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Beastly Bondage: The Costs of Amplexus in Cane Toads (Bufo marinus)

Article  in  Copeia · February 2009

DOI: 10.1643/ce-08-036


31 266

3 authors, including:

Gregory P Brown Richard Shine

Macquarie University Macquarie University


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Copeia 2009, No. 1, 29–36

Beastly Bondage: The Costs of Amplexus in Cane Toads (Bufo marinus)

Haley Bowcock1, Gregory P. Brown1, and Richard Shine1

Reproductive activities can impose fitness costs as well as benefits. In most anuran species, males clasp females for
prolonged periods prior to gamete release, and intuition suggests that the male’s presence may impair the female’s
ability to move about and to feed. We tested the prediction that female locomotion and feeding would be reduced
during amplexus in laboratory experiments with Cane Toads, Bufo marinus. Amplexus reduced the female’s locomotor
(sprint and swim) performance, with the degree of locomotor impairment (speed and distance per hop) dependent
upon the body size of the amplectant male for trials of terrestrial locomotion, but not for aquatic locomotion.
Amplexus also reduced feeding rates in females; amplectant males did not feed at all. Overall, our data confirm that
amplexus imposes locomotor and feeding costs to female Cane Toads, and suggest that this distinctive posture may
generate sexual conflict in at least some anuran species.

UCCESSFUL reproduction is central to Darwinian One major vertebrate lineage in which costs of reproduc-
fitness, but for most organisms the process of tion remain relatively unexplored is the Anura (frogs and
reproduction entails substantial potential costs (in toads). Anurans are speciose (.3000 species: Duellman and
currencies such as energy expenditure and risk) as well as Trueb, 1986; Frost et al., 2006) and frequent subjects of
benefits (the production of descendants carrying parental research on reproductive biology (Cocroft and Ryan, 1995;
genetic material). Energetic costs of reproduction are Roy, 1997; Kelley, 2004). Some aspects of costs of reproduc-
important in asexual as well as sexually reproducing species, tion in these animals have been examined, such as the costs
but the process of sexual reproduction introduces a broad of prolonged calling in males in terms of predation risk
suite of additional potential costs. For example, participat- (Ryan et al., 1981; Bernal et al., 2007), missed foraging
ing individuals may be injured during intraspecific antago- opportunities (Woolbright and Stewart, 1987), and energetic
nistic interactions or overly forceful attempts at copulation costs (Grafe and Thein, 2001). Energy expenditure to
(Leboeuf and Mesnick, 1991; Lew and Rice, 2005; Linder and reproduction in females also has been addressed (Lemckert
Rice, 2005; Bateman et al., 2006), be infected by sexually and Shine, 1993; Castellano et al., 2004). Overall, reviews on
transmitted diseases (Chlamydia psittaci bacterium in koalas: reproductive costs in amphibians focus on energetic expen-
Brown and Grice, 1984), have a reduced food intake diture (Pough et al., 1992). Less attention has been paid to
(Schwarzkopf, 1996), be exposed to high risks of predation the fact that virtually all anurans show a distinctive posture
when reproduction takes them to habitats to which they are associated with reproduction, of a form that would plausibly
poorly suited (sea turtles hauling out to oviposit on the confer costs to one or both participants. This is amplexus,
beach: Erkakan, 1993), or even suffer sexual cannibalism whereby a male seizes a female with his forelegs, and retains
(females of many spider and mantid species ingesting males that grip until oviposition and fertilization has been
following copulation: Elgar, 1992). achieved (Duellman and Trueb, 1986). The duration of
Both the nature and magnitude of costs of reproduction amplexus varies greatly across species; generally, amplexus
often differ substantially between males and females lasts from a few hours to a few days (Wells, 1977), but can be
(Trivers, 1972; Clutton-Brock, 1991). Typically, males invest as long as several months (Dole and Durant, 1974).
less in gametes or parental care but face high costs in male– Although the exact clasp position varies, the ubiquity (but
male competition and courtship, whereas for females, direct see Wells, 1977) of the amplexus posture provides a model
energy investment into gametes may comprise much of the behavior through which to investigate the costs of repro-
annual energy budget (Clutton-Brock, 1991; Bonnet et al., duction within a major lineage of organisms. The potential
2002). In an extreme example, male shrew-like marsupials importance of amplexus costs is increased by the high
Antechinus die after a brief breeding season, due to frequency of misdirected clasps (Sullivan and Wagner, 1988;
physiological stress (Lee et al., 1977); similarly, females of Marco and Lizana, 2002), the often prolonged duration of
many viviparous snake species may produce only a single amplexus, and reports of female anurans drowning during
litter during their lifetimes, because of high vulnerability to amplexus with multiple males (Darwin, 1871; Davies and
predation in the post-partum period (Madsen and Shine, Halliday, 1979; Sztatecsny et al., 2006).
1992). Strong phylogenetic conservatism in mating systems To date, the only documentations of amplexus costs
and sexual size dimorphism generate differences among involve metabolic costs of amplexus in Hyla versicolor
lineages in the nature and magnitude of costs of reproduc- (McLister, 2003) and feeding behavior in captivity for
tion (Shine and Fitzgerald, 1995). For example, injuries Bombina orientalis during amplexus (Mercadal and Ginzo,
inflicted during male–male combat are significant in many 2006). Beyond these reports, most authors simply infer that
mammalian and avian groups (Promislow, 1992; Liker and amplexus is likely to be costly (Aronson, 1944; Blair, 1968).
Szekely, 2005), whereas physical battles between rival males Intuition suggests that a female anuran will be burdened by
are rare or absent in many other types of animals (e.g., most an amplectant male: should we try to robustly test that
anurans: Shine, 1979), and thus, other types of costs (such as (arguably self-evident) prediction? Direct measurement can
those associated with prolonged mate-searching) become be helpful even in such cases; by analogy, researchers
more significant in this latter group. working with reptiles hypothesized that pregnancy would
School of Biological Sciences A08, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; E-mail: (HB); (GPB); and (RS) Send reprint requests to RS.
Submitted: 2 March 2008. Accepted: 11 June 2008. Associate Editor: J. D. Litzgus.
F 2009 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists DOI: 10.1643/CE-08-036
30 Copeia 2009, No. 1

impair female locomotor performance (Shine, 1980) but at least three hours before the trials began. Leuprorelin
found that the magnitude of locomotor decrement varied acetate mimics the action of gonadotropin releasing hor-
widely within as well as among species, and locomotor mone (GnRH), which stimulates gonadal production of sex
decrement was linked to relative fecundity in some taxa but steroids. In anuran amphibians, administration of GnRH
not others (Seigel et al., 1987; Sinervo et al., 1991; Wapstra stimulates the initiation of amplexus (Propper and Dixon,
and O’Reilly, 2001); indeed, females of some lizard species 1997). Females were not injected, to avoid possible con-
ran faster not slower when gravid (Qualls and Shine, 1997). founding effects of hormonal status on the dependent
Also, direct quantification has allowed comparison with variables. We housed the females and injected males
costs of other mobility-reducing phenomena such as a full communally (six males, six females) in large plastic tubs
stomach, low body temperature, or tail autotomy (Shine, (1.09 3 1.09 3 0.63 m) to encourage amplexus behavior
2003), provided quantitative parameters for modelers (Vitt (because courtship behavior increases in groups: Wells,
and Price, 1982), and facilitated comparisons between 1977). To stimulate breeding, we filled each tub with 10 L
lizards and birds (Schwarzkopf, 1994; Veasey et al., 2001). of water, hay, and rocks, and set the tubs at a slight angle so
Similarly, studies on the costs of mate-guarding in insects that the water pooled at one end. All experiments were
(which often involves amplexus-like behavior) have quan- conducted at night, the usual activity period of adult Cane
tified effects of carrying the partner on a male’s mobility, Toads (Lever, 2001). Below, ‘status’ refers to the animal’s
predation risk, and energy balance (Fairbairn, 1993; Sparkes amplectant condition (either amplectant or non-amplec-
et al., 1996). Direct measures of the costs of amplexus can tant).
facilitate comparisons of the costs and benefits of alternative
reproductive tactics among major lineages. Does amplexus reduce terrestrial locomotor performance?—We
Using the Cane Toad, Bufo marinus (see Frost et al., 2006 assessed two aspects of locomotor performance (speed and
and Pramuk, 2006 for tentative generic reallocations to hops/meter) of 35 female toads (18 amplectant, 17 non-
Chaunus and Rhinella, respectively), we investigated the amplectant) in a 10 m sprint track. The track was an outdoor
following simple questions. First, does amplexus reduce aluminum-sided enclosure (10 3 0.4 3 0.4 m) with paint
locomotor (sprint and swim) performance, and does the markings on the grass at every 2 m along the course. We
degree of impairment depend upon the body size of the encouraged movement by walking behind the female and
amplectant male? Second, does amplexus reduce feeding gently prodding her hindlegs with a paint roller. To prevent
rates of the male and/or female? males from dismounting during a trial, we tethered
amplexed pairs of males and females to each other with
MATERIALS AND METHODS flagging tape around the midsection. To control against any
experimental artifacts of tethering, we also tied tape around
non-amplectant females. If males dismounted, or females
Study species.—The Cane Toad, Bufo marinus, is a toxic
bufonid native to Central and South America, introduced to ceased to move (despite stimulation) during the trial, we
Australia in 1935 to control infestations of sugarcane crop retained data recorded up to the last 2-m section traversed
pests (Lever, 2001); it has now spread widely through by the pair. Although some females failed to complete the
Australia (Sabath et al., 1981; Phillips and Shine, 2004; course (either because the female stopped moving, or the
Phillips et al., 2007). At maturity, Cane Toads grow to male dismounted), all managed to complete 4 m, enabling
.100 mm snout–urostyle length (SUL), with adult females us to compare performance at 4 m (for all groups) and 10 m
up to twice the mass of adult males (Lever, 2001). Cane (for some groups). Thus, we assessed locomotor performance
Toads are generalized feeders, but rely primarily on small with separate repeated-measures ANOVAs over the first 4 m
invertebrates (Lever, 2001). Based on stomach contents and the last 6 m. Because locomotor performance of
analysis, female toads continue to feed even when full of ectotherms frequently correlates with ambient temperature
eggs (G. P. Brown, pers. obs.). Amplexus is axillary and (like (Huey and Stevenson, 1979), we recorded track temperature
spawning) is seen in the field throughout the year at our at 30 min intervals using a Raytek infrared thermal-
study site. Most amplectant pairs are found close to breeding monitoring gun (Raynger ST2L, Raytek Corp., Santa Cruz,
ponds, but amplexus also occurs in areas distant from water. CA).
We have no data on the duration of amplexus in nature; we
have observed that captive Cane Toads often maintain the Does amplexus reduce aquatic locomotor performance?—We
posture for several days. Cane Toads are ideal model measured the time required for 15 amplectant and 15 non-
organisms for studies of reproductive costs, as they are amplectant females to swim around a circular pool (diam-
abundant and their reproductive state can be manipulated eter 2.4 m, water depth 0.15 m, fitted with a silicone ‘lane’
hormonally (Tyler, 1999). Also, Cane Toads readily amplex 0.25 m from the edge) with four equal divisions (‘lengths’)
in laboratory conditions (Bowcock et al., 2008). of 1.9 m marked out along the perimeter. In this way, if the
female changed direction during the trial, we could
Animal collection and induction of breeding behavior.—We calculate the time required to complete four lengths. Thus,
collected adult Cane Toads from the Adelaide River we assessed swim performance as speed (repeated-measures)
floodplain, Northern Territory (12u389S, 131u199E) in No- over four lengths. We encouraged the females to continue
vember and December 2006. We individually marked all moving by gentle stimulation of the hindlegs with a rod. We
animals with a unique number on a length of flagging tape recorded water temperature (with a thermometer) every
tied around the ‘waist.’ We measured mass and SUL in all 30 min.
animals. Where amplectant pairs were required, we admin-
istered to each male a subcutaneous injection of 0.5 ml Does amplexus reduce feeding rates?—We conducted feeding
leuprorelin acetate (LucrinH, Abbott Australasia, Kurnell, trials with either a single, non-amplectant male or female
Australia) as 0.25 mg ml21 in amphibian Ringer’s solution, toad, or an amplectant pair (male–female) of toads (n 5 10
Bowcock et al.—Sexual conflict in anurans 31

for each treatment). The outdoor feeding arenas were large was accompanied by a decrease in the female’s speed
plastic tubs (1.09 3 1.09 3 0.63 m) inclined at a slight angle, (Fig. 1B; n 5 18, R2 5 0.33, P , 0.01) and an increase in
with 10 L of water pooled at one end. We introduced ten number of her hops/meter (Fig. 1D; n 5 18, R2 5 0.33, P ,
adult crickets into each tub and allowed 60 min for foraging. 0.01).
Rocks in the water provided refugia for crickets, which could
otherwise drown (and would thus be ignored by the foraging Does amplexus reduce aquatic locomotor performance?—Am-
toads: H. Bowcock, pers. obs.). Fine mesh lids excluded other plexus impaired swimming performance (Fig. 2A, Table 1).
invertebrate prey from the tubs. To control feeding history, Non-amplectant females swam faster than amplectant
we deprived toads of food for 24 h prior to their trial. We females, with both sets of females swimming progressively
filmed the foraging bouts (under red light using a Sony more slowly with each length (Fig. 2A). The mass of the
MiniDV Handycam) so that we could measure feeding rates male relative to the female did not affect swim performance
(number of crickets eaten through time) and identify which significantly (Fig. 2B; n 5 15, R2 5 0.01, P 5 0.81).
sex did the foraging (in cases where there were two toads in
the arena). We recorded the time required for toads to eat Does amplexus reduce feeding rates?—Males did not feed at
some or all of the crickets, then converted this to a feeding all while in amplexus (Fig. 3). Amplectant females con-
rate (number of crickets consumed per hour). For the trials sumed fewer crickets than did non-amplectant females; the
involving pairs where the male dismounted before the difference was more than sixfold (untransformed means of
allotted one-hour period, we only scored foraging that 6.01 and 39.67 crickets/hour, respectively; one-factor AN-
occurred while the pair was amplectant. OVA on fourth-root transformed data: F1,19 5 22.88, P 5
Data analysis.—Temperature was not significantly correlated
with any of the performance variables that we measured, so DISCUSSION
we excluded it from analyses. We used repeated-measures
ANOVA in Statview (Version 5.0, SAS Institute Inc.) to Intuition suggests that an amplectant male anuran is likely
compare mean sprint and swim speeds, and hopping rates in to reduce a female’s ability to move about and to feed. Such
the sprint trials. We ran principal component (PC) analyses effects may be particularly strong in a species where adult
in JMP (Version 5.0.1a, SAS Institute Inc.) on female size males can equal or exceed the size of their female partners
measures (SUL and body mass) to extract an overall measure (such as the Cane Toad: Lever, 2001) and where amplexus is
of female body size. These PC scores differed significantly very prolonged (Dole and Durant, 1974; Wells, 1977).
between amplectant and non-amplectant females in the Frustratingly, we have little field data on the incidence
swim (but not sprint) trials, so we included body size as a and duration of amplexus. How species deal with the
covariate in our initial analyses of the former set of trials. possible costs of amplexus likely varies with how much
However, because female body size (PC score) did not time they spend in amplexus. Costs may be minimal in
significantly influence swimming performance, we deleted species with short amplexus times, but in species where
the size measure from our final analyses. To assess the role of males actively search for females (including in areas away
physical burdening on locomotor performance, we regressed from the breeding site), attempt to dislodge amplectant
sprint speed and hop rates over the first 4 m against a males, and/or have long amplexus times, the females may be
measure of relative body size of males (ratio of male to expected to incur significant costs. Hence, theory predicts
female mass). We considered the first 4 m only for this that adaptations of male and female anurans to cope with
analysis, because all females completed this section of the the costs of the amplexus may vary interspecifically and be
track. We performed a similar analysis on swim speeds, correlated with aspects of the mating system that influence
including a similar distance (lengths 1 and 2 combined, 5 the role of amplexus. Future work could usefully explore the
1.9 m + 1.9 m 5 3.8 m) to facilitate comparison with the occurrence and duration of amplexus in the field as a basis
sprint trials. We compared feeding rates of amplectant and for predicting interspecific variation in adaptive traits
non-amplectant females (males did not feed when amplec- related to cost minimization.
tant) using one-way ANOVA in Statview. Because the data In our study, amplectant male Cane Toads impaired
for feeding rates were non-normally distributed, we per- locomotor speed of females both on land and in water,
formed analyses on fourth-root transformed measures of reduced the distance covered per hop on land, and reduced
feeding rates. rates of food consumption by females. These results
(together with those of McLister, 2003 and Mercadal and
Ginzo, 2006) suggest that sexual conflict resulting from
amplexus may be widespread in anurans, and not an
occasional phenomenon restricted to females drowning
Does amplexus reduce terrestrial locomotor performance?— due to amplexus by multiple males (Darwin, 1871; Davies
Amplexus impaired the locomotor performance of female and Halliday, 1979; Sztatecsny et al., 2006).
toads in a sprint track (Fig. 1, Table 1). Non-amplectant The causal basis of the locomotor decrement due to
females were faster in the final six meters than the first four amplexus presumably involves a simple physical burden: in
meters, whereas the speeds of amplectant females did not our studies, the largest males can weigh 130% more than the
change significantly over the two distances (significant smallest gravid female. In keeping with this inference, larger
status*distance interaction; Fig. 1A, Table 1). The presence male size relative to female size predicted the magnitude of
of an amplectant male reduced the distance covered per locomotor impairment, at least for terrestrial locomotion
hop, though this difference was not significant. Females (Fig. 1B). No such effect was apparent in aquatic locomo-
took more hops/meter in the first 4 m than the last 6 m tion, perhaps because the water supported much of the
(regardless of status; Fig. 1C, Table 1). Increasing relative male’s mass (Fig. 2B). Also, the magnitude of the locomotor
mass of the male (i.e., male mass divided by female mass) decrement differed between these two sets of trials:
32 Copeia 2009, No. 1

Fig. 1. Effects of an amplectant male on terrestrial locomotor speeds of female Cane Toads, Bufo marinus, over a 10 m raceway. The histograms
show (A) mean (6SE) sprint speeds and (C) hops/meter by status (non-amplectant, unfilled bars and amplectant, gray bars). See Table 1 for a
statistical summary. The graphs on the right show relationships between the degree of physical burdening (ratio of male mass to female mass) and
(B) female speed and (D) number of hops per meter. Larger male size impaired female locomotion more significantly than did smaller males.

amplexus decreased sprint speeds by about 25%, but their head firmly pressed against the female’s back and thus
swimming speeds by almost 50% (Figs. 1A vs. 2A). That is, would have difficulty opening their mouths to trap crickets,
amplexus was a greater locomotor impediment to females in and by doing so, may lose their grip on the female.
the water than on land, even if the amplectant male was Presumably for the amplectant male, the risk of losing a
relatively small. That difference in locomotor impairment pairing outweighs any costs of short-term anorexia.
presumably reflects biomechanical differences between Clearly, one critical issue is whether or not these
swimming and terrestrial locomotion in anurans (Nauwe- laboratory measures of the costs of amplexus translate into
laerts et al., 2007). actual fitness costs to females in the wild. There are no data
In terms of feeding, the mechanisms for continued to support this extrapolation, although several authors have
(though reduced) feeding in females, and anorexia in males, referred to an increased vulnerability to predation of
are likely to be physical. For females, the amplectant male amplectant pairs relative to solitary males and females
sometimes had a grip in front of her legs, which hampered (Blair, 1968; Howard, 1981). If such a vulnerability results
movement and thus, foraging ability. The fact that amplec- from the reduced mobility due to amplexus, the results of
tant females do eat while amplectant may offset the large our sprint trials suggest that relative mass of male relative to
energy input required for gametogenesis (Mercadal and female also may influence vulnerability. This aspect not
Ginzo, 2006). Amplectant males, on the other hand, have only complicates the issue of fitness benefits and costs of
Bowcock et al.—Sexual conflict in anurans 33

Table 1. Summary Statistics for the Effects of an Amplectant Male on Locomotor Performance in Female Cane Toads, Bufo marinus. Sprint speed
and hops/m were measured over a 10 m raceway, in two sections (4 m and 6 m). Swim speed was measured in a circular arena of four 1.9 m
sections. Variables are independent factors in repeated-measures ANOVA: ‘Status’ refers to amplectant or non-amplectant females; ‘Distance’ refers
to the section of the track (sprint speed and hops/m) or circular arena (swim speed); and ‘Interaction’ is the interaction term Status*Distance.

Performance measure Variable df F P

Sprint speed Status 1,26 9.98 0.004
Distance 1,26 2.38 0.14
Interaction 1,26 6.26 0.019
Hops/m on land Status 1,26 1.77 0.20
Distance 1,26 6.20 0.0195
Interaction 1,26 2.33 0.01391
Swim speed Status 1,28 38.12 ,0.0001
Distance 3,28 5.37 0.0019
Interaction 3,28 1.72 0.17

mating with males of different sizes, but fits well with field
observations of female mortality during multiple amplexus
(Davies and Halliday, 1979; Sztatecsny et al., 2006). If male
mass relative to female mass is a critical determinant of the
degree of effective burdening, then a female amplexed
simultaneously by multiple males (Kapfer and Muelfeld,
2006) will be more substantially disadvantaged than a
female amplexed by a single amorous partner. Although
male body size had no significant effect on female
swimming speed in our trials, the mortality risks to
amplexus are likely to be greater in the water than on land.
In our laboratory trials, some females were unable to
complete even the first section of the pool and instead were
forced underwater by the amplectant male. Very large males
(relative to female size) or multiple males (see above) would
increase the risk of females drowning.
High costs of amplexus to females do not necessarily
result in sexual conflict: similarly high costs to the
amplectant male may result in males and females having
similar optimal durations of amplexus. However, costs
plausibly are higher for females than for males, because of
the asymmetry in control: males determine when to initiate

Fig. 2. Effects of an amplectant male on aquatic locomotor speeds of

female Cane Toads, Bufo marinus, over four 1.9 m sections (‘lengths’)
of a circular test arena. Panel (A) shows mean (6SE) swim speed by
status (non-amplectant, unfilled bars and amplectant, gray bars). Fig. 3. Effects of amplexus on feeding rates (mean 6 SE, calculated
Statistics are summarized in Table 1. Panel (B) shows the lack of a from untransformed data) of amplectant and non-amplectant male and
significant relationship between the degree of physical burdening (ratio female Cane Toads, Bufo marinus, offered crickets in the laboratory.
of male mass to female mass) and female swimming speed over the Amplectant males did not feed at all, whereas amplectant females fed
first two lengths of the arena. less than did non-amplectant females.
34 Copeia 2009, No. 1

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