus consorts assist with this strategy
by charming targets who appear vulnerable, and
Terrain coercing them to walk into the hot tub to partake
Grobulax’s room is designed to accommodate in decadent activities. Enemies who display an
his ample form, giving him lots of space to move immunity to fire are a point of concern to Grobulax,
around. The room is 30 ft. by 30 ft. with a 20 ft. who focuses his efforts on them.


Huge Fiend (Demon), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 23 (natural armor)

tub, the creature takes an additional 70 (20d6) fire damage.
20 Hit Points 862 (21d12 +726)
As Grobulax moves, the hot tub magically moves with
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
him, but will not follow him into the air, instead remaining
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA directly beneath him.
26 (+8) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) Magic Resistance: Grobulax has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Saving Throws: Str +17, Dex +5, Con +15, Int +8, Wis
Binding Magic: If a non-Epic effect or spell causes
+12, Cha +15
Grobulax to be moved, teleported, or relocated, he can
Damage Resistances: Cold, lightning; bludgeoning,
choose to prevent that movement at no action cost.
piercing, and slashing from non-magical weapons
Magic Weapons: Grobulax’s attacks are magical.
Damage Immunities: Fire, poison
Paragon: Grobulax is considered an Epic creature.
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Skills: Perception +12
Senses: Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 22 ACTIONS
Languages: Abyssal, Common, telepathy 120 ft. Multiattack: Grobulax makes two attacks: one with his
Possessions: The right vault key longsword, and one with his whip.
Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit (critical hit
TRAITS on 17-20), reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) slashing
damage plus 13 (3d8) lightning damage. If Grobulax scores
Death Throes: When Grobulax dies, he explodes in flames,
a critical hit, he rolls on damage dice three times instead of
requiring each creature within 30 ft. to attempt a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw, taking 70 (20d6) fire damage on
Whip: Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 30 ft., one
a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. The
target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) fire
explosion ignites flammable objects in that area that aren’t
damage and the target must succeed on a DC 20 Strength
being worn or carried, and it destroys Grobulax’s weapons.
saving throw or be pulled up to 25 ft. toward Grobulax.
Hot Tub: Grobulax sits in the center of a massive hot tub
full of molten lava that extends around him in a 5 ft radius.
Creatures in the area other than Grobulax treat the area as BONUS ACTIONS
difficult terrain. If a creature starts its turn in the hot tub or Teleport: Grobulax magically teleports, along with any
enters it for the first time on a turn, the creature takes 18 equipment he is wearing or carrying, up to 120 ft. to an unoc-
(5d6) fire damage. If a creature ends its turn inside the hot cupied space he can see. The lava tub also moves with him.

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Part Two: A Bargain Well Struck

Medium Fiend (Shapechanger), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 166 (12d8 +112) ACTIONS
Speed 30 ft, fly 60 ft. Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Draining Kiss: The Consort kisses a charmed or willing
8 (-1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
creature within 5 ft. of it. The target must make a DC 23
Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +8, Con +6, Int +7, Wis +6, Constitution saving throw against this magic, taking 32
Cha +11 (5d10 + 5) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much
Damage Immunities: fire damage on a success. The target’s hit point maximum is
Damage Resistances: cold, lightning, poison; bludgeoning, reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
Skills: Deception +9, Insight +5, Perception +5, Persuasion dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
+9, Stealth +7 Etherealness: The Consort magically enters the Ethereal
Senses: 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy 60 ft.
Charm: One humanoid the Consort can see within 30 ft.
Telepathic Bond: The Consort can communicate of it must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or be
telepathically with a creature it has currently charmed, magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys the
regardless of their distance apart. fiend’s verbal or telepathic commands. If the target suffers
Shapechanger: The Consort can use its action to any harm or receives a suicidal command, it can repeat the
polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If the target
into its true form. Without wings, the fiend loses its flying successfully saves against the effect, or if the effect ends, the
speed. Other than its size and speed, its statistics remain the target is immune to this fiend’s Charm for the next 24 hours.
same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying The fiend can have only one target charmed at a time. If it
isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. charms another, the effect on the previous target ends.

Marcho of Revealing Light Summary

Marcho is an angel of prudence, an Epic creature
Encounter Level: Epic Challenge 3 who abhors violence. While some of the greatest
Creatures: Marcho of Revealing Light evils committed are those of murder and torture,
Marcho holds a particular disdain for the evils
When the party is escorted to Marcho, read them that harm oneself. To that end, it has taken up
the following text: residence in the House of Negotiable Affection
with the goal of shaming those who visit to drive
Knelt in supplication, this angelic figure would them away from temptation. Marcho views Dalia
stand taller than any man, its face lacking any as responsible for the sin it sees here, and refuses to
features besides a circular formation of seven hand over the vault key under any circumstances,
eyes. Three sets of wings adorn its back, but its informing the players that they must strike
body floats off the ground of its own accord. Its it down and risk Celestia’s eternal wrath. A
skin appears to be made of porcelain, with angelic successful DC 24 Persuasion check can cause
tattoos tracing intricate words of peace and Marcho to reconsider, particularly if they make a
humility across its body. As it turns to face you, strong case about “the greater good,” or appeal to
you feel an overwhelming sense of both calm and its merciful nature. It should be noted, the angel
shame weigh heavily upon your mind. will never strike first, nor engage in combat unless

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Part Two: A Bargain Well Struck

forced to. If Marcho reconsiders, it lays out the allies away from each other, then keep them
following conditions before it hands over the key: separated with its Legendary Actions. Be sure
to use Marcho’s single Epic spell on the most
• Grobulax must be slain. Marcho’s troublesome foe, which will highlight to the
annoyance at Grobulax cannot be players just how powerful Marcho really is.
overstated, and the celestial constantly
mutters to itself about its distaste for Marcho will quickly smite any foe at low hit points,
Grobulax’s hedonistic ways. Marcho will as it knows this will not kill them as per his Vow
settle for nothing less than the fiend’s of Mercy feature. Marcho has a retaliatory style,
death. preferring to target those who have injured it most
• The House of Negotiable Affection
must be closed down within a period of Lair Actions
5 years, and converted into a religious On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties),
retreat for those who seek peace and Marcho takes a lair action to cause one of the
tranquility. (This may be a tough sell, following effects; Marcho can’t use the same effect
and Marcho’s sin-sensing abilities will two rounds in a row.
clue it into whether or not the players
have lied. Dalia will agree to this for a fee Halo of Peace: Marcho creates a magical halo that
of 200,000 gold pieces, roughly half the occupies a 10 ft. square within 120 feet. Any enemies
player’s gold reward for defeating Amun- within this space are destabilized2. When a creature
Hakkor. Naturally, Caravas will draw voluntarily leaves the halo, it takes 83 (15d10)
22 up a foolproof contract, which appears radiant damage, and the creature is destabilized2
to satisfy the Celestial’s request, while until the end of its next turn. The halo lasts until
maintaining Dalia’s interests). a new Halo of Peace is created, or Marcho is slain.

If the players attack Marcho, it will defend itself. Halo of Temperance: Marcho creates a divine
As with Grobulax, players who slay Marcho can halo that occupies a 10 ft. square within 120 ft. If a
recover the key. creature other than Marcho starts its turn within
the Halo of Temperance, it gains Epic disadvantage
Terrain on its attacks, saving throws, and ability checks
Marcho’s residence is humble and barren but very until the end of its next turn. When a creature
spacious. To utilize its abilities effectively, Marcho voluntarily leaves the halo, it takes 83 (15d10)
needs a lot of space, so its room is 50 ft. by 50 ft., lightning damage. This effect lasts until a new
with a 50 ft. ceiling. Halo of Temperance is made or Marcho is slain.

Tactics Halo of Kinship: Marcho creates a beautiful halo

Marcho’s abilities play into its peaceful nature, that occupies a 10 ft. square within 120 ft. When
punishing those who injure it and continually an enemy leaves the halo, all allies of that enemy
offering them a chance to surrender. Those who within 30 ft. of the creature take 83 (15d10) fire
engage Marcho in melee will find themselves damage. This effect lasts until a new Halo of
chasing it all over the map. Marcho tries to lead Kinship is made or Marcho is slain.

Destabilized is an Epic Condition that causes a creature to enter a state of flux. While Destabilized, if the affected creature would
deal damage on their turn, they instead deal no damage.

Trou ble in Par adise

Part Three: One Woman’s Greed


Large Epic Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 25
Hit Points 922 (57d10 + 399) Righteous Spellcasting: Marcho’s spellcasting ability is
Speed 40 ft., fly 120 ft. Charisma (spell save DC 25). It can innately cast the following
spells and Epic spells, requiring no material components:
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • At Will: resurrection, lightning bolt (as a 9th level
12 (+1) 23 (+6) 30 (+10) 19 (+4) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) spell that deals radiant damage instead of lightning
Saving Throws: Str +7, Dex +12, Con +16, Wis +13, Cha damage)
+16 • 3/day: sunburst
Skills: Arcana + 10, Insight + 13, Perception + 13, Persuasion • 1/day: determinism (as a Tier 2 Epic spell)
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, necrotic; piercing
damage from non-magical weapons Feather-Light: Unburdened by any sin, Marcho is almost
Damage Immunities: lightning, radiant completely weightless, causing it to move when attacked. As a
Condition Immunities: charmed, petrified, stunned reaction when it takes damage, Marcho may choose to move
Epic Condition Immunities: insanity up to 30 ft. in a direction of his choice.
Senses: truesight 300 ft., passive Perception 25
Languages: Celestial, telepathy within 1 mile LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Possessions: The left vault key
Marcho can take three Legendary Actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one Legendary Action can be used at a
TRAITS time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Marcho
Stench of Sin: When Marcho spends 1 minute in the regains spent Legendary Actions at the start of its turn.
company of an individual, it learns of every evil act the Radiant magic: Marcho casts a non-Epic spell.
creature has ever committed. Restoring Light: Marcho removes conditions and status
Legendary Resistance (3/day): If Marcho fails a saving effects upon itself as though it had cast greater restoration.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. This is a non-magical effect that Marcho can use even while 23
Vow of Mercy: If Marcho reduces a target to zero hit points, incapacitated or unconscious.
that target is reduced to one hit point instead. In addition, Crisis of Conscience: Marcho forces a target to realize the
when this occurs the creature’s alignment changes to lawful evil it is inflicting by harming a creature so good and pure. A
good and becomes permanently Charmed by Marcho for as target within 60 ft. must succeed on a DC 25 Charisma saving
long as Marcho lives. Only Epic or Deific power can end this throw or take 44 (8d10) psychic damage. A successful save
effect. halves the damage.

part three: our contract, though I had my doubts... Rest

one woman’s greed assured, I had complete faith in your abilities. In
just a few moments we will be at the door to the
After retrieving the keys, the players can return to arcane vaults. When you are ready, Caravas and
Dalia’s mansion within a period of one day, affording I will open it for you, and you can do the job I am
them time to take a long rest. She is anxiously paying you for. We won’t be joining in the battle,
awaiting them, flanked by a troupe of Fortune of course; we’ll observe from my personal bunker
Golems. As they approach Dalia and Caravas, read on the other side of the island once the fireworks
your players the following: start. Did I mention I have complete confidence you
will all survive?”
As you approach Dalia, who is clad in an ornate
alabaster armor, she spins on her heel and enters Once the players are ready, she and Caravas insert the
her mansion, beckoning you to follow. As you keys into two locks on either side of the door (which
walk at a brisk, but dignified pace, she speaks. notably shows signs of several dents, as if something
“Welcome back! I am so glad you’ve not violated was trying to force its way out), and simultaneously

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Part Three: One Woman’s Greed

turn them, causing a massive grinding of metal and mechanics. As with any Mythic monster, the players
stone as the great door churns open. The vault is lit will find themselves tested in a host of ways, with
with blazing light, as the imposing figure of Amun- victory hanging in the balance even under the best
Hakkor stands in the center of the empty room, of circumstances. This encounter is intended to be
straight-backed and proud. His gaze falls upon the very difficult, and should be dramatic, devastating
terrified form of Dalia and he speaks in a booming and exciting. A party who works together, analyzes
voice of authority. Amun-Hakkor’s strategies, and comes to each
other’s aid will have the best chance of defeating the
“You have taken what was not yours, weakling, Immortal Pharaoh.
and have earned my wrath. My power is not yours
to command. Your fate is sealed, but I may spare Terrain
your slaves as my own.” The Arcane Vaults are meant to store treasure,
so the main entrance is not particularly elaborate,
The magic within the Grasp of the Pharaoh heeds especially when empty. Bright torches illuminate
its master and turns Dalia to solid gold, as combat the walls, and the floor is smooth polished stone,
begins. In the first round, Caravas seizes her petrified creating a square space 150 ft. on a side with a 50 ft.
form and teleports away from combat. If the players ceiling, allowing for limited flight. There are doors
get to the Grasp of the Pharaoh first, Caravas won’t on the sides of the vault walls that lead deeper into
argue and will always choose to save his own skin the facility, which you can use if you’d like to add
rather than risk a battle of these proportions. additional area to the battle map. Otherwise keep
them sealed off by great mounds of treasure on the
The players have a few options: they can choose other side, preventing their access. Finally, the main
24 to let Caravas leave with Dalia and the relic, or try entrance is 20 ft. wide, but is quick to seal itself after
to keep the Grasp of the Pharaoh for themselves and 1 round of combat. The vaults are magically warded
use it against Amun-Hakkor. While the players against outside intrusion, and will not permit any
will not have time to attune themselves to the Epic non-Epic teleportation or magical travel into or out
Relic’s full power, it remains a powerful asset. If the of the room. Inside the room, however, such effects
players allow Amun-Hakkor to take back what is function normally.
his, attempting to fight him will be an unmitigated
disaster, but he will not be unbeatable. Amun- Tactics
Hakkor is no longer attuned to the Relic, though the Appendix A contains the game statistics and tactics
power of the item will still make him considerably for Amun-Hakkor.
more dangerous than he already is. Only those who
immediately surrender to Amun-Hakkor are spared, The Aftermath
as at this point the Pharaoh has no patience for
resistance and will slaughter everything, including Following the defeat of Amun-Hakkor is an
those who speak in protest or try to negotiate. immediate and intense explosion that devastates
Dalia’s mansion and the surrounding landscape as
Rise of an Empire the Pharaoh’s body releases its remaining arcane
energy. If Dalia’s petrified form survived the
Encounter Level: Mythic Challenge 4 encounter, she will arrange for the player’s rewards
Creatures: Amun-Hakkor to be brought to them by Caravas within 24 hours.
Dalia herself will no longer deal with the players
Summary directly under any circumstances, fearing their
Amun-Hakkor is a Mythic monster, granting him a power and any potential reprisal she may face for her
panoply of abilities, multiple phases, and complicated various financial contracts. Nevertheless, her hold

Trou ble in Par adise

Part Three: One Woman’s Greed

upon the Isle of Paradise is diminished significantly you can certainly choose to have the artifact turn
due to her dramatically decreased finances and on her and come into the players’ possession. You
public embarrassment. As it stands, Dalia has barely can also choose to have Dalia be an ongoing enemy
enough resources to prevent the Grasp of the Pharaoh or reluctant ally, whose finances and influence can
from permanently petrifying her, but if you wish be used in a variety of creative and nefarious ways.

Grasp of the Pharaoh

Wondrous Item, Relic
A golden gauntlet studded with gems darker than night, this relic gives off an overwhelming sense of
weight and stability. Closer inspection reveals the gauntlet is actually adamantium plated with gold, with
the symbols of various coins and gems cut in detail throughout its form. With this relic, Amun-Hakkor
proved unstoppable and its power created unimaginable prosperity and power for his people.

Properties: While unattuned, the Grasp of the Attunement: In order to attune to Grasp of the
Pharaoh possesses the following properties: Pharaoh, you must complete herculean feats of
greed, amassing over 1 billion gold pieces within
• When you deal damage to an enemy, if that your personal storage space. If this amount ever
enemy would resist or be immune to the goes below 1 billion, you become unattuned.
damage, it is instead treated as though it has   When wielded by a creature attuned to the
no resistances or immunities. Grasp of the Pharaoh the Relic possesses the
• When you deal damage to a non-Epic following properties instead of those listed when
enemy, that creature is turned to gold. It the wielder is unattuned. 25
becomes petrified until the end of its next
turn. • When you deal damage to an enemy with a
• You may create up to 10,000 gold pieces melee weapon attack, it must succeed on a
each day by touching 500 pounds of some DC 26 Constitution saving throw or become
mundane or worthless material (such as petrified--turned to gold. Non-Epic creatures
stone or wood). are not afforded a saving throw. A creature
• If someone steals from you, they are targeted can only be affected by this ability once per
by a flesh to stone spell (Spell Save DC 24) round.
once per day at the end of each long rest they • Creatures damaged by you are treated as
take until the item(s) is returned. Creatures vulnerable to your damage.
transformed in this fashion are turned to • You become immune to the petrified
gold instead of stone. condition.
• You can cast the Epic spell kinetic control • You can create up to 1 million gold pieces
once per day. Your spellcasting ability each day by touching a huge amount of
modifier (if you do not have one) is material, such as a building, pond, or similarly
intelligence for casting this spell. large non-magical object.
• You must store half of all your income in a • You can cast the Epic spell kinetic control
vault, bank, or some secure location within three times per day. Your spellcasting ability
7 days of acquiring it, which you cannot is Intelligence (if you do not have one) when
remove or spend for any reason. If you fail casting this spell.
to do this, you are permanently turned to • You must store all of your income in a vault,
gold, beyond the help of all but the gods. bank, or some secure location within 1 day of
acquiring it, which you cannot move or spend
for any reason. If you fail to do this, you are
permanently turned to gold.

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Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor

Appendix A:
Description glory rise in their place. Those creatures who survive
the catastrophic transformation are given a choice:
“What you see before you is a living legend, returning to supplicate or die.
bring these lands to order!”
Imperial Title: Those who stand in Amun-Hakkor’s
This partially mummified figure has a regal, imposing domain find themselves unable to speak his name,
posture that implies an unquestionable degree of only able to refer to him as Father of Wealth, Lord of
authority. Beneath his wrappings you see partially Sun and Water.
26 withered flesh, but as he moves you can see it carries
enormous weight and strength. Clad in ancient Tactics
pharaonic attire that has not tarnished with the ages, As with all Mythic monsters, Amun-Hakkor is
the undead creature points a flaming spear in your complicated, with abilities designed to synergize and
direction, and the trace of a smile appears on his face. combine for brutal effects, as well as other abilities
themed around his authority and thirst for dominance.
Background His description is divided into two sections, one per
phase. These tactics will detail the suggested strategies
The Legend of Amun-Hakkor is detailed on page 16 to use when running a standard encounter, though you
during part 2 of the adventure. are certainly encouraged to add additional obstacles,
hazards, and even other monsters as you see fit.
Regional Effects
Amun-Hakkor is a natural leader and conqueror, Personality
using his magic to affect the land and people around Amun-Hakkor has been in the world for a long time,
him, creating the following effects. so he is no fool. That said, he is supremely confident
even without the Grasp of the Pharaoh, engaging
Rise of an Empire: When Amun-Hakkor walks enemies in full force. Amun-Hakkor prefers to attack
the material plane, he calls the ruins of the Golden enemies who deal him the greatest injury, even if
Union to return to their former glory. If Amun- they are well-protected. However, most grievous are
Hakkor is awakened, every thirty days he may choose those who attempt to manipulate or charm him, as
to devastate the area around him as he rebuilds his the pharaoh sees this as extreme arrogance. Amun-
empire. The land within 10 miles of Amun-Hakkor Hakkor particularly likes setting enemies up for
quakes and trembles, destroying the structures and overwhelming attacks, hoping to down foes in a quick
terrain in the area as monuments to Amun-Hakkor’s flurry of strikes rather than divide up his resources.

Trou ble in Par adise

Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor


Large Mythic Undead, Lawful Evil

Armor Class 26 These sentinels do not immediately attack, but stand at

Hit Points 684 (72d8 + 360) attention waiting for orders. See the “Glass Sentinel” sidebar
Speed 30 ft. for details.
24 (+7) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)
Amun-Hakkor can take four Legendary Actions,
Saving Throws: Str +16, Dex +9, Con +15, Int +16, Wis choosing from the options below. Only one Legendary
+12, Cha +15 Action option can be used at a time, and only at the end
Condition Immunities: charmed, paralyzed, petrified, of another creature’s turn. Amun-Hakkor regains spent
poisoned, restrained, unconscious Legendary Actions at the start of his turn
Epic Condition Immunities: ignited3 Oath of Service: Amun-Hakkor summons a Glass
Damage Immunities: poison Sentinel in an unoccupied space within 120 ft. of him,
Damage Resistances: cold, fire, necrotic which immediately makes a Glass Strike attack.
Skills: Arcana +16, History +16, Perception +12, Detonation: Amun-Hakkor commands a single active
Intimidation +15 Glass Sentinel to make the ultimate sacrifice, forcing it
Senses: Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 22 to leap up to 60 ft. and explode in a burst of antimagic,
Languages: Common, telepathy 120 ft. dealing 36 (6d10) fire damage to all within 10 ft. and
Challenge: Mythic 4 targeting them with dispel magic cast as a 6th level spell
(+7 spellcasting ability). This destroys the Glass Sentinel.
TRAITS Glorious Charge: Amun-Hakkor surges forward,
Mythic Resistance: Once per round, if Amun-Hakkor fails ignoring non-Epic, non-Deific movement impairments
a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. (including spells like forcecage and non-Epic conditions)
Living History: Amun-Hakkor can perfectly recall the and moving up to 60 ft. in a line, ending his movement
events of the past, making him a source of incredible in a space adjacent to a hostile creature. That creature
knowledge. and all creatures Amun-Hakkor moves through must
succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or suffer 44 27
Phased Monster: When Amun-Hakkor is first reduced to
zero hit points, he enters his “Sun Wielder” phase, gaining (8d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as
new hit points and abilities. When Amun-Hakkor enters much on a success. In addition, all Glass Sentinels charge
this phase, he unleashes a mighty blast of radiant energy, to targets of their own, similarly ignoring movement
forcing every enemy within 30 ft. to attempt a DC 24 impediments, and moving up to 30 ft. This movement
Dexterity saving throw or suffer 70 (20d6) points of radiant does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
damage, or half as much on a success. Nothing short of a
Deific ability can prevent this action from occurring. Glass Sentinel A powerful soldier called back into
Ancient Magic: Amun-Hakkor’s spellcasting ability is service from the ancient empire, the sentinel occupies a
Intelligence (spell save DC 24). Amun-Hakkor can innately 10 ft. square, but will not move from its position unless
cast the following spells, requiring no material components. Amun-Hakkor commands it to do so. The sentinels
3/day - counterspell (as an 8th level spell) are aware of any being Amun-Hakkor is aware of, but
2/day - implosion (as a Tier 2 Epic Spell) do not take any actions unless commanded to do so.
In addition, a Glass Sentinel cannot be affected by a
ACTIONS condition or Epic condition unless Amun-Hakkor is
also affected by that condition.
Sunspear: Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Glass Sentinels can be destroyed if targeted by a
target. Hit: 46 (6d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 36 (6d10)
single attack (AC 22) that deals more than 25 damage,
fire damage. Any Glass Sentinels allied with Amun-Hakkor
or if it fails a saving throw against a spell that would
may make a single Glass Strike attack against a target in
deal more than 25 damage.
their reach (for no action).

Glass Strike: Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Amun-Hakkor ft., one target. Hit: 21 (6d6) slashing damage.
takes the following Mythic Action.
Raise Legion: Amun-Hakkor calls forth his armies to deal
with any who oppose him. Four Glass Sentinels appear in four
distinct locations of Amun-Hakkor’s choice within 120 ft.

“Ignited” is an Epic Condition, that causes an affected creature at the start of its turn to take fire damage equal to its hit dice
maximum. Ex: a creature with 12d6 hit points would take 12 fire damage at the start of its turn.

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Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor

Tactics - Conqueror Phase • Legendary Actions: Amun-Hakkor’s

Legendary Actions exist to set up his
At the start of the fight, Amun-Hakkor is quick Sunspear attack and maximize his potential.
to engage his enemies in melee, demonstrating They should be used to take crowd control
his martial prowess and impaling foes on the end effects off of Amun-Hakkor, and only be used
of his spear. Amun-Hakkor keeps the pressure on to kill enemies if he is doing extremely well.
his enemies by spreading out his Glass Sentinels,
preventing them from being destroyed easily, and ‑‑ Oath of Service: Amun-Hakkor’s bread
making sure those with low armor are constantly and butter, allowing him to reinforce his
vulnerable to being attacked. Emphasize Amun- Glass Sentinels and set himself up for a very
Hakkor’s air of authority as he commands his strong turn with his Sunspear action. If
sentinels forward like a general would his troops. Amun-Hakkor finds himself alone without
reinforcement, he should be quick to use
• Mythic Actions: Amun-Hakkor has only this to back himself up, even if it means not
one Mythic Action, but its use is extremely hitting an enemy in the process.
important. When he summons the Glass
Sentinels, Hakkor is careful not to put them ‑‑ Detonation: This can be used to deal with
too close to characters who would shatter casters who are giving Amun-Hakkor a
them easily, particularly strong martial lot of trouble. That said, if the pharaoh
characters with several attacks. This ability conqueror finds himself in need to some
should be used against those who think dispelling, it can be used to clear him of
themselves safe from Amun-Hakkor’s effects, nasty spell effects or other non-Epic magic.
28 and can even be used to create clusters of Amun-Hakkor is immune to fire, so this
sentinels to surround a vulnerable enemy. will not damage him, but can hit enemies in
Hakkor should also keep a Glass Sentinel the process for maximum efficiency. Punish
near him at all times for support. flying targets heavily with this ability, as
Amun-Hakkor has no tolerance for those
• Actions: Amun-Hakkor’s Sunspear attack who would seek to escape his reach.
hits hard, and is unlikely to miss. Even
without many Glass Sentinels to back him ‑‑ Glorious Charge: A very strong attack
up, Amun-Hakkor can slay a target at low against tightly grouped enemies, this can
hit points without too much difficulty. also be used to reposition Amun-Hakkor
However, to use this ability optimally, the if he finds himself boxed in or surrounded
Glass Sentinels need to be positioned well. by harmful effects. Moving the sentinels
Using Amun-Hakkor’s Legendary Actions tactically can set up a devastating turn for
well leading up to this attack will be essential Amun-Hakkor.
for maximizing the danger of this fight. If
for some reason Amun-Hakkor cannot make • Defenses: Amun-Hakkor has little beyond
good use of his Sunspear, he has two uses his innately high saves, armor class, and hit
of the Epic spell implosion to rattle even the points. However, he can cast a very powerful
most overconfident party. counterspell should he find himself vulnerable
to a particular spell effect. Lastly, because
Amun-Hakkor can choose to succeed on a
saving throw once per round, he must be
careful if there are several spellcasters and
save it for when it matters most.

Trou ble in Par adise

Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor


Large Mythic Undead, Lawful Evil

Armor Class 26
Hit Points 867 (102d8 + 408) MYTHIC ACTIONS
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Amun-Hakkor
takes the following Mythic Action.
Invoke the Light: Creatures within 500 ft. of Amun-
24 (+7) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)
Hakkor take 6 (1d10) arcane damage for each Arcane Sun
Saving Throws: Str +16, Dex +14, Con +14, Int +16, that exists. Amun-Hakkor then summons five Arcane Suns
Wis +12, Cha +15 in five distinct spaces within 120 ft. of him.
Condition Immunities: charmed, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, restrained, unconscious Arcane Sun: An Arcane Sun is a magical
Epic Condition Immunities: ignited manifestation of Amun-Hakkor’s radiant power, each
Damage Immunities: poison of which occupies a 10x10 space. Arcane Suns cannot be
Damage Resistances: cold, fire, radiant, necrotic dispelled or destroyed except through Amun-Hakkor’s
Senses: truesight 120 ft. , passive Perception 24 use of their power, and otherwise last until Amun-
Skills: Arcana +16, History +16, Perception +12, Hakkor is slain. They can exist in the same space as
Intimidation +15 another creature. Creatures starting their turn in the
Languages: Common, telepathy 120 ft. same space as an Arcane Sun or enter a space containing
Challenge: Mythic 4 an Arcane Sun take 35 (10d6) arcane damage.

Lord of Sun and Water: Enemies that take arcane LEGENDARY ACTIONS
or radiant damage from Amun-Hakkor that would be Amun-Hakkor can take four Legendary Actions, choosing
immune are treated as resistant instead. from the options below. Only one Legendary Action
Mythic Resistance: Once per round, if Amun-Hakkor option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another
fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. creature’s turn. Amun-Hakkor regains spent Legendary 29
The Emperor Returns: At the start of this phase, Actions at the start of his turn
Amun-Hakkor is now reborn in radiant energy, gaining Heart of Flame: Amun-Hakkor moves an Arcane Sun up to
new abilities and statistics. Amun-Hakkor ends all hostile 60 ft. in a straight line. If the Arcane Sun ends in a creature’s
spell effects, conditions, and Epic conditions that were space, the Arcane Sun is destroyed and the creature must
affecting him when he reached zero hit points. Any active succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or become
Glass Sentinels are destroyed, and instead are replaced ignited. At the end of each of the affected creature’s
by Arcane Suns (see sidebar). If Amun-Hakkor is slain in subsequent turns, it may attempt this saving throw again,
this form, his body explodes, dealing 275 (50d10) arcane ending the ignited condition on a success.
damage to any within 500 ft. Supernova: Amun-Hakkor causes an Arcane Sun to
Radiant Magic: Amun-Hakkor’s spellcasting ability explode in a massive detonation of cosmic power. All
is Intelligence (spell save DC 24). Amun-Hakkor can enemies within 30 ft. of the destroyed Arcane Sun must
innately cast the following spells, requiring no material attempt a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (5d10)
components. arcane damage on a failure, or half that on a success. Each
Epic Spells: affected creature is targeted by dispel magic (7th level spell,
1/day - antimagic ray (Tier 2) +7 spellcasting ability). Creatures previously affected by
2/day - upheaval (Tier 2) spells that are dispelled by this ability suffer an additional 28
(5d10) arcane damage.
ACTIONS Black Hole (Costs two actions): Amun-Hakkor converts
an active Arcane Sun into a black hole (destroying the
Sun Lance: Amun-Hakkor projects a mighty 120 ft. line
Arcane Sun in the process), which draws all enemies within
of radiant energy from his palm. Each creature in that
30 ft. of the targeted sun into its singularity. Affected targets
line must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking
may attempt a DC 24 Strength saving throw to resist this
62 (10d10 + 7) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as
pull (multiple targets can share this space); on failure, they
much on a success.
are compressed into the space, and become restrained until
the end of their next turn.

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Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor

Tactics - Sun Wielder Phase • Legendary Actions: While Amun-Hakkor’s

Legendary Actions are powerful, he may
When Amun-Hakkor enters his second phase, he decide to hold back if their effects would be
unleashes his full power to overwhelm his foes. suboptimal, instead preferring to accumulate
At this point, the fight escalates, and it becomes a additional Arcane Suns.
race against time to slay Amun-Hakkor as he lances
enemies with radiant damage and crushes them ‑‑ Heart of Flame: This Legendary Action
with his Arcane Suns. Amun-Hakkor holds nothing has a nearly unlimited range, as long as
back and takes nothing for granted. Amun-Hakkor can see his target. This is
very useful against hard-to-hit opponents.
• Mythic Actions: Amun-Hakkor has only Additionally, ignited, being an Epic
one Mythic Action in his Sun Wielder phase, condition, is extremely difficult to remove,
and its use is essential for running a successful almost guaranteeing a reasonable amount
encounter. Invoke the Light not only gives of damage. Only players packing immunity
Amun-Hakkor resources to spend with his to fire damage are poor choices for this
Legendary Actions, but a gradually escalating action.
source of arcane damage. The placement of
the suns is not critical, as long as they enable ‑‑ Black Hole: Potentially devastating,
all of the various Legendary Actions. Black Hole is highly dependant on the
positioning of Arcane Suns. However,
• Actions: Amun-Hakkor has the strongest a well-placed one, especially before
turns when his enemies are positioned Amun-Hakkor takes his turn, can lead
30 properly and he can use his actions to shatter to an awesome casting of upheaval, and,
his enemies’ defenses without much difficulty. at the very least, can enable a powerful
Amun-Hakkor should use his Epic spells Sun Lance. Because this ability costs two
quickly instead of waiting for the optimal Legendary Actions, use it sparingly when
opportunity, as his escalating strength will be it won’t guarantee damage. A clever
more than enough in subsequent rounds. tactic can involve pulling low-Strength
characters out of range of Amun-Hakkor.
‑‑ Sun Lance: This will be Amun-Hakkor’s
most-commonly-used ability by a large ‑‑ Supernova: This action is not only
margin, and while it has the potential to hit threatening for its arcane damage, but for
multiple enemies, it is not essential to do so. its ability to dispel ongoing magic effects.
Its significant range should be considered It can be combined with Black Hole for a
when picking targets as well, as range powerful combo, or simply used to dispel
provides very little tactical benefit against pesky buffs that are empowering a party’s
Amun-Hakkor in this phase. fighter.

‑‑ Epic Spells: If a magical effect or spell is

giving Amun-Hakkor trouble, particularly
in his first phase, antimagic ray should be
used as soon as possible. Upheaval should be
saved for a cast that will strike at least three
enemies, or in the rare case Amun-Hakkor
is struggling with a melee opponent.

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Appendix A: Amun-Hakkor


Weapon (Spear), Legendary (requires attunement)

This gold embossed spear grants you a +3 bonus to attack

and damage rolls, and deals an additional 6 (1d10) fire
damage on a successful hit. In addition, if you score a
critical hit, any allies who witness your daring blow may
take a reaction to make a single weapon attack against an
opponent within range.

Finally, this weapon grants advantage on charisma

ability checks that are used to assert your authority over

Death Throes

When Amun-Hakkor is slain, he roars in fury and

explodes in a blast of arcane energy that deals 275
(50d10) points of arcane damage to all creatures
within a 500 ft. radius. In addition, with his dying
breath, Amun-Hakkor curses those who slew him, 31
affecting a single target he can see with an unusual
affliction. The next time that target is insulted by a
non-Epic creature, it must extract an apology from
that same creature, by violent means if necessary.

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Appendix B: Epic Affixes

Appendix B:
Epic Affixes
Mighty though they may be, even balors like Antimagic: Creatures with the antimagic affix are
Grobulax and his succubi consorts are paltry foes extremely resilient to spells and other magic. Epic
compared to Epic characters. The monsters in spellcasters often have magic that can destroy non-
Grobulax’s encounter, as well as the devil lawyer, Epic creatures in a single shot, or clear whole armies
Caravas, include powerful buffs called Epic Affixes, of enemies with a gesture. This affix helps ensure
which are easily-applied tools for designing Epic spellcasters cannot solve any problem with a single
encounters that help keep non-Epic creatures spell. In this case, Caravas’ divine blessings shield
relevant and threatening in a world full of Epic him from even Epic magic. A creature with the
32 adversaries. The following Epic Affixes are used antimagic affix gains the following:
to make Caravas a character of significance worth • Antimagic I The creature gains
respecting, and empower Grobulax the Lascivious advantage on saving throws against non-
and his succubi to threaten the health of even robust Epic spells and other magical effects.
Epic player characters. • Antimagic II The creature gains
advantage on saving throws against non-
Tenacity Affixes Epic and Epic spells and magical effects.
• Antimagic III The creature is not affected
Tenacity affixes are designed to draw out an by non-Epic spells unless it wishes to be.
encounter’s length by granting resistances, Additionally, the creature gains advantage
immunities, damage reductions, and the ability to on saving throws against Epic spells and
spawn allies. Most classic monsters, even mighty magical effects.
dragons, will quickly fall to Epic characters in a
round or two without at least one of these affixes. Fortification: Fortified creatures have exceptionally
improved armor. Whether they are outfitted with
powerful armaments, or have developed shockingly
thick hides, fortified creatures present a challenging
target for many martial characters. A creature with
Fortification has their armor class increased by the
following amount:
• Fortification I +4 AC
• Fortification II +6 AC
• Fortification III +8 AC

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Appendix B: Epic Affixes

Hearty: Hearty creatures are imbued with bonus Resilience: Creatures with resilience have
hit points, granting them bonus staying power on improved saving throws, a trait gained by excessive
the battlefield. Grobulax, for example, possesses a exposure to powerful magic. Creatures with
Hearty III affix, for 600 extra hit points. A creature resilience are strong against spellcasters, as their
with the Hearty affix has its hit points increased by universally-improved saves are effective against a
the following amount: huge variety of magic. Grobulax possess Resilience
• Hearty I +200 hit points I to slightly improve his already-strong saves.
• Hearty II +400 hit points Resilience improves a creature’s saving throws by
• Hearty III +600 hit points the following degrees:
• Resilience I +3 bonus to saving throws
Invulnerability: Invulnerable monsters have • Resilience II +5 bonus to saving throws
bodies or armor that refuse to yield even against • Resilience III +7 bonus to saving throws
overwhelming force. Perhaps a blessing from a dark
god, or a dip in a pool of living metal has given your
monster a bulwark of impenetrable defenses. In Brutality Affixes
the case of Caravas, he has divine blessings that he
received through potent blackmail to protect him.
A creature with invulnerability gains the following, Brutality affixes ensure that foes an Epic party faces
applying after resistances and other damage can deal threatening damage, requiring caution,
reductions: healing, and tactical decisions to prevent serious
• Invulnerability I The creature takes injury. Classic monsters can certainly hit hard, but
25% less damage may be missing the necessary attack bonus, damage
• Invulnerability II The creature takes type, or abilities to threaten players. 33
50% less damage
• Invulnerability III The creature takes Impact: The Impact affix increases damage on the
75% less damage basic attacks and spells of a creature, so that even the
most simple of attacks can be a cause for concern. A
Primal Core: A creature that contains one or more creature with Impact deals additional damage when
Primal Cores gains extraordinary immunity to they make an attack or cast a spell that does damage.
certain types of energy damage. Monsters with the If you wish, you can make this damage a new type
Primal Core affix gain immunity to single damage thematically relevant to other changes you have
of the following: Acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, made to your monster. A creature with the impact
necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. The succubi affix gains the following:
in this adventure have leached magical energy from • Impact I: Attacks and spells deal an
Grobulax’s hot tub to gain a Primal Core of fire. A additional 1d6 damage
creature with Primal Core gains the following: • Impact II: Attacks and spells deal an
• Primal Core I Immunity to chosen additional 3d6 damage
damage type • Impact III: Attacks and spells deal an
• Primal Core II When a creature is additional 5d6 damage
subjected to damage from the chosen damage
type, it takes no damage and heals that much

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Appendix B: Epic Affixes

Infectious: A creature with the Infectious affix Alacrity: Creatures with the Alacrity affix take
has its natural or magical ability enhanced to be bonus actions they previously could not. One of
particularly poignant, difficult to resist by even their previous abilities that required an action
Epic characters. With their multitude of saving to use, now requires a bonus action instead. For
throw proficiencies and high stats, player characters example, the succubi in Grobulax’s encounter can
often render traditional monsters’ effects non- Charm as a bonus action to allow for a Draining
threatening. When given this affix, choose an Kiss on the same round. The strength of this affix
ability, spellcasting, or spell-like ability a creature varies dramatically depending on which ability you
possesses that requires a saving throw. In this improve, though as a general rule you should aspire
adventure, the Succubi’s Draining Kiss and Charm to make the bonus action an ability significant
effects are dramatically improved. A creature with enough to cause the players to take notice. Creatures
the Infectious affix gains the following: with the Alacrity affix gain the following:
• Infectious I: Save DC increases by 4 • Alacrity: The creature may instead use a
• Infectious II: Save DC increases by 6 bonus action to take an action (determined
• Infectious III: Save DC increases by 8 in its stat block).

Keen: A creature with the keen affix is more likely Loquacious: A creature with the loquacious
to score vicious blows against a target when it hits. affix is a master of social situations. Difficult to
These creatures have their chance to critically hit on deceive, outwit, or negotiate with, some creatures
attacks modified to the following: have achieved Epic levels of mastery in the art of
• Keen I Critical range 19-20 conversation. In this adventure, Caravas has the
• Keen II Critical range 18-20 Loquacious affix to position himself as both an
34 • Keen III Critical range 17-20 effective lawyer and negotiator, despite the fact that
he is a non-Epic creature himself. Creatures with
Precision: It is all too likely that many monsters the Loquacious affix gain the following:
will need an improved attack bonus in order to • Loquacious I: +5 to deception,
have a prayer of striking Epic opponents. The intimidation, and persuasion
Precision affix alleviates this problem, dramatically • Loquacious II: +10 to deception,
improving a creature’s attack bonus. The creature’s intimidation, and persuasion
attack bonus improves according to the following: • Loquacious III: +15 to deception,
• Precision I +5 to hit on attack rolls intimidation, and persuasion
• Precision II +9 to hit on attack rolls
• Precision III +13 to hit on attack rolls Paragon: Even with Epic affixes, creatures can
still be shockingly vulnerable to the power of Epic
characters. The most extreme powers will slay non-
Utility Affixes Epic foes outright, without a saving throw. To
avoid this, creatures with the Paragon affix gain the
Utility affixes help fill the gaps between Brutality following properties:
and Tenacity affixes. While some may still improve • Paragon I: The creature is treated as an
a creature’s attacks and defenses, the main focus is to Epic creature.
give a creature more tactical abilities to increase its
movement, support skills, and general frustration
level for Epic characters. Forcing an Epic character
to consider their next move is the primary strategy
behind powerful monsters with Utility affixes.

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